File No. 8-13/2019-FC

Subject : Diversion of 90.84 ha. of Forest land in favour of M/s ADC for Construction of New All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in District Rewari , State .

1. The State Goverment ofHaryana vide their letter no. Adm-D-3-8736/4535 and date 22.03.2019 submitted the above mentoned proposal to obtain prior approval of central Goverment,in accordance with Section-2 of the Forest(Conservetion)Act,1980.

2. Details indicated in the proposal submitted by the are as below


1. Project Details

(i) Proposal No FP/HR/DISP/39220/2019

Construction of New All India Institute of Medical Sciences (ii) Name of the Proposal (AIIMS)

Construction of New All India Institute of Medical Sciences Short Narrative of the proposal and (AIIMS) at village district Rewari. The project (iii) Project/scheme for which the forest approved by Ministry of Health and Family welfare PMSSY land is Required Division Govt. of India New letter No. Z- 28016/17/2016-SSH (Ph-IV) dated 05.02.2019.

(iv) Category Dispensary/Hospital

Total Area of the Forest Land (in (v) 90.84 ha.):

Total period for which the forest (vi) land is proposed to be diverted(in 99 years)

2. Location:

(i) State Haryana

(ii) District Rewari

3. Detail of user agency

(i) Name of the user agency ADC REWARI

Shape of forest land proposed to be (ii) Non Linear diverted

(iii) Legal status of User Agency State Government

4.Legal status of forest land proposed for diversion

S. No. Division Forest Land(ha.) Legal Status 1 Rewari 90.84 Aravalli Plantation area and Protected Forest

5. Land use plan Component wise breakup Component Forest Land(ha.) Non-Forest Land(ha.) 1 Const. of New AIIMS at village Manethi 90.84 0 Total 90.84 0


(i) Species-wise and diameter class wise enumeration of trees

1.Division Name :Rewari Species-wise local/scientific names and girth-wise enumeration of trees at FRL S. Scientific Local (0- (31- (61- (91- (121- (>150)cm. No. Name Name 30)cm. 60)cm. 90)cm. 120)cm. 150)cm. 1 Dalburgia shisham 3 0 0 0 0 0 Sisoo

2 Acacia Kikar 8 19 5 4 0 0 Nilotica

3 Misc. Species Misc 12338 3041 367 75 17 9

S.No. Division Name Density Eco Class

(ii) Density of Vegetation 1 Rewari 0.3 Eco 1

Total numbers of S.No. Division Name trees (iii) Total numbers of trees to be filled 1 Rewari 15886

Less than Greater than S.No. Division Name 60(in cm.) 60(in cm.) (iv) Total Tree to be retained . 1 Rewari 15409 477

S.No. Division Name Vulnerability of area

7. Vulnerability of area to soil erosion 1 Rewari No

8. Approximate distance of proposed distance from site for diversion from boundry of S.No. Division Name boundry of forest (in Km.) forest(Km.) 1 Rewari 0

Significance of the forest land 9. proposed for diversion from wildlife point of view

Details of wildlife S.No. Division Name Details of wildlife present in and diversion (i) around the forest land proposed for diversion 1 Rewari No

National park/Wildlife sanctuary/Biosphere Whether forms part of national park, wildlife sanctuary, biosphere S.No. Division Name reserve/Tiger reserve/Elephant (ii) reserve,tiger reserve, elephant corridor/Wildlife corridor, wildlife migration corridor etc. migration corridor 1 Rewari No

Whether the forest land proposed for diversion is located within eco- sensitive zone(ESZ) of the Protected Diversion is located Area notified under S.No. Division Name within ESZ Wildlife(Protection) Act,1972 (iii) (Note: In case, ESZ of a Protected 1 Rewari No Area is not notified,then,10kms distance from boundary of the Protected Area should be treated as ESZ)::

Location of Whether any national park, wildlife reserve/corridor sanctuary, biosphere reserve, tiger S.No. Division Name within 1 Km. from reserve, elephant corridor, wildlife boundary of the (iv) migration corridor etc., is located forest land within 1 Km. from boundary of the forest land proposed for diversion : 1 Rewari No

flora and fauna found S.No. Division Name Whether any in the area rare/endangered/unique species of (v) flora and fauna found in the area : 1 Rewari No

Whether any protected Details of with NOC archaeological/ heritage site/ S.No. Division Name from competent defence establishment or any other authority 10. important monument is located in the area. if so, the details thereof 1 Rewari No with NOC from competent authority, ifrequired.

11. Yes, as per (page no. 399) Site Inspection Report of the Whether the requirement of forest Divisional Forest Officer, Rewari it has been mentioned that land as proposed by the User the requirement of forest land as proposed by the User Agency Agency is unavoidable and bare in Col. 2 of Part-I is unavoidable and is barest minimum minimum for the project.if required for this project. no,recommended area item-wise with detailes of alternatives examined.

Whether any work in violation of Details of violation(s), if any ,committed the Act has been carried Period of Area of forest land out(yes/No).if yes,details of the Division Details of Work involved in violation 12. same including of the work Name violation(s) done,action taken on erring officials. done(year) (in ha.): Whether work in violation is still Rewari No No No under progress.

Details of compensatory 13. afforestation scheme

Patch wise details of non-forest or Revenue forest land to be provided by User Agency for CA

Patch Wise Details (i) District Name Village Area(in ha.) 1 Rewari Nikhari and 91 Total Area :91

Patch wise details for Degraded Area (To be earmarked by DFO) (ii) No Data

Total Financial S.No. Division Name Outlay for C.A(lacs) Total Financial Outlay for (iii) C.A(lacs): 1 Rewari 206562122

Land is suitable for S.No. Division Name Whether the land identified by User CA (iv) Agency is suitable for CA and from managementpoint of view: 1 Rewari Yes

Documentary evidence in support of settlement of rights in accordance with the provisions of the scheduled FRA has been issued by the Deputy Commissioner Rewari 14. Tribes and other Traditional Forest vide letter No. 2318 dated 6.03.2019 (P-33) Dwellers(Recognition of forest Rights) Act,2006 on the forest land proposed to be diverted enclosed. Whether the project requires 15. No envirnment Clearance

As per forwarding letter of the PCCF Haryana CAT Plan 16. Catchment Area Treatment Plan Charges is given of Rs.80575080.

17. Rehabilitaion of Outstee

(i) Number of SC Families 0

(ii) Number of ST Families 0

(iii) Number of Backword Families 0

(iv) Copies of R&R Plan Not applicable

18. Cost Benefit Analysis

19. Total cost of the project( in crore): 12990000000

Permanent Employee : 5000 Temporary Employee : 3120000 20. Employment Potential Total Employee : 3125000

21. Details of Mining lease No

Undertaking to bear the cost of CA Given. (for CA-at page no. 31) (for NPV and Addl. NPV-at 22. and NPV page no. 32)

23.District Profile

Forest Forest Total Non- Geographical Land Progress of Forest area of forest area No. of forest District area of the including compensatory land the diverted Approved land Name district (in penal afforestation (in district since 1980 Cases (in ha.) C.A. (in as on(date) ha.) (in ha.) (in ha.) ha.) ha.) 1 Rewari 1582 4935.03 447.61662 234 90.84 05/03/2019 90.84 0

Degraded forest land - 90.84

Total area proposed for afforested Penal CA over Forest land - 90.84 24. since 1980 - Non-Forest land - 0

Total- 181.68

Degraded forest land - 90.84

Penal CA over Forest land - 90.84 25. Total area afforested since 1980 - Non-Forest land - 0

Total- 181.68

26.Site Inspection Report

Division Circle Site Date Of Brief Details of SIR at DFO Inspection Visit By South Rewari Circle DFO 08/03/2019 The project recommended in public interest.

South Circle CF 09/03/2019 The project recommended in public interest. Gurgaon

Nodal 25/03/2019 NA Officer

27.Recommendation with Specific conditions,(if any)

DFO/CF/PCCF/Nodal Officer

Recommendation Division Circle Recommendation Remarks/Conditions By South Rewari Circle DFO Recommended Recommended in public interest Gurgaon

South Circle CF Recommended Recommended in public interest. Gurgaon

Nodal Officer Recommended Recommended for approval

28. Specific recommendation of the State Government

Recommendation State Recommendation Remarks/Conditions By Haryana State Secretary Recommended Recommended for approval

29. Forwording Letter for Nodal Officer The Instant proposal has been sent by the CF, South Circle, Gurugram uner Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 on the request of Addl. Commissioner Rewari and it has been examined. In this proposal 90.84 ha. forest land will be affacted and total 15886 trees to be felled. In addition to this 29943 plants also to be felled. This land is free from any Protected/Wildlife Areas.

As per the CA scheme amount of Rs.93149152 towars CA charges, Rs.30998746 for CAT Plan Cahrges, Rs.80575080 for NPV and Rs.1839144 for Felling Charges Total Rs.206562122 for CA and Rs.78053136 for Addl. CA will be deposited by the User Agency in Adhoc-CAMPA account after obtaning the In-principal approval. Total 90840 plants will be planted on the non- forest land provided by the User Agency in the Villages and Dungarwas of Rewadi District. Total 59886 plants will be planted on PLPA land closed under Section 4 & 5 in the village Rigarh, Hirwadi and Pingwan of the Nuh District, under Addl. CA Scheme. Accordingly total 90840+59886 150726 plants will be planted under this project. The User Agency has not violated the provisions of FCA, 1980.

So, the above proposal with all necessary documents has been sent with a request to given approval under FCA, 1980.

The Instant proposal has been sent by the CF, South Circle, Gurugram uner Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 on the request of Addl. Commissioner Rewari and it has been examined. In this proposal 90.84 ha. forest land will be affacted and total 15886 trees to be felled. In addition to this 29943 plants also to be felled. This land is free from any Protected/Wildlife Areas.

As per the CA scheme amount of Rs.93149152 towars CA charges, Rs.30998746 for CAT Plan Cahrges, Rs.80575080 for NPV and Rs.1839144 for Felling Charges Total Rs.206562122 for CA and Rs.78053136 for Addl. CA will be deposited by the User Agency in Forwording Letter for State 30. Adhoc-CAMPA account after obtaning the In-principal Government approval. Total 90840 plants will be planted on the non- forest land provided by the User Agency in the Villages Nikhri and Dungarwas of Rewadi District. Total 59886 plants will be planted on PLPA land closed under Section 4 & 5 in the village Rigarh, Hirwadi and Pingwan of the Nuh District, under Addl. CA Scheme. Accordingly total 90840+59886 150726 plants will be planted under this project. The User Agency has not violated the provisions of FCA, 1980.

So, the above proposal with all necessary documents has been sent with a request to given approval under FCA, 1980.

Comments of Additional Information By : i. TO Remarks

1. Break-up of the Forest land is not given. 2. The proposed site of newly constructed AIMS is given in the Aravali Plantation area/NCZ area. The State Government has given the justification for locating the project in the forest area at page no. 28/c as per below

The Govt. of Haryana with consent of Govt. of India vide letter No. Z-28016/17/2016 SSH (Ph-lV) dated 05.02.2019 is willing for coast. of New All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) at village Manethi along Kund to road under forest division and district Rewari, Haryana. This proposed land is Aravali Plantation area (Deemed Forest/NCZ) and Protected Forest (egress and ingress from Kund Dahina road). Thus, Forest Conservation Act, 1980 is applicable on this land. This is to certify that the forest area involved in the proposal is unavoidable and barest minimum i.e. 90.84 ha. which is preposed for diversion. The Govt. of India vide letter No. Z-28016/17/2016-SSH (Ph-IV) dated 05-02-2019 has approved the site at Village Manethi, District Reveari, Haryana offered by the State Government for establishment of new All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS) subject to fulfillment of the that condition. " The Land use of site is non- agriculture under Aravali Plantation scheme, therefore the change in land use would be required. The state Govt. has to meet the requirement of department of environment and forest for this and arrange the change in land use." The objective of the project is correcting the imbalannce in availablity of affordable and reliable tertiary level health care and to augment facilities for quality medical education and develop the AIMS (Super- Specialty Hospital and Teaching Institution) as a model Medical tecaching and medical research centre. It will generate employment to about 5000 people in this area.

3. As per the Handbook of Forest (Conservation)Act, 1980 and Forest (Conservation) Rules, 2003 (Gudelines & Clarifications), 2019- it is mentioned in Para 1.15 that-

" Diversion of forest land for non-site-specific projects a number of proposals for diversion of forest land for non-site-specific projects like industries, construction of residential colonies, institutes, disposal of fly ash, rehabilitation of displaced persons, etc. are received by the Central Government. Attention is drawn to items 1(iv) and 8 of the Form-A in which the proposal is to be submitted by the State Government. In these columns, justification for locating the project in the forest area giving details of the alternatives examined and reasons for their rejection has to be furnished. Normally, there should not be any justification for locating non-site-specific projects on forest land. Therefore, the State Government should scrutinize the alternatives in more details and must give complete justification establishing its inescapability for locating the project in forest area."

4.In view of the above justification given by the State Government of Haryana is seems to be not correct because the proposed area is the part of NCZ/Aravali Plantation and the forest cover of the State is very less. The proper justification and all alternative to explore for locating this project in the NCZ area is needs to be re- examined.

5.The non-forest land which is proposed for CA may be used for this project. The Non-forest land is also not to adjoining any forest blocks because of this it is to diffucult to manage this patch as green cover by the SFD.

6.In this proposal total 15886 trees and 29943 plants to be felled. If agreed we may write to re-examined the location of the project for saving these trees and plants. 7.F.R. at page no. 444/c has also been received from Shri Sunil Sharma, IRPS, Joint Secretary, Government of India, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi vide D.O. letter No. Z- 28016/1/2016-SSH(Ph-IV) dated 15.04.2019, regarding this proposal. He is informed that this AIIMS was announced by the Hon ble Finance Minister in his interim Budget Speech for the year 2019-20 to be set up in the state of Haryana under the Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana (PMSSY). The new AIIMS in different parts of the country are being established under the PMSSY scheme with an aim to bridge the gaps and remove the imbalances in the availability of affordable and reliable tertiary healthcare and medical education facilities in different regions of the country. For the purpose of establishment of AIIMS in the state, Government of Haryana has identified one site in village Manethi in district Rewari. A Central Team of this Ministry conducted inspection of the site offered by Government of Haryana. Based on the recommendations of the Central team, the site at Manethi district Rewari, Haryana was finalized for construction of New AIIMS at Haryana and accordingly the Union Cabinet has approved establishment of new AIIMS at Village Manethi, District Rewari, Haryana on 28.02.2019 at a cost of Rs 1299 Crore. As informed to this Ministry by the State Government, there is approx 90.84 ha of forest land at the site and which needs to be diverted for the establishment of AIIMS. In this regard, Principal Chief Conservator of Forest, Govt. of Haryana has already requested Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change for the diversion of the land along with all the necessary documents. Online proposal No. for the said subject is FP/HR/Disp/39220/2019. The project being of National Importance, he requested to IGF-FC personally look into the matter and request to expedite the process of diversion of land so that the construction work can start at the site at the earliest.

8. In view of the above observatios and request as received from Shri Sunil Sharma, IRPS, Joint Secretary, Government of India, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi, this proposal may be placed before FAC in its forthcomming meetind is to be held on 22.05.2019.