Absolute Music 62, 99 Accrington 4, 39, 74, 204–5, 304 Adès, Thomas
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-09374-4 - Harrison Birtwistle Studies Edited by David Beard, Kenneth Gloag and Nicholas Jones Index More information Index absolute music 62, 99 Angel Fighter 121, 167–9, 288, 290 Accrington 4, 39, 74, 204–5, 304 Antiphonies for Piano and Orchestra 18, Adès, Thomas 53, 286 275, 288 Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund 97, 118, Axe Manual, The 13–15, 29, 57–62, 289 122, 127, 277, 300 Bach-Birtwistle: Three Arias 289 Aimard, Pierre-Laurent 287 Bach-Birtwistle: Three Fugues from The Aldeburgh Festival 140, 285, 288 Art of the Fugue 289 aleatory 36, 67–8, 80, 94, 121–3, 125, Betty Freeman: Her Tango 265, 289 127–9, 272 Birthday Song 71, 89 Anderson, Barry 63, 70, 87–9, 91, 93, 147 Bogenstrich 167, 289, 299 Ansty Coombe (Wiltshire) 146, 204 Bogenstrich Liebes-Lied 190, 289 ApIvor, Denis 277 Bourdon 290 Arditti String Quartet 287 Cantata 125, 275 Arnold, Malcolm 277 Cantus Iambeus 289 avant-garde 39, 273, 277, 282, 285–6 Carmen Arcadiae Mechanicae Perpetuum 146, 153–4, 156, 161–6, Babbitt, Milton 64, 68 233, 253–4, 275 Philomel 64 Chanson de Geste 71–2, 91, 275, 287 Bach, Johann Sebastian 9, 67, 70, 72 Chorale from a Toy-Shop 254 Barrett, Richard 283–4 Chorales for Orchestra 11, 29, 31–3, 67, Barthes, Roland 123–6, 129, 167, 174 143, 146 Bartók, Bela 47, 276, 278 Chronometer 26, 63, 71–87, 91–4 BBC Radiophonic Workshop 65–6 Clarinet Quintet 156, 275 BBC Symphony Orchestra 73 Concerto for Violin and Orchestra Beardslee, Bethany 64 18–25, 288, 290, 299 Beckett, Samuel 124 Corridor, The 9, 18, 25, 147, 253, Beethoven, Ludwig van 97–8, 300 290, 294 Symphony No.
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