IBEW Local 332 Voter Guide NOVEMBER 3, 2020 GENERAL ELECTION November 3rd Election in the Pandemic This election is unlike any we’ve ever had because of COVID, and every race from the water district to the U.S. president impacts 332 members. However, our number one priority is to secure more union construction work. When our economy hits bottom, it’s actually our city and county leaders who make decisions about our jobs, PLAs, and housing. Federal leaders use a broad brush. But it’s local leaders who to impact our members, our jobs, our families, and our communities. IBEW Local 332 Election & Voter Guide This guide has links for voter registration, where to vote/send your absentee ballots, and our endorsements as of Sept. 21st. Local 332, the Building Trades, and the South Bay Labor Council have vetted candidates through an in-depth interview process, and done thorough analysis of CA propositions and local ballot measures. • www.ibew332.org has all voter registration, endorsements, and our Get Out the Vote activities • www.ibewvotes.com has updated endorsements should anything change and endorsements outside of Santa Clara County (upper right-hand corner) • If there is no endorsement for a candidate or an issue, we did not take a formal position. Contact Alex Caraballo (510) 789-7005 or
[email protected] if you need more information. Building Trades Get Out the Vote 10/5/20-10/10/20: Vote-by-mail ballots mailed out 10/19/20: Regular voter registration deadline 10/20/20-11/03/20: Same-day voter registration 11/3/20: ELECTION DAY: Vote in person or drop ballots off by 8pm Voter Registration | IBEWVOTES.com To limit COVID exposure from in-person voting, all registered voters will be sent an absentee ballot automatically.