AVON LOCAL Material for Newsletter 152 by 20 September 2017 HISTORY please Magazines and books to reviews editor, Hardings Cottage, & ARCHAEOLOGY Swan Lane, Winterbourne BS36 1RJ
[email protected] Details of events to website manager, Newsletter 151 Flat 1 Chartley, 22 The Avenue, Bristol BS9 1PE
[email protected] June– September 2017 Other news, comments, and changes of contact details to membership secretary, Website: www.alha.org.uk 5 Parrys Grove, Bristol BS9 1TT
[email protected] Events: http://www.alha.org.uk/events.html facebook https://www.facebook.com/AvonLocalHistoryandArchaeology CONTENTS ALHA NEWS REVIEWS PETER MALPASS BOOKS SOUGHT COTTESWOLD NATURALISTS FIELD CLUB BOOKS NOTICED ALHA AGM & JOE BETTEY LECTURE 2017 ALHA FACEBOOK COMMENTARY LOCAL HISTORY DAY 2017 TALKS GRAMMAR SCHOOLS SOURCES AND EVENTS INFLATION KNOW YOUR PLACE KINGSWOOD POLITICAL EXPERIENCE THORNBURY MUSEUM – CASTLE EXHIBITION REGIONS FRENCHAY VINTAGE DAY SOUTH GLOS HERITAGE AND MUSEUMS CAN YOU HELP? A FORGOTTEN LANDSCAPE PROJECT STEPHYN GARRET, 1489 BRISTOL’S BRILLIANT ARCHAEOLOGY WINTERBOURNE BARN APPEAL BRISTOL BUDGET CUTS LIBRARIES DIARY ALHA – PETER MALPASS The committee has received with regret Professor Peter Malpass’s decision to stand down as a trustee of ALHA. Professor Malpass joined ALHA’s committee in 2010, since when he has been a member of its events subcommittee, which organises the local history day and the Joe Bettey lecture, and the publications subcommittee, which oversees the publication of ALHA books. For the last five years Professor Malpass has also acted as stockholder and distributor of ALHA’s books, having taken over from Mike Leigh. The committee has recorded its warm appreciation of Professor Malpass’s work for ALHA.