
ClearAll["Global`*"] SetDirectory[NotebookDirectory[]];


Country IOC Shorts (CHN) to short name (). ITTF use IOC code not ISO- Alpha 3.

countryCodeList= Import["input/countries(204)_olympics.csv"]; (* Remove the first title*) countryCodeList= Rest[countryCodeList]; Shortnamecountry= countryCodeList[[All, 2]]; IOC3country= countryCodeList[[All, 1]]; ToShortNameRule= Thread[IOC3country -> Shortnamecountry]; Take[ToShortNameRule, 10]

{AFG→ Afghanistan, ALB→ Albania, ALG→ Algeria, AND→ Andorra, ANG→ Angola, ANT→ Antigua and Barbuda, ARG→ Argentina, ARM→ Armenia, ARU→ Aruba, ASA→ American Samoa}

Data is a mix name (player name and country name)

nametoFlag[mixName_]:= Block{split}, split= StringExtract[mixName,-1]; (*CHN*) split= StringDelete[split, "("]; split= StringDelete[split, ")"]; (*CHN→ CHN*) split= split/. ToShortNameRule; Show[CountryData[split, "Flag"], ImageSize→ 22] 

getNameFromMix[mixName_]:= Block[{playerName}, (* remove the country short name*) playerName= StringExtract[mixName, 1 ;;-2]; (* add "space" in{MA,Long} and Join it ""*) playerName= StringRiffle[playerName] ]

Data is a match

getplayerNameFromMatch[match_]:= Block[{playerAName, playerXName, mixA, mixX}, mixA= match〚5〛;

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mixX= match〚11〛; (* return playerA Name and playerX Name*) playerAName= getNameFromMix[mixA]; playerXName= getNameFromMix[mixX]; {playerAName, playerXName} ]

getplayerMixNameFromMatch[match_]:= Block[{mixA, mixX}, (* get player Name and Country(MIX) *) mixA= match〚5〛; mixX= match〚11〛; (* return mixA and mixX*) {mixA, mixX} ]

matchPoint[match_]:= Block[{winnerID, looserID, playerIDA, playerIDX, round, point, eventcoeff, eventName, scorecoeff, scoreA, scoreX, deltascore, tourName, tourcoeff}, tourName= match[[2]]; tourcoeff= Which[ StringContainsQ[tourName, ""], 9, StringContainsQ[tourName, "World Championships"], 7, StringContainsQ[tourName, "Men's World Cup"], 5,

StringContainsQ[tourName, "World Tour"], 4, StringContainsQ[tourName, "Asian Cup"], 3, StringContainsQ[tourName, "European"], 2, StringContainsQ[tourName, "ITTF Asian Championships"], 3.5, StringContainsQ[tourName, "ITTF Europe Cup"], 3,

StringContainsQ[tourName, "Challenge"], 1.5, StringContainsQ[tourName, "Oceania Cup"], 1, StringContainsQ[tourName, "Panam Cup"], 1, StringContainsQ[tourName, "Africa Cup"], 1,

(* Else*) True, 0.8 ]; winnerID= match[[20]]; playerIDA= match[[3]]; playerIDX= match[[9]]; If[winnerID⩵ playerIDA, looserID= playerIDX, looserID= playerIDA]; scoreA= match[[18]]; scoreX= match[[19]]; deltascore= Abs[scoreA- scoreX]; scorecoeff= Which[ deltascore⩵ 4, 1.5, deltascore⩵ 3, 1.332, deltascore⩵ 2, 1.166, deltascore⩵ 1, 1 ];

eventName= match[[15]]; round= match[[17]]; point= Which[

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(* "Men's Singles(Pre. Rounds)"*) eventName⩵ "Men's Singles(Pre. Rounds)", 2, (* "Men's Singles"*) eventName⩵ "Men's Singles" && round⩵ 128, 7, eventName⩵ "Men's Singles" && round⩵ 64, 10, eventName⩵ "Men's Singles" && round⩵ 32, 13, eventName⩵ "Men's Singles" && round⩵ 16, 17, eventName⩵ "Men's Singles" && round⩵ 8, 21, eventName⩵ "Men's Singles" && round⩵ 4, 24, eventName⩵ "Men's Singles" && round⩵ 2, 25, (* Else*) True, 1 ]; {winnerID, point* tourcoeff* scorecoeff} ]

Data is a tournament (list of match)

takeSingle[data_]:= Block{}, Select[data, #[[-1]]⩵1&] (* Select only The last columnKind equal to 1Single*) 

takeDouble[data_]:= Block{}, Select[data, #[[-1]]⩵2&] (* Select only The last columnKind equal to 2Double*) 

takeYear[data_, year_Number]:= Block[{}, Select[data, #[[1]]⩵ year &] ]

takeEvent[data_, event_String]:= Block[{}, Select[data, #[[15]]⩵ event &] ]

takeCountry[data_, country_String]:= Block{}, Selectdata,#[[4]]⩵ country ||#[[10]]⩵ country& 

takePlayer[data_, playerName_String]:= Block{}, (*Selectdata,#[[5]]⩵playerName||#[[11]]⩵playerName&*) Selectdata,StringContainsQ[#[[5]], playerName] || StringContainsQ[#[[11]], playerName]& 

getplayerName[data_, ID_]:= Block[{line, firstPosition, name}, line= First[FirstPosition[data, ID]]; (* that could be playerA or playerX, so please verify*) (* firstPostion= 3, is the player A, firstPosition= 9, is the player X*) firstPosition= First@FirstPosition[data[[line]], ID]; name= Which[firstPosition⩵ 3, data[[line, 5]], firstPosition⩵ 9, data[[line, 11]]]

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findAllMatchOfPlayerName[data_, name_]:= Block[{listMixA, listMixX, listA, listX, lineA, lineX}, (* player name and country short name*) listMixA= data〚All, 5〛; listMixX= data〚All, 11〛; (* remove the country short name*) listA= StringExtract[#, 1 ;;-2]&/@ listMixA; listA= StringRiffle/@ listA; listX= StringExtract[#, 1 ;;-2]&/@ listMixX; listX= StringRiffle/@ listX; (* return the match line in the Data*) lineA= Flatten@Position[listA, name]; lineX= Flatten@Position[listX, name]; Flatten[{lineA, lineX}] ]

takeMatchBetweenPlayer[data_, name1_, name2_]:= Block{}, (* return the match results*) Selectdata, StringContainsQ[#[[5]], name1]&&StringContainsQ[#[[11]], name2] || StringContainsQ[#[[5]], name2]&&StringContainsQ[#[[11]], name1]& 

getplayerID[data_, name_]:= Block[{matchlineList, firstline, playercolumn, match, nameA, nameX, id}, matchlineList= findAllMatchOfPlayerName[data, name]; firstline= First[matchlineList]; (* that could be playerA or playerX, so please verify*) match= data〚firstline〛; {nameA, nameX} = getplayerNameFromMatch[match]; id= Which[name⩵ nameA, match〚3〛, name⩵ nameX, match〚9〛] ]

pointRun[data_]:= Block[{list, result}, (* list of{winnerID, point} *) list= matchPoint[#]&/@ data; result= List @@@ Normal[GroupBy[list, First→ Last, Total]]; Reverse[SortBy[result, Last]] ]

showRanking[data_, pointList_, topn_]:= Block[{topnData, result, title}, topnData= Take[pointList, topn]; result = {#, getplayerName[data, topnData[[#, 1]]], topnData[[#, 2]], nametoFlag[getplayerName[data, topnData[[#, 1]]]]}&/@ Range[topn]; title= "World Ranking Men Senior by EmRatThich(May- 2018)"; Labeled[Grid[result, Frame→ All], title, Top] ]

Input Data from Several Years

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(* inputData[{2016,2017}] *) inputData[years_List]:= Block[{fileNameList}, fileNameList= "input/" <> ToString[#]&/@ years; fileNameList= StringJoin[#, ".csv"]&/@ fileNameList; Flatten[Import/@ fileNameList, 1] ]


data= inputData[{2016, 2017}];// Timing Take[data, 5] // TableForm

{5.99044, Null}

Year Tournament Player ID A 2016 2016- 11th Fajr Cup, Junior and Cadet Open, Qarvin(IRI) 131 536 2016 2016- 11th Fajr Cup, Junior and Cadet Open, Qarvin(IRI) 134 259 2016 2016- 11th Fajr Cup, Junior and Cadet Open, Qarvin(IRI) 131 522 2016 2016- 11th Fajr Cup, Junior and Cadet Open, Qarvin(IRI) 121 940

data// Length

87 690

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getplayerID[data, ""] takeMatchBetweenPlayer[data, "FAN Zhendong", ""]

121 404

{{2016, 2016- Men's World Cup, Saarbrucken(GER), 121 404, CHN, FAN Zhendong(CHN),,,(), 110 267, CHN, XU Xin(CHN), ,,(), Men's Singles, , 2, 4, 1, 121 404, FAN Zhendong, , , 1}, {2016, 2016- World Tour Grand Finals, (QAT), 110 267, CHN, XU Xin(CHN),,,(), 121 404, CHN, FAN Zhendong(CHN),,, (), Men's Singles, , 4, 2, 4, 121 404, FAN Zhendong, , , 1}, {2016, 2016- World Tour, Korea Open, (KOR), 110 267, CHN, XU Xin(CHN),,,(), 121 404, CHN, FAN Zhendong(CHN), ,,(), Men's Singles, , 4, 4, 3, 110 267, XU Xin, , , 1}, {2016, 2016- World Tour, Kuwait Open, (KUW), 110 267, CHN, XU Xin(CHN), 110 553, CHN, Jike(CHN), 121 404, CHN, FAN Zhendong(CHN), 105 649, CHN, MA Long(CHN), Men's Doubles, , 4, 3, 0, 110 267, XU Xin, 110 553, , 2}, {2016, 2016- World Tour, LAOX Japan Open, (JPN), 110 267, CHN, XU Xin(CHN),,,(), 121 404, CHN, FAN Zhendong(CHN),, ,(), Men's Singles, , 2, 1, 4, 121 404, FAN Zhendong, , , 1}, {2016, 2016- World Tour, Qatar Open, Doha(QAT), 110 267, CHN, XU Xin(CHN),,,(), 121 404, CHN, FAN Zhendong(CHN),,, (), Men's Singles, , 4, 2, 4, 121 404, FAN Zhendong, , , 1}, {2017, 2017- World Tour, Swedish Open, (SWE), 121 404, CHN, FAN Zhendong(CHN),,,(), 110 267, CHN, XU Xin(CHN), ,,(), Men's Singles, , 2, 1, 4, 110 267, XU Xin, , , 1}}


test= takeEvent[data, "Men's Singles(Pre. Rounds)"]~ Join~takeEvent[data, "Men's Singles"]; currentRate= pointRun[test];

Top 100 Old Rating (Dec 2017) --> Make the first Old Rating (Do not run again)

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New Rate = 0.7 Old Rate + 0.3 Current Rate

newRateCalculate[old_, current_]:= Block[{list, result, oldcoeff, currentcoeff, old2, current2}, oldcoeff= 0.7; currentcoeff= 0.3;

old2= Transpose[{old[[All, 1]], old[[All, 2]] * oldcoeff}]; current2= Transpose[{current[[All, 1]], current[[All, 2]] * currentcoeff}];

list= Join[old2, current2]; result= List @@@ Normal[GroupBy[list, First→ Last, Total]]; Reverse[SortBy[result, Last]] ]

oldRate100= ReadList["old rate.dat",{Number, Number}]; currentRate100= Take[currentRate, 100];

newRate= newRateCalculate[oldRate100, currentRate100];

(* Top 15 Current Rate*) showRanking[test, currentRate, 20]; ListPlot[Take[currentRate[[All, 2]], 20], PlotRange→ All];

(* Top 15 New Rate*) showRanking[test, newRate, 20] ListPlot[Take[newRate[[All, 2]], 20], PlotRange→ All] Take[newRate, 20] // TableForm

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World Ranking Men Senior by EmRatThich(May- 2018) 1 MA Long(CHN) 4455.72 2 FAN Zhendong(CHN) 4045.46 3 BOLL Timo(GER) 3913.26 4 OVTCHAROV Dimitrij(GER) 3624.26 5 XU Xin(CHN) 3527.82 6 MIZUTANI Jun(JPN) 3204.51 7 (CHN) 3038.07 8 CALDERANO Hugo(BRA) 2861.87 9 HARIMOTO Tomokazu(JPN) 2784.98 10 LEE Sangsu(KOR) 2777.88 11 SAMSONOV Vladimir(BLR) 2776.59 12 (HKG) 2750.51 13 FREITAS Marcos(POR) 2717.57 14 MATSUDAIRA Kenta(JPN) 2684.31 15 NIWA Koki(JPN) 2624.97 16 CHUANG Chih-Yuan(TPE) 2571.92 17 GAUZY Simon(FRA) 2566.09 18 ZHANG Jike(CHN) 2536.01 19 (CHN) 2521.13 20 ARUNA Quadri(NGR) 2437.79






5 10 15 20

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105 649 4455.72 121 404 4045.46 101 222 3913.26 107 028 3624.26 110 267 3527.82 106 195 3204.51 115 910 3038.07 115 641 2861.87 123 980 2784.98 105 197 2777.88 108 246 2776.59 112 620 2750.51 102 841 2717.57 105 926 2684.31 110 729 2624.97 101 820 2571.92 112 062 2566.09 110 553 2536.01 111 606 2521.13 112 092 2437.79

One Event Test

swedish= Import["input/swedish open.csv"]; Take[swedish, All] // TableForm;

TableForm[takeEvent[swedish, "Men's Singles(Pre. Rounds)"]~ Join~takeEvent[swedish, "Men's Singles"]]; TableForm[takeEvent[swedish, "Men's Singles"]]; oneEvent= takeEvent[swedish, "Men's Singles"]; oneEvent// TableForm;

getNameFromMix["FAN Zhendong(CHN)"] getplayerNameFromMatch[oneEvent[[1]]]

FAN Zhendong

{FAN Zhendong, JANG Woojin}

findAllMatchOfPlayerName[oneEvent, "FAN Zhendong"] findAllMatchOfPlayerName[oneEvent, "XU Xin"] takePlayer[oneEvent, "XU Xin(CHN)"] takePlayer[oneEvent, "FAN"]

getplayerID[oneEvent, "FAN Zhendong"] takeMatchBetweenPlayer[oneEvent, "FAN Zhendong", "XU Xin"]

{1, 17, 25, 29, 31}

{16, 24, 28, 30, 31}

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{{2017, 2017- World Tour, Swedish Open, Stockholm(SWE), 101 648, TPE, CHEN Chien-An(TPE),,,(), 110 267, CHN, XU Xin(CHN), ,,(), Men's Singles, , 32, 0, 4, 110 267, XU Xin, , , 1}, {2017, 2017- World Tour, Swedish Open, Stockholm(SWE), 123 980, JPN, HARIMOTO Tomokazu(JPN),,,(), 110 267, CHN, XU Xin(CHN), ,,(), Men's Singles, , 16, 3, 4, 110 267, XU Xin, , , 1}, {2017, 2017- World Tour, Swedish Open, Stockholm(SWE), 112 409, DEN, GROTH Jonathan(DEN),,,(), 110 267, CHN, XU Xin(CHN), ,,(), Men's Singles, , 8, 1, 4, 110 267, XU Xin, , , 1}, {2017, 2017- World Tour, Swedish Open, Stockholm(SWE), 111 606, CHN, FANG Bo(CHN),,,(), 110 267, CHN, XU Xin(CHN), ,,(), Men's Singles, , 4, 2, 4, 110 267, XU Xin, , , 1}, {2017, 2017- World Tour, Swedish Open, Stockholm(SWE), 121 404, CHN, FAN Zhendong(CHN),,,(), 110 267, CHN, XU Xin(CHN), ,,(), Men's Singles, , 2, 1, 4, 110 267, XU Xin, , , 1}}

{{2017, 2017- World Tour, Swedish Open, Stockholm(SWE), 121 404, CHN, FAN Zhendong(CHN),,,(), 114 936, KOR, JANG Woojin(KOR), ,,(), Men's Singles, , 32, 4, 0, 121 404, FAN Zhendong, , , 1}, {2017, 2017- World Tour, Swedish Open, Stockholm(SWE), 117 890, KAZ, GERASSIMENKO Kirill(KAZ),,,(), 111 606, CHN, FANG Bo(CHN), ,,(), Men's Singles, , 32, 1, 4, 111 606, FANG Bo, , , 1}, {2017, 2017- World Tour, Swedish Open, Stockholm(SWE), 121 404, CHN, FAN Zhendong(CHN),,,(), 116 620, GER, DUDA Benedikt(GER), ,,(), Men's Singles, , 16, 4, 1, 121 404, FAN Zhendong, , , 1}, {2017, 2017- World Tour, Swedish Open, Stockholm(SWE), 104 379, SWE, KARLSSON Kristian(SWE),,,(), 111 606, CHN, FANG Bo(CHN), ,,(), Men's Singles, , 16, 0, 4, 111 606, FANG Bo, , , 1}, {2017, 2017- World Tour, Swedish Open, Stockholm(SWE), 121 404, CHN, FAN Zhendong(CHN),,,(), 112 092, NGR, ARUNA Quadri(NGR), ,,(), Men's Singles, , 8, 4, 0, 121 404, FAN Zhendong, , , 1}, {2017, 2017- World Tour, Swedish Open, Stockholm(SWE), 110 729, JPN, NIWA Koki(JPN),,,(), 111 606, CHN, FANG Bo(CHN), ,,(), Men's Singles, , 8, 3, 4, 111 606, FANG Bo, , , 1}, {2017, 2017- World Tour, Swedish Open, Stockholm(SWE), 121 404, CHN, FAN Zhendong(CHN),,,(), 118 761, CHN, (CHN), ,,(), Men's Singles, , 4, 4, 3, 121 404, FAN Zhendong, , , 1}, {2017, 2017- World Tour, Swedish Open, Stockholm(SWE), 111 606, CHN, FANG Bo(CHN),,,(), 110 267, CHN, XU Xin(CHN), ,,(), Men's Singles, , 4, 2, 4, 110 267, XU Xin, , , 1}, {2017, 2017- World Tour, Swedish Open, Stockholm(SWE), 121 404, CHN, FAN Zhendong(CHN),,,(), 110 267, CHN, XU Xin(CHN), ,,(), Men's Singles, , 2, 1, 4, 110 267, XU Xin, , , 1}}

121 404

{{2017, 2017- World Tour, Swedish Open, Stockholm(SWE), 121 404, CHN, FAN Zhendong(CHN),,,(), 110 267, CHN, XU Xin(CHN), ,,(), Men's Singles, , 2, 1, 4, 110 267, XU Xin, , , 1}}

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Plot the ranking

nametoFlag["FAN Zhendong(VIE)"]

Rating Performance by Normal Distribution (LogisticDistribution ELO and more)

Plot[100* PDF[NormalDistribution[0, 1], x],{x, 0, 2.5}, Filling→ Axis] Round100.* PDF[NormalDistribution[0, 1],#]&/@ Range0, 2.5, 2.56

Plot[100* PDF[LogisticDistribution[0, 1], x],{x, 0, 2.5}, Filling→ Axis] Round100.* PDF[LogisticDistribution[0, 1],#]&/@ Range0, 2.5, 2.56





0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

{40, 37, 28, 18, 10, 5, 2}





0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

{25, 24, 21, 17, 13, 10, 7}

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Input Directly the “ranking file”

M 2017 12

(* IMPORTANT NOTE*) (* File goc cua IITF, Previous Position, neu de trong se la "", no se gay loi! Do vay, can phai manually convert all "" to "0"*)

in= Import["input/ranking/M 2017 12.csv", "Table", "FieldSeparators"→ ";"]; Take[in, 5] // TableForm

in= Rest[in]; Length[in]

Position Previous position Points Player(ITTF ID) Country 1 1 3323 MA Long(105649) CHINA 2 2 3254 FAN Zhendong(121404) CHINA 3 3 3106 OVTCHAROV Dimitrij(107028) GERMANY 4 0 3078 XU Xin(110267) CHINA


Age Distribution

{point, age} = {in[[All, 3]], in[[All, 7]]};

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opt={Frame→ True, LabelStyle→ Directive[Black, 12]}; ListPlot[age, opt, FrameLabel→{"players", "age"}] Histogram[age, opt, FrameLabel→{"age", "count"}] ListPlot[Transpose[{point, age}], opt, FrameLabel→{"ranking points", "age"}]



age 20


0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 players



150 count 100


0 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 age



age 20


0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 ranking points

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Most Powerful country Project


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meanPointCountry[data_, minPlayer_]:= Block[{pointList, mean, l1, l2, l3}, (* minPlayer is the minimum number require in the team. Country has less than minPlayer will be removed*) (* From the ranking data, convert to list of{country,point} *) pointList= Transpose[{data[[All, 10]], data[[All, 3]]}]; l1= List @@@ Normal[GroupBy[pointList, First→ Last]]; l2= Select[l1, Length[Last[#]]≥ minPlayer &]; l3= Transpose[{l2[[All, 1]],N[Mean/@ l2[[All, 2]]]}]; Reverse[SortBy[l3, Last]] ] showTopRankingCountry[meanPointdata_, topn_, year_, month_, nAnimation_]:= Block[{data, point, rank, name, shortname, flag, pointAnimation, shortnameAnimation, flagAnimation}, data= Take[meanPointdata, topn]; point=N[data[[All, 2]]]; rank= Range[topn]; (* {CHN,GER} *) name= data[[All, 1]]; (* {"China","Germany"} *) shortname= name/. ToShortNameRule; (* Show number 1 country on top*) point= Reverse[point]; shortname= Reverse[shortname]; rank= Reverse[rank]; (* Convert{1,2,3} to{"1","2","3"} *) rank= ToString/@ rank; (* Insert a whitespace:{"1","2","3"} to{"1 ","2 ","3 "} *) rank= StringInsert[#, " ",-1]&/@ rank; (* Display the flag*) flag= Show[CountryData[#, "Flag"], ImageSize→ 35]&/@ shortname;

(* nAnimation is to make Animation. Show only the first n Bar Chart*) pointAnimation= Join[point[[ ;; nAnimation]], Table[0, topn- nAnimation]]; shortnameAnimation= Join[shortname[[ ;; nAnimation]], Table["", topn- nAnimation]]; flagAnimation= Take[flag, nAnimation];

BarChart[pointAnimation, PlotLabel→ Style[Row[{"Top 20 Country in Table Tennis by ERT \n", DateString[{year, month},{"MonthNameShort", "-", "Year"}]}], 18, White, Background→ Black, FontFamily→ "Montserrat"], PlotRange→{{0, 2200}, All}, AxesStyle→ Directive[Orange, 12], BarOrigin→ Left, Background→ Black, ChartElementFunction -> "GlassRectangle", ChartStyle→ "BrightBands", ChartLabels→ Placed[{Style[#, 16, Bold, Black]&/@ Row/@ Transpose[{rank, shortnameAnimation}], Style[#, 14, Bold, Black]&/@ Row/@ Transpose[{flagAnimation}]},{Left, Right}], ImageSize→{720} ] ]

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Median vs Mean

Median[{5, 5, 5, 5, 1.}] Mean[{5, 5, 5, 5, 1.}]




(* From the ranking data, convert to list of{country,point} *) pointList= Transpose[{in[[All, 10]], in[[All, 3]]}];

(* Calculate the sum points*) sum= List @@@ Normal[GroupBy[pointList, First→ Last, Total]];

(* Short by point*) Reverse[SortBy[sum, Last]];

(* Calculate the average points or Median*) sumAv= List @@@ Normal[GroupBy[pointList, First→ Last, Mean]];

(* Short by point*) Reverse[SortBy[sumAv, Last]];

(* Show number of player in each team*) lnumber= List @@@ Normal[GroupBy[pointList, First→ Last, Length]]; Reverse[SortBy[lnumber, Last]]

(* Select Team that has more than 2 players*) l1= List @@@ Normal[GroupBy[pointList, First→ Last]]; l2= Select[l1, Length[Last[#]]≥3&]; l3= Transpose[{l2[[All, 1]],N[Mean/@ l2[[All, 2]]]}]; Reverse[SortBy[l3, Last]]

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{{EGY, 58},{JPN, 50},{SWE, 46},{FRA, 45},{RUS, 41},{POL, 38},{SRB, 37}, {KOR, 36},{CZE, 35},{TPE, 32},{ESP, 32},{ROU, 31},{CHN, 30},{SVK, 29}, {NGR, 28},{IND, 28},{GER, 28},{CRO, 28},{BUL, 26},{SLO, 25},{HKG, 24}, {ITA, 23},{BRA, 22},{BLR, 21},{HUN, 20},{BEL, 19},{AUT, 19},{AUS, 19}, {ARG, 19},{POR, 18},{IRI, 18},{SGP, 17},{ENG, 17},{CHI, 17},{USA, 16}, {KSA, 16},{THA, 15},{GRE, 15},{DEN, 15},{CAN, 15},{UKR, 14},{SUI, 12}, {LUX, 12},{ISR, 12},{TUN, 11},{PRK, 11},{NZL, 9},{MEX, 9},{TUR, 8}, {SCO, 8},{QAT, 8},{NOR, 8},{LTU, 8},{EST, 8},{BIH, 8},{PUR, 7},{PER, 7}, {KAZ, 7},{JOR, 7},{FIN, 7},{COL, 7},{SRI, 6},{SMR, 6},{MNE, 6},{MAS, 6}, {LAT, 6},{GUA, 6},{CUB, 6},{CGO, 6},{NED, 5},{KOS, 5},{IRL, 5},{INA, 5}, {ESA, 5},{ECU, 5},{DOM, 5},{ALG, 5},{WAL, 4},{VIE, 4},{VEN, 4},{PAR, 4}, {MDA, 4},{MAR, 4},{FIJ, 4},{COD, 4},{URU, 3},{UAE, 3},{TTO, 3},{RSA, 3}, {PHI, 3},{PAK, 3},{MGL, 3},{MAC, 3},{LAO, 3},{GHA, 3},{CYP, 3},{CMR, 3}, {CAM, 3},{BAR, 3},{AZE, 3},{ARU, 3},{UZB, 2},{SEY, 2},{SEN, 2},{PYF, 2}, {PAN, 2},{NCL, 2},{MYA, 2},{MLT, 2},{KGZ, 2},{JAM, 2},{IRQ, 2}, {CRC, 2},{CIV, 2},{BAN, 2},{YEM, 1},{VAN, 1},{TUV, 1},{TOG, 1}, {TKM, 1},{NEP, 1},{MRI, 1},{MKD, 1},{MDV, 1},{MAD, 1},{LCA, 1}, {LBN, 1},{JEY, 1},{GUY, 1},{GAB, 1},{DJI, 1},{COK, 1},{ANG, 1}}

{{CHN, 2078.07},{JPN, 1826.82},{KOR, 1590.92},{GER, 1588.57}, {FRA, 1563.27},{PRK, 1528.73},{TPE, 1483.84},{POR, 1393.94}, {RUS, 1365.93},{BRA, 1327.86},{NED, 1288.6},{UKR, 1286.36},{IND, 1285.71}, {CUB, 1281.33},{BEL, 1279.32},{ENG, 1274.53},{AUT, 1243.74},{TUR, 1242.25}, {GRE, 1214.6},{MAC, 1208.33},{DOM, 1201.},{VIE, 1197.75},{SWE, 1177.85}, {HKG, 1175.75},{PAR, 1170.75},{HUN, 1153.8},{IRI, 1148.33},{PHI, 1111.}, {POL, 1096.45},{CZE, 1088.66},{AZE, 1078.},{DEN, 1072.13},{CYP, 1067.33}, {LTU, 1066.5},{NGR, 1054.82},{SGP, 1054.18},{PAK, 1052.67},{SVK, 1045.17}, {PUR, 1044.43},{ARG, 1044.37},{ITA, 1039.87},{BLR, 1028.29}, {RSA, 1028.},{IRL, 1025.2},{INA, 1024.8},{LUX, 1012.92},{LAT, 1008.67}, {SCO, 1001.13},{ESP, 994.75},{SRI, 990.833},{USA, 982.5},{ISR, 980.25}, {MEX, 966.889},{CHI, 962.059},{COL, 956.143},{MAS, 941.667},{VEN, 935.}, {KAZ, 927.429},{ECU, 927.2},{CAN, 902.733},{THA, 902.667},{MAR, 901.5}, {BAR, 893.},{GHA, 881.333},{ROU, 880.129},{PER, 874.286},{MDA, 861.5}, {FIN, 837.429},{EST, 831.875},{CGO, 825.167},{CRO, 820.214},{NOR, 810.25}, {AUS, 806.474},{SUI, 806.},{SLO, 803.12},{GUA, 790.333},{BIH, 785.}, {ALG, 778.2},{MGL, 773.667},{BUL, 761.577},{TTO, 734.},{CMR, 716.333}, {MNE, 713.167},{URU, 694.333},{SRB, 693.514},{NZL, 675.},{TUN, 665.364}, {QAT, 645.125},{WAL, 589.75},{KOS, 578.6},{JOR, 571.857},{UAE, 568.333}, {SMR, 555.833},{EGY, 550.172},{KSA, 532.563},{LAO, 454.667}, {ESA, 436.},{COD, 337.},{ARU, 292.667},{FIJ, 215.},{CAM, 197.667}}

Printed by Wolfram Mathematica Student Edition 18 ittf ranking.nb

showTopRankingCountry[meanPointCountry[in, 3], 10, 2017, 12, 5]

Input from the ranking of many years

all= Import["input/ranking/M.csv", "Table", "FieldSeparators"→ ";"]; Take[all, 5] // TableForm

all= Rest[all]; Length[all]

Position Previous position Points Player(ITTF ID) Country Gender 1 1 3099 MA Long(105649) CHINA Male 2 2 3093 XU Xin(110267) CHINA Male 3 3 2894 ZHANG Jike(110553) CHINA Male 4 5 2883 FAN Zhendong(121404) CHINA Male

66 915

LengthSelectall,#[[8]]⩵ "February"&&#[[9]]⩵ 2014&


Printed by Wolfram Mathematica Student Edition ittf ranking.nb 19

DateString[{2017, 2}, "MonthName"]


takeDatafromMainData[maindata_, month_, year_]:= Block{monthString}, monthString= DateString[{year, month}, "MonthName"]; Selectmaindata,#[[8]]⩵ monthString&&#[[9]]⩵ year& 

From Main Data

data2015= takeDatafromMainData[all, 8, 2016]; showTopRankingCountry[meanPointCountry[data2015, 4], 10, 2015, 5, 10]

Printed by Wolfram Mathematica Student Edition