PERKS" Charge Tariff for I Think It Wm in Course If an Nnknown Quantity in This Eastern Their Services, While at Thoir End of the in TROPICAL CLIMES
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r opened. He started four time* last fear in find out. As a mutter of fact, however, tho a of eacape With which dirv school bor is California and won twice, making capital barber* who operate jn*t off the cloak room of familiar.plan EDUCATIONAL OF THE He is taid to be very fast, bot of the lower hon«* the u<nal KINGS TURF. showing. GOVERNMENT "PERKS" charge tariff for I think it wm in course if an nnknown quantity in this eastern their services, while at thoir end of the IN TROPICAL CLIMES. the year 1510 that Martin I* M (HHIMiTtlM. and wonld Capitol rraaciftco de hncjuoo, wh^ n un# ia rlo»?i? climate. Mr. Bose is wealthy prob¬ the Senators pay nothing at all for tonsorial with M!«t * iVNKK.kVt li Kt >» \i« sir. »'A. ably back a California horse an? way for the to inwrought early roonial doing* in thi» (-<PLIav. 1. i -¦ kk Sr. ar> ant a.1- attention*, preferring support the artists .action, cam" i.;. .. Famous Horses to Meet at the Brook¬ honor and of that state, hat Biro is tiid That who razors first to Carthagmia. which Mrn y«rw* .-J I ikii kt»nrmn. VuviL. 4< r K. HUf, glory Things President, Cabinet and manipulate and scissor* about their A then *u i Rrili. il al. tat* of M M«. t.<i*rillvr|.n to be a remarkable horse and mar prove % sur¬ heads out of the Very Ancient of South thriving town. Id it« harbor he ill In » august contingent fund. This City found a brifftntuie winch contained and Suburban s prise. Get Free. is a great economy, to advantage the dt*- BtU'KC CI* 1L lyn Handicap winnsr of mar.r races, it con¬ Congress reflecting Amerioa. J remnant of a rtpmuah colon* thai had ILHVK'I INM11MF. Little Badge, upon tBe Wisdom of the sages who sit at the beencoarsedriven the 1-J07 Hth .t h * -Tu»4ti i*»inr»4 for sidered hy many people to be a dnneeroas Morton. It has by hostility of the Indtsu* from .UUUMIOM. !»i-* i». L4a»<ti. I t O u.Ua H . yreai^eni been their settlement a littie Kuril-«i mmiih'h » PPORTS AGOG OVER THEM. horse ind is much fancied. He is quoted at 15 £thoughti. judicious'r to encourage the habit of farther down the oast w to 1 in the books and finds many backers. DEAD-HEADS IN POWER. LEGENDS OF It* leader «u no less a person ig> than Frau- l.rm«'*» roll **H HI rMTMKNT bathixg among congressmen*, CARTHAGENA. Cisco 1 liAiTo. who had SMMXaLtuditnMxw »i Mi.a tsalrii** v .ail ?«*?« Dnnborne, the entry of Mr. H. Clay Dittnan*. not ret entered upon iWf and with thi* end In view his career of in .lMi 10th «t u. w. NKrelnnd, Tentiy. pro*tor showed np pretty well on the winter tracks and baths were made free bloodshed Peru. luciero »oa is also backed for both the The Chief Ftrrmir* (Jet* Little for both Hobm and Senate, it after sailed for St. Sebastian and took Fitarro ^IMJINO. EUX-I TIwSTnOICK k lLVINu Knoll and Halt a Hnndrrd Other quite heavily Very being thought lame Slilmaih and and fnll in Hnlde that no Oiitary CMcbrilt** »¦< his brigautme with him. Just before the u> tlx »oi.-r Brooklyn Suburban. being both Plant*. flower* sn< Veg«- member would be likely to resist in¬ vessel ^TF.CIAL ATTFNTlON~»^| -0 MiiliVt* Crack*-Rnw lb* llvrwt l.ook.Tbrlr events. Mr. Lloyd's St. Lake, who opened in WhM Their Old For C«i«Mkla-Rlch was to leave port some men brought on miw. Ik> wb.r* of *fci h. lioth in al c" « ai J tabid. But congrnineii are on the dulgence anything that was gratis. Thus it board an cask, .tvikiUK. lr u. «t» i\\ iu-. Not iiu> . U.« Perfor m n n cea. at 200 to 1. is backed liberally. Th"re are some that !Hlae* and Rain* of ordinary supposed to coutaiu *olon:''of ...r* ntw anu Jfe l.i«t. happens members of the lower house even r»rnflf*IHw that was lowered into the awiiliil itaAitii-MiH' books open now. however, that 100 to 1 Par do not bathe at the Th« Cathedral provisions, bold with IfuWd troni t*o to ft*r li< '.* l'Hl Mm- qiuUit* W-- him. but his own stable 200 to infrequently Capitol, where and lu Falptu the rest of tho cargo, but hardly had the snore CMmr* ah. 1 .wiy rur An I rr«>4ikiit lu against got L Prov'Jed and likewise attendants to rlltlT« nillT. Vntten f&t Turn Fvrsno St*». He was a consistent last ? »Te faded from sight before out the beau [Coprriehtsd. very performer year *ater and offer towels. Liberal popped PT'hf. Kli'll, HfHOTKO T-IX'H. I»rf«-f . aaa la is a ,dMW of this cask, followed tho figure of iu* nii'rf New Yornc. April 10. and great weight carrier. He won" ten LI, THINGS considered the office of members often tho attendant 50 cents for Tit* Stab's Traveling by atnnna (uariiMt ikim atv ifcr iwulii t races last season give CommiMioner. a spaKIsr Curat tit. iti* *oio l.uii !a.< EX of the turf and book maker* all altogether. President of the United State* it ar®rred that Senator* THE LXtR.IHIs of tn« «,.|o» bii'lriiatr r..ara»far- V "V" Cahthahesa, Colombia. March 10, INOl Tiiitli a over the are forward rather bare of Prob¬ are usually,,!^rTi,C#.8'too dignified to offer If there hlgh-rnffod and gauetleted. in gold-em-' rotht'iat. ivitlii fnf ill* tra-aine of trr Union looking perquisites. tips. NE OF THE MOST «.i«v Hi*! «fl« rd a Mii'i' xti i dur.-«»o>l f ably he ha# such than is anything to be paid the Senate prefers to par interesting broidered satin waistcoat. velvet breeches and all i>lau ¦* withli vely internet to the great sport¬ fewer any it out aatailla* f-i.!» ai fault* ol Uiiator rf-|>ir»tn ». or the contingent fund. The House has placet on the western hemisphere boots, no less a .ivi.r .1-ftn I»i' It <" fut. lan.. ula, f-rnwt- ing event of the «»a«on.the other (freat ruler in the world, lte- also top personage than tha speud- wtnru spring a special offi -er in the person of . chirop¬ is this ancient Carthagena. a city u;s.n all arti.tir ».««i aft' rta ti.u.t )<. -the for rond a few article* in the vegetable war the odist, who ministers »0 the tbrift nobleman. Don Balboa! rloaimi*A. Brooklyn handicap atflicted tooKie* of hallowed by history, romance and At first Encisco was so at the Vkl K» *Na ANI»V1 riLHcar^'i-lii |-rpai»if.r Car. « nation in addi¬ angry decep¬ < Which are already made tip. although the race provides him with very little Mepreientatives free of charge. They msr eive 1 i'latforiu.t 'IK-rrt.l Inm. Ma*. «t i'l»-rA I'i:|\ All tion tradition, but now an air of pruotue4 npon htm thwt'he threatened to AMi . a tion to his of a He ha* him something if thev like. wearing CL\H» i v«.( \s (¦ x\ v I« I X \t does not eoine off nutil Mar. The liot shows salary 950.000 year. put tho ashore on a desert island, A.klre.. t..r u» «.-»k 111 t'« of t as a decayed gentility pitiable to behold. By con¬ stowaway IIXH1' Mln'\. field of over horses. including almost all even to pay out of his own pocket the wages of ongresshas perquisite but relented when Balboa swore eternal alle¬ ^atstlt <M rral Iv; \ r>. < tt> I'< «1 <'Ao*. fifty 5125s11?:'lchworthr";"nb,erof stationery. Formerly ^station¬ sulting a map you wiil find it near the Carib¬ Of the famous crack*, and money enough ha* his cook and maid servants as well a* the hire giance aud promised to be a good soldier in t^DWAKne T<>*N>VM> included *uch things a. motuhoir cases, bean const of Colombia, a little way west from tho I J "lae- ta«-r >f ? irnllnll. a of his coachman and the of th-» fodder ary murderous expedition then oo the tapis I iia'i in on number of the entries to make tlie prico opera glasses, clocks. bru-h»s and combs. Ac the mouth Ciw M<fpi .in* V«> ,»i uiiuie.oratorii'sV and o? the Magdalena. In the days of Ou the way to St. Sebastian Ktieiseq's rati Pramatir a ton, M 1.117 I v.tli »i i « {oneooks fall as far as they are concerned. Pretty for his horses. When he gives a state dinner, Ac., all of which were kept in stock bv the big ship .A. II it was the most fortified upon the rocks and was lost with all its cargo, M all the stable* of the conn- which is clearly an official and not a ffov?rnment stationers' shops at either end of the Philip strongly eity HH:i» TFt('HtKHFrHKlUI|UA!IAXD nearly grwat raring personal on the the of out most of the crew escaped to Fisiarro's IF « a «'¦ txvui- Mpitol building. In those times Senators and 1 continent, headquarters the trirvaa ami M < try will be repr sented in the grand strangle affair, he has to pay for it.