Mark will use the monthly surgery at the Golden Lion Pub to communicate with residents and understand their views on all issues Mark INKSTER Conservative Candidate for Bedhampton Borough Council Elections 2nd May

Delivering the best for Bedhampton

Mark is deeply concerned about the rise of crime and Dear Bedhampton Resident, anti social behaviour in Bedhampton. As your councillor he will apply pressure to see a greater police presence As a lifelong Conservative, I believe that the Conservatives are the only party in Bedhampton with a grounded vision to preserve core services and get maximum value for the people of Bedhampton. We won’t waste your money.

Mark and his family have lived in Bedhampton since Bedhampton is the jewel in the and we need to make 1976. He cares passionately about the place that he calls sure that it sparkles and that it continues to be a lovely place to work and home. raise a family. We can do this by controlling fly tipping, ensuring regular bin collections and by a greater police presence to make it a safer place to live and work. We need to deter crime and anti social behaviour by working with residents and the police. These elections are about local issues. Whether we are To tell you a little about me, I am the third generation in a family business in Europe or out of Europe, which began in London and came to Bedhampton in 1976. I earned a we are all in Bedhampton Masters in Business Administration at Henley Management College and have a keen interest in boats of all kinds including our family Dunkirk Little Ship.

So why do I want to be your councillor? I have extensive knowledge of planning, licensing and maritime environmental issues and I want to bring this expertise to Havant Borough Council. But most importantly, Bedhampton is my home and I want to actively protect, preserve and enhance this beautiful place in which we all live.

My disappointment with National Politics in recent times has motivated me to stand in the local elections to represent the people of Bedhampton in their Borough and champion local causes.

Mark will fight to ensure Having grown up here I believe I am on the same wavelength as the local people of that any future housing Bedhampton and I will be your voice on the council. I live in Bedhampton and work development in in Bedhampton and that means I care about Bedhampton. Mark runs a local business in Bedhampton will have the the heart of Bedhampton. He required infrastructure The current turmoil in national politics has overshadowed local issues and we are in danger of losing the community that is so important locally. is committed to creating employment opportunities for local people However dissatisfied people may be with national politics the elections in May are about local issues. Whether we are in Europe or out of Europe we are all in Bedhampton. Whatever happens nationally it really matters who runs your local council. So I am asking for the support of the residents of Bedhampton to back me on 2nd May or by post in advance.

Local people, local issues, local Conservatives Yours Sincerely

"Mark is a successful local Mark INKSTER businessman with strong local knowledge, a passionate The Conservative Party Candidate commitment to Bedhampton, and a real focus on improving his If you would like to raise a local issue, please contact me local community. He'll be an x Facebook: @BedhamptonConservatives outstanding Councillor, and I urge residents to vote for him on 2nd Promoted by Alex Rennie on behalf of Mark Inkster, both of Havant Conservative Association, 33 Road, Havant, , PO9 2SN. Email : [email protected] Printed by Affinion International Print Services, Sentinel House, Airspeed Road, , Hampshire, PO3 5RF. May" MP.