Yale Observing Proposal Standard proposal Semester: 2014B Date: March 11, 2014

Constraining SMBH growth in the high-redshift Uni- verse

PI: Francesca Civano Status: P Affil.: Yale University Physics, P.O. Box 208120, New Haven, CT 06520-8120 U.S.A. Email: [email protected] Phone: 203-432-3651 FAX: 203-432-8552

CoI: Meg Urry Status: P Affil.: Yale University CoI: Stephanie LaMassa Status: P Affil.: Yale University CoI: Benny Trakhtenbrot Status: P Affil.: ETH CoI: Stefano Marchesi Status: G Affil.: Yale University

Abstract of Scientific Justification (will be made publicly available for accepted proposals): We propose to measure accurate super massive black hole (SMBH) masses and growth rates 46 (L/LEdd) for a sample of 9 faint (LBol ∼10 erg/s), X-ray-selected Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) at z ∼ 3.1 − 3.7, from the COSMOS field. Using MOSFIRE, we will not only observe the broad Hβ emission lines in AGN spectra but we will also observe a comparison sample of 15 to 25 epoch- matched in the same fields, to characterize the SMBH and growth environment. The COSMOS deep multiwavelength survey probes the growth of SMBHs and their co-evolution with galaxies, at luminosities and redshifts where most black hole and stellar growth occurs. The COSMOS dataset is matched in wavelength coverage in only one or two other fields (which sample at least an order of magnitude smaller in volume), and in particular, the recently awarded Chandra COSMOS Legacy Survey enables a census of SMBH growth from z=0 to z=5 that is nearly unbi- ased by obscuration. Together with the masses and growth rates successfully measured for 6 X-ray selected AGN observed during 2013B in the same COSMOS field, we will have the first sample (15 sources), comparable in size to previous studies at brighter luminosities, in a a parameter (LBol, mass and L/LEdd) space at this critical epoch which has been explored just by our group. The proposed MOSFIRE spectroscopy, combined with the full COSMOS data set, allows direct esti- mates of black hole mass and growth rate (Eddington ratio, Fig. 1) and host galaxy stellar content, directly constraining how SMBHs and galaxies co-evolve.

Summary of observing runs requested for this project Run Telescope Instrument No. Nights Min. Nights Moon Optimal months Accept. months 1 Keck MOSFIRE 3 3 dark/grey January 2 3 4 5

Scheduling constraints and non-usable dates (up to four lines). —————————————————— Yale Proposal Page 2 This box blank.

Scientific Justification Be sure to include overall significance to astronomy. Limit text to one page with figures, captions and references on no more than two additional pages. Black holes grow and radiate across a wide range of luminosities, and stars form and evolve in galaxies with nearly as broad a range in mass. The large uncertainties on AGN population synthesis and evolution models (Gilli et al. 2007, Treister et al. 2012) demonstrate the importance of measuring SMBH growth across a wide mass-luminosity range. Simply studying optically-selected luminous quasars, for example, accounts for less than 50% of total BH growth (e.g., Treister et al. 2012), and takes place in fewer than 10% of galaxies. Most SMBHs are growing at moderate Eddington rates in moderate luminosity AGN, so measuring the BH mass function across a range of AGN luminosities is clearly critical. This is why a “wedding cake” combination of surveys with different depths and areas is essential to understanding the co-evolution of SMBHs and galaxies. The COSMOS survey, to which an unprecedented 2.8 Ms of Chandra GO time has recently been allocated (PI: Civano), is ideal for sampling the youthful growth period of SMBHs at z > 3 and 44 galaxies near L∗ or just above. Typical COSMOS AGN have LX ∼ 5 × 10 erg/s and reside in 13 haloes with mass M ∼ few × 10 M⊙ at z=3 (Allevato et al. 2014 submitted): if AGN feedback is important for galaxy evolution, these are the SMBHs and galaxies that matter – yet very little is known about them. First estimates of z > 3 AGN luminosity functions measured at X-ray (Civano et al. 2011) and optical wavelengths (Glikman et al. 2011, Ikeda et al. 2011) are inconsistent, but current samples are small and largely disjoint in luminosity or halo mass. Furthermore, the optical bias toward high luminosities and against obscuration implies severe uncertainties in the SMBH growth and evolution during the early ages of the Universe (Trakhtenbrot et al. 2011, Fig. 1). Phenomenological models diverge by up to a factor 10 (Aird et al. 2010, Gilli et a. 2007) and physical models of quasar evolution (Wyithe & Loeb 2009, Shen 2009) are even less constrained.

We propose to measure BH masses and growth rates (L/LEdd) for a new sample of 9 faint, X-ray- selected AGN at z ∼ 3.1 − 3.7, from the Chandra COSMOS Legacy Survey. Using MOSFIRE, we will observe the broad Hβ emission line in AGN spectra and also probe stellar properties in galaxies at the same redshifts of the AGN, to characterize the SMBH and galaxy growth environment (see Technical Description). This is the extension of a study started in 2013B (January 2014) when we observed 6 other X-ray selected AGN in the inner region of the COSMOS field (Fig. 2). Feedback models imply that virtually all z>3 large scale structures should host rapidly growing SMBHs, which can shut off the formation of new stars in massive galaxies at z∼2.5 (Benson et al. 2003, Croton et al. 2006). COSMOS AGN at z ∼ 3 are closer in luminosity to the optically-selected samples, and are roughly a decade above the typical AGN luminosities in the Chandra Deep Fields (Civano et al. 2011), so they fill a missing link in BH mass-dependent density evolution. Being hard X-ray-selected, these COSMOS AGN are also almost unbiased with respect to obscuration, so that the SMBH census is far more complete than optical samples; this means we can derive the completeness correction needed for optically-selected AGN. At the early times, the progenitors of lower-redshift structures are made up of many connected overdensities on a scale of several arcminutes (Springel et al. 2005, Overzier et al. 2009), so the MOSFIRE FOV is well suited to identifying and characterizing the members of these structures. Using the unique capabilities (sensitivity and multi-object mode) of MOSFIRE, the proposed ob- servations will enable (1) the study of accretion at z > 3 in a critical luminosity range, fainter than the optically selected quasar samples (Fig. 1), (2) the exploration of the role of accreting SMBHs in their environment and the properties of the galaxies surrounding them, and (3) the comparison with SMBH accretion models and simulations of structure formation (Natarajan & Volonteri 2012). Yale Proposal Page 3 This box blank.

Bibliography: Aird et al. 2010, MNRAS 401, 2531; Baskin & Laor, 2005, MNRAS, 356, 1029; Benson et al. 2003, ApJ 599, 38; Croton et al. 2006, MNRAS 365, 11; Civano et al. 2011, ApJ 741, 91; Glikman et al. 2011, ApJL 728, 26; Gilli et al. 2007, A&A 463, 79; Ikeda et al.2011, ApJ 728, 25; Kaspi et al. 2005, ApJ, 629, 61; Kurk et al. 2007, ApJ, 669, 32; McConnell et al. 2011, Nature, 480, 215; Netzer et al. 2007, ApJ, 671, 1256; Natarajan, P., & Volonteri, M. 2012, MNRAS, 422, 2051; Overzier et al. 2009, ApJ 704, 548; Shen et al. 2008, ApJ, 680, 189; Shen 2009, ApJ 704, 89; Springel et al. 2005, Nature 435, 629; Trakhtenbrot et al. 2011, ApJ, 730, 7; Trakhtenbrot & Netzer, 2012, MNRAS, 427, 3081; Vestergaard & Peterson, 2006, ApJ, 641, 689; Volonteri 2010, A&ARv,18, 279; Willott et al. 2010, AJ, 140, 546; Wyithe & Loeb 2009, MNRAS, 395, 1607.

2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5

" 48 1 −

erg s 47 / Bol

L 46 !

log 45 ) ⊙ 10 /M

BH 9 M

log ( 8 )

Edd 0 /L

Bol −1 L −2 log ( 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 z

Figure 1: Bolometric luminosity distribution (top panel), measured by integrating the observed spectral energy distribution, for the nine sources proposed here (red circles), for two sources in the 2013B sample (blue solid squares), compared with the data presented in Trakhtenbrot et al. (2011, black symbols). The measured BH mass and Eddington ratio for the 2013B sources are plotted in the middle and bottom panel. Assuming that the proposed sources have a similar Eddington ratio or BH mass to the Netzer et al. (2007) z ∼3.3 sample (black triangle), we derive their expected masses (middle panel) and ratio (bottom panel). Yale Proposal Page 4 This box blank.

0.6 CID−113: z=3.333 , K =19.95 AB 0.5 log M =8.82, L/L =0.20

/A] BH Edd 2 0.4

erg/s/cm 0.3 −17 0.2 [10 λ F 0.1

0 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 5000 5100 5200 rest−frame wavelength [A]

CID−413: 0.3 z=3.345 , K =20.5 AB log M =8.46, L/L =0.15

/A] BH Edd

2 0.25


erg/s/cm 0.15 −17

[10 0.1 λ F 0.05

0 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 5000 5100 5200 rest−frame wavelength [A]

Figure 2: MOSFIRE spectra of two out of 6 (plus 1 in CDFS) 2013B sources. The two spectra are plotted in the rest frame. The spectrum (blue line) is shown with the best fit model (black solid) and each component used in the fit (black dashed lines). In the inset, source identifier, magnitude, redshift, estimated black hole mass and accretion rate are reported. The sources here are the same reported in Figure 1 as blue squares. Yale Proposal Page 5 This box blank.

Impact to Yale Astronomy Describe how this program fits into the Yale astronomy program. Will the data analysis and resulting papers be based at Yale? If the project is led by a faculty member, does the project involve students? What is the role of the PI viz-a-viz other non-Yale co-Is. Are the resources in place to analyze the data and come to a timely publication? (limit text to one page) I am the PI of the recently awarded Chandra X-ray Visionary Project (2.8 Ms, approved in 2012, currently in the last phase of execution) to cover the full field of the COSMOS survey (the Chandra COSMOS Legacy Survey). This is the second largest Chandra extragalactic program ever approved. This survey extends to the whole 2 deg2 COSMOS field the 200 ks depth coverage already available in the central 0.5 deg2 area. I am leading the data reduction and analysis of this project and working on the high-redshift (z>3) luminosity function. A student (S. Marchesi), funded on my Chandra grant, is working with me on this project on the X-ray data analysis. Urry’s group has been working on the cosmic history of BH growth and BH-galaxy co-evolution for over a decade. She proposed the first deep multiwavelength survey (GOODS) and helped plan the COSMOS survey to reach higher luminosities and masses. She is a co-I of the Chandra COSMOS Legacy Survey. Urry’s group has worked extensively on COSMOS, including optical follow-up spectroscopy with DEIMOS and other joint proposals with Nick Scoville (COSMOS PI). Steph LaMassa is involved in the COSMOS AGN work. B. Trakhtenbrot is a post-doc at ETH working with former Yale Einstein Fellow K. Schawinski, with whom we continue to collaborate. Trakhtenbrot is the most knowledgeable expert on high- redshift sources black hole mass measurements. He improved virial methods for measuring the black hole mass and accretion rate in the high redshift universe using infrared spectroscopy. He is a collaborator of the Chandra COSMOS Legacy Survey.

Previous Use of Yale Facilities and Publications Please list previous use of Yale observing facilities and any publications resulting from these data in the past 3 years. If this is a long term project, please state this here and describe the overall strategy of the project. Two nights of Keck-I/MOSFIRE time were granted in 2013B (PI: M. Urry) for this project. M. Urry and B. Trakhtenbrot performed the observations from the Waimea site. The two nights (January 23 and 24, 2014) presented optimal condition at the beginning of the night, partial clouds in the middle of the night and better condition on the last part. The COSMOS field is visible for 3/4 of the night during late January. For this reason, during the first part of both nights we observed a z=3.7 broad line AGN in the Chandra Deep Field South, one magnitude fainter than the COSMOS target, for a total integration time of 4 hrs for this target. The 6 COSMOS targets proposed for 2013B have been ALL observed using MOSFIRE in the K-band filter. The observing time for each target was enough to obtain a signal-to-noise ratio which allows to measure the Hβ line profile and the continuum. In Figure 2, two sources from the 2013B program are presented. The broad Hβ line is shown in the fit and the computed BH mass and accretion rate are reported in the inset. The analysis is in progress and one or possibly two publications will be written on the current data. Given the successful strategy of our 2013B program, we are extending the sample to observe other 9 sources over the whole area of the Chandra COSMOS Legacy Survey. Yale Proposal Page 6 This box blank.

Observing Run Details for Run 1: Keck/MOSFIRE

Technical Description Describe the observations to be made during the requested observing run. Justify the specific telescopes, the number of nights, the instrument, and the lunar phase. List objects, coordinates, and magnitudes (or surface brightness, if appropriate) in the Target Tables section.

For unobscured, broad-line AGN, the most reliable methods to estimate MBH and L/LEdd, from single spectra, rely on the careful measurement of the broad Hβ emission line, and the usage of the empirical RBLR − L5100 relation, which was originally established for this emission line from reverberation mapping (e.g., Kaspi et al. 2005; Vestergaard & Peterson 2006). Other methods, e.g., using the C iv λ1549 line, are known to be highly problematic (e.g., Baskin & Laor 2005; Netzer et al. 2007; Shen et al. 2008; Shen & Liu 2012; Trakhtenbrot & Netzer 2012). For z > 2 sources this requirement, combined with the nature of the NIR transmission bands, translates to an emphasis on specific redshift bands, at z ≃ 2.4 (Hβ in H-band), z ≃ 3.3 (Hβ in K-band), z ≃ 4.8 or, finally, z ≃ 6.2 (Mg ii in H- or K-band). In recent years, small samples of optically-selected luminous AGNs were studied in all these bands, using the most advanced NIR spectrographs on 8m-class telescopes (e.g., Kurk et al. 2007; Netzer et al. 2007; Willott et al. 2010; Fig. 1 here and Trakhtenbrot et al. 2011). Our broad-line AGN sample has been selected from the Chandra COSMOS Legacy Survey (Civano et al. 2014 in prep.), a 2.8 Ms Chandra X-ray Visionary project awarded to F. Civano in 2012 and expected to be completed by March 2014. The 9 targets have redshifts between z=3.3 and z=3.7, so that the Hβ emission line is observed in the K band, and magnitudes in the range 21.5 < KAB < 19.3. According to our experience from the 2013B 2 nights of observations, we estimate that we can achieve the desired S/N=10 (binning at 10 pixels each spectra) in ∼2 hours of exposure per mask. This S/N will allow us to constrain the continuum and accurately fit the Fe emission, which is a significant feature near the Hβ emission line. From our experience, the usage of 1′′ slit and spectral binning results in R=3000, which translates into resolution of ∼100 km/s. This is fully sufficient to accurately measure the broad Hβ line, as well as the narrow [O iii line. With this spectra will be able to measure the broad Hβ FWHM with an accuracy of 10%. For the spectral fit we will use the method by Trakhtenbrot et al. (2011). Taking into account overheads and standard star observations, this translates to about 3 MOSFIRE masks per night. Since our prime targets have low density on the sky, each mask will probe 1 (or 2 at most) targets. Transient inferior weather conditions (clouds and humidity) needs also to be taken into account. We therefore propose for 3 nights to cover a total of 9 targets. Each AGN targeted is surrounded by 15 to 25 galaxies selected from the COSMOS photometric catalog with both photometric and/or spectroscopic redshifts in the same redshift range of the targets (ztarget±0.25). Additional goals are to verify the presence of proto-structures around the AGN, as well as to confirm the photometric redshifts of these galaxies if not available. In the K band, the narrow O iii emission line doublet will be detected at a S/N∼2, assuming an average flux for the line. The doublet will be used as a redshift estimator. The O iii to Hβ ratio will be used as indicator of star-formation or nuclear activity. About 19 slits will be used to target the above galaxies to ensure many bars are dedicated to the main target, for good sky subtraction. In our fields, we will also target K-band selected massive galaxies at z∼3.5 from the Ultra-Vista K-band catalog (1 or 2 per field), provided by P. Oesch (YCAA fellow). R.A. range of principal targets (hours): 10 to 10 Dec. range of principal targets (degrees): +02 to +02 Yale Proposal Page 7 This box blank.

Instrument Configuration

Filters:K Slit:1 Fibercable: Grating/grism:K Multislit:yes Corrector: Order: λstart: 18500A˚ Collimator: Cross disperser: λend: 23500A˚ Atmos.disp.corr.:

A Yale observing proposal LTEX macros v1.0. Yale Observing Proposal Standard proposal Semester: 2014B Date: March 11, 2014

The Star-Forming Cores of Massive Galaxies

PI: Pieter van Dokkum Status: P Affil.: Yale University Astronomy, P.O. Box 208101, New Haven, CT 06520-8101 U.S.A. Email: [email protected] Phone: 203-432-3019 FAX: 203-432-5048

CoI: Erica Nelson Status: T Affil.: Yale CoI: Ivelina Momcheva Status: P Affil.: Yale CoI: Joel Leja Status: T Affil.: Yale

Abstract of Scientific Justification (will be made publicly available for accepted proposals):

The leading paradigm for the formation of massive elliptical galaxies is that they started out as dense, compact cores at z > 2 and then gradually accreted their outer envelopes. Despite the fact that these cores contain up to ∼ 30 % of all stars at z > 2 it is not known how they were formed: they do not arise naturally in simulations, and until recently there were no observations of these objects while they were still forming stars. In January 2014 we found the first confirmed example of one of these compact cores in the process of formation, using Yale Keck/NIRSPEC time. This discovery was made possible by the completion in December 2013 of the Yale-led 3D- HST survey, which is providing us with photometric redshifts, stellar masses, rates and HST-measured sizes of > 200, 000 objects in five extra-galactic fields. Here we request time with NIRSPEC and MOSFIRE to obtain a sample of these star forming cores, and characterize what is potentially a very important mode of star formation in the early Universe. The success of a single NIRSPEC night in January suggests that we can obtain a sample of 10 − 15 star forming dense cores in 5 nights (3 NIRSPEC and 2 MOSFIRE), along with a “control sample” of ∼ 20 star forming galaxies that do not have dense cores. If Pascal Oesch’s MOSFIRE program is approved we will optimize the mask designs to maximize the science returns from both programs.

Summary of observing runs requested for this project Run Telescope Instrument No. Nights Min. Nights Moon Optimal months Accept. months 1 Keck I MOSFIRE 2 1 any Jan Dec - Jan 2 Keck II NIRSPEC 3 2 any Jan Dec - Jan 3 4 5

Scheduling constraints and non-usable dates (up to four lines). —————————————————— YaleProposal Page2 This box blank.

Scientific Justification Be sure to include overall significance to astronomy. Limit text to one page with figures, captions and references on no more than two additional pages. Background: There has been great progress in our understanding of the formation of massive galaxies over the past five years. The leading paradigm is that they started out as very dense cores 11 at z ∼> 2, with ∼ 10 M⊙ of stars packed in a region with a half-light radius of ∼ 1 kpc. Over the following 10 billion years the galaxies built their outer envelopes, through a combination of star formation and minor mergers, to end up as giant ellipticals today (e.g., van Dokkum et al. 2008, 2010; Bezanson et al. 2009; Oser et al. 2012; Newman et al. 2012, and many other studies). Interestingly, the formation of the initial dense cores is not at all understood. The aftermath of their formation has been well characterized: our group and others have identified many compact cores at z ∼ 2 which are no longer forming stars. As an example, we published a galaxy in Nature 11 in 2009 (van Dokkum et al. 2009) that has a size of 800 pc, a mass of 2 × 10 M⊙, and a stellar velocity dispersion > 350 km/s! These are astonishing objects, which are wholly absent in the present-day Universe. They are also important: because they formed early, their stars have been around for a long time and constitute up to 30 % of the total stellar mass density in the Universe at z > 2 (see Fig. 1 and van Dokkum et al. 2014). The problem: The reason why the formation of these cores is so mysterious is that, until very recently, we had no confirmed examples of star forming progenitors of the compact “dead” galaxies at z ∼ 2. Known star forming galaxies at z > 2 are large and have a low stellar density: they have sizes of 3–5 kpc and measured gas velocity dispersions of 50 – 200 km/s (e.g., F¨orster Schreiber et al. 2011, Genzel et al. 2011). This has led some authors to suggest that large star forming galaxies somehow turn into small quiescent galaxies, even though it is not clear whether there is a plausible physical mechanism for such a transformation (e.g., Barro et al. 2013, Dekel & Burkert 2014). A possible solution: In January of this year we finally found the first confirmed example of a core that is still in the process of formation. We selected a candidate forming core in our 3D-HST survey: HST/WFC3-selected catalogs with photometric redshifts, sizes, stellar masses, and star formation rates of > 200, 000 objects in five well-studied fields (Brammer et al. 2012, Skelton et al. 2014). Using Yale NIRSPEC time we detected redshifted Hα and [N ii] emission lines in a compact massive star forming galaxy, and measured a velocity dispersion of the gas of 320 km/s – a value that is higher than any previous Hα measurements of distant or nearby galaxies, and consistent with the stellar dispersions of compact “dead” galaxies at z ∼ 2 (see Figs. 2 and 3). From the star formation rate and size of this galaxy we infer a gas column density of ∼ 1024 cm−2, 3 implying an extinction of AV ∼ 10 magnitudes! In the paper describing this object (Nelson et al. 2014) we speculate that the dust is clumpy, and that we are seeing a rare example where we have a relatively unobscured line of sight. The majority of forming cores could be hidden behind 100s of magnitudes of extinction. Exciting as these results are, they are based on a single object, and the idea that most of the forming cores are obscured needs to be tested. This proposal: Here we propose to test the idea that there is a population of very compact, mostly obscured star forming galaxies at z > 2. The key observational signatures of these galaxies are emission lines with a width of ∼> 300 km/s. Candidates will be selected from the 3D-HST survey; we are currently the only group with access to these data. With NIRSPEC we will observe the “easy” candidates, that is, the rare ones that have a relatively low dust content as inferred from their UV-to-IR spectral energy distributions. With the higher sensitivity and multi-plexing capability of MOSFIRE we can observe the more numerous, but fainter, candidates with high obscuration: objects with IR-derived star formation rates of 100 – 1000 M⊙/yr that are faint in the optical and near-IR. Once identified, these cores will be excellent targets for follow-up studies with ALMA. YaleProposal Page3 This box blank.

Figure 1: Example HST WFC3 images of massive galaxies as a function of redshift. At z > 2 massive galaxies were much more compact than they are today. They built their envelopes around compact cores which formed much earlier.

Figure 2: The first confirmed star forming massive compact core. This galaxy has a mass of 11 ∼ 10 M⊙, a half-light radius of 1.1 kpc, and a star formation rate of ∼ 150 M⊙/yr. The Keck NIRSPEC spectrum, obtained in January, shows the Hα and [N ii] emission lines redshifted to z = 2.300. The width of the lines is σ = 320 km/s, larger than measured for any other star forming galaxy. The width is consistent with the high mass and small size of the galaxy, and the idea that this is the star forming core of a future giant elliptical galaxy. From Nelson et al. (2014). YaleProposal Page4 This box blank.

References Bezanson et al. 2009, ApJ, 697, 1290 Newman et al. 2012, ApJ, 746, 162 Barro et al. 2013, ApJ, 765, 104 Oser et al. 2012, ApJ, 744, 63 Brammer et al. 2012, ApJS, 200, 13 Skelton et al. 2014, ApJS, submitted Dekel & Burkert 2014, MNRAS, 438, 1870 van Dokkum et al. 2008, ApJ, 677, L5 F¨orster Schreiber et al. 2011, ApJ, 731, 65 van Dokkum et al. 2009, Nature, 460, 717 Genzel et al. 2011, ApJ, 733, 101 van Dokkum et al. 2010, ApJ, 709, 1018 Nelson et al. 2014, Nature, hopefully van Dokkum et al. 2014, ApJ, submitted

12.0 700

500 ]

. o 11.5 300 11.0 [km/s] σ

Stellar Mass [M 10.5 100

10.0 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 1 10

Dynamical Mass [M.o] re [kpc]


500 10 300 [kpc] [km/s] e r σ

100 1

10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0

Dynamical Mass [Mo.] Dynamical Mass [Mo.]

Figure 3: Comparison of the structural properties of the star forming core (blue) to that of compact quiescent galaxies at z ∼ 2 (red) and SDSS galaxies (black). The galaxy has a similar dynamical mass, size, and velocity dispersion as z ∼ 2 quiescent galaxies, and a much higher dispersion than SDSS galaxies of the same size. Note that the velocity dispersion of the star forming galaxy is measured from the Hα emission line whereas the dispersions of the other galaxies on this plot were measured from stellar absorption lines. From Nelson et al. (2014). YaleProposal Page5 This box blank.

Impact to Yale Astronomy Describe how this program fits into the Yale astronomy program. Will the data analysis and resulting papers be based at Yale? If the project is led by a faculty member, does the project involve students? What is the role of the PI viz-a-viz other non-Yale co-Is. Are the resources in place to analyze the data and come to a timely publication? (limit text to one page) This program is firmly anchored at Yale. The first confirmed star forming core was found by us in January of this year, using Yale NIRSPEC time (see Previous Use below, and the Science Justification). The analysis of this object is led by graduate student Erica Nelson; she presented the results in Professional Seminar and the paper is nearly ready for submission (to Nature - we’ll see!). We expect at least three papers from the proposed observations; two on the cores and one on the general population of massive galaxies at z ∼ 2. The core papers will probably both be led by Erica Nelson (or one by her and one by the PI); the paper on the general population will probably be led by graduate student Joel Leja. The January data were processed, analyzed, and written up in two months, and we are confident that we will have a quick turnaround when the data come in: we are fully set up to deal with the challenges that come with the data taking and analysis. More broadly, the target selection and scientific context are provided by the 3D-HST survey: a 500-orbit HST Treasury program led by the PI and Iva Momcheva. The existence of this program gives Yale researchers (including Pascal Oesch, who is also submitting a MOSFIRE proposal) a unique opportunity for follow-up of HST-selected objects in the five CANDELS fields. This unique access is of limited duration, as we are obligated to make all the data products public within the next year.

Previous Use of Yale Facilities and Publications Please list previous use of Yale observing facilities and any publications resulting from these data in the past 3 years. If this is a long term project, please state this here and describe the overall strategy of the project. An overview of all Yale time allocated to the PI since 2012A is given below. • 2012A: 2 NIRSPEC nights, to measure the kinematics of normal star forming galaxies at z ∼ 1. The run was successful and the resulting publication is a chapter in Erica Nelson’s thesis: Nelson, van Dokkum, et al., 2013, ApJ, 763, L16 • 2012B: 3 NIRSPEC nights, to measure the kinematics of extreme star forming galaxies at z ∼ 1. Partly weathered out. The data are tentalizing but insufficient for a publication. • 2013A: 2 MOSFIRE nights, to measure the gas-phase metallicities of galaxies at z ∼ 2. The run was mostly weathered out, except 90 minutes of data with bad seeing. It is testimony to the amazing power of MOSFIRE that even this snippet of data led to a publication that is part of Joel Leja’s thesis: Leja, van Dokkum, et al. 2014, ApJ, 778, L24. • 2013B: 2 MOSFIRE nights; combined with Berkeley and UCSC time we aimed to obtain an extremely deep spectrum of a z ∼ 2 “dead core”. We were completely weathered out: fog and ice. Also 2 NIRSPEC nights. These were also mostly weathered out, but we did get half a night of good data. This is the time that was used to observe the spectrum shown in Fig. 2. A draft is close to submission to Nature (Nelson, van Dokkum, et al. 2014). • 2014A: did not apply for Keck time, as we had 4 nights coming up from 2013B (which were mostly lost unfortunately - see previous bullet). The PI did apply for Palomar time, for the thesis of graduate student Allison Merritt. This run is scheduled for April/May. Allison (as PI this time!) is proposing for more Palomar time in 2014B, for follow-up of Dragonfly targets. YaleProposal Page6 This box blank.

Observing Run Details for Run :

Technical Description Describe the observations to be made during the requested observing run. Justify the specific telescopes, the number of nights, the instrument, and the lunar phase. List objects, coordinates, and magnitudes (or surface brightness, if appropriate) in the Target Tables section. We propose to use a combination of NIRSPEC and MOSFIRE. MOSFIRE is more sensitive per object than NIRSPEC by a factor of 2 − 3, and it is tempting to ask for MOSFIRE time only. However, recognizing the demands on Keck I and the limited time available, we have designed the program in such a way that we optimally use both instruments. NIRSPEC: With NIRSPEC we will target all 16 objects in the 3D-HST survey that have photo- 11 metric redshifts 2.0 10 M⊙, a size < 1.2 kpc, and a star formation rate (as derived from their IR + UV emission) > 100 M⊙/yr. These are individual, rare objects, and so very well suited to NIRSPEC. Even though NIRSPEC is not as sensitive as MOSFIRE, setup is actually faster (as the mask does not have to be configured and aligned), and so we are only a factor 1.5 − 2 slower than MOSFIRE. We will integrate for 1 hr on each object, which should give line detections of emission lines > 5 × 10−17 ergs/s/cm2. This corresponds to a factor of ∼ 10 extinction for a star formation rate of 150 M⊙/yr. We were successful in January with the candidate shown in Fig. 2, but we do not know how typical this object was. No other spectra taken in that run showed similar broad lines, but conditions were mostly very poor. With overheads of a factor of 2, we require 3 nights to observe all objects. MOSFIRE: Our MOSFIRE plan is “high risk, high reward”. Based on the inferred column densities of star forming cores, most of them should be much more obscured than the object we found in January. This has two effects: their stellar continuum is very faint, which means their inferred stellar masses and photometric redshifts may be entirely wrong, and their emission lines will be very faint. In photometric datasets (i.e., before taking spectra) they will only be characterized by a high IR flux (from re-radiated UV emission) and a very faint continuum – nothing else in our (or other people’s) datasets will betray their presence. We propose to search for these obscured star forming cores using MOSFIRE, by targeting candidates with a high IR flux (from Spitzer/MIPS and Herschel – all these data are already part of our catalogs), a faint H160 magnitude, a very small HST/WFC3 size, and a very red color. A preliminary selection shows that we can observe ∼ 10 such objects in a single MOSFIRE mask. We will observe three masks for two nights: one in GOODS-South, one in COSMOS and one in GOODS-North, as these three fields fill the entire night in January. The total integration time will be ∼ 5 hrs for a total of 30 objects, giving us a reasonable chance to find an even more obscured counterpart to the galaxy shown in Figs. 2 and 3. We will be looking for an emission line with a width of ∼> 300 km/s, giving us both the redshift and the dynamical mass of the galaxy. We could even find a sample of such objects: based on the number density of their quiescent counterparts, we expect to find 3–6 per MOSFIRE mask. Therefore, at the very least we will be able to put limits on the prevalence of obscured cores. Empty space in the masks will be filled by larger star forming galaxies of the same mass as the NIRSPEC targets, so we have a “control sample” of objects that should have relatively narrow emission lines. We can also include objects from Pascal Oesch’s program: if both programs are approved they would need somewhat less time than the sum of the two proposals, as we can optimize the masks to accommodate both programs. R.A. range of principal targets (hours): 8 to 16 YaleProposal Page7 This box blank.

Dec. range of principal targets (degrees): –05 to 50

Instrument Configuration

Filters: K Slit: 0.7 Fiber cable: Grating/grism: low Multislit: Y (MOSFIRE) Corrector: Order: 1 λstart: Collimator: Cross disperser: λend: Atmos. disp. corr.:

A Yale observing proposal LTEX macros v1.0. Yale Observing Proposal Standard proposal Semester: 2014B Date: March 11, 2014

Emission Line Strengths and Gas-Phase Metallicities for the Most Massive Galaxies at z ∼ 3 − 4

PI: Pascal A. Oesch Status: P Affil.: Yale University Astronomy, P.O. Box 208101, New Haven, CT 06520-8101 U.S.A. Email: [email protected] Phone: 203-432-1265 FAX: 203-432-5048

CoI: J. Leja Status: G Affil.: Yale University CoI: I. Momcheva Status: P Affil.: Yale University

Abstract of Scientific Justification (will be made publicly available for accepted proposals):

Gas phase metallicities are a fundamental tool for studying the assembly and formation processes of galaxies. Recently, a tight relation between mass, metallicity, and star-formation rate was found to exist out to z ∼ 2.5. At even higher redhifts, however, the massive galaxy population falls below this relation and appears to be less evolved in its metallicity build-up compared to its lower redshift counterpart. However, the samples of massive z ∼ 3 − 4 galaxies with metallicity measurements are still extremely small. Only five sources have been observed so far with log M/M⊙ > 10.5. The newly available photometric catalogs of 3D-HST together with the multi-plexing capability of MOSFIRE put us in a unique position to very efficiently quadruple this sample size. In particular, we propose to target 19 galaxies at z ∼ 3.5 to measure their OII, Hβ, and OIII lines with MOSFIRE near-infrared spectroscopy in order to determine their redshifts, characterize their rest-frame optical emission line strengths and dynamical masses, and to provide a lasting benchmark for the z ∼ 3−4 mass-metallicity relation at > M∗.

Summary of observing runs requested for this project Run Telescope Instrument No. Nights Min. Nights Moon Optimal months Accept. months 1 Keck1 MOSFIRE 2 1 bright Dec Nov-Jan 2 3 4 5

Scheduling constraints and non-usable dates (up to four lines). —————————————————— Yale Proposal Page 2 This box blank.

Scientific Justification Be sure to include overall significance to astronomy. Limit text to one page with figures, captions and references on no more than two additional pages. The Break-down of the Fundamental Metallicity Relation at z ∼ 3 − 4: Gas metallicity is one of the most important parameters of galaxies providing a record of their past star-formation and enrichment history. Recently, it has been found that galaxies follow a very tight relation between mass, SFR and metallicity (the so-called Fundamental Metallicity Relation, FMR; Mannucci et al. 2010). This relation holds surprisingly accurately out to z ∼ 2.2, and indicates that galaxy build-up after the peak of cosmic star-formation at z ∼ 2 − 3 was dominated by an equilibrium between gas inflows and outflows as well as intrinsic star-formation. Beyond z ∼ 3 scarce evidence points to a breakdown of the FMR: while low mass galaxies still agree fairly well with the FMR (within the errorbars), a small sample of five sources with log M/M⊙ > 10.5 (Troncoso et al. 2013) indicates observed metalicities lower by ∼ 0.6 dex on average compared the the FMR (Fig 1; see also Mannucci et al. 2010). At face value, this indicates that the massive galaxy population at z ∼ 3 − 4 has yet to reach the fundamental equilibrium between mass, SFR, and metallicity. This is in contrast to the downsizing scenario, which predicts the most massive galaxies to mature earliest, and would be an extremely intriguing result. However it is unclear if the result is driven by a small biased sample size (5 objects!) or whether we are really observing a change in a fundamental relation. The proposed observations will allow us to answer this question by testing the mass dependence of the FMR offset to log M/M⊙ > 10.5 with 19 new sources. The Importance of Rest-frame Optical Spectra: To date, essentially all spectroscopic redshift measurements for galaxies at z ∼ 3 − 4 come from rest-frame UV data which are biased against systems with dust extinction or evolved stellar populations. However, the most massive galaxies at these redshifts show very red colors, making these sources very faint at rest-frame UV wavelengths (i > 25.5 mag) and impractical for spectroscopy (see e.g. Marchesini et al. 2010, Oesch et al. 2013). UV based SFR estimates for these redder sources require large dust corrections of 5 − 30×. Such galaxies are therefore very important for a complete census of SFRs at this early epoch. Therefore, it is crucial to (1) confirm the redshift of these sources, and (2) to cross-check the UV-based SFRs (relying on uncertain dust-corrections) through spectroscopic observations of rest-frame optical emission lines such as Hβ. By targeting z ∼ 3 − 4 galaxies with multi-object NIR spectroscopy, we will be able to efficiently measure redshifts and SFRs from [OII], Hβ, and [OIII]. These rest-frame optical features are far less attenuated by dust than the UV features (mostly Lyα) observable with optical spectrographs. Based on our previous spectroscopic measurements at z ∼ 3 − 4 we have direct evidence that star-forming galaxies show strong optical emission lines (in particular [OIII]), resulting in high spectroscopic completeness even for red, massive sources (Holden et al. 2013; see also Fig 2,4). This Proposal: In order to increase the sample size of very massive z ∼ 3 − 4 galaxies with measured gas phase metallicities (only 5 currently) and to study their star-formation properties, we propose to perform a pilot program with MOSFIRE to target a sample of 19 galaxies with 10.5 M > 10 M⊙ extracted from the unique 3D-HST catalogs over the COSMOS and UDS fields. Our targets are selected to have strongly peaked photometric redshift measurements at zphot = 3.1 − 3.7 −1 and star-formation rates > 10M⊙yr . In this redshift range, we can observe the [OII], [OIII], and Hβ lines with H- and K-band spectroscopy of MOSFIRE. Our sample is mass limited rather than based on dust obscured UV luminosities as has been done in the past for typical galaxies at these redshifts (using the Lyman Break technique). Over the whole CANDELS fields, the recent 3D-HST 10.5 catalogs revealed only 284 galaxies with M > 10 M⊙ at zphot = 3.1 − 3.7, only 7 of which have a spectroscopic redshift measurement to date. We will thus increase this sample size by 4×, and provide a unique reference sample for metallicities in high-mass galaxies at z ∼ 3 −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ale Proposal  Page 3 This box blank.         

!"#$%&%'() !"#$%*%'()% %+,() !"#$%-%+,()     Mass-Metallicity   SFR-Metallicity  logM = 9.5ï - 10.5  logM > 10.5                 ? 78! ï#%-!  %     z~0-2.5 FMR   78 ï-&%352&)&043 "8*&3"4== ==  /.4)&,*.&3".%*.(","8        =;=  315"2&3*33)/7.'/24)2&&%*''&2&.4 %              logM < 9.5   

%  "6&2"(&34&,,"2-"33'/2(","8*&3#/4)"4== =    

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 =;=  *3$/.3*34&.47*4),/$",(", %# z~0-2.5 FMR "8*&3"4== ==  /.4)&,*.&3".%*.(","8    =;=  "2&3*(.*<$".4,9 "#B(1'C ?F     =;=  315"2&3*33)/7.'/24)2&&%*''&2&.4                       2/-2/.$/3/&4",  z~0-2.5 FMR   "6&2"(&34&,,"2-"33'/2(","8*&3#/4)"4== =   %      =;=  /4&4)"47)*,&4)&-&4",,*$*49/',/7 =;=  *3$/.3*34&.47*4),/$",(", % ./01%23"4"15! =;=  "2&3*(.*<$".4,9     ! "   # ! "  # ! "   # 2/-2/.$/3/&4",  (1'-"!-#31(?62$ (1'-"!-#31(?62$ (1'-"!-#31(?62$ Figure 1: Left – The mass-metallicity relation up to z ∼ 4 (from Mannucci et al. 2010). This is one projection of the fundamental metallicity relation (FMR), which connects star-formation rate, mass and

metallicity. The FMR was found to hold remarkably well at all masses out to z ∼ 2.5, indicating that galaxy build-up proceeds through a long-standing equilibrium between star-formation, and gas inflows and outflows. However, at z = 3 the relation breaks down. In particular, the most massive (logM/M⊙ > 10.5) galaxies show average metallicities ∼0.6 dex below the FMR. This can be seen in the right panels (based on Troncoso et al. 2013) which show another projection of the FMR, the SFR-Metallicity relation, for three different mass bins at z ∼ 3 − 4. Clearly, the current measurements at z ∼ 3 − 4 (squares) lie below the z ∼ 0 − 2.5 FMR projection (solid line), in particular at the highest masses. One of the main goals of our program is to extend current metallicity measurements to the most massive galaxy population at z = 3.1 − 3.7 based on −1 the 3D-HST galaxies with logM/M⊙ > 10.5 and with SED-based SFR > 10 M⊙yr .

The red color, however, makes these galaxies undetected in typical log(1+z) 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Figure 2: The rest-frame optical emission line strengths of galaxies increase rapidly to higher red- : The rest-frame optical emission line strengths of galaxies 10.0 < logM/M O • < 10.5 10.5 < logM/M • < 11.0 shift (from Fumagalli et al. 2012). The plot shows the increase rapidly to higher redshift (from Fumagalli et al. 2012). The O 11.0 < logM/M O • average Hα equivalent width as a function of redshift equivalent width as a function of redshift for 100 ? for different mass bins. The dotted lines show the aver- different mass bins. The dotted lines show the average trend, increasing age trend, increasing as (1+z)1.8. Extrapolating these . Extrapolating these trends to z~3-4, even the highest mass trends to z ∼ 3 − 4, even the highest mass galaxies are galaxies are expected to show strong rest-frame optical emission lines +[NII]) expected to show strong rest-frame optical emission α with rest-frame equivalent widths of order 100 Å. We propose to test lines with rest-frame equivalent widths of order 100 Detected SFGs 10 ALL A.˚ We propose to test this with our program. From this with our program. From previous observations of z~2-3 galaxies, it EW(H previous observations of z ∼ 2 − 3 galaxies, it is clear lines of star-forming galaxies are very Erb+06 that also the OIII and Hβ lines of star-forming galax- strong (e.g. Nakajima et al. 2012). We therefore expect a very high 3DHST (T.W.) VVDS ies are very strong (e.g. Holden et al. 2014, Nakajima spectroscopic completeness for star-forming z~3-4 galaxies through SDSS et al. 2013). We therefore expect a very high spectro-

1 0 0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.7 0 0 scopic completeness for star-forming z ∼ 3−4 galaxies 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 3 through NIR spectroscopy. Redshift

References Anders & Fritze-v.Alvensleben 2003, A&A, 401, 1063 • Bruzual, G. & Charlot, S. 2003, MNRAS, 344, 1000 • Erb et al. 2006, ApJ, 644, 813 • Fumagalli et al. 2012, ApJL, 757, 22 • Holden et al. 2014, arXiv:1401.5490 • Ilbert et al. 2010, ApJ, 709, 644 • Kennicutt J. R. C., 1998, &A, 36, 189 • Kewley et al. 2013, ApJL, 774, 10 • Kriek et al.2009 ApJ, 700, 221 • Leja et al. 2013, ApJL, 778, 24 • Maiolino et al. 2008, A&A, 488, 463 • Maiolino et al. 2010, Msngr, 142, 36 • Mannucci et al. 2009, MNRAS, 398, 1915 • Mannucci et al. 2010, MNRAS, 408, 2115 • Muzzin et al. 2013a, arXiv:1303.4409 • Nakajima et al. 2013, ApJ, 769, 3 • Oesch et al. 2013, ApJ, 772, 136 • Rich et al. 2010, ApJ, 721, 505 • Savaglio et al. 2005, ApJ, 635, 260 • Stark, et al. 2009, ApJ, 697, 1493 • Troncoso et al. 2013, arXiv:1311.4576 Yale Proposal Page 4 This box blank.

Figure 3: The positions of massive galax-

ies at zphot = 3.1 − 3.7 with logM/M⊙ > 2.55 −8.8 10.5 within the 3D-HST COSMOS outline. 2.5 Large filled circles show galaxies with SFR −1 −9 > 10 M⊙yr , color coded by their specific 2.45 SFRs. Gray squares show additional galax-

−9.2 ] ies at the same redshift and mass, but with 2.4 −1 lower SFRs. We will observe a small sam-

−9.4 ple of such sources as fillers for free, from DEC 2.35 which we will establish their low SFRs (by

log SSFR [yr the absence of strong emission lines) and, al- 2.3 −9.6 though very challenging, potentially measure 2.25 a redshift from their continuum features. The −9.8 magenta box shows a possible pointing with 2.2 MOSFIRE, which contains an overdensity of −10 COSMOS 12 primary targets. We propose to also ob- 2.15 150.25 150.2 150.15 150.1 150.05 150 serve another 7 galaxies selected in the same RA way in the 3D-HST UDS field in the first part of the night.

This Proposal z~3-4


Figure 4: The ratio of [OIII]λ5007 to Hβ emission lines as a function of specific SFR of galaxies from Holden, Oesch et al. (2014). The filled red circles show our measurements for typical Lyman break galaxies at z ∼ 3.5, and blue symbols are similar measurements from the literature. While the line ratio of a typical star-forming galaxy at z ∼ 3 − 4 lies a factor ∼ 5× higher than in SDSS galaxies (black contours), there is a clear tail of local galaxies with high SSFRs that show similarly high OIII/Hβ line ratios. This indicates that the high line ratios that are seen in almost all galaxies at z ∼ 3 − 4 (see e.g. Kewley et al. 2013) may simply be a selection effect. Namely that only the galaxies with the highest SSFRs (and with the strongest emission lines) were targeted and confirmed so far. We will be able to directly test this with our program, since our targets have lower SSFRs in the range ∼ 10−10 - 10−9 yr−1 (see also Fig 3). Yale Proposal Page 5 This box blank.

Impact to Yale Astronomy Describe how this program fits into the Yale astronomy program. Will the data analysis and resulting papers be based at Yale? If the project is led by a faculty member, does the project involve students? What is the role of the PI viz-a-viz other non-Yale co-Is. Are the resources in place to analyze the data and come to a timely publication? (limit text to one page) The primary goal of this program is to measure the mass-metallicity relation and the strength of 10.5 rest-frame optical emission lines of massive galaxies (> 10 M⊙) at z ∼ 3 − 4. This program is a perfect fit to Yale Astronomy. It is completely based on the unique catalogs produced by the 3D-HST team here at Yale, without which this would not be possible. In particular, due to the red colors of massive galaxies at high redshift, only 7 out of a total of ∼ 280 massive galaxies at z ∼ 3.5 have existing spectroscopic redshift measurements (based on optical spectroscopy). Additionally, these sources are typically too faint (H < 23 mag) for a reliable redshift from the 3D- HST grism observations. We are therefore forced to select our targets using photometric redshifts. The unique multi-wavelength 3D-HST catalogs allow us to do this, based on the photometry of all high-resolution HST data over the CANDELS fields, as well as all available ancillary ground-based data. In particular, our primary targets are selected to have highly peaked photometric redshift estimates with > 95% of their redshift likelihood between zphot = 3.05 − 3.75, which will allow us to observe all three lines that are needed for metallicity measurements (e.g., Maiolino et al. 2008). Namely, we will observe [OIII] and Hβ in the K-band, and [OII] in H. The availability of these catalogs with reliable photometric redshifts (based on the Yale EAZY code; Brammer et al. 2008), and stellar population parameters such as masses and SFRs (based on SED fitting with FAST; Kriek et al. 2009) were crucial to identify the best possible MOSFIRE pointings for efficient follow-up with multi-object NIR spectroscopy. In particular, we identified an overdensity of z ∼ 3.4 sources in the COSMOS field, which will allow us to observe 12 massive galaxies at once (Fig 3), and a second pointing in the UDS with 7 massive sources per mask. The data acquisition and reduction will be led by the PI, who is an incoming YCAA fellow at Yale. Since the PI has previous experience with MOSFIRE K-band spectroscopy, a reduction pipeline based on publicly available code is already tested and working. All the ancillary data needed for this project are in hand and analyzed, such that papers can be published promptly after data acquisition. The proposed program is a natural extension to the Momcheva et al. program carried out in 2012B which focused on the mass-metallicity relation at z = 2.2 with a sample of number-density-selected galaxies and Hα emitters. The data for this program has been reduced and has already resulted in one publication so far: Leja et al. (2013). Given the relatively low surface density of massive galaxies at z ∼ 3.5, our masks will not be fully filled with primary targets. It would thus be possible to add additional targets, e.g., from the van Dokkum proposal. If both programs are approved we can optimize the masks to accommodate both, resulting in a higher observing efficiency and requiring less time than both programs separately.

Previous Use of Yale Facilities and Publications Please list previous use of Yale observing facilities and any publications resulting from these data in the past 3 years. If this is a long term project, please state this here and describe the overall strategy of the project. PI Oesch was awarded one night of MOSFIRE observations last semester to follow-up four bright z ∼ 9 − 10 galaxy candidates. These observations are just coming up on Apr 25. Yale Proposal Page 6 This box blank.

Observing Run Details for Run 1: K1/MOSFIRE

Technical Description Describe the observations to be made during the requested observing run. Justify the specific telescopes, the number of nights, the instrument, and the lunar phase. List objects, coordinates, and magnitudes (or surface brightness, if appropriate) in the Target Tables section. Expected Spectra: The main goal of our program is to observe the OII, OIII and Hβ line strengths at z ∼ 3.5 with K- and H-band spectroscopy. The galaxies in our sample have (SED-based) star-formation rates −1 of 10 − 100 M⊙yr . According to the standard relation between SFR and Hα line strength of Kennicutt (1998) with case B recombination and additional dust-obscuration based on SED fitting, we estimate Hβ line strengths of > 2 × 10−18 erg s−1 cm−2 for these galaxies at z ∼ 3.5. The corresponding OIII line strengths are estimated from observed line ratios relative to Hβ for galaxies at 0.2 Z⊙ tabulated in Anders & Fritze-v. Alvensleben (2003) as well as from the calibrations of Maiolino et al. (2008), and are expected to be > 6 − 10 × 10−18 erg s−1 cm−2 for [OIII]λ5007. Similarly, the expected ratios of [OII]/Hβ lie in the range 1 − 3. The above considerations therefore suggest that Hβ will be the weakest line and we should probe down to ∼ 2 × 10−18 erg s−1 cm−2. Using the exposure time calculator for MOSFIRE, XTcalc (v2.3), we estimate that a 4 hr exposure with MOSFIRE is sensitive to line fluxes of 2.4 × 10−18 erg s−1 cm−2 at 5σ (per FWHM) over most of the spectral window in H and K, where we expect to see these lines. This depth is confirmed by our previous MOSFIRE K-band observations of a 4 hr mask of lower mass Lyman break galaxies at z ∼ 3.5 (Holden, Oesch et al. 2014). These observations will therefore be deep enough to detect the [OIII]λ5007 lines at > 10σ, which will allow us to measure accurate dynamical masses of these galaxies.

Observing Strategy: We will use multi-slit masks to efficiently observe 19 massive galaxies at z ∼ 3.1 − 3.7 in two masks (12 in one COSMOS mask, and 7 in one UDS mask). We verified that this is feasible with the MOSFIRE mask design tool MAGMA. The proposed field layout is shown in Fig 3. Additionally, we will add as many filler galaxies as possible. These will include fainter z ∼ 3.5 sources from the 3D-HST catalogs to efficiently probe a large dynamic range in mass, and could potentially also be taken from the target list from the van Dokkum proposal (to increase the observing efficiency and sample sizes of both programs). We plan on using different ABBA dither positions in observing these masks, to obtain a good sampling of the sky around each source. Short exposures of 120s will allow for near optimal sky subtraction, while keeping the observing efficiency at > 80%. For flux calibration we will include at least one suitable star in the mask as well as take flux standards during the night. Clearly, Keck is the only viable telescope to perform these measurements. In particular, by targeting overdense regions in the 3D-HST fields we make fully efficient use of MOSFIRE’s multi-plexing capability making it ∼> 40× faster than Keck/NIRSPEC to perform these observations. MOSFIRE is thus the only instrument of choice.

Best Observing Time: These observations are taken in the NIR, so the moon is not an important source of background. The UDS and COSMOS fields are observable with K1 for 5 hrs each at airmass less than 1.9 in mid Dec. Our program of ∼ 4 hr K-band and ∼ 4 hr H-band observations per 2 masks can thus be completed in two nights, including overhead. Yale Proposal Page 7 This box blank.

R.A. range of principal targets (hours): 2 to 10 Dec. range of principal targets (degrees): -5 to +2

Instrument Configuration

Filters: Slit: 0.7 Fiber cable: Grating/grism: H, K Multislit: yes Corrector: Order: 1 λstart: 1.5 µm Collimator: Cross disperser: λend: 2.4 µm Atmos. disp. corr.:

Yale observing proposal LATEX macros v1.0. Yale Observing Proposal Standard proposal Semester: 2014B Date: March 11, 2014

The Role of Tides in Shaping Subhalos: a study of low surface brightness Andromeda Dwarf Galaxies

PI: Erik J. Tollerud Status: P Affil.: Yale University Astronomy, P.O. Box 208101, New Haven, CT 06520-8101 U.S.A. Email: [email protected] Phone: 651-307-9409 FAX: 203-432-5048

CoI: Michelle L. M. Collins Status: P Affil.: MPIA/Yale University CoI: Luis Vargas Status: T Affil.: Yale University CoI: Marla Geha Status: P Affil.: Yale University

Abstract of Scientific Justification (will be made publicly available for accepted proposals):

Dynamical studies of the Local Group dwarf spheroidal galaxies have conclusively shown that their observed central masses and densities are too low, based on expectations from cosmological models. This may cause a challenge to the ΛCDM paradigm. One proposed solution to this problem is that the mass profiles of dwarf galaxies are more dramatically modified by tidal interactions with their hosts than dark matter simulations allow for. We aim to test this by mapping the dynamics and chemistries of stars within 3 low surface brightness Andromeda dwarf galaxies (And IX, XIX and XXIX) using the DEIMOS instrument on Keck II. Our observational strategy will allow us to rigorously search for the tell-tale signs of tides in the kinematics of their stellar populations. For And XIX in particular, we will also measure the kinematics of a new stream feature that may be forming from this system, which would allow us to determine whether this unusually low surface brightness system is definitively a stripped dwarf. These observations will therefore allow us to constrain the importance of tidal interactions in shaping the mass profiles of subhalos.

Summary of observing runs requested for this project Run Telescope Instrument No. Nights Min. Nights Moon Optimal months Accept. months 1 Keck II DEIMOS 3 2 dark Oct Aug - Oct 2 3 4 5

Scheduling constraints and non-usable dates (up to four lines). —————————————————— Yale Proposal Page 2 This box blank.

Scientific Justification Be sure to include overall significance to astronomy. Limit text to one page with figures, captions and references on no more than two additional pages. The Local Group (LG) dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs) represent the faintest, least massive galac- tic systems we can observe in the Universe. From the detailed study of their masses (Collins et al. 2013; Ho et al. 2012; Tollerud et al, 2012; 2013), we know they are highly dark matter domi- nated, but their observed dark matter densities are lower than we would expect from comparisons with cosmological simulations. In this proposal, we aim to address whether the low densities of LG dSphs could be caused by tidal interactions between these most minute of galaxies and their massive spiral hosts. We will do this by mapping the dynamics and chemistries of stars within the Andromeda dwarf galaxies most likely to be show these effects: And IX, XIX and XXIX. The mass discrepancy mentioned above is referred to as the ‘Too Big to Fail’ problem (TBTF, Boylan-Kolchin, 2012), the of the problem is that the central circular velocities measured for LG dSphs are much lower than we would expect when comparing with collisionless N−body simulations (e.g., , see Fig. 1). This has led to a spirited debate in the community as to whether this mass offset can be explained within the ΛCDM cosmological paradigm, or whether we require a modified understanding of dark matter to reconcile the observed and simulated universe. To address this, two baryonic solutions have been proposed. The first relates to the effect of feedback from supernovae explosions during intense early star formation in these subhalos. The energy from these can redistribute dark matter within the halo, lowering their central masses. However, this is only possible for the very brightest dSphs, and it is difficult to confirm observationally. The second solution relates to the efficiency of tidal forces in removing matter from an infalling satellite when a dense baryonic disk (like that of the Galaxy and M31) is included at the center of the massive host. This allows subhalos to shed their dark mass more readily, resulting in satellites with lower central masses than their dark matter only counterparts (e.g., Zolotov et al. 2012). As all subhalos feel the effect of their hosts mass, this could play a dominant role in lowering the mass of the LG dSphs. Furthermore, it is an effect we can hope to observationally test by making detailed chemodymanical maps of hundreds of stars within faint, low mass LG dSphs using Keck/DEIMOS. The very low surface brightness, low mass dSphs And IX, IX and XXIX are ideal for this purpose, as their stellar populations are too meager to have lowered their central masses by feedback. With spectroscopic datasets of these objects, we can search for tidal signatures, such as rotation or veloc- ity gradients within their stellar populations. We can also look for departures from the established mass-metallicity relation for dSphs (Kirby et al. 2013), which would strongly indicate that these galaxies were more massive in the past, favoring formation via tidal stripping. And XIX is particularly intriguing object for this kind of follow-up. It is one of the lowest surface brightness dwarf galaxy we have detected in the Universe (McConnachie, 2012), and a previous study of 30 stars in this system by Collins et al. (2013) demonstrated that it has a much lower mass within its central region than expected for a galaxy of its size and luminosity, or for a luminous galaxy, period (see Fig. 1, Collins et al. 2014). As it is located far from M31 (at a distance of 115 kpc), it is not expected to be currently undergoing significant tidal stripping from its host. However, recent imaging efforts have uncovered a nearby tidal stream with similar stellar populations to And XIX, that may be the smoking gun for tidal stripping in this system (Fig. 2). If we can concretely tie the stream feature to And XIX through the dynamics and metallicities of their stars, we can concretely demonstrate that the central potential of the host can have a profound effect on its satellites even at large radii. Combined with our observations of the low surface brightness dSphs, And IX and XXIX, we will concretely determine how great a role tidal stripping plays in shaping these systems. This will permit us to properly quantify the scale of the TBTF problem, and determine whether it is truly a challenge to the established cosmological paradigm. Yale Proposal Page 3 This box blank.

References Boylan-Kolchin et al. 2012, MNRAS, 422, 1203 Kirby et al. 2013, ApJ, 779, 102 Collins et al. 2013, ApJ, 768, 142 Tollerud et al. 2012, ApJ, 752, 45 Collins et al. 2014, ApJ, 783, 7 Tollerud et al. 2013, ApJ, 768, 50 Ho et al. 2012, ApJ, 758, 124 Zolotov et al. 2012, ApJ, 761, 77


50 21.0 S:N>10 40 40 km/s 30 21.5 24 km/s 20 IX

22.0 S:N>5

15 km/s i

10 XXIX 9 (km/s) c 8 XIX 22.5 V S:N>3 7 10 km/s 6 5 23.0 4


23.5 -0.5 0.5 1.5 2.5-0.5 0.5 1.5 2.5-0.5 0.5 1.5 2.5 2 g-i g-i r-i 100 1000 rhalf (pc)

Figure 1: LEFT: Circular velocities for LG dSphs vs. half light radius. Circular velocity curves from subhalos within the Aquarius simulations that are thought to be massive enough to form stars are overplotted. While ∼ 10 subhalos with masses ≥ 40 kms−1 are typically seen around simulated Milky Way systems, very few are observed in the real Universe that would be consistent with these high masses. This is known as the TBTF problem. In addition, a number of systems (including And XIX and XXIX) have circular velocities that fall below the 10 kms−1 curve (cyan), which is thought to be a lower mass limit, beneath which subhalos should not form stars. For their masses to be this low now, some process must have lowered their mass over time. For galaxies with low surface brightnesses like And IX, XIX and XXIX (labelled), this is plausible due to tidal effects. RIGHT: Color magnitude diagrams for And IX, XIX and XXIX. These show all stars within 1 half-light radius of the dSphs, and their red giant branches are prominently seen. The red lines show the magnitude limits to which spectra can be taken with S/N ratios of 10, 5 and 3 for our observational set-up. Yale Proposal Page 4 This box blank.

Figure 2: Surface brightness map of all stars bright enough to be targeted by DEIMOS in the And XIX-And XIX stream region. Our proposed targeting strategy to map out both features is shown with blue squares, which represent the DEIMOS field of view. By comparing the kinematics and metallicities of stars within these two features, we can conclusively demonstrate whether this stream is related to And XIX, and whether this object truly represents a stripped dwarf galaxy.

And XIX P 25 i 20 15 0.9 10 Freq. 5 0.8

10 0.7

8 0.6

6 0.5

4 0.4

Distance (arcmin) Distance 2 0.3

−0.5 0.2 −1.0 −1.5 −2.0 0.1 [Fe/H] −2.5 −3.0 −500 −400 −300 −200 −100 0 100 vhel (km/s)

Figure 3: The kinematic properties of And XIX as determined by Collins et al. (2013). The top panel shows a histogram of all observed stars within the DEIMOS field, with the red histogram indicating the most probable members of And XIX. The middle panel shows the distance of stars from the centre of And XIX as a function of their velocity, color coded by probability of membership. The lower panel shows the photometric metallicites of observed stars as a function of their velocity. This demonstrates that DEIMOS is easily capable of resolving this galaxy’s dynamics, but the current dataset is not large enough for a detailed study of this system. Yale Proposal Page 5 This box blank.

Impact to Yale Astronomy Describe how this program fits into the Yale astronomy program. Will the data analysis and resulting papers be based at Yale? If the project is led by a faculty member, does the project involve students? What is the role of the PI viz-a-viz other non-Yale co-Is. Are the resources in place to analyze the data and come to a timely publication? (limit text to one page) The entire team involved in the acquisition and analysis of this data is at Yale. The PI will reduce the data and lead the metallicity analysis. Co-I Collins is an incoming Hubble Fellow and will lead analysis of the kinematic data. These observations will enable her to quickly begin working on Yale-obtained observations as soon as she arrives. Co-I Vargas will lead analysis of α abundances for the highest S/N stars, as a part of his PhD thesis.

Previous Use of Yale Facilities and Publications Please list previous use of Yale observing facilities and any publications resulting from these data in the past 3 years. If this is a long term project, please state this here and describe the overall strategy of the project. The PI has published a paper (Tollerud et al. 2013, ”The Outer Limits of the M31 System: Kinematics of the Dwarf Galaxy Satellites And XXVIII and And XXIX”, ApJ, 468, 50) based on Keck/DEIMOS observations awarded in 12B (PI: Geha) to obtain spectroscopy of the M31 dSphs And XXVIII and XXIX. The PI was also granted time in 13B and 14A to study M31 and MW star-forming dwarf galaxies. The 13B observations are under analysis, but the 14A observations were weathered-out. The PI and CoI Geha have been awarded time on WIYN/ in 12B, 13A, 13B, and 14A for the SAGA Survey, a project aimed at identifying and characterizing satellites of L∗ galaxies in the Local Volume. The PI and CoIs Geha and Vargas were awarded Keck time in 13A to study the alpha abundances of M31 dSphs. This work has been submitted to ApJ (Vargas et al. 2014) and is a major part of CoI Vargas’ PhD thesis. Yale Proposal Page 6 This box blank.

Observing Run Details for Run :

Technical Description Describe the observations to be made during the requested observing run. Justify the specific telescopes, the number of nights, the instrument, and the lunar phase. List objects, coordinates, and magnitudes (or surface brightness, if appropriate) in the Target Tables section. DEIMOS Observations: We propose to use the DEIMOS spectrograph on Keck II to observe stars in our targets (see the target table below). DEIMOS has the combination of stability, spectral resolution, and multiplexing capabilities necessary to determine precise radial velocities for the stars in these galaxies. To achieve these aims, we will use the 1200 lines/mm grating, for which we have shown precision of ∼ 2 km/s can be achieved (e.g., Simon & Geha 2007, Tollerud et al. 2012). This is more than sufficient to test the TBTF problem in our target satellites. Our observing strategy will be two-tiered to obtain large numbers of stars for the most extended target, and a wider survey to efficiently sample the the other galaxies. Hence, we will observe 6 masks on And XIX, and 2 mask each on And IX, And XXIX, and the And XIX stream. Assuming 2 hr exposures + overhead, we therefore require three nights to complete this program. However, we could achieve our science objectives with only two nights by reducing the exposure time per mask, at the cost of no α abundances. Using 2 hour integrations will allow us to achieve high enough S/N (S/N> 5) to measure reliable metallicities for a large proportion of our targets, as well as their velocities (requires S/N>3). For brightest stars at the tip of the red giant branch (S/N> 10), we will also be able to measure α abundances. The right hand panel of Fig. 1 shows the color magnitude diagrams for each of our targets, and the brightness limits for achieving S/N of 3, 5, and 10 are overplotted in each case. Target Table: Target Name RA (J2000) Dec (J2000) And IX 0h52m53.0s 43◦11′45.0′′ And XIX 0h19m32.1s 35◦2′37.1′′ And XXIX 23h58m55.6s 30◦45′20.0′′ Metallicity Analysis: We will apply the calibrations developed as part of Nhung Ho’s thesis (and in Ho et al. 2014, submitted) to measure metallicities in these galaxies. This will involve measuring the Calcium Triplet absorption feature from the DEIMOS spectra derive [Fe/H] estimates for individual stars in the galaxies and the purported And XIX tidal stream. For And XIX, this will enable a concrete check to definitively determine if these galaxies are associated with the stream, and hence whether they are definitive examples of stripped dSphs. Additionally, CoI Vargas has developed a spectral synthesis code to determine [α/Fe]. We will apply this to the highest S/N stars at the tip of the red giant branch, providing a way to probe the star formation history of these galaxies. R.A. range of principal targets (hours): 23 to 01 Dec. range of principal targets (degrees): 30 to 43

Instrument Configuration

′′ Filters: OG550 Slit: 0.7 Fiber cable: Grating/grism:1200lines/mm Multislit:yes Corrector: Order: 1 λstart:6400 Collimator: Cross disperser: λend: 9100 Atmos.disp.corr.:

A Yale observing proposal LTEX macros v1.0. Yale Observing Proposal Standard proposal Semester: 2014B Date: February 23, 2014

No Place to Hide: An Adaptive Optics Search For Stel- lar Companions Around Kepler Stars with Radial Ve- locity Measurements

PI: Ji Wang Status: P Affil.: Yale University Astronomy, P.O. Box 208101, New Haven, CT 06520-8101 U.S.A. Email: [email protected] Phone: FAX: 203-432-5048

CoI: Debra Fischer Status: P Affil.: Yale University CoI: Suvrath Mahadevan Status: P Affil.: Penn State University

Abstract of Scientific Justification (will be made publicly available for accepted proposals):

Multiplicity rate of planet host stars has a significant implication as to how planets form in multiple stellar systems, which account for half of stellar systems in the solar neighborhood. However, the multiplicity rate has not been well determined for planet host stars because of incompleteness of surveys for surrounding stellar companions. The radial velocity (RV) technique is sensitive to companions within ∼5 AU, while high-contrast image techniques such as adaptive optics (AO) imaging are sensitive to companions further out. The joint force of these techniques will provide a nearly complete census of stellar companions to planet host stars, and thus shed light on the influence of a stellar companion on planet formation. We propose to obtain AO images of 150 Kepler stars with planet candidates, whose radial velocities are being measured by the SDSS III APOGEE spectrograph. This proposal will increase the number of stars with both AO and RV measurements by a factor of 5, and will greatly improve our understanding of stellar multiplicity of planet host stars.

Summary of observing runs requested for this project Run Telescope Instrument No. Nights Min. Nights Moon Optimal months Accept. months 1 Keck II NIRC2 3 1 any Aug-Sep Aug-Nov 2 3 4 5

Scheduling constraints and non-usable dates (up to four lines). —————————————————— Yale Proposal Page 2 This box blank.

Scientific Justification Be sure to include overall significance to astronomy. Limit text to one page with figures, captions and references on no more than two additional pages. Detecting planets in multiple-stellar systems is difficult for two major techniques: the radial velocity (RV) technique and the transiting method. The flux contamination of multiple stars causes large measurement uncertainties and small effective signals. Therefore, a direct measurement of planet occurrence rate in multiple stars is challenging, although different groups have attempted this before (e.g., Konacki 2005, Eggenberger et al. 2007). Others attempted to solve this problem in an indirect way, by comparing the multiplicity rate of planet host stars to a control group of stars with no detected planets (e.g., Patience et al. 2002, Wang et al. 2014, see Fig. 1). A lower multiplicity rate of planet host stars would imply that planet formation and evolution is suppressed in multiple stars. This approach circumvents the difficulty of directly searching for planets in multiple stars, but the following problems arise: how is selection bias taken into account, how to account for search incompleteness, and how to translate the multiplicity comparison into the comparison of planet occurrence rate? Kepler mission is revolutionary in providing a large sample of planet host stars without a significant selection bias against multiple stars. A census of stellar companions around a large sample planet host stars thus becomes possible. Many surveys adopted high-resolution imaging techniques such as the adaptive optics (AO) imaging and the Lucky imaging technique. These studies provided valuable information on the stellar multiplicity rate beyond ∼100 AU, but inner region remained unexplored because of the limitation of spatial resolution. The RV technique is sensitive to stellar companions in this inner region, but it is vey expensive to measure RVs of an individual star. For example, half night of Keck HIRES time is required to take 20 data points for a faint Kepler star (Kp∼13). Therefore, there are only ∼90 Kepler stars with more than 2 RV measurements, 41 of them with more than 20 epochs of measurement. Multi-object spectrograph is uniquely suitable for obtaining RVs for a group of stars within a field of view of a few square degrees. The APOGEE spectrograph for SDSS III is capable of simultaneously obtaining RVs of ∼300 stars with a precision of 100-500 m/s (Deshpande et al. 2013). A survey of stellar companions to 150 planet host stars is being conducted to study the influence of stellar multiplicity on planet formation. More than 20 epochs of RV will be taken over 9 months, which will significantly improve our understanding of the distribution of stellar companions within 5 AU. As a parallel project to the aforementioned RV project, we propose to observe these 150 stars using the Keck NIRC2 AO system. The high spatial resolution images will reveal stellar companions beyond 50 AU. The powerful combination of the RV and AO technique will provide a nearly complete (complenteness>80%, see Fig. 2) census for this group of planet host stars, which is a fact of 4 increase in sample size for stars with both AO and more than 20 epochs of RV measurements. This proposal will greatly improve the statistics of stellar companions in planetary systems, and thus inform us on the difference of planet occurrence rate between single stars and multiple stars. The proposal is technically ready and scientifically appealing. Three major concerns in the study of the multiplicity rate of planet host stars have been addressed: 1, the selection bias against multiple stars of the Kepler mission is not significant, and will be addressed (Wang et al. in prep.); 2, the incompleteness of the survey for stellar companions has been addressed in a statistical way in Wang et al. (2014); 3, the translation from the multiplicity comparison to the comparison of planet occurrence rate has been given in Wang et al. (2014). With the requested time at Keck NIRC2 and the RV measurements from APOGEE, the most complete census of stellar companions to planet host stars is on the horizon, and the knowledge of planet formation and evolution in multiple stars will be greatly advanced. Yale Proposal Page 3 This box blank.

Figure 1: Figure 12 from Wang et al. (2014): comparison of field star multiplicity rate and the stellar multiplicity rate for planet host stars. Dashed line represents the stellar multiplicity for field stars. Blue hatched region represents 1-σ uncertainty region of stellar multiplicity for 23 KOIs with both RV measurements, UKIRT images, and dynamical analyses. There is a significant deficiency of stellar companions within 20 AU, indicating that planet formation and evolution may be suppressed by a close-in stellar companion. Red stripe represents 1-σ uncertainty region of stellar multiplicity for 138 KOIs with UKIRT images and dynamical analyses including 23 KOIs with RV measurements. The red stripe suggests a wider effective separation below which planet formation and evolution may be significantly affected, but incompleteness beyond 20 AU prevents us from a conclusive statement. High resolution imaging observations are required to detect stellar companions at larger separations, which will help compare stellar multiplicity rate and distinguish planet occurrence rate between single and multiple stars.

References Deshpande, R., et al. 2013, AJ, 146, 156 Raghavan, D., et al. 2010, ApJS, 190, 1 Eggenberger, A., et al. 2007, A&A, 474, 273 Wang, J., et al. 2013, ApJ, 776, 10 Konacki, M. 2005, ApJ, 626, 431 Wang, J., Xie, J.-W., Barclay, T., & Fischer, D. A. Patience, J., et al. 2002, ApJ, 581, 654 2014, ApJ, 783, 4 Yale Proposal Page 4 This box blank.

Figure 2: Simulated completeness contours for the proposed stellar companion survey on the stellar separation (a) - inclination (i) space. We will use different methods to put constraint on the presence of a possible stellar companion: 1, RV, radial velocity measurement; 2, AO, adaptive optics imaging; 3, DA, dynamical analysis, which sets constraints to companions leading to unstable orbits for multi-planet systems (24% of Kepler planet candidates). With the help of these three methods, the survey will be a nearly complete survey that is sensitive to the almost entire a − i space. The insensitive region will be addressed with a statistical method as described in Wang et al. (2014). The completeness of the proposed RV+AO survey is estimated at ∼80% given the stellar separation distribution of multiple stars (Raghavan et al. 2010). Yale Proposal Page 5 This box blank.

Impact to Yale Astronomy Describe how this program fits into the Yale astronomy program. Will the data analysis and resulting papers be based at Yale? If the project is led by a faculty member, does the project involve students? What is the role of the PI viz-a-viz other non-Yale co-Is. Are the resources in place to analyze the data and come to a timely publication? (limit text to one page) Yale is a member of the SDSS III collaboration and has access to the Keck telescopes. This proposal takes advantage of these two facts and promotes the reputation of Yale astronomy in the SDSS collaboration. The imaging data taken at Keck and the radial velocity data taken at APOGEE will be complementary to each other in answering one fundamental question in astronomy: how do planets form in multiple stars? There are two parts of the project, the AO imaging part will be led by Dr. Ji Wang. Data analysis will be based at Yale and all the tools are ready. A demonstration of timely publication on a similar topic using similar tools is exemplified by Wang et al. (2014). The RV measurements will be based at Penn State and led by Dr. Suvrath Mahadevan, an assistant professor there. At least two publications are expected, one on AO imaging and the other one RV measurements.

Previous Use of Yale Facilities and Publications Please list previous use of Yale observing facilities and any publications resulting from these data in the past 3 years. If this is a long term project, please state this here and describe the overall strategy of the project. The PI has been awarded 1 night at Keck II and 5 nights at Palomar 200-inch telescope in 2014A, but the observations are scheduled in July 2014, so no observation has been made at this moment. One publication resulted from previous Yale Keck time for the Planet Hunters project: Wang, J., et al. 2013, ApJ, 776, 10, Planet Hunters. V. A Confirmed Jupiter-size Planet in the Habitable Zone and 42 Planet Candidates from the Kepler Archive Data. In this paper, we reported the first confirmed transiting Jupiter-sized planet in the habitable zone, along with other planet candidates in the habitable zone. Yale Proposal Page 6 This box blank.

Observing Run Details for Run 1:

Technical Description Describe the observations to be made during the requested observing run. Justify the specific telescopes, the number of nights, the instrument, and the lunar phase. List objects, coordinates, and magnitudes (or surface brightness, if appropriate) in the Target Tables section. There are a total of 150 stars in our sample. After a thorough literature review and a check from the Kepler Community Follow-up Observing Program (CFOP), we found that AO images of 64 stars were already taken and available for public use. Therefore, we will take AO images for the remaining 86 stars, and add a few more stars whose previous AO images were not taken in a good condition. These ∼90 stars are generally very faint with a median Kepler magnitude (Kp) of ∼15 mag. Using the AO guide star tool provided by Keck observatory, 52 of them do not have a bright natural guider star (R < 14.2) within 30 arcsec, and thus need to be observed in the laser guider star (LGS) mode. According to NIRC2 SNR and Efficiency Calculator, these 52 stars will take 52 × 20 = 1040 min, approximately 2 nights, in the LGS mode by the Keck NIRC2 instrument. AO images of the remaining stars will take another night, 38 × 15 = 570 min, to obtain. All observations will be made in K band, where atmosphere is more stable than J and H band, and PSF is easier to be modeled and properly subtracted. Future observations will be proposed to confirm detections in other bands and via common proper motion. We will use the narrow camera mode with a 0.01 arcsec/pixel scale and a field of view of 10′′×10′′ because of a requirement of high spatial resolution. We expect to achieve a contrast of 2.5 mag at 0.25 arcsec and 4.0 mag beyond 1 arcsec (Wang et al. 2013, Table 1). The contrast will enable us to detect M2.5-M5 stars and earlier-type stars. The Kepler filed will be observable all night until mid August, so we prefer a night in this time range. We understand that the Keck time is very competitive, and are willing to accept any time that will be given to the project. We will submit future proposals to complete the project if the requested 3 nights are not entirely awarded. R.A. range of principal targets (hours): 19 23 00 to 19 37 00 Dec. range of principal targets (degrees): 37 00 00 to 53 00 00 Yale Proposal Page 7 This box blank.

KIC RA Dec Kepler Mag [Deg] [Deg] [mag] 5534814 19 28 51.4500 40 45 35.140 15.311 5534965 19 29 02.5000 40 42 13.240 13.297 5621333 19 28 55.1400 40 48 32.220 14.886 5705819 19 27 39.0900 40 57 14.010 15.789 5706595 19 28 41.0700 40 54 58.710 15.198 5709906 19 32 41.8400 40 57 02.910 13.773 5796675 19 34 22.0500 41 05 42.580 13.653 5881120 19 33 16.3800 41 07 00.010 13.809 5881688 19 33 59.1900 41 08 15.320 15.270 5881813 19 34 06.6100 41 06 41.180 15.162 5959753 19 26 33.8200 41 14 27.740 14.817 5962262 19 29 51.3300 41 17 56.640 14.790 5965819 19 34 04.7600 41 16 38.670 15.024 5966810 19 35 16.3900 41 12 41.260 14.948 6041734 19 26 25.0800 41 18 33.700 15.280 6043562 19 28 44.7500 41 19 40.950 15.809 6047072 19 33 02.9900 41 21 54.430 14.553 6049190 19 35 31.1700 41 23 37.760 14.811 6124512 19 28 30.0500 41 24 28.120 14.667 6129524 19 34 40.9100 41 24 36.910 15.919 6129694 19 34 52.3500 41 25 51.380 13.205 6131130 19 36 32.7000 41 27 24.090 15.654 6131236 19 36 39.1700 41 27 06.480 15.391 6205228 19 27 39.0700 41 32 01.000 14.668 6205897 19 28 31.9100 41 32 51.140 14.310 6209677 19 33 12.0600 41 31 24.020 14.800 6287313 19 30 11.4000 41 38 34.660 15.401 6290935 19 34 43.5100 41 36 43.090 13.591 6291033 19 34 50.0300 41 36 54.470 14.641 6291653 19 35 30.7500 41 39 42.370 15.305 6364215 19 27 30.7200 41 46 10.490 15.656 6368175 19 32 36.2000 41 43 45.310 13.827 6369131 19 33 44.3500 41 43 00.770 14.579 6441738 19 25 42.6100 41 52 41.370 14.898 6520519 19 24 50.7900 41 59 08.160 15.608 6522242 19 27 02.5000 41 56 38.650 15.196 6525946 19 31 49.0000 41 56 05.280 15.357 6526710 19 32 43.0300 41 58 09.260 15.344 6527078 19 33 10.2700 41 59 51.320 13.241 6690171 19 25 42.4400 42 09 50.700 15.954 6690836 19 26 26.8500 42 06 57.500 15.230 6693640 19 29 54.7700 42 08 32.240 14.200 6696462 19 33 02.2000 42 07 35.860 14.980 6697605 19 34 15.9200 42 07 57.290 15.472 6774537 19 23 39.4800 42 17 11.680 15.333 6774880 19 24 08.0700 42 16 04.300 14.998 6775985 19 25 32.8200 42 15 37.830 14.069 6776401 19 26 03.8900 42 14 53.490 14.812 Yale Proposal Page 8 This box blank.

KIC RA Dec Kepler Mag [Deg] [Deg] [mag] 6784235 19 35 15.9500 42 12 45.010 15.533 6863998 19 28 25.2500 42 22 49.160 15.219 6867155 19 32 01.9100 42 18 25.920 15.172 6867588 19 32 32.8900 42 21 01.720 14.434 6867766 19 32 47.0900 42 22 14.260 14.384 6869184 19 34 24.3000 42 22 47.140 15.737 6945786 19 23 33.4400 42 27 34.780 15.738 6947164 19 25 25.6700 42 29 37.110 14.624 6948054 19 26 33.3500 42 26 10.760 15.599 6948480 19 27 09.0100 42 28 10.300 15.310 6949898 19 28 54.5700 42 27 07.090 15.267 7031517 19 24 28.7300 42 30 25.450 15.215 7032421 19 25 40.4000 42 34 47.350 14.792 7115291 19 24 00.2300 42 37 20.030 15.193 7118364 19 27 51.4000 42 41 46.100 15.024 7119481 19 29 15.8400 42 37 34.500 14.718 7120108 19 30 03.3500 42 39 06.340 14.413 7121885 19 32 07.3600 42 38 06.790 15.191 7199060 19 25 32.6400 42 42 32.860 12.972 7204981 19 32 52.1700 42 43 14.560 15.162 7207061 19 35 17.8300 42 46 46.920 15.886 7285757 19 31 49.9700 42 51 17.600 15.717 7286911 19 33 17.3800 42 52 02.890 14.816 7287415 19 33 52.5700 42 49 20.680 14.878 7287677 19 34 11.3600 42 49 42.390 14.965 7288306 19 34 54.5200 42 48 24.330 15.796 7288444 19 35 04.1700 42 49 45.150 15.098 7289317 19 36 02.2700 42 52 50.780 14.834 7289577 19 36 20.1400 42 48 34.520 14.937 7368664 19 34 20.7300 42 55 44.070 14.517 7446631 19 29 17.8100 43 02 00.420 14.162 7449541 19 32 48.1400 43 03 00.150 15.620 7450747 19 34 10.1500 43 01 33.960 15.201 7531677 19 31 58.7300 43 10 50.420 13.915 7609553 19 29 45.7000 43 12 33.950 14.589 7610663 19 31 08.3100 43 12 57.530 13.421 7685981 19 31 51.7300 43 20 47.000 15.662 7826620 19 33 09.1300 43 30 53.970 15.220

Instrument Configuration

Filters: Slit: Fiber cable: Grating/grism: Multislit: Corrector: Order: 1 λstart: Collimator: Cross disperser: λend: Atmos. disp. corr.:

Yale observing proposal LATEX macros v1.0. Yale Observing Proposal Standard proposal Semester: 2014B Date: March 11, 2014

Uncovering Luminous Obscured Quasars with Infrared Spectroscopy

PI: Stephanie LaMassa Status: P Affil.: Yale University Yale Center for Astronomy & Astrophysics, P.O. Box 208120, New Haven, CT 06520-8101 U.S.A. Email: [email protected] Phone: 203-432-5575 FAX:

CoI: C. Meg Urry Status: P Affil.: Yale University CoI: Eilat Glikman Status: P Affil.: Middlebury College CoI: Francesca Civano Status: P Affil.: Yale University CoI: Kevin Schawinski Status: P Affil.: ETH CoI: Benny Trakhtenbrot Status: P Affil.: ETH

Abstract of Scientific Justification (will be made publicly available for accepted proposals): We propose to continue our ground-based infrared spectroscopic campaign begun in 2013b to target obscured AGN candidates identified in our Stripe 82 X-ray survey. These objects are significantly detected in X-rays, have very red infrared/optical-infrared colors suggestive of SMBH accretion, meaning that they are likely to be AGN at high redshift that are heavily dust reddened. Only infrared spectroscopy will reveal their true nature and provide their X-ray luminosities. The pro- posed campaign will make important strides towards our goal of building a statistically significant sample of obscured AGN missed by existing optical and infrared surveys. Such a population may represent an early stage of merger-driven AGN/galaxy co-evolution, where the largest fraction of supermassive black hole growth potentially occurs.

Summary of observing runs requested for this project Run Telescope Instrument No. Nights Min. Nights Moon Optimal months Accept. months 1 Palomar TripleSpec 1 1 any Oct - Nov Sep 8 - Dec 21 2 Keck II NIRSPEC 4 1 any Sep - Nov 21 Sep - Dec 5 3 4 5 Yale Proposal Page 2 This box blank.

Scientific Justification Be sure to include overall significance to astronomy. Limit text to one page with figures, captions and references on no more than two additional pages. Obscured active galactic nuclei (AGN), powered by growing supermassive black holes (SMBHs) where direct view of the accretion disk is enshrouded by a scale circumnuclear absorber and/or host galaxy dust, make up a majority of the AGN population in the local Universe (Comastri 2004). The census of obscured AGN at z > 0.5 is less clear, as wide-area optical surveys do not find these AGN and selection based on infrared colors can lead to samples contaminated by inactive galaxies or sacrifice completeness to minimize contamination (e.g., Cardamone et al. 2010, Donley et al 2012). X-ray emission, however, can easily pierce through host galaxy dust that attenuates optical photons and is an unambiguous indicator of SMBH accretion, providing clean AGN samples. To probe this obscured AGN population, we have begun a wide area X-ray survey overlapping the Sloan Digital Sky Survey region Stripe 82 (“Stripe 82X”, LaMassa et al. 2013a,b). Our survey is optimized to discover rare objects that have a low space density, such as obscured AGN at high redshift and heavily reddened quasars. These latter objects may represent an early stage in the merger-driven SMBH/galaxy co-evolution paradigm where the nucleus is enshrouded by host galaxy dust and circumnuclear starbursts before powerful AGN winds blow away the surrounding matter to leave an unobscured “blue” quasar (Hopkins et al. 2005; Glikman et al. 2012). Indeed, red quasars are the most luminous AGN at every redshift (after correcting for reddening, Glikman et al. 2012), which is consistent with recent work that suggests that mergers only trigger the highest luminosity quasars (Treister et al. 2012). However, large area optical surveys like SDSS are biased against discovering this population. A major goal of Stripe 82X is to address this current gap in the census of SMBH growth by building a statistically significant sample of X-ray selected obscured quasars, where infrared spectroscopy is necessary to derive redshifts from which the X-ray luminosities can be calculated. We have identified 30 such obscured quasar candidates in Stripe 82X that are bright enough to be targeted with infrared spectroscopy with TripleSpec on Palomar and NIRSPEC on Keck. All objects are significantly detected at X-ray energies, are optical dropouts/optically faint, and have very red infrared/infrared-optical colors indicative of AGN activity or obscured SMBH accretion, specifically WISE colors in the quasar or (U)LIRG locus of the WISE W 1−W 2 vs. W 2−W 3 color space (Figure 1a, Wright et al. 2010), WISE W 1-W 2 colors greater than 0.8 (Stern et al. 2012, Assef et al. 2013), and/or r − K colors exceeding 3.35 (AB) with strong X-ray-to-optical emission, indicative of strong host galaxy dust obscuration (Figure 1b, Civano 2005,2012; Brusa et al. 2002, 2010). All three selection methods have been effective in identifying obscured AGN (e.g., Wright et al. 2010; Glikman et al. 2013; Stern et al. 2012; Assef et al. 2013; Brusa et al. 2005, 2010; Fiore 2008). We already targeted a faint subset of these targets in 2013b with NIRSPEC; the spectra for these 5 sources have been reduced with further analysis currently on-going (Figure 2). Here we re- quest Palomar TripleSpec and NIRSPEC time to continue this campaign to reveal obscured SMBH accretion, targeting an additional 7 and 23 sources, repsectively, for an obscured quasar target completeness of ∼50% (we will propose to observe the remaining, fainter targets with and the Very Large Telescope). The data will allow us to robustly determine the redshifts of our sources, and thus their X-ray and emission line luminosities, and the amount of obscuration along the line of sight. Discovery of such high-luminosity obscured AGN in this systematic survey would confirm that obscured black hole growth in this sector is significant. This population potentially constitutes the largest fraction of black hole growth according to population synthesis models (Treister et al. 2012). Yale Proposal Page 3 This box blank.

References Assef et al. 2013, ApJ, 772, 26 Brusa et al. 2010 ApJ, 716, 348 Glikman et al. 2012 ApJ, 757, 51 Brusa et al. 2005 A&A, 432, 69 Hopkins et al. 2005 ApJ, 630, 705 Brusa et al. 2002 ApJ, 581, 89 LaMassa et al. 2013b, MNRAS, 436, 3581 Cardamone et al. 2010 ApJS, 189, 270 LaMassa et al. 2013a, MNAS, 432, 1351 Comastri 2004 ASSL, 308, 245 Stern et al. 2012 ApJ, 753, 30 Donley et al. 2012, ApJ, 748, 142 Treister et al. 2012 ApJ, 758, 39 Fiore et al. 2008, APJ, 672, 94 Wright et al. 2010 AJ, 140, 1868 Glikman et al. 2013 ApJ, 778, 127

Figure 1: Left: WISE colors of requested targets (black stars and circles) overlaid on colored loci that indicate class of object (Wright et al. 2010). Right: Log(Lx/Loptical) vs. r −K color in the AB system, where blue crosses (black diamonds) mark sources with (without) spectroscopic redshifts and the red points indicate the sources we propose to target, i.e., those with red colors and strong X-ray emission. In both plots, circles represent sources to be targeted with TripleSpec (K<17), while the stars mark the NIRSPEC targets (17

Figure 2: NIRSPEC J-band spectrum of S82X 2218-0016 from our 2013b campaign. The identified narrow emission lines place this source at z = 1.02, giving a full-band X-ray (0.5-10 keV) luminosity of 7.4×1044 erg s−1. Additional analysis of this source and the 4 others targeted in 2013b to improve sky-line subtraction is on-going. Yale Proposal Page 5 This box blank.

Impact to Yale Astronomy Describe how this program fits into the Yale astronomy program. Will the data analysis and resulting papers be based at Yale? If the project is led by a faculty member, does the project involve students? What is the role of the PI viz-a-viz other non-Yale co-Is. Are the resources in place to analyze the data and come to a timely publication? (limit text to one page) The target list for this campaign results from PI LaMassa’s work as a post-doc at Yale where she has reduced and analyzed archival and proprietary Chandra and XMM-Newton observations within the Stripe 82 region and matched the X-ray source lists to existing multi-wavelength catalogs (LaMassa et al. 2013a,b). PI LaMassa will lead the reduction, analysis and publication of the data. CoI Meg Urry designed and initiated the Stripe 82X survey, an outgrowth of her group’s work on the issue of BH growth history for more than a decade and is responsible for most of the major breakthroughs. These include Ezequiel Treisters PhD thesis, done entirely at Yale; followed by the PhD work of Carie Cardamone and Brooke Simmons. CoI Glikman is an expert in NIR spectroscopy and dust reddened quasars and will assist in the reduction and analysis of the data. CoI Francesca Civano is an expert in X-ray surveys and has worked on identifying X-ray selected obscured AGN with infrared spectroscopy. CoI Kevin Schawinski, a former Einstein fellow at Yale, worked extensively at Yale on the different modes of black hole growth and the host galaxy properties of SMBHs. CoI Benny Trakhtenbrot is an expert on ground-based infrared observations targeting AGN and measuring black hole masses from broad emission lines. The current proposal is a continuation of the pilot program campaign from 2013b and results will be published as AGN are confirmed in each observing run. We are working to improve the sky-subtraction from the 2013b campaign before publishing these results.

Previous Use of Yale Facilities and Publications Please list previous use of Yale observing facilities and any publications resulting from these data in the past 3 years. If this is a long term project, please state this here and describe the overall strategy of the project. 2013b - Our team was awarded one night of Keck II observing time in Sep 2013 as a pilot program where we targeted 5 objects using one of the criterion cited in this proposal. The data have been reduced and analysis is on-going. 2013b - Our team was awarded 5 half-nights of WIYN time to obtain spectroscopic redshifts for our X-ray/optical sources. Two nights were unusable due to weather and the other 3 nights of data are currently being analyzed by Yale undergraduate Robert Pecoraro; these data will be included in a paper on the AGN space density that is currently in draft form. 2013a - Our team was awarded 3 nights of WIYN time in July, but due to weather, no data were not taken. 2012b - We were awarded 6 half-nights of WIYN time in December, of which three were unusable due to bad weather. The data from the other 3 nights have been reduced and analyzed by Yale undergraduate Robert Pecoraro and are included in our draft paper. 2012a - We received 4 nights of WIYN time in June, but due to needed dome repair, the observing run was canceled. Yale Proposal Page 6 This box blank.

Observing Run Details for Run 1: Palomar/TripleSpec

Technical Description Describe the observations to be made during the requested observing run. Justify the specific telescopes, the number of nights, the instrument, and the lunar phase. List objects, coordinates, and magnitudes (or surface brightness, if appropriate) in the Target Tables section. We identified 7 candidates that have UKIDSS K magnitude brighter than 17 (Vega) that we propose to target with TripleSpec. Based on Eilat Glikman’s extensive experience with TripleSpec, we estimate that one hour per source, with simultaneous coverage in the J, H, and K bands, will provide a high enough S/N (∼3-4 in the continuum) to derive redshifts from which we can identify these X-ray sources and calculate their luminosities. In addition we will obtain calibration spectra of bright A0V stars after each target, which, including slewing and pointing, adds 5-10 minutes per source. This observing program will be completed in one night. R.A. range of principal targets (hours): 22:55:24 to 03:38:38.4 Dec. range of principal targets (degrees): -01:15:00 to 00:49:40.8

Instrument Configuration

Filters: Slit: Fibercable: Grating/grism: Multislit: Corrector: Order: 1 λstart: Collimator: Cross disperser: λend: Atmos.disp.corr.: Yale Proposal Page 7 This box blank.

Observing Run Details for Run 2: Keck/NIRSPEC

Technical Description Describe the observations to be made during the requested observing run. Justify the specific telescopes, the number of nights, the instrument, and the lunar phase. List objects, coordinates, and magnitudes (or surface brightness, if appropriate) in the Target Tables section. We identified 23 objects with 17 < UKIDSS K <18 (in Vega) to target with Keck on NIRSPEC. We estimate that we will need ∼40 minutes per source per filter to achieve a high enough signal to noise in each spectrum to identify emission lines, as shown in Figure 2. When possible, we will observe in multiple filters in order to identify multiple lines and determine a firm redshift estimate. If suitable lines (Balmer lines, MgII, etc.) are detected we will fit Gaussian profiles to measure a FWHM and estimate black hole masses and Eddington ratios. There are 23 candidates suitable for NIRSPEC spectroscopy, totaling 45 significant detections among the UKIDSS J, H, and K bands (i.e., not every object was detected in all 3 bands). We aim to obtain spectra of these objects within the appropriate bands, requiring 40 minutes per filter plus ∼10 minutes per source for centering on the slit. We also need to observe a telluric standard (A0V star) within an airmass difference < 0.1 immediately after each target for sky-line subtraction, which amounts to ∼10-20 minutes per source. The total time requirement needed to complete these observations is ∼40 hours, or four nights. However, if fewer nights are granted, we will prioritize our target list and observe the brightest sources and those with the most number of UKIDSS detections in the amount of time allotted to us; completion of the proposed target list, though ideal, is not essential for our science goals (targeting ∼10 objects per campaign). Since the source density is low, this program make appropriate use of this single-slit instrument. The program does require “blind offsets” which this team used effectively in the 2013b observing run. R.A. range of principal targets (hours): 21:29:27.84 to -00:08:08.5 Dec. range of principal targets (degrees): -00:10:26.4 to 00:44:24.0

Instrument Configuration

′′ Filters:JHK Slit:1 Fiber cable: Grating/grism: Multislit: Corrector: Order: 1 λstart: Collimator: Cross disperser: λend: Atmos.disp.corr.:

A Yale observing proposal LTEX macros v1.0. Yale Observing Proposal Standard proposal Semester: 2014B Date: March 11, 2014

Abell 262 and RXJ0341: Two Brightest Cluster Galax- ies with Line Emission Blanketing a Cool Core

PI: Louise O. V. Edwards Status: P Affil.: Yale University Astronomy, P.O. Box 208101, New Haven, CT 06520-8101 U.S.A. Email: [email protected] Phone: 203-432-3011 FAX: 203-432-5048

CoI: Renita Heng Status: U Affil.: Yale University

Abstract of Scientific Justification (will be made publicly available for accepted proposals): Over the last decade, integral field (IFU) analysis of the brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) in several cool core clusters has revealed the central regions of these massive old red galaxies to be far from dead. Bright line emission alongside extended X-ray emission links nearby galaxies, is superposed upon vast dust lanes and extends out in long thin filaments from the galaxy core. Yet, to date no unifying picture has come into focus, and the activity across systems is currently seen as a grab-bag of possibile emission line mechanisms. Our primary goal is to work toward a consistent picture for why the BCGs seem are undergoing a renewed level of activity. One problem is most of the current data remains focused on mapping the very core of the BCG, but neglects surrounding galaxies. We propose to discover the full extent of line emission in a complementary pair of BCGs. In Abell 262, an extensive dust patch screens large portions of an otherwise smooth central galaxy, whereas RXJ0341 appears to be a double-core dust free BCG. We will map the full extent of the line emission in order to deduce whether the line emission is a product of local interactions, or the large-scale cluster X-ray gas. The narrow band filter set and large FOV afforded by the the Mayall MOSAIC-1 (MOSA) imager allows us to concurrently conduct an emission line survey of both clusters, locating all line emitting members and beginning a search for the effect of the environment of the different regions (outskirts vs. cluster core) out to the virial radius. We will combine our results with publically available data from 2MASS to determine the upper limits on specific star formation in the BCG and other cluster galaxies within the cluster virial radius.

Summary of observing runs requested for this project Run Telescope Instrument No. Nights Min. Nights Moon Optimal months Accept. months 1 MAYALL MOSA 3 2 grey-dark Oct - Nov Aug - Jan 2 3 4 5

Scheduling constraints and non-usable dates (up to four lines). —————————————————— Yale Proposal Page 2 This box blank.

Scientific Justification Be sure to include overall significance to astronomy. Limit text to one page with figures, captions and references on no more than two additional pages. Brighest cluster galaxies often show Hα emission1,15, a clear sign of ongoing or recent activity. In massive, rich, X-ray bright clusters, the line emission can present itself in spectacularly long (100kpc) and thin filaments such as is the case for Perseus2, Abell 20523, and Abell 17954,5. These long filaments trace the dominant physics present at the cluster core. In BCGs, the line emission itself is correlated with the mixed-bag of possible sources: the presence of an X-ray cool core6,5, an association with AGN, with Star formation7, the direct action of radio lobes8, and with the presence of magnetic fields 9 - sometimes all within the same galaxy. BCGs are the largest, most massive galaxies in the local universe, containing the largest number of the oldest stars in a single galaxy. Thus, finding a consistent picture for their evolution is key to our understanding of galaxy evolution in general. Line emission in cluster galaxies can also help unravel the evolution of the cluster itself, leading to a more complete understanding of build up of the large scale structure of the universe. For example, many studies have found an excess of star forming galaxies in low density regions of clusters, such as at their outskirts10, cluster-connecting filaments11, and significant environmental effects of infalling groups12. Abell 262 and RXJ0341 comprise a perfect complement for studying the BCG emission lines along with those of other cluster galaxies. At a redshifts of 0.015 and 0.028, respectively, both are close enough to resolve the morphology of the individual cluster galaxies using the Mayall telescope, yet distant enough that the clusters can be easily observed out to the cluster virial radius in only a few pointings of MOSAIC-1’s large FOV. Both are cool core clusters with similar properties in X-ray −1 (both have mass deposition rates of 2 M¯yr ), and both have moderate levels of emission in Hα and Hβ already detected. Yet, within the BCG, the local environment differs greatly. In RXJ0341, SDSS images reveal a double-core BCG. Data from the NOAO Fundamental Plane Survey spots emission lines in the main component of this BCG, but the spectroscopic data does not reveal the extent or morphology6. Is the line emission associated with galaxy interactions? An HST image of Abell 262, on the other hand, shows a prominant dust feature, and line emission that mirrors the inner parts of the dust feature, out to the edge of the image14 (See Figure 1). The full extent and morphology of this emission must be uncovered. Is star formation a likely source of ionization? Or, in both clusters, does the emission filament simply mirror the structure of the X-ray emission. PROGRAM GOAL - It is in fact straight forward to answer the above questions with the proposed simple and short Mayall MOSA program. By imaging the cluster in the narrow band filters centered on the bright emission lines, we will be able to discover the extent, direction and morphology of the line-emitting star-forming filament. This requires an observation of the continuum that will be roughly 2 magnitudes deeper than the available SDSS image, and thus the diffuse emission surrounding the BCG and its smaller companions will also be explored. Concurrently, these deep narrow band observations will enable us to quantify the activity of all the galaxies of the cluster, out to the virial radius in just 4 pointings for Abell 262, and in 1 pointing for RXJ0341. SDSS spectroscopy is very incomplete for Abell 262, but nevertheless shows that many cluster galaxies host Hα-NII-SII line emission. With a survey of the line-emitting galaxies in the cluster using imaging, we will be able to study the fraction of active galaxies in this cluster and how that fraction changes with cluster-centric radii. Though the fraction of active galaxies in clusters compared to those in the field is a well studied and interesting question, it is only in a few cases where the fractions in individual systems has been looked at in detail. The narrow band data will act as a first step in chosing other cluster members for spectroscopic followup and an exploration of specific star formation rates of the galaxies. This program builds on the data from Abell 1204, a hybrid case of star formation and AGN activity within the BCG, for which 5 nights of SOAR SOI time has been givin for a narrow band emission line survey that will occur in May and June of 2014. Yale Proposal Page 3 This box blank.

Cluster Center of RXJ0341


Figure 1: Left: A map of the i-band dust feature seen in Abell 262 and an Hα map from Hatch et al. 2007 (this figure was adapted from Figure 1 of the Hatch paper). Although high in spatial resolution, this map only covers the central few kiloparsecs of the cluster’s BCG. The strongest emission is in the core with emission extending out to the edge of the IFU field of view (700x900). Right: The proposed Mayall MOSA imaging field of view (360x260) is large enough to cover the entire virial radius of RXJ0341. Shown, is a close up of the inner region of the cluster, centered on the BCG (from the SDSS). The proposed observations will extend much beyond the brightest central galaxies

References 1. Crawford et al. 1999 2. Fabian, et al. 2001 3. Blanton et al. 2003 4. Cowie et al. 1991 5. McDonald et al. 2009 6. Edwards et al. 2007 7. Donahue et al. 2000 8. McNamara et al. 2007 9. Ferland et al. 2008 10. Gallazzi et al. 2009 11. Fadda et al. 2008 12. McGee et al. 2009 13. Edwards et al. 2009 14. Hatch et al. 2007 15. McDonald et al. 2014 Yale Proposal Page 4 This box blank.

Figure 2: Observation Method- A rest frame spectrum of the central portion of a Brightest Cluster Galaxy with prominant optical emission lines is shown. The Hα - NII complex is clearly visible 6550A.˚ Overlayed as dotted lines is the rest frame spectral coverage of the two narrow band filters we will use. The ha8 H-alpha+8nm k1011 filter (shortened to Hak1011) will be used to detect the continuum of the RXJ0341 galaxies and the emission lines of the Abell 262 galaxies. Conversely, the ha 16 H-alpha+16nm k1013 filter (shortened to Hak1013) will be used to detect the lines of RXJ0341 and continuum of Abell 262. Yale Proposal Page 5 This box blank.

Impact to Yale Astronomy Describe how this program fits into the Yale astronomy program. Will the data analysis and resulting papers be based at Yale? If the project is led by a faculty member, does the project involve students? What is the role of the PI viz-a-viz other non-Yale co-Is. Are the resources in place to analyze the data and come to a timely publication? (limit text to one page) The project outlined in this proposal will be data that the PI will work on with a summer student in 2015, and builds on the work of Renita Heng, a Yale Astronomy major, who will work during the Summer of 2014 on creating a reduction pipeline to reduce similar narrow band imaging data. The summer student will then become familiar with optical images, plotting software, and the IRAF environment as they reduce the imaging data from this project and calculate the Hα luminosity and maximum star formation rates for all Hα emitting galaxies. The project will also create an excellent observing experience for a Yale major to have the enriching experience as a co-observer. This semester the PI supervised 2 students during the year (one continuuing summer student, and one working on her undergraduate thesis) and she expects to do the same through the 2014B semester. She will invite one of these students to be a co-observer. Once Summer 2015 starts, following Renita’s work on Abell 1204, the summer 2015 student will write up the results for the extent of the Hα luminosity in the BCGs, characterizing the morpholgy and creating an argument for or against an interaction with the neighboring galaxies or a connection with dust, based on the extent and morphology of the gas. The student will end the summer with work on the follow-up spectroscopic proposal. The PI has extensive experience optical imaging, and will act as the project leader. The PI will use her research funds to cover expenses for the initial observing trip, as well as publication costs associated with the article produced from the imaging data of the 3 clusters (the two proposed here, plus the data from Abell 1204 to be observed in the 14A semester). She will hire Yale undergraduates funded by internal fellowships for the summer, or who are supported by the Hoffleit program. With the full proposed 2014B data gathered, the project will be cleanly split to allow two students their own source - which would allow for greater collaborative learning between the students. If weather, or other unforeseen circumstances prevent observations of both targets, there will still be a perfect amount of data for one summer student. Yale Proposal Page 6 This box blank.

Previous Use of Yale Facilities and Publications Please list previous use of Yale observing facilities and any publications resulting from these data in the past 3 years. If this is a long term project, please state this here and describe the overall strategy of the project. (1) The PI was awarded 5 nights on SOAR to use SOI and narrow band filters to observe emission lines in the BCG and cluster galaxies of Abell 1204. We will gather the data in May-June 2014. (2) The PI has been awarded a total of 10 nights on WIYN/Sparsepak between 2013A and 2014A in conduct a IFU mini-survey of BCGs and their close companions. A total of 3 nights were lost due to weather, and 2 nights remain to be observed (will gather the data in May 2014). Of the 5 excellent nights of data, all 10 clusters have been fully reduced, emission and absorption features have been measured, and plotting software is currently being developed to present the data in a publishable form. All told, this vast dataset has supported summer work for 2 Yale undergraduates in 2013 (Hannah Alpert and Vasilije Dobrosavlijvic), 2 planned for summer 2014 (Thomas Foster and Saisneha Koppaka), has led to 3 majors having observing experiences (2 at the site, one remote), and is the data for 1 undergraduate thesis (Tara Abraham). I expect Hannah will do her senior project next year with this data, and to publish results in at least 2 papers, once the full dataset has been collected. Before moving to Yale, the PI made use of the WIYN/Hydra facilities, under the NOAO TAC, resulting in several publications. (3) For 3 nights in Jan 2009, the PI observed with Hydra on the WIYN telescope ( PI: Fadda 2008B). Fadda and Edwards followed-up 70µm sources detected in the Lockman Hole and results were presented in AAS217(2011). (4) The PI has reduced spectra from 3 nights of Hydra observations of Coma cluster galaxies (PI: Fadda 2008A). A recent paper based on these data (Edwards & Fadda, 2011, AJ 142:148) has been published. (5) Combined analysis of spectra and multi-wavelength photometry of galaxies in the Abell 1763 cluster based on Hydra data has also resulted in several recent papers involving the PI (Edwards et al., 2010, AJ 139:434, Edwards et al. 2010, AJ 140:1891, and Biviano et al.(and Edwards), 2011, A& A 532:77). Additionally, the PI also has considerable experience observing on 2-8m class telescopes. In the past, she has observed with Gemini, CFHT, the William Herschel Telescope’s, at Palomar and at the Mont Megantic Observatory. From Observations to Scientific Results The narrow band Hα imaging will provide the answer to the extent of the line emission, and whether it continues throught the cooling X-ray region. The morphology will give clues as to whether an interaction with its nearby neighbors is ongoing (RXJ0341) and if the existance of the dust patch is signaling young star formation (Abell 262). Maximum star formation rates will be calculated. The narrow band imaging will also reveal the number of line emitting galaxies (both starforming and AGN) in the clusters out to the virial radius. Those galaxies with strong line emission will be flagged for follow-up with spectroscopy. Yale Proposal Page 7 This box blank.

Observing Run Details for Run :

Technical Description Describe the observations to be made during the requested observing run. Justify the specific telescopes, the number of nights, the instrument, and the lunar phase. List objects, coordinates, and magnitudes (or surface brightness, if appropriate) in the Target Tables section. We propose to image the nebular line emission in the galaxies of the Abell 262 and RXJ0341 clusters out to one Mpc. This will require 4 pointings for the former, and 1 for the latter. Each cluster will be imaged in two different narrow band filters to find the emission lines, as well in the r band for photometric calibration and to measure the morphology of the host galaxies. A total of 16.1 hours, plus overheads is requested. RXJ0341 is at a redshift of 0.028 and Abell 262 at z=0.015. To image the line emitting gas we need to observe the field in two bands, one which includes the line emission, and a second to characterize the continuum levels. We examine the Hα line luminosity profile from the center out to the edge of the IFU field of view (Abell 26214) where the emission lines dominate the total flux, or long slit spectra in the case of RXJ03416. By extrapolating, we estimate that the flux of the emission lines in the outer regions of the BCGs will be ∼23 magnitudes in a 2.200 aperture spread out over the r filter. This is 2 magnitudes deeper than the SDSS. We use the online version of ccdtime available on the NOAO webpages to estimate an integration time of 4 minutes to achieve a SNR of 10 in the r filter with binning to match a seeing of 100. The narrow band Hα filters that center around the bright emission lines we wish to observe (Figure 2) both have a bandwidth 24 times smaller than the r filter. As the continuum of the source is fairly flat in the red wavelengths, the integration time needed to achieve the same depth is therefor 1.6hrs. We cannot use the r filter to subtract the continuum as other emission lines not present in the narrow band filters populate the r filter. However, adjacent narrow band filters contain only continuum emisson and has approximately the same bandwidth and transmission efficiency (clearly depicted in Figure 2), so we can use them instead. Most of RXJ0341 is covered by the SDSS, and Abell 262 has optical HST imaging available, so we can use photometric redshifts to rougly determine cluster membership for the line emitting galaxies we will detect. An SDSS search shows that for galaxies in nearby clusters, available spectra show surface brightnesses of Hα emission to be typically 22-24 magnitudes. Thus, our proposed observations will be able to detect the most the typical line emitting galaxies in the clusters, out to one virial radius (∼1 Mpc). The large field of view provided by Mosaic-1, and particularly its suite of narrow band filters makes this the only available instrumentation that can effectively perform the required observations. At the cluster redshift, the galaxies are small enough that a 4m class telescope is required to be able resolve the morphology of the line emission. At Kitt Peak, these sources are above the horizon for at least 7.0hrs a night from September-January. We therefore request (16h + 8min) * 25% overheads = 20.2hrs of observing time. This can be achieved in 3 nights. R.A. range of principal targets (hours): 01:52:00, 03:42:00 Dec. range of principal targets (degrees): +15:23:00, +36:09:00

Instrument Configuration Yale Proposal Page 8 This box blank.

Filters: k1011,k1013,k1018 Slit: Fiber cable: Grating/grism: Multislit: Corrector: Order: 1 λstart: Collimator: Cross disperser: λend: Atmos. disp. corr.:

Target Table for Run 1: SOAR/SOI

Obj Exp. # of Lunar ID Object α δ Epoch Mag. Filter time exp. days Sky Seeing Comment 001 RXJ0341 03 41 17.0 +15 23 49 2000 23 1011 5760 48 7 spec 0.2-1.5 002 RXJ0341 03 41 17.0 +15 23 49 2000 23 1013 5760 48 7 spec 0.2-1.5 003 RXJ0341 03 41 17.0 +15 23 49 2000 23 1018 240 4 7 spec 0.2-1.5 004 Abell 262 Position 1 01 52 47.0 +36 09 07 2000 23 1011 5760 48 7 spec 0.2-1.5 005 Abell 262 Position 2 01 52 47.0 +36 09 07 2000 23 1011 5760 48 7 spec 0.2-1.5 006 Abell 262 Position 3 01 52 47.0 +36 09 07 2000 23 1011 5760 48 7 spec 0.2-1.5 007 Abell 262 Position 4 01 52 47.0 +36 09 07 2000 23 1011 5760 48 7 spec 0.2-1.5 008 Abell 262 Position 1 01 52 47.0 +36 09 07 2000 23 1013 5760 48 7 spec 0.2-1.5 009 Abell 262 Position 2 01 52 47.0 +36 09 07 2000 23 1013 5760 48 7 spec 0.2-1.5 010 Abell 262 Position 3 01 52 47.0 +36 09 07 2000 23 1013 5760 48 7 spec 0.2-1.5 011 Abell 262 Position 4 01 52 47.0 +36 09 07 2000 23 1013 5760 48 7 spec 0.2-1.5 012 Abell 262 Position 1 01 52 47.0 +36 09 07 2000 23 1018 240 4 7 spec 0.2-1.5 013 Abell 262 Position 2 01 52 47.0 +36 09 07 2000 23 1018 240 4 7 spec 0.2-1.5 014 Abell 262 Position 3 01 52 47.0 +36 09 07 2000 23 1018 240 4 7 spec 0.2-1.5 015 Abell 262 Position 4 01 52 47.0 +36 09 07 2000 23 1018 240 4 7 spec 0.2-1.5

Yale observing proposal LATEX macros v1.0. Yale Observing Proposal Standard proposal Semester: 2014B Date: March 10, 2014

Planets Beyond The Habitable Zone: Connecting Exo- planet Frontiers to Future Missions

PI: Ji Wang Status: P Affil.: Yale University Astronomy, P.O. Box 208101, New Haven, CT 06520-8101 U.S.A. Email: [email protected] Phone: FAX: 203-432-5048

CoI: Debra Fischer Status: P Affil.: Yale University CoI: Tabetha Boyajian Status: P Affil.: Yale University CoI: Joey Schmitt Status: G Affil.: Yale University CoI: John Brewer Status: G Affil.: Yale University CoI: Alyssa Picard Status: U Affil.: Yale University CoI: Cory Combs Status: U Affil.: Yale University

Abstract of Scientific Justification (will be made publicly available for accepted proposals): Small planet occurrence rate at wide orbits is not well constrained. While the Kepler mission is successful in detecting more than 3800 planet candidates (PCs), only 7 of them are beyond the habitable zone with orbital period longer than 400 days. In comparison, the Planet Hunters project found 18 PCs beyond the habitable zone (Wang et al. 2013, Schmitt et al. 2014, Picard et al. in prep). We propose to characterize the host stars for all these 25 long-period PCs using the echelle spectrograph at the KPNO 4m telescope. High resolution spectra will improve the measurement of stellar properties such as radius and surface gravity, which directly link to the planetary properties. The stellar spectra will also help dismiss false positive scenarios (e.g., close- in binaries). Determining the false positive rate of these 25 PCs will allow us to estimate the occurrence rate for planets beyond the habitable zone, which will be the first attempt based on transiting planet data. Planets beyond the habitable zone enable us to study planet formation and evolution beyond the ice line, and the architecture of outer extra-solar systems at around the Mars distance, currently a nearly unexplored territory in observation-based exoplanet science. The planet occurrence rate in this range of orbital period will have significant implications as to the yield of exoplanet discoveries by future projects such as LSST and WFIRST which are sensitive to exoplanets at the similar distance. Summary of observing runs requested for this project Run Telescope Instrument No. Nights Min. Nights Moon Optimal months Accept. months 1 KPNO-4m ECHLR + T2KA 5 4 any Aug-Sep Aug-Nov 2 3 4 5

Scheduling constraints and non-usable dates (up to four lines). —————————————————— Yale Proposal Page 2 This box blank.

Scientific Justification Be sure to include overall significance to astronomy. Limit text to one page with figures, captions and references on no more than two additional pages. Kepler mission has been a tremendous success in identifying more than 3800 planet candidates (PCs) during its 4.5 year mission. The mission provided an estimation of planet occurrence rate for planets within 300-day orbital periods (Petigura et al. 2013). In contrast, the planet occurrence rate on wider orbits remains poorly constrained because of a lack of discoveries and followup observations. For example, only 7 Kepler PCs have P≥400 days. This is because 3 transits are required in vetting Kepler PCs (with 4 exceptions, see Fig. 1). Fortunately, more than 260,000 Planet Hunters (Fischer et al. 2012) uniquely contributed to this missing parameter space. The Planet Hunters found 18 PCs beyond the habitable zone (Wang et al. 2013, Schmitt et al. 2014, Picard et al. in prep). Thus, a total of 25 long-period PCs, 7 from Kepler and 18 from Planet Hunters (see Fig. 1 for details), provide us with a unique sample to study the properties of planets beyond the habitable zone, linking current space missions (e.g., Kepler, HST and Spitzer) to future ones such as TESS, WFIRST, GAIA, CHEOPS, and PLATO. The sample of 25 PCs is in the detection parameter space of microlensing exoplanet surveys, which predict that every star in the Milky way has a planet between 0.5 to 20 AU (Cassan et al. 2012). All PCs in our sample are located at ∼1-2 AU from their host stars. In comparison, only 3 microlensing planets are at these separations in Cassan et al. (2012). Our sample will significantly improve the statistics of planets at these separations, and thus shed light on planet formation and evolution beyond the ice line, and the architecture of outer extra-solar systems. The sample has a sensitivity advantage over Doppler planets (Wright et al. 2011) and thus allows us to probe Neptune-sized planets or even Super Earths. While all but two of the 210 Doppler planets with P≥400 days have radii larger than 5 REarth (Lissauer et al. 2011), our sample has 9 PCs smaller than 5 REarth. However, planet occurrence rate cannot be properly estimated without ruling out false positives in the sample. Likely false positive scenarios such as orbiting brown dwarfs, background eclipsing binaries (EB), hierarchical triplets, grazing binaries, etc., are illustrated in Fig. 2. Table 1 summa- rizes each false positive scenario, its probability and exclusion method. We propose to take high resolution spectra for the host stars of these 25 PCs to determine their stellar properties with the SME (Valenti & Fischer 2005), and search for signs of a stellar secondary in the composite spec- trum. A complementary program is being undertaken using Keck II NIRC2 adaptive optics system to search for fainter stellar companions at wider separations. The joint effort of these two follow-up programs will either detect false positive signals or validate the planet nature (e.g., Wang et al. 2013), and thus determine the false positive rate for the sample of planets beyond the habitable zone. Among these 25 PCs, 16 have only two transits observed by Kepler. Since the end of Kepler mission was announced, the detection of the third transit will only be possible using other telescopes. A campaign is being launched to observe and confirm the third transit using ground-based and space telescopes such as LOCGT, HST, Spitzer and future mission TESS. The planet occurrence rate beyond the habitable zone has significant implications as to the yield of planet detections for future missions such as WFIRST and LSST. Yale Proposal Page 3 This box blank.

References Petigura, E. A., Howard, A. W., & Marcy, G. W. Cassan, A., et al. 2012, Nature, 481, 167 2013, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sci- Fischer, D. A., et al. 2012, MNRAS, 419, 2900 ence, 110, 19273 Fressin, F., et al. 2013, ApJ, 766, 81 Wang, J., et al. 2013, ApJ, 776, 10 Grether, D., & Lineweaver, C. H. 2006, ApJ, 640, Wright, J. T., et al. 2011, PASP, 123, 412 1051 Wright, J. T., et al. 2013, ApJ, 770, 119 Lissauer, J. J., et al. 2011, ApJS, 197, 8 Valenti, J. A., & Fischer, D. A. 2005, ApJS, 159, 141

Figure 1: Currently known exoplanets on the RP -Period plane. RP is the planet radius in Earth radius (RE). Planets detected by different techniques are marked with different symbols. Circles indicate Kepler planets, squares indicate radial velocity planets, diamonds indicate micro-lensing planets, crosses indicate planets uniquely discovered by the Planet Hunters and with P > 400 days. Dashed line marks 400-day period, and the shaded region indicates a unique phase space for small planet (1 REarth < RP < 6 REarth) beyond the habitable zone (400 day < P < 1200 day). Planet detections in this phase space are dominated by the Planet Hunters. Yale Proposal Page 4 This box blank.

Figure 2: Illustration of planet transit and possible false positive scenarios (image credit: the Register). a: A planet transit. b: a brown dwarf (BD) transit. c: A blended signal consisting of 2 cases. See Table 1 for references. c1: the blended signal is an unbound (foreground or background) eclipsing binary (EB). c2: the blended signal is a physically-bound EB. d: A grazing EB. Table 1 summarizes the probability of each scenario and methods to exclude a false positive.

Table 1: Planet transit and its possible false positive scenarios as illustrated in Fig. 2, their probabilities and observation techniques. [1]: the relative probability of case b and case a (Grether & Lineweaver 2006); [2]: relative probability for c cases are based on Fressin et al. (2013). Case Probability Techniques Comment a : Planet transit ... Doppler RV ≤ 20 m/s b : BD transit 2%[1] Doppler RV ∼ 250-1400 m/s, very rare c1: Unbound EB 84.4%[2] AO/Spec 0.01′′ (NIRC2) vs. 4′′(Kepler) c2: Bound EB 15.6%[2] AO/Spec/Doppler Spectral flux contamination and RV shift d : Grazing EB ... Doppler/V-shaped LC RV ≥ 1400 m/s; V-shaped light curves Yale Proposal Page 5 This box blank.

Impact to Yale Astronomy Describe how this program fits into the Yale astronomy program. Will the data analysis and resulting papers be based at Yale? If the project is led by a faculty member, does the project involve students? What is the role of the PI viz-a-viz other non-Yale co-Is. Are the resources in place to analyze the data and come to a timely publication? (limit text to one page) This proposal is in support of a Yale-based project Planet Hunters (PI: Debra Fischer), which results in an extensive public involvement. Planet Hunters have produced many exciting scientific results since its launch (refer to the next section for details). It has attracted many undergraduate and graduate students to participate in research on exoplanet research. Six undergraduate students were working with our group over the summer and all of them completed their projects in the form of written report and final presentation. Two of them, Alyssa Picard and Cory Combs, are continuing working with our group and the proposed work is well aligned with their projects, 1-2- transit events (Picard et al. 2013, in prep) and Planet Hunters PCs modeling (Combs et al. 2013, in prep). The proposed work is also directly related to graduate student Joey Schmitt, who has submitted a paper on the next round of Planet Hunter candidates release (Schmitt et al. 2013, http://arxiv.org/abs/1310.5912).

Previous Use of Yale Facilities and Publications Please list previous use of Yale observing facilities and any publications resulting from these data in the past 3 years. If this is a long term project, please state this here and describe the overall strategy of the project. The PI has been awarded 1 night at Keck II and 5 nights at Palomar 200-inch telescope in 2014A, but the observations are scheduled in July 2014, so no observation has been made at this moment. One publication resulted from previous Yale Keck time for the Planet Hunters project: Wang, J., et al. 2013, ApJ, 776, 10, Planet Hunters. V. A Confirmed Jupiter-size Planet in the Habitable Zone and 42 Planet Candidates from the Kepler Archive Data. In this paper, we reported the first confirmed transiting Jupiter-sized planet in the habitable zone, along with other planet candidates in the habitable zone. Yale Proposal Page 6 This box blank.

Observing Run Details for Run 1:

Technical Description Describe the observations to be made during the requested observing run. Justify the specific telescopes, the number of nights, the instrument, and the lunar phase. List objects, coordinates, and magnitudes (or surface brightness, if appropriate) in the Target Tables section. The goal of this proposal is to characterize the host stars for 25 planet candidates (PCs) beyond the habitable zone, and quantify the false positive rate for these PCs. They are valuable in estimating the planet occurrence rate for planets at wide orbits, and studying the architecture of outer exo- planet systems. The majority of PCs in our sample are uniquely identified by the Planet Hunters project. We will obtain high resolution spectra (R∼20,000-60,000) for their host stars, and use the Spec- troscopy Made Easy (SME, Valenti & Fischer 2005) tool to determine the stellar properties. The uncertainty of stellar radius is typically larger than 50% for Kepler stars without spectroscopic follow-up observations. In a transiting exoplanet system, the planet-to-star radius ratio is the observable and thus the stellar radius must be known to determine the planet radius. This uncer- tainty in host star radii decreases from 50% to 5-10% with spectroscopic follow-up observations. Furthermore, the extent of the habitable zone is dependent on stellar properties such as effective temperature and stellar radius, so the improvement in the host star stellar properties is necessary to better determine the location of the system’s habitable zone. The spectra will also help to exclude certain false positive scenarios. For example, a SB2 binary, or flux contamination from background/foreground stellar companions. Table 1 list all false positive scenarios. Spectroscopic follow-up observations will help constrain the cases involving eclipsing binaries, which are the most common case for false positives. We have a ongoing imaging campaign for the host stars for planets at wide orbits. We will observe these stars on July 17th using the Keck II NIRC2 adaptive optics system. With the combination spectroscopic and adaptive optics imaging follow-up observations, the majority of the false positive scenarios will be excluded. The planet status of the PCs can be statistically validated with a high planet confidence (Wang et al. 2013). We request 5 nights to obtain high-resolution spectra (R∼20,000-60,000) for 25 PCs beyond the habitable zone. The PCs are in general very faint with Kepler magnitude ranging from 9.4 and 15.9, and a median magnitude of ∼14 mag. The echelle spectrograph at KPNO 4m telescope provides the capability of obtaining R>20,000 spectra for these faint objects that are otherwise impractical at other small telescopes. The exposure time required to reach S/N∼30 for a 14th mag star is about 90 minutes (according to the online exposure time calculator and IRAFs task SPECTIME). Three 30 min exposures will be taken for the purpose of cosmic ray removal, and then the spectra will be co-added for spectroscopic analysis. For stars in the faint end, we will increase the exposure time accordingly to ensure a proper S/N that enables a SME analysis for stellar parameter determination. Assuming on average 1.5 hours per target, we request 5 nights in total to complete the spectroscopic data acquisition for 25 PC host stars. August is preferred because the Kepler filed will be observable all night from mid June to mid August. R.A. range of principal targets (hours): 18:51:24 to 19:58:43 Dec. range of principal targets (degrees): 38.89 to 51.38 Yale Proposal Page 7 This box blank.

KIC RA Dec KP Period RP Depth T0 Source Ntransit [Degree] [Degree] [mag] [day] [RE ] [ppm] [BKJD] 3756801 293.9545905 38.8999700 13.642 423.03 5.69185 1312 448.47 Kepler 2 5010054 291.4983750 40.1828900 13.961 904.202 2.8 784 356.4122 PH 2 5437945 288.4748400 40.6513600 13.771 440.7704 9.73 2646 139.349 PH 3 5522786 288.3435000 40.7313200 9.350 757.3108 1.41 90 283.4928 PH 2 5652983 299.6761500 40.8564900 12.193 498.393 11.2758 1604 244.08 Kepler 3 5732155 298.4255505 40.9066000 15.195 644.215 6.39815 3516.49 536.7023 PH 2 6191521 287.1543000 41.5657900 15.201 1106.24 5.66025 4624 382.9487 PH 2 6436029 289.5388200 41.8928200 15.768 505.458 4.85709 2209 458.092 PH 2 7619236 295.1979900 43.2695100 13.916 562.142 10.4513 5512 186 Kepler 3 7906827 296.8240800 43.6248600 15.719 737.107 7.61366 8136.04 772.1862 PH 2 8636333 295.9482690 44.7531200 15.292 804.714 3.57689 1909.69 271.8887 PH 2 9214713 290.3898300 45.6653300 14.740 809.0 15.3765 16409 250.63 Kepler 2 9413313 295.4204805 45.9034900 14.116 441.0176 8.66 7435 485.606 PH 3 9662267 296.7928095 46.3499100 14.872 466.196 3.24971 1260.25 481.8832 PH 2 9663113 297.0454200 46.3287000 13.955 572.3753 10.93 1790 306.5 PH 3 9704149 289.1636190 46.4218000 15.102 696.8569 5.72 2902 420.222 PH 2 10024862 296.8025100 46.9345600 15.881 566.1537 7.51 2051 359.662 PH 3 10255705 282.8538000 47.3774700 12.950 707.785 6.51801 1122.25 545.741 PH 2 10460629 287.5867905 47.6000200 13.997 856.55 4.16434 743 228.48 Kepler 2 10525077 287.3780700 47.7711900 15.355 854.083 5.52103 2460.16 335.236 PH 2 10850327 286.5912300 48.2202700 13.014 440.1651 4.27 830 470.36 PH 3 11465813 296.6986095 49.3164800 15.207 670.65 14.5512 16760 209.04 Kepler 3 11716643 293.8652700 49.8002900 14.692 466.0661 3.75 2494 434.983 PH 3 12356617 291.2011905 51.1442800 13.293 988.87 11.6794 4958 239.22 Kepler 2 12454613 288.1693995 51.3821900 13.537 736.377 2.40485 1069.29 490.271 PH 2

Instrument Configuration

Filters: Slit: Fiber cable: Grating/grism: Multislit: Corrector: Order: 1 λstart: Collimator: Cross disperser: λend: Atmos. disp. corr.:

Yale observing proposal LATEX macros v1.0. Yale Observing Proposal Standard proposal Semester: 2014B Date: March 7, 2014

WIRCing with Cloudshine to Understand Molecular Clouds

PI: Jonathan B. Foster Status: P Affil.: Yale University Astronomy, P.O. Box 208101, New Haven, CT 06520-8101 U.S.A. Email: [email protected] Phone: 203-432-3016 FAX: 203-432-5048

CoI: Hector Arce Status: P Affil.: Yale University

Abstract of Scientific Justification (will be made publicly available for accepted proposals):

The low column-density material in molecular clouds can critically constrain theories of turbulence in molecular clouds, the low-mass end of the prestellar core mass function, and the dynamical importance of magnetic fields in clouds. We propose an extensive campaign to obtain deep near- infrared images of the complex which are sensitive to extended structure produced by ambient interstellar radiation scattering off the cloud (aka cloudshine). These images will allow us to study the distribution of lower-density material within the cloud at significantly finer resolution than any other method. These observations are enabled by our recent ability to calibrate the cloudshine method on column density maps from Herschel. The proposed data require a broad field-of-view and a large aperture, which makes WIRC on the Palomar 200-in the perfect choice.

Summary of observing runs requested for this project Run Telescope Instrument No. Nights Min. Nights Moon Optimal months Accept. months 1 Palomar 200-in WIRC 8 4 Bright Nov Oct - Dec 2 3 4 5

Scheduling constraints and non-usable dates (up to four lines). —————————————————— YaleProposal Page2 This box blank.

Scientific Justification Be sure to include overall significance to astronomy. Limit text to one page with figures, captions and references on no more than two additional pages. Studies of the density structures of molecular clouds and dense cores provide critical insight into the star formation process. The column density distribution of clouds is predicted to be log-normal in turbulent simulations (Vazquez-Semadeni 1994, Ostriker et al. 2001), and so observations which show this (e.g. Goodman et al. 2009) lend support to a picture of molecular clouds in which turbulence dominates. Although stars form in quiescent (Goodman et al. 1998) dense cores, the surrounding cloud is turbulent. In simulations, this turbulence produces a mass distribution of cores (the CMF) with the same power-law distribution at high masses as the initial mass function (IMF; Padoan & Norlund 2002). Such simulations, coupled with observations of a CMF which strongly resembles the IMF (Motte et al. 1998, Alves et al. 2007) have given rise to the proposal that the IMF is set by the processes which construct the CMF. Small-scale low-column-density structures may be transient and never form stars themselves, but a simulation that mirrors reality should be able to reproduce them. In addition, some of these structures may be bound. Current observations of the CMF are severely limited in their ability to detect low mass cores—the precursors to low-mass stars in the CMF to IMF picture. Despite some uncertainty about the low-mass end of the IMF, we have substantially more information about the IMF at sub-solar masses than the CMF, so improving our knowledge of low mass clumps is important. For instance, the CMF in Alves et al. (2007) is estimated to be 90% complete at 1M⊙ and incomplete below that. The low density material around traditional dense cores also provides some external confining pressure that may change whether a core is bound or not. Low density chaff could also be used to infer the importance of magnetic fields. If low density features align with measured magnetic field vectors but higher ones do not, this provides a gauge of the strength of the magnetic field (see Heyer et al. 200)). This is still an important question, because magnetically dominated simulations such as those of Nakamura & Li (2008) can produce a CMF which resembles the IMF as easily as the magnetic-field-free simulations. Direct observations of the strength of the magnetic field are hard to make and subject to ambiguous interpretation (c.f. Crutcher et al. 2009 and Mouschovias et al. 2008). Observations of near-infrared scattered light (aka cloudshine; Foster & Goodman 2006, Padoan & Norlund 2006, Foster 2009) provides the unique ability to detect and study the low-density material in molecular clouds and reach arcsecond-resolution maps of the column density distribution. Early work was limited due to the challenge of making these observation (see Technical Justification) and the fact that turning a scattered light image into a column density map requires a reliable calibration column density map. It used to be that there were no other methods of comparable sensitivity to allow us to calibrate the scattered light image. This has changed with the advent of Herschel, which has the sensitivity to see low-column density material, albeit at much worse resolution than cloudshine (30′′compared to 2′′; Juvela et al. 2012, Malinen et al. 2013). The combination of cloudshine and Herschel opens a new window for studying the low-density material in molecular clouds. We will use the colors of the scattered light to produce a column density map of the regions observed within the cloud. We will build a clump-mass function from identifying structures within this map (using the CLUMPFIND algorithm). In addition, we will derive the column density power spectrum of this material, which is commonly used to constrain parameters in turbulent simulations. Finally, we will compare anisotropies in the structure at different column densities and compare with known information about the direction of the magnetic field in Perseus to determine at what density the magnetic field is dynamically important. YaleProposal Page3 This box blank.

References Vazquez-Semadeni 1994, ApJ, 423, 681 Nakamura & Li, 2007, ApJ, 662, 395 Ostriker et al. 2001, ApJ, 546, 980 Crutcher et al. 2009, ApJ, 692, 844 Goodman et al. 2009, ApJ, 692, 91 Mouschovias & Tassis, 2009, MNRAS, 400, L15 Goodman et al. 1998, ApJ, 504, 223 Foster & Goodman, 2006, ApJ, 636, L105 Padoan & Norlund, 2002, ApJ, 576, 870 Padoan et al. 2006, ApJ, 636, L101 Motte et al. 1998, A&A, 336, 150 Foster, 2009, Ph.D., Harvard University Alves et al. 2007, A&A, 462, L17 Juvela et al. 2012, A&A, 544, 14 Heyer et al. 2008, ApJ, 680, 420 Malinen et al. 2013, A&A, 558, 44

Figure 1: Comparison of a column density map made with cloudshine versus other methods. The old methods/data (Bolocam & GNICEST) had poor resolution or S/N for a detailed comparison (Foster 2009). The new column density map from Herschel shows excellent correspondence and allows us to reliably calibrate the cloudshine image. YaleProposal Page4 This box blank.

Impact to Yale Astronomy Describe how this program fits into the Yale astronomy program. Will the data analysis and resulting papers be based at Yale? If the project is led by a faculty member, does the project involve students? What is the role of the PI viz-a-viz other non-Yale co-Is. Are the resources in place to analyze the data and come to a timely publication? (limit text to one page) A comprehensive understanding of how stars form and evolve is of central importance to many areas of astronomy, ranging from studies of exoplanets to studies of the distant universe. Research on star formation should therefore be considered a key area of the Yale Astronomy Department. This project continues work in a field pioneered by P.I. Foster. The data analysis and papers will be led by YCAA fellow Foster while at Yale. The analysis pipeline is already developed; this work would extend this analysis to other regions and introduce the critical comparison with improved measurements of the column density from dust emission (i.e. Herschel). Co.I. Arce has a long- standing interest in the column density distribution of molecular clouds, and how that is shaped by winds and outflows from young stars. As an expert in Perseus, he will provide valuable context for the interpretation of these observations.

Previous Use of Yale Facilities and Publications Please list previous use of Yale observing facilities and any publications resulting from these data in the past 3 years. If this is a long term project, please state this here and describe the overall strategy of the project. P.I. Foster was awarded one night of NIRC2 time on Keck 2 in 2013A. These observations were completed on June 21st, 2013 and the paper describing these results (“Distributed Low-mass Star Formation in a Filamentary Infrared Dark Cloud”) has been submitted. P.I. Foster was awarded two nights of MOSFIRE time on Keck 1 in 2014A, and four nights of WIRC time on Palomar in 2014A for a different project. These observations are scheduled for the upcoming June/July. YaleProposal Page5 This box blank.

Observing Run Details for Run 1: Palomar/WIRC

Technical Description Describe the observations to be made during the requested observing run. Justify the specific telescopes, the number of nights, the instrument, and the lunar phase. List objects, coordinates, and magnitudes (or surface brightness, if appropriate) in the Target Tables section. Observations of cloudshine require dedicated near-infrared observations. The essential problem is that the bright near-infrared sky must be removed; this is done most efficiently by dithering and median combining dithered images to derive and subtract a sky. Dithering allows one to stay on source all the time, but removes structure on scales comparable to the dither offset. This removes or corrupts much of the cloudshine signal, and therefore existing dithered near-infrared survey images of Perseus (e.g. from 2MASS or UKIDSS) are not useful. To observe extended structure, one must observe an ON field and an OFF field free of emission. It has been challenging to find an emission-free OFF field near molecular clouds. However, with a sensitive map of the thermal emission from dust from Herschel we are now able to identify OFF fields where the column density is orders of magnitude less than in our ON fields (and hence will contribute only a small amount of noise to our signal). Unfortunately, these ON-OFF observations are inefficient, as one spends 50% of one’s integration off target, and more time slewing to the OFF field. From prior experience this leads to an efficiency at K-band of about 25% (versus about 60% for dithered observations). Because individual J-band observations can be longer, the efficiency is better (about 40%). WIRC on the Palomar 200-in is a well-characterized and stable wide-field near-infrared camera attached to a large aperture. In particular, the dark current structure is well understood. This makes it an excellent tool for observations of cloudshine. The poor median seeing at Palomar is not a problem for us; we will smooth our images to roughly 2′′ resolution anyway to boost our S/N and remove individual flawed pixels. This will make our column density maps a factor of 30 higher resolution than the next most fine column density map (from Herschel). We seek to reach comparable depths as previous cloudshine observations in Perseus: J = 22, H = 21, and K = 20.5 with had sufficient S/N. These depths allow us to span an order of magnitude in column density (from 1 to 10 AV ). This requires an hour of integration time in all three bands. At 25%-40% efficiency, this means 10 hours per field. We have identified 8 fields in Perseus for which (1) the column density (at low resolution) is low enough to be well-probed by cloudshine (2) there are no bright stars to saturate the image or cause scattered light problems and (3) the ON-OFF distance is not too large. These 8 fields will provide a large total area over which to characterize the turbulence, essential to obtain statistically sound results. Critically, these fields include regions with pre-main-sequence stars in different evolutionary stages (prestellar/Class 0/Class I/Class II) . We could cover the full range of pre-main-sequence evolutionary stages with only 4 fields, but would prefer to obtain two fields per stage. During our optimal observing time, Peresus is observable for 10 hours/night, so we request 8 nights with a minimum request of 4 nights. These observations can be conducted at any moon phase. R.A. range of principal targets (hours): 03 to 04 Dec. range of principal targets (degrees): 30 to 32

Instrument Configuration YaleProposal Page6 This box blank.

Filters: J,H,K Slit: Fiber cable: Grating/grism: Multislit: Corrector: Order: λstart: Collimator: Cross disperser: λend: Atmos. disp. corr.:

A Yale observing proposal LTEX macros v1.0. Yale Observing Proposal Standard proposal Semester: 2014B Date: March 8, 2014

Optical spectroscopic observations of 3CR unidentified radio sources

PI: Francesco Massaro Status: P Affil.: Yale University Astronomy, P.O. Box 208101, New Haven, CT 06520-8101 U.S.A. Email: [email protected] Phone: 203-432-8185 FAX: 203-432-5048

CoI: C. M. Urry Status: P Affil.: Yale University, USA CoI: F. Ricci Status: G Affil.: University of Roma Tre, Italy CoI: M. Landoni Status: P Affil.: INAF - Brera observatory, Italy CoI: N. Masetti Status: P Affil.: INAF-IASF Bologna, Italy CoI: F. La Franca Status: P Affil.: University of Roma Tre, Italy

Abstract of Scientific Justification (will be made publicly available for accepted proposals): In the past decade many extragalactic 3CR sources have been observed by Spitzer, Hubble and Chandra and in particular, during AO9, AO12, AO13 and AO15, a Chandra snapshot survey has been successfully carried out for all the unobserved 3CR sources with z<1. However while completing our X-ray survey of the 3CR sample, we found that 25 sources are still unidentified lacking of optical spectroscopic observations that would confirm their nature. The precise knowledge of their redshift is of key importance to estimate the X-ray count rate for the Chandra observations. We cannot complete our ongoing X-ray campaign without obtaining spectroscopic information of these remaining 25 unidentified radio sources. We propose to observe 22 out of the 25 3CR radio sources with the Palomar 200-inch telescope to classify them and to determine their redshift. The selected sample has been chosen on the basis of the source visibility that will allow us to minimize the impact of our program on the telescope schedule and maximize the scientific return. These optical observations will be crucial to provide a versatile, complete, and uniform 3CR database that will be a valuable resource for the astronomical community.

Summary of observing runs requested for this project Run Telescope Instrument No. Nights Min. Nights Moon Optimal months Accept. months 1 Palomar DBSP 3 2 dark Aug-Dec Aug-Dec 2 3 4 5

Scheduling constraints and non-usable dates (up to four lines). Sep. 8 to Sep. 22 Dec 15 to Dec 29 YaleProposal Page2 This box blank.

Scientific Justification Be sure to include overall significance to astronomy. Limit text to one page with figures, captions and references on no more than two additional pages. The 3CR catalog of radio galaxies (Bennett 1962, Spinrad et al. 1985) has a long history as the fundamental sample used to understand the nature and evolution of powerful radio galaxies and their relationship to their host galaxies and environments. While other samples have emerged over time, the 3CR remains by far the best studied extragalactic radio source sample also being critical for statistical analysis of radio source properties. As a radio flux limited sample the 3CR spans a wide range in radio power and redshift and lists 298 extragalactic radio sources. Extensive imaging and spectroscopic observations are already available from the radio to the IR and optical bands with data from Spitzer and Hubble for 95% of 3CR catalog and for all sources at z<1. As a low frequency selected sample, it is unbiased with respect to viewing angle and X-ray properties and has a vast suite of ground and spaced based observations for comparison at all wavelengths. Radio images with arcsec resolution are available for all the 3CR sources from colleagues and the archives of the VLA and MERLIN. In particular, all the 3CR sources have already both HST and VLA or MERLIN archival data publicly available. These multi wavelength observations provide a superb foundation for robust statistical analysis for our sample. Recently we also started a Chandra snapshot survey to cover all the 3CR sources in the X-rays. During Chandra Cycle 9 and 12 we successfully carried out our X-ray survey of 3CR radio sources with z<0.3 (Massaro et al. 2010; Massaro et al. 2012a) and in Cycle 13 we extended our X-ray observations up to z =0.5 (Massaro et al. 2013) and then in Cycle 15 up to z =1. During our investigation, we discovered that despite the extensive amount of multifrequency data available, 25 out of the 298 extragalactic 3CR radio sources are still unidentified, lacking optical spectra and without redshift estimates. The current proposal is to obtain the optical spectra for 22 out of these 25 3CR sources with no spectra available (selected because all visible in the same period of the semester 2014B). One of the main reasons why these radio objects were unidentified when the 3CR catalog was released was due to the large uncertainties on the source localization at 178 MHz. However, thanks to recent radio and IR surveys such as the NVSS (Condon et al. 1998) or the WISE (Wright et al. 2010) and additional archival observations we increased the positional accuracy on the candidate counterpart for our 25 selected targets (i.e., ∼1 arcsec). Consequently, there is no longer doubt on the precise location of their host galaxies or quasars. Moreover the different multifrequency characteristics of these 25 unidentified sources that did not allow us to recognize/identify them as for the others could also indicate that their nature is different and they could belong to an unknown subclass of the 3CR sample, still unexplored. Optical spectroscopic observations are crucial to firmly identify the source nature and to determine their redshift. We also searched for their WISE counterparts and we compare their IR colors with those of different classes of active galaxies (e.g., Massaro et al. 2011a). Thus, we estimated that our targets appear to be normal quasars, radio galaxies or blazars (Massaro et al. 2012b). We also performed a preliminary analysis to estimate their photometric redshifts. Our calculation places all the selected targets in the redshift range between 1.0 and 2.5. Currently only 6% of the 3CR sources are known to be at z >1.5 with only 2 out of 298 at z >2, thus there is a good chance to discover new high redshift sources with the proposed observations. However only accurate spectroscopic observations will reveal their nature (radio galaxies or quasars). The firm identification of the unidentified 3CR radio sources is crucial to plan future Chandra follow up observations, since the expected X-ray count rate chosen for the snapshot survey depends on the source redshift (Massaro et al. 2011b). The proposed observations will allow us to build the most complete sample of radio sources actually available. YaleProposal Page3 This box blank.

References Bennett 1962, Mem. RAS 68, 163; Condon et al. 1998 AJ, 115, 1693; Massaro et al. 2010 ApJ, 714, 589; Massaro et al. 2011a ApJ, 740L, 48; Massaro et al. 2011b ApJS, 197, 24; Massaro et al. 2012a ApJS, 203, 31; Massaro et al. 2012b ApJ, 750, 138; Massaro et al. 2013 ApJS, 206, 7; Spinrad et al. 1985, PASP 97, 932; Wright et al. 2010 AJ, 140, 1868. YaleProposal Page4 This box blank.

Impact to Yale Astronomy Describe how this program fits into the Yale astronomy program. Will the data analysis and resulting papers be based at Yale? If the project is led by a faculty member, does the project involve students? What is the role of the PI viz-a-viz other non-Yale co-Is. Are the resources in place to analyze the data and come to a timely publication? (limit text to one page) The PI Francesco Massaro became a research associate at Yale, starting his appointment in January 2014. His appointment is covered at level of 70% for the first year under the Chandra grant awarded him in Cycle 15 to perform the X-ray snapshot survey of the 3CR sample. Thus the proposed investigation will allow him to continue his X-ray campaign and support his future research at Yale. The Yale AGN group is actually working intensively on radio-loud active galaxies and the proposed observations will be crucial to continue this successful research. The data acquisition as well as the reduction and the analysis will be based at Yale. The PI will lead the entire project and will carry out the data analysis working in collaboration with the one PhD student involved in the project as Co-I. The results will be presented in one paper based at Yale.

Previous Use of Yale Facilities and Publications Please list previous use of Yale observing facilities and any publications resulting from these data in the past 3 years. If this is a long term project, please state this here and describe the overall strategy of the project. This is the first year that the PI, Francesco Massaro is affiliated to Yale University (since Jan. 2014). He recently carried out extensive research on the X-ray observations of the 3CR radio sources highlighted by the Chandra awarded X-ray surveys in Cycle 13 and Cycle 15 (both as PI) and by several publications (major ones reported below). The PI also won the 2nd prize of the 2008 AUI/NRAO Image Contest for the combined radio-optical-X-ray image of the radio source 3C 305 (https://www.nrao.edu/index.php/learn/gallery/imagecontest).

1. Chandra Observations of 3C Radio Sources with z<0.3: Nuclei, Diffuse Emission, Jets and Hotspots F. Massaro et al. 2010 ApJ, 714, 589

2. Chandra Observations of 3C Radio Sources with z<0.3 II: completing the snapshot survey F. Massaro et al. 2012 ApJS, 203, 31

3. A Chandra snapshot survey for 3C radio galaxies with redshifts between 0.3 and 0.5 F. Massaro et al. 2013 ApJS, 206, 7

4. Large scale Extragalactic Jets In The Chandra Era I: data reduction and analysis F. Massaro et al. 2011 ApJS, 197, 24

5. Extended X-ray emission in radio galaxies: the peculiar case of 3C 305 F. Massaro et al. 2009 ApJ, 629, L123

6. The Jet of 3C 17 and the Use of Jet Curvature as a Diagnostic of the X-ray Emission Process F. Massaro et al. 2009 ApJ, 696, 98

7. The nature of the jet-driven outflow in the radiogalaxy 3C 305 M. Hardcastle, F. Massaro et al. 2012 MNRAS, 424, 1774 YaleProposal Page5 This box blank.

Observing Run Details for Run :

Technical Description Describe the observations to be made during the requested observing run. Justify the specific telescopes, the number of nights, the instrument, and the lunar phase. List objects, coordinates, and magnitudes (or surface brightness, if appropriate) in the Target Tables section. We propose to perform our program at Palomar to identify the nature of a selected sample of 3CR unidentified radio sources. Our 22 radio sources have all with [R] magnitude between 17 and 23 and are observable between August and December 2014. This yields a sample composed of 22 targets for which we require optical spectroscopic observations. Our goals are: (1) determine the nature of the unidentified 3CR sources via optical spectroscopy: i) quasar-like source with strong emission lines; ii) normal radio galaxy hosted in a typical elliptical galaxy; iii) or less likely a BL Lac object with featureless spectra or with emission lines of EW<5 Angstrom (2) estimate their redshifts. Thus, in order to firmly establish the nature of these sources, we request optical spectroscopic observations. The requested observational setup will secure: (i) a spectrum of the whole contin- uum between 4700 and 9000 Angstroms; (ii) the clear detection of e.g. Balmer emission lines or other characteristic spectral features that will firmly establish redshift and nature for each object. Additional expected spectral features that could be in the optical energy range are: CIV, CIII], MgII, [OII], Hβ and [OIII] in emission and CaII H&K Balmer lines, the G and/or MgI bands in absorption. To achieve our goals we need to reach a signal-to-noise of at least 10, per pixel step in wavelength. Our exposure times are based on the R magnitude known for our targets and assuming the typical colors of the 3CR radio galaxies and quasars. We request the Palomar (200-inch, 5.1 mt) telescope, equipped with the Double Spectrograph (Grating 316 lines/mm, single slit, width 1 arcsec), for all the 22 targets in our selected sample. The exposure times were calculated to reach a signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of ∼15, necessary to achieve our goals. R.A. range of principal targets (hours): 00 to 05 and 18 to 23 Dec. range of principal targets (degrees): +9 to +69

Instrument Configuration

Filters: 48 Slit: 1 arcsec single slit Fiber cable: Grating/grism: 316 lines/mm Multislit: no Corrector: Order: 1 λstart: 4700 Collimator: Red focal length at 91 inches Cross disperser: λend: 9000 Atmos. disp. corr.: yes or observing in parallactic angle

A Yale observing proposal LTEX macros v1.0. YaleProposal Page6 This box blank.

3CRName RA DEC R Exp. J2000 J2000 mag hours 3c11.1 00:29:44.81 +63:58:42.8 19.72 0.67 3c14.1 00:36:27.10 +59:46:50.0 20.07 1.0 3c21.1 00:44:41.30 +66:18:42.3 19.18 0.5 3c33.2 01:08:34.06 +69:22:33.8 18.86 0.33 3c86.0 03:27:19.36 +55:20:28.1 18.42 0.33 3c91.0 03:37:43.35 +50:45:52.8 18.15 0.33 3c125.0 04:46:17.86 +39:45:03.0 19.65 0.67 3c131.0 04:53:23.33 +31:29:25.3 19.26 0.5 3c134.0 05:04:42.19 +38:06:11.4 19.24 0.5 3c137.0 05:19:32.42 +50:54:32.1 19.24 0.5 3c139.2 05:24:27.11 +28:12:47.0 21.9 2.5 3c141.0 05:26:44.20 +32:50:23.0 17.04 0.16 3c390.0 18:45:37.62 +09:53:44.7 17.51 0.16 3c389.0 18:46:18.60 -03:19:44.0 22.7 3.0 3c394.0 18:59:23.36 +12:59:12.1 17.33 0.16 3c399.1 19:15:56.76 +30:19:53.8 16.9 0.16 3c409.0 20:14:27.60 +23:34:52.9 19.22 0.5 3c415.2 20:32:46.12 +53:45:50.1 18.56 0.33 3c428.0 21:08:22.39 +49:36:37.6 18.83 0.33 3c431.0 21:18:52.58 +49:36:58.8 18.75 0.33 3c454.2 22:52:15.60 +65:03:57.0 22.6 3.0 3c468.1 23:50:54.85 +64:40:19.5 20.06 1.0 Yale Observing Proposal Standard proposal Semester: 2014B Date: March 11, 2014

Probing the accretion history of nearby galaxies with low surface brightness spectroscopy

PI: Allison Merritt Status: T Affil.: Yale University Astronomy, P.O. Box 208101, New Haven, CT 06520-8101 U.S.A. Email: [email protected] Phone: FAX: 203-432-5048

CoI: Pieter van Dokkum Status: P Affil.: Yale University CoI: Roberto Abraham Status: P Affil.: University of Toronto

Abstract of Scientific Justification (will be made publicly available for accepted proposals):

We are conducting a photometric survey of nearby galaxies using the Dragonfly telescope, which is optimized to detect low surface brightness emission. This has already led to the discovery of −2 2 several extremely low surface brightness galaxies (µ0,g ∼ 25 − 27.5 mag arcsec )ina ∼ 10 degree field centered on the galaxy M101. We have time on Palomar in April to observe these objects to determine whether they are faint satellites of M101. We now have observed many more galaxies with Dragonfly and we anticipate finding many similar objects and stellar streams around the remainder of our sample. The surface brightnesses and sizes of these objects are ideal for spectroscopic follow- up with the Cosmic Web Imager on the Hale telescope at Palomar. Our goals are to measure the redshifts of 5 – 10 new low surface brightness galaxies from the survey, and to characterize the stellar populations of satellite galaxies and stellar streams.

Summary of observing runs requested for this project Run Telescope Instrument No. Nights Min. Nights Moon Optimal months Accept. months 1 P200 CWI 6 2 dark January December - January 2 3 4 5

Scheduling constraints and non-usable dates (up to four lines). —————————————————— Yale Proposal Page 2 This box blank.

Scientific Justification Be sure to include overall significance to astronomy. Limit text to one page with figures, captions and references on no more than two additional pages. Accretion as a mode of stellar mass growth. It is well established that massive dark matter halos grow hierarchically through mergers of less massive halos. The expectation, then, is that some fraction of the total stellar mass of the central galaxy must be attributed to stars stripped from satellite galaxies during these accretion events (e.g., Purcell et al. 2008; Johnston et al. 2008; Cooper et al. 2013). Observationally, we can characterize this process by studying either the resulting stellar halos and streams, or the surviving dwarf satellite galaxies. Progress has been made on both fronts (see e.g., Tal et al. 2009; McConnachie 2012, and several others); however, studies of tidal features are limited to photometry and typically reach surface brightnesses of ∼ 28 − 29 mag arcsec−2, and faint dwarf galaxies are found almost exclusively in the Local Group. Pushing to lower surface brightness limits with the Dragonfly Telescope. We are using the Dragonfly telescope (Abraham & van Dokkum 2014) to identify stellar streams and dwarf satellite galaxies beyond the Local Group. We have demonstrated the ability to reach extremely low levels of surface brightness with Dragonfly, based on observations of the nearby spiral galaxy M101. On large scales relevant for detecting stellar halos, the limiting surface brightness of each image is ∼ 32 mag arcsec−2. On scales of 10 arcsec, our data reaches ∼ 29.5 mag arcsec−2; this has already led to the detection of seven low surface brightness (LSB) galaxies in the field of view of M101. These are shown in Figure 1: in terms of surface brightness, these objects are the faintest galaxies ever found outside of the Local Group. The need for spectroscopy. The Cosmic Web Imager (CWI) on the Palomar 200−inch telescope is an integral field spectrograph optimized for low surface brightness observations. The combination of data from Dragonfly and CWI will be extremely useful, and allow us to begin to answer questions such as: What are the properties of the satellite galaxies that built the stellar halos and streams that we observe around galaxies today? Are their stellar populations consistent with a picture in which they have been built up by the accretion of satellites similar to those that survive today? What are the properties of dwarf satellite galaxies beyond the Local Group? What are the halo masses of individual L∗ galaxies? Measurements from CWI will provide: 1) Velocity measurements of LSB galaxies. Radial velocity measurements of LSB galaxies are a critical step in determining whether LSBs are dwarf satellites or galaxies in the foreground or background. This is illustrated in Fig. 2, which shows the physical properties of the galaxies found in the M101 field. The red curves show how the inferred luminosities and sizes change when the galaxies are located in the foreground or background of M101. For galaxies with confirmed satellites, we will be able to construct satellite luminosity functions and estimate the dark matter halo mass (see, e.g., Watkins et al. 2010). 2) Elemental abundances of LSBs, stellar halos and streams. Measurements of metallicity ([Fe/H])and alpha abundances ([α/Fe]) in tidal features can probe the progenitor luminosities and approximate accretion epoch, respectively (Johnston et al. 2008). Similar measurements for dwarf galaxies can be compared to known Local Group dwarfs (e.g., McConnachie 2012) and to the stellar halo and streams. This will only be possible for the brightest dwarfs and streams. We have time coming up in April/May to perform these measurements for the dwarfs in the M101 field. Here we request time to observe objects from our Fall targets: these have already been observed with Dragonfly and provide a rich and unique dataset to select LSBs and tidal features from. We realize this proposal would have been stronger if we already had identified a sample of dwarfs from our Dragonfly data; the PI focused on writing up the exciting discovery of the first 7 dwarfs (Merritt et al., ApJL, submitted) and is only now returning to the Dragonfly reductions. Yale Proposal Page 3 This box blank.

References Abraham, R. G., & van Dokkum, P. G. 2014, PASP, 126, 55 Cooper, A. P. and D’Souza, R. and Kauffmann, G. and Wang, J. and Boylan-Kolchin, M. and Guo, Q. and Frenk, C. S. and White, S. D. M. 2013, MNRAS, 434,334 Johnston, K. V. and Bullock, J. S. and Sharma, S. and Font, A. and Robertson, B. E. and Leitner, S. N. 2008, ApJ, 689, 936 Martin, C. and Moore, A. and Matteuzski, M. and Morrissey, P. and Chang, D. and Rahman, S. 2013, Marseille Cosmology Conference McConnachie, A. W. 2012, AJ, 144, 4 Merritt, A. and van Dokkum, P. G. and Abraham, R. G. 2014, ApJLetters, submitted Purcell, C. W. and Bullock, J. S. and Zentner, A. R. 2007, ApJ, 666, 20 Rahman, S. and Martin, C. and McLean, R. and Matuszewski, M. and Chang, D. 2006, SPIE Conference Series, 6269, 124 Tal, T. and van Dokkum, P. G. and Nelan, J. and Bezanson, R. 2009, AJ, 138, 1417 van Dokkum, P. G., Abraham, R., & Merritt, A. 2014, ApJLetters, 782, L24 Watkins, L. L. and Evans, N. W. and An, J. H. 2010, MNRAS, 406, 264

Figure 1: The seven LSB galaxies found around M101. Their central surface brightnesses range from 25.5 − 27.5 mag arcsec−2, and their sizes are 10 − 30 arcsec. From Merritt et al., ApJL, submitted. Yale Proposal Page 4 This box blank.

Figure 2: The sizes, absolute magnitudes, and surface brightness of different galaxy populations. Red points show the seven low surface brightness galaxies that we discovered with Dragonfly in the field of M101. If they are at the distance of M101, their properties are consistent with those of dwarf galaxies in the Local Group. The red dashed lines show how the inferred properties change when the assumed distance is changed. It is clear that spectroscopy is required to determine the nature of these LSBs. From Merritt et al., ApJL, submitted. Yale Proposal Page 5 This box blank.

Impact to Yale Astronomy Describe how this program fits into the Yale astronomy program. Will the data analysis and resulting papers be based at Yale? If the project is led by a faculty member, does the project involve students? What is the role of the PI viz-a-viz other non-Yale co-Is. Are the resources in place to analyze the data and come to a timely publication? (limit text to one page) The proposed observing program will be based heavily out of Yale Astronomy. The PI (Allison Merritt) is a graduate student at Yale, advised by CoI Pieter van Dokkum. The PI’s thesis focuses on characterizing the accretion history of galaxies through extremely low surface brightness obser- vations of the outskirts of a sample of nearby galaxies using the Dragonfly telescope, which is a collaboration between the two CoI’s (with equal contributions from Yale University and University of Toronto). Given that CWI (like Dragonfly) is optimized for low surface brightness emission, use of this instrument will play a critical role in the thesis by providing spectroscopy of the stellar streams and populations of satellite galaxies uncovered in the survey by the PI and CoI’s. This will be the second observing run on Palomar/CWI for the PI and CoI’s, and as such we expect to have the resources and experience necessary for data analysis and publication in place well in advance of the run. These data and any resulting publications will be part of the PI’s thesis, and all data analysis will be carried out at Yale.

Previous Use of Yale Facilities and Publications Please list previous use of Yale observing facilities and any publications resulting from these data in the past 3 years. If this is a long term project, please state this here and describe the overall strategy of the project. Project Strategy. The nights proposed for here are part of a long term project. The PI’s thesis is based on a survey of the low surface brightness outskirts of nearby galaxies; the observational goals of the survey are to detect stellar halos, streams, and satellite populations associated with each galaxy in the sample. These objects will be identified in data taken with the Dragonfly Telescope, but spectroscopy will be required to study their stellar populations and measure redshifts where necessary. Due to the discovery-based nature of this work, it will not always be possible to define specific targets months in advance. Data reduction and analysis is currently underway for galaxies that have been observed with Dragonfly thus far. Analysis of the first target in our survey, M101, has led to the discovery of seven LSB galaxies in the field of view, and we anticipate finding many more LSBs (as well as stellar halos & streams) associated with the remainder of the sample. The most straightforward strategy for the spectroscopic component of this project is therefore to try to continuously follow-up targets discovered by Dragonfly for the duration of the survey. The first instance of this will occur in late April − the PI and CoI Pieter van Dokkum will be using Palomar/CWI to observe the seven LSBs found near M101. Previous results and publications. Use of the Dragonfly Telescope (run remotely from both Yale and Toronto) has led to two published papers thus far: Abraham & van Dokkum (2014); van Dokkum et al. (2014). Additionally, a third paper has recently been submitted by the PI: Merritt, van Dokkum & Abraham, ApJ Letters, submitted. Yale Proposal Page 6 This box blank.

Observing Run Details for Run 1: P200/CWI

Technical Description Describe the observations to be made during the requested observing run. Justify the specific telescopes, the number of nights, the instrument, and the lunar phase. List objects, coordinates, and magnitudes (or surface brightness, if appropriate) in the Target Tables section. The objects we are interested in observing are all very faint; the LSB’s around M101 have central −2 surface brightnesses ranging from µg ∼ 25.5 − 27.5 mag arcsec , and stellar streams are known to exist at similar levels of surface brightness (e.g., Tal et al. (2009)). Therefore, the best instrument for follow-up spectroscopy of these faint targets is the Cosmic Web Imager (CWI) on the Hale telescope. CWI is an integral field spectrograph that is optimized for spatially extended, low surface brightness emission. We have not used this instrument in the past (though there is an upcoming run in late April) and there are not many papers out that use CWI data, but based on the information we have found so far we expect that we should be able to reach 27.5 mag arcsec−2 in eight hours (Rahman et al. 2006). The field of view of CWI (60 × 40 arcsec) is well matched to our observational requirements (for example, the LSB’s we discovered around M101 had effective radii of 10 − 30 arcsec); furthermore, the spatial resolution of 2.5 arcsec is identical to that of Dragonfly raw data. In addition to measuring redshifts (assuming the existence of emission lines; we do not know what the spectra of the LSBs or stellar streams will look like), the spectral resolution of CWI (R ∼ 5000) is sufficient to determine ages and compositions of stellar populations (Martin et al. 2013). Considering the low signal-to-noise of our targets, background sky subtraction is extremely important − this is done with the nod & shuffle technique (optimal for faint-object spectroscopy). We are requesting 6 nights on CWI. Each target will require eight hours of observing, and given the time of year this means we will need two nights per object (our targets will be up for the second ∼half of the night). This would allow us to observe 3 LSBs or tidal features. Our targets will all have extremely low surface brightness, and we therefore request dark time − any moonlight will make the task of detecting LSB galaxies or tidal features extremely difficult. Considering that at the time of submitting this proposal we are unable to refer to specific targets, this is a risky project. However, we expect to have more than enough targets to fill the time requested. Measuring redshifts (and abundances) of LSBs found near the remainder of galaxies in the sample is hugely important as it has the potential to allow us to characterize satellite populations of massive galaxies outside of the Local Group. R.A. range of principal targets (hours): 02 to 11 Dec. range of principal targets (degrees): -10 to 65

Instrument Configuration

Filters: Slit: Fibercable: Grating/grism: Multislit: Corrector: Order: 1 λstart: Collimator: Cross disperser: λend: Atmos.disp.corr.:

A Yale observing proposal LTEX macros v1.0. Yale Observing Proposal Standard proposal Semester: 2014B Date: March 10, 2014

What Causes the Migration of Hot Jupiters?

PI: Ji Wang Status: P Affil.: Yale University Astronomy, P.O. Box 208101, New Haven, CT 06520-8101 U.S.A. Email: [email protected] Phone: FAX: 203-432-5048

CoI: Debra Fischer Status: P Affil.: Yale University CoI: John Moriarty Status: G Affil.: Yale University CoI: John Brewer Status: G Affil.: Yale University

Abstract of Scientific Justification (will be made publicly available for accepted proposals): The existence of many hot Jupiters may be one of the most striking discoveries for the past century. Since they could not have formed in situ because of a lack of building materials, hot Jupiters must migrate inward to their current positions. A few mechanisms have been proposed to explain the inward migration, e.g., disk-driven migration, planet-planet scattering, and Kozai perturbation due a distant star. However, it is still under debate on which mechanism dominates, mainly due to a lack of dedicated observations and a good understanding of selection bias in observation. Here, we propose to conduct a dedicated survey for stellar companions to a sample of hot Jupiter host stars. Unlike previous host stars from the RV sample, these host stars are from the Kepler sample, which has little bias against binary stars. We will use the East Arm Echelle (R∼30,000) and the P3K+PHARO system (0.025”/pixel) to search for stellar companions. With a nearly complete survey to a non-biased sample, we will determine the dominant mechanism for hot Jupiter inward migration.

Summary of observing runs requested for this project Run Telescope Instrument No. Nights Min. Nights Moon Optimal months Accept. months 1 Palomar PHARO 1 1 any Aug-Sep Aug-Nov 2 Palomar East Arm Echelle 5 3 any Aug-Sep Aug-Nov 3 4 5

Scheduling constraints and non-usable dates (up to four lines). —————————————————— Yale Proposal Page 2 This box blank.

Scientific Justification Be sure to include overall significance to astronomy. Limit text to one page with figures, captions and references on no more than two additional pages. Hot Jupiters (HJs) were first discovered two decades ago (Mayor & Queloz 1995), which astonished scientists at that moment. As more than 200 HJs are known as of today, people start to accept that HJs may not be exotic; and its occurrence rate is estimated at around 1% (Wright et al. 2011). However, the puzzles surrounding HJs have not completely gone away. HJs cannot form in situ because of a lack of building materials at their present day locations. They must form further out and then migrate inward to their current positions. A few migration mechanisms have been proposed, e.g., disk-driven migration (Lin & Papaloizou 1986, Tanaka et al. 2002), Kozai-induced migration (Wu & Murray 2003, Noaz et al. 2012), and planet-planet scattering (Chatterjee et al. 2008). Each mechanism has its testable observations. For example, disk-driven migration results in largely circular orbits and relatively small spin-orbit misalignment; in contrast, spin-orbit misalignment observations show that planet orbit axis and star spin axis are misaligned significantly (Winn et al. 2010). Planet-planet scattering mechanism results in highly eccentric orbits, which are not observed; an upper limit is thus put on the relative number of systems that have experienced this migration mechanism (Dawson et al. 2012). We focus the Kozai-induced migration, which involves planet-star interaction. If such mechanism is responsible for the majority of inward migration of HJs, then we expect to find stellar companions to the majority of HJ host stars. Similar investigations have been conducted in previous studies, and they found that the binarity rate for HJ host stars is not significantly higher than stars with no HJ detections (Patience et al. 2002, Eggenberger et al. 2007). However, strong selection bias exists in their sample of HJ host stars. Binary stars are already excluded in the target selection process for the ground-based radial velocity and transiting exoplanet surveys. Kepler provides a sample of HJ host stars with no strong selection bias against binary stars (Brown et al. 2011). We choose 20 bright stars (Kep mag < 13) with HJs, and search for stellar companions around them. We have proven that a statistically significant conclusion can be reached with a sample ∼20 stars at high survey completeness (Wang et al. 2014). We plan to use two techniques, the radial velocity (RV) technique and the adaptive optics (AO) imaging technique. Figure 1 shows the parameter space that these two techniques are sensitive to. The proposed search will be the most complete survey and has the least influence by the selection bias. Two instruments at Palomar 200 inch telescope are suitable for the survey. P3K+PHARO provides excellent spatial resolution (0.052” in J band with 0.025”/pixel plate scale), which will detect stellar companion as close as ∼20-30 AU. The East Arm Echelle has a resolution of 30, 000, and will deliver a RV precision of better than 50 m/s for all of the stars in our sample in an 18 min exposure. This precision allows us to confirm most of the HJs (Fig. 2) and detect stellar companions within 10 AU. To sum up, this proposal focuses on a unbiased sample of HJ host stars, and performs a nearly complete search for stellar companions, which will lead to a better understanding of mechanisms that are responsible for the migration of HJs. Yale Proposal Page 3 This box blank.

References Mayor, M., & Queloz, D. 1995, Nature, 378, 355 Brown, T. M., Latham, D. W., Everett, M. E., & Naoz, S., Farr, W. M., & Rasio, F. A. 2012, ApJ, 754, Esquerdo, G. A. 2011, AJ, 142, 112 L36 Chatterjee, S., Ford, E. B., Matsumura, S., & Ra- Patience, J., et al. 2002, ApJ, 581, 654 sio, F. A. 2008, ApJ, 686, 580 Tanaka, H., Takeuchi, T., & Ward, W. R. 2002, ApJ, Dawson, R. I., Murray-Clay, R. A., & Johnson, 565, 1257 J. A. 2012, arXiv:1211.0554 Wang, J., et al. 2013, ApJ, 776, 10 Eggenberger, A., Udry, S., Chauvin, G., Beuzit, Wang, J., Xie, J.-W., Barclay, T., & Fischer, D. A. J.-L., Lagrange, A.-M., S´egransan,D., & Mayor, 2014, ApJ, 783, 4 M. 2007, A&A, 474, 273 Winn, J. N., Fabrycky, D., Albrecht, S., & Johnson, Lin, D. N. C., & Papaloizou, J. 1986, ApJ, 309, J. A. 2010, ApJ, 718, L145 846 Wright, J. T., et al. 2012, ApJ, 753, 160 Lissauer, J. J., et al. 2011, ApJS, 197, 8 Wu, Y., & Murray, N. 2003, ApJ, 589, 605

Figure 1: Survey completeness contour plot for the RV and the AO techniques. In the a-i parameter space, i.e., binary separation - inclination space, the RV sensitivity drops below 0.5 as separation is larger than ∼10 AU due to limited time base line; the AO sensitivity drops below 0.5 as separation is smaller than 30 AU due to limited spatial resolution. However, the combined completeness is higher than 80%, representing a survey with the highest completeness in the search for stellar companions to HJ host stars. Yale Proposal Page 4 This box blank.

Figure 2: Comparison of expected RV precisions (lines) and RV signals (solid circles) for 20 HJs in our sample. Solid circles above lines will be detected and thus confirmed by the RV observations. With the expected 50 m/s RV precision, 13 HJs will be confirmed and the remained 7 HJs will be given an upper mass limit. Conversion from planet radius to mass is based on the nominal equation given by Lissauer et al. (2011). Yale Proposal Page 5 This box blank.

Impact to Yale Astronomy Describe how this program fits into the Yale astronomy program. Will the data analysis and resulting papers be based at Yale? If the project is led by a faculty member, does the project involve students? What is the role of the PI viz-a-viz other non-Yale co-Is. Are the resources in place to analyze the data and come to a timely publication? (limit text to one page) This proposal will make use of the Palomar 200 inch telescope, one recent addition of observational resource to the Yale astronomy community. The two instruments at the Palomar 200 inch are suit- able for the proposed observations, which will answer one long-standing but fundamental question: what causes the migration of hot Jupiters. As mentioned in the previous section, this problem has recently become fully solvable thanks to the Kepler mission, and the resources available at Yale. Co-I John Brewer will participate in spectral analysis and obtain the chemical abundance for this sample of stars, which will become a part of his dissertation. Co-I Jack Moriarty will conduct dynamical analysis for systems with detected stellar companions, and investigate in detail how a stellar companion induces the inward migration. The RV reduction code has already been devel- oped by PI Ji Wang as part of his PhD dissertation. The AO reduction code is also in place, an example can be found in PI’s recently published paper (Ji Wang et al. 2014 ApJ, 783, 4)

Previous Use of Yale Facilities and Publications Please list previous use of Yale observing facilities and any publications resulting from these data in the past 3 years. If this is a long term project, please state this here and describe the overall strategy of the project. The PI has been awarded 1 night at Keck II and 5 nights at Palomar 200-inch telescope in 2014A, but the observations are scheduled in July 2014, so no observation has been made at this moment. One publication resulted from previous Yale Keck time for the Planet Hunters project: Wang, J., et al. 2013, ApJ, 776, 10, Planet Hunters. V. A Confirmed Jupiter-size Planet in the Habitable Zone and 42 Planet Candidates from the Kepler Archive Data. In this paper, we reported the first confirmed transiting Jupiter-sized planet in the habitable zone, along with other planet candidates in the habitable zone. Yale Proposal Page 6 This box blank.

Observing Run Details for Run 1:

Technical Description Describe the observations to be made during the requested observing run. Justify the specific telescopes, the number of nights, the instrument, and the lunar phase. List objects, coordinates, and magnitudes (or surface brightness, if appropriate) in the Target Tables section. For the AO observations, we will observe these 20 HJ host stars in J band using the PHARO instrument at the Palomar 200-inch telescope. J band will provide the highest spatial resolution at diffraction limited resolution of 0.052”, which corresponds to 16 AU from a star at a distance of 300 pc, i.e., the median distance of this sample assuming most of them are main sequence stars. Such high resolution will allow us to probe stellar companions at separations larger than 30 AU with high survey completeness (Fig. 1). We will use the plate scale of 0.025”/pixel to oversample the image and increase the sensitivity for small separations. With the operation of the P3K AO system, we assume 25 min per target, which results in a full night to obtain AO images for these 20 HJs host stars brighter than 13th magnitude, which is the brightness limit for the Palomar AO system. For the RV observations, we will use the East Arm Echelle (R∼30,000). Each observation of science target will be bracketed by two exposures of a Th-Ar lamp. This bracketing approach will mitigate the instrument drift due to changes of ambient condition. A S/N of 50 will be reached in an 18 min exposure for a 12.3 mag star (median magnitude for our sample), and we expect a typical RV precision of 50 m/s at such a S/N. We will take 4 RV data points to determine the mass or upper limit of mass for these 20 HJs (Fig. 2). Since the orbital period, time of periastron, and eccentricity (circularized due to tidal friction) are known from the transiting observation, the determination of planet mass through RV measurements is much easier because of less degree of freedom. Assuming 30 min per data point including overhead, we request 30 × (20 + 2) × 4 = 2640 min, about 5 nights to obtain 4 RV data points for 20 HJ host stars and two RV reference stars. For future RV observations (after 2014B), we will take 4 RV data points each semester over the next 2 years (2015A-2016A). The signal of a HJ will be removed in the search for stellar companions in the same system. The 16 RV data points will allow us to probe stellar companions inside 10 AU of the HJ host star. When combined with the AO observations, strong constraint will be put on the stellar companions to HJ host stars, and thus the mechanism dominating the inward migration of HJs. R.A. range of principal targets (hours): 18:51:24 to 19:58:43 Dec. range of principal targets (degrees): 38.89 to 51.38 Yale Proposal Page 7 This box blank.

KIC RA Dec KP [Degree] [Degree] [mag] 8554498 289.739716 44.647419 11.665 4055765 291.177917 39.199490 12.598 6029239 287.089966 41.373878 12.549 11013201 282.000305 48.542221 9.275 10019399 294.916107 46.944977 12.829 11017901 285.268585 48.560009 12.394 5621125 292.171173 40.811378 12.538 6779260 292.388550 42.233261 11.799 2696703 287.057404 37.991367 9.580 7515679 287.807220 43.188782 12.252 9752982 282.198425 46.520290 12.224 2305543 292.026855 37.600651 12.545 4570555 294.096313 39.647079 11.540 5650420 299.190918 40.822639 12.387 8197406 300.941864 44.023651 12.572 8242350 294.934570 44.129810 12.594 10817600 298.706940 48.100910 12.597 7940533 283.066284 43.743591 12.862 8197761 301.038757 44.071098 10.656 9579860 288.016510 46.206921 11.576

Instrument Configuration

Filters: Slit: Fiber cable: Grating/grism: Multislit: Corrector: Order: 1 λstart: Collimator: Cross disperser: λend: Atmos. disp. corr.:

Yale observing proposal LATEX macros v1.0. Yale Observing Proposal Standard proposal Semester: 2014B Date: February 23, 2014

Adaptive Optics Doppler Experiment (AODE): Search- ing and Confirming Hot Jupiters in Close Binaries

PI: Ji Wang Status: P Affil.: Yale University Astronomy, P.O. Box 208101, New Haven, CT 06520-8101 U.S.A. Email: [email protected] Phone: FAX: 203-432-5048

CoI: Debra Fischer Status: P Affil.: Yale University

Abstract of Scientific Justification (will be made publicly available for accepted proposals): Flux contamination of a close stellar companion is a major concern in Doppler measurement in the search for exoplanets in close binaries. Consequently, little is known about planets in such systems because of a lack of observations. Spectrometer aided by adaptive optics (AO) can achieve diffraction-limited spatial resolution and eliminate flux contamination from a close stellar compo- nent in a binary system. We propose to use Palomar/SWIFT, an image slicer based integral field spectrograph coupled with the PALM3K AO system, to demonstrate the feasibility of searching and confirming hot Jupiters in nearby binaries with separation less than 1 arcsec. This pioneering proposal will open the door for planet search in binary stars, and advance our knowledge of planet formation in binary systems. A parallel program of searching for hot Jupiters in binary stars is ongoing using the transiting method with the K2 mission, the second phase of the Kepler mis- sion. The candidates from the K2 mission will receive followup observations once the feasibility is demonstrated.

Summary of observing runs requested for this project Run Telescope Instrument No. Nights Min. Nights Moon Optimal months Accept. months 1 Palomar SWIFT 3 2 any Aug-Jan Aug-Jan 2 3 4 5

Scheduling constraints and non-usable dates (up to four lines). —————————————————— Yale Proposal Page 2 This box blank.

Scientific Justification Be sure to include overall significance to astronomy. Limit text to one page with figures, captions and references on no more than two additional pages. About 7000 planet candidates are known, and more than 1000 planets have been confirmed, but not too many reside in close binary system. Most of known planetary systems in binaries are wider binaries with a stellar separation of more than 1000 AU. It is suggested that planet formation in binary systems is suppressed because of disk truncation, disruption, and perturbation from a companion star (Thebault et al. 2008). However, planet formation in wide binaries (a > 300 AU) does not seem to be significantly affected (Desidera & Barbieri 2007). It is still under debate at what separation the influence of a companion star becomes significant. Recent studies show that this critical separation is at least 20 AU, but larger values are possible (Wang et al. 2014). Searching for planets in nearby binaries with separation smaller than 1 arcsec is a straightforward way of determining the planet occurrence rate for close binaries, but it faces with the challenge of flux contamination from a companion star due to close separation. Previous efforts had been devoted for SB2 binaries (Konacki et al. 2009), but this type stars may have separation too small to allow planet to form and evolve in between, so they focused on circumbinary planets (P- type) instead, whereas this proposal focuses on circumstellar planets (S-type). Traditional Doppler surveys for exoplanets usually avoid binaries with separations smaller than 2 arcsec. Therefore, little is known about planet formation in binaries with separation between 20 AU and 300 AU. The problem of flux contamination can be circumvented by an adaptive optic (AO) fed spectro- graph. The high spatial resolution of an AO system can effectively separate components in a close binary, so that the spectrum of each component can be obtained cleanly with no flux contamina- tion. Fig. 1 shows a comparison between Keck HIRES (non-AO) and Palomar SWIFT (AO-fed). Under seeing limited condition, two components of IW Tau (0.3 arcsec separation) cannot be sep- arated. With AO on, two components are clearly resolved , and spectra of both components can be simultaneously taken thanks to the integral filed unit design of SWIFT. We propose to use Palomar SWIFT to observe 3-5 nearby binaries with separation between 0.5 and 1 arcsec. The primary stars of these systems are solar-type stars. Their spectra will be used for Doppler analysis to measure the radial velocities of each component. Fig. 2 illustrates the spectrum of a solar type star as observed from ground, atmospheric absorption is thus imprinted. We will use the wavelength region with strong atmospheric absorption (marked as black) as a wavelength calibrator, and the spectrum from the transparent wavelength region (marked as red) to measure the radial velocities of binary components. Our simulation has shown that ∼100-400 m/s precision can be achieved, the main measurement uncertainty comes from using telluric lines as a wavelength calibrator. This proposal is a pioneering work of using AO fed spectrograph for exoplanet search, and has readily practical applications. With our request, K2 mission (second phase of the Kepler mission) will be observing ∼200 nearby close binaries within its field of view (FOV) in search for hot Jupiters, more such objects will be observed as the mission change FOV along the ecliptic plane. AO fed spectrograph is the only means of confirming hot Jupiter candidates from the K2 mission. More importantly, it makes possible the search for planets in close binaries. The results will eventually shed light on planet formation and evolution in binary stars. Yale Proposal Page 3 This box blank.

Figure 1: Comparison between Keck HIRES and Palomar SWIFT in observing a close binary with separation of 0.3 arcsec, IW Tau. With no AO correction at Keck HIRES, the binary cannot be resolved, clean spectrum of each component cannot be obtained. The PALM3K AO system at Palomar enables diffraction-limited image, in which two components are clearly resolved. Clean spectra of both components of the binary can be simultaneously taken by SWIFT, an image slicer based integral field spectrograph with a resolution of ∼3500.

References Th´ebault,P., Marzari, F., & Scholl, H. 2008, MN- Desidera, S., & Barbieri, M. 2007, A&A, 462, 345 RAS, 388, 1528 Konacki, M., Muterspaugh, M. W., Kulkarni, Wang, J., Xie, J.-W., Barclay, T., & Fischer, S. R., & He lminiak,K. G. 2009, ApJ, 704, 513 D. A. 2014, ApJ, 783, 4 Yale Proposal Page 4 This box blank.

Figure 2: Simulated spectrum as observed by SWIFT. The observed spectrum is a multiplication of stellar spectrum and atmospheric absorption spectrum, and then broadened to match the spectral resolution of SWIFT (∼3500 at 8000 Angstrom). Black regions are atmospheric absorption regions, which will be used for wavelength calibration, red regions are ”absorption free” regions, which will be used for obtaining the stellar radial velocity. Simulation has shown that ∼100-400 m/s precision can be achieved for S/N of 200. Yale Proposal Page 5 This box blank.

Impact to Yale Astronomy Describe how this program fits into the Yale astronomy program. Will the data analysis and resulting papers be based at Yale? If the project is led by a faculty member, does the project involve students? What is the role of the PI viz-a-viz other non-Yale co-Is. Are the resources in place to analyze the data and come to a timely publication? (limit text to one page) Yale has the access to the Palomar 200 inch telescope, where SWIFT and PALM3K AO system are located. The powerful combination of the spectroscopic mode of SWIFT and the extreme AO achieved by PALM3K enables our proposed exciting science. Only two other places have the capability of doing this, one at VLT in southern hemisphere and one at Subaru with very limited access by Yale. This program will demonstrate the feasibility of using AO-fed spectrograph to measurement radial velocity of nearby close binaries, open a brand-new field in astronomy. Yale will become the pioneer and leader because of this program. Planet formation and evolution in binary stars will be eventually understood. The PI of this proposal has been working extensively on telluric modeling and radial velocity measurement in the R and Y band. The data analysis tool has already been developed, and is ready to be applied to the data to be obtained.

Previous Use of Yale Facilities and Publications Please list previous use of Yale observing facilities and any publications resulting from these data in the past 3 years. If this is a long term project, please state this here and describe the overall strategy of the project. The PI has been awarded 1 night at Keck II and 5 nights at Palomar 200-inch telescope in 2014A, but the observations are scheduled in July 2014, so no observation has been made at this moment. One publication resulted from previous Yale Keck time for the Planet Hunters project: Wang, J., et al. 2013, ApJ, 776, 10, Planet Hunters. V. A Confirmed Jupiter-size Planet in the Habitable Zone and 42 Planet Candidates from the Kepler Archive Data. In this paper, we reported the first confirmed transiting Jupiter-sized planet in the habitable zone, along with other planet candidates in the habitable zone. Yale Proposal Page 6 This box blank.

Observing Run Details for Run 1:

Technical Description Describe the observations to be made during the requested observing run. Justify the specific telescopes, the number of nights, the instrument, and the lunar phase. List objects, coordinates, and magnitudes (or surface brightness, if appropriate) in the Target Tables section. We propose to use Palomar SWIFT integral field spectrograph to observe 3-5 nearby close binaries and 1 radial velocity (RV) reference star for which we know precisely the RV down to 2 m/s. We re- quest 3 nights, including two consecutive nights to demonstrate the night to night RV measurement precision, and one night that is at least 7 days apart to demonstrate the long-term precision. The nearby close binaries we choose have a solar type primary star brighter than 7 magnitude and a secondary within a separation between 0.5 to 1 arcsec. Their projected separation lies between 20-40 AU, a region where the influence of a stellar companion is still uncertain. We do not expect to detect any hot Jupiters around these stars given the 1% hot Jupiter occurrence rate. However, night to night and long-term RV measurement precision will be demonstrated, which will pave the way for future followup observations to confirm hot Jupiters around close binaries by the K2 mission. S/N of ∼200 at continuum will be achieved in a 20 min exposure for stars in our sample. Assuming 30 min per star including overhead, telescope slewing, AO system setup and locking, we expect to take 3-4 RV data points per nights for 4-6 stars including 3-5 science stars and 1 RV reference star. Simulations accounting for photon-noise and wavelength calibration error of using telluric lines show that ∼100-400 m/s RV precision should be achieved for S/N of 200. The 3 nights time request at Palomar SWIFT will suffice the purpose of concept proof and feasibility study. However, we would like to emphasize that the importance of this proposal is not only a concept proof, but also a pioneering work to open up a whole new field, and Yale is part of this history in the making! R.A. range of principal targets (hours): 00 02 12.0 to 23 41 06.0 Dec. range of principal targets (degrees): -18 35 00 to +80 42 00 Yale Proposal Page 7 This box blank.

Name RA Dec SpecType Separation Vmag(Primary) [h m s] [d m s] Primary [”] [mag] WDS J20202+1128 20 20 12.0 +11 28 00 K2 0.5 6.81 WDS J03209+2031 03 20 54.0 +20 31 00 K2 0.6 6.98 WDS J04334-1047 04 33 24.0 -10 47 00 K0 0.5 6.24 WDS J05348-0712 05 34 48.0 -07 12 00 K0 0.5 6.90 WDS J15206-0507 15 20 36.0 -05 07 00 K0 0.5 6.81 WDS J16381+3935 16 38 06.0 +39 35 00 K0 0.6 6.96 WDS J00126+4442 00 12 36.0 +44 42 00 K0 0.8 6.64 WDS J15209+4540 15 20 54.0 +45 40 00 K0 0.7 6.88 WDS J07339+5119 07 33 54.0 +51 19 00 K0 0.7 6.65 WDS J00022+2705 AB 00 02 12.0 +27 05 00 G7V 0.8 5.83 WDS J02132+4030 Aa,Ab 02 13 12.0 +40 30 00 G7V 0.7 5.68 WDS J17304-0104 17 30 24.0 -01 04 00 G5V 0.8 6.06 WDS J04220+1932 AB 04 22 00.0 +19 32 00 G5V 0.7 5.50 WDS J04220+1932 A,Ba 04 22 00.0 +19 32 00 G5V 0.7 5.20 WDS J04220+1932 A,Bb 04 22 00.0 +19 32 00 G5V 0.7 5.20 WDS J03493-0127 Aa,Ab 03 49 18.0 -01 27 00 G5 0.8 6.74 WDS J08345-0044 08 34 30.0 -00 44 00 G5 1.0 5.44 WDS J00061+4025 00 06 06.0 +40 25 00 G5 0.5 6.87 WDS J07003+6720 07 00 18.0 +67 20 00 G5 0.5 6.71 WDS J08116+3227 Aa,Ab 08 11 36.0 +32 27 00 G4V 0.6 5.09 WDS J22409+1433 AB 22 40 54.0 +14 33 00 G4V 0.5 6.14 WDS J08319+5037 08 31 54.0 +50 37 00 G1V 0.9 5.96 WDS J07518-1354 07 51 48.0 -13 54 00 G1V 0.5 5.61 WDS J01418+4237 01 41 48.0 +42 37 00 G1.5V 0.8 4.95 WDS J20041+1704 Aa,Ab 20 04 06.0 +17 04 00 G0V 0.8 4.59 WDS J22103+1937 22 10 18.0 +19 37 00 G0V 0.5 6.18 WDS J10368+4743 10 36 48.0 +47 43 00 G0 1.0 6.78 WDS J06173+0506 Aa,Ab 06 17 18.0 +05 06 00 F9V 0.9 5.77 WDS J15232+3017 AB 15 23 12.0 +30 17 00 F8V 0.7 5.64 WDS J11323+6105 AB 11 32 18.0 +61 05 00 F8V 0.8 5.69 WDS J06588+2605 Aa,Ab 06 58 48.0 +26 05 00 F7V 0.5 6.10 WDS J21395-0003 AB 21 39 30.0 -00 03 00 F6V 0.5 6.94 WDS J13100+1732 AB 13 10 00.0 +17 32 00 F5V 0.6 4.85 WDS J12532-0333 12 53 12.0 -03 33 00 F5V 0.5 6.11 WDS J06468+1646 06 46 48.0 +16 46 00 F5 0.5 6.70 WDS J01377+4825 01 37 42.0 +48 25 00 F5 0.7 6.94

Instrument Configuration

Filters: Slit: Fiber cable: Grating/grism: Multislit: Corrector: Order: 1 λstart: Collimator: Cross disperser: λend: Atmos. disp. corr.:

Yale observing proposal LATEX macros v1.0. Yale Observing Proposal Standard proposal Semester: 2014B Date: March 11, 2014

Characterizing Stellar Activity with CHIRON & K2

PI: Matthew J. Giguere Status: T Affil.: Yale University Astronomy, P.O. Box 208101, New Haven, CT 06520-8101 U.S.A. Email: [email protected] Phone: 203-436-4153 FAX: 203-432-5048

CoI: Prof. Debra Fischer Status: P Affil.: Yale University

Abstract of Scientific Justification (will be made publicly available for accepted proposals):

The next generation of high precision spectrometers, ESPRESSO and EXPRES-0, are currently in development and are scheduled to come online during the winter of 2016. These new spectrometers have the goal of long-term instrumental precision of 10 cm s−1, which is on the order of the radial velocity semi-amplitude of the Earth (8.9 cm s−1). However, a large hurdle that remains to be jumped is disentangling stellar signals from planetary signals in high resolution spectroscopic data sets. Here we propose to carry out observations that will help us identify spectroscopic features that can act as activity indicators to help disentangle and remove these stellar signals. Additionally, there are two late-G and K dwarfs in the K2 fields during the 2014B semester that are bright enough to observe with CHIRON. High precision photometry from Kepler can help determine the rotational periods of these stars and identify periods of high activity. We will propose to observe these targets simultaneously with Kepler and CHIRON to provide a rich data set for exploring activity indicators described in this proposal.

Summary of observing runs requested for this project Run Telescope Instrument No. Nights Min. Nights Moon Optimal months Accept. months 1 CT-1.5m CHIRON 238 hrs 100 hrs bright Aug - Jan Aug - Jan 2 3 4 5

Scheduling constraints and non-usable dates (up to four lines). —————————————————— YaleProposal Page2 This box blank.

Scientific Justification Be sure to include overall significance to astronomy. Limit text to one page with figures, captions and references on no more than two additional pages. In the winter of 2016, the two next-generation spectrometers, ESPRESSO (ESO) and EXPRES-0 (Yale), will see first light. With a goal of 10 cm s−1 instrumental precision, these radial velocity (RV) machines will provide an order of magnitude improvement over the current state-of-the-art. Seeing that Earth induces a Solar RV wobble of ∼9cms−1, ESPRESSO and EXPRES-0 will detect Earth-like planets around nearby stars; these instruments come online just in time to provide a target list for JWST. While these technological upgrades to improve instrumental precision are a necessary obstacle to overcome in the pursuit of detecting Earth-like planets around nearby stars, we also need to address the other sources of uncertainty: intrinsic stellar signals and limitations in the analysis software. The observations proposed here will allow us to investigate one of those sources of uncertainty by providing a data set to explore methods to characterize and model intrinsic stellar signals. Late G & K dwarfs have been shown to exhibit the least amount of intrinsic RV variation (or jitter) (Isaacson & Fischer 2010, Lovis et al. 2011a). But as Dumusque et al. (2012a, 2012b) have shown, even these late-type dwarfs produce RV variations on the order of 1 m s−1. These signals are due to a number of effects, including granulation, pulsations, magnetic activity causing spots, and stellar magnetic cycles. To date, we have explored two techniques to be used as activity indicators: line depth ratios (LDR) and line bisectors (LBS) (Giguere & Fischer, in prep). LDRs make use of temperature sensitive and stable line pairs. They have been used as an effective temperature indicator for many stars (Gray & Johanson 1991), and to monitor variations in the effective temperature of a single star (Gray & Livingston 1997). Since the effective temperatures of stars increase when they are magnetically active, slight changes in the effective temperature measured with line depth ratios can be used to trace the magnetic cycles of stars. The measured radial velocities also change due to stellar magnetic cycles (Dumusque et al. 2012b). Since the magnetic cycles can be seen in temperature variations and in radial velocity changes, we should be able to track radial velocity changes due to the magnetic cycle with line depth ratios. While we have been monitoring LDRs of the brightest late G & K dwarfs in the southern hemisphere with CHIRON, our current time baseline of 18 months is not long enough to determine if we can detect the magnetic cycles of these stars. As spots traverse across the observable disks of stars, they cause RV variations for two reasons. First, spectral line asymmetries are caused by spots occulting a fraction of the rotating star. Ro- tational broadening is a symmetric effect. However, if a spot blocks fraction of the star, the shape of disk-integrated spectral lines change. This results in a slight shift of the center of mass of the lines which is what is measured in the RV Doppler analysis. RV changes due to rotation exhibit the largest line shape variation when spots are on the limbs of stars. The second reason spots cause RV variations is due to the suppression of convection. The hot upwelling plasma is more intense and has a larger surface area than the cooler downwelling intra-granular flows (Tanner et al. 2013). This results in a net blueshift. Stellar spots are caused magnetic fields suppressing this convection, resulting in a slight redshift. This effect is orthogonal to the first effect, and is comparable in mag- nitude (depending on the rotational velocity and temperature of the star). Both of these effects result in line asymmetries, while the wobble induced by orbiting planets is simply a spectral line translation that does not change the line shape. We should therefore be able to model the affects of spots on RV measurements. Work has been done in the past (Queloz et al. 2001) that models line bisectors to the level of 30 m s−1. However, they modeled the average change in line shape over the entire spectrum. We are building a model that will look at each line individually, which should result in better precision. YaleProposal Page3 This box blank.

To build and test this model, we need high SNR, high resolution observations. Continuing to monitor the few bright late G & K dwarfs observable with CHIRON will help us build the dataset needed for this work. We also plan to propose two of our targets to be observed with Kepler as part of the K2 mission. Having simultaneous K2 observations will show how the activity of these stars change over the course of our observations and will most likely reveal the rotational periods of these stars through periodic intensity modulation from long-lived spots. Modeling this data simultaneously will provide constraints on our spectroscopic activity model. Since Kepler will only look at each field once, this is a unique opportunity to get simultaneous precise RV measurements and photometry of these stars.

References Dumusque et al. 2012a, Nature, 491, 207 Dumusque, Universit´ede Gen`eve. Th`ese, 2012b. Giguere et al. 2012, ApJ, 744, 4 Gray & Johanson 1991, PASP, 103, 439 Gray & Livingston 1997, ApJ, 474, 802 Isaacson, H and Fischer, D, 2010, ApJ, 725, 875 Lovis, C et al. 2011a, arxiv:1107.5325 Tanner, J. et al., 2013, ApJ, 767, 78 YaleProposal Page4 This box blank.

Impact to Yale Astronomy Describe how this program fits into the Yale astronomy program. Will the data analysis and resulting papers be based at Yale? If the project is led by a faculty member, does the project involve students? What is the role of the PI viz-a-viz other non-Yale co-Is. Are the resources in place to analyze the data and come to a timely publication? (limit text to one page) The PI and Co-I are both at Yale. This work is directly relevant to the PI’s thesis work and supports other instrumentation work in the astronomy department at Yale.

Previous Use of Yale Facilities and Publications Please list previous use of Yale observing facilities and any publications resulting from these data in the past 3 years. If this is a long term project, please state this here and describe the overall strategy of the project. We have made use of CHIRON in the past. This is a long-term project and the proposed observa- tions will support this long-term project. YaleProposal Page5 This box blank.

Observing Run Details for Run :

Technical Description Describe the observations to be made during the requested observing run. Justify the specific telescopes, the number of nights, the instrument, and the lunar phase. List objects, coordinates, and magnitudes (or surface brightness, if appropriate) in the Target Tables section.

We will take non-I2 and I2 observations of our targets to get both precise radial velocities and high resolution uncontaminated spectra for activity analysis. CHIRON is the only instrument we have access to that we can get the time baseline we need to trace out the rotational period and long-term magnetic cycles of our targets. Neither the fiber nor slicer modes provide the radial velocity precision we need for our work, which is why we’ll use the regular slit mode of CHIRON. The targets we plan to observe are Eps Eri, Tau Ceti, HD 4628 and HD 172051. Prior observations show that to get 1 m s−1 RV precision, we need an SNR of approximately 225 per pixel near 5500 A.˚ Due to the poor guiding and small collecting area of the 1.5 m, this translates to approximately 1 hour of observing each night for each target. To get proper phase coverage when mapping out the rotational periods of our targets, we would like 48 observations per target. Combined with necessary B star observations to monitor tellurics and the PSF of the instrument, this comes out to 238 hours over the course of the semester. R.A. range of principal targets (hours): 00 to 00 Dec. range of principal targets (degrees): 00 to 00

Instrument Configuration

Filters: Slit: Fiber cable: Grating/grism: Multislit: Corrector: Order: 1 λstart: Collimator: Cross disperser: λend: Atmos. disp. corr.:

A Yale observing proposal LTEX macros v1.0. Yale Observing Proposal Standard proposal Semester: 2014B Date: March 5, 2014

Unveiling the nature of unidentified γ-ray sources with optical spectroscopic observations

PI: Francesco Massaro Status: P Affil.: Yale University Astronomy, P.O. Box 208101, New Haven, CT 06520-8101 U.S.A. Email: [email protected] Phone: 203-432-8185 FAX: 203-432-5048

CoI: C. M. Urry Status: P Affil.: Yale University, USA CoI: P. Mao Status: G Affil.: Yale University, USA CoI: F. Ricci Status: G Affil.: University of Roma Tre, Italy CoI: P. Coppi Status: P Affil.: Yale University, USA CoI: M. Landoni Status: P Affil.: INAF - Brera observatory, Italy CoI: N. Masetti Status: P Affil.: INAF-IASF Bologna, Italy CoI: F. La Franca Status: P Affil.: University of Roma Tre, Italy CoI: M. Sanchez-Conde Status: P Affil.: Stanford University, USA

Abstract of Scientific Justification (will be made publicly available for accepted proposals): We developed and successfully applied two new association methods to recognize if there is a blazar counterpart within the positional uncertainty region of an unidentified γ-ray source (UGS). Adopting our procedures, we identified γ-ray blazar candidates as possible counterparts for ∼40% of the UGSs listed in the 2nd Fermi LAT catalog. Our methods are based on the infrared data of the WISE all-sky survey and on the low frequency radio observations performed with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT). We propose optical spectroscopic observations of a selected sample of γ-ray blazar candidates associated with UGSs via our procedures aiming at resolving a significant fraction of the extragalactic γ-ray sky. Our program will be crucial to identify the nature of our γ-ray blazar candidates and to determine their redshifts. Indirectly, they will also allow us to obtain a very competitive constraint on the cross section of dark matter annihilation. It is worth noting that ∼70% of the UGSs lie in the Southern Hemisphere. This is due to the limited number of telescopes that could perform the optical spectroscopic observations crucial to identify the source nature and confirm our associations. This strongly motivates our request of SOAR observations.

Summary of observing runs requested for this project Run Telescope Instrument No. Nights Min. Nights Moon Optimal months Accept. months 1 SOAR Goodman 4 4 grey/dark Aug-Dec Aug-Dec 2 3 4 5

Scheduling constraints and non-usable dates (up to four lines). Sep. 8 to Sep. 22 Dec 15 to Dec 29 YaleProposal Page2 This box blank.

Scientific Justification Be sure to include overall significance to astronomy. Limit text to one page with figures, captions and references on no more than two additional pages. About 1/3 of the γ-ray sources listed in the 2nd Fermi catalog (2FGL, Nolan et al. 2012) are still unidentified. These unidentified gamma-ray sources (UGSs) are of key importance because they could be galactic dark matter (DM)halos that are thought to comprise weakly interacting massive particles, producing γ rays through annihilation. Many of them could instead be blazars, the largest identified population of extragalactic γ-ray sources, currently missed due to incompleteness of radio and X-ray catalogs. Blazars are the rarest class of active galaxies, dominated by non- thermal radiation over the entire electromagnetic spectrum (e.g., Urry & Padovani 1995). They come in two classes: BL Lac objects (BZBs) and flat spectrum radio quasars (BZQs), with the latter exhibiting stronger optical emission lines (e.g., Stickel et al. 1991). Resolving the γ-ray sky and studying the dark matter (DM) are two of the four main scientific objectives of the Fermi mission. In particular, identifying the blazar component of the UGSs is the most crucial and efficient step toward constraining the UGS fraction that could be due to DM annihilation. By comparing results from N-body cosmological simulations (with our own extrapolations to low DM halo masses below the current mass resolution limit) and the expected distribution of DM subhalos with that of the UGSs in the 2FGL, it will be possible to set constraints on the DM annihilation cross section. Our preliminary results show that by decreasing the total number of firmly identified UGSs we will achieve the tightest constraint on the DM scenarios ever determined (e.g., Zechlin et al. 2012, Berlin & Hooper 2013 and Fig. 1). We remark that low-mass DM subhalos in the Milky Way may host no stars/gas at all, and gamma-rays from DM annihilations is the only way to detect them (S´anchez-Conde, Massaro et al. 2014). The first association method we developed is based on the observational evidence that γ-ray blazars cover a distinct region in the IR color space well separated from other extragalactic sources (Massaro et al. 2011, 2012a,b, Fig. 1); while the WSRT method is based on the fact that Fermi blazars show a flat spectrum at low radio frequencies well below ∼1GHz (Massaro et al. 2013b,c). To date, there are 576 UGSs, 299 without γ-ray analysis flags that were analyzed with our association methods and we found candidate blazar counterparts for 182 of them (Massaro et al. 2013a). Confirmation, however, requires optical spectroscopy, and this is the goal of this proposal. Our preliminary search performed with TNG and our SDSS revealed the nature of 63 blazar-like sources (Massaro et al. 2014). By verifying the blazar-like nature of the remaining 119 sources we will improve the current DM limit by one order of magnitude decreasing the UGS number down to 117. Our sample consists of UGSs featuring a unique γ-ray blazar candidate (determined as being associated according by our procedures), but without an optical spectrum available and with a radio counterpart. We further select only those sources with [R] magnitudes between 17 and 20, perfectly suitable for the SOAR telescope, and visible from the Southern Hemisphere during semester 2014B. This yields a sample of 56 targets out of the 119 γ-ray blazar candidates. The remaining targets necessary to complete our campaign will be requested in future semesters. The firm identification of UGSs as blazars together with their potential redshift determination obtainable via optical spectroscopy has a very broad impact on γ-ray astronomy permitting us to: 1) resolve the γ-ray sky by decreasing the number of UGSs; 2) confirm new associations which is crucial to build future Fermi catalogs; 3) improve the study of the blazar γ-ray luminosity function; 4) exclude UGSs with a blazar candidate as potential counterpart to increase the chance of discovery new classes of γ-ray sources; 5) provide a more accurate measurement of the imprint of the Extragalactic Background Light in blazar γ-ray spectra (e.g., Ackermann et al. 2012) and 6) improve the estimate of the blazar contribution to the Extragalactic Gamma-ray Background (e.g., Abdo et al. 2010). YaleProposal Page3 This box blank.

References Abdo A. A., et al., 2010, ApJ, 720, 435 Massaro F. et al. 2013b, ApJS, 207, 4 Ackermann M., et al., 2012, Sci, 338, 1190 Massaro F. et al. 2014, AJ submitted Berlin, A. et al. [atroph/1309.0525] Massaro F. et al. 2013c, ApJS, 208, 15 Landoni, M., Massaro, F. et al. 2014 AJ subm. Nolan P. L., et al. 2012 ApJS, 199, 31 Massaro F. et al. 2011 ApJ, 740L, 48 S´anchez-Conde, M., Massaro, F. et al. 2014 in prep. Massaro F. et al. 2012a ApJ, 750, 138 Stickel, M. et al. 1991 ApJ, 374, 431 Massaro F. et al. 2012b ApJ, 752, 61 Urry, C. M., & Padovani, P. 1995, PASP, 107, 803 Massaro F. et al. 2013a, ApJS, 206, 13 Zechlin H.-S. et al. 2012 A&A, 538A, 93

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1.5 ● BZBs ● BZQs 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6


Figure 1: (Left panel) Results of the limits on the DM annihilation cross section obtained by comparing the sky distribution of the DM sources resulting from the N-body simulations (with our own extrapolations to low subhalo masses) with that of UGSs (S´anchez-Conde, Massaro et al. 2014). The different lines represent the estimated upper limit at a confidence level of 5σ corresponding to different UGS numbers as reported in the upper left box. We will improve the existing DM limits by about one order of magnitude, moving it from the yellow line (actual 299 UGSs) to the blue line (117 UGSs). (Right panel) We show the c1 = [3.4] − [4.6]µm, c2 = [4.6] − [12]µm, c3 = [12] − [22]µm three dimensional color plot of the WISE γ-ray blazar locus. Blue dots represent BZBs and red dots represent BZQs, and the grey dots represent the locus projection on the two dimensional color-color plots (see Massaro et al. 2013a for more details on the WISE-based association procedure). YaleProposal Page4 This box blank.

Figure 2: The featureless optical spectrum of WISE J055618.74-435146.0 observed at SOAR during our campaign. A a typical BZB potential counterpart of the UGS: 2FGL J0555.9.3-4348 (Landoni, Massaro et al. 2014). YaleProposal Page5 This box blank.

Impact to Yale Astronomy Describe how this program fits into the Yale astronomy program. Will the data analysis and resulting papers be based at Yale? If the project is led by a faculty member, does the project involve students? What is the role of the PI viz-a-viz other non-Yale co-Is. Are the resources in place to analyze the data and come to a timely publication? (limit text to one page) The Yale blazar group is the largest team carrying out optical observations of gamma-ray blazars since the launch of Fermi and the proposed observations will be crucial to continue this successful research. The data acquisition as well as the reduction and the analysis will be based at Yale. The PI F. Massaro will lead overall project and will carry out the data analysis working in collaboration with the two PhD students involved in the project and the Co-Is. The results will be presented in two papers based at Yale, the former describing the observations and the latter focused on the theoretical implications (e.g. DM limit). The data reduction and the data analysis routines are already available to our group that in 2013 worked on SOAR observations of gamma-ray blazar candidates obtained with the same requested instrument configuration.

Previous Use of Yale Facilities and Publications Please list previous use of Yale observing facilities and any publications resulting from these data in the past 3 years. If this is a long term project, please state this here and describe the overall strategy of the project. This is the first year that the PI, Francesco Massaro is affiliated to the Yale University (Since Jan. 2014). The PI and all the Co-Is recently carried out an extensive research on the Unidentified Gamma-ray Sources (more than 14 papers published since Aug. 2011, the major ones are reported below). Several of their recent works are also based on 2013 SOAR observations (e.g., Landoni, Mas- saro et al. 2014). Results were also highlighted by the NASA’s Press Release: WISE Mission Sees Skies Ablaze With Blazars (see http://www.nasa.gov/mission pages/WISE/news/wise20120412.html).

1. Identification of the infrared non-thermal emission in Blazars F. Massaro et al. 2011 ApJ, 740, L48

2. The WISE gamma-ray strip parametrization: the nature of the gamma-ray Active Galactic Nuclei of Uncertain type F. Massaro et al. 2012 ApJ, 750, 138

3. Unidentified gamma-ray sources: hunting γ-ray blazars F. Massaro et al. 2012 ApJ, 752, 61

4. Unveiling the nature of the Unidentified Gamma-ray Sources II: radio, infrared, optical coun- terparts of the γ-ray blazar candidates F. Massaro et al. 2013 ApJS, 206, 13

5. Unveiling the nature of the Unidentified Gamma-ray Sources III: γ-ray blazar-like counterparts at low radio frequencies F. Massaro et al. 2013 ApJS, 207, 4

6. Unveiling the nature of the Unidentified Gamma-ray Sources V: analysis of radio candidates with the kernel density estimation F. Massaro et al. 2013 ApJS 209, 10

7. Optical spectroscopic observations of blazars and gamma-ray blazar candidates in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release Nine F. Massaro et al. 2014 AJ submitted YaleProposal Page6 This box blank.

Observing Run Details for Run :

Technical Description Describe the observations to be made during the requested observing run. Justify the specific telescopes, the number of nights, the instrument, and the lunar phase. List objects, coordinates, and magnitudes (or surface brightness, if appropriate) in the Target Tables section. We propose to observe 56 γ-ray blazar candidates to: (1) determine their nature; (2) to estimate their redshifts; (3) to classify them, using the measurements of the equivalent width (EW) of optical emission or absorption features, whenever present, distinguishing between BZB (featureless spectra or with emission lines of EW < 5 A)˚ and BZQ (normal quasar spectra). To firmly establish the nature of our targets we request mid-resolution spectroscopy. The requested observational setup will secure the clear detection of a featureless spectral continuum between 4000 and 8000 A˚ and/or that of Balmer emission lines or other characteristic spectral features. Additional blazar spectral features that could be found are: CIV, CIII], MgII, [OII], Hβ and [OIII] in emission and CaII H&K, the G and/or MgI bands in absorption. We request the CTIO SOAR (4-meter), equipped with the Goodman Spectrograph (Grating 400l/mm, slit width ∼1 arcsec), for all the 56 targets in our selected sample. The exposure times were calculated to reach a signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of 20 with a dispersion of ∼5 A˚ per pixel, necessary to achieve our goals. We contacted the NOAO Support Scientist for Goodman Spectrograph (Dr. S. Points) at CTIO-SOAR who suggested to us how to improve our technical feasibility and verified it. In particular, Dr. Points provided to us the efficiency curve of the Grating 400l/mm for the Goodman Spectrograph used to verify our technical feasibility and to compute the exposures of our observations. R.A. range of principal targets (hours): 00 to 04 Dec. range of principal targets (degrees): -20 to -82

Instrument Configuration

Filters: GG385 Slit: 1.07 arcsec long slit new Fiber cable: 100 kHz ATTN 3 Grating/grism: SYZY 400l/mm Multislit: no Corrector: Order: 1 λstart: 3500 Collimator: 1000 Cross disperser: λend: 8500 Atmos. disp. corr.: yes or observing in parallactic angle

A Yale observing proposal LTEX macros v1.0. YaleProposal Page7 This box blank.

Fermi Name RA DEC R Exp. J2000 J2000 mag hours FGLJ0001.7-4159 00:01:33.11 -41:55:26.11 18.01 0.67 FGLJ0044.7-3702 00:45:12.07 -37:05:47.60 19.21 1.0 FGLJ0049.4-5401 00:49:48.87 -54:02:43.57 17.11 0.5 FGLJ0055.0-2454 00:54:46.77 -24:55:29.15 17.08 0.5 FGLJ0059.1-5701 00:58:27.73 -56:57:27.35 18.4 0.67 FGLJ0113.0-3554 01:13:15.85 -35:51:48.42 19.89 1.0 FGLJ0133.2-5159 01:33:05.76 -52:00:03.97 18.63 0.67 FGLJ0156.9-4742 01:56:46.03 -47:44:17.33 18.09 0.67 FGLJ0207.9-6832 02:07:50.91 -68:37:55.11 19.05 1.0 FGLJ0213.1-2720 02:12:55.27 -27:18:18.71 19.19 1.0 FGLJ0226.5-4444 02:26:38.82 -44:41:20.60 19.27 1.0 FGLJ0244.4-8224 02:51:09.21 -82:26:29.23 18.34 0.67 FGLJ0301.8-7157 03:01:38.48 -71:56:34.52 18.88 0.67 FGLJ0310.2-5013 03:10:34.60 -50:16:33.00 18.86 0.67 FGLJ0353.0-3622 03:53:05.05 -36:23:08.48 17.43 0.5 FGLJ0427.3-3900 04:27:21.65 -39:01:00.11 19.16 1.0 FGLJ0434.0-5726 04:33:44.13 -57:26:13.28 17.78 0.5 FGLJ0438.8-4521 04:39:00.84 -45:22:22.63 19.48 1.0 FGLJ0440.1-3211 04:39:33.98 -32:10:10.58 19.93 1.0 FGLJ0453.1-2807 04:53:14.64 -28:07:37.26 17.83 0.5 FGLJ1603.8-4904 16:03:50.68 -49:04:05.59 18.36 0.67 FGLJ1610.6-3956 16:10:21.88 -39:58:58.43 18.47 0.67 FGLJ1612.4-3100 16:12:20.00 -30:59:38.63 18.28 0.67 FGLJ1656.9-2008 16:56:55.06 -20:10:56.56 17.92 0.5 FGLJ1659.7-3132 16:59:48.91 -31:30:48.00 17.83 0.5 FGLJ1725.1-7714 17:23:50.86 -77:13:50.37 18.94 0.67 FGLJ1802.6-3940 18:02:42.67 -39:40:07.95 19.65 1.0 FGLJ1815.6-6407 18:14:25.97 -64:10:08.80 19.02 1.0 FGLJ1816.7-4942 18:16:56.00 -49:43:44.71 18.31 0.67 FGLJ1825.1-5231 18:25:13.80 -52:30:58.19 18.83 0.67 FGLJ1829.3-2419 18:28:54.82 -24:17:37.25 17.28 0.5 FGLJ1830.2-4441 18:30:00.87 -44:41:11.43 17.47 0.5 FGLJ1855.1-6008 18:54:51.68 -60:09:23.58 17.75 0.5 FGLJ1918.2-4110 19:18:16.06 -41:11:31.06 17.53 0.5 FGLJ1939.6-4925 19:39:46.08 -49:25:38.20 18.42 0.67 FGLJ2040.2-7109 20:39:31.45 -71:10:33.09 18.87 0.67 FGLJ2040.9-3701 20:40:48.27 -36:51:37.10 18.03 0.67 FGLJ2141.6-6412 21:41:46.44 -64:11:14.58 18.77 0.67 FGLJ2213.7-4754 22:13:30.35 -47:54:25.20 18.34 0.67 FGLJ2213.6-4755 22:13:30.35 -47:54:25.20 18.34 0.67 FGLJ2230.5-7817 22:30:30.53 -78:15:56.45 17.81 0.5 FGLJ2236.1-3628 22:35:54.82 -36:29:02.90 19.06 1.0 FGLJ2250.2-4205 22:50:14.95 -42:02:18.67 19.44 1.0 FGLJ2250.3-4206 22:50:22.22 -42:06:13.41 17.23 0.5 FGLJ2251.1-4927 22:51:28.71 -49:29:10.82 18.45 0.67 FGLJ2251.5-4928 22:51:28.71 -49:29:10.82 18.45 0.67 FGLJ2258.1-8248 22:57:59.08 -82:46:52.59 18.12 0.67 FGLJ2317.3-4534 23:17:31.98 -45:33:59.69 18.8 0.67 FGLJ2327.9-4037 23:28:19.42 -40:35:09.00 19.15 1.0 FGLJ2348.4-5100 23:48:53.10 -51:03:14.03 18.11 0.67 FGLJ2358.0-4552 23:58:02.14 -45:55:18.88 18.54 0.67 Yale Observing Proposal Standard proposal Semester: 2014B Date: March 11, 2014

ABulkSpectroscopicCharacterizationofCloseBinary Stars in the Kepler Field

PI: Tabetha S. Boya jian Status: P Affil.: Yale University Astronomy, P.O. Box 208101, New Haven, CT 06520-8101 U.S.A. Email: [email protected] Phone: 203-432-xxxx FAX: 203-432-5048

CoI: John Brewer Status: G Affil.: Yale University CoI: Debra Fischer Status: P Affil.: Yale University CoI: Gal Matijevic Status: P Affil.: Villanova University CoI: Andrej Prˇsa Status: P Affil.: Villanova University CoI: Ji Wang Status: P Affil.: Yale University

Abstract of Scientific Justification (will be made publicly availableforacceptedproposals):

Eclipsing binary stars play a fundamental role in stellar astrophysics. They are used to deter- mine the masses, radii, temperatures and luminosities of their components to better than 2%, and distances to better than 4%. Kepler provided us with over 2700 eclipsing binary light curves of unprecedented photometric quality in a near-uninterrupted observing mode. However, without follow-up spectroscopy, we cannot obtain the mass ratios nor the absolute scale of the observed bi- naries, making us one step short to being able to solve these systems and determine the fundamental stellar properties. We propose for 3 nights of follow-up high-resolution (R 20, 000) multi-object ∼ spectroscopy using Hydra on the WIYN telescope. The target list of 200 systems is a result of an ∼ optimized search for optimal sources in the Kepler catalog based on the periods, ephemerides and spatial distribution of program binaries. Given that eclipsing binaries serve as calibrators across the main sequence, the scientific yield of this proposal through state-of-the-art modeling cannot be overstated.

Summary of observing runs requested for this project Run Telescope Instrument No. Nights Min. Nights Moon Optimal months Accept. months 1 WIYN HYDRR + STA1 3 3 grey Sep Sep 2 3 4 5

Scheduling constraints and non-usable dates (up to four lines). The targeted field is only observable during the first half of the night in the 14B season. Thus, the 3 full nights requested in this proposal should be scheduled as 6 half-nights. Yale Proposal Page 2 This box blank.

Scientific Justification Be sure to include overall significance to astronomy. Limit text to one page with figures, captions and references on no more than two additional pages. Close binary stars are the cornerstone of stellar astrophysics. Across the H-R diagram, calibrations to fundamental stellar properties such as mass, radius, temperature, and luminosity of stars are determined from our knowledge of eclipsing binaries (EBs). The ability to measure these properties of stars better than a few percent allows for robust constraints in stellar evolution and atmosphere modeling (Andersen 1991; Torres et al. 2010). The Kepler mission revolutionized the binary star field. Thanks to Kepler’s uninterrupted observing mode and unprecedented precision, the latest Kepler EB catalog release contains over 2700 systems in the Kepler field of view, revealing a nearly complete detection rate of EBs with periods up to 1 year (Kirk et al. 2013). The sample provides us with “ground truth”distributions of their periods, galactic latitudes, and orbital properties (Fig. 1; Slawson et al. 2011). Long term effects such as orbital precession, apsidal motion, mass transfer and dynamical inter- action are becoming apparent as three years of Kepler data become available. The photometric precision and time coverage of the Kepler data-set has discovered exotic systems, such as the highly eccentric ellipsoidal variables dubbed Heartbeat stars (Thompson et al. 2012; Hambleton et al. 2013). Tertiary objects have been discovered in a significant fraction of all systems (20% of EBs with P>2dand10%ofEBswithP<2d;seeOroszetal.2012andConroyetal. 2012) by measuring eclipse timing variations and tertiary eclipses in EB light curves. Discoveries of circumbinary planets are beginning to emerge in force as well: even complex systems such as PH1 - the first quadruple star system known to host a planet (Schwamb et al. 2012). Yet fundamental stellar parameters cannot be derived for any of these objects without comple- mentary data. To determine absolute parameters (stellar masses, radii, densities, gravities) radial velocity measurements must be combined with the photometric data for a full orbital solution. Thus, we have organized a major follow-up effort, and this proposal constitutes its critical part: to use a fiber-fed echelle spectrograph Hydra on WIYN to acquire the time-resolved 1 spectra of 200 binaries, extract their radial velocities to a 1.0 km s− precision and determine∼ all fundamental stellar parameters for the observed∼ sample.Therela- tively large number of proposed EBs that we will monitor is a fortunate consequence of the Kepler mission photometric survey’s ability to detect a large number of EBs in a compact field of view. As such, the experimental design of this project using WIYN/Hydra is perfectly suited for these observations, maximizing scientific productivity with the enabling of several dozen science targets assigned to Hydra fibers at a time. One of every three of the survey EBs consist of low-mass components. This work will help to fill in the parameter space for the low-mass EB systems that are currently under-represented in the literature. For instance, the review by Torres et al. (2010) presents a list of 190 detached EBs with stellar parameters (mass and radius) that were known with a precision of at least 3%. Although this work doubled the number of systems tallied twenty years earlier by Andersen (1991), Torres et al. (2010) list only 10 K-type stars and 9 M-type stars in their total sample of 190 stars. The ability to derive full system parameters from the combined spectroscopic and photometric orbital solution will allow us to explore the cause of the long-standing issue that the observed radii of EBs are discrepant from models by 10-15% (see Boyajian et al. 2012, Lopez-Morales 2007, and references therein). The properties for higher mass stars and their coeval nature will be used to test and constrain evolutionary models (e.g. Meibom & Mathieu 2005). We plan to use the data from the entire sample to investigate the influence tidal circularization and stellar activity (intrinsic and/or binary induced) has on the system evolution and dynamics, as well as the determination to the stellar fundamental properties (e.g. Applegate 1992, Ribas 2006). Yale Proposal Page 3 This box blank.

References Andersen 1991 A&ARv, 3, 91 Applegate 1992, ApJ, 385, 621 Ribas 2006, Ap&SS, 304, 89 Apps et al. 2010, PASP, 122, 156 Schwamb et al. 2012, astro-ph/12103612 Boyajian et al. 2012 ApJ, 757, 112 Slawson et al. 2011, AJ, 142, 160 Hambleton et al. 2013 submitted to ApJ Torres et al. 2010, A&ARv, 18, 67 Kirk et al. 2013, submitted to ApJ Thompson et al. 2012, ApJ, 753, 86 Lopez-Morales 2007, ApJ, 660, 732 Valenti & Piskunov 1995, PASP, 107, 966 Orosz et al. 2012, Science, 337, 1511 Valenti & Fischer 2005, ApJS, 159, 141 Prˇsa & Zwitter 2005, ApJ, 628, 426 Meibom & Mathieu 2005, 620, 970

Figure 1: Left: Fraction of EBs in the Kepler EB catalog as a function of orbital period. Right: Cumulative number of EBs in the Kepler EB catalog as a function of orbital period. About 50% of systems have orbital periods < 2 days (dotted line), and 80% have periods < 10 days.

Figure 2: Kepler field of view, with catalog binaries plotted. The variation in distribution is perfectly correlated with galactic latitude. Yale Proposal Page 4 This box blank.

Impact to Yale Astronomy Describe how this program fits into the Yale astronomy program. Will the data analysis and resulting papers be based at Yale? If the project is led by a faculty member, does the project involve students? What is the role of the PI viz-a-viz other non-Yale co-Is. Are the resources in place to analyze the data and come to a timely publication? (limit text to one page) A systemic understanding and characterization of stellar fundamental properties is a main focus of the Yale Exoplanet Group. Goals include exoplanet host star characterization (Brewer with spectroscopy and Boyajian with interferometry), providing empirical measurements to constrain models (Brewer; Boyajian), as well as building relations to link stellar properties to observables (such as photometry) in order to extend our knowledge to a large number of stars too faint for direct observations (Boyajian and Yale undergrad summer 2013 research project by M. Kephart). These results directly impact the interpreted science from the Yale Exoplanet Group’s intensive planet search programs at CTIO and Keck (Giguere and Fischer), and studies of chromospheric activity and stellar jitter in low-mass stars (Giguere and Fischer). This constitutes a major component of followup Planethunter discoveries that have contributed several hundred eclipsing binaries to the Kepler Eclipsing Binary Catalog (Planethunters was founded at Yale; Fischer, Wang, Boyajian, Schmitt, Schwamb, Picard et al.). The PI of this observing proposal (Boyajian) is funded by a NASA ADAP grant (PI Fischer) to model eclipsing binary systems and search for transiting circumbinary planets within the publicly released data from NASA’s Kepler Mission. Targets for this project were first identified by volun- teers on the Planet Hunters website, a collaborative project between Yale University (PI Fischer) and the Zooniverse Citizen Science Alliance (PI Lintott) as well as from the catalog(s) compiled by the Eclipsing Binary Working Group (EBWG; Prˇsa, Chair). The main science goals tie in with a systemic research project that we are carrying out at Yale to model late-type stars and derive the occurrence rate of planets around these stars. Targets have been selected using ranking schemes, optimized based on ephemeris data already determined through light curve modelling, as well as on-sky distributions in order to take full advantage of the Hydra fiber-fed spectrograph (Figs. 1 and 2). A pipeline is already in place to work with Hydra spectra and extract Hydra radial velocities. Once WIYN/Hydra Doppler measurements are in hand, full modelling of EBs will be carried out on the masses of Kepler eclipsing binary stars using the publicly available software package PHOEBE (Prˇsa & Zwitter 2005). The acquisition of the data for this project is the reason for the PI’s existence at Yale - and publishing papers is what a post-doc does best. We expect to publish a paper presenting the analysis and results approximately 6 months after the observations have been made. CoI Prˇsa is Chair of the EBWG. The expertise in modeling EBs brought by the collabration between Prˇsa, his postdoc Matijevic, and our group at Yale, is a key element to successfully reaching our proposed science goals. We are currently soliciting involvement of Yale undergrads to help with the observing, data re- duction, and analysis. Yale graduate student Brewer is an expert in abundance analysis and will help to modify our spectroscopic analysis tool, Spectroscopy Made Easy (SME, Valenti & Piskunov 1995, Valenti & Fischer 2005), to fit for combined double-lined spectra with radial velocity differ- ences d(RV) and scaled intensity as additional free parameters in order to derive the individual component temperature and metallicity. Yale Proposal Page 5 This box blank.

Previous Use of Yale Facilities and Publications Please list previous use of Yale observing facilities and any publications resulting from these data in the past 3 years. If this is a long term project, please state this here and describe the overall strategy of the project. The PI has been awarded WIYN/Hydra time for the 2013B and 2014A semesters through the Yale TAC with the proposal entitled: ABulkSpectroscopicCharacterizationofCloseBinaryStarsin the Kepler Field.Outofthetimeawarded,onlyfiveofthescheduledhalfnightshaveyieldeddata. The other 3 full nights and 3 half nights were completely weathered out. Six nights of observing time were awarded as a part of the 2014A schedule, and are scheduled for July 2014. Given these dates fall within the monsoon season at KPNO, it is dubious to whether these this time will have a high productivity rate. Never-the-less, the time requested in this proposal is necessary to complete the analysis of the data in hand and accomplish the goals of the project. The PI’s research is funded through a winning NASA/ADAP proposal. A main element of the ADAP proposal is to acquire follow-up observations of Kepler eclipsing binary stars over the next couple observing seasons. NOTE: The long-term nature of this project was disclosed to the Yale TAC when began the survey. Due to the fact that Yale has dropped out of the WIYN collaboration, the time requested in this proposal is necessary to publish the results of this project in a timely fashion. Our knowledge and of Yale withdrawing from WIYN has been factored into the final number of systems we will be able to characterize, which is the main element that will suffer the most, but will not interfere in accomplishing our science objectives nor the contributions and knowledge we will deliver to the field of fundamental astronomy as a whole. We again stress that the occurrence of bad weather on the scheduled observing so far has hampered the progress of any production of science from the previous observing proposals. Yale Proposal Page 6 This box blank.

Observing Run Details for Run 1: WIYN/HYDRR + STA1

Technical Description Describe the observations to be made during the requested observing run. Justify the specific telescopes, the number of nights, the instrument, and the lunar phase. List objects, coordinates, and magnitudes (or surface brightness, if appropriate) in the Target Tables section. Most Kepler targets are faint - their typical magnitudes range from Kp =11 15. The program − stars in this proposal are no different, that is why we require a 3-m class telescope for follow-up observations. We limit the magnitude range to 11 14 mags so that the effects of scattered light are − minimized. This magnitude cut drops the total number of program targets from 2700 binaries ∼ to 1450. The exposure to reach S/N 20 for a Kp =14starontheHydraspectrographat ∼ ∼ WIYN is 20 minutes (according to the online time exposure calculator), and becomes prohibitively long on smaller telescopes. We propose to acquire high resolving power (R 20000) spectra ∼ 1 that are required for accurate determination of radial velocities (σRV 1 2kms− ,or 1%) for a large number of targets (30 to 40 per deg2,dependingontheoptimizationsbasedonthe∼ − ∼ allocated time; see Fig. 2). Such RV precision is needed to pin down the full orbital parameters of the binaries: spectroscopic mass ratios, projected semi-major axes, and center-of-mass velocities. This requirement makes Echelle high-resolution spectroscopy and multi-object fiber-fed capability crucial for the program’s success. These measured quantities will allow us to determine the masses of binary components to 2% and, coupled with photometry, the distances to 3%. Without these, ∼ ∼ the modeling of program stars based on Kepler photometry alone will be impossible. Given that Kepler light curves can be used to fully determine the phase and orbital properties of the binary, three exposures per target are the bare minimum to get these parameters, and five exposures allow for error estimates and contingency planning. We believe that the merit of these observations, a complete characterization of absolute properties of program binary stars, fully justifies the time requirement and the use of the fiber-fed Echelle spectrograph on the WIYN. The requested 3 full nights will need to be scheduled as 6 half-nights, as the targeted field is only up during the first half of the night. As a secondary science objective, we will place any available unused fibers on exoplanet candidates (uniquely identified by the Yale hosted Planet Hunters group) that happen to coincide in the same 2 1-deg field to determine the spectroscopic properties (Teff ,logg,andmetallicity)ofthehoststars using SME. In summary, the result of this study will be a set of RVs for 200 close binaries that will allow the determination of fundamental stellar parameters to 2% or∼ better through light and RV curve modeling using PHOEBE. The supplemental result of the study will be a set of high-resolution reconnaissance spectroscopy of the exoplanet candidates in the Kepler field. R.A. range of principal targets (hours): 19 to 21 Dec. range of principal targets (degrees): 35 to 53

Instrument Configuration

Filters: none Slit: 316 lines/mm Fiber cable: red Grating/grism: Echelle Multislit: no Corrector: n/a Order: 11 λstart:5043 Collimator:160mm/776mm Cross disperser: n/a λend:5290 Atmos.disp.corr.:

Yale observing proposal LATEXmacrosv1.0. Yale Observing Proposal Standard proposal Semester: 2014B Date: March 11, 2014

The Role of Close Companions in the Formation of Bright- est Cluster Galaxies and Intracluster Light - Fall Targets

PI: Louise O. V. Edwards Status: P Affil.: Yale University Astronomy, P.O. Box 208101, New Haven, CT 06520-8101 U.S.A. Email: [email protected] Phone: 203-432-3011 FAX: 203-432-5048

CoI: Tara Abraham Status: U Affil.: Yale University CoI: Hannah Alpert Status: U Affil.: Yale University CoI: Sean L. McGee Status: P Affil.: Leiden University

Abstract of Scientific Justification (will be made publicly available for accepted proposals):

Several puzzles continue to plague our understanding of the formation of Brightest Cluster Galaxies (BCGs). We will address the following ones in this proposal: 1) How are star forming BCGs, especially those outside of cool core clusters, fueled? And why has the otherwise effective quenching mechanism failed to work in these galaxies? 2) What is the age and metallicity of the accumulated stellar mass? And can these be understood simultaneously in hierarchical galaxy formation models. 3) How does the intracluster (ICL) form? Is it a natural extension of the outer envelope of BCGs? We will examine each of these questions with WIYN SparsePak IFU-like observations of a unique sample of 10 low redshift galaxy clusters. This will lead to a spectral analysis of the BCGs, their close companion galaxies, and for the first time, large samples of ICL. Ultimately, this will allow for measurements of star formation rates, stellar ages and metallicity of each component. We will directly measure the role of interactions and close companions in the build-up of the BCG and ICL, providing new and important observational constraints on models of galaxy evolution. This proposal is similar to an accepted 13B proposal by the same team. The purpose of this request is to complete the fall targets that were missed because of 1.5 bad weather nights during our 2013B run. It will complete our entire sample, which we have been collecting since 2013A.

Summary of observing runs requested for this project Run Telescope Instrument No. Nights Min. Nights Moon Optimal months Accept. months 1 WIYN SparsePak 2 1 grey-dark Sept - Oct Aug - Dec 2 3 4 5

Scheduling constraints and non-usable dates (up to four lines). —————————————————— Yale Proposal Page 2 This box blank.

Scientific Justification Be sure to include overall significance to astronomy. Limit text to one page with figures, captions and references on no more than two additional pages. Feedback and activity in Brightest Cluster Galaxies: How and when did brightest cluster galaxies assemble their massive stellar content and diffuse stellar halos? Many local BCGs are characterized by exceptionally red colors and old stellar populations, however others show surprising evidence for recent or current star formation. For example, optical emission lines1,2,3,4,5, blue and UV-colour excess6,7,8,9,10, molecular gas and dust reservoirs11,12,13,14 have all been seen in BCGs. Further, diverse and dramatic morphologies of Hα emission, such as long tails of emitting gas15, highly concentrated emission 2, and even filamentary structures16,17 have been observed. In Edwards et al. (2007,[5]), we demonstrated a direct connection between the presence of cooling X-ray gas, and enhanced optical emission in centrally located galaxies. While this would explain the enhanced line activity in cool core BCGs, the fueling mechanism in the 10-20% of active non- cool core BCGs remains a mystery. A clue may be found by examining the interactions of BCGs with infalling companions, which could supply cold gas for ongoing star formation. Galaxies with more disturbed Hα morphologies tend to have companions suggesting a plausible direct connection between galaxy-galaxy interactions and the triggering of star formation21,22. Assembling the BCG: The role of close companions: Further evidence that BCGs are still in a process of building exists in the morphology of the stellar populations. While many follow smooth, de Vaucouleurs profiles, a large fraction also contain multiple nuclei19 and close companions20. In theoretical work, major23 and minor24 galaxy interactions are an important component of BCG evolution. However, observationally, there is a debate over how important a role merges play in the BCG build-up. While there are several studies which have found evidence for the importance of major and minor mergers on the recent build up of BCGs28,29,30, others find that that size of BCGs has increased only modestly due to mergers26,27. Recently, by directly measuring the number and luminosity of close companions of BCGs, Edwards & Patton (2012,[20]) argue that 20:1 mergers add as much as 10% to the stellar mass of BCGs over only 0.5 Gyrs. To most directly address this controversy, we will measure the relative ages, metallicites and star formation rates of the companions and the BCG. This will put strong constraints on galaxy formation models, which are unable to jointly reproduce the ages, metallicity and total mass of these galaxies35. The connection to diffuse stellar light: The formation of BCGs is likely intimately connected to the formation of the diffuse intracluster light (ICL) which makes up between 5% to 50%31,33,34 of the light in galaxy clusters. Simulations predict that the bulk of the ICL is formed through tidal stripping of infalling massive galaxies at z > 136. Thus, the ICL is essentially an extension of the outer envelope of the BCG. However, there are observations of ongoing ‘in-situ’ and stripped star formation in the local Universe37 and the surface brightness profiles often show a break in isophothal position angle and intensity suggesting the ICL is distinctly separate from the BCG25. A radial mapping of ages and metallicity of the BCG and ICL for a well defined sample is required. We propose to use SparsePak to characterize the physical properties of a sample of 10 BCGs, their close companions and their ICL: With the proposed spectra we will uncover the nebular emission lines and absorption features of the populations within and surrounding the BCG. We will determine the ages, metallicites, and star formation rates. We will be able to constrain the kinematic and metallicity structure and history which will provide clues as to the evolutionary links between the ICL, BCG and close companions. We have already observed the majority of targets in our sample, (2013A-2014A) though bad weather prevented us from capturing all our fall targets. We therefore expect this proposal to complete our sample and be our last for this project. We will have 15 high signal-to-noise targets. Yale Proposal Page 3 This box blank.

Figure 1: Left panel: The center of Abell 407 at z=0.05 (one of our 13B) with 1 dither positions of the SparsePak overlain. The field of view covers all close companions (those within 50kpc,) oversamples the central BCG, and collects spectral information for the extended BCG halo/ICL. Right panel: IFU data provides integrated morphological, chemical, and kinematic information of the BCG and its surroundings. We illustrate how 3 positions can be used to integrate the field. Continuum flux in one of the positions is filled in. Many sources can be seen in the IFU field of view (compare with DSS image on left). With SparsePak, the field of view is up to 100kpc, for all our chosen sources. This allows for the concurrent identification and characterization of nearby galaxies. Yale Proposal Page 4 This box blank.

Figure 2: Upper left: A spectrum of the outer BCG halo/ICL of a X-ray cluster using long slit spectroscopy, from Melnick et al 2012. With SparsePak, we cover a much larger area which achieves a much better observing efficiency, allowing us to study a large sample of clusters for the first time. Right panels: The distribution of age and metallicities as found through comparing the spectrum with stellar population synthesis methods. The age and metallicity of the halo/ICL is a strong diagnostic of its formation mechanism.

References 1. Crawford et al. 1999 2. Donahue et al. 2000 20. Edwards & Patton, 2012 3. Crawford et al. 2005 21. Donahue et al. 2007 4. von der Linden et al.2007 22. Wilman et al. 2006 5. Edwards et al. 2007 23. De Lucia & Blaizot 2007 6. McNamara et al. 1996 24. Naab et al. 2009 7. Bildfel et al. 2008 25. Gonzalez et al. 2005 8. Wise & Murray 2004 26. Stott et al. 2011 9. Hicks & Mushotzky 2005 27. Bernardi 2009 10. O’donnell, et al. 28. Ascaso et al. 2011 11. Jaffe et al 2001 29. Bluck et al. 2012 12. Edge et al. 2002 30. Trujillo et al. 2011 13. Salome & Combes 2003 31. McGee & Balogh 2010 14. Rawle et al. 2012 32. Melnick et al. 2012 15. Fabian et al. 2001 33. Da Rocha et al. 2008 16. Blanton et al. 2001 34. Zibetti et al. 2005 17. Conselice et al. 2002 35. De Lucia et al. 2012 18. Edwards et al. 2009 36. Puchwein et al. 2010 19. Laine et al. 2003 37. Sun et al. 2010 Yale Proposal Page 5 This box blank.

Impact to Yale Astronomy Describe how this program fits into the Yale astronomy program. Will the data analysis and resulting papers be based at Yale? If the project is led by a faculty member, does the project involve students? What is the role of the PI viz-a-viz other non-Yale co-Is. Are the resources in place to analyze the data and come to a timely publication? (limit text to one page) The PI has been working with undergraduates Hannah Alpert (a junior Astronomy Major) and Tara Abraham (a senior Astronomy Major) through the last year on the previous WIYN dataset. Co-I Hannah Alpert will be at an REU for the summer, but back in the 2014-15 year to do her senior project with the PI. The proposed data will be the final dataset added to the project. Already, Hannah is an expert in data reduction and has reduced the previous dataset. She will quickly add these last to complete the sample, and use the completed sample to relate the stellar properties of the BCG to the nearby companions. This will be the subject of her senior project. Hannah and Tara have already used the data from previous semesters to learn combining imaging, spectral analysis, running and comparing to stellar population models in order to derive age, metal- licity and star formation rates. They Yale are improving their computational, critical thinking, and writing skills, in addition to becoming familiar with the Yale facilities. Now that the data reduction pipeline is fully in place, and that specialized visualization software is being written by Co-I Tara Abraham, we anticipate that over the next year, the results project will produce at least 2 Yale-led papers. The PI has extensive experience in multi-object spectroscopy, including IFU, and will act as the project leader. The Co-I (McGee) is an expert in determining the physical properties of galaxies by comparing to stellar population codes and will run and provide the best model spectra for comparing our sample. The PI has a research budget that will cover expenses for publication costs associated with the articles produced from this project. Yale Proposal Page 6 This box blank.

Previous Use of Yale Facilities and Publications Please list previous use of Yale observing facilities and any publications resulting from these data in the past 3 years. If this is a long term project, please state this here and describe the overall strategy of the project. The PI is a new member of the Yale faculty, however, in the past she has made use of the WIYN/Hydra facilities, under the NOAO TAC, resulting in several publications. (1) The PI has been awarded a total of 10 nights on WIYN/Sparsepak between 2013A and 2014A for the project discussed in this proposal. A total of 3 nights were lost due to weather, and 2 nights remain to be observed (will gather the data in May 2014). Of the 5 excellent nights of data, all 10 clusters have been fully reduced, emission and absorption features have been measured, and plotting software is currently being developed to present the data in a publishable form. All told, this vast dataset has supported summer work for 2 Yale undergraduates in 2013 (Hannah Alpert and Vasilije Dobrosavlijvic), 2 planned for summer 2014 (Thomas Foster and Saisneha Koppaka), has led to 3 majors having observing experiences (2 at the site, one remote), and is the data for 1 undergraduate thesis (Tara Abraham). I expect Hannah will do her senior project next year with this data, and to publish results in at least 2 papers, once the full dataset has been collected. (2) The PI was awarded 5 nights on SOAR to use SOI and narrowband filters to observe emission lines in the BCG and cluster galaxies of Abell 1204. We will gather the data in May-June 2014. (3) For 3 nights in Jan 2009, the PI observed with Hydra on the WIYN telescope (PI: Fadda 2008B). Fadda and Edwards followed-up 70µm sources detected in the Lockman Hole and results were presented in AAS217(2011). (4) The PI has reduced spectra from 3 nights of Hydra observations of Coma cluster galaxies (PI: Fadda 2008A). A recent paper based on these data (Edwards & Fadda, 2011, AJ 142:148) has been published. (5) Spectra and multi-wavelength photometry of galaxies in the Abell 1763 cluster based on Hydra data has also resulted in several recent papers involving the PI (Edwards et al., 2010, AJ 139:434, Edwards et al. 2010, AJ 140:1891, and Biviano et al.(and Edwards), 2011, A& A 532:77). Additionally, the PI and Co-I also both have considerable experience observing on 2-8m class telescopes, with multi-object spectrometers and in the NIR/Optical. Edwards et al. (including McGee) (2009) is based on her reduction and analysis of multi-object spectroscopy from the Gemini North and South telescopes’ (PI: Edwards 2005A,B and 2006A) GMOS instruments and from the William Herschel Telescope’s OASIS IFU (PI: Edwards 2005A). She also has experience observing with the Palomar WIRC instrument (PI: Edwards 2010B PI: Fadda 2009A) which resulted in a series of papers on Abell 1763 (Edwards et al. 2010a,c) and used CFHT-IR (PI: Edwards 2003B, 2004A) for her MSc thesis and observed at the Mont Megantic Observatory (2004A PI: OPIOMM collaboration 2004B PI: Edwards) during her PhD thesis. Co-I McGee has experience planning and reducing optical/NIR imaging and/or spectroscopy from Gemini N&S, CFHT, VLT and GTC. From Observations to Scientific Results The reduction pipeline is now fully functional, and all clusters so far observed and been reduced. Co-I Alpert iss currently working on transforming emission line measurements into stellar populations, testing various population synthesis codes. Co-I Abraham is working on visualization software. It can already perform the basic overlay and arithmatic requirements, and will be put into a user-friendly GUI by the start of Summer 2014. In this way, we have obtained resolved spatial maps of important line diagnostics such as Halpha+NII, which signals young stellar populations - and found already many intriguing populations(!) The relation between these emission regions, the BCG, close companions and cooling x-ray gas are a key indictor of the method of BCG growth. Our initial results show clear signatres of minor merging and AGN activity. Yale Proposal Page 7 This box blank.

Observing Run Details for Run :

Technical Description Describe the observations to be made during the requested observing run. Justify the specific telescopes, the number of nights, the instrument, and the lunar phase. List objects, coordinates, and magnitudes (or surface brightness, if appropriate) in the Target Tables section. Our sample of BCGs are the four that we were not able to fully observe in our 2013B run because of bad weather. This proposal is requesting enough time to complete the observations. For Abell 75, Abell 2457 and Abell 2626 this means gathering the full set of 3 dithers. For Abell 2622 this means completing the final of 3 positions. Originally, the sample is drawn from the NOAO Fundamental Plane (NFP) survey, which examined 93 of the brightest X-ray clusters in the ROSAT all sky survey with redshifts from z=0.01 to 0.1 (Smith et al. 2004). From these clusters, we choose those which lie in the redshift slice 0.045 to 0.07. This allows us to obtain, with one pointing, a field of view of 30-100kpc around the BCG, the region occupied by the close companions that are likely to merge. The BCG SDSS r-magnitudes are between 13.5 and 15, thus, to ensure we include the companions with 20:1 magnitude ratios, each target will be integrated so that 18.5th magnitude sources are measured. Given the range of sizes of these sources, we expect quality spectra of the faintest sources of at least a S/N of 20 in about 1 hour. We will break each hour integration into 3x20 minute exposures in order to remove cosmic rays (assuming 30% overheads). A complete observation for a target includes 3 pointings, so as to fully integrate the field, to cover all close companions, and to oversample the BCG. In the outer regions, the fiber spacing is such that normally each companion will only be observed once. However, the central region contains 17 tightly packed fibers which allows for deeper, repeat integration from the three pointings. Scaling from Bershady et al. (2010) SparsePak results, we estimate reaching an integrated depth of 22.5 mag arcsec−2 (S/N 10) in sections of the BCG, and we will be able to measure the properties of the extended envelope and inner regions of ICL. WAVELENGTH COVERAGE: We are interested in spectral features between Hβ (4850 A)˚ and [NII] (6580 A).˚ The BCGs we select have redshifts between 0.045 and 0.07, therefore our required spectral range is 5068-7041 A.˚ For emission line galaxies we will measure the redshifts using Hα, and for early type galaxies without emission lines we will use strong absorption features such as the Mgb lines (5184A)˚ to measure the member redshifts. We will also use the α/Fe sensitive indices to infer ages and metallicities of BCG regions. In our recent observations of Coma and A1763 cluster galaxies with WIYN/Hydra we found the optimal observing strategy is to use a single grating at a lower resolution. The lower resolution grating allows for the capture of the complete spectral range desired, yet is still of adequate resolution to measure redshifts and line diagnostics. GRATINGS: Using the BSC camera, the required spectral range can be covered with grating [email protected] centered at 6050 A.˚ This opens a window for 5047-7052 A,˚ according to the online WIYN Bench Spectrograph Setup GUI (www.astro.wisc.edu/ crawford/Spectrograph/spect.html). This configuration gives a spectral FWHM of 3.2 A˚ per pixel and a dispersion of 1.0 A˚ per pixel. TIME REQUEST: We propose to complete the observations of the surrounding 50 kpc for 4 BCGs which remain incomplete due to bad weather. Our requirements match perfectly with the wide field IFU-like capabilities of the WIYN/Sparsepak spectrograph. Such a wide field is needed to examine the Yale Proposal Page 8 This box blank.

BCG, close companions and ICL. We will use the SDSS for spectrophotometric calibration and outer fibers for sky subtraction. Including 30% overheads, we therefore request ((1hr x 3 pointings x 3) + (1hr x 1 pointing x 1) + overheads) a total of 13.0hours. Because the galaxies are below the sky brightness, we request grey or dark time. In the fall the average number of hours per night of grey or dark time is 7 hours, therefore we request 2 nights of telescope time. R.A. range of principal targets (hours): 22 to 01 Dec. range of principal targets (degrees): +01 to +21

Instrument Configuration

Filters: Slit: Fiber cable: Grating/grism: [email protected] Multislit: Corrector: Order: 1 λstart: 5047 Collimator: Cross disperser: λend: 7052 Atmos. disp. corr.:

Target Table for Run 1: WIYN/SparcePak

Obj Exp. # of Lunar ID Object α δ Epoch Mag. Filter time exp. days Sky Seeing Comment 001 Abell 75 00 39 26.9 +21 15 18 2000 13.5 r 3600 9 6 spec 0.2-1.5 standard 3-dither pattern 002 Abell 2457 22 35 40.3 +01 31 34 2000 13.7 r 1200 9 6 spec 0.2-1.5 standard 3-dither pattern 003 Abell 2622 23 35 05.0 +27 22 12 2000 14.2 r 1200 3 6 spec 0.2-1.5 standard 3-dither pattern 004 Abell 2626 23 36 34.1 +21 07 41 2000 13.3 r 1200 9 6 spec 0.2-1.5 standard 3-dither pattern

Yale observing proposal LATEX macros v1.0. Yale Observing Proposal Standard proposal Semester: 2014B Date: March 11, 2014

The SAGA Survey: Searching for Satellites Around Galac- tic Analogs

PI: Marla Geha Status: P Affil.: Yale University Astronomy, P.O. Box 208101, New Haven, CT 06520-8101 U.S.A. Email: [email protected] Phone: FAX:

CoI: Erik Tollerud Status: P Affil.: Yale University CoI: Emily Sandford Status: U Affil.: Yale University

Abstract of Scientific Justification (will be made publicly available for accepted proposals):

The Milky Way (MW) galaxy is host to two dozen dwarf galaxy satellites. The brightest of these satellites and their properties do not fully agree with predictions from galaxy formation models. While it is possible that model predictions are incorrect, it is equally plausible that the MW’s satellite population is not representative of a typical MW-mass galaxy. We propose to continue a long term project to measure the satellite luminosity function around a large number of MW-analog systems. Here we request WIYN/HYDRA observations to complete multi-object spectroscopy around two nearby (D < 30 Mpc) MW analog systems down to Mr = −12 (r = 20.5). Spectroscopy is necessary because satellite galaxies are extremely difficult to distinguish from the thousands of higher redshift background galaxies via photometry alone. We impose color cuts to improve the efficiency of finding low redshift satellites. Previous observations for two MW analog have revealed four new satellites, but are not yet complete down to our target magnitude limit. We will continue the search for satellites out to the physical virial radius, 300 kpc, equivalent to 1 degree at these distances. We request 6 nights with WIYN/HYDRA to complete spectroscopic follow-up around these two MW-like host galaxies.

Summary of observing runs requested for this project Run Telescope Instrument No. Nights Min. Nights Moon Optimal months Accept. months 1 WIYN HYDRA 6 4 dark/grey any any 2 3 4 5

Scheduling constraints and non-usable dates (up to four lines). —————————————————— YaleProposal Page2 This box blank.

Scientific Justification Be sure to include overall significance to astronomy. Limit text to one page with figures, captions and references on no more than two additional pages. The Milky Way’s satellite galaxy population provides vital clues to both galaxy formation and the nature of dark matter. However, the Milky Way (MW) satellites constitute a small, and perhaps biased, sample from which it is difficult to extrapolate generic properties. Do galaxies with similar luminosity, morphology, and mass as the MW host a similar population of satellites? We have begun a long-term project to constrain the “intrinsic” distribution of satellites around a MW-mass dark matter halo, of which the MW itself is a single realization. We approach this problem both observationally and theoretically, asking whether our Galaxy is similar to other observed MW- analogs, and how these satellite systems compare to theoretical predictions. Here, we propose to identify satellites around a MW-analog using WIYN/HYDRA as part of this larger program. Several studies have considered the question of how typical the MW is in terms of its bright satellite population by studying the faintest detectable satellite galaxies around MW-analogs in the SDSS. The SDSS can probe satellites similar to the Magellanic Clouds, which are 2 and 4 magnitudes fainter than the MW itself (∆m = 2 − 4). These studies find that our Galaxy is unique, but not uncomfortably so (Tollerud et al. 2011, Busha et al. 2011, Liu et al. 2010). The next two most luminous satellites are the disrupting Sagittarius dSph (∆m = 6) and the dSph (∆m = 8). Under the assumption that luminosity correlates with mass, a MW-mass galaxy should host more than 14 satellites down to this luminosity limit, yet we observe only 4. Furthermore, models predict −1 these galaxies should have maximum circular velocity vmax ∼ 50 kms (e.g., Busha et al. 2010), a −1 factor of two larger than the strongly constrained vmax ∼ 20 kms for Fornax (Strigari et al. 2010). There are many proposed solutions to the above problem. The MW satellite population may not be representative of a typical MW-mass galaxy (e.g., Boylan-Kolchin et al. 2012). Alternatively, there may be a severe inefficiency or stochasticity in galaxy formation which begins below the scale of the Magellanic Clouds. More extreme, the underlying dark matter halo population could be modified due to non-standard cosmologies such as Warm Dark Matter decreasing the number of low mass satellites. Differentiating between these solutions requires characterizing the luminosity and mass functions of satellites around a statistically significant number of MW-analog systems. The efficiency of detecting satellites around MW analogs is extremely low. The color distribution of currently known bright satellites (r < 17.7) is shown in the middle panel of Figure 1. This distribution overlaps in color space with the far more numerous background galaxy population, shown in the figure’s left panel. Additional information, such as surface brightness and radius, is likely to improve the efficiency of selecting candidate satellite galaxies, however, this requires a well-calibrated training set of data with similar properties. In 2013B and 2014A, we obtained observations for two MW host using WIYN HYDRA. Despite measuring redshifts only 30% of candidate satellite in our color window (Figure 1), the data revealed four new faint satellites which interestingly are star-forming (Figure 2), unlike MW satellites at the same luminosity. To the proposed magnitude limits (r = 20; ∆m = 8 at 30 Mpc), we expect fewer than 10 satellites per host, but must achieve complete spectral coverage in order to determine the satellite luminosity function. We propose WIYN/HYDRA observation to follow-up candidate satellite galaxies around two Milky Way-analog system down the scale of the Fornax dSph (r = 20 at 30 Mpc). These observations lay the ground work needed to determine the satellite luminosity function around a statistically significant sample of MW-analogs. YaleProposal Page3 This box blank.

Figure 1: Left: g − r vs. r − i color–color plot for SDSS galaxies with 20.5

References Boylan-Kolchin et al. 2012, MNRAS, 422.1203 Busha et al. 2011, ApJ, 743, 117 Busha et al. 2010, ApJ, 710, 408 Diemand et al. 2008, Nature, 454, 735 Liu et al. 2010, ApJ, 733, 62 Lu et al. 2011, MNRAS, 416, 1949 Springel et al. 2008, MNRAS, 391, 1685 Strigari et al. 2008, Nature, 454, 1096 Tollerud et al. 2011, ApJ, 738, 102 YaleProposal Page4 This box blank.

Figure 2: Distribution of known satellites for the Milky Way analog NGC 6181 (middle panel). The three brightest satellites were found by SDSS, the two faintest satellites (left panels) were found as part of our pilot observations with WIYN HYDRA. The two faintest satellites fall in the range of colors defined in Figure 1. There are over 3000 sources consist with begin satellites inside the red circle which is the virial radius of the host system of 300kpc (1 degree).

Impact to Yale Astronomy Describe how this program fits into the Yale astronomy program. Will the data analysis and resulting papers be based at Yale? If the project is led by a faculty member, does the project involve students? What is the role of the PI viz-a-viz other non-Yale co-Is. Are the resources in place to analyze the data and come to a timely publication? (limit text to one page) The proposed observations are requested as part of the SAGA (Satellites Around Galactic Analogs) collaboration. The overall project goal is to determine the “intrinsic” distribution of satellites around a Milky Way (MW) mass dark matter halo, of which the MW itself is a single realization. This is a joint collaboration between PI Geha at Yale and PI Risa Wechsler at Stanford University. Stanford is leading the theoretical aspects of the project, including running a large suite of N-body simulations matched to the proposed observed systems. Yale is leading the observational portion of this project. Our overall observational goal is to measure the complete luminosity function for 10 MW-analogs, design more efficient targeting strategies and apply them to a larger sample of systems. The data from this proposal are part of Yale undergraduate and Co-I Emily Sandford’s senior thesis project. The requested WIYN/HYDRA observing are part of a larger observing program to observe satellites around MW analogs. We have additional time allocated on the MMT Hectospec and Magellan IMACS (via collaborators), which are admittedly more efficient per night for this work as compared to WIYN HYDRA. We have therefore requested a somewhat large number of nights (6) to make up this difference. Our minimum number of nights (4) is set by the desire to obtain spectra for at least 50% of candidate satellites in one system. If any new satellites are discovered, we will propose follow-up with Keck/ESI spectroscopy next semester to measure dynamical mass. Data reduction and analysis is being led by Yale, and publications will be led by a Yale individual. YaleProposal Page5 This box blank.

Previous Use of Yale Facilities and Publications Please list previous use of Yale observing facilities and any publications resulting from these data in the past 3 years. If this is a long term project, please state this here and describe the overall strategy of the project. PI Geha and Co-I Tollerud have been awarded ∼12 nights of WIYN HYDRA time in the past year specifically for this project. We have collected only 4 nights worth of data during this time which has resulted in 1000 spectra with 600 well measured redshifts over two Milky Way analog systems. Two new satellites were discovered in the WIYN data. In this proposal we request 6 additional nights which should result in 1500 measured redshifts (we increased the number of fibers allocated to sky in hopes of improving the redshift efficieincy) and 4-5 new satellites. In addition to WIYN time, the PI has also been awarded 8 nights of Keck telescope time in the past 3 years. All of the publications below are based on these data. Yale (or former Yale) names are highlighted in bold:

• “Transformation of a Cluster Dwarf Irregular Galaxy by Ram Pressure Stripping: IC3418 and Its Fireballs”, Kenney J., Geha M., et al., 2014, ApJ, 780, 119

• ”The Distribution of Alpha Elements in Ultra-Faint Dwarf Galaxies”, Vargas, L., Geha, M., Kirby, E., Simon, J., 2013,ApJ, 767, 134

• ”The Outer Limits of the M31 System: Kinematics of the Dwarf Galaxy Satellites And XXVIII and And XXIX”, Tollerud, E., Geha, M., Vargas, L., Bullock, J., 2013, ApJ, 768, 50

• ”Metallicity Evolution of the Six Most Luminous M31 Dwarf Satellites”, Ho, N., Geha, M., Tollerud, E., Zinn, R., Guhathakurta, P., Vargas, L., 2012, 758, 124

• ”A Cold Milky Way Stellar Stream in the Direction of ”, Bonaca, A., Geha M., Kallivayalil, N., 2012, ApJ, 760, 6 YaleProposal Page6 This box blank.

Observing Run Details for Run :

Technical Description Describe the observations to be made during the requested observing run. Justify the specific telescopes, the number of nights, the instrument, and the lunar phase. List objects, coordinates, and magnitudes (or surface brightness, if appropriate) in the Target Tables section. Milky Way-Analog Sample: We will select the MW analog system from a larger sample of 150 MW host galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Our host list consists of isolated primary galaxies that have no neighbor with a luminosity equal to or greater than the MW within 0.4 Mpc. We use a magnitude for the MW of Mr = 20.5 and consider primaries within ±0.25 magnitudes of this value. These primaries are selected to be sufficiently nearby that we can observe satellites as faint as the Fornax dSph (Mr = −13), yet sufficiently far away that we can observe objects with the physical virial radius (250 kpc) within a field-of-view less than 1◦. Our median host is at a distance of 30 Mpc. While we aim to observer 2 host started last semester, we will chose additional hosts depending on the schedule month of observations in order to maximize observing efficiency. WIYN/HYDRA Spectroscopy: We will observe with WIYN/Hydra multifiber system and BSC camera using the [email protected] grating in first order to maximize the wavelength over which we can detect spectral features. To reach our apparent magnitude limit of r = 20 requires approximately 1.5 hours of telescope time. Including overhead (30 minutes fiber setup and readouts), a total of 2 hours per fiber configuration is required which will provide redshifts for ∼ 65 objects. Proposal time request: We will select the Milky Way-analog host in the SDSS which is suffi- ciently nearby to detect satellites with ∆m = 8. In 6 nights, we will obtain roughly 1500 measured redshifts (4 pointings per night, 65 fibers per pointing) which will allow us to complete two host started last year. We expect to discovered 4-5 new satellites in these data. R.A. range of principal targets (hours): any Dec. range of principal targets (degrees): -10 to 60

Instrument Configuration

Filters: Slit: Fiber cable: red Grating/grism: [email protected] Multislit: Corrector: Order: 1 λstart: 4000A˚ Collimator: Cross disperser: λend: 8000A˚ Atmos. disp. corr.:

A Yale observing proposal LTEX macros v1.0. Yale Observing Proposal Standard proposal Semester: 2014B Date: March 11, 2014

A Complete Sample of X-Ray-Selected AGN in Stripe 82

PI: Stephanie LaMassa Status: P Affil.: Yale University Astronomy, Room 462, 260 Whitney Avenue, New Haven, CT 06520-8101 U.S.A. Email: [email protected] Phone: 203-432-5575 FAX: 203-432-3824

CoI: Meg Urry Status: P Affil.: Yale University CoI: Eilat Glikman Status: P Affil.: Middlebury College CoI: Francesca Civano Status: P Affil.: Yale University

Abstract of Scientific Justification (will be made publicly available for accepted proposals):

We propose to continue a program begun in 2012A to complete a census of supermassive black hole growth by increasing the spectroscopic completeness of our wide area (∼ 16.5 deg2 ) X-ray survey in Stripe 82 (“Stripe 82X”). The large volume accessible to this survey provides access to rare objects (e.g., high L, high z quasars). We will use this complete sample of X-ray-selected AGN, which is least sensitive to obscuration, to measure how the most luminous quasars evolve over cosmic time by constraining the bright end of the X-ray quasar luminosity function (QLF). Before an accurate QLF can be derived, more redshifts of matched X-ray/SDSS sources are needed to raise the spectroscopic completeness to ∼70-80%, which can be efficiently accomplished with WIYN Hydra.

Summary of observing runs requested for this project Run Telescope Instrument No. Nights Min. Nights Moon Optimal months Accept. months 1 WIYN HYDRA 6 1 Dark or Grey Sep - Oct Sep - Dec 2 3 4 5

Scheduling constraints and non-usable dates (up to four lines). —————————————————— Yale Proposal Page 2 This box blank.

Scientific Justification Be sure to include overall significance to astronomy. Limit text to one page with figures, captions and references on no more than two additional pages. Supermassive black holes (SMBHs) are as central to our understanding of galaxy formation and evolution as they are ubiquitous in the centers of massive galaxies. Moreover, the SMBH mass appears to correlate with its host galaxy’s bulge mass and stellar velocity dispersion (M −σ relation; Magorrian et al. 1998, Ferrarese & Merritt 2000), suggesting a “co-evolution” of black holes and galaxies (Treister et al. 2010b). Understanding when and where black holes grew over cosmic time is critical for unraveling how the Universe has evolved. The most efficient method for finding growing SMBHs (active galactic nuclei, or AGN) is with hard X-ray surveys, since (1) all AGN emit X-rays, (2) essentially all luminous X-ray sources 42 (LX > 10 erg/s) are AGN, and (3) hard X-rays penetrate dust and gas, removing most of the obscuration bias suffered by optical surveys. Deep X-ray surveys have been a critical part of the GOODS, COSMOS, AEGIS, MUSYC, CANDELS and Bo¨otes multiwavelength surveys, which have constrained our understanding of SMBH growth at the moderate luminosities (e.g., Treister et al. 2009a,b, 2010a; Barger et al. 2005; Treister & Urry 2006; Cardamone et al. 2010a,b; Simmons et al. 2011). However, high luminosity and/or high redshift quasars are rare, requiring a much larger volume of the Universe to be explored than has been with past X-ray surveys. We embarked on the Stripe 82X survey, a wide area X-ray survey currently covering ∼16.5 deg2 in the SDSS Stripe 82 region, to define a hard X-ray-selected AGN sample that probes the high luminosity, high redshift Universe (LaMassa et al. 2013a,b). We still do not know if most SMBH growth occur in luminous optically-selected QSOs at high redshift or if most of the growth obscured. The answer lies with the luminosity function of X-ray selected quasars (QLF). 45 The high luminosity end (L0.5−10keV > 10 erg/s) of the X-ray QLF – and thus a complete census of SMBH growth – is poorly constrained at high redshifts. Stripe 82X will remedy this gap, though more spectroscopic redshifts are needed to achieve this goal. 1938 XMM-Newton and Chandra sources have SDSS counterparts, and 747 of these have spectroscopic redshifs from publicly available catalogs, including SDSS-III; another 129 spectroscopic redshifts of the 1311 XMM/SDSS sources were measured with our awarded WIYN time from 2012B and 2013B. Figure 1 shows the X-ray luminosity distribution of the sources with redshifts: wide area X-ray 45 surveys preferentially locate more luminous (L0.5−10keV ≥ 10 erg/s) AGN compared with deeper small to moderate area surveys, in both the low and high redshift Universe. A paper on the space density of these objects is currently in draft form, but we need greater spectroscopic completeness before this paper is publishable: in much of the optical magnitude and X-ray flux plane, the completeness is below 50% and this needs to be increased to >70% (Figure 2 left). Additionally, by gathering redshifts independent of optical selection methods, we will generate an X-ray QLF that is largely unbiased. The HYDRA multi-object spectrograph is ideally suited for efficiently targeting XMM-Newton sources needing redshifts as it is well matched to XMM’s effective area. We therefore propose to increase our spectroscopic completeness of Stripe 82 XMM/SDSS sources (1311 objects), currently at 48% (10% of this sample completeness came from past WIYN campaigns, see Figure 2 right) by adding another ∼400 spectra, for an XMM/SDSS completeness of ∼70-80%. Yale Proposal Page 3 This box blank.

Figure 1: Left: Luminosity distribution for spectroscopically identified AGN in ∼ 16.5 deg2 of proprietary and archival XMM-Newton and Chandra coverage in Stripe 82. The distributions for small (0.3 deg2, E-CDFS + CDFS) and moderate area (2.1 deg2, COSMOS) X-ray surveys are shown for comparison, as well as the larger XBo¨otes survey (∼ 9 deg2) which currently has a higher level of spectroscopic completeness than Stripe 82X due to years of dedicated follow-up. Clearly, the serendipitous X-ray sources in the wider area surveys, such as Stripe 82X, reach a decade higher in X-ray luminosity. Right: The same comparison for objects with z > 2. In order to completely probe black hole growth at high luminosities at high redshifts, wide area X-ray surveys are essential (LaMassa et al. 2013b).

References Silverman et al. 2005, ApJ, 624, 630 Barger, A. J., & Cowie, L. L. 2005, ApJ, 635, 115 Simmons, B. D., et al. 2011, ApJ, 734, 121 Cardamone, C. N., et al. 2010, ApJS, 189, 270 Treister, E., & Urry, C. M. 2006, ApJ, 652, L79 Civano et al. 2011, ApJ, 741, 91 Treister, E., Urry, C. M., & Virani, S. 2009, ApJ, 696, Ferrarese, L., & Merritt, D. 2000, ApJ, 539, L9 110 LaMassa, S. M., et al., 2013a, MNRAS, 432, 1351 Treister, E., et al. 2009, ApJ, 706, 535 LaMassa, S. M., et al., 2013b, submitted to MNRAS Treister, E., et al. 2010, Science, 328, 600 Magorrian, J., et al. 1998, AJ, 115, 2285 Treister, E., et al. 2010, ApJ, 722, L238 Yale Proposal Page 4 This box blank.

Figure 2: Left: Spectroscopic completeness (percentages shown by grey scale) as a function of SDSS i magnitude and observed full-band (0.5-10keV) X-ray flux for the Stripe 82 X-ray/SDSS sources, using an adaptive binning technique (e.g., Silverman et al. 2005); red crosses (black asterisks) mark the sources with (without) spectroscopic redshifts (LaMassa et al., in prep.). An accurate AGN space density can not be calculated until the spectroscopic completeness exceeds 70% over most of −14 the i<22-fx > 1 × 10 erg/s plane. Right: WIYN HYDRA spectrum of one of our sources from our approved 2013B program, where the marked [OIII] doublet puts the source at z = 0.35: with additional WIYN spectra, we can run the data efficiently through our pipeline to obtain needed redshifts. Yale Proposal Page 5 This box blank.

Impact to Yale Astronomy Describe how this program fits into the Yale astronomy program. Will the data analysis and resulting papers be based at Yale? If the project is led by a faculty member, does the project involve students? What is the role of the PI viz-a-viz other non-Yale co-Is. Are the resources in place to analyze the data and come to a timely publication? (limit text to one page) An X-ray survey over Stripe 82 has been a major effort of Meg Urry’s group aimed at studying AGN populations, especially in the high redshift and high luminosity regimes. The observations proposed here will provide major contribution to this effort. Yale students and data analysts, including Robert Pecoraro and Imran Hasan, have participated in observing runs and we plan to continue including Yale students in the observing programs. We have completed the analysis of the ∼16.5 deg2 X-ray coverage in Stripe 82. We have two papers published so far on this survey. Current and recent Yale-affiliated individuals are indicated with bold text: “Finding Rare AGN: XMM-Newton and Chandra Observations of SDSS Stripe 82”, Stephanie M. LaMassa, C. Megan Urry, Nico Cappelluti, Francesca Civano, Piero Ranalli, Eilat Glikman, Ezequiel Treister, Gordon Richards, David Ballantyne, Daniel Stern, Carie Cardamone, Kevin Schawinski, Hans B¨ohringer, Gayoung Chon, Stephen S. Murray, Paul Green, Kirpal Nandra, 2013, MNRAS, 436, 3581 “Finding Rare AGN: X-ray Number Counts of Chandra Sources in Stripe 82”, Stephanie M. LaMassa, C. Megan Urry, Eilat Glikman, Nico Cappelluti, Francesca Civano, Andrea Comastri, Ezequiel Treister, Arifin, Hans Bohringer, Carie Cardamone, Miranda Kephart, Steve Murray, Gordon Richards, Nic Ross, Josh Rozner, Kevin Schawinski, 2013, MNRAS, 432, 1351 PI Dr. S. LaMassa is an expert at X-ray and multiwavelength analysis of AGN, especially obscured AGN, as well as X-ray analysis from multiple missions. S. LaMassa has led the archival and proprietary data reduction, mosaicking and source catalog generation as well as cross matching the X-ray catalogs to optical and infrared databases. She has begun drafting a paper on the space density of X-ray objects, in close collaboration with CoI Dr. E. Glikman, that includes data awarded to the team from past WIYN observing runs. CoI Meg Urry is a world expert on obscured AGN and SMBH/galaxy co-evolution and is PI of the Stripe 82X survey. She will oversee the analysis and publication of the data. CoI Dr. E. Glikman has computed the faint-end QLF at z ∼ 4 (Glikman et al. 2010, 2011) and has the expertise required to compute luminosity functions, assuring timely publication of these results. CoI Glikman is leading the QLF part of the project together with Dr. S. LaMassa, as well as the follow-up of optically undetected, infrared bright X-ray sources. CoI Dr. F. Civano is an expert on X-ray surveys and is leading the Chandra X-ray Visionary Project survey of the COSMOS field and NuSTAR survey of COSMOS. She has computed the faint end of the X-ray QLF for Chandra COSMOS (Civano et al. 2011). Yale Proposal Page 6 This box blank.

Previous Use of Yale Facilities and Publications Please list previous use of Yale observing facilities and any publications resulting from these data in the past 3 years. If this is a long term project, please state this here and describe the overall strategy of the project. We are continuing a long term project to increase the spectroscopic completeness of X-ray sources with optical counterparts in Stripe 82. The objects for which we are proposing have not been previously targeted for spectroscopy by the already existing spectroscopic surveys in Stripe 82 (e.g., SDSS, 2SLAQ) which largely focused on sources with optical signatures of SMBH accretion. However, our goal is to compute the AGN luminosity function that is unbiased with respect to obscuration, which can only be obtained by executing a “blind” follow-up of X-ray selected sources. Currently we do not have enough spectroscopic redshifts to provide realistic constraints on the AGN space density (Fig. 2 left); our paper remains in draft form until we get more data. 2013b - Our team was awarded one night of Keck II observing time in Sep 2013 with NIRSPEC. The data have been reduced and analysis is on-going. 2013b - Our team was awarded 5 half-nights of WIYN time (2 in August 2013 and 3 in January 2014) to obtain spectroscopic redshifts for our X-ray/optical sources. Two nights were unusable due to weather and the other 3 nights of data are currently being analyzed by Yale undergraduate Robert Pecoraro; these data will be included in a paper that is currently in draft form. 2013a - Our team was awarded 3 nights of WIYN time in July, but due to weather, observations were not taken. 2012b - We were awarded 6 half-nights of WIYN time in December, of which three were unusable due to bad weather. The data from the other 3 nights have been reduced and analyzed by Yale undergraduate Robert Pecoraro and are part of our paper draft. 2012a - We received 4 nights of WIYN time in June, but due to needed dome repair, the observing run was canceled. Yale Proposal Page 7 This box blank.

Observing Run Details for Run 1: WIYN/HYDRA

Technical Description Describe the observations to be made during the requested observing run. Justify the specific telescopes, the number of nights, the instrument, and the lunar phase. List objects, coordinates, and magnitudes (or surface brightness, if appropriate) in the Target Tables section. We wish to use the WIYN/Hydra multifiber spectrograph to obtain spectroscopic identifications (redshifts) for the XMM-Newton objects with SDSS counterpartsthat currently lack spectra. Using the BSC camera and the [email protected] grating centered at 6500A˚ and the red cables, we can sample ∼ 3900 − 9140A˚ (the red fibers do not transmit well below 4000A),˚ which is comparable to the SDSS wavelength range. The spectra will have a resolution of 5.72A,˚ which is sufficient for our purposes (and not much worse than the SDSS resolution of ∼ 3.6A˚ in r). We will integrate at each XMM pointing for ∼ 5 hours which reaches a S/N ratio of ∼ 4 at 22 magnitudes, according to the online WIYN Hydra-Bench setup page and our own experience. In the three half nights that we observed in December 2012 and the 3 half nights in August 2013 and January 2014 (proposal cycle 2012B and 2012B) we integrated on a single field for 5 hours, obtaining the desired signal-to-noise ratio. Furthermore, emission lines have higher S/N and we should be able to determine redshifts for even fainter sources. We will use the cross correlation method of Tonry & Davis (1979) to determine redshifts of objects that do not reveal emission lines in their spectra. We have tested this method with our WIYN spectra of sources with known redshifts from SDSS and found it to be effective. So far ∼25% of our WIYN spectra have had redshifts assigned to them via this method. We aim to observe 2 fields per night for 6 nights in the 2014 fall semester. Based on our 2012A WIYN experience, we are able to get redshifts of sources with r magnitudes down to ∼23. We expect to get spectroscopic redshifts for an additional 168 (r< 21) to 439 (all magnitudes) sources, which will increase our XMM/SDSS sample spectroscopic completeness up to ∼70-80%. In the event that the nights are scheduled when the full Stripe 82 field is not visible for the full night, we will split observing time with Prof. Marla Geha’s group, which we have done in successfully in past campaigns. R.A. range of principal targets (hours): 20 to 04 Dec. range of principal targets (degrees): -1.25 to +1.25

Instrument Configuration

Filters: Slit: Fibercable: Grating/grism:[email protected] Multislit: Corrector: Order: 1 λstart:3893 Collimator: Cross disperser: λend: 9140 Atmos.disp.corr.:

A Yale observing proposal LTEX macros v1.0. Yale Observing Proposal Standard proposal Semester: 2014B Date: March 10, 2014

Kinematics and Excitation of Jets in Star Forming Re- gions: The final epoch

PI: Adele Plunkett Status: T Affil.: Yale University Astronomy, P.O. Box 208101, New Haven, CT 06520-8101 U.S.A. Email: [email protected] Phone: FAX: 203-432-5119

CoI: Hector G. Arce Status: P Affil.: Yale University

Abstract of Scientific Justification (will be made publicly available for accepted proposals):

This is the final epoch for WIYN/WHIRC images of infrared jets from in the young Perseus cluster NGC 1333. H2 (2.12 µm) observations of jet shocks are complementary to previ- ous mm-wavelength observations of outflows in this region, and we will measure proper motions of shocks as low as 20 km sec−1. In addition, we will observe [FeII] (1.65 µm) to determine the [FeII]/H2 ratio and study the excitation variation along jets at each epoch of observations. With a 6 year baseline, we will be able to derive for the first time the proper motions, shock excitation and velocity structure of a sample of jets at different ages and source luminosities. In combina- tion with other existing observations, these observations will provide a crucial component for an unprecedented multi-wavelength study of outflows and their impact on their natal cloud.

Summary of observing runs requested for this project Run Telescope Instrument No. Nights Min. Nights Moon Optimal months Accept. months 1 WIYN WHIRC 4 bright November October to December 2 3 4 5

Scheduling constraints and non-usable dates (up to four lines). —————————————————— Yale Proposal Page 2 This box blank.

Scientific Justification Be sure to include overall significance to astronomy. Limit text to one page with figures, captions and references on no more than two additional pages. As stars form, infall and accretion are balanced by simultaneous bipolar flows of ejected material. Acting as vital feedback components of the star formation process, the energetic jets and outflows from young stars inject energy and momentum into their surrounding cloud, modify the density structure of the cloud, trigger certain chemical reactions, and perhaps drive turbulence in the gas (e.g. Arce et al. 2007). The interaction between jets and their natal molecular clouds is important for understanding star formation and molecular cloud evolution. Given that most stars form in groups or clusters embedded within molecular clouds (Lada & Lada 2003), dense gaseous regions surrounding multiple embedded protostars are the best environments to study protostellar feedback.

Infrared (IR) H2 knots, Herbig-Haro (HH) objects, and molecular outflows are evidence of a nascent star’s mass loss and subsequent impact on the surrounding cloud. Since these features emit wave- lengths ranging from optical to radio, the most holistic method to understand these distinct yet complementary components is a multi-wavelength study of a very active region such as NGC 1333, the prototypical star-forming cluster (see Figure 1). H2 emission traces shocked molecular gas (with typical shock velocities of tens to hundreds km sec−1) that is associated with the entrained gas of molecular outflows (Bachiller 1996). In some cases, the H2 is more apparent than the molec- ular outflows in deeply embedded clouds and reveals vital information of star formation in that region. Additionally, an intricate web of mm-wavelength emission from molecular outflows can be disentangled using proper motions of H2 features. Plunkett et al. (2013) present mm-wavelength observations of the molecular outflows in NGC 1333, identify outflows and outflow candidates, and measure masses and kinematics of outflowing gas in the region. However, there remain several ambiguities in the molecular outflow emission maps that will be clarified with the proposed IR observations, allowing us to better characterize this region of active star formation. In particular, IR observations of NGC 1333 over several epochs will allow us to determine the proper motions of the H2 knots and identify the driving sources of jets and outflows. Whereas mm-wavelength molecular outflow observations only give spectral information, and there- fore radial velocities, the multi-epoch IR H2 observations provide spatial information on the plane of the sky. In November 2008 and 2011 we obtained the first two epochs of observations of IR jets in NGC 1333, with the expectation of obtaining one more epoch in this campaign. With a three-year baseline (using datasets from 2008 and 2011), we measured proper motions greater than about 40 km sec−1 (see Figure 2). Extending the temporal baseline to six years and perfecting our analysis method, we will be able to measure proper motions as low as about 20 km sec−1, in order to identify and characterize jets with lower energy, as well as jets that happen to be oriented nearly along the line of sight (with small transverse velocity).

In addition to measuring H2 knot proper motions, we will observe [FeII] (1.65 µm) in the same region. While H2 traces weaker (low-excitation) molecular gas in non-dissociative shocks, [FeII] emission in jets arises from hot, dense partially ionized gas (T ∼ 10,000 K) in fast dissociative shocks (Reipurth et al. 2000; Davis et al. 2006). The [FeII]/H2 ratio reveals excitation variation along the jet, and we will study the changes of excitation structure during the six years 2008-2014. References Arce, H. G., et al. 2007, in PPV, 245 • Bachiller, R. 1996, ARA&A, 34, 111 • Chrysostomou, A., et al. 2000, MNRAS, 314, 229• Davis, C. J., et al. 1999, MNRAS, 308, 539• Davis, C. J., et al. 2006 ApJ, 639, 969• Gutermuth et al. 2008, ApJ, 674, 336 • Lada, C. J., & Lada, E. A. 2003, ARA&A, 41, 57• McCaughrean, et al. 1994, ApJ, 436, L189• Plunkett, A. L., Arce, H. G., Corder, S. A., et al. 2013, ApJ, 774, 22• Raga et al., ApJ, 748, 103 • Reipurth, B., et al. 2000, AJ, 1449• Stanke, T., et al. 2002, A&A, 392, 239 Yale Proposal Page 3 This box blank.

Figure 1: Spitzer IRAC composite image of NGC1333 from Gutermuth et al. (2008). The image is about 240 × 180 in size, and within this region an intricate web of outflow activity is evident. The solid line shows the approximate 240 × 90 extent of the WHIRC mosaic observed in 2008B and 2011B, and the same region we propose to observe as the final epoch for a 6-year baseline. In 2013B we lost most of the allocated time due to weather, but we observed a small region in H2-only in preparation for the final epoch in 2014B. Yale Proposal Page 4 This box blank.

Figure 2: H2 sample field in NGC 1333 observed with WIYN in 2008 (upper) and 2011 (lower). Panels are approximately 10 ×1.80, shown here to highlight one particular region of shocked emission and corresponding to approximately one third of a WHIRC field of view. A reference star (yellow, at least four such reference stars are used to align fields across epochs) and several shock features are marked. Features marked with blue have structures such that the ‘imexam’ task in ds9 sufficiently fits a radial profile and determines a central coordinate, and blue vectors show trajectories of these features from 2008 to 2013. For these features, we used preliminary 2013 observations to measure proper motions as a proof of concept in this particular field, with results between ∼ 30 and 100 km s−1. Unfortunately, due to lost telescope time in 2013, we were not able to complete observations for the majority of the proposed fields, and the current proposal seeks to do so in 2014. Features marked with green are more diffuse structures for which we are developing an improved cross-correlation method for measuring proper motions. Yale Proposal Page 5 This box blank.

Impact to Yale Astronomy Describe how this program fits into the Yale astronomy program. Will the data analysis and resulting papers be based at Yale? If the project is led by a faculty member, does the project involve students? What is the role of the PI viz-a-viz other non-Yale co-Is. Are the resources in place to analyze the data and come to a timely publication? (limit text to one page) This is a continuation of a multi-wavelength (from IR to millimeter) observing campaign of star- forming regions initiated by Prof. H. Arce and now led by PhD student A. Plunkett. The IR observations from WIYN are an important component of the PhD thesis. The goal of the thesis by A. Plunkett is to investigate the impact of outflows in molecular clouds at different evolutionary stages, and her sample of molecular clouds includes NGC 1333 as the prototype, as well as various observations of South, M8 and . The focus of our IR observations since 2008 has been the NGC1333 cluster, a very active region of star-formation that harbors outflows powered by protostars at different evolutionary stages (Gutermuth et al. 2008). Other observations relevant to the study are:

• CARMA maps of NGC 1333, including a 126-point mosaic of the 60 × 60 dense central region (Plunkett et al. 2013) and a 168-point mosaic of the 60 × 80 region toward the northern extent of the cluster. 12CO (115.27 GHz), 13CO (110.20 GHz), C18O (109.78 GHz) J=1-0 transitions probe the outflows and the cloud structure.

• FCRAO 14m observations of the same CO isotopologues in NGC 1333. CARMA and FCRAO maps were combined by Plunkett et al. (2013) to increase sensitivity to small- as well as large- scale structures (ranging from 1000 AU to 0.5 pc at a distance 235 pc).

• Herschel Space Observatory [O I] 63 µm and H2O observations in these regions; Herschel anal- ysis will rely on knowing shock velocities of the shocks for studying the jet-cloud momentum transfer.

• NGC 1333 was observed using WHIRC in 2008 and 2011, with the expectation of one more epoch to achieve a temporal baseline of 6 years. Preliminary proper motion analysis has commenced (see Figure 2) using the previous epochs of data, as well as what could be gathered from an incomplete 2013 observing run (see “Previous Use” section for more details). The final epoch in 2014 will yield a full and consistent mapping to meet our science goals. Yale Proposal Page 6 This box blank.

Previous Use of Yale Facilities and Publications Please list previous use of Yale observing facilities and any publications resulting from these data in the past 3 years. If this is a long term project, please state this here and describe the overall strategy of the project. NGC 1333 was observed using WHIRC in 2008B and 2011B, and preliminary proper motion analysis commenced with these observations. The original goal was to obtain a six-year baseline, ideally observing the final epoch in 2014 to comprise part of the thesis work of A. Plunkett (expected graduation in 2015). We previously applied to observe the third epoch doing the 2013B semester because it was thought in the Spring of 2013 that Yale would not have access to WIYN in the 2014B semester. We were granted 4 nights of observing time in November 2013, but due to adverse weather conditions, the telescope dome was opened for less than 5 hours during the entire 4 night observing run. Our 2013 run resulted in observations of 15 (of the 30 proposed) WHIRC fields using the H2 filter only. This comprises approximately 1/8 of the proposed observing project with all filters, which was undertaken during about 1/8 of the allotted time. During those sparse hours, we prioritized observations of H2 knots near the center of NGC 1333 (one such region is shown in Figure 2) in preparation for this final epoch in 2014 that became necessary (and fortunately became available due to agreements at WIYN). In addition to reduced observing time, the weather and the telescope focus during those few hours were also not ideal for our proposed science goals. With the 2008 and 2011 observations we detected proper motions greater than about 40 km sec−1, and with a six year baseline we will measure proper motions as low as about 20 km sec−1. No paper has been published because a paper with a 6-year baseline will be substantially stronger, with proper motions detected for more knots and with greater precision, and we think that including a final epoch will be more beneficial towards the thesis goals. Yale Proposal Page 7 This box blank.

Observing Run Details for Run 1: WIYN/WHIRC

Technical Description Describe the observations to be made during the requested observing run. Justify the specific telescopes, the number of nights, the instrument, and the lunar phase. List objects, coordinates, and magnitudes (or surface brightness, if appropriate) in the Target Tables section. We base our observations on the previous epoch runs in 2008 and 2011, and particularly this proposal follows the same motivation as the most recent proposal in 2013 (with 4 nights granted but nearly all observing time lost to weather). We will use the H2 (2.12 µm) and [FeII] (1.65 µm) narrow filters as well as the Ks and H wide-band filters. The narrow-band filters probe the excitation structure of the shocks, as each narrow filter probes a different excitation regime (see scientific motivation above). The H and Ks wide-band filters will be used to discriminate between the continuum and the [FeII] and H2 line emission, respectively. In the multi-epoch study to obtain precise proper motions of shocks in this region, WHIRC’s pixel scale of 0.100 pixel−1 is crucial for precise measurements. With a seeing of about 0.4 − 0.800, preliminary analysis of the previous epochs suggests that we are able to confidently detect proper motions of about 0.05 arcsec yr−1 with a baseline of 3 years (0.13 arcsec over three years, corresponding to one-third of the achieved resolution). For Perseus (at d∼235 pc) this translates to tangential velocities of 40 km sec−1 – an improvement of at least a factor of two with respect to other ground-based IR shock proper motion surveys (e.g., Chrysostomou et al. 2000). With a final epoch of data and a 6-year baseline, as well as a more precise analysis method currently being refined using the first two epochs of data (i.e., by cross-correlating frames from different epochs and fitting the cross-correlation function, as in Raga et al. 2012), we will detect tangential velocities down to 20 km sec−1, allowing us to detect relatively slow shocks. In addition, parts of the NGC1333 cluster (but not the entire cluster) have been observed in the IR by others (e.g., Chrysostomou et al. 2000). We will use these IR observations for several smaller regions obtained at other telescopes to increase our temporal baseline. Previous studies show that a sensitivity of about 10−19 W m−2 arcsec−2 is sufficient to detect nu- merous extended H2 shocks of varying intensity in an active star forming region (e.g., McCaughrean et al. 1994; Davis et al. 1999; Stanke et al. 2002). Based on our 2008 and 2011 observations, 12 minutes integration in each narrow-band filter (i.e., H2 at 2.12 µm and [FeII] at 1.65 µm ) and 2 minutes integration in each wide-band filter (H and Ks) will ensure our desired sensitivity. The total integration time will be obtained by summing a series of shorter (0.5-2 min) exposures. Following our 2008 and 2011 observations, we aim to observe the entire NGC1333 cluster with a mosaic comprising of 30 WHIRC fields (see Fig. 1). We estimate that the entire region will take about 14 hrs to observe with all four filters. During the fall, NGC1333 (δ = 31.3◦) can be observed from Kitt Peak for about 6 hours each night, with an airmass of less than 2.0. We thus request four nights which will allow us to observe all our targets, calibration stars, flats, and biases in a consistent manner (and accounts for other overheads, based on our previous experiences at KPNO). This simple project is suitable for shared-risk observations. R.A. range of principal targets (hours): 03:29:01 Dec. range of principal targets (degrees): 31:15:00

Instrument Configuration Yale Proposal Page 8 This box blank.

Filters: H2, Fe[II], K, H Slit: Fiber cable: Grating/grism: Multislit: Corrector: Order: 1 λstart: Collimator: Cross disperser: λend: Atmos. disp. corr.:

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