Page'A TJIE LETIIRKIDCE WEEKLY HERALD Thursday, .Si>|rtciiiber 21, 1011.

Record of all Live Events of Interest MAJESTIC THEATRE W. B. SHERMAN; Manigtr. PHONE M4 to Western Can- ada Readers Walters Stock Company FIVE NIGHTS coinmuidng Mon., Sept. 25 Opening play DOES THIS GET YOUR GOAT? HOW TO TURN OUT BORN B1RDMAN Games in Ihe Or Does It Appeal to You at the CHAMPION MIT "CORIANTON" WELLS PUT IT Bob Fowler's Mother Has 3t«fl«d by LUKE CO8GRAVC "Fient Dope?" WiELDERS Big Leagues PUce, South America. jlmt, 75 Vtiri i.C. Faith in Young t Iyer To jun oiio's Koni is the most THE KING OF PLAYS AN AZTEC ROMANCE, by ORESTES U. KAN. wi.Icly iiS'.'il c?:proasion of the pres- Five or Six Men Alive Who Ought to OVER ABE Winning' $50,000 cur day. perhaps. A yreat many NATIONAL "Corlanton IB no proselyting schema; K is a Christian play. teacJtfu j Evolve a Wonder ... 0110 000 001—1 f> 0 a lesson in Christianity which the whole world might do wjll to |n'i-suiui who make .use oC it have 1 j ; Prize Philadelphia ... OOO 000 000—0 I 2 learn." —Kansas City Star. not tho stiglitost; idea of its deri- ! If I had n young fellow on my'stafl Cole and Archer; Moore and Mad- "After witnessing Cor Inn ton one IB almost led to «xclaim IB did I Los Angelfj. (\\\.. Sept. 21. — "My vailon, aiiiio.n^h they. pL'i'fectly -who had tho builil, the ambition ""li 1 den, Snobs at Solomon's magnificence: 'The half ban not been told me.'" ATTELL | bo.v's fcro'n;; 10 win, I iiilmirc his iHKifi^iami its mottuins . " ocmes iother essentials niu.urally calculated —Omaha Bee. [nnvo. Ik- is a born hmlinaii. I nm i'roni tho htti!:Li;iKO t»f tho race to nualify him for u fighter, writes Second game 17 Innings)— . l,,oi ;:vm to worry at al! over his Complete change nightly S tniok. IVvtain iii^iily nervous \Valti'r C. Kelly, Ihe well-kuuwn fisht 000 000 0—0 •I I Englishman 1 OO Heavy flight tlirwijUi siuici' from the racint- liorsos wulk their stalls continual- critic. I would send him lo three or Philadelphia 000 -100 0—-! •I 1 Prices 25c 35c 50c 75c ' !to the Arlaniic I-OHP*. V.'hy. I am ?u , ly and in conaoqnonce jio to the four men whom 1 have in mind anil set Hichter, Toney and Archor a tut for American Feather- :»appy over i\i* writ that i am »;•-. post -all worn out. The srua't uf- each one of thesu to teach him a Urahani; Stack, Chalmers and (.'ar- ji-oinimnyiufi the sj-echll irjin iu-.tiss tort uf a trainer is to cure n stall- certain doiartment of the fighting !thf cinuinont Ui;U i^ I'oliowins ! i in. w.-iikor if on*- is under his can;. weight ^aine. I would he willing to wager > 'Tiii:-. tf»r:H:!y- siu^*^ tbe svii nf M i':<. Tu do this some animal is sen«ral- tlint inside of a year or two I would i ittsburg 000 200 OJO— 3 ; :Ier we\v York, Sept. :'t.—.Matt UVHs. Uob<>rt l"ov,ler. mother of Pub K" ly pin io the stall wiih the horse. have a world's champion in whatever riosion 100 000 010—2 S :i (.'iiliiornia nviniyr who is I'lyiiu; Hendi-ix and Simon; Tyler and KnpliKfi H^htweisrht champion, i 10 furnish the thoroughbred n class my protege conld tight. oiV :i Cole nut! or etiniiiped Wri-;;u i'i- liaridnii. i'ompitiiiu!!. The animal most fre- For instance. 1 would send him to e,J Ahe Atteil, world's leather jilano for »i ?;"0,iHH) prize. quently iist-d (or this purpose is :i old Jim Hall, the scientific Australian, St. Louis 000 000 000—0 -I Election Returns .Mra, Po'.vUjr. a iniilcilo-aged. mofhor Sout. Hpiice when the gout is title holder, here, in the M:itii'3on ! for instruction in jabbiilK with tlie NVw York 000 010 012—I 12 II ^ iv w«:n:ni. Hill of Anierkvn !r;ii nw\ tiikeii away from the horse the left. 1 would have him take lessons •Siworc Garden last night. In rhelr 10--- - , , i . truly pro :d i/audermilk and Bliss; .Marquard k eeu for iropr{ SF 011 (E : latter suffers from all his old rom Kid McCoy in -hooks, and the uid Myers. at round, no-decision bout. Wells Is pro- , Or her boy. fhe is confident th:n nervous ness a;;;iiii. To yet u use of ihe corkscrew punch, which, by clafnv^d the wlniwr by popular news-the will win and recalls im'idcnt^ that man's troat. iherefore, moans to the way. was one of the most murder- Second game— j Jiape- decision ! have Iwppeued durlnj: his life :o put him' into a highly worried ous punches over launched by a fight- »t. Louis QUO 00-1 00—J I !.' Starland To-night state of mind. Cew York I'OO 000 2^—7 S 1 : «•„« A«OH .tepped into the rin, i^ ^J^\^ ^ £ .McCoy was the only man who m Coyer. \Voodburn and -Wing: Cran- Millowin;; Ins opponent thirtyen pounds ' - .,„ j !,j,, - ever mastered it liky Fitzsimmon-j' m ? rs with the shift. Both have had m:tny| all, Mathewsou and .Myers. Mn wsisht. he attempted what is uow j T1]e b,,,, "b'i,le.e}.e(l chap who has a imitators, but none have had the P "jCincinnati 010 203 lOx— 7 9 1 ••rated ;,-; lhB l pe -o0 - - Everybody Everybody ' " " " -- i fully if she regrets tin- decision he ting with the left 1 would have Rob Second game— Goei Gall ; the good. \Vc-lir, was Atteli's ranster '• h!ls n,3;ie. Ecrh time tho motherly Fitzslmmous polish him off: but for Cincinnati 151 -(01 x—.12 3 1 STARLAND \ from the first sound of tlie j;ong to ! face of the C'aliforna widow has the most accurate style of trapping » Brooklyn 001 000 0— 17-1 I The lr-i;. This was seen-at .a alanc-e, i looked straight into the mauly face victim and of finishing him with a Humphries and McLean: R. Miller, —This Frogi-ain Heats 'Em All— nnd the American was an easy victim. ;ot' ihe sou and said: "Xo. Robert, right jolt I wo.uld prefer Tommy Ryan, Steele, 0. Miller and Bergen.1 pie feast.-; an uphill battte that did i Vo" are -"-essKiic. Yon Unow what yon ji would also have him take a comse Big Special Feature: j-credit to his famous career. Though 'are about. 1 have confidence in yon. from Tommy Ryan in general tactics r "FOREST ROMANCE." f outpointed and given the worst of ^' - f'olc. Mr. Henderson uiid Mr. in action, for Tommy as :i genera! AMERICAN [the mill generally. It may not be said ;C.nmily also have coufiiience in you. was. and is today, the wonder of the Xew York .... 210 000 033— fl 13 5 ELOPEMENT DIVORCED ' that the aged was. OUT- i -"U^'her will not worry. Just go in -age. For judgment of distance! I wouk Cleveland 010 031' 105—11' 17 3 A scream of comedy Drama. teneralted. The fight was fast and • and win." pick Harry Gilmore,, the Chicago vet- Warhop. Vanghan, Quinn and Blair; clean at all stages, and the mighty The yrii and determination of the eran, and for a boy who wanted to Ulandtng, Kaler and Easterly. WAITING AT SONG •throng In attendance w-snt away well mother is the talk-of the Western !learn fancy I would have Young • THE CHURCH by Second game— y&ised. ',..-.• coast. Sir? is admired for her spirit, jGriffo take him in hand for a couple Comedy. R. E. WILLIS Xew York 01000-10—5 5 5 .Wells Gets Offers for the Western citizens know thai of weeks. ' Cleveland 0100021—1 7 2 Sffl —COMING ATTRACTIONS— •Xew York. Sept; 21.—James Cro'-jthe motherly confidence will do much ED. H. FiTZGIBBONS For effective combination work and White Slave Traffic Films—Romeo and Juliet—Cow- forth, of Sail Fransclaco. -;el-egraphed jto inspire r':ie youth to victory. Calgall nnd Williams; Heisling aik 5 boy and Indian Frontier Celebration—Mult and Jeff.' 'That Funny Feller" with the Walters the art. of blocking and hitting at tlie O'Neill. today to George McDonald, manager Mrs. Fowler is solicitous because her;stock Company, at the Majestic Thea- same time, together ••with keeping of , Engli-sh .lightweight son does not get what she believes jtrc, 5 nights commencing Mondny, opponent off bis stride, . never get- Philadelphia ... 000 000 012—3 fl champion, o.'forin- \Vells 55,f.OO for I is sufficient sleep. He Is working: day i Sspter.iber 25. ting rattled and always being in a St. Louis 000 000 002—2 G. 7 a bout with PacK-^y JIcFarlaiid, .or 57,- jand r.ijrlu. When not on his nl-ane or __ , _____ position to deliver a 'blow, I believe Plank and Thomas; Allison illlfl f'fiO for a contest with A-d, j motor, he Is taking sky observations.! Packey McFarland would be the boy Clarke. the figUs to take place in . (He tiers V.ot, however, neglect proper ) PRESENT STYLE to give the proper instructions. For POLICE COURT ' ' 'iiouni'anieiu. end this pleases his taking advantage in "a break-away Boston 000 110 Olx—3 ELECTION ON mother and Cl Fred (Jrundy. his man- FOOTBALL BEST Detroit ;. 000 Oil 000—2 5 n MATT WELLS HAS EAR- from a clinch and, speaking over The session of the police court this ager.. knockquL smash to the jaw, Art. and 'Williams; Works and MARKS' morning, held at 9 o'clock, was » light OF GREATNESS "When- Boh youngster," his New Game Presents Better Oppor-jSimms ran he considered In a class Stanase. one, Only one disturber of the peace . j mother says, "he was alwuys'keen for jby himself, and he has a good idea o,rf WITH MUCH ttinity to Coach and Players- tVashington 000 001.200—R English Lightweight Champion Looks ,'kire flying. \\"hen foiir years old beating an opponent .to the punch. To appeared to answer for a D, and D, Chicago .... 010 102. 100—5 7 2 Like Real Contender for-Wol- |be fe!I from a four. storo>" "lVindow ant* Weight Not Essential i learn the knack of in-fighting E would charge. Ed. Prendergest was ths vic- j \v;is picked up unhurt. The first Hughes and Street; 3puz, Walsh S !s ihe present style of football bet- send the young man to Lavigm* or and Sullivan. tims, and he got the'iisual three ami "" . words from him were 'Mother the Terry JIcGovern if. he was in stiff!- VIGOR N>aw York, Sept. 21.—Owen'Moran jwind hurt me.' Ho was able to judge ter than the old game? ;There are costs. ) good iliealth to do any te-ach- nay ho out of .tbe. ivny as a contend- ! me speed of'a ball through ihe air. many who have their likes and dis- cienty Yesterday, Charles Fisher, an Eng- likes for both games, and the only 'nS- AMERICAN ASSOCIATION er for .Ad Wolsa-st's title, but. it now ' ami v/hen paying, games with his lish laborer from Diamond City, evid- I would like to see a youngster po- St. Paul 202 001 OOx— 5 fi 0 The morning of election day dawn- Appears [liai England still has an-ace ) comjirmtons he would stop and gaze way to rome to a conclusion in the ed cold and disagreeable in this city, ently feeling a natural longing for the matter Is to consider the qualities in ssessing all the natural qualifications Columbus. 000 010 001 —2 11 1 in the pack to lead. That carCCuliar questions about. the time to tli-e front, there is little doubt ever held in this country. But in of vegetables from the restaurant of that the present game, with its possi- would not be necessary to spend more bout at Madison Square Garden. |air. He knew more Mbout air cur- ot the inclement, weather, the Loo Wing in this city. He was than a few da vs with eaca on EASTERN Slyled n "false alarm" by the East- jre,lU th(Ln ativ0ne f ever knew. bilities, has the old-style game beaten. i . - e after caught in the act of getting away ... . , . _ . . -. ihe had learned the rudiments of the rigs and automobiles were early ern critics, in hte first two contests I' "From the first he was wild ubo.ut Weight Counted Most 041 Oil 000 01—S 13 with the boodle -by Constable Geohe- game from an ordinary teacher and brought into service, and at the hour flying machines, ft seins as if he was in the days of the old style play,! 200 020 300 02—fl 15 tfan, who immediately demanded a got polished up some by contact with of eight many of these were out doing men wore selected from the squad satisfactory explanation. As this was bora tinder an aviation star. If there JJa few good ones In the ring. With a iuffalo ... 201 002 001—6 errands. a thing. It might be t-alled,and sent to the training ipble if they not forthcoming, Fteh-er was slowed, fair knowledge of; the principles of Rochester 010 000 150—7 As the dny advanced, {Ire weather away in the cells for the nlffht, and the art, a youngster would- become a seemed to crear a little, thus drying ed strength accordingly. The present Second game (tic), G Innings)— this morning was remanded until to- Ihave been of an astronomical turn or' marvellous fighter with a few lectur- up the ground, and the autos ivvern game places these requirements on f Buffalo 100 000— I morrow morning ,\vhen he will ap- ;jiiiiid. When driving an automobile jes from all the old masters named. able to run with l-ess trouble. At any j he has shown an ability to determine the elf, and gives everybody, no j Hocheater 100000—1 hour might be E'SCIU the various con- pear to answer to the char^te 'of Ithiugs .along the rg-ad before the 111^1- matter whether iie is strong, heavy, | veyances running hither and thither, theft. Providence .... 010 000 501—7 10 | chine reached the plane that was won- or light, a chance in maUe carrying voters to their various poll- COOMBS IS FORD'S HOODOO Newark ...... 000010000—1' 6 jiJerfitl. It was always the subjec: ofj In ihe old days u team that could ing places. To the casual observer I comment among those riding with boast of an average of 190 pounds cr Yankee Twirler Always Worsted by Jersey City 000 000 000—0 3 the white-gloved men representing the ihim. Many called it second sight, but over, was considered a champion, Mackman Baltimore 000 000 030—3 9 haclr drivers could 'be seen C.P.R. MEN GIVEN j neither Robert nor I believed e.nch :i while the eleven that wins a chani- always at their busiest. Around the Russell Ford, the notable twirler of thing. thai argument -.vouid not pionship nowadr.ys averages between Conservative stronghold, howevvsr, the the Xew York Highlanders, says that Jilimb, itlll! Lilt; UiiCK i , , < ...... , - , opposition drivers congregat-ed, and hold good because, it is only In matters 170 ami ISO pounds, and the back I r CHANCE TO VOTE Ira J Wn Coomhs 1S hls hOOCl00 and where road or air i-onditions are co::- j field of such elevens is extremelv ! * . 'T were kept busy. With cheerful faces jcemed ,-Jiat my boy's mind is so ac- light, while th,„e „„centr„ e tri...;„o :i.s. com* - i that he can not win againsgn t Jawn Standing of the men for reciprocity hnrrfed abut posed of the heaviest men. with an a\vj in his hands. the town, thinking not of the disagree- • Montreal, Sept. 21.—A telegram was "He's got my goat, all right," said sent out today to "all officers o£ th\) Fowler is 28 years old His home is Greater Possibilities Clubs Today able weather, and seeing nothing bill, at Gilroy, Cal. He is n gr or Lo- Russ, "and certainly has my number. victory for their efforts. In decided Canadian Pacific railway, signed by : The new game presents many pos- If I was to get into the box with ev- the president, Sir Thomas Shaiigh- hind Stanford L niver,siiy. H? has sibilities, and the coach who does not contrast ,*«re ' f.he appearances of ^ be.m employed as s. CV-lo raring driver j | advanti ei vthing on the ball, and hold the NATIONAL the antl-re'ciprocityites, who found j neasy, to the effect that it i-s the de- Ta Ce sire of the company that «TOry eni- and demonstrator ,or rte „,,„, - i^W^ V.^ ^mf" V A"»efe d"™ <° ™ ""•'" ™"" Won Lost P. C. fault with the weather, the streets ilo to go me on(! i)etter| .ployee who can possibly 'be spared tor Sales Comp-.iny who fire automo- New York .. 85 46 and everything in general. coach under the present code must be flm| pitch a no.,,it gamo from his duties, at any time today, bile agents for the Gole 30-10 machine .resonrcehil. Ho must have inven- Chicago ..'. 81 65 Up to the time of going to press ho "Every time I start against him I should be given opportunity to vote, in Southern California. tive genius ami use hi ( Pittshurg ... 81 60 news of'any violence has reached the material U>iexpect „ i)oot or something to pnt me Philadelphia 62 .53 and that no questions be asked as to itiy Ijest advantage. He must loo^k- eara of. the press. On the south aide St. Louis ... 04 of tho trade, the day so far has pass- his poll-tics. for some fast players, lie must look six fiiimes a sea!roll ir j |iad lo su<.k 75 TENNIS. TOURNAMENT jlnchmati .. ed off (luietly, and any delay caused '"" players who sire adept ' up against Coombs. Brooklyn ... 54 7!) HELD IN THE PASS wai th« result of voters going to the lliro\ving -and catching tile hall, and "Somehow when he gets tangled up Boston ... 35 wrong Rolls and requiring to he sworn he must look for men who can with- with me all Hie h-.ul luck in the world LOCAL BUDGET ni,ijrntore.,Sept. I'D.—A tennis tour- before 'being allowed to vote. A very stand onslaughts on Uie middle of comes along and puts a crimp in any- lauien* was held here last Sainrday line. He must place his men on large percentage of the electors at'a ! thing that I can do. I'd rather pitch The Tabor school hoard has been, - ; ; - in ivhicli playera from all parts of HID defence, where their ability will, . „. ,,,,.],,„,.. ... „., ,„,.,,„,,,„ ,,,., Philadelphia . . .. f>! 4n .669 being sworn, and every vigilance is be Jn this country. Wells more than re- the Pays were v-m-ered. Blairmoru !1,.. pal lo Hie i»->t advanta-e at the ,• , ;,'">l)t"1-1 •" ""-' l"'»l""=i H'a Detroit i . S2 66 .591 ing kept to insure an honest represen- empowered to borrow S4,000 to com- versed that opinion of his ring prow-: did exceptionally well. II. F. Karmor isame lime saving them for" their of- L0°'" Cleveland .. 72 •64 .529 plctc their school building, bti)' fur- New York . . .. 72 85 .525 tation. - . tea -by ontgeireralling and outfighting I and I!. \V. look the men's |fen:iivc qualities, nishings and fence the site. II. P. Boston .. on 70 .497 In North TjCthbridge.'the times have tl.-a American favorite, and today |en wood of Coleman took the ladies' sin- !.;. in the case of those -being sworn. STUDENTS ORGANIZE EASTERN and "ill in Township 6 Range 8 west of a surprise to tlip N'ew gles, and .Mr. Wacleod of Frank '.lie!.-. •However, thv? constables nrfl doing 1 FOR ATHLETICS Rochester .. !)6 S2 .651 of the Fourth Meridian, have been York sporting wrilevj, stamped gentlemen !; ulnglen. Another contest their duty well, and it, is thought that Baltimore ...... W> 55 .620 him as a second-rater aftar his bout will be held on,' Snt\irday nv;xt at erected into a .School District under • Toronto .. 91 56 .619 the day will paia off quietly nnd in with Pal Moore. CoKmwn. •:• The students ot the I.eth- v i the name of ' T.hc Flowery Plain Buffalo .. 73 73 .500 an orderly manner. •> tirldg,: High .Rcliool held a <•' school district No. 2554 ol the Pro- •:• mealing Wednesday afternoon •> | Montreal .. 09 78 .469 vince of Alberta. Senior trustee, .Jal. •;• and organized the athletic Jersey City . .. .. 69 85 .410 TOOK CARBOLIC ACID Sometimes pcoplt t,. ,n. nfltr. Newark .. C6 92 * association for tho fall season. .378 Toronto, Sept. 20.—"You told me to Robinson, How Island. beoauw the slomich Providence .. 50 !M •'• The following officers were .347 take It and finish myaelf, no I have The following lands, namely; Sec- <• nlccteil: Hon. Rresldonl. Dr. done so.—Louise." Writing this nate, tions 17, 18, IP, 20, 211, HO, 31 and •> St»warl: pi«aldeni, X. Link: AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Mm, Louise R. Morgan, who roomed 32 in Township 9 liangc '8 ; and <• vice preflidcnt. .R. McCulloch;^ Minneapolis . .. .. ni 63 .591 at SOI Ptrlinmenl stroot, took carbol- Sections 1,1, U, 23, 'li, 35, 36, 3S ic acid thi* 'afiurr.uoni or.d died a <• secrefary:tren9nrer, J. Living-. ^ Kanung City . .. .. 81 67 .548 and 36 in Township 9 Mange 19 west * stone; commltkoi 0. Camp- -j Cobi minis ...... 85 72. .541 •hort time later. reliere the dtscmWort «( o«tn. »nil.hclp d!i;csl the overload. The lover of rood 77 of l.lm Fourlh .Meridian, have been thlnra may iccl quite Mb with l-bm ol NA-DRU-CO Dyspepjin Tablets »l hand. *• bell, Mr. Cnrtwrlght. Harvey ndifinnpolis . . . .. 75 .492 r BORN into a school district under • 90o,,,a box. . If. your druggist hu.not stoc'«d \hsri^ yet und 5Cc. and we <• Sch%voitzcr and li. Sang. St. Paul ... .. 74 79 .481 will miiJ them: ' Milwaukee .. n S2 .471' LARSON—At Lethbrldge, on Sept 30, the i:amo ol The Chin school district Nul^l P^. C.— k.1O, rf C^4y Li-K^. Toledo .. 70 «2 .461 to Mr. and Mrs. J. J: tarson, 269 N'o. 2556 nf the Province of Alberta/ «,*.». » * .»;,» » ».«.».« Ivouisvllle ...... 63 90 .41] Seventh aveau* South, a dauchtvr. ior trustee, Jas. Uacon, Ckii.