Jfalmanb Plants ®Aga3itte. ; Ft; Pi R
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! _ - ** V •'----»K ■: l [ ■" •:■ /•• • & ' if#: " v . -■ \\ i ! * > \ .I"; - i ‘ :■ : > 1 N>. 81. Yol. VII. JANUARY, 1896. Price Threepence. i • v i I y. h THE \, »■« w k jfalManb plants ®aga3itte. ; ft; pi r .. Editor: The Very Rev. Lowther Brandon, m.a., Dean cf- Col. Chaplain. t . , • v i jr ■ r ! Vi $ ! *.■ : '’TJP r.R. -s^. • • ^ M f! I1 * i ■ . MmJ V ft V » I <gpir .ft ‘ 1V i ffelp us in ! ’ ’ ' ’ % i & CHRIST CHURCH CATIvEDRAL. k Clergy.—Very Rev. Lowther E. Brandon M. A. Dean and Colonial Chaplain. \ Rev, E. C. Aspinall, Canon of Christ Church Cathedral. Select Vestry.—Mr. F. Durose, Minister’s Church-warden. t i Mr. Joseph Aldridge, People’s Church-warden. ! Mr. George Turner, Honorary Secretary. Mr. W. A. Harding, Hon. Treas.;; Messrs. J. G. Poppy and F, J. Hardy. = -r: \s=sr- / PRINTED BY C. W. NEW LAND, . STANLEY, FALKLAND ISLANDS. i <i ! ( :V l ' y \' \ i* n r >. •" Lil V. \ j ' l .y \ ■\ \ f Sir1 The Lessons, &c., for every Sunday and Holy Day in F&ruar 2. Septuagesima. Morning. Gen. i., ii. 1-4; Rev. xxi. 1-9 ; Psalms ix.-xi. Epistle :—1 Cor. ix. 24-27. Gospel:—Matt, xx..1-1 Evening. Gen. ii. 4, or Job xxxviii; Rev. xxi. 9-xxii. 6 : [PsalmgJ&ii. ~x^ j t 9. Sexagesima. Morning. Gen. iii. ; Matt. xxii. 15-41; Psalms xliy V^Bjjb: i Epistle :—2 Cor. xi. 19-31; GospelLuke vii, 'i j Evening. Gen. vi. or viii. ; Acts xxiv. ; Psalms xlvil\ 16. Q uinquccgesima. Morning. ,Gen. ix. 1-20; Matt. xxvi. 1-31 ; Ps. lxxix.4\ Epistle :-l Cor. xiii. 1-13. Gospel :-Luke xviii. 3l43j tt i Evening. Gen. xii. or xiii; Romans i.; Ps. lxxxii.-lxxxv. ta ,: j 19. Ash Wednesday. Morning. Isa. lviii, 1-13; Mark ii. 13-23; Ps. vi. xxxii. xxxviii.l[i | For the Epistle :-Joel ii. 12-17. Gospel-Matt. vi. 16-21.jp Evening. Jonah iii.; Hebrews xii. 3-18 ; Ps. cii. cxxx. cxliii.Bi 23. 1st Sunday in Lent. Morning. Gen. xix. 12-30 ; Mark i. 1-21 : Ps. cx.-cxiii. Epistle :—2 Cor. vi. 1-10. Gospel:—-Matt. iv. l.-ll. |jj Evening. Gen. xxii. 1-20, or xxiii. ; Rom. vii. ; Ps. cxiv. cxv. 24. St. Matthias’ Day. Morning. 1 Sam. ii. 27-36 ; Mark i. 21. ; Ps. cxvi.-cxviii. r • For the Epistle -Acts i. 15-26. Gospel :-Matt. xi. 25-30. ji; Evening. Isaiah xxii. 15; Gospel Rom. viii. 1-18. J! i ■ The Daily Bible Readings for February. 2 S Mat. 18.21 to 19.3 9 S Mat. 22.15 to 41 16 S Mat. 26 to v. 31 23 S Mark 1 to v. 21 H i 3 M ^19.3 to 27 10 M Rev. 21 to v. 9 17 M —26.31 to 57 24 M —1.21 4 T —19.27 to 20.17 11 T Mat. 23. 13 18 T —26.57 25 T —2 tov. 23 ( 5 W —20.17 12 W —24 to v. 29 19 W —27 to v. 27 26 W -^2.23 to 3.13 6 T —21 to v.23 13 T —24. 29 20 T —27.27 to 57 27 T —2.13 to 23 i M f* 7 F —21.23 14 F —25 to v. 31 21 F —27.57 28 F 4 to v. 35 V 1 S Mat. 18 to v. 21 8 S —22 to v. 15 15 S —25.31 J 22 S —28 '! i'.i BIRTHS. !! f “He took them in His arms and blessed them.”—S. Mark x. 16. r Sept. 16. At Walker Creek, the wife of Alexander McKenzie, of a daughter Nov. 20. At Lion Creek, the wife of James Bethune, of ason. - „ 27. At Moffat Harbour, the wife of William Watson, ofa daughter. Dec. 8. At Port Sussex, the wife of Robert Reive, of a son. i : * „ 16. At North Arm, the wife of Heuitson, of a son. „ 18. At Stanley, the wife of John Welsh, of a son. i i MARRIAGES. o Jan. 1. Martin and Dpis :—Alexander Martin and Ann Elizabeth Davis. jS „ 9. Wilson and Binnie -—William James Wilson and Elizabeth Binnie. V DEATHS. 4 | % “ Until the day break, and the shadows flee away.”—Song of Solomon, ii. 17. -! Dec. 18. Peter Smith, Punta Arenas, aged 28 years. Jan. 14. Francis Brennabi, Stanley, aged 67 years. Perambulator and Mail-cart combined, with reversible seats, hold^ two, spring-tyred wheels and leathey hood.—Apply to Canon Aspinall. t Mi111 . l;*li, a \/A \ "n\ L- mi§ At r m * V * CHURCH SERVICES. CHRIST CIIURC1I, FALKLAND ISLANDS. Offertory, December, 1895. a. m. Receipts. Sunday /Doming Iprapeu at 11 £ s. d, £ s. d. 55 Evening praser at 7 p.m. Balance .000 4 17 10 Dec. 1. Offertory 2 10 7 Week-days /Doming pl*a\?er (daily) at 8.45. jj 8* 55 3 9 '9 „ 15. 1 10 4 Evening prater (Wednesday) at 55 22. [7 p.m. 55 1 17 0 i, 25. 55 1 17 6 tfcfoe IfoOlV Communion on the first Sunday of .i 29. ' 55 ^ ... 2 13 10 the month at 12 noon, and on the third Sunday Offerings 0 S G 14 7 9 at 8 a. m. The Sacrament of Baptism, and Ciiurciiings on £1!) 5 7 any Sunday or week-day. Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. Sexton’s Wages ... 2 17 0 Choir Practices :—On Wednesday, after Evening Organ Blower & Bell Ringer 10 0 Service, at 8 p.m,, and on Friday at 7 p.m. Printing Christmas Carols 0 18 0 „ Labels for Catli. Psalter 0 4 0 Choir Practices for tiie Children specially on „ Hymns, January 0 4 0 Sunday after Sunday School at 3.30 p.m., and in Easter Accounts, 1895 0 7 G the Vestry on Friday from 5.30 to 6.30 p.m. Expenses, Carriage of Lamp home .030 5 Sunday School in Christ Church at 10 a.m., and 2.30 p.m. Sunday School ... 2 13 10 Transfer to Building Fund 1 10 0 Prayer Meeting in the Vestry on Monday from 7 to F. I. Company’s- Store for r- 8 p.m. Oct., Nov., and Dec. 2 17 11 12 15 3 ? Balance G 10 4 v The Children’s Library in the Vestry on Sunday at 4 p.m. £19 5 7 » Penny Savings Bank :—On Monday in the Senior *. ■ * Government School at 9.30 a.m., and in the [Signed], W. A. Harding, Infant School at 10.30 a.ra. Hon. Treasurer. 3 Half-pennies and farthings are omitted. AVERAGES, DECEMBER, 1895. The Bishop writes under date, Dec. 9th, 1895, that he had reached his house in Bclgrano safely, after visiting in the Allen Gardiner, since he left Ivcppel V Number of Congregation Morning ... 195 Island, Tekenica, Oosheuvia, Punta Arenas, and various 55 55 . Evening 143 ports on the east coast of Patagonia. His Lordship I!■ expected to set out soon for Chili, &c. Number of Coins ... Morning 74 55 . Evening 55 55 The Rev. J. Williams writes from Sandy Point under Number of coins in the Offertories, &c.:— date. Dec. 21st, 1895, “We are about to start g Ladies* 1 sovereign, 1 crowns, 2 half-crowns, 12 florins, 54 3 Sewing Meeting for the purpose of preparing for a shillings, 195 sixpenny pieces, 312 pence, 29 halfpence, Sale of Work to raise funds towards the building of a \i 2 farthings, and one foreign coin. Church here. If any friends can help us in |! .any way we shall be most grateful. I have just returned from the camp.” Perhaps some with friends and relatives in Patagonia may see their way to assist. The following subscriptions towards the debt, £350, Canon Aspinall will gladly receive and forward any on the Church and the Building Fund are acknowledged contributions. ! with many thanks:—Well Wisher, £30. Per Canon Aspinall:—George Stewart, 12s. 6d. ; Ductisby, BAPTISMS. £1 17s. 6d.; Miss Coutts, 4s. Gd.: Duncan Feil, Dec. 11. Robert Reeve, Port Sussex. 2 5s.; John Fell, 10s.; Mrs. Blakeley (Hope Cottage), 10s. Misses Jane and Margaret Coutts, each 5s.; George „ 12. Duncan Fell Coutts, Gantara. „ 14. Henry Davis Holland, Norton Inlet. ; Hardy, 10s.; J. G. Mann, 10s.; Chas. Kirwan, 2s. 2d. „ 31. Andrew James Clarke, The Two Sisters. ■ >/. i •o . I 1 .y-v J latest possible moment. These arc all natural and right CARE OF TIIE BODY. reasons, if not carried too far. But the Christian has a far higher reason, namely, because his heart is the dwelling 1. St. Paul in urging the Christians in the Church place of Christ’s Spirit, “ Behold, I stand at the door at Corinth to live pure, clean, and temperate lives took and knock : if any man will hear My \oice, and open the very high ground of speaking of the body as the the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, ! temple of God, the dwelling place of God’s Spirit, and he with Me.”—Revelation iii. 20. The body is that each Christian is a member of Christ's body, of a part of our being not only in this life, but also ■ Ilis flesh and of Ilis bones.—1 Corinthians iii. 16; throughout eternity—it will be a glorified, purified, Ephesians v. 30. celestial body like the glorified, risen body of the Lord 2. In doing this he simply re-echoed the words of Jesus. In our whole and complete human nature of the Lord Jesus Christ, who spoke of the “temple of body, mind, and spirit we shall dwell with God.