JUNE 1983




Project Director Frank X. Browne, Ph.D., P.E.

Project Manager Valerie M. Ross

Major Contributors Robert C. Borden, Project Engineer Roger S. Copp, Project Scientist Irene Kropp, Technician Kurt C. Schroeder, Assistant Project Scientist F. X. BROWNE ASSOCIATES. INC.


This Phase I Diagnostic-Feasibility Study was partially funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's 314 Clean Lakes Program. Thomas Porucznik was the EPA Region I I Project Officer. The project was administered by John Brzozowski and Debra Hammond of the Lakes Management

Program 1 New Jersey Department of Env i ronmenta I Protection. Thanks are extended for their assistance throughout the project. In-kind services for water quality monitoring and data collection were provided by the Essex County Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs.

Special thanks are due WII I lam C. Scalzo~ Director of the Parks Department~ for his energy In overcoming obstacles and his assistance In the successful completion of the project. Special appreciation Is also extended to

Thomas D1Angelo 1 Project Manager, and Barbara Pelczarski 1 Biologist~ of the Parks Department for their participation In the field monitoring and dIagnostIc portion of the study. ApprecIation is extended to a I I other Essex County Department of Parks staff who assisted In the project and were extremely helpful and cooperative throughout the study. F. X. BROWNE ASSOCIATES. INC.


PAGE List of Figures •. I List of Tables. II Abstract ••••••• Ill Executive Summary •••••• lv

1.0 Project Description •••• 1 1.1 Background •••••••• 1 1.2 Objectives ••••••.•••• 1 1.3 Historical Lake Uses •••• 2 . 1.4 Demographics •••••••••• 3

2.0 Watershed Characteristics ••••••• 9 2. 1 Geo Iogy •••• 9 2.2 Topography. 9 2. 3 So II s •••• 9 2.4 Land Use. 11 2.5 Hydrology •• 11 3.0 Pollutant Source Analyses...... 14 3. 1 MonitorIng ••••••••••• ...... 14 3.2 Hydrologic Budget •••• 17 3.3 Pollutant Concentrations ••• 19 3.4 Pollutant Loads • ••••••...... 25 3.5 Po II utant Accumulation...... 30

4.0 Lake Ecology ...... ••...... ••. 31 4.-.t Lake Morphology ••••••• ~ 31 4.2 Monitoring Program ••••• 33 4.3 Trophic State •••••••• 33 4.4 Water Qua I i ty Data ••••••••• 35 4.5 Aquatic Vegetation •••••• 42 4.6 Sediments ••••••••••••••• 45 4.7 Fish and Zooplankton .• 48 4.8 Waterfowl •• 48 4.9 Bacteria •• 49

5.0 Alternative Evaluation •. 50 5. 1 DredgIng ••••••••••• 50 5.2 Parkland Erosion Control and Shoreline Stabilization. 52 5.3 Storm Sewer Diversion. 54 5.4 Treatment of Inflows .. 55 5.5 Sanitary Sewer Repairs ••••• 56 5.6 Nutrient Inactivation •.•••. 59 5.7 Dl lution/lnduced Infiltration. 60 5.8 Biological Controls •..• 63 5.9 Habitat Manipulation •• 64 5. 10 Watershed Management ••••••••••• 64 F. X. BROWNE ASSOCIATES, INC.


PAGE 6.0 Lake Restoration and Management Plan...... 66 6.1 Projected Benefits...... 66 6. 2 The PI an. • ...... • . . . • . . . • • • • . . . . . • ...... 6 7 6.3 Environmental Evaluation...... 81 6.4 Cost Estimates...... 84

7.0 Public Participation...... 88

8.0 Imp Iementat ion...... 89 8.1 Financial Assistance...... 89 8.2 Future Mon ltor J ng...... 90 8.3 Scheduling...... 91 8.4 Permrts...... 91


A. References B. FW-2 Water Quality Standards C. Data D. Pub I lc Participation F. X. BROWNE ASSOCIATES, INC.


FIGURE No. TITLE PAGE 1-1 Location of Weequahlc Lake and Neighborhood in Essex County, New Jersey...... 5 1-2 Regional Location of Newark, New Jersey...... 6 1-3 Automobile Access to Weequahlc Park...... 8 2-1 Weequahlc Lake Watershed •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 10 2-2 Land Use in the Weequahic Lake Watershed •••••••••••.•• 12 2-3 Weequahlc Lake Watershed and Storm Sewer System ••••••• 13

3-1 Watershed Monitoring Stations ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 15 3-2 Dye Study for Determination of Weequahlc Lake Watershed •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 16 3-3 Bacterial Concentrations in Stormwater Runoff to Weequahlc Lake ••••••••••••••.•. 23 3-4 Areas in Weequahlc Park With Severe Erosion and Sparse Vegetation ••.••••.•••••••.••••••• 28

4-1 Existing Topography of Weequahic Lake •••••••••.••••.•• 32 4-2 Lake Monitoring Stations ••••••••..•.•.•.•••••••••••••• 34 4-3 Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Profiles at Station 961 - 1981. •..•••.••••.••••..••. 37 4-4 Seasonal Relationship between Transparency and Total Suspended Solids at Station 961 .....•.•... 39 4-5 Dominant Algal Biomass at Surface - Average of Stations 960, 961, and 962 .•.•...... •.•.. 43 4-6 Relationship Between Average Phosphorus .. Concentrations and Algal Biomass at Surface of Three In-Lake Stations ••••••••••••••••••• 44 4-7 Sediment Samp I i ng Locations. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 46 5-1 Check Dam...... 53 5-2 Potential Location of Retention Pond/Pollutant Trap on the Elizabeth Storm Sewer ••••••••••••••••.•. 57 5-3 Proposed Pollutant Trap Treating Industrial Area ••••.• 58 5-4 Phosphorus Removal With Ful I Scale Alum Addition •••••. 61 5-5 Phosphorus Removal with pH Adjusted Alum Addition ••••• 62 6-1 Proposed Areas for Revegetation ••••••••••••••••••••.•• 68 6-2 Eroding and Col lapsed Shoreline Areas ••••••••••••••••. 70 6-3 Gr f d Pavers . . . • • • • . . • • • • . • • • • • . . • . • . • • • ...... • . • . . • • 71 6-4 High Priority Areas for Erosion Controls and Shore I i ne Stab ill zat l on...... 72 6-5 Lo~tlon of Observed Leaks and Overflows on the Newark Sanitary Sewer In ..••••.•• 74 6-6 Proposed Dredging •.••.•••••••••••.•.•.•••••.••••••..•. 75 6-7 Weequahlc Lake Outlet Structure •••..•••••••••••.••.••• 76



FIGURE No. TITLE PAGE t-t Inventory of Lakes In Essex County •••.•••••••••••••••• 4 3-t Monthly Ralnfal I Data for Monitoring Period •••.••••••• 18 3-2 Hydrologic Budget for Weequahlc Lake for July 1981 to June 1982 •••.•••••••••••.•••••••••• 18 3-3 Mean Pollutant Concentrations for Base Flow Conditions ••••••••••••••••••••.••••••• 20 3-4 Comparison of Chemical Characteristics of Dry Weather Flow to Typical Groundwater

4-1 Physical Characteristics of Weequahic Lake •••••••••••• 31 4-2 Eutrophic Criteria •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 35 4-3 Average pH and Alkalinity for Monitoring Period ••••.•. 36 4-4 Nutrient Concentrations at Station 961 (August 17, 1982)...... 40 4-5 Trends In Average Total Phosphorus Concentrations at Station 961 (Surface) ••••••••••••...••••••••••••• 41 4-6 Chemical Analyses of Lake Bottom Sediments •••••••••••• 45 4-7 EP Toxicity Test for Lake Sediments at Station 2 •••••• 47

5-1 Potential Restoration Methods for Weequahic Lake •••••• 50 ,. 6-1 Estimated Costs for Plan Implementation ••••••••••••••• 85

8-1 Milestone Schedule for Weequahic Lake Restoration ••••• 92



Weequah I c Lake Is a reI at i ve I y sha I I ow, 80-acre pub I i c I y owned I ake In Newark, New Jersey. Historically, Weequahlc Lake and the surrounding park have been the focal point of numerous recreational and cultural activities In Newark. Presently Weequahlc Lake Is hypereutrophic. The lake is pea-green from algae throughout the summer and fall, is cloudy, and frequently has a rank odor. The park, the second largest developed park in Essex County, Is highly used by area residents, but the poor condition of the lake adversely affects the recreational uses of the lake and park.

In recognition of the need for Improved water qua I i ty and expanded recreation, the EPA se I ected Weequah i c Lake as one of the ten I akes in highly urban minority areas for a Phase I Clean Lakes Study. The Phase I Clean Lakes Program Study was Initiated In June of 1981 and was completed In December, 1982. The study demonstrates that the prImary sources of poI I utants entering the I ake are caused by man's act i v l ties. The I ake watershed Is only one square mile of which approximately 70% is pub! icly owned park I and, a go If course, and cemetery. The rema l nder of the watershed is high density residential, commercial and industrial land.

Results of the Phase I study indicate that most of the nutrient load to the lake originates within the park boundaries and is a result of heavy parkland use. The major nutrient source Is severe erosion of the land immediately adjoining the lake and sloughing of the lake banks. Another major source of nutrients Is surface runoff from the surrounding developed areas. The Phase 1 Study recommendations emphasize I oca I centro Is to eliminate s~ere erosion and nutrient and sediment sources in the park. In part i cuI ar, the centro Is emphasize near I ake management to improve the quality of direct runoff into the lake. In-lake management and structural centro Is of the major po II utant sources In deve I oped areas are a I so recommended.

Implementation of the recommendations will improve water quality in the I ake, Increase the water transparency and decrease chI orophy I I .a_ concentrations. Fishery resources and aesthetics wi I I also be improved by rake management and water quality Improvements.




1. Weequahlc Lake Is hypereutrophlc. Severe algal blooms and poor water quality impair the recreational use of the lake and the park.

2. Concentrations of nutrients I Ike nitrogen and phosphorus are very high in Weequah i c Lake. A comparIson of water qua II ty parameters to eutrophic criteria Is presented In Table 4-2.

3. The pattern of nutrient limitation In Weequahlc Lake is similar to other eutrophic lakes where phosphorus Is more I imitlng In the spring and nitrogen Is more I imitlng In the fal I. Nutrient levels were never absolutely I imiting; nitrogen and phosphorus are both present In sufficient concentrations to support excessive aquatic plant growth.

4. Total phosphorus concentrations are relatively uniform In the upper meter of the water column. Total phosphorus and organic nitrogen I eve Is increase at the sedIment water Interface. This suggests nutrient release from the sediments under anoxic (lacking oxygen) conditions and from decaying organic matter that has settled to the lake bottom.

5. Weequah i c Lake does not therma I I y stratify. It is a sha II ow I ake and water temperatures at various depths In the lake are nearly uniform throughout the year.

6. During the summer, the surface of the lake is supersaturated with dissolved oxygen. Although the concentration of dissolved oxygen at the Ia~ bottom rarely fell below 5.0 mg/1, the potential for oxygen deficiencies exists.

7. Phytoplankton populations during the 1981 monitoring year were large and dominated by b I ue-green a I gae. ThIs corresponds to 1979 conditions ( NJDEP Intensive Lake Survey, 1981) and is typ I ca I of a eutrophic lake. In contrast, 1982 phytoplankton populations were smaller and more diversified; green algae and diatoms were present in greater abundance.

8. Macrophytic growth was observed In shallow shoreline areas, but was not extensive.

9. The d i v e r s e p h y top I a n k ton ass em b I age and I i m i ted zoo p I a n k ton populations observed in 1982 and past fish studies indicate an unbalanced fish population.

10. Levels of p-esticides and metals In lake sediments were below EP ToxIcIty criterIa set by the Env I ronmenta I Protection Agency. High levels of ol I and grease were present in lake sediments.


11. Over the past forty years, sediment accumu I at ion rates In the I ake have been I ow. These rates have increased In recent years wIth Increasing erosion of the surrounding park.

12. Nonpolnt sources (I.e. stormwater runoff, baseflow, and direct ralnfal I} account for 100% of the pollutants entering Weequahic Lake. These pollutants Include nutrients, sediment, oi I and grease, metals and assorted debris.

13. All land outside of the park is drained by storm sewers discharging Into Weequahlc lake. 14. During wet weather, stormwater runoff from the El lzabeth storm sewer system contains the highest concentrations of phosphorus and bacteria. Minor sanitary sewer Inflows may be occurlng from breaks in the sanitary sewer I ine or connections between homes and storm sewers.

15. Sanitary sewer overflows and breaks In the pipe have been observed In the park from the Newark sanitary sewer.

16. Parkland Is estimated to contribute approximately 60% of the total sediment load to the lake. This load Is attributed to extensive erosion In the park. Heavl ly traveled areas, hi I lsides, and portions of the shoreline have caved into the lake.

17. Commercial, industrial and residential land is estimated to contribute approxlmatley 40% of the total phosphorus load to Weequahic lake. The phosphorus load from the park, golf course and cemetery contributes approximately 50% of the total phosphorus load to the lake. Atmospheric sources and baseflow contribute approximately 10% of the total phosphorus load to the lake. Possible phosphorus loading from sanitar~ sewer overflows have not been included in these estimates.



1. To control pollutant sources, protect water quality, and expand the recreational usage of Weequahlc Lake, a multi-faceted pollution control and management plan Is necessary.

2. Erosion of hillsides, paths, maintenance roads, and shoreline areas shou I d be contro II ed. Gu I II es and s I opes shou I d be stab f I I zed by regrading, terracing and revegetatlng. Dirt paths and roads should be covered with gravel. Depending upon the Intensity of usage, eroded or caved In shore! ine areas should be stabilized by rfprapplng, rebuilding retaining wal Is or Installing grid pavers.

3. A pollutant trap should be constructed to remove nutrients, sediments, metals, ol Is and grease In runoff from Industrial and commercial land drained by the Evans Terminal storm sewer.

4. Physical Inspections and/or smoke testing should be performed on the E I i zabeth storm and san 1tary sewers, and breaks In the I I ne or connections between homes and storm sewers should be eliminated.

5. The Newark sanitary sewer should be Inspected for line breaks, teaks and overflows. These should be repaired.

6. The Inlet cove of the lake and heavily silted shoreline areas should be dredged to remove sedIment accumu I at Ions. The exIstIng sha I I ow areas encourage macrophytlc growth, are unaesthetic and reduce fish habitat.

7. The laRe outlet structure should be redesigned to facilitate lake water· level fluctuations. Raising the water level In the summer will dIscourage macrophyt I c growth, improve boatIng opportun I tl es and enhance the aesthetics of the lake.

8. Fish resources in Weequahlc Lake should be managed to provide quality recreational fishing. Management should Include stocking, periodic sampling of the fish population, water level manipulation and development of shoreline habitat.

9. The watershed management activities described In Section 6.2.4 should be Implemented in both urban land areas and in the park.

10. The use of techniques such as nutrient Inactivation and pumping of shallow welts to Induce infiltration through the lake bottom and absorb phosphorus should be Investigated after surface nutrient sources have been reduced. '


t.O Project Description 1.1 Background Weequahic Lake Is hypereutrophic. The water Is pea-green from algae throughout the summer and fat I, Is cloudy, and frequently has a rank odor. The park surrounding the lake Is the second largest developed park In Essex County and Is highly used by area residents, but the poor condition of the Iake adverse I y affects the recreation a I uses of the I ake and park. The park Is Iocated In Newark, a high I y urban I zed area and Is popu I ated by approximately 400,000 people, many of whom are low income. In recognItIon of the need for Improved water qua I i ty and expanded recreation, the Environmental Protection Agency selected Weequahic Lake as one of the ten I akes in hIgh I y urban minorIty areas for a Phase 1 CI ean Lakes Study. A Phase 1 project such as this one is defined as a diagnostic-feasibility study. The diagnostic portion of the study was conducted to determine the lake's water quality condition, identify existing problems and determine the pollutant sources which are causing the prob Iems. The teas I b i I i ty part of the study i nvo I ved the deve Iopment of a I tern at I ve restoration programs based on the resu Its of the dIagnostIc study. These alternatives included watershed management practices and lake restoration methods. The Phase 1 study was initiated In June of 1981 and completed In December of 1982. The Phase 1 Clean Lakes Study for Weequah i c Lake and current I ake restoration efforts are dIrect I y comp Iemented by a comprehensIve master pI an for Weequah i c Park that was prepared as part of the Urban Park and Recreation Recovery Program under a grant from the U.S. Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service. The goal of the plan is to restore Weequahic Lake and Park to a multi-use recreation and cultural center much I ike Centra) Park in . Water quality and biological data collected by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection as part of their Intensive Lake Survey of Weequahic Lake provided valuable baseline data for comparing yearly water quality fluctuations.

·1.2 Objective~

~ypereutrophication and the poor water quality of Weequahic Lake I !mit the use of the lake and the deslrabil lty of recreating In the surrounding park. These conditions deprive residents of a much needed recreational and cultural resource. Therefore, the,prlmary objectives of the Phase 1 Diagnostic-Feasibility Study for Weequahic Lake were: 1. To evai-oate the lake's water quality and determine Its relative Impact on recreational uses of the lake and the surrounding area. F. X. BROWNE ASSOCIATES, INC.

2. To determine the location and magnitude of nonpoint sources of pol lutlon to the lake. 3. To evaluate the feasibf llty of various lake restoration alternatives and develop a lake restoration plan that will re-establish the recreational uses of Weequahlc Lake. 4. To Integrate the lake restoration plan with the comprehens lve master pI an for the park and ensure the rehab Ill tat Ion of a complete pub I lc recreational area. 1.3 Historical Lake Uses In 1896, the Essex County Park Commission took Its first step toward the deve Iopment of Weequah I c Park and purchased a 28-acre tract of I and. By 1899, a total of 265 acres of saltwater wetland surrounded by open farmland and steep wooded slopes were purchased, and Weequahic Reservation was established. The Olmsted Brothers, landscape architects from Brookline, Massachusetts, were commissioned to design park Improvements and began to deve Iop pI ans for convertIng the exIstIng wet I ands Into a recreat Iona I lake. Their plans recommended dredging the lake to a depth of 12 feet or to a suitable depth to prevent undue vegetative growth, while maintaining the original shore! lne. The cost of dredging was considered too expensive, however, and In 1903 a dam was built across the northern end of the lake to restrict the flow of Bound Creek. The water level was allowed to rise and Weequahic Lake was created. Early reports of the lake describe algal blooms, probably stimulated by nutrient release from the old marsh. This did not detract from the use of the lake and park, however. As residential areas developed around the park and mass transportation Improved, Weequahlc rapidly evolved from a reservation to a park. In 1907, a cement field house was constructed, roadways were built and construction began on horse stables and a boathouse. In 1910, records show nearly 2,000 people participated In baseball games and 5,000 people were registered to play tennis. A half-mf le trotting track known as the Waverly Fair Grounds attracted thousands of spectators to amateur trotting races and by 1915, Weequahic Park included a nine-hole golf course, the first public golf course In New Jersey. With time Weequahlc Park developed Into one of the most diversified recreational areas In Essex County. In 1907, a waterfowl sanctuary was establ !shed at Weequahfc Lake and was the home of White English Geese, mal lard ducks, mandarin ducks, white swans and black swans. Over the next ten years, a flock of dorset sheep were placed In the park and deer were stocked from a nearby reservation. The State Fish and Game Commission stocked thousands of yellow perch and black bass at this time, and the lake was very popular for fishing. During World War I I 164 acres of parkland were leased by the War Department and recreational activities In the park were curtailed. It was not until 1954 that major restoration to return the park to public use took place. During that pertbd the New Jersey Bureau of Fisheries actively managed the fish population and successfully maintained the population In a desirable condition. Since then, however, the fish management program has been less


rigorous, and water quality and fishing have deteriorated. In addition, storm sewer outfal Is from adjacent towns have been Installed which empty Into Weequahlc Lake. The use of the lake for boating has decreased and boating occurs only Infrequently as a County sponsored event. The lake Is used satisfactorily to Irrigate the public golf course, but algal blooms, murky water and odors have detracted from recreational uses. Through the 1970's and to the present, water quality has been poor and recreation has suffered. 1.4 Demographics Weequahlc Lake Is part of the oldest county park system In the nation. It Is located In Essex County, the most populous of New Jersey's twenty-one counties with a population of nearly one million people. An Inventory of lakes within Essex County Is presented In Table 1-1 (NJDEP,1978). Of these lakes, Weequahlc Is the largest recreational lake In the 127 square mile County and Is one of only two lakes located In the City of Newark (Figure 1-1). In this populous area, the County parks remain the major provider of recreational facl I ltles. Economic conditions are such that neither private nor mun lclpal recreation facilities and programs are adequate to meet public needs. The County's proximity to New York City and facilities In other counties are not sufficient to benefit Inner-city residents of Newark given the Inadequacy of mass transportation to these facilities. It Is noteworthy that Essex County does not have major state or federal parks or other recreational facilities. According to the Clean Lakes Program Strategy (EPA, 1980b), a major objective of the EPA Is to restore lakes In or near major urban areas to maximize public benefits. Because of Its location In the Newark SMSA and proximity to New York City as seen in Figure 1-2, and the Inadequacy of other recreational lakes, restoration of Weequahic Lake wl I I achieve this goal. l_A.l Population Because of Its location, Weequahic Lake and Park are accessible to res I dents throughout Newark and Essex County. The park Is most hIgh I y used, however, In the Weequahic Park Neighborhood, an area with approximately a one-mile radius surrounding the park (Figure 1-1). Within the Immediate neighborhood, the 1970 census reported a population of approximately 80,000 people. A community survey conducted by Essex County during September 1980 Indicated that 93% of the residents are Black, 5% White, 1% Spanish speaking, and the other one percent was composed of assorted nationalities. 1.4.2 Economic Structure Newark and the Weequahlc Park Neighborhood are economically depressed areas. In Newark, the unemp Ioyment rate Is 13.4 percent and the medIan family Income Is $11,989 compared to a national median Income of $19,661 ( 1980 Census). :><'As of the 1980 Census, 32.8% of Newark res I dents had a total Income below the poverty level.

3 Table 1-1 Inventory of Lakes ln Essex County

Public Surface Area Presumed LaM Ownership Prime Use* (acres) Municipality Eutrophic

Branch Brook Park Lakes X R 26.8 Newark X

Brookdale Park X R 1.01 Bloomfield

Butler Pond X 8.0 Llv I ngston X Cable Lake 7.0 Orange

Canoe Brook Reservoir 11 X p 239.0 Millburn

Candle Brook Reservoir 12 X p 138.0 Millburn

Cedar Grove Reservoir X p 85.0 Cedar grove

Commonwealth Reservoir 13 X p 170.0 Livingston

Clark's Pond 5.0 Bloomfield

Crystal Lake R 21.0 West Orange X

Diamond Ml II Pond X R 3.0 Millburn

Camp be I Is Pond X R 8.0 Millburn

Grover Cleveland X R 1.38 Essex Fells

Hendrick's Pond 5.0 Bel vii le

Irvington Park X R 1.65 Irvington

Kingsland Park 10.5 Nul ley

Orange Park X R 1.56 Orange

Orange Reservoir X p 102.0 West Orange Short Hills Club Ponds

North 10.5 Millburn X South 5.0 Millburn

Tl!lylor Lake X p 27.0 Millburn

Verona Park X R 13.0 Verona X

Walker 3.0 North Ca I dwe II

Weequahlc Lake X R 80.0 Newark X

*IS.a.y p Potable Water R Recrel!ltlon

Source: NJDEP, July 1978. ~'\.


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·. · · • · · · '· Weequahic Lake \Neighborhood 0 10,000 Scale in Feet

-~ '

Figure 1-1. Location of Weequahic Lake and Neighborhood in Essex County, New Jersey


Allentown­ Bethlehem •


0 10 20 Scale in Miles

Figure 1-2 Regional Location of Newark, New Jersey


The Weequahlc Park Neighborhood, In particular, contains low Income projects, middle Income apartment complexes, multi-family dwell !ngs, and some one and two tam! ly homes. South ot the park bordering Dayton Street, Is the Dayton Street Community, an area comprised primarily ot low Income housing projects. According to the 1980 Weequahlc Park Community Survey, on I y 34% ot the res I dents In the Weequah I c Park NeIghborhood own theIr homes. 1.4.3 Accessibility Weequahlc Park Is readily accessible from much ot Essex and Union Counties because It Is located In a major population center. Seven bus routes provIde pub II c transportatIon to a II entrances ot Weequah Ic Park. There are multiple automobile access points to Weequahlc Park as shown In Figure 1-3. Within the Weequahlc Park Neighborhood, the means of travel to the park Is as follows (1980 Weequahlc Park Community Survey): Walk 45% Car 42% Bike 9% Mass Transit 3% Other 1% Within the park, nearly the entire two mile shoreline Is accessible to the public.

7 "Tl


to :::0 .. 0 :E z m ):> ;{ U> ; U> 0 n ...... ):> -t ' m ...U> ... z ·-· n

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N I. I

Q Entrance Points


Figure 1-3. Automobile Access to Weequahic Park F. X. BROWNE ASSOCIATES. INC.

2.0 Watershed Characteristics The ecological condition of a lake depends not only upon the physical, chemical and biological processes occurring In the lake, but upon the watershed surrounding the lake and all of the water that drains Into the lake. The watershed Influences the quantity and qual lty of water entering the lake and ultimately the lake's ecology. Runoff draIns Into Weequah Ic Lake from an area s I I ght I y I ess than one square mile. The watershed boundaries are shown In Figure 2-1. Portions of the watershed are located In the tot lowing municipal !ties: Essex County Newark Union County E II zabeth Hi II sIde Weequahlc Lake is a subbasin of the Lower Hudson River; lake outflows enter Newark Bay. 2.1 Geology The Weequahlc Lake watershed Is located In the Triassic Lowland section of the Piedmont physiographic province. Until recently In geologic time, the watershed was a t Ida I marsh. The marsh, which was formed as the g I ac I a I per Iod ended approxImate I y 10, 000 years ago, st I I I In f I uences the eco Iogy of Weequahic Lake today. As glaciation ended, glaciers melted, water levels rose, and unconsol !dated mud and silt with layers of nutrient rich peat and organic material were deposited In this area. A shale and sandstone ~drock, the Brunswick Formation, lies beneath this material at depths ranging from 50 to 100 feet below sea level. Bound Creek, from whIch Weequah I c Lake was formed, Is probab I y the I ast trace of one of the prehistoric glacial rivers. 2.2 Topography In general, the watershed has gentle slopes of less than 5 percent. Steep s Iopes are restrIcted to shore II ne areas around Weequah Ic Lake and to a ··strip of land north of the Lehigh Valley railroad tracks. Elevations In the watershed are c Iose to sea I eve I. The max Imum e I evat I on In the watershed Is only about 70 feet above mean sea level and the lowest point In the watershed Is approximately 7 feet above mean sea level. 2.3 Solis The dominant soli type In the watershed Is Birdsboro silt loam, formed from old stream sediments of red sandstone and shale. Birdsboro soils characterlstlcal ly have moderate permeability rates and are susceptible to erosion when denuded of vegetation, particularly on steep slopes.


' "-...Essex "-..County ' "

.....___ ' __ _- Union County

I I 0 500 1000 1500 N Scale in Feet

Figure 2-1 . Weequahic Lake Watershed


The remaining areas In the watershed fall Into two categories: 1) urban land with greater than 80% Impervious area, and 2) cut, filled and smoothed areas such as ba I If I e Ids In the park and sand traps In the go If course.

2.4 land Use

Newark can be categorized as an urban developed area. Outside of Weequahic Park hIgh densIty res I dent I a I areas such as the Dayton Street CommunIty, Industrial and commercial land such as Evans Terminal, and transportation corridors such as Route 22 and the Lehigh Val ley ral I road dominate. These areas are typ I ca I I y urban; they contaIn cons I derab I e paved area and are highly Impervious to rainfall. These urban lands, however, comprise only 27.2 percent of the watershed as shown In Figure 2-2. Near I y 73% of the watershed, or 380.4 acres, Is In non-urban land uses. The park, golf course and cemetery are not covered with as much pavement as residential, Industrial and commercial areas. Grass, trees and other vegetation dominate and potentially there Is a greater area for water to permeate Into the ground.

S I nee the watershed surroundIng Weequah i c Park has been comp I ete I y developed, and the park, golf course and cemetery are relatively permanent land uses, no change In the land use composition of the watershed Is anticipated.

2.5 Hydrology

A I though the watershed surroundIng Weequah I c Lake Is predomInate I y non-urban land, the drainage patterns In the watershed are characteristic of an urban area. A complex system of 24 storm sewers, as shown In FIgure 2-3, drains the entIre watershed and carrIes water through pI pes directly to~the lake. Only 4 of these storm sewers drain areas outside of the park., During dry weather, many of the storm sewers carry I ittle flow or remain dry. During periods of rain water quickly collects In the storm sewers and flows to the lake. There are no moderating forces I ike sol I or vegetation to slow the flow of water In storm sewers or remove pollutants. Even In the park and cemetery, I and uses where the f I ow of stormwater typically Is slowed by vegetation, where a substantial portion of rain permeates Into the ground, and where pollutants are typically removed, the moderating effects of soli and vegetation are I lmlted by the extensive area 'denuded of vegetatIon and by the extensIve storm sewer network. In near shore areas where drainage to the lake Is over land because storm sewers co II ect runoff up s I ope of these areas, water runs over exposed so II s. Severe erosion Is occurring In these areas and sediment transport to the lake Is evident •

.., '



HIGH RISE --.L. RESIDENTIAL (3. 8%) -+--PARK LAND (33. 5%)


CEJvlETERY (15.1%) (24.3%)

" ' Figure 2-2 . Land Use in the Weequahic Lake Watershed (Total Watershed Area is 521.9 Acres)



Eu ZABffil ~c;

Figure 2-3. Weequahic Lake Watershed and Storm Sewer System


3.0 Pollutant Source Analyses Potential sources of water to a lake are dry weather flow In streams, storm water runoff, dIrect prec I p !tat ion over a I ake and groundwater. Each of these sources potentially carries pollutants to a lake. In an urban environment these can Include nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus; sediments; bacteria; metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium and copper; oil and grease; deleing agents; leaf litter; animal droppings and assorted debris. Calculating pollutant loads, I.e. how much of a pollutant reaches a lake, requires large amounts of data analyses and hydrological and engineering assumptions. In performing such analyses, many sources of error may be Incorporated Into the results. Obvious sources of error Include built-In errors In flow measurements and modeling, water quality analyses and sampl Jng. These sources of error cannot be avoided because they are Inherent In the analytical methodologies presently available. Errors caused by statistical and hydrological analyses and engineering assumptions can only be avoided or minimized by continuous monitoring of all tributaries to the lake. Such a program would be technically Impractical and economically Infeasible. Therefore, the loads presented In this report should be considered as "best possible estimates", not absolute values. 3.1 Monitoring Watershed monitoring was conducted from July 1981 to November 1982 at three storm sewer outfal Is entering Weequahlc Lake and at the single outflow from the lake, Bound Creek, as shown In Figure 3-1. The HI I lslde storm sewer, Station 931, receives surface drainage from only a sma II sect Ion of Route 22. However, f Iow from the storm sewer Is continuous ~hrough dry weather periods and Is larger than would be expected from the drainage area. A dye study was conducted to confirm the watershed boundaries and dye was flushed through the storm sewers on April 22, 1982 at the following locations as shown In Figure 3-2: 1. HII !side and Munn Avenues 2. Mertz Avenue and Clark Street 3. Route 22 Only dye placed at Location 3 ever reached Weequahlc Lake, confirming that E I I zabeth Avenue and North Broad Street are the I I mits of the watershed. Data suggest that some of this water may be groundwater; the f Iow is somewhat greater than would be expected for the drainage area, underdralns exist along Route 22, and water quality Is characteristic of groundwater. The E II zabeth storm sewer, Stat Ion 930, draIns an area of approxImate I y 230 acres. SIxty-three percent of the area consists of non-urban I and Inc I ud I ng the go If course, park I and and cemetery grounds. The remaInder consists of residential, Industrial, commercial, and institutional land.

14 X

to ::::0 0 ::::: z rn l> (/) (/) 0 ()

z ()

;" ~~ Elizabeth Storm Sewer


Figure 3-1 T..Jatershed Monitoring Stations F. X. BROWNE ASSOCIATESJ INC,

.. Locations where dye was added to storm sewers

Figure 3-2 . Dye Study for Determination of Weequahic Lake Watershed F. X. BROWNE ASSOCIATES, INC.

The Lyons Avenue storm sewer, Station 990, drains an area of approximately 30 acres. Seventy percent of this area is park Iand; the remainder Is residential, commercial and services, and Institutional land. HII lslde and El lzabeth, the major storm sewers outside of the park, and the lake outlet, Station 980, were monitored regularly during dry weather to characterize base flow conditions. The Lyons Avenue storm sewer was monitored periodically. Parameters measured In the field Included air temperature, weather condItIons, water temperature, pH and d I sso I ved oxygen. The following parameters were measured In the laboratory: - Total Phosphorus -Alkalinity - Total Orthophosphate - Chloride - Total KJeldahl Nitrogen - Sulfate - Nitrate/Nitrite - Specific Conductance - Ammon I a , -Fecal Coliform -Total Suspended Solids - Fecal Streptococcus Dry weather flow rates at the lake outlet were measured periodically. Storm flow conditions were modeled and are discussed In Section 3.2. To supp Iement the mode II ng and to assess the poss I b fifty of comb I ned sewer flows (i.e. storm and sanitary flows) entering the lake, three wet weather events were monitored. Fecal bacterial levels were measured during each of the storms. For two of the storm events discrete samples were collected throughout the storm event and compos I ted. The compos I ted samp I es were analyzed for pH, alkalinity, nutrients, and total suspend solids. 3.2 Hydrologic Budget Ralnfal I data for the study period were obtained from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) weather station located at the Newark Airport. ·The average annual rainfall at the station Is 42.25 Inches. Although monitoring was performed for more than twelve months, July 1, 1981 to June 30, 1982 was selected as the monitoring year. As seen In Table 3-1, the amount of rainfall during this period, 45.44 Inches, was similar to the average annual rainfall. In all future discussions of the hydrologic budget and pollutant loads, the monitored year Is treated as the average year. burlng any year, water entering Weequahlc Lake originates as base flow, stormwater runoff, and direct precipitation over the lake. Base flow Is the quantity of water entering the lake when surface runoff Is not occurring and Includes both dry weather flow In storm sewers and water contributed by springs. Moist low-lying areas along the western shoreline of the lake suggest that springs do exist. Stormwater runoff occurs when rainfall does not infl ltrate the soli and either flows over land to the storm sewers or directly over shoreline areas and Into the lake. As rainfall lntens'ttles"" and total annual rainfall varies, the relative contribution of each of these sources of water varies. The hydrologic budget for Weequahic Lake during an average year Is shown In Table 3-2.


Table 3-1 Monthly Rainfall Data for Monitoring Period

Ral nfa II Month (Inches)

J u I y 1981 4.51 August 0.57 September 3.42 October 3.47 November 1. 75 December 5.32 January 1982 6.77 February 2.36 March 2.82 April 6.20 May 2.96 June __.2_.26 Total 45.44

Table 3-2

Hydrologic Budget for Weequahlc Lake for July 1981 to June 1982

~ol ume ft3 X 10

Inputs Base Flow 9.68 19.8 Storm Flow 26.45 54. 1 Direct Precipitation .12..J.a 26.1 Total 48.91 100.0


Lake Outlet 39.62 81 .0 Evaporation 9.29 19.0

Total 48.91 100.0


During an average year over 50% of the runoff entering Weequahic Lake Is runoff from storm events. The greatest volumes of runoff are generated In highly Impervious urban areas, I.e., those dominated by buildings and pavement where water washes rapidly over the land and Into storm sewers. Since impervious land responds dlffently to rainfall than grassed areas I ike parkland, different methods were used to model runoff from different portions of the watershed.

The runoff from Impervious areas In residential, commercial, Industrial and transport at I on I and uses Is described by the fo I IowIng equation (Arne I I, 1982):

R = aA (Pe - b)

where R = Runoff a = Impervious percent of total area A = Total area Pe = Rainfall amount b = Initial rainfall losses from wetting and storage In surface depressions

NOAA rainfall data for the monitoring period were used to calculate total annual stormwater runoff from these areas.

Runoff from the remaining land, i.e., parkland, the cemetery and pervious portions of the urban land, was quantified using the Curve Number Method (U.S. Soil Conservation Service). Curve numbers incorporate variations In soli type, vegetative cover and land use that affect the amount of runoff occurring during a storm event. A weighted curve number was calculated for the portion of the watershed containing parkland, the cemetery and pervious urban land to predict the amount of runoff generated from a single rain event and then.. the total amount generated during an average rainfal I year • The sum of this runoff plus runoff from Impervious land in the watershed constitutes the total annual storm flow. shown In Table 3-2.

The base flow In the watershed for the monitoring period was estimated from regional base flow records over the same period (USGS, 1982). Flow monitoring at the lake outlet Indicated that this estimating procedure was accurate. During the monitoring year, base flow comprised approximately 20% of the annual hydrologic budget. Although springs appear to exist In ~limited shoreline areas and base flow In the Hillside storm sewer is somewhat greater than would be expected for the drainage area, the ratio of base f I ow to storm f I ow is not In a range I nd I cat I ng an excessIve groundwater contribution to the hydrologic budget.

3.3 Pollutant Concentrations

Dry Weather ",

Mean pollutant concentrations during base flow conditions for the monitored storm sewers and I ake out I et are presented in Tab I e 3-3. Over a II, base flow concentrations are highly variable. Depending upon the particular storm sewer, at times base flow pollutant concentrations were lower than 19 F. X. BROWNE ASSOCIATES, INC.

Table 3-3 Mean Pollutant Concentrations for Base Flow Conditions

E II zabeth Hillside Lyons Avenue Lake Parameter Storm Sewer Storm Sewer Storm Sewer Outlet Total Phosphorus as P (mg/ I) o. 12 0.08 o. 10 0.22 Ammonia as N (mg/ I) 0.31 0.19 0.69 0.35 Nitrate/Nitrite as N (mg/1) 1.58 2.43 0.56 0.33 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen as N (mg/ I) 1.65 0.39 2.34 2.73 "' Total Suspended Solids (mg/ I) 15.0 11.8 14.5 21.3


In-lake concentrations, and at times they were higher. On the average, the greatest tota I phosphorus concentratIons were measured at the E II zabeth storm sewer and the I owest tot a I phosphorus and organIc nItrogen concentratIons were measured at the HIlls I de storm sewer. The chemIca I characteristics of water flowing from the HII Is Ide storm sewer as shown In Table 3-4, suggest that It Is groundwater. Combined nitrate/nitrite concentrations were high and ammonia and total suspended solids concentratIons were I ow. As noted In Sect I on 3. 1, the f I ow per draInage area from the Hi I Is Ide storm sewer also suggests groundwater Inflow •


Total phosphorus concentrations were higher In composlted storm samples than In dry weather samples at the El lzabeth and Lyons Avenue storm sewers. Total phosphorus concentrations at the Hillside storm sewer were approximately the same during dry weather and wet weather periods.

Bacterial concentrations followed a similar pattern as shown In Figure 3-3. Throughout a relatively light rainfall (0.2 Inches total rain), fecal col !form and fecal streptococcus levels at the Elizabeth Avenue storm sewer were higher than the HI I Is Ide storm sewer. For the three monitored storms, substantially higher concentrations of fecal coliform and fecal streptococcus bacterIa were measured at the E II zabeth and Lyons Avenue storm sewers than at the HI I !side storm sewer, Irrespective of the size of the storm event.

High levels of bacteria are typically measured when human or animal wastes enter stormwater runoff. Fecal coliform and fecal streptococcus bacteria are frequently used as Indicators of pathogenic (disease producing) bacterIa. Co I I form and streptococcus bacterIa are harm I ess. They on I y IndIcate t~ poss I b I e presence of harmf u I bacterIa. The ratIo of feca I co II form ;to feca I streptococcus can be used to IndIcate whether the observed bacteria levels are caused by human activities (wastewater discharges, septic tanks) or stormwater runoff (animal wastes). Fecal col !form/fecal streptococcus ranges and their use as Indicators (Geldrelch, 1972) are I lsted below:

FC/FS <0.7 Ratio less than or equal to 0.7 Indicates pollution derived from I lvestock or poultry.

FC/FS 0.7-1.0 Ratio between 0.7 and 1.0 suggests that predominance of I lvestock or poultry wastes In mixed pol lutlon.

FC/FS 1.0-2.0 RatIo between one and two represents a "gray" area of uncertain Interpretation. Samples should be taken nearer the suspected source of pol lutlon.


Table 3-4 Comparison of Chemical Characteristics of Dry Weather Flow to Typical Groundwater (August 17. 1982)

Typical E II zabeth Lyons Avenue Hills I de Groundwater Parameter Storm Sewer Storm Sewer Storm Sewer Concentrations Total Phosphorus as P (mg/1) 0. 173 0.418 0.076 Variable Dissolved Phosphorus as p (mg/ I) 0.099 0.180 0.069 Variable Nitrate/Nitrite as N (mg/ I).. 4. 11 0. 13 6.30 High Amonla as " N (mg/ I) 0.235 0.010 0.003 Low Total Suspended So II ds (mg/ I) 15.7 20.0 3.0 Low


fiiLLSinE STOOM SEWER f"Mrn 3L 1Q&'


2500 t I 2 I orl 2000 w "'0.. VI j 1500 \ 1000 \


10 11 12 AM PM Rain Rain Time Starts Ends

Eu ZIIBF.lli Srem ~ EWEP. f"Mrn 3L 1q37 0 FECAL (OLIFOOM a FECAL :rnEPrococcr

MJ r·~- .'\ r \ 3000 I I \ I I 'y 2500 I I _j >.:: ... I I 2000 I .-;E I I I 5a_ t; 1500 I I I I 2 <._) I \ I \ 1000 I I 500 I I

s ----'------9 10 II 1 2 AM PM Rain Rain Time [nd<, Starts

Figur~ 3-3 . Bacterial Concentrations in Stormwater Runoff to Weequahic Lake


FC/FS 2.0-4.0 Ratio between two and four suggest a predominance of human wastes In pol lutlon. FC/FS >4.0 Ratio greater than or equal to four Indicates pollution derived from human wastes. This method of analysis may not always be accurate, particularly when fecal streptococcus counts are below 100/100 ml CAPHA .e1 .a_t., 1980). The complete bacterial data for the monitored storms are Included In Appendix C; summaries of the data are shown In Table 3-5. Data from the March 31, 1982 storm are not Included because bacterial colonies were too numerous to count (TNTC) In many of the samples. Table 3-5 Summary of Bacterial Data for MonItored Storms

Q~tQb~[ H. ]9821 ~Q:Il~mb~[ 22. 12822 Lyons Avenue E II zabeth Lyons Avenue E II zabeth Sto[m Sewer Storm Sewe[ Sto[m Sewer Storm Sewe[ Fecal Co II form( FC) * 22,000 to 18,000 to 1,900 to

1Total Rainfal I = 0.10 Inches 2Total Ralnfal I = 1.26 inches *No flow In Lyons Avenue Storm Sewer Although the ratio of fecal coliform to fecal streptococcus bacteria (FC/FS) from the Elizabeth and Lyons Avenue storm sewers did not indicate that wastewater was present in stormwater runoff on November 29, 1982, FC/FS ratios on October 14, 1982 do suggest that human waste Is infl ltratlng the El lzabeth storm sewer. In addition, debris characteristic of wastewater wa~ observed flowing from the storm sewer Into Weequahlc Lake durIng storms. In E I i zabeth, the storm sewer runs para I Ie I to an o Id sanitary sewer I lne. Wastewater may enter the storm sewers and be carried to the I ake If there are cracks In the sanItary sewers, If there are physical connections between the two lines, or If there Is a direct connection between homes and sewer lines. Although there Is no evidence of


Interconnections between the lyons Avenue storm sewer and sanitary sewer I lnes# sanitary sewer overflows (I.e. sewage flowing out of manholes onto parkland) have occurred In the section of the park between El lzabeth Avenue and Route 22. leaking sanitary sewer I lnes have been observed In this area during dry weather periods as wei 1.

In both cases pathogenic organisms that may be carried by sanitary sewer flows pose a potential health hazard. Wastewater also contains phosphorus and nitrogen in high concentrations. The nutrient concentrations measured In composlted storm samples were high but as with bacterial concentrations# they were below the magnitude that would be expected if major connections existed between storm and sanitary sewers.

3.4 Pollutant Loads

Equa I I y as Important as poI I utant concentrations in base f I ow and stormwater runoff are the actual pollutant loads that are del lvered to the lake. loads are a function of both concentration and flow volume, and are presented in units of weight (i.e. pounds). Therefore# although flow from a storm sewer may have relatively low concentrations of pollutants# if large flow volumes from the storm sewer enter the lake# the storm sewer may have a greater impact on the lake than a sewer with lower flows and higher pollutant concentrations.

Pollutant loads to Weequahic lake are nonpolnt source In origin; they originate from diffuse locations throughout the watershed. The most Important po II utants to contro I in Weequah i c lake are phosphorus and sediment. Phosphorus stimulate growth of excessive aquatic vegetation; sediment fills In the lake and carries phosphorus in a chemically bound form. Generally the highest phosphorus and sediment loads are derived from land areas where there Is much soil disturbance or human activity# such as cropland o~ high density development. Heavily used parkland with exposed soi Is and,severe erosion also tal Is into this category.

Urban land

Urban land includes residential# commercial and services# transportation and industrial land uses. Nonpoint source pollutant loadings from urban land were calculated using selected I iterature values for similar land ~uses. These loadings represent the quantities of total phosphorus and total suspended solids that are delivered to the lake during a year with an average amount of rainfall and runoff. The areal loading rates used to calculate annual pollutant loads from urban land are shown in Table 3-6.

Parkland and Cemetery

Phosphorus and "'Sediment I oads from the park and cemetery are I arge I y i nf I uenced by the severe eros I on present in Weequah I c Park. Steep s I opes around the lake and large areas of shore! ine are denuded of vegetation. Because of heavy park use# a network of dirt paths and roads extendIng


Table 3-6

Pollutant Loads from Urban Land Uses

Total Total Phosphorus Suspended Sol ids Land Use lb/acre/yr 1hL¥L tons/acre/yr tons/yr Residential, Schools1 3.8 318. 1 3.31 276.9

Commercial, Industrial Transportation2 2.5 159 .o 0.47 29.6

1corston, 1974. 2Randall .e.t ....a.L., 1978.

,, '


beyond the or I gIna I park desIgn now cover the park. As a resu It, I arge areas of shore I I ne are exposed and portIons of the shore I I ne have caved Into the lake. Undercutting has occurred on hi lis ides, and gullies run down hillsides to the lake shore. Areas wlth little vegetative cover and severe eros Ion are rough I y de I I neated In Figure 3-4. Other areas In the park require revegetation but have not been delineated on the map because erosion Is not severe. The areas indicated In Figure 3-4 also contribute high phosphorus and sediment loads to the lake. Grassed areas such as the golf course, ball fields and cemetery have lower phosphorus and sediment loading rates.

The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) was used to estimate the sediment load to the lake from parkland and the cemetery. The USLE Is a common estimator of soli loss caused by upland erosion. The equation Is:

L s = ( R) ( K) ( L S) (C) ( P) ( Sd)


Ls sediment loading In tons/acre/yr R = rainfal I energy factor K sol I erodlbi I ity factor LS slope-length factor C vegetative cover factor P = erosion control practice factor Sd =sediment delivery ratio

The equation was applied to 56 parcels of various size that were distinguished by varying slope-length conditions. Five distinct classes of vegetative cover characterized these parcels. The total sediment load from the 380.5 acres of parkland and cemetery is 514.0 tons/year. Because of the extensiye erosion In the park, I iterature values for phosphorus loading are not appl !cable to the park as they were for urban land. Phosphorus Is tightly bound to soils through chemical interactions, and phosphorus loads In the park are more closely related to the sediment loads. Accordingly, the total phosphorus load was calculated by using a ratio of total phosphorus to total suspended solids. The total phosphorus load from the cemetery and parkland Is estimated at 616.8 pounds/year.

Base Flow

The annual total phosphorus and total suspended solid loads from base flow were ca IcuI ated by mu It I pI y i ng a weighted average of monItored base f I ow concentrations In the HI I Is ide, Elizabeth and Lyons Avenue storm sewers by the average annual base flow for the watershed.

Atmosphere ~.

Rain and snow often contain significant concentrations of nutrients and suspended solids. Therefore, pollutants from precipitation that falls directly onto Weequahic Lake must be Included in the annual pollutant


Golf Course

0 500 1000' Scale in Feet

Severe Erosion and Sparse Vegetation Areas

Figure 3-4. Areas in Weequahic Park With Severe Erosion and Sparse Vegetation

.., . '


loads. The concentration of total phosphorus In rain water was estimated at 0.07 mg/1 (f. X. Browne Associates, Inc., 1982), and the average annual atmospheric load of total phosphorus Is 55.8 pounds/year. The average annual load of suspended solids Is approximately 42.7 tons/year (Novotny and Chesters, 1981).

Combined Nonpolnt Source Loads A summary of average annual nonpolnt source loads are summarized In Table 3-7. These estimated loads represent the quanltltles of total phosphorus and total suspended solids delivered to the Jake.

Table 3-7 Estimated Annual Pollutant Loads to Weequahlc Lake

To:tal EbQspbQcus IQ:tal Suspeoded SQ II ds SQucce lbs/yc 1 :i:Qns/yr 1 Urban Land 477.1 38.7 306.6 35.4 Parkland and Cemetery 616.8 50.1 514.0 59.4 Atmospheric 55.8 4.5 42.7 4.9

Base Flow 82.8 _Q_J_ _.2...A _jL2

Total 1232.5 100.0 865.6 100.0 Approximately 50% of the total phosphorus load to Weequahic Lake originates from the park and cemetery. Commercial, Industrial and residential land contribute approximately 40% of the total phosphorus load while atmospheric sources and base flow contribute the remainder. Phosphorus loads from sanitary sewers were not Included In these estimates. The phosphorus loading to the lake by Infiltration and overflow of sanitary sewage Is expected to be minor compared to the excessive loads from other sources. This Is because of the smal I number of possible sources and low frequency of occurrence. Of the total suspended solid load, approximately 60% is contr l buted by the park and cemetery and on I y 35% orIgInates from commercial, Industrial, residential and transportation land uses. The lack of vegetative cover and severe erosion present In the park are the cause of high sediment loads from the park. Because of the excessive pollutant loads, It Is Impossible to quantify the absolute value of some of the smaller and less quantifiable pollutant sources such as groundwater and I ake bottom sed lments. As the major pollutant sources are eliminated, the significance of these minor sources should be re-examined.


3.5 Pollutant Accumulation The estimated phosphorus and sediment accumulation In Weequahlc Lake during an average year Is shown below: Accumulation Rates Retention Factor Quantity (lbs/yr)

Total Phosphorus 62% 826

Total Suspended Solids 96% 1,661,952 The annual accumulation rate of total phosphorus In the lake was estimated using a general model relating phosphorus loadings to In-lake phosphorus concentrations. The retention of suspended sol Ids was calculated using an empirical curve relating detention time to the estimated trap efficiency of Weequahlc lake (Brune, 1953). The trap efficiency Is high because of the long hydraulic residence time of the lake and because most of the solids are settleable. The estimated retention of total phosphorus Is lower since a significant fraction of the total phosphorus Is In the soluble form. These accumulation rates are representative of the loadings occurring under the current land use and cover conditions, i.e. extensive erosion of park Iand. This predIcted sed lment accumu Iat Ion rate Is much hIgher than the average annual accumulation rate that was calculated from bathymetric surveys spanning the last 41 years. The average sediment accumulation In Weequah Ic lake durIng the I ast 41 years Is on I y 0. 11 Inches/year. ThIs discrepancy between the long-term average sediment accumulation and present accumu Iat Ions Is attributed, In part, to a change in the vegetatIon and ground cover in the park over the last five to ten years. less shrubbery grows In the park and more area Is access I b Ie to pedestrIans. This In combination ~lth heavy use has Increased the area without ground cover, and accelerate~ erosion and sediment loss from parkland.


4.0 Lake Ecology

A lake Is a dynamic system; Its ecology Is determined by a complex system of physical, chemical and biological Interactions. Life processes In the upper we 11-11 ghted strata of the I ake resu It In the uptake of nutr l ents like nltrogen and phosphorus, and the production of oxygen and organic mater l a I • Photosynthet l c product l on by green pI ants Is the predom l nant life process at the surface whl le bacterial decomposition Is the predoml nant process at the bottom. At the bottom, the absence of I I ght results In an environment that Is colder than the surface and often devoid of dissolved oxygen. The supply of dissolved oxygen at the bottom may be depleted by bacterial decomposition and by varlous chemical processes associated with nutrient cycling.

4.1 Lake Morphology

Weequahlc Lake ls a relatively shallow lake with lake bottom contours as shown r n F r gure 4-1 • These contours were determ l ned from a bathymetr l c survey performed on April 22, 1982. The lake has a low ratio of watershed area to lake surface area, 6.5:1, and accordingly, a long hydraulic residence time. During the monitoring year the hydraulic residence time was approximately 200 days.

The physical characteristics of Weequahlc Lake are presented In Table 4-1.

Table 4-1 Physical Characteristics of Weequahic Lake

Surface Area 79.9 acres ... M~an Depth 6.24 feet

Maximum Depth 9.1 feet

Volume 21.7 mil lion feet3

Mean Hydraulic Residence Time 200 days

These va I ues characterIze the I ake at an e I evat I on of 6 feet mean sea I eve I, one foot above the des l gn I ake surface e I evat I on. Typ rca II y, the I ake I eve I f I uctuates throughout the year and Is hIgher than the desIgn elevatlon of 5 feet MSL. The design of the lake outlet structure permits these var rat r ons l n the I ake 's water e I evat I on. DurIng the summer, the water elevation Is usually raised to store sufficient water for lrrlgatlon of the golf course. In addition to planned manipulations of water level, debrIs frequent I y accumu I ates at the out I et structure and restrIcts the outf I ow of water",from the I ake. DurIng the monItorIng per I od, restrIcted flow periodically raised the lake level above the design elevation to 6 to 7 feet MSL.

31 ,


to j ::0 0 :Ez rn )::> (/) (/) 0 n ...... )::> -l rn ...(/) z n


0 300 600 Scale in Feet

Figure 4-1 . Existing Topography of Weequahic Lake F. X. BROWNE ASSOCIATES, INC.

4.2 Monitoring Program I n-1 ake monItorIng was conducted to eva I uate present I ake prob I ems and changes In water quality from previous years. Lake monitoring was performed from July through October of 1981 and from April through August of 1982. The location of the lake monitoring stations are shown In Figure 4-2. A total of 14 lake sampling surveys were performed at Station 960, 16 at Stat Ion 961, and 13 at Stat Ion 962. Samp I es were co I Iected at two depths at Station 961 and at one depth at Stations 960 and 962. Parameters measured In the field Included: air temperature, weather conditions, water temperature (profile), dissolved oxygen (profile) and transparency. The following parameters were measured In the laboratory: -Total Phosphorus -Chloride -Total Orthophosphate -SuI fate -Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen -Specific Conductance -Nitrate/Nitrite -ChI orophy I I .a -Ammonia -Pheophytln -Total Suspended Sol Ids -Phytoplankton (to genera) -A I k a I In I ty -Feca I Co I I form -pH -Fecal Streptococcus Lake sediments were also collected at two locations and analyzed. 4.3 Trophic State The ecologic condition of a lake over time Is described by trophic state. TrophIc state Is a greek word for food; thus trophIc state Is a Iake classification based on the concentration of plant nutrients and the resulting level of biological productivity. Oligotrophic, meaning "scant food" describes an ecologically young lake that usually has low nutrient levels and ~w plant and animal productivity. A mesotrophlc lake contains moderate amounts of food, and a eutrophic lake Is one that has a high nutrient content and a high level of plant productivity. The process of eutrophication Is often accelerated by the activities of man In a watershed that add nutrients and sediments to a lake. Contrary to the popular opinion that a eutrophic lake Is "dead", It Is actually suffering from an overabundance of I I vI ng organIsms. Our I ng the sprIng, summer and fa II, a eutrophic lake usually has an algal bloom or an excessive growth of aquatic ~.I ants. Weequahlc Lake Is hypereutrophic or overly eutrophic. Based on EPA criteria (Table 4-2), levels of total phosphorus, a nutrient necessary for plant growth, and chlorophyll .a, a green pigment present In plants, were high. Blue-green algae were dominant and the water was clear to a depth of only 0.26 meters or 10 Inches.

33 X

t:t:l :::0 0 :::Ez m )> (/) < ; (/) 0 () -)> -t m ...(/) -z ()


\ i I


Figure 4-2 Lake Monitoring Stations F. X [3r10WN E ASSOCIATES. INC.

Table 4-2 Eutrophic Criteria EPA Weequahic Lake Parameter Criteria {1981-1982) Transparency (m) June to Sept. 1981 (summer) Less than 1.50 0.26 Chlorophyll .a. (ug/1) June to Sept. 1981 {summer) Greater than 10 84.5 Total Phosphorus (mg/i as P) October 1981 to May 1982 {winter) Greater than 0.020 0.164 Phytoplankton Type (summer) Blue-Green Algae Blue-Green Algae Although the use of Weequahlc Lake Is Impaired because of Its advanced state of eutrophication, notal I eutrophic lakes have Impaired usage. Trophic state Is not a definitive criteria for usage or water quality; water qual lty, In part, depends on a lake user's perception of a lake. From a fisheries perspective, for example, eutrophic lakes can support a larger fish population than ol lgotrophlc lakes. 4.4 Water Quality Data ,. Weequahic Lpke Is classified as an FW-2 {nontrout> water by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. Designated uses and standards for FW-2 waters are Included In Appendix B. A number of environmental factors determine the annual water qual lty response In Weequahlc Lake. A major factor is the amount of nutrients and sediments delivered to the lake via the storm sewers and direct runoff. These pollutant loads are mainly determined by the amount and distribution of ralnfal I over a given period. Other factors which affect lake response Include variations In ambient temperature and sun I lght. Physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of Weequahlc Lake are discussed In the following sections. 4.4.1 pH and Alkalinity In lake ecosystems, Interactions between pH and alkalinity occur when algae populations uti I f~e carbon dioxide In their photosynthetic activities. Large algae populations tend to elevate pH levels. The pH of Weequahic Lake was variable over the monitoring period but, as expected In a highly eutrophic lake, the average pH of the lake was higher than that of water entering the lake through the storm sewers. The average pH of the lake over the monitoring period was 8.7 (Table 4-3) and the average pH of water entering the lake from various storm sewers ranged from only 7.3 to 7.7. 35 F. X BROWNE ASSOCIATES. INC.

Table 4-3

Average pH and Alkalfnl~y for Monf~orfng Period

pH AI ka I In lty Station (units) Cmg/1 as CaC03) In-Lake (Average of Stations 960, 961, and 962) 8.7 76.7 Lake Outlet (Station 980) 8.3 90.6 El lzabeth Storm Sewer (Station 930) 7.6 119.0

HI I I side Storm Sewer (Station 931) 7.7 173.0 Lyons Avenue Storm Sewer (Station 990) 7.3 116.0 In-lake pH values were frequently above 8.5, the New Jersey Water Quality Standard criteria for non-trout waters. The relatively high alkal lnlty levels Tn the lake may be due to high levels of algal productivity In the lake and the high alkal lnlty of Inflows to the lake. The highest levels were measured at the HII lside storm sewer which had an average va I ue of 173 mg/ I • AccordIng I y, average a I ka I In I ty va I ues In the lake ~ere also relatively high at 76.7 mg/1. 4.4.2 Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen

In genera I, I ake water temperatures were s I mII ar to ambIent aIr temperatures with the maximum surface water temperature measured at 3ooc on July 19, 1982. Representative profiles of temperature and dissolved oxygen at the mid-lake station, 961, are shown In Figure 4-3. The conditions at the mid-lake station are similar to conditions In other portions of the Jake. The data Indicate that Weequahic Lake does not stratify; It Is a shallow lake and temperatures are nearly uniform at the water surface and the lake bottom. Therefore, physical or chemical mixing of the lake Is not prevented by thermal stratification. During the summer, dissolved oxygen concentrations at the three lake stations and other locations In the lake decreased with depth but measurements did not tal I below 5.0 mg/1 at the lake bottom. In contrast, during 1979, siZ"I!ble decreases In dissolved oxygen (NJDEP, 1981) were measured just above the mud-water Interface. Concentrations In 1979 generally were less than 4.0 mg/1, a level low enough to stress fish populations. During both monitoring periods, supersaturated levels of

36 .., X

t)j :::0 0 ~z rn ~ )> (/) (/)

/. 0 T .....('") )> -1 rn ...(/) Early Late Lake Summer Summer Winter z Surface ('") 0 w '-J ...... 0.5 (/) er: T T D.o. D.O. 3~ 1.0 iE a. 1.5 ~ 2.0

Lake TEMP 0 10 20 30 0 10 30 0 10 20 30 Bottom I I I I D.O. b 5 10 15 6 ~ 15 0 5 io is

Figure 4-3 . Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Profiles at Station 961 - 1981 F. X. BROWNE ASSOCIATES, INC.

dissolved oxygen were measured at the lake surface during the day. These high oxygen concentrations are attributed to the photosynthetic (oxygen-producIng) actIvIty of I arge a I ga I popu I at Ions. DI sso I ved oxygen levels were not measured diurnally_ but It Is likely that levels drop at night when respiration (oxygen-consuming activity) by bacteria exceeds photosynthesis. SerIous d I sso I ved oxygen reI ated prob Iems such as fIsh kil Is were not observed during the monitoring period but fish ki Its have occurred In the past. The potent I a I exIsts for their reoccurrence if dissolved oxygen levels at the lake bottom become very low.

4.4.3 Total Suspended Solids and Transparency

Total suspended solids Is a measure of the amount of particulate matter In the water column. Suspended sol ids are comprised of both organic (e.g. algae) and Inorganic (e.g. mineral) matter. The average suspended solid concentrations for two depths at Station 961 are shown In Figure 4-4. Concentrations at the surface were largely dependent upon the size of algal populations. Accordingly_ total suspended solid concentrations were larger during the summer of 1981 than the winter_ because algal populations were I arger. The Iow average tota I suspended so I I d concentration durIng the summer of 1982 is I lkely a result of low algae levels and a small sample size (n=2). Higher suspended sol Ids concentrations in the bottom waters of the lake compared to the surface during the summer of 1981 are probably due to the settling of particulate organic matter such as dead algal material. As a result_ the greatest average suspended solid concentrations were observed when algal populations were the largest.

Transparency ( Secch i disk depth) Is an indIrect measurement of the tota I amount of organic and inorganic turbidity In a lake. This measurement is taken by I ower i ng a spec I a I dIsk into the water unt II it can no I onger be clearly seen. Therefore_ higher Secchl disk depths represent better water transparency~ Although somewhat simplistic and subjective, this test often represents the conditions that are most read! ly visible to the common lake user. As seen In Figure 4-4- suspended solid concentrations are Inversely reI a ted to water transparency. ReducIng a Iga I b I ooms wI I I Improve the clarity of the water.

4.4.4 Nutrients

Phosphorus' and nitrogen compounds are important for the growth of algae and aquatIc pI ants. Tot a I phosphorus represents the sum of a I I forms of phosphorus, including both soluble and particulate forms. Total phosphorus a I so inc I udes both the organIc and Inorganic forms of phosphorus. Thus, total phosphorus Includes I ive algae_ dead algae, other microorganisms, organic phosphorus, polyphosphates and orthophosphate. Soluble orthophosphate Is the form most readily used by algae. Nitrogen In a lake Is present In InorganIc forms such as ammonia and nItrate and In organIc forms. Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) is the sum of organic nitrogen and ammonia. Phosphorus, In particular, influences the trophic state of a lake as discussed In Section 4.3. Total phosphorus in a lake depends both on loads entering the lake and on the amount of recycling that occurs within a lake.

38 ,


to ::::0 50.0 0 :t l.Om z

~ r--- m 1- 40.0 )> (/) ,{ 0.5m (/) - 0 (Surface) () 30.0 1- ...... Total r--- )> Suspended -I 0.5m m Solids (/) 20.0 1- (mg/1) (Surface) l.Om "' r--- r-- 0.5m z 10.0 1- () w \0 csfce)n ,, I


Transparency 0.5 1- (depth in meters)

~ - L...-

Summer 1979 Summer 1981 Winter 1981-1982 Summer 1982 1.0

Figure 4-4. Seasonal Relationship between Transparency and Total Suspended Solids at Station 961 F. X. BROWNE ASSOCIATES. INC.

In Weequahlc Lake, measured differences in nutrient concentrations between In-fake stations were not farge and variations were within the ranges of ex per I menta I error. RepresentatIve phosphorus and n l trogen data for the mid-lake station, 961, are presented In Table 4-4.

Table 4-4

Nutrient Concentrations at Station 961 (August 17, 1982)

Qe~rtb Parameter .L.....Q_m 2...JLm Total Phosphorus as P (mg/ I) o. 104 0.074 0.245 Soluble Phosphorus asP ( mg/ I ) 0.055 0.058 0.106

Total Orthophosphate as P ( mg/ I ) 0.033 0.047 0.082

Soluble Orthophosphate asP ( mg/ I ) 0.023 0.026 0.044

Nitrate/Nitrite as N (mg/ I) 0.002 0.002 0.002

Ammonia as N (mg! I) 0.085 0.085 0. 101

Total Kjelqahl"' Nitrogen as N ( mg/ I ) 0.69 0.78 1.93

Total phosphorus concentrations are relatively uniform In the upper meter of the water column. At the sediment water interface (2.0 meters) total phosphorus and organic nitrogen levels increase. This suggests nutrient release from the sediments under anoxic (lacking oxygen) conditions and/or from decaying organic matter that has settled to the fake bottom. Although anoxIc condItions were not observed at the I ake bottom durIng the monitoring period (Section 4.4.2), Inorganic nitrogen at the fake bottom Is in the reduced form and past data suggest that anoxic conditions do occur. Periodic algal blooms and high suspended solid concentrations at greater depths suggest that decaying organic matter Is also releasing nutrients Into the water column. Thus It Is I ikefy that both sediments and decaying organic material recycle nutrients In the lake. It Is difficult to quantify the absolute val~ of these sources, however, given the excessive pollutant loads from the watershed.


Surface In-lake phosphorus concentrations at the mid-lake station, 961, have f I uctuated seasona I I y dur r ng the monItorIng per I od but the average 1982 phosphorus concentrations were higher than the 1979 concentrations (NJDEP, 1981) as shown In Table 4-5.

Table 4-5

Trends in Average Total Phosphorus Concentrations at Station 961 (Surface)

Total Phosphorus as P (mg/1)

Summer 1979 (5/22 to 9/10, n=3) 0.054

Summer 1981 (9/28, n=l) 0.180

Winter 1981-1982 (10/20/81 to 5/10/82, n=5) 0.164

Summer 1982 (6/21 to 8/17, n=3) 0. 115

AccordIng I y, the most severe a I ga I b I ooms occurred durIng the monItorIng period, particularly during the summer of 1981. At all times phosphorus concentrations were at levels Indicative of a highly enriched lake.

In addition to nitrogen and phosphorus, phytoplankton growth depends on a variety of outrlents such as carbon, Iron, manganese and certain trace minerals •. According to the law of the minimum, biological growth Is limited by the substance that Is present In minimal quantity with respect to the needs of the organism. In natural waters, nitrogen and phosphorus are usually the elements in least relative supply. In Weequahlc Lake, the pattern of nutrient I Imitation Is simi far to other eutrophic lakes where phosphorus Is more I lmltlng In the spring and nitrogen Is more I lmltlng In fa I I. NutrIent I eve Is are never abso I ute I y I I mIt I ng, however. NItrogen and phosphorus are both present In sufficient concentrations to support excessive aquatic plant growth. Orthophosphate Is present In sufficient quantities to support additional· algal growth and In fact, light may be the limiting factor. In addition, when levels of Inorganic nitrogen are low, nitrogen limitation Is probably not occurring since many blue-green algal specIes have the ab i I I ty to t I x e I ementa I n T trogen from the atmosphere. Because phosphorus concentrations are so high, because they seem to correspond to algal population size and because phosphorus Is I lmltlng In a relative sense for part of the summer, lake restoration efforts should be directed at reduc' phosphorus concentrations In Weequahlc Lake.


4.5 Aquatfc Vegetation

4.5.1 Macrophytes The dominant macrophyte observed In Weequahlc Lake was Potamogeton crlspus* curly leaf pondweed, a rooted and largely submerged plant. f.... crlspus was observed primarily along shoreline areas and at the western end of the lake and was Interspersed with Elodea canadensis, American elodea. Because of large algal blooms and low water transparency* however, rt Is difficult to determ r ne the actua I extent of the pI ant growth. Lemna ..s.p,p_._ were a I so observed durIng the summer of 1981 In shore I i ne areas. Lemna ~, duckweeds, are small* free-floating plants. The aquatic plants present durIng the monItorIng per I od were the same as those observed prevIous I y (NJDEP, 1981 and Allied Biological Control Corporation* 7/17/79* 6/10/80, 8/18/82). In general, macrophytes do not appear to constitute a significant fraction of the total primary productivity. Algae seem to be the dominant type of vegetation in the lake and their dense growth may limit the light available for the growth of rooted aquatic vegetation. 4.5.2 Algae Algal populations during the 1981 monitoring season were typical for a eutrophIc I ake. The popu I at Ions were I arge and dominated by b I ue-green algae (Cyanophyta), primarily Aphanlzomenon ..s.p,p_._ Green algae {Chlorophyta) were present In low numbers. Figure 4-5 shows changes In the dominant form of biomass throughout the monitoring period. Differences In the size and composition of the a Iga I popu I at Ions at the surface and at a depth of 1.0 meter were minor. During the summer, the population was very large; It reached a peak of 55,000 cells/ml and a biomass of 2.231 x 1o-4 g/ml. Algal bloma~s remained high through November of 1981 although there was a temporary decrease in bIomass at the end of September 1981 when temperatures dropped. Total phosphorus concentrations at the lake surface {0.5 meters) increased In September (Figure 4-6), and with a return of warm weather a b I ue-green a I ga I b I oom with ce II counts of 25,000 to 30,000 ce II s/m I occurred In I ate October. DespIte a I ack of measured therma I stratification in the lake, these data suggest that a fall overturn and period of mixing occurs to Weequahlc Lake. Accordingly, levels of ·chlorophyl I ~~ the green pigment which allows photosynthesis to take place In algal eel Is, were very high; from July 22, 1981 to November 16, 1981 the average surface chlorophyll~ concentration was 87.6 ug/1. This corresponds to the I ow average water transparencIes observed durIng the summer of 1981 as discussed In Section 4.4.3. In 1982* algal populations were smal fer and more diversified than In 1981. In August of 1982 algal counts were approximately 8400 eel ls/ml and green algae, yellow-bf:own algae* and diatoms made up a greater portion of the algal biomass than the usual blue-green algae assemblage. Chlorophyll ~ levels, while still high at 22.4 ug/1 (Station 961 )* were approximately one-quarter of their 1981 levels. Smaller and more diversified algal







0 [] "'n 1.,. .. n I July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov.


.1-J ~ 100% Q) u H Q) p.., 80%




0 In r. "' In April May June 1982

Cyanophyta Chlorophyta Chrysophyta 0Other

Figure 4-5. Dominant Algal Biomass at Surface - Average of Stations 960, 961, and 962


2400 0.30

2000 0.25

.Jul Sep Nov Jan Mar May .Jul ... 1981 1982

A Total Phosphorus

0 Total Orthophosphate

a Phytoplankton Biomass

Figure 4-6. Relationship Between Average Phosphorus Concentrations and Algal Biomass at Surface of Three In-Lake Stations


populations In 1982 may In part be due to different climatic conditions such as above average spring ralnfal Is. Above average rainfall Increases the flushing rate of Weequahlc Lake. With a decrease In the size of the algal population and a decrease In chlorophyl I ~concentrations. water transparency Increased. 4.6 Sediments On March 29. 1904, approximately a year after Weequahic Lake was formed, depth measurements were taken along two transects. Along those transects, the average water depth was 6 feet. The lake bottom, formed from the saltwater wetland, was characterized as slIt and peat underlain by sand. The organic peat layer was an average of 4.7 feet deep, with organic material extending to a depth of 6 feet In some locations. It Is hypothesized that early algal blooms resulted from nutrients released by these sediments. During the current study, sediment samples were collected from the two stations shown In Figure 4-7. Samples were analyzed for the following parameters: Parameter Station Particle Size Distribution Percent Volatile Matter Nitrogen and Phosphorus Compounds 0 I I and Grease EP Toxicity The physical characteristics of the sediment at both stations are similar. Lake bottom sediments are composed prlmari ly of si It and clay sized particles. Despite descriptions of the lake bottom as predominately peat, samples at both stations contain only moderate amounts of volatile matter: 15 percent and 17 percent at Stations 1 and 2, respectively. Most of the nitrogen in the lake bottom sediments is In the organic form as shown In Table 4-6, and Is present at high levels. Total phosphorus levels are low to moderate. Table 4-6 Chemical Analyses of lake Bottom Sediments Statton 1 StatTon 2 Parameters (Dry Weight Basis) (Dry Weight Basis) 01 I and Grease (mg/kg) 7,602 2,571 Total Phosphate as P (mg/kg) 8.4 398.7 Nitrate as N (mg/kg) 8.7 2.7 Ammonia as N (mg/kg) 107 217.0 Total KJeldahl Nitrogen as N (mg/kg) 4,786 10,461 Total Volatile Sol Ids (mg/1) 38,500 24,200 Total Solids Cmg/1) 251.000 141,000

45 , -X tJ:J :::0 0 ~z rn )> C/) . (/) - 0 n ...... )> -i rn (/) ' ....

z n

.!>- (J'\ 0

N i'


Figure 4-7 Sediment Sampling Locations F. X. BROWNE ASSOCIATES. INC.

01 I and grease levels In the sediments are high, particularly at Station 1. This Is attributed to storm sewers that drain Route 22 and Evans Terminal, an Industrial park, and empty Into the west end of the lake near Station 1. SedIment accumu I at Ions of o I I and grease may harm benthIc organIsms by asphyxiation. Depending on the type of oil It may coat the gills of fish and prevent respiration, Increase biochemical oxygen demand, and cause fish kills (EPA, 1976). Since the disposal of dredged lake sediments on land ts considered the same as the disposal of sol ld waste, an EP Toxicity test was performed In accordance wIth the hazardous waste regu I at Ions under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. As shown In Table 4-7, metals, pesticides and herbicides are at levels below those of a hazardous waste. Table 4-7 EP Toxicity Test tor Lake Sediments at Station 2

Maximum Measured Allowable Parameters Concentration Concentration Metals Arsenic as As (mg/1) 0.031 5.0 Barium as Ba (mg/1) 1. 17 100.0 Cadmium as Cd {mg/1) 0.017 1.0 Copper as Cu (mg/1) 2.39 Lead as Pb (mg/1) 0.565 5.0 Mercury a~ Hg Cmg/1) 0.003 0.2 Nickel as Ni Cmg/1) 0.218 Selenium as Se (mg/1) 0.008 1.0 Sl lver as Ag (mg/1) <0.001 5.0 Total Chromium as Cr (mg/1) 0.068 5.0 Zinc as Zn (mg/1) 2.00 Pesticides

Endr In ( ug/ I ) <0.001 20. Lindane

2,4-D (ug/1) ." <0.001 10,000 S I I vex ( ug/ I ) ' <0.0002 1, 000 Note: EP Toxicity Test performed as specified by 40 CFR 261.


Although the sediments are not classified as a hazardous waste, levels of metals and of oil and grease are high. Potential sources of metals to the lake Include automatlve exhaust, gasoline, Industrial activities and copper sulfate which has been used to kill algae In the past. 4.7 Fish and Zooplankton The deteriorated environmental condition of Weequahlc Lake Is further character I zed by past surveys of fIsh and zoop I ankton popu I at Ions. A survey conducted by the New Jersey Department of Conservation and Economic development In 1968 Identified the following fish species In Weequahic Lake: Largemouth bass Micropterus salmoldes Ye II ow perch Perea flayescens White perch Marone amerlcanus Black crappie Pomoxts nlgromaculatus Pumpkinseed Lepomls glbbosus Golden shiner Notemlgonus crysoleucas Carp Cyprlnus carpio Killifish Fundulus dlaphanus Goldfish Carasslus auratus Northern brown bul !head lctalurus nebulosus This population was dominated by fish that can tolerate poor water quality, particularly pumpkinseed sunfish and golden shiners. It was not well-balanced; some species were scarce In number and certain age classes were missing. Ten years later, in 1979, the same fish species were observed in Weequahlc Lake, with the addition of channel catfish, lctalurus puoctatus, which was stocked


4.8 Waterfowl Because of Its proximity to the Atlantic Ocean and location on the Atlantic F I yway, Weequah Ic Lake Is an In I and sanctuary for mIgratory water fow I. MIgratory waterfow I and shore bIrds use the park season a II y as a restIng place. Improvements In water quality will enhance the lake and park as a habitat for waterfowl.

4.9 Bacteria According to New Jersey Surface Water Quality Standards for Class FW-2 waters (Appendix 8), "fecal coliform levels shall not exceed a geometric average of 200/100 ml, ••• ". The only In-lake fecal coliform violation was observed at the lake outlet, Station 980, on September 28, 1981 when the fecal coliform count was 550/100 mi. Fecal Streptococci counts were greater than 200/100 ml at In-lake stations on four dates. Although bacteria In the lake were generally at concentrations acceptable by state standards, base flows and storm flows entering the lake frequently carried unacceptable concentrations of bacteria as discussed In Section 3.3, making the lake unsuitable for contact recreation.


5.0 Alternative Evaluation

Weequahlc Lake suffers from an overabundance of algae, high sediment loads that are Increasing siltation In the lake and accumulations of debris, particularly In shore! lne areas. The obJectives of lake restoration efforts are: 1) to reduce nutrient and sediment loads and eliminate the causes of eutrophication where possible, and 2) to reduce the effects of eutrophication and provide for maximum recreational and aesthetic use of the I ake. ReducIng nutrIent and sed lment I cads to the I ake w I II a I so reduce loads of metals and other pollutants since they enter the lake pr!mar! ly In a sediment bound form. Table 5-1 shows the alternatives evaluated for Weequahlc Lake. Alternatives marked with a plus sign are potent I a II y app I I cab I e as restor at I on approaches. These technIques are primarily aimed at reducing In-lake phosphorus concentrations by reducing phosphorus and sediment loads to the lake.

The remaInIng technIques do I Itt I e to so I ve the I ake' s prob I ems or have serious drawbacks. For example, biotic harvesting Is appl !cable In a lake dominated by macrophytes, not In an algae dominated fake I ike Weequah!c. Algicide and herbicide appf !cations are not recommended. They are temporary measures that k I II a I gae and macrophytes, but do not remove nutrIents bound In a I ga I mater I a I and therefore do not reduce I n-1 ake nutrient concentrations. Because Weequahlc Lake does not stratify thermally, aeration/mixing Is not Indicated and It may worsen algae blooms by c i rcu I at I ng decayIng organIc matter from the I ake bottom to the I ake surface. The benefits of hypo! imnetic aeration and selective discharge are also questionable. Installation and annual operating costs of an aeration system w i II be high and a I though the potentia I does exIst for anaerobic conditions at the lake bottom, such conditions were not observed during the last two summers. Techniques such as drawdown and sediment consof !dation, sediment exposure and dessication, and sediment seal !ng have been discounted bflcause of their Ineffectiveness against the particular problems of WeequahJc Lake. Although estimates of current sediment loads to the fake are high, they are recent and significant amounts of sediment have not accumulated in the lake. Macrophytic growth is not extensive and substantial nutrient recycling from the lake bottom sediments has not been quantified.

Each of the remaInIng potentia I I ake restoration methods Is dIscussed In greater detail In the following sections. These alternatives have been Svafuated by the fof lowing criteria: water quality Improvements; benefits achieved in lake uses; technical feasibi I ity; lmplementabi I ity In terms of cost and Institutional factors; long-term effectiveness; and maintenance requirements.

5.1 Dredging

Dredging can be used to achieve several obJectives Including lake deepening, macrophyte removal and nutrient removal. Although siltation has occurred In se I ect shore II ne areas, bathymetrIc surveys over the past 41 years IndIcate that extensIve s I I tat I on has not occurred throughout the


Table 5-1 Potential Restoration Methods for Weequahic Lake

SPECIFIC PROBLEM APPROACH PRACTICE APPLICABILITY Siltation Control Sediment Shoref ine Stabilization + Load to Lake Parkland Erosion Control + Watershed Management + Ef iminate Whole Lake Dredging Existing Spot Dredging + Siltation Drawdown and Sediment Con so I i dati on Aquatic Control Nutrient Whole Lake Dredging Vegetation Sources Aeration Divert Storm Sewers + Treat Inflows to Lake + Nutrient Inactivation + Parkland Erosion Control + Shorel lne Stabi I lzation Sanitary Sewer Repair + Sediment Sea II ng .... Sediment Exposure and Dessication Watershed Management + Biotic Harvesting Selective Discharge Di lution/lnflltration +

Manipulate Water Level Control + Habitat Dredging Biological Controls + Remove Algicldes/Herbicides Vegetation Biotic Harvesting

" '


lake. Boating Is not restricted by shallowing of the lake, and macrophytlc growth Is not extensive. Therefore, dredging the entire lake Is not recommended for purposes of Increasing water depth or removing macrophytes.

The benefits of dredging for nutrient removal are uncertain. Although the lake bottom was once a wetland and 1904 transects showed silt and nutrient rich peat extending to a depth of six feet In some locations, the cost of dredging to sand Is estimated at greater than $1 ml I lion. Removing only a port I on of the s I It and peat may resu It In the undes I rab I e reI ease of nutrients trapped In the lower sediment layers. Because the cost of dredging Is high and recent samples of surface sediment from the lake bottom contained low to moderate levels of phosphorus and only a moderate amount of organ l c matter, dredgIng the entIre I ake l s not recommended. Furthermore, dredging does not address the problem of high nonpolnt source loads of nutrients and sediment entering the lake.

Spot dredging Is desirable in several shoreline areas. In particular, sediment has accumulated near the Hillside and Elizabeth storm sewers and In shoreline areas when the retaining wal I has col lapsed or there Is heavy usage. Emergent vegetation grows In some of these areas, debris accumu I ates and greater rna l ntenance efforts are necessary. Dredg l ng l n these areas wIll Improve shore II ne aesthetIcs and Increase fIsh hab l tat. The dredge spoils volumes wll I not be large and the spoils may be used In the park as cover material for badly eroded areas.

5.2 Parkland Erosion Control and Shoreline Stabilization

Park I and eros! on contro I and shore II ne stab Ill zat I on are measures that reduce nutrient and sediment loads to a lake. They are prlmarl ly directed at shore II ne and near shore areas where banks have co II apsed and d l rect runoff carries nutrients and sediments directly to a lake without the moderatIng -presence of vegetatIon to trap and absorb nutrIents and sediments.· Erosion control measures Include check dams (figure 5-1) to prevent gullies from being deepened, and terracing to slow the flow of water and spread It over a I arger area. Both of these measures reduce sedIment transport. Other eros I on contro I measures for exposed areas Include revegetation of some areas and covering of other areas with sturdy yet permeab I e mater I a Is such as grave I. Shore II ne stab I I I zat l on measures Include revegetation, cover with sturdy materials to protect the shore, and r~bul ldlng retaining wal Is and col lapsed banks.

Erosion control and shorel lne stab! llzation directly address the causes of eutrophication: high nutrient and sediment loads to a lake. In particular, they reduce pollutant loads from areas that wl II have the greatest Impact, I. e., near shore areas that are heav II y trave I ed and are I ack I ng moderat l ng forces such as vegetation to f I Iter out sedIment and nutrients before they reach the lake. Reducing sediment and nutrient loads also reduces the, need for dredging and other mitigative measures. In addition, eliminating caved In shoreline areas reduces the llkel ihood of debris accumulating. If properly designed, stab! I !zed shoreline areas wl I I provIde habItat for f l sh cover and spawn l ng. Both eros I on contro I and shorel lne stab! llzatlon Improve the aesthetics of shoreline and park areas.


4"-6" Logs Flow----

_j_ • I I f ' /1 ! ' ' 18" __ _l

Figure 5-l . Check Dam


As with most nonpolnt source pol lutlon controls, the disadvantage of park I and eros I on contro I Is that Its I ong-term effectIveness depends In part upon rna I ntenance of the contro Is. A I though structure I contro Is require little maintenance, vegetattve cover may require periodic replacement and trimming. This can be minimized by selecting low maintenance, hardy plant species as cover materials.

Shore II ne stab I II zat I on and park I and eros I on contro I are recommended In Weequahlc Lake and Park. The park, golf course and ajolnlng cemetery contribute approximately 514.0 tons (60%> of the annual total suspended solid load and 617 pounds (50%) of the annual total phosphorus load to the lake. The worst erosion occurs In the park, exclusive of the golf course. As a result the greatest sediment and phosphorus loads originate from this I and. If the go If course and cemetery remaIn as they are and eros I on controls are applied to the remaining parkland only, the total phosphorus and sediment load from these lands can be reduced up to 60%. Because the highest sediment and phosphorus loads come from a few steep-sloped, exposed areas near the I ake shore, app I y I ng contro Is In these areas Is the most cost-effective way of reducing sediment and phosphorus loads from the park, go If course and cemetery. Tota I suspended so I I d I oads from park I and and cemetery cou I d be reduced to approxImate I y 203.8 tons/year and tota I phosphorus to approximately 245 pounds/year.

5.3 Storm Sewer Diversion

Diverting storm sewers Is a technique used In lake restoration to reduce pollutant loads reaching a lake. By constructing a diversion, water with high nutrient concentrations bypasses a lake. Consequently, lower nutrient levels are available for algal growth. A storm sewer diversion is advantageous where hIgh nutrIent I oads enter a I ake from a sIng I e storm sewer. However, If a diversion substantially reduces the annual flow vo I ume entes-1 ng a I ake, the hydrau I I c retentIon tIme of the I ake w II I increase and stagnant conditions In the lake may Increase the severity of algal blooms.

In the Weequahlc Lake watershed storm sewer diversions were evaluated for the four storm sewers draining urban land areas. Diversion of the Lyons Avenue storm sewer Is not recommended; the Lyons Avenue sewer drains only a smal I area that Is dry much of the year. Although the Evans Terminal storm sewer draIns a dIrty, IndustrIa I area, it l s a sma II area and substantia I flows have not been observed from the sewer system. The Hillside storm sewer has larger flows but diversion is not recommended since the water Is of higher qual lty than other inflows.

The greatest benefit from a diversion will occur on the Elizabeth storm sewer. The Elizabeth storm sewer drains 230 acres, approximately 85 acres of wh l ch l s urban I and w l th h l gh area I I oads of phosphorus and suspended solids. TheEl lzabeth storm sewer carries substantial stormwater volumes, the runoff confalns relatively high concentrations of phosphorus and bacteria; debris characteristic of sanitary sewer flows have been observed


In storm flows. However, the data suggest only that breaks In the sanitary sewer I lne or connections between homes and storm sewer I lnes are present. It does not substantiate the presence of combined sewer flows. Stormwater runoff from the E II zabeth storm sewer and the Lyons Avenue storm sewer (also draining a residential area but not In the vicinity of sanitary sewers) contaIn comparab I e I eve Is of bacterIa. If the E I I zabeth storm sewer carried combined sewer flows, bacterial concentrations would be higher than those In the lyons Avenue storm sewer. In both cases, bacteria are at concentrations typical of an urban area and do not substantiate the existence of any II legal Interconnections.

Diverting flow from the EJ izabeth storm sewer wll I reduce possible nutrient loads from sanitary sewers and from surface nonpolnt sources to the Jake. It will also reduce the health hazard associated with high bacterial concentratIons. A I though substantIa I benet Its wIll resu It from dIvertIng the Elizabeth storm sewer around Weequahlc lake, the estimated cost of the diversion Is $3 mil lion. At this price the cost exceeds the benefit and a storm sewer diversion Is not recommended.

5.4 Treatment of Inflows

Where it is not possible to divert stormwater with high nutrient and sediment concentrations, It may be possible to reduce pollutant concentrations by passing the stormwater through a retention pond or other form of nutrient and sediment trap. Historically urban ponds were constructed for f food and/or sed lment control rather than for control of other nonpolnt source pollutants. Sediment basins, for example, are designed particularly to control sediment. Suspended sediments that are carried in stormwater runoff settle In the basins and water leaving the bas In contaIns I ower I eve l s of sedIment. In recent years, however, the value of retention ponds for nonpoint source pol lutlon control has received greater recQgn It I on. Phosphorus and meta Is adhere tight I y to sedIment. Thus as sediment Is deposited In the pond a fraction of the phosphorus and metals remain. The pond acts as a pollutant/sediment trap; water leaving the pond and enterIng a I ake or stream Is of higher qua II ty. Such pollutant traps are particularly useful In lake restoration when source contro Is are InapproprIate. If It Is not teas i b I e to contro I or dIvert pollutants before they reach a lake, a pollutant trap offers a direct and quantifiable way to reduce nonpolnt source loads and treat the Influent to a lake. Depending upon the types of pollutants present, the removal efficiencies of the pond can be enhanced with supplemental treatment measures. Trash racks can be used to retaIn I arge debrIs In the pond. If the pond drains parking areas, highways and industrial areas where stormwater runoff contains large amounts of oil and grease,. a skimming system can be added. Chemical treatment practices such as flocculation and disinfection can also be used In combination with retention ponds. Chemical floes Increase suspended solid, phosphorus, and heavy metal removal rates. Modifications that Increase treatment result in an Increase in operational and maintenance requirements.


Because of their multiple use in trapping a variety of pollutants, retention ponds were evaluated as a nonpolnt source pollutant control for Weequahlc Lake. The greatest benefit In reducing pollutant loads will result by constructing them near the lake t) on the Elizabeth storm sewer, and 2) on the Inflow draining the Industrial/commercial area that Includes Evans Terminal. A pollutant trap on the Elizabeth storm sewer would reduce po II utant I oads from a substantIa I port! on of the urban I and In the watershed. It wou I d a I so treat po II utants from I eak i ng or Interconnected sanitary sewers that enter the storm sewer. The optimal location for a pond on the El lzabeth storm sewer Is shown In Figure 5-2. In this location a maximum amount of stormwater runoff would drain to and be treated by the pond. Such a retentIon pond is not teas I b I e, however, because of the unavailability of land. Potential pond sites are all located In the Weequahlc Park golf course. Construction of a pond would physically obstruct part of the golf course; visual aesthetics and possible odors would further detract from the golf course. Construction of a pond on the Elizabeth storm sewer Is not recommended.

A retention pond/pollutant trap should be constructed to treat the Inflow draining the commercial and Industrial land that Includes Evans Terminal. This area Is bounded by E I I zabeth Avenue and North Broad Street. Literature values for areal pollutant loads from such areas are moderately high for nutrients and very high for metals like lead, zinc and cadmium, and for petroleum products. It Is I lkely that pollutant loads from this area are In the upper range of I iterature values. Visually, the area Is dirty and traffic volume Is high. Street sweeping schedules are not maintained beacuse of parked cars In lots and along curbs. Catch basin and storm sewer rna I ntenance Is poor and the Evans Term Ina I storm sewer Is f i lied with debris. A retention pond/pollutant trap will Improve water quality by reducing levels of nutrients and other pollutants that enter the lake. A potential site for a retention pond Is Indicated by a star In Figure 5-3.~ This land Is not in active use at the present, and a pond is not likely. to pose safety problems as It would in a high use area. In addition, the aesthetics of the area should not be Impaired by construction of a pond. 5.5 Sanitary Sewer Repairs

When sanItary sewers are a dIrect or IndIrect source of nutrIents to a lake, lake restoration efforts should el lmlnate this source of nutrients. Where storm sewer diversions and nutrient sediment traps are not feasible, repairs to sanitary sewer I lnes are an alternative.

Nutrient loads from sanitary sewers may enter a lake by several sources. The easIest source to detect Is a sanItary sewer overf I ow. Typ I ca I I y a blockage occurs In the sanitary sewer line, sewage backs up and overflows from a manhole. During a rain, the overflow Is carried by stormwater runoff and ultimately reaches the lake. Sanitary sewage may also enter storm sewers and',be carried to a lake If there are physical connections between the two I lnes or If there Is a direct connection between homes and

56 X

ttl :::0 0 ::E z m :t> C/) C/) 0 (") :t> -I m C/) ....

z (")

Pond Location

N Elizabeth Storm Sewer I

Figure 5-2. Potential Location of Retention Pond/Pollutant Trap on the Elizabeth Storm Sewer F,X, BROWNE ASSOCIATES) INC,


Potential Site

Figure 5-3. Proposed Pollutant Trap Treating Industrial Area


storm sewer I I nes. In thIs case f Iows can be carrIed durIng dry and wet weather. F Ina I I y, If breaks exIst In a sanItary sewer I I ne, sewage Ieaks from the I lne and may ultimately enter the storm sewer system. Water quality data from the Elizabeth storm sewer suggest that Inflow from sanitary sewers may be partially responsible for phosphorus and bacteria concentrations In stormwater. It Is not the only possible cause; as discussed In Section 5.3, background levels of nutrients and bacteria are often high In urban areas. Thus, while the levels are high, they are not of a magnitude Indicating that a major Inflow Is occurring. What they do suggest Is the presence of 1) connections between homes and storm sewer lines, and/or 2) breaks In the sanitary sewer line. As discussed In Section 5.3, diversion of storm sewers Is not the most cost-effective so I utI on to these prob Iems. Improvements shou I d be targeted at specIfIc problems In the system. The sewer I lnes should be Inspected, the extent of the Interconnections or breaks In the line should be Identified, and the repairs should be made. Breaks and overflows In the sanitary sewer lines have also been observed In the north side of the park between Elizabeth Avenue and Route 22. Again, alI breaks and overflows should be Identified and repairs or modifications made to eliminate overflows and the most serious infiltration and inflows from the collection system. The cost of surveying and repairing both sewer lines will depend largely upon the extent of repairs necessary. The anticipated cost Is approximately $115,000. Although this approach will not reduce nonpolnt source Ioads from urban I and draIned by storm sewers the way a sewer diversion or retention pond would, possible nutrient Inflows from sanitary sewers wl II be eliminated. Repairs wl II also eliminate the health hazard from pathogenic organisms associated with sewage. Repairing sanitary sewer lines Is tes;hnically feasible, will reduce nutrient loads over the long term and requires no maintenance.

5.6 Nutrient Inactivation Nutrient inactivation has been used to lower the phosphorus concentration of water In a lake, reduce recycling of nutrients from the sediments and reduce the productivity of algae and other aquatic vegetation. A variety of substances can be used to Inactivate phosphorus, but one of the most common Is aluminum sulfate or alum. Alum works by a combination of mechanisms Including sorption (binding), physical entrapment and precipitation of phosphorus. When alum Is added to a lake It aggregates Into masses of particles which remove phosphorus as they settle through the water column. If sufficient alum Is added, the flocculent material layers over the sediments and suppresses nutrient release from the sediments and recycl lng of nutrients. The effectiveness of nutrient lnactlvatlon as a restoration technique depends predominantly on two factors: the source of nutrients to the lake and the hydraulic retention time of the lake. Nutrient inactivation wll I


be ineffective over the long-term If most nutrients are nonpolnt source In origin~ I.e., entering the lake from a variety of locations at a variety of times. A single appl lcatlon of alum removes phosphorus from the existing body of water; It does not address the causes of eutrophIcatIon and wIll not achIeve a Iong-term decrease In nutrients Ioads to a I ake. On the other hand, If sedIments or decayIng vegetatIon are a prImary source of nutrients, alum addition can be effective In preventing Internal recycling of phosphorus and can Iower the nutrIents ava II ab Ie for a I gae and other plant growth. Nutrient Inactivation wll I be most successful In lakes with long retention times. In these lakes water does not flush through a lake rapidly and If nutrients are removed from the water column, the low nutrient water wll I remain In the lake for a long period of time. Therefore, the frequency of treatments can be minimized. Nutrient Inactivation Is potentially beneficial in Weequahlc Lake and was evaluated In greater detail since the lake has a long detention time. Nutrient Inactivation was evaluated by laboratory Jar tests where alum, at concentrations ranging from 10 to 200 mg/1, was added to lake surface and bottom water samples, with and without pH adjustments. Figures 5-4 and 5-5 show the relationship between alum addition, pH and phosphorus concentration. As seen In Figure 5-4, the greatest phosphorus Inactivation occurs at alum concentrations of 100 to 120 mg/1. The cost of alum, alone, at that concentration Is nearly $12,000 per appl !cation. The total cost of a single application Including equipment and labor Is estimated at $35,000. The total cost may vary depending on labor costs, the type of equipment used and whether the equipment Is constructed or rented. If sediments were the major source of nutrIents, annua I costs for a I urn treatment may be warranted. However, annua I nonpo I nt source Ioads are high and nutr Tent inactivation will not reduce these loads. Even with alum treatments, nutrients wi II continue to enter the lake from a variety of sources and frequent alum treatments would be necessary. Therefore, Inactivation Is not recomrneoded at this time. After nonpolnt source nutrient loads to the lake are reduced, however, the magnitude of nutrient recycling from the lake bottom should be reevaluated. If the sediments do contribute substantial nutrient loads, nutrient Inactivation should be reconsidered as a lake management technique. 5.7 Dilution/Induced Infiltration Dilution of surface water Inflows to the lake by pumping groundwater from the Brunswick formation Is a potential lake restoration aternatlve for Weequahlc Lake. Groundwater normally contains substantially less nutrients than surface water. Because of thIs, I ncr eased f Iow of groundwater Into the lake would lower the average In-lake nutrient concentration and reduce algal growth. A disadvantage of this technique Is the high cost of Installing and operating deep wells and the large groundwater withdrawals required. Preliminary calculations Indicate that to reduce In-lake phosphorus concentrations by fifty percent groundwater withdrawal of almost one mil lion gallons per day or close to four percent of the total 1967 groundwater wI thdrawa I In Essex County wou I d be requIred. ThIs sIze of withdrawal would probably not be allowed by the Department of Environmental Protection because of existing saltwater Intrusion problems In the area.






0.060 ".:) ...... _...~

U) o.oso ::J 0:: ~ 0.. U) ~ Q_ 0.040 g_J 1- b.030 "'

0.020 pH 6.5

0. 010 pH 6.2 "&--pH_6_· 0-e pH 5 . 8 0 25 so 75 100 125 150


"' Figure 5-4. Phosphorus Removal With Full Scale Slum Addition

61 II


to ;o 0 z~ m 0.120 )> (/) (/) 0 () 0.100 :t> -I I m / (/) I __... '- ..J ...... 0.080 ..... ~ I 20 mg/1 Alum z (/) n :::>

(J'\ 0.060 N ~ I ~ ..J <( ~ 0.040 40 mg/1 Alum


0 ~--~------~------~------L------L-- 8.5 8.0 7.5 ],0 6.5


Figure S-5. Phosphorus Removal with pH Adjusted Alum Addition F. X. BROWNE ASSOCIATES. INC.

An alternative system was considered which would use the lake bottom as a large filter. Near surface groundwater would be withdrawn from a large number of sha I Iow we I Is around the I ake per Imeter. ThIs wou I d Iower the local groundwater table causing Infiltration of lake water through the lake bottom. Phosphorus strongly adsorbs onto most soils. By filtering water through the lake bottom and shallow soils, most phosphorus would be removed and clean, low nutrient water would be returned to the lake. If the natura I I ake bottom dId not have suffIcIent capacIty to adsorb a II the phosphorus, a single layer of alum could be applied to the lake bottom to enhance removal. The operating costs of this type of system would be less than withdrawing groundwater from the deep Brunswick formation. Pumping costs are directly proportional to the height that the water must be raised. The total quantity of water pumped under either system would be approximately equal, but the heIght of pumpIng wou I d be much Iess for the sha II ow system. Therefore, the pumping cost would be lower for the shallow system. A shallow well system should not substantially Increase groundwater consumptIon In Essex County s I nee th l s pumpIng arrangement wou I d cause water to Infiltrate through the lake bottom. Some Increase In groundwater consumption might occur but could be minimized by proper design. Use of shallow wells to Induce Infiltration through the lake bottom and adsorb phosphorus has the potential of substantially reducing In-lake phosphorus concentrations. The major disadvantage of this alternative Is the hIgh construct l on and on go l ng operatIon a I costs. Sub stant l a I reductions In surface nutrient sources should be accomplished before proceeding with this alternative or the pumping costs wll I be prohibitive. 5.8 Biological Controls The purpose of biological controls Is to manage biological populations In a lake and reduce the negative consequences of eutrophication. Biological controls are designed to modify the interactions between plants and animals In a lake. Controls range from experimental efforts to develop bacteria or virus that attack and destroy algae, to better understood techniques such as managing fish and zooplankton populations. ,Residents of the Weequahlc Park neighborhood have rated fishing as a priority use of the lake and In Weequahlc Lake, biological controls are an appropriate tool to Improve recreational fishing. The present fish population In the lake Is Imbalanced and Is dominated by stunted pan fish. Because these fish tolerate eutrophic conditions, and predatory pressures are minimal, their numbers have Increased. Overpopulation and insufficient food have contributed to their stunted condition. By Increasing the numbers of predacious fish, populations of stunted foraging fish wll I be reduced and fishing conditions Improved. These Improvements wll I not occur In a sIng I e year, however. Improvements to fIsh resources wI I I requIre a long-term commitment to fisheries management. Foraging fish, predacious


fish, zooplankton and algae populations are not static. Yearly climatic variations and population Interactions affect the relative sizes of various populations, and continued population monitoring, stocking, water level manipulation and maintenance of spawning habitats are necessary. Although management wil I not reverse eutrophication, and present levels of eutrophication can be expected to periodically stress fish populations, It should be noted that abundant populations of game fish are frequently found in nutrient rich Jakes. As in-lake phosphorus concentrations in Weequahic Lake are reduced from excessive levels, fisheries management wil I improve the use of Weequahlc Lake for recreational fishing. Therefore, fisheries management Is recommended In Weequahic Lake as a supplement to structural, In-lake, and watershed controls that improve water quality. 5.9 Habitat Manipulation Habitat manlplatlon refers to techniques that encourage or discourage the growth of target plant or animal populations. These techniques complement activities such as fisheries management, are useful in minimizing the Impacts of eutrophication and are recommended In Weequahlc Lake. For examp I e, I argemouth bass Is a game fIsh, des I rab Ie to fIshermen and a Iso valuable in Jake management as a predator that can reduce populations of pumpkInseed and sunfIsh. ProvidIng a habItat contaInIng overhead cover, i.e., manipulating the habitat, wll I favor adult populations of largemouth bass. Areas wIth cover wIll a Iso provIde spawnIng grounds for fish and maintain population sizes. Water level manipulation Is also a technique that is valuable in Weequahic Lake. Raising the water level of the lake during the summer wi II discourage macrophytic growth, Improve boating opportunities and enhance the aesthetIcs of the I ake. LowerIng the water Ieve I In the fa II wII I cause smal ~er fish to leave the shallows where they are protected and become accessible to predacious fish. As wIth fIsherIes management, Improvements may not be seen ImmedIate I y. However, these techniques are easy to Implement, have low maintenance costs and wll I Improve the recreational use of Weequahlc Lake. 5.10 Watershed Management Watershed management consists of practices designed to reduce the amount of nutrients, sediments and other pollutants entering a lake. The purpose of watershed maangement Is to abate the causes of eutrophication rather than merely treating Its symptoms. Because of this, watershed management Increases the effectiveness of I n-1 ake measures and reduces the need for them In the future. For Weequahic Lake, watershed management practices should be particularly effective. The~watershed Is smal I, less than one square mile In area, and Implementation of controls over this area Is feasible. Nonpolnt source loads of nutrients and sediments are high and In-lake treatments alone wll I


not be sufficient to Improve the use of the lake. Pollutant loads and the causes of eutrophication must be reduced. For Weequahfc Lake, watershed management shou I d not be a so Io act I v J ty, however. It must be c Iose I y Integrated with other restoration measures. For example, where pollutants are not readily control led at their source, watershed management will not be effective. In those cases structural controls and local controls should be Implemented. F ina I I y, the effectIveness of watershed management depends on aggressIve Implementation of the practices. Where practices are voluntary, a complete commitment by Individuals, business and government Is essential. Where practices are mandatory, enforcement Is essential.


6.0 lake Restoration and Management Plan Multiple pollutant sources are responsible for poor water qual tty and hypereutrophlc conditions In Weequahlc Lake. Therefore, multiple approaches are needed to Improve the lake. The proposed plan for Weequahlc Lake emphasIzes measures that provIde Iong-term benet Its and reduce pollutant loads from the largest of the quantifiable sources to the lake. The pI an Is Integrated wIth Weequah Ic Park's comprehens T ve master pI an; Implementation of the entire plan Is necessary for maximum Improvements In water qual lty and enhanced lake and shoreline use.

6.1 Projected Benefits ProJected benefits from Implementation of the plan Include water quality Improvements, expanded use of Weequahlc Lake, and protection of the lake from future degradation. A combination of parkland erosion controls and shoreline stabilization measures should reduce the annual sediment and phosphorus loads from the park by approximately 60% as shown below. Total Suspended Total Phosphorus Load So I Ids Load

Existing Parkland 617 514 Improved Parkland 245 204 Additional reductions In phosphorus and sediment loads from urban land will result from street sweeping and from construction of a retention pond/poI I utant trap that wII I dra 1n approxImate I y 30 acres of Industria I and commercial land In the northwest portion of the watershed. The total phosphorus load from the urban land should decrease approximately 12% and the totaL suspended solid load should decrease approximately 6%. Reductions In phosphorus loads over the entire watershed and Improved water qual lty are expected to decrease In-lake phosphorus concentrations from 0.16 to 0.11 mg/1, decrease chlorophyll .a. concentrations by 44% and Increase water transparency by 48%. These predictions do not Include Improvements that should result from repairs to the sanitary sewer system. Water quality Improvements, In conJunction with fishery management, wil I result in expanded fish resources and higher qual lty fishing. Reducing the high sed lment Ioads current I y entering the I ake wIll reduce the need to dredge the lake In the future. The proposed plan will also Improve the aesthetics of the I ake, shore I I ne areas and park and wI I I comp Iement the comprehensive master plan for the park which was developed under the Urban Park and Recreation Recovery Program as a model to be used throughout Essex County. In development of the master plan, Increased use of the lake was Identified by the community as a priority. Lake restoration activities are a component of master plan Implementation and will benefit the large, low Income popu Iat IOA In the park neIghborhood that re II es on the park for recreational and educational activities. Lake restoration wll I result In Increased use of the park and help meet the demand for recreation that has


been voiced at public meetings by citizens, Identified by a community survey and has Jed to the formation of a citizens group, Friends of Weequah Ic Park. EnhancIng the I ake and park shou I d a Iso Increase the desirability of I lvlng In Immediate neighborhoods. 6.2 The Plan The Jake restoration and management plan for Weequahlc Lake consists of the following:

1. Local controls for nutrient and sediment sources In the park 2. Structural controls for pollutant sources In urban areas 3. In-lake management and controls 4. Watershed management 5. Publ lc education 6.2.1 Local Controls Erosion of hi Jlsldes, paths and maintenance roads, and shoreline and bank areas should be controlled. As discussed In Section 3.4, direct drainage from these areas causes hIgh sed lment and phosphorus Ioads to enter the I ake. All areas with sparse or no vegetation should be revegetated as shown In Figure 6-1. Shaded areas with sol ld boundaries depict approximate areas and locations requiring revegetation. Shaded areas with dashed boundaries represent conceptual locations of additional areas requiring revegetation. The most severe erosion occurs on steep slopes along the shoreline. Open areas should be planted with sturdy grasses. Wooded areas should be vegetated wIth spreadIng, shade-to I erant vInes. Poss I b I e pI ant specIes Include Ajuga reptans (Bugleweed), Hedera Helix


Golf Course

0 500 1000 Scale in Feet

Areas Requiring Revegetation

Figure 6-1. Proposed Areas for Revegetation


This includes the park maintenance road, a dirt road. Gravel wll I protect the paths and roads from heavy usage and st I I I rna I nta In permeab II I ty. Where new paths have been created In an already accessible area, such as the pavilion (figure 6-1>, traffic should be redirected from the unnecessary paths by Instal I lng fences. These fences can be composed of a variety of materials Including wrought Iron, stone, chains, or thorny vegetation.

Eroded or collapsed areas of the shoreline should be stab! I !zed. Portions of the retaining wal I have crumbled, and sediment and debris frequently accumu I ate In these areas. DependIng upon the I ntens lty of usage, eroded or caved-In shorel lne areas as shown In Figure 6-2 should be stab! llzed by rlprapplng, rebui !ding or repairing retaining walls, or Installing grid pavers. Rlprapplng, I.e. placing small boulders along the shore, Is appropriate In low use areas. Repairing or replacing the existing retaInIng wa II Is des I rab I e In certaIn areas. GrId pavers are the most expensIve way to stab i II ze an area but have the advantage of stab II I z l ng not only the shoreline but areas back from the shore. Grid pavers, as shown In Figure 6-3, are concrete frames or grids with grass growing In the center. They should be Instal led in areas that are heavily used.

As shown In Figure 6-1 and 6-2, the areas requiring some degree of erosion control or shore! lne stabilization are extensive. Over much of this area the prob I ems are severe rather than mlId. Because of the extent of the problem and the need to restrict areas where vegetation has been planted and Is becoming established, Implementation of controls should be phased. To maximize reductions In sediment and phosphorus loads and maximize aesthetic Improvements, areas with the most severe eros !on and worst shore! ine problems should be addressed first. These high priority areas are shown In Figure 6-4. After improvements have been Implemented at these areas, controls should be appl led to secondary areas. As a result, lmplementatlon will be an ongoing activity. Since the park Is a high use area, mal~tenance by Essex County such as localized replanting, mowing, and trimming Is envisioned even after erosion controls have become well estab II shed.

6.2.2 Structural Controls

Structural controls are recommended to reduce pollutant loads to the lake from urban land use areas In the watershed. These Include a modified retention pond acting as a pollutant trap and rehabilitation of the sanitary sewer system.

Po I I utant Trap

A retention pond should be constructed above the Evans Terminal storm sewer as shown In Figure 5-3. A basin In this area w! I I act as a pollutant trap and wIll reduce'"·-po II utant I oads from the IndustrIa I and commerc J a I areas bordered by Route 22 and North Broad Street. The pollutant trap should be sized for maximum pollutant removal within the limits set by the



Golf Course Ballfields

0 500 1000 Scale in Feet

x Shoreline and Near Shore Areas to be Stabilized

Figur~'6-2. Eroding and Collapsed Shoreline Areas


Poured-in-Place Slab Castellated Unit


Figure 6-3. Grid Pavers



0 500 1000 Scale in Feet

Figure 6-4. High Priority Areas for Erosion Controls and Shoreline Stabilization


avallabllty and ownership of land. If properly designed the basin should trap greater than 90% of the Incoming sediment and approximately 45% of the total phosphorus. Total nitrogen. lead, zinc, and other metals that adhere to sediment particles will also be removed to varying degrees (NVPDC, 1979). In the design of the pond, additional treatment measures such as oi I and grease sklmers and flocculation for phosphorus removal should be considered.

Storm Sewer Rehabi I itatlon

The probab I e causes of hIgh bacter 1a I eve Is In stormwater from the E II zabeth storm sewer are breaks 1 n the storm and san 1tary sewer I I nes and/or dIrect connectIons from homes to storm sewers. To remove these sources of wastewater from stormwater entering the lake, pipes and manholes along the system should be physically Inspected and smoke tests should be used to Identify connections from storm sewers to homes. After problem locations have been Identified. the I lnes should be repaired.

Problems from the Newark sanitary sewer, In the area between Route 22 and E I I zabeth Avenue, seem to resu It from breaks and overt I ows rather than connect! ons. The Newark sanItary sewer shou I d be surveyed to locate breaks, leaks and overflows. Where breaks or leaks occur, the sanitary sewer I lnes should be repaired or replaced. One such location Is Indicated In Figure 6-5. In addition, the most serious rainwater Inflows from the col lectlon system should be eliminated. Measures should also be taken to eliminate overt lows. Periodically, vandals remove manhole covers, throw bricks and other debris into the manhole and create blockages In the sanitary I lnes. As a result, overflows from manholes have occurred In the park (Figure 6-5) and ·further up the I ine (Newark Department of Engineering, Jan. 1983). To discourage these activities, manhole covers should be .t1ghtly bolted. When vandal Ism, overflows, or leaking pipes are observed, park users and res I dents shou I d report the occurrence to the Newark Department of Engineering.

Although these problems with sanitary sewers are located within Weequahlc Lake's watershed boundary, they cross multiple political jurisdictions. The san 1tary sewer In the park between E I I zabeth Avenue and Route 22 Is I ocated 1 n Newark. Essex County, wh 1 I e sanItary sewers enterIng the El lzabeth storm sewer are located In Elizabeth, Union County. Accordingly, improvements should be implemented by the cities of Newark and El lzabeth; they are responsible for the respective sanitary systems and residents of both areas will benefit from improvements to the lake. Where necessary, the Essex County Department of Parks, Recreation and CuI tura I Affa 1 rs should coordinate the sanitary system rehabi I itatlon with other lake restoration activities.


Manhole Overflows Leak

0 500 1000 Scale in Feet

Figure 6-5. Location of Observed Leaks and Overflows on the Newark Sanitary Sewer in Weequahic Park


6.2.3 In-lake Controls

Dredging Dredging Is recommended In select shoreline areas where siltation has occurred. As shown In Figure 6-6, these areas Include 1) the major Inlet to the Jake, 2) the Inlet area of the El lzabeth storm sewer, and 3) heavily used shore I I ne areas. Bee au se of a Iack of nearby spo I Is d I sposa I sItes, the volume of dredged spoils should be kept to a minimum. The estimated spoils volume to be removed from the Jake Inlet Is approximately 700 cubic yards. Approximately 600 cubic yards of deposits should be removed from the area near the Elizabeth storm sewer and approximately 300 cubic yards from mlscel laneous shoreline areas. The use of dredged material as topsoil for severely eroded areas that are being revegetated should be investigated. This wll I minimize the cost of disposing of dredged material and at the same time aid In revegetation. The lake bottom sediments have been analyzed by the E.P. Toxicity Test and do not contain unacceptably high levels of metals, pesticides or herbicides. By this criteria negative env i ronmenta I Impacts are not ant Ic i pated. However, I eve Is of o II and grease are high and the presence of o I I and grease may prec I ude the disposal of sediment In the park. If dredged material Is spread on the land the sediment should be stabilized Immediately and erosion control measures Imp Iemented to Insure that the dredged materia I does not erode Into the lake during a rain event. If significant amounts of debris or large objects are removed, disposal costs wll I Increase. S I nee dredg 1ng wII I be restrIcted to shore I I ne areas, drag I in I ng or some other form of mechan i ca I sediment remova I is the preferred type of dredg 1ng. To drag I I ne the In Iet and shore I 1ne areas, It wI I I be necessary to lower the lake level; a complete drawdown wl II not be necessary, however. SJ nee Iake Iower i ng wI I I a I so be necessary prIor to shore I I ne stabillzatJon It Is desirable to perform both activities simultaneously.

Water Level Manipulation Water levels In Weequahlc Lake should be raised and lowered throughout the year by the Essex County Department of Parks for fisheries management and for Improved aesthetics. During the summer, higher water levels will reduce shallows and unaesthetic macrophytlc growth. During the fa I I, from approxImate I y October to mId-December, the Iake Ieve I shou I d be Iowered approximately one to two feet to force small fish from the protected, shallow shore! Jne areas. These activities wll I necessitate modification of the lake outlet structure. At the present, debris frequently becomes trapped In the out I et structure and restrIcts the f Iow of water. Water levels remain unnaturally high through much of the year and frequent maintenance is necessary to clear the debris from the outlet. The out Iet structure shou I d be mod If Ied to permIt ease in water Ieve I fluctuation and Improved debris removal; the new design should Include a trap to provide for easy debris removal as shown In Figure 6-7. The arrows in the diagram show the flow of water through the outlet structure. During



0 500 1000 Scale in Feet

Areas to be Dredged

..,.. Figure ' 6-6. Proposed Dredging


;/1·- 11}-:t v Reconstruct O'Jerflow chamber to allow removal II II of stoplogs to II II II >control lake level > II "

Figure 6-7. Weequahic Lake Outlet Structure


the summer~ maintenance of higher water levels should be coordinated with Irrigation of the golf course to Insure that Irrigation does not draw down the water level. Although the lake should be maintained at higher levels during the summer~ water should not overtop the banks and retaining wall; this could be expected to further destabilize shoreline areas.

Fisheries Management

FisherIes maangement l n Weequah I c Lake consIsts pr l mar II y of actIvIt l es that w I I I l mprove the popu I at ion ba I ance between predac l ous and forag l ng fish. As discussed In the preceding section, water level manipulation Is recommended as a measure that wll I help reduce populations of stunted pan fish like pumpkinseed and sunfish. The effectiveness of lake lowering depends~ In part, upon conscientious lake lowering on a yearly basis; It may take several years before Improvements are noticed. Populations of stunted sunfish can also be reduced by encouraging fishermen to throw out any fish smaller than they wish to keep~ rather than returning them to the I ake.

Fish resources can also be Improved by stocking the lake with a predacious fish such as largemouth bass that will prey on stunted sunfish. Tiger muskies are also predacious fish that may become feasible for stocking as water qua I i ty Improves In the I ake. In e l ther case, the New Jersey Bureau of Fisher l es shou I d be contacted. They can prov l de techn i ca I ass I stance and where they have classified a lake as a priority based on the use of the lake and the chance of stocking being a success, the Bureau of Fisheries wl I I provide assistance in stocking.

Any efforts at stocking s hou I d be approached with care and shou I d be accompanied by population census. Introducing bass, for example, may result In short-term improvements In fish resources by providing predator pressure. However, depending upon the age structure of the population~ the bass may propagate rapId I y and worsen the sItuation by adding more sma I I fish to the already large population of stunted sunfish (Personal communication, Wagner, November 1982; Personal communication, Didun, November 1982). Habitat modifications such as providing overhead cover In shore II ne areas w II I encourage the growth of I argemouth bass. Wh i I e a population such as bass is becoming established, Instituting boating on a regular basis Is not recommended. Boating could make adult largemouth bass more accessible to fishermen and Increase the population size of small fish.

A fIsherIes program shou I d be managed by the Essex County Department of Parks with outside technical guidance and should be coordinated with other activities such as the Urban Fishing Program. Improvements In fish resources shou I d not be expected ImmedIate I y. Successfu I fIsherIes management shou I d be recognIzed as a I ong-term actIvIty~ dependent upon water quality lmprbvements."


6.2.4 Watershed Management Watershed management practices In the Weequahlc Lake watershed should be aimed at reducing the amounts of nutrients, sediments and other pollutants that enter the lake from both urban and park sources. To a large extent watershed management consists of "good housekeeping" practices and, as such, they should be practiced by both Individuals and governing agencies. The following practices are recommended In the Weequahlc Lake watershed.

Street Sweeping At a minimum, existing street sweeping schedules should be maintained In the watershed, and Ideally the frequency Increased to three times a week In commercial and Industrial areas where the highest levels of metals, sediments and nutrients accumulate. Vacuum sweepers achieve a higher percent remova I than broom ·sweepers and are recommended for sweep lng operations. Paper, plastic, grit, cinders, sand, animal wastes, fertilizers, pesticides, settled air pollutants, ol I and grease are among the types of pollutants that accumulate on urban streets. The purpose of street sweeping Is to remove pollutants that have accumulated during dry weather and to prevent them from washing off the road during a rainfall and entering the lake. Modeling of street sweeping efficiencies suggests that street sweeping Is one of the most cost-effective ways to reduce nonpoint source pollutant loads in an already developed area (NVPDC, 1979). Sweeping Is most effective when vacuum sweepers are used because they remove a greater percentage of the smallest particles. An additional benefit of sweeping is the Improved appearance of the streets.

In the water~hed, the responsibl llty for sweeping Is multi-jurisdictional. For examp Ie, Essex County l s respons I b I e for sweep l ng North Broad Street and Lyons Avenue; the City of Newark Is responsible for El lzabeth Avenue; and the Township of Hi II side l s respons i b Ie for Evans Term ina I. Sweep l ng schedules exist for these areas but they are rarely met because of manpower and equipment shortages. The Parks Department should coordinate efforts wIth other government a I bod l es to Imp I ement the recommended sweepIng program. For an effect lve street sweepIng program, a I I respons l b I e agencies must make a commitment to maintaining street sweeping schedules. The most heavl ly trafficked areas I Ike El lzabeth Avenue, North Broad Street and Evans Terminal should receive highest priority for sweeping. As other controls are Implemented, such as Installation of the nutrient and sediment trap In the drainage area Including Evans Terminal, street sweeping schedules can be reduced.

Construction Controls Although the Weequahic Lake watershed Is completely developed, construction and maintenance activities periodically occur throughout the watershed. During these times erosion and sediment controls should be maintained. Construction activities typically alter soli, remove vegetation and may


expose more erodible surfaces. They also may affect on-site drainage and storm runoff patterns. The effect Is Increased erosion of land surfaces, Increased sediment deposition In the lake and Increased nutrient loads to the I ake. These Impacts shou I d be reduced by mr n I mI zIng the extent and duration of exposed sol Is, constructing sediment barriers, providing temporary vegetative covers and stab! llzlng construction entrances. In Newark, review and enforcement of erosion and sediment controls Is the respons I b I I lty of the Newark Eng I nearIng Department. In the remaInder of Essex County, the Soli Conservation District Is responsible for controls when greater than 5000 square feet are disturbed. If residents of an area notice that erosion and sediment control are Insufficient and large quantities of sol I are carried off-site or washed Into the lake, the above agencies should be contacted.

Catch Basin Maintenance

Catch basin maintenance should be performed regularly In storm sewers draining both the park and urban areas. When catch basins are not cleaned routinely, either debris accumulates and blockages result as observed In the Evans Terminal storm sewer, or accumulations of debris and pollutants are washed from the sewer and flushed Into the lake during a heavy storm. Catch bas Ins shou I d be c I eaned frequent I y enough to prevent these accumulations of debris.

Storm sewers that draIn on I y the park shou I d be maintained by the Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs. Where storm sewers d r a I n are as outs I de of the park , they s h o u I d be rna i nta I ned by the appropriate pol !tical Jurisdiction.

Fertilizer Management

Fert iIi zers contaIn phosphorus, nItrogen and pot ass I urn, nutrIents that stimulate aquatic productivity and algal blooms. Fertl I lzers are used on the Weequahic Park golf course and on lawns. Proper tertii lzer management Is recommended to reduce phosphorus loads to Weequahlc Lake from tertii izer. The Impact of tertii lzers on the lake should be minimized by l) using less fertilizer on the golf course and on lawns, 2) applying terti I lzer when sol I Is moist but when there Is little I ikellhood of an Immediate heavy rain which will wash the terti llzer off the land, and 3) applying the tertii lzer In tal I and early winter when nutrient additions to the lake are unlikely to cause algal blooms in the lake. The third recommendation depends on the type of turf being tertii ized.

Trash and Litter Disposal

Litter such as leeves, branches, bottles, cans, papers, and pet wastes add organic and nutrient pollutants to a lake and detract from the appearance of shore! lne areas. Routine park maintenance should be Increased In frequency and shou I d Inc I ude remova I of branches and I ogs as we II as


manmade I I tter from the I ake and park. Improved rna I ntenance shou I d be accompanied by citizen Involvement In an anti-litter campaign. Management practices by residents and lake users should Include proper disposal of pet wastes, I ltter and other trash, and should be practiced throughout the watershed.

In addition, automotive maintenance and washing should be prohibited In the park, and automobile lubricants and detergents from any place In the watershed should not be allowed to flow Into the lake. Detergents used to wash cars typically contain phosphates, a form of phosphorus. When sudsy water washes down driveways Into streets and storm sewers, the phosphorus ultimately reaches the lake. When oil, antifreeze or other lubricants reach the street, they also are washed Into the lake. Routine precautions can easily prevent detergents and lubricants from entering the lake. Many detergents in the marketplace have a low phosphate content; this low phosphate detergent should be used to wash cars. Auto lubricants should be properly disposed of or recycled and should not be poured Into streets, storm sewers or the lake.

6.2.5 Public Education

For watershed management practices to be effective, a knowledgeable and committed citizen body Is essential. Therefore, public education and partIcIpatIon are an integra I part of the management pI an for Weequah i c Lake. Public education should promote an understanding of lake ecology and restoration activities, and citizen Involvement In efforts to control pollutants reaching the lake. The public education program should Include a standard slIde and tape presentation, a poster competition for school age children, fliers, and signs around the fake. The slide and tape show shou I d be presented to schoo Is, civIc groups and other interested organizations.

Primary responslbi llty for Implementation of a pub I lc education program should rest with the Essex County Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs and the Friends of Weequahlc Park, a citizens Interest group. The involvement of elected officials and civic groups should also be encouraged and their Input used to expand the scope of public education and participation activities.

6.2.6 Plan Evaluation

Planning Is an ongoing process and a lake management and restoration plan should reflect this. Several restoration techniques for Weequahlc Lake such as pumping/induced infiltration and nutrient Inactivation which were evaluated in Section 5.0 are potential fy effective In Improving water qua I I ty, but have not been recommended at the present tIme because of unknown variables. For example, the Impact of secondary nutrient sources on water quality Is uncertain. In addition, nutrient loads and In-lake phosphorus concen'tratlons are so high that It Is Impossible to completely predIct the response of the I ake to reductIons In nutrient I oads. After


major controls have been Implemented, however, these techniques should be reevaluated. Substantial reductions In surface nutrient sources and continued water quality monitoring will facilitate a more accurate assessment of secondary nutrient sources and their Impact on water qual lty In Weequahlc Lake.

If lake sediments are found to constitute a sizable portion of the remaining nutrient budget, nutrient Inactivation of the sediments should be considered. It may also be desirable to reduce In-lake phosphorus concentrations further by constructing shallow wells around the lake, pumping near surface groundwater with low phosphorus concentrations Into the lake and Inducing Infiltration of the lake water through the lake bottom. The most effective alternative may be pumping/Induced Infiltration, In combination with nutrient Inactivation.

6.3 Environmental Evaluation

Since socio-economic and environmental Impacts are part of the cost-effectiveness analysis for the restoration of Weequahic Lake, many of these Impacts were addressed during the evaluation of lake restoration alternatives. However, the Impacts and their mitigative measures are formally documented below using the environmental evaluation checklist In the EPA Clean Lakes Program Manual (1980a).

1. WI I I the project displace people?


2. Wil I the project deface existing residences or residential areas?

No. Sanitary sewer repairs may temporarily Inconvenience residents In surrounelng areas but residential land uses wll I not be Impaired. AI I other . work wI I I be conducted on property owned by the Essex County Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs. The anticipated disposal of dredge spol Is Is as a cover material for eroded areas In the park that require revegetation. The work Is expected to Increase the deslrabl I lty of I lvlng In adjacent residential areas.

3. WI II the project be I lkely to lead to changes in established land use pattern or an Increase In development pressure?

No. The on I y ant I c I pated change Is an improvement of recreat I ona I facl lltles within existing parkland. Restoration of Weequahlc Lake Is not expected to affect the amount of park I and or cemetery grounds. Land around the park Is completely developed as residential, commercial and Industrial land and is not expected to change.

4. Will the project adversely affect prime agricultural land or activItIes. ' No.


5. Will the project adversely affect parkland, public land or scenic land?

No. Restoration activities wl I I greatly enhance the recreational and aesthetic uses of the lake and adjacent park land.

6. Will the project adversely affect lands or structures of historic, architectural, archeological or cultural value?

The project as planned Involves no modifications to or activities which will Impact existing buildings. The New Jersey Office of HistorIc PreservatIon has been contacted regardIng the scope of proposed work and possible Impacts on historic, archeological and cultural resources In the park.

7. Wi I I the project lead to a significant long-range Increase In energy demands?

The selected restoration alternatives wll I not cause any Increases In energy demand over the long-term.

8. Wi I I the project adversely affect short-term or long-term ambient air quality?

Air quality may be affected over the short-term due to construction activities. All construction equipment should have proper emission controls. Proper dust control practices should be used.

9. Will the project adversely affect short-term or long-term noise levels?

Noise l~vels may be temporarl ly affected by construction activities. All construction vehicles and equipment should use noise control devices.

10. If the project Involves the use of In-lake chemical treatment, wi I I It cause any short-term or long-term effects?

Not applicable. 11. Wi II the project be located In a floodplain?

Due to the smal I watershed surrounding the lake and the lack of major tributaries, no true floodplain exists.

12. WI I I structures be constructed In the floodplain? No construction will Impinge on any floodplains designated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, HUD.

13. If the project Involves physically modifying the lake shore, Its bed, or Its watershed, wII I the project cause any short or I ong-term adverse effects?


Dredging shore! lne and Inlet areas, shoreline stab! I lzatlon, and lake drawdown will have only temporary negative Impacts on the aquatic ecosystem. DredgIng wII I be I Im I ted In extent, and mIgratIon and reestab II shment of benthIc popu I at Ions from other parts of the I ake should occur rapidly. It Is not desirable that macrophyte populations become reestablished In dredged areas. Portions of the shore! lne wl I I be left undisturbed or wll I be modified to provide sheltered areas for fish breeding and maintenance of fish populations.

Another possible Impact of dredging and shoreline stabilization might be transportation of nutrients, sediments or other pollutants to downstream waters. This wll I be minimized by lowering the lake level prior to construction activities. AI I earthmoving activities wl I I be conducted In a way to minimize the erosion potential and minimize In-lake turbidity. None of the sediments removed from the lake shoreline will be discharged directly to any water course. Application of dredged material as a cover material for eroded areas wll I be accompanied by proper stabi I ization measures and a sediment control plan.

14. Will the project have a significant adverse effect on fish and wl ldl lfe, wetlands or other wildlife habitat?

The Impact of draining the lake for reconstruction of the outlet wll I be minimized by removing as many fish as possible while the lake Is draining. After the lake ls fll led, the lake wll I be restocked with Indigenous fish. Proper stocking should Improve fish populations and correct the current imbalances. Subsequent partial lake lowering accompanying shoreline stab! llzatlon wl I I el lmlnate breeding habitats for certain fish species. However, shore! ine stabi I ization and dredgIng wII I be performed In a way that ensures a habItat is malntaiAed for fish breeding and feeding over the long-term. If lake lowering occurs in the fall after the lake has been restocked, the activity wl I I be beneficial to a fish management program.

HI I Is ide stab! I lzatlon and revegetation of exposed eroding areas wi I I have secondary benefits and wII I expand habitat areas for bIrds and mammals.

15. Have all feasible alternatives to the project been considered In terms of environmental Impacts, resource commitment, public Interest and cost?

Both the Essex County Department of Parks and I oca I res I dents are committed to restoring Weequahic Lake and the surrounding park land. As part of the Urban Park and RecreatIon Recovery Program, Essex County has recently completed a comprehensive master plan for the park with the go~ I of restorIng the park to a mu It 1-use recreatIon and cultural center. Insufficient recreational facilities are available nearby and despIte the poor water qua I i ty of the I ake, the park is heavl ly used by residents of the highly urbanized area.


All feasible alternatives for restoring Weequahlc Lake have been thoroughly analyzed. In comparison to other alternatives, those recommended have minimal potential negative environmental Impacts. Because of the complexity of the problems encountered In Weequahlc Lake and Its watershed, the recommended multiple approach is the most cost-beneficial approach to Improve fishing, boating, aesthetics, and other lakeside uses of Weequahic Lake. Implementation of only portions of the plan wl I I be Insufficient to restore the lake to Its desired use.

16. Are there other measures not previously discussed which are necessary to mitigate adverse Impacts resulting from the project?

During the project, portions of the park wll I be closed to public use to allow revegetation of shorel lne and hi I lslde areas and reduce their erosion potential.

If dredge spoil disposal Is outside of the park, the transportation of sediments by dump truck may Impact the publ lc roads between the lake and the disposal site. In the short-term, problems could be mitigated by requiring all trucks to pass over stone pads before exiting onto the roadway. In the long-term, additional maintenance may be required to restore the roads to their prior condition.

6.4 Cost Estimates

Cost estimates for Immediate and potential future restoration techniques are Included In Table 6-1. If potential future options like a dilution/induced fi ltratlon system are Implemented, the anticipated total project period is four years. The est I mated cost for park I and erosion controls and lake shore stab! I lzation Is based on applying controls to alI areas where~problems exist. If sufficient funding Is aval table, controls should be applied to alI problem areas. However, If funds are I lmlted, the greatest benefit wit I come from stab! llzlng the worst shoreline areas and el imlnating the most severe erosion as shown In Figure 6-4. Controls and Improvements should be Implemented in these priority areas first.

Costs for eros ion contro I and shore II ne stab i II zat ion are based on construction Industry figures for labor and materials. Prior to applying parkland erosion controls, however, the aval lab! I ity of Youth Conservation Corps I abor for revegetatIon work shou I d be invest I gated. By usIng such labor, It may be possible to reduce the cost of revegetating wooded areas by up to 20%.

Based on shore II ne surveys, It appears that a moderate amount of debris removal wl I I be required prior to shoreline stab! llzatlon; this has been Included In the cost of shoreline stab! llzation. If excessive amounts of debris must be removed, the cost wil I Increase • .,. ' The cost of surveying and repairing the sanitary sewer I lne is estimated at approximately $115,000. If the necessary repairs are more or less extensive than anticipated, the cost of this Item wll I vary accordingly.


Table 6-1

Estimated Costs for Plan Implementation

Parkland Erosion Control

1 • Open area revegetation ...... $ 115,000 2. Wooded area revegetatIon ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 390,000 3. Fencing and vegetation to I lmlt access ••••••••••••••• 26,000 4. Mechanical slope stabilization ••••••.•••••••••••••••• 26,000 5. Lake shore stabi I lzation •.••.•••••••••••••••••••••••• 430,000 6. Mlscel laneous path, road and drainage Improvements ••• 43,000 7. Engineering ...•...... •...... ••...... ••...... ••••••. 60,000

Subtotal $1,090,000

I I Dredging of Near Shore Areas

1. Dredging ...... $ 32,000 2. Eng f neer i ng •. •.....•...••••..•.•..•.•...•.•...... •..• ·--~9'-4,....,0""'0~0

Subtotal $ 41,000

I I I Outlet Structure Modifications

1. Construction ...... •.....•...... • $ 15,000 2 • En g i nee r i n g ...... --~5<-.I,._..O,_,.OC><.O

Subtotal $ 20,000

IV Industrial/Commercial"' Area Retention Pond

1. Construction ...... $ 101,000 2. Engineering...... 14.000

Subtotal $ 115,000

V Sanitary Sewer System Rehabl I ltation

1. El lmlnatlon of Interconnections •.••••••...••••••••••• $ 50,000 2. Repalr.of breaks...... 30,000 3. Seal lng manholes...... 20,000 4. EngIneer f ng .• .•...... •...... •...•...•..•...__ 1..... 5~,"""0""'0,.,0

Subtotal $ 115,000

VI Pub I i c EducM I on

Subtotal $ 40,000


Table 6-1 Estimated Costs for Plan Implementation

VI I Fisheries and Water Withdrawal Management

Subtotal $ 18,000

VI I I Water Qual lty Monitoring Subtotal $ 50,000

Total Estimated Project Cost $1,489,000

Potential Future Restoration Techniques

Pumping/Induced Infiltration System 1. Pumping System •••.•••••.••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••• $425,000 2. Phosphorus precipitant ••••••••••.•.•••••••••••...•.•••• 75,000

3. Engineering .•...... •..•...... ••...... •.••...... 100,000

Subtotal $600,000


Engineering fees Include detal led design, surveying, permit appl !cations, construct I on Inspect I on and techn Ica I admInIstratIon. The est I mated cost of the water quality monitoring program described ln Section 8.2 and the public education program Is for a projected four year project period. If EPA Phase 2 funding Is not obtained for the project, water quality monitoring may not be required. However, some monitoring during and after the project Is recommended to evaluate water qual tty Improvements.

These est !mates do not inc I ude the cost of IncreasIng park rna I ntenance actIvItIes or IncreasIng street sweep l ng f requ enc Ies as recommended In. Section 6.2.4. Also not Included Is the cost of a historical and cultural survey that may be required by the State Office of Historic Preservation. If the project Is funded by the EPA as a Phase 2 project, documentation of restoration activities and water quality Improvements will also be required.


7.0 Publ lc Participation The objectives of the Phase 1 study were presented to the general public at a meetIng on December 9, 1981. The one-hour presentatIon Inc I uded an Introduction to lake ecology and a discussion of the scope of work included In the study. A fact sheet was dIstrIbuted at the meetIng; other InformatIon was d I sseml nated by the Essex County Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs and through local newspapers. On December 18, 1982 a public meeting was held to present the conclusions and recommendatIons of the Phase 1 study. The meetIng was pub I Ic l zed as required by 40 CFR Part 25 and a summary of the report was distributed to the public for comment prior to the meeting. A lengthy discussion followed the presentation of recommendations. Pertinent comments were Incorporated Into the Phase 1 report. Concerns and questIons that were voIced at the meeting are Included In Appendix D.


8.0 Imp lamentation 8.1 Financial Assistance

Due to recent trends toward "new federalism", more of the funds for Weequahlc Lake may have to be derived from local and regional sources than was anticipated at the start of the study. When the Clean Lakes Program was authorized the Intent of the program was that Phase 1 studies be conducted to diagnose lake problems and develop feasible restoration programs, then Phase 2 grants be used to Implement lake restoration. For the past two fiscal years CFY 1982 and FY 1983), however, the House of Representatives and Senate Appropriations Committees have drastically reduced appropriations for the Clean Lakes Program. Fiscal year 1983 funding has been reduced to only $3 mil lion. Although competition for these funds was rigorous, a Phase 2 appl !cation for $454,000 was submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and a grant has been approved. The grant wll I be used to Initiate the restoration plan. Fifty percent of the project wll I be funded at the federal level.

Other potential sources of funds are listed below:

Green Acres Program

This program was established by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to make funds available for the development of outdoor recreation facl I ltles and acquisition of open space lands. The use of Green Acre funds has been approved for this project and If they are used In conjunction with EPA Phase 2 funds they can be used as a match for 40% of the project cost. Both Phase 2 and Green Acres funds can be used for recommended activities such as parkland erosion controls, shoreline stablllzati9n,dredglng, and a pollutant trap on Industrial/commercial land.

Resource, Conservation and Development Grants

These grants are sponsored by the U.S. Soli Conservation Service for Improvements to pub I lc water-based recreation. In the past they have been used for Improvements such as shore! Joe stabil izatlon and fishing piers. El lglbl I tty for these funds may depend upon an area's designation as a Resource, Conservation and Development Area.

Land and Water Conservation Funding

Potentially, these funds are available for fiscal year 1983 from the National Parks and Recreation Service, U.S. Department of Interior and could be used for lake restoration activities. Current appropriations from the House Subcommittee are $75 ml I I ion (January 1983). These funds can be used to cover up to 50% of the costs of erosion controls and shoreline stab I I l zat I on.


Urban Park and Recreation Recovery Program Project grants are ava II ab I e through thIs program for rehab Ill tat Ion of existing recreational facilities. These funds wfl I cover up to 70% of a project and a grant for $1.1 million dollars has recently been awarded to the Essex County Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs for use In Weequahlc Park. This grant Includes funding for lake restoration activities such as paths and road Improvements.

The National Endowment for Sol I and Water Conservation The National Endowment for Soi I and Water Conservation Is conducting a search for projects that Involve soil resource management, water resource management and pol Iutton Impact management. Erosion control activities In Weequahlc Park are eligible for up to $10,000 of funding under this program and an app II cat I on Is current I y beIng prepared by the Essex County Department of Parks.

Community Development Block Grants CCDBG) These grants are awarded through the Department of HousIng and Urban Development. A CDBG grant award could be used as a local match for Phase 2 Clean Lakes funding and for Improvements to sanitary sewer facti ltles.

Youth Conservation Corps and Young Adult Conservation Corps Through these programs, the Department of Age IcuI ture awards grants to states for the employment of young men and women per formIng deve Iopment, preservatioQ and conservation work on non-federal public lands and waters. Labor could be acquired through these programs to assist In the revegetation phase of parkland erosion controls. If funding Is unavailable from the above sources, bonds and loans should be considered as an alternative funding option.

8.2 Future Monitoring

A I lmlted water quality monitoring program should be conducted throughout the restoration project and at least one year after controls are In place. The purpose of the moo I tor I ng program Is to assess the effectIveness of pol Iutton controls and the response of the lake to restoration activities. In-lake monitoring should be performed only at the mid-lake station, 961, at three depths. During the Phase 1 study, chemical parameters varied with depth but only minimally with location. Since pollution controls are directed prlmarf'ly at phosphorus and suspended sediment removal, regular analyses should Include the phosphorus series, total suspended solids, chI orophy I I .a., feca I streptococci, d I sso I ved oxygen temperature and transparency. Nitrogen parameters should be measured periodically.


During and after Implementation of pollution controls and restoration activities, watershed monitoring should be conducted at the Hillside, Elizabeth, and Lyons Avenue storm sewers, Stations 931, 930, and 990, respectively. It would be desirable to collect samples from the Evans Terminal storm sewer. However, the pipe Is submerged and It may only be possible to monitor here while the lake level Is lowered for shore stabilization and dredging activities. Samples from storm sewers should be collected prlmarl ly during wet weather events since most of the nutrients and sed lments enter the I ake as stormwater runoff. Samp I es shou I d be analyzed for the following parameters: phosphorus series, nitrogen series, total suspended solids, biological oxygen demand, pH, fecal coliform, and fecal streptococcus. Flow should be measured during wet weather events.

Monitoring should also be conducted at the lake outlet, Station 980, during draining, dredging and shorel lne stabilization activities to Insure that adverse water qual lty Impacts are not being caused downstream.

8.3 Schedul lng

The recommended schedule for plan Implementation Is presented In Table 8-1. The schedule Is based on the assumption that Phase 2 Clean Lakes funding wi I I become available and restoration activities can begin In 1983. This schedule Is designed to phase restoration activities for greater efficiency and minimize the Inconvenience of restoration activities to park users. For example, It is desirable to Implement activities that require lake lowering or draining concurrently. Stabil lzlng shoreline areas, dredging, and outlet reconstruction should be performed at the same time. Grading and ground preparation for planting should be coordinated with the availability of dredge spoils as cover material. Because revegetation, construction of other erosion controls and shoreline stabilization measures like grid pavers temporarily prevent use of recreational areas, these activities should be phased. During 1984, erosion controls should be appl led to selected priority areas and these areas closed to the pub I ic to allow revegetation and stabilization. Improvement to paths and construction of fences can continue Into the winter. During the following year, secondary areas In other portions of the park should be addressed.

Sanitary sewer rehabilitation and a pollutant trap for Industrial and commercial land are scheduled for 1985 because of funding uncertainties. Ear II er Imp Iementat I on of these tasks shou I d not conf I Ict wIth po II uti on control activities in the park and, If possible, their Implementation should be accelerated.

8.4 Permits

The state permitting process for pollution controls and restoration activities should be Initiated by submittal of the following applications to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Water Resources:


Table 8-1 Milestone Schedule for Weequahlc lake Restoration

Activity .lla.til Engineering and Permits Sept. 15, 1983 - 1986

Construct Lake Outlet May - June 1984

Dredging Remove debris April - June 1984 Excavate and dewater sediment Apr II - August 1984 Distribute fll I at areas to be revegetated May - October 1984 Lake shore stab! I lzatlon Reconstruct priority shore! lne areas May - September 1984 Reconstruct secondary shore! ine areas May - September 1985 Erosion Control Priority areas April -December 1984 Secondary areas January - December 1985

Sanitary Sewer Rehab! I ltatlon 1985

Po I I utant Trap 1985 Water Qual lty Monitoring 1984 - 1986

Reevaluate eumplng/lnduced lnfl ltratlon and Nutrl~nt Inactivation 1986

Lake Level Manipulation Drain lake for outlet construction, dredging and shore! lne stabilization March - Sept. 1984 Remove fish March- April 1984 Ref Ill I ake October 1984 Stock fish October 1984 Partially drawdown lake for shoreline stabil lzatlon of secondary areas Apr II 1985 Raise lake elevation September 1985


1. Standard Application Form CP #1 2. Water Qual lty Certification 3. Stream Encroachments Permit After a review of the project the NJDEP will determine what additional permIts or revIews are requIred. These may inc I ude a permIt for Up Iand Disposal of Dredged Material from NJDEP and a Section 404 dredging permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. A Temporary Water Lowering Permit issued by NJDEP, Division of Fish, Game and Wlldl lfe, Is also required. Erosion and sediment control plans accompanying dredging must be reviewed by the Newark Department of Engineering. The reviewing authority for sediment control plans for the pollutant trap fs the local Soil Conservation District. In addition, the NJDEP Office of Historic Preservation must review and approve the scope of work.





Allied Biological Control Corporation, Personal communication (October 6, 1982).

American Public Health Association, .e.L..a.L., Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. 15th Edition, Washington, DC ( 1980).

Arnell, Vlktor, "Estimating Runoff Volumes from Urban Areas." Water Resources Bulletin, Vol. 18, No. 3,383 (June 1982).

Born, S.M., "Lake Rehab! I itatlon: A Status Report." Environmental Management, Vol. 3, No. 2 (1979).

Brady, N.C., The Nature and Properties of Soils. 8th Edition, New York: Macmll lan Publishing Co., Inc. (1974).

Browne, F.X. and Grizzard, T.J., "Nonpolnt Sources." Journa I Water Pollution Control Federation, 51(6):1428-44 (1979).

Brune, G.M., "Trap Efficiency of Reservoirs." Transactions American Geophysical Union, 34:407 (1953).

Bureau of Census, "Current Population Report." Series P20, No. 363, Population Profile of the US 1980, US Dept. of Commerce, Washington, DC <1981).

Bureau of Census, "Summary Characteristics for Governmental Unit$ and Standard Metropo I I tan StatIst I ca I Areas, New Jersey." 1980 Census of Popu I at I on and HousIng, US Department of Commerce, Washington, DC (August 19"82).- "C I ass If I cat I on of New Jersey Waters as ReI a ted to theIr SuI tab Ill ty for Trout." State of New Jersey Division of Fish, Game and Wildlife In cooperation with Division of Water Resources, Department of Environmental Protection (Revised July 1982).

Colston, N.V., "Characterization and Treatment of Urban Land Runoff." ~ EPA-670/2-74-096, Washington, DC (1974).

Cooke, G.D. and Kennedy, R.H., "Phosphorus Inactivation: A Summary of Knowledge and Research Needs." Restoration of Lakes and Inland Waters, EPA-440/5-81-010, Washington, DC {1980).

Cooke, G.D. and Kennedy, R.H., "Precipitation and Inactivation of Phosphorus as a Lake Restoration Technique." EPA-600/3-81-012, Washington, DC~~February 1981).

Dldun, A., Personal communication, Bureau of Fisheries, New Jersey Division of Fish, Game and Wild! lfe (November 30, 1982). F. X. BROWNE ASSOCIATES, INC.

Dunne, T. and Leopold, L.B., Water In Environmental Planning. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman and Company (1978). Dunst, R.C., .e.i._.a.L, "Survey of Lake Rehabilitation Techniques and Experiences." Technical Bulletin No. 75, Department of Natural Resources, Madison, Wisconsin (1974). Essex County Department of Parks, RecreatIon and CuI tura I AffaIrs, "Recovery Act Ion Program: A FIve-Year PI an for the Rehab Ill tat Ion and Operation of the Park and Recreation System." New Jersey (1980). Essex County Department of Parks, Recreation and CuI tura I AffaIrs, "Weequahlc Park Model Master Plan: Community Survey Report." New Jersey (May 1980). Essex County Department of Parks, Recreation and CuI tura I AffaIrs, "Weequahic Park Natural Resource Inventory." New Jersey (1979).

Fast, A.W., "Artificial Aeration as a lake Restoration Technique." ~ Restoration, EPA-440/5-79-001, Washington, DC (March 1979). Funk, W.H. and Gibbons, H.L., "Lake Restoration by Nutrient Inactivation." Lake Restoration, EPA-440/5-79-001, Washington, DC (March 1979). · F. X. Browne Associates, Inc., "Lake Wallenpaupack Water Qual lty Management Study, Draft Phase 1 Report." EPA CI ean Lakes Program, Lansda Ie, PA ( 1982).

Ge I dee Ich, E. E., "Buffa Io Lake RecreatIon a I Water Qua I I ty: A Study In Bacteriological Data lnt~rpretatlon." Water Research, Vol. 7 (1972). "Guidelines,.. for the Preparation and Review of Runoff Control Permit Appl lcat[ons." Albemarle County, Virginia

Lueder, D.R., .e.:t ..a..l., "Engineering Soil Survey of New Jersey, Report No.2, Essex County." College of Engineering, Rutgers University (January .. 1951 ) • New Jersey Department of Conservation and EconomIc Deve Iopment, "New Jersey Fisheries Survey." lakes and Ponds, Report No. 2, Division of Fish and Game, Trenton, NJ (1951 ). New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, "Intensive lake Survey, Weequahlc Lake." lake Management Program, Trenton, NJ (June 1981 ).

New Jersey Department of Env i ronmenta I Protection, "StatewIde lake Inventory." lake Management Program, Trenton, NJ (July 1978). F. X. BROWNE ASSOCIATES, INC.

New Jersey State Soli Conservation Co1m1lsslon, "Standards for Soli Erosion and Sediment Control In New Jersey." {1980). Nichols, S.A., "Mechanical and Habitat Manipulation for Aquatic Plant Management." Department of Natural Resources, Technical Bulletin No. 77, Madison, Wisconsin (1974). Nichols, W.O., "Groundwater Resources of Essex County, New Jersey." Special Report No. 28, State of New Jersey Department of Conservation and Economic Development and USGS (1968). "1976 Urban Fishing Program: Program Evaluation and Recommendations." Essex County Park Commission, New Jersey (1976). Novotny, V. and Chesters, G., Handbook of Nonpolnt Pol lutlon; Sources and Management. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, Co. (1981). Ramsey, C.G. and Sleeper, H.R., Architectural Graphic Standards. Seventh Edition, New York: John Wiley & Sons (1981). Randal I, C.W.; Grizzard, T.J.; and Hoehn, R.C., "Impact of Urban Runoff on Water Qua II ty In the Occoquan Watershed." VirgIn Ia Water Resources Research Center, Bul letln 80 (May 1978). Reckhow, K.H., "Quantitative Techniques tor the Assessment of Lake Quality." EPA-440/5-79-015, Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC (January 1979). Shinder, Daniel P., soli scientist. New Jersey Department of Agriculture ( 1982).

US Departm~nt of Agriculture, "SCS National Engineering Handbook, Section ~. Hydrology." Sol I Conservation Service (August 1972). US Env I ronmenta I Protect! on Agency, "AreawIde Assessment Procedures Manual." EPA-600/9-76-014, Office of Research and Development, Cincinnati, Ohio (July 1976). US Environmental Protection Agency, "Clean Lakes Program Guidance Manual." EPA-440/5-81-003, Washington, DC C1980a). US Environmental Protection Agency, "Clean Lakes Program Strategy." EPA-440/5-80-014, Washington, DC (1980b). US Environmental Protection Agency, "Quality Criteria for Water." EPA-440/9-76-023, Washington, DC (1976). US Geological Survey, "Water Resources Data, New Jersey: Water Year 1981." Data Report NJ~81-l, Trenton, NJ (1982). VIrginia Soil and Water Conservation Commission, "VIrginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook." Second Edition, Richmond, Virginia (1980). F. X. BROWNE ASSOCIATES, INC.

Wagner. K., Personal communication (November 22. 1982).

Whipple. w•• .ill .a.l., "Characterization of Urban Runoff." Water Resources Research. Vol. 14, No.2 (April 1978).

Whipple. W.; Hunter. J.V.; Yu, S.L., "Runoff Pol lutlon from Multiple Faml ly Housing." Water Resources Bulletin. Vol. 14. No.2 (April 1978).

Zlch. Hilary, "Weequahic Park Lake - A Resume of Factors Affecting Its Biota and Recommendations for its Management with Particular Reference to F l sh." New Jersey Department of Conservat l on and Econom l c Deve I opment, Bureau of Fisheries (March 10. 1969).

Zison, S.W.; Haven. K.F.; and Mills, W.B., "Water Quality Assessment: A Screening Methodology for Nondeslgnated 208 Areas." EPA-60/9-77-023, Office of Research and Development, Environmental Protection Agency, Athens. Georgia (August 1977) •




Weequahic Lake is rated as. FW-2 Non-trout by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.

The designated uses for FW-2 waters are as follows:

Fresh surface waters, including fresh tidal waters are approved as sources of public water supply. These waters shall be suitable for public potable water supply after such treatment as shall be required by law or regulation.

These waters shall also be suitable for the maintenance, migration and propagation of the natural and established biota; primary contact recreation; industrial and agricultural water supply and any other reasonable uses.

The surface water quality criteria for fresh water rated as FW-2 Non-trout are as follows:

(concentrations are in micrograms per liter unless otherwise noted.)

1. Floating, colloidal, color and setteable solids; petroleum hydro-carbons and other oils and greases: Allowing for natural conditions there should be none noticeable in the water or deposited along the shore or~n the aquatic substrata in quantities detrimental to the natural biota. None which render the water unsuitable for the designated uses.

2. Turbidity (JTU): Maximum 30 day aver~ge of 15 JTU, a maximum of 50 JTU at apf time, unless exceeded due to natural conditions.

3. Suspended solids: non-filterable residue (mg/1) : Maximum of 40 at anytime unless exceeded due to natural cortditions.

4. Taste and odor producing substances: Allowing for natural conditions, non-offensive to humans or which would produce offensive taste or odors in water supplies and biota used f6~ human consumption. None of which would render the waters un-suitable for the designated uses.

5. ph (Standard Units): 6.5 - 8.5 Natural conditions outside this range shall prevail. F. X, BROWNE ASSOCIATESJ INC.

6. 5 day Bio-chemical oxygen demand (mg/1): Allowing for natural conditions, none of which would render the waters un-suitable for the designated uses.

7. Dissolved Oxygen: 24 hr. average not less than 5 mg/1, but not less than 4.0 mg/1 at anytime.

8. Temperature and heat dissipation areas: No thermal alterations of more than 1.7°C (3°F) in the epilimnion of lakes. Temperatures shall be measured outside of dissipation areas. Unless a special study shows that a discharge of a heated effluent into the hypolimnion (for discharging back into the same water body) will be desirable with respect to designated water uses, such practices shall not be permitted.

The determination of heat dissipation areas shall take into special consideration the extent and nature of the receiving waters so as to meet the intent and purpose of the criteria and standards including pro­ vision for the passage of free swimming and drifting organisms so that negligible or no effects are produced on their populations. Heat dissipation areas will be developed on a case by case basis and will provide for passage of free-swimming and drifting organisms and not become injurious to or impain designated uses. Where waste discharges would result in heat dissipation areas in such close proximity to each other as to impain protected uses, additional limitations may be prescribed to avoid such impairment. The rate of temperature change in design.ated heat dissipation areas shall not cause mortality of fish.

9. Bact!erial Quality· (MPN/100 ml.) : Fecal coliform levels shall not exceed a geometric average of 200/100 ml., nor should more than 10 percent of the samples taken during any 30 day period exceed 400/100 rnl. Samples shal¥·be obtained at sufficient frequencies and at locations and during periods which will permit valid interpretation of laboratory analysis. Appropriate sanitary. surveys shall be carried out as a supplement to such sampling and laboratory analysis. As a guide­ line and for the purposes of these regulations, a minimum of 5 samples taken over a 30 day period should be collected, however, the number of samples, frequencies and locations will be determined by the department in any particular case. 10. Radio-activity: Prevailing regulations adopted by the u.s. Environmental Protection Agency pursuant to Sections 1412, 1445 and 1450 of the Public Health Services Act, as amended by the Safe Drinking Water Act (PL 93-523).

11. Total dissolved solids - filterable residue (mg/1): Not to exceed 500 mg/1 or 133% of background, whichever is F. X, BROWNE ASSOCIATESJ INC,

less. Notwithstanding, this criterion, the depart­ ment, after notice and opportunity for hearing, may authorize increases exceeding these limits provided the discharger responsible for such increases can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the department, that such increases will not significantly effect the growth and propagation of indigenous aquatic biota or other designated uses, including public water supplies. Any authorization by the department of such increases shall be conditioned upon utilization of the maximum practicable control technology.

12. Chloride (mg/1): Maximum of 250.0 at anytime.

13. Sulfate (mg/1): Maximum of 250.0 at anytime.

14. Phosphorus (mg/1): Phosphorus as total P shall not exceed 0. 05 i·n any lake or in a tributary at the point where it enters the lake, unless it can be demonstrated that toal P is not a limiting factor considering the morphological, physical, chemical and other characteris­ tics of the water body.

15. Toxic or Hazardous substances: Allowing for natural conqitions, none, either along or in a combination with other substances, in such concentrations as to effect humans or to be detrimental to the natural aquatic biota, produce undesirable aquatic lif, or which would render the waters unsuitable for the designated uses. None of which would cause standards for drinking water to be exceeded after appropriate treatment.

The concentration of a non-persistent or non-cumulative toxic or hazardous substance in the state's waters shall not exceed one-twentieth (0.05) of the 96 hr. LC 50 value, as determined by appropriate bioassays.

The concentration of a persistent or cumulative toxic or hazardous substance in the state's water shall not exceed one-one-hundredth (0.01} of the 96 hr. LC 50 value, as determined by appropriate bioassays. F. X. BROWNE ASSOCIATESJ INC.

if>. Anunonta (unionized; Maximum concentrattons): 50.0

17. Aldrin/dieldrin (Maximum concentr-ations): 0.00)

13. Oenzidine (Maximum concentr-ations): 0.1

19. DDT and metabolites (Maximum concentrations) 0.001

20. Endrin (Maximum concentrations) 0.004

21. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) (Maximum concentrations): 0.001

22. Total residual chlorine (TRC) (Maximum concentrations): 3.0

23. Toxaphene (Maximum concentrations): 0.005


APPENJIX C DATA (Water qual lty data Is aval table through the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection STORET system.) F. X. BROWNE ASSOCIATES, INC.


Public Participation

The final public meeting was held on December 18, 1982 and was attended by lake users, residents, Friends of Weequahlc Park, elected officials from Essex County and the City of Newark, staff of the Essex County Department of Parks and representatives of F. X. Browne Associates, Inc. Presented below are questions and concerns that were raised during the meeting.

1. During heavy rainstorms, sewage backs up Into basements along E I i zabeth Avenue and causes f I ood I ng. What l s the connection between heavy rainstorms and flooding?

2. What Is the Impact of sewer overflows on the lake?

3. Have any l ndustr I es or governmenta I bodies been identifIed that have been vI o I at I ng the I aw and dIschargIng chemIca Is Into the lake?

4. How deep Is the lake and what are the reasons for deepening it?

5. WII I people be able to swim In the lake and how long wi I I it be before the lake Is swimmable?

6. When wi I I Phase 2 implementation work begin?

7. What are possible funding sources for lake improvements?

8. Is Essex County responsible for sweeping and maintaining all streets that surround the park or is some other governmental body responsible? Street sweeping and clean-up must be a combined efjort of Essex County, Newark, Hi I lslde and Elizabeth.

9. When are other park improvements planned? Improvements should address special Interests that have been voiced by park users.

10. What Is being done to deal with vandal ism and other problems In the park? Greater enforcement Is needed.

11. Many of the problems are man-made. Before we go on, we have to .. decide individually to eliminate some of the problems that are in our control. We, as citizens, should get together and decide how we can control problems I Ike litter and car washing that we are creating.

12. We need complete citizen Involvement and more public education.

13. We need more job sites for kids and need to bring In more private Initiative to solve the problems. Perhaps labor from a summer employment program for youth could be used to fix up the park. F. X. BROWNE ASSOCIATES, INC.

14. The County Freeholders will get Involved In future park Improvements. Also, the Friends of Weequahlc Park Is a good organization to Initiate activities and provide public Input. 15. Neighborhood Block Associations are active and should be Involved In lake Improvements. 16. A poster contest would be a good way to Involve and educate school children In ways to stop pol lutlon and Improve the lake •
