Bangladesh telco giant strengthens market share with digital collaboration tools , ’s second-largest telco, drew on centralized communication and collaboration to evolve into a digital service provider for the new age. By using Microsoft Azure and Microsoft 365, the telco was able to ensure business continuity in the midst of COVID-19. The result, greater connectivity between both its staff and its customers.

Customer Customer profile Software and services Robi Axiata Limited Robi Axiata Limited is Azure Website: Bangladesh’s second- Microsoft 365 largest mobile network Country: Bangladesh operator with 50 million Industry: subscribers as of November 2020, and Customer size: Large claims the widest (1,000 - 9,999 employees) international coverage across 182 countries.

Bangladesh telco giant strengthens market share with digital collaboration tools

Robi Axiata, Limited (Robi), is a subsidiary of the Malaysia-based telecom Axiata Group Berhad and the product of a merger with . The telco has introduced many first-of-its-kind digital services in Bangladesh, including 4.5G service in all 64 districts of the country. It has also pioneered bringing mobile financial services to under-served communities in rural and semi-urban areas. “It's been quite a journey for Robi here in Bangladesh,” remarks Dr. Asif Naimur Rashid, Chief Information Officer of Robi, “and it’s taken us on 60 percent reduction in a different path from Axiata as we’ve deep-dived into being a digital IT support incidents service provider more oriented towards the lifestyle segment.” With 50 million subscribers to date, Robi is looking to diversify its portfolio and bring back profitability. The company is expanding not only with voice and data services but with mobile financial services, as well. The telco keeps pace with technology by investing in digital transformation.

Robi migrated to Microsoft Azure years ago. Though unplanned, the move positioned it well for dealing with COVID-19 in 2020. The cloud and Microsoft apps became immediately relevant and highly used, as all operations went remote on short notice. “We began working from home and we’ve maintained that until today,” Dr. Asif shares. By using Microsoft 365, Robi kept running during COVID-19 without a dent in productivity on any level—from sales to management.

A challenge of size and scale Prior to its transformation, the company faced several challenges in communication and collaboration. Staff relied on shadow IT applications like Skype and WhatsApp. This resulted in an increase in the cost of third-party solutions. There were also security risks inherent in using fragmented collaboration platforms. Migrating to Microsoft 365 and Azure addressed all these issues. Microsoft solutions provided Robi full visibility across the organization with its streamlined suite of products. Microsoft Cloud App Security added a layer of protection by preventing shadow IT use, thereby minimizing potential security vulnerabilities. This move streamlines IT operations. “The combination of Microsoft apps and capabilities reflected a 20 percent reduction in third-party licenses,” shares Mohammad Solaimun Rasel, Vice President at Robi Axiata. “Using Microsoft Kaizala released us from being completely dependent on WhatsApp for official communication. Not only was it safer, but it was also easier than we thought. We had a 60 percent reduction in IT support incidents, and an overall 30 percent reduction in implementation efforts.” “Before the pandemic, the presence of Microsoft in our business was predominantly as a support,” Dr. Asif acknowledges. “If I were to do it all over again, I would consider Microsoft sooner for collaboration, communication, security, or even engaging our customers. It has been a lifesaver for us, and for Axiata, too. A lot of these collaborations that Bangladesh telco giant strengthens market share with digital collaboration tools

“A lot of these previously demanded physical travel can now be done online. We are able to have massive platform collaborations, all thanks to Microsoft.” collaborations that previously demanded Greater depths of customer engagement physical travel can The company was not alone in having to adapt during COVID-19. Robi’s customers changed their behaviors, as well, during the now be done online. country’s lockdowns. The use of Robi apps to recharge online We are able to have increased sharply, in some instances as much as 50 percent. Subscriptions to Robi’s digital lifestyle platforms also grew and saw massive platform better traction. The company sees this as an opportunity to further collaborations, all engage Microsoft in developing customer-centric offers and solutions. thanks to Microsoft.” “We are very happy to engage the Microsoft development team again to work on implementing different enablers based on customer needs,” Solaimun Rasel, VP, IT Platform Planning and Management Dr. Asif Naimur Rashid affirms. “It will be helpful for a digital organization, like Robi, to adopt Chief Information Officer more and more features from the Microsoft 365 and Azure Robi Axiata Limited, Bangladesh platforms.” Dr. Asif believes that early investment in digital transformation enabled Robi to turn its business around. "During the first month of the pandemic—in March—all the financial indicators were taking a nosedive,” Dr. Asif confides. “We needed to turn things around and we did. Where we are today is praiseworthy on all levels,” Dr. Asif adds with pride. With this experience behind it, Robi Axiata is ready to tackle more challenges ahead.

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Document published November 2020.