To All Religious and Spiritual Leaders

Supreme Master Ching Hai

Released on December 2, 2020 Edition 3.02 This file is made for easily sharing and spreading. Please check SMTV to watch original films. https://suprememastertv.com

2 Please refer to other files to find out more Urgent Messages.

3 Summaries of Urgent Messages

February 6, 2020 / To Rescue our World & Pray for World Vegan

Our world is in truly imminent emergency. There are a few ticking bombs, not just one... Heaven is angry. Earth is angry. The Nature is angry... All this angry, anguished energy is all aiming at us. Compared to this energy, the atom bomb is nothing. It’s like a child’s toy... For example, If the vegetable kingdom became so fed up with this intelligent race of human, but behaving not intelligently, they might rebel, they might turn against us. Instead of being so docile, like normally now, or benevolent, they might turn to poisonous and lethal. They can destroy the whole human race. No need to wait for any even climate change...

We can pray, meditate together about half an hour... Every Sunday again. We do this until the World Vegan is here. Please stop for some moments to pray for World Vegan with us, with me.

February 22, 2020 / To All Businesses Involved with Animals

God created animals not for eating... Thus the eating of the animal flesh, lessening the men of cloth their holy status in Heaven's eyes, and more likely succumbed even to judgment in the Hades. Which they are not, not all of them are aware of even.

U-turn now when you still can. What if you die tomorrow? Life is uncertain. You will go straight to hell. I swear to God. I'm telling you the truth. I know what hell is. You don't want to be there... It hurts me even to think that you have to go there and suffer... Repent now when you still have a chance. Make it over. Begin a new life. I promise to intervene with Heaven on your behalf. I will be there to help you. I have enough power, but you must U-turn and repent, because if you don't, and that means you are irredeemable. You are

4 from a very, very low substance that could not be changed. In that case, we all will give up on you, and you have to fare it yourself... Nobody has told you that your kind of business will drag you to hell. Truly. It could be long, long, long, long, long time before you could even get out. And get out to become what? You don't even know yet...

But after all, if you do not listen, nor change your lifestyle in order to follow your loving heart, in order to awaken that Heavenly spark within you, then we might perish all together. You, I, mine, yours, the whole world, animals, humans will be vanished from the surface of this planet.

March 2, 2020 / To All Religious and Spiritual Leaders

I am still in intensive meditation retreat for World Vegan, World Peace, but the urgent call of the planet and our world push me. I feel I must deliver some urgent messages to Your Holinesses and Reverends... We cannot say that we are the children of god if we murder other children of god. We cannot claim to be the future buddha if we massacre other future buddhas whether in human form or in animal form... Even Shakyamuni Buddha repeatedly incarnated innumerable times as animals... Obviously, the eating of any kind of animals, sentient beings is absolutely forbidden in all main belief systems and holy teachings...

Our original diet, as per the Garden of Eden, is the vegan diet... I know you did, but please repeat again and again, and explain to them it's utmost important for their own souls as well as for our planet, for our world... I trust that Your Holinesses and Your Reverends, all Your Reverends to lead this great change, to promote the vegan lifestyle, which encompasses love, compassion and respect for all beings and obeys God's commandments. Please promote it to all Your , monks, nuns and all the faithful.

5 March 24, 2020 / To All World Leaders and Governments

We must not slaughter at all, zero tolerance of animal products... ANIMAL PROTECTION LAW, meaning VEGAN LAW.

Scientists have warned us XXXXX times, many times, repeatedly by evidence — that vegan is the best, most effective way to reduce global warming... We are all in danger of extinction... the WORLD IS BURNING, threatens to get worse any moment. HUMANS AND ANIMALS PERISHING at an alarming rate. Heaven and Earth are plaguing us with ever new, more strange diseases. Destructive signs are evident everywhere. WARNNING SIGNS ARE AMBER and obvious around our world!

THERE IS NO HUMANE SLAUGHTER, no such a thing as lawful murder en masse of the innocents... MAKE THE VEGAN LAW AND SIGN IT. Prohibit all animal suffering procedures, forbid all of them if we are to redeem ourselves and rescue our planet... Before it's too late for you to decide the right thing; before it's too late to even regret; before more of God's wrath descends upon us, with more severe weather, more plagues, more terror, more lives lost, more precious resources disappeared, more financial disaster.

All the citizens on this planet, please support your government to pass the VEGAN LAW... act by your loving-hearted inherent nature. Governments of the world and citizens of the world work together in unison to make our world a happy place to live; to leave behind a better planet for our children...

Do the vegan law. Do sign it. Do practice it. Do follow through. Do be vegan... Everything else will fall into place. It will be all benevolence, merciful, compassion, happiness all over our planet if you do that.

6 7 To All Religious and Spiritual Leaders

March 2, 2020

Your Reverend Holinesses, Highly Reverend Priests, Priestesses, Monks, Nuns of different faiths, my best wishes and humble prayers for Your wellness in God’s mercy. Though my time is tight and precious, as I am still in intensive meditation retreat for World Vegan, World Peace, but the urgent call of the planet and our world push me. I feel I must deliver some urgent messages to Your Holinesses and Reverends.

Well, if our house is on fire, we cannot say: "I don't have time to take care of it!" Our planet house is on fire! This letter serves the same goal anyway. It's supposed to be sent by post, but I'll read it. It's faster. In time of emergency, too much bureaucracy doesn't help. Your Holinesses and Reverends: Although the denomination seems varied, but we all serve one God, I believe. We are so grateful. I am so grateful for the noble, devoted work Your Holinesses and all your Reverends having been doing over the years, uniting people through spreading the Almighty's message of love and compassion among humans and all of creations. Thank you. May God forever be on Your side.

As great spiritual leaders, You would also be aware of the devastation occurring on our planet, directly related to accelerated climate change caused by humans’ cruel behaviors and brutal habits, which is not so difficult to change once applying the principle of love. Please tell Your believers this truth. Please keep telling them, please keep reminding them. I know you did, but we could do more. Thank you.

We just have to change. Tell them that we must change. We must change if we want to claim that we are human, that we are the future

8 Buddha, that we are the children of God. Because We cannot say that we are the children of God if we murder other children of God. We cannot claim to be the future Buddha if we massacre other future Buddhas, whether in human form or in animal form.

As we read the Buddhist Sutras, we know that even Shakyamuni Buddha repeatedly incarnated innumerable times as animals. And we now, in the , God says that Hes even created all kinds of vegetables for the animals to eat and Hes created many things for us as well. If the animals means nothing to God, God wouldn't have created things for them to eat. Just like God loves us so God create things for us to consume. It says that in the Bible, God created fruit and vegetables in the field and that those shall be our food. (Holy Bible, Genesis 1:29)

We cannot say we love God and then destroy Hiers creation relentlessly, and now we are destroying Hiers planet. But with over 74 billion land animals alone mercilessly massacred for human consumption every year, the livestock raising industry and its by products are responsible for 87% of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions. Not only we are destroying the planet by what we consume, but unspeakable atrocities are happening to innocent animals who have never done anything wrong. Moreover, God created animals to be our friends, helpers, not to be murdered and eaten in such a barbarious way! It is 21st century, for God's sake.

In the Holy Bible, Job 12:7-8, it is said: "But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or ask the birds in the sky, and they will tell you. Or speak to Earth and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you." So, the animals, the Earth that God created are wise, respected beings, whose presence are a great blessing to humans. But what unpardonable acts against God's Law are we doing to our Heavenly Father's creation? We are destroying God's creatures from land to sea!

The abominable cruelty inflicted on God's innocent creatures in

9 lab tests, in livestock raising, in fishing, egg industry, milk, fur, cosmetics, etc., etc.... Those industries are undeniably horrific and inhumane. It causes innocent, defenseless, gentle animals, our co- inhabtants, God's creatures, to be imprisoned and tortured, molested in many ways without any chance to defense, or to utter any call for help! Even if they utter some call for help, say the mother cows, the mother pigs were crying when their babies were taken away, beaten, kicked, and murdered, no one would care. Even a five-year-old kid would understand their emotion. It's worse than many hells!

Imagine if they are our children, our relatives, our friends or ourselves! They are living beings with emotions, with thoughts, feelings. Any of us who have spent time with a pet, knows that they have their own personalities, they experience love, care, pain and sorrow, happiness and excitement, and loyalty; absolute loyalty. And there is no difference between a house-pet and other animals confined all their lives in horrendous concentrated, tight animal factories' crates or fenced-in cramped spaces, rain or shine, no shelter, enduring all kinds of weather, any wicked unimaginable conditions, and whose lives are violently ended at slaughterhouses for humans' consumption. If we still think that we are human in this case.

For more information, please also watch the following recommended documentaries, such as: award-winning "Cowspiracy", "Earthlings", "Dominion", and award nominated "What the Health", etc., etc.. Also download free-of-charge "From Crisis to Peace" at Crisis2Peace.org.

In all the major religions, there are commonalities, such as the principles: "Do unto others what you would have them do unto you." and "Thou shall not kill." "Ahimsa" meaning nonviolence, etc.. Obviously, the eating of any kind of animals, sentient beings is absolutely forbidden in all main belief systems and holy teachings. Yet too many of God's children, or religious believers are not following these basic guidelines, because we have been led astray

10 by misconceptions that we need to eat the flesh of animals, fish, eggs and milk to be healthy. The opposite is true, it has been proven in scientific and clinical studies that consuming animals causes innumerable diseases in humans, such as cancers, all kind of cancers and heart diseases, thus early death and endless sorrow, suffering before that. Not just to the patients but to their relatives, friends, family members and loved ones.

It's time now to awaken and change these physically and spiritually unwholesome, unhealthy, cruel habits, and the utmost atrocity involved. Our original diet, as per the Garden of Eden, is the vegan diet. It promotes both physical and mental and spiritual wellbeing. We can live happy, healthy lives, thriving purely on plant foods. Actors, actresses, athletes, sportsmen, martial arts champions, medical doctors, scientists, Nobel Prize winners, etc. are glowing proof of a healthy plant-based diet. These also adheres to "Thou shall not kill," or "Ahimsa," means no violence, whereas eating animals goes against this commandment from God. Even if we are not the ones doing the killing, we cause others to kill for us, the animals suffer and die just the same, just for our meal, which we can replace with any other plat-based food. And nowadays it's even much more so easy.

Thus our being, due to murdering animals is drenched with blood of the innocent on our hands. Please teach this again and again to your trusting followers who look up to You, to Your Holinesses and Reverends as icons of compassion and saintly love. So they would listen to You! We cannot let satan or maya, the devil or the negative force continue to lure us astray, against God's will, and against our innate intelligence and compassionate nature.

Before continuing this letter, I will read a few examples of the prohibition of animals' flesh eating in the main world religions. Just in case someone else also is listening. Someone else who has forgotten the religious commandments of their own religion. So first

11 I'll read it in alphabetic order:

THE BAHÁ'Í FAITH "Regarding the eating of animal flesh and abstinence therefrom, know thou of a certainty that, in the beginning of creation, God determined the food of every living being, and to eat contrary to that determenation is not approved." 《Selections from the Baha'i Writings on Some Aspects of Health and Healing, page 7-8》

BUDDIHSM "All meat eaten by living beings are of their own relatives." 《Lankavatara Sutra, Tripitaka No. 671》

Also: "...after the birth of the baby, care must be exercised not to kill any animal in order to feed the mother with meaty delicacies and not to assemble many relatives to drink liquor or to eat meat... because at the difficult time of birth, there are innumerable evil demons, monsters and goblings who want to consume the smelly blood... by ignorantly and adversely resorting to the killing of animals for consumption... they bring down curses upon themselves, which are detrimental to both the mother and the baby." 《Kristigarbha Sutra, Chapter 8》

Another one: "Be careful during the days immediately after someone's death, not killing or destroying or creating evil karma by worshiping or offering sacrifice to demons and deities... because such killing or slaughtering committed or such worship performed or such sacrifice offered, would not have even an iota of force to benefit the dead, but would entwine even more sinful karma into previous karma, making it even deeper and more serious. ...thus delay his rebirth to a good state. Or even send them speedily to hell."

Karma means retribution. "As you sow, so shall you reap." In the

12 Bible, it states so. "As you sow, so shall you reap." That is the meaning of karma in Sanskrit terms.

Another one: "If bhiksus do not garments made of silk," the silk that is made from the silkworms, "boots of local leather and furs, and refrain from consuming milk, cream and butter therefrom, they will really be liberated... If a man can control his body and mind and thereby refrains from eating animal flesh and wearing animal prodects, I say he will really be liberated." Bhiksus means monks. 《Surangama Sutra》

Another one: "If any of my disciples does not honestly consider that and still eats meat, we should know that he is of the candela's . He is not my disciple and I am not his teacher. Therefore, Mahamati, if anyone wishes to be my relative, he should not eat any meat." Candela means killer or murderer. 《Lankavatara Sutra》

CAOĐÀI-SM "The most important thing is to stop killing... because animals also have souls and understand like humans... If we kill and eat them, then we owe them a blood debt." 《Teachings of the Saints, About Keeping the Ten Precepts Abstaining from Killing, Section 2》

CHRISTIANITY "Meats for the belly, and belly for the meats; both God shall destroy both it and them." 《1st Corinthians 6:13 Holy Bible》

Another one: "And while the flesh was yet between their teeth, ere it was chewed, the wrath of the LORD kindled against people and the LORD smote the people with a very great plague." 《Numbers 11:33 Holy Bible》


13 "All men have a mind which cannot bear to see the sufferings of others. The superior men having seen the animals alive, cannot bear to see them die; having heard their dying cries, He cannot bear to eat their flesh." 《 Mencius, King Hui of Liang, Chapter 4》

ĐẠODỪA-ISM "To have peace, humanity must first have peace with the animals; do not kill to feed ourselves, then there will be peace among our people. 《Nam Quoc Phat Temple》

ESSENES "I am come to end the sacrificxes and feasts of blood, and if ye cease not offering and eating of flesh and blood, the wrath of God shall not cease from you." 《Gospel of the Holy Twelve》

HINDUISM "Since you cannot bring killed animals back to life, you are responsible for killing them. Therefore you are going to hell; there is no way for your deliverance." 《Adi-lila, Chapter 17, verses 159-165》

Another: "He who desires to augment his own flesh by eating the flesh of other creatures lives in misery in whatever species he may take his birth." 《Mahabharata, Anu 115.47 FS pg. 90》

Another: "O best of Kings! If the things, aquired by injuring others, be utilized in any auspicious act, they yield contrary results at the time of fruition." 《Devi Bhagavatam, Fourth Book, Chapter 4, verse 32》

ISLAM "Allah will not give mercy to anyone, except those who give mercy

14 to other creatures." 《Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Hum), Hadith》

Another: "Do not allow your stomachs to become graveyards of animals!" 《Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Hum), Hadith》

JAINISM "A true monk should not accept such food and drink as has been especially prepared for him involving the slaughter of living beings." 《Sutrakritanga》

JUDAISM "And whatsoever man there be of the house of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn among you, that eat anything that has blood; I will even set my face against that soul that eateth blood, and will cut him off from among his people." 《Leviticus 17:10, Holy Bible》

Blood, meaning flesh which has blood.

SIKHISM "Those mortals who consume marijuana, flesh and wine, no matter what pilgrimages, fasts and rituals they follow, they will all go to hell." 《Guru Granth Sahib, page 1377》

TAOISM "Do not go into the mountain to catch birds in nets, nor to the water to poison fishes and minnows. Do not butcher the ox."《 Tract of the Quiet Way》


15 "The offering to the deities of meat obtained by killing animate beings is like offering a mother the flesh of her own child; and this is a grievous sin." 《The Supreme Path of Discipleship: The Precepts of the Gurus, the Thirteen Grievous Sins, Great Guru Gampopa》

ZOROASTRAINISM "Those plants, I, Ahura Mazda (means God), rain down upon the earth, to bring food to the faithful, and fodder to the beneficent cow." 《Avesta, Venidad Fargard 5-20》

Etc., and etc.. There are more, of course. These are just a few examples. For further info, please check suprememastertv.com.

So regardless of which faith anyone belongs to, all must keep the most important precept: "Thou shall not kill." Ahimsa. Nonviolence. Now it's time for humanity to go back to how our Creator originally intended for all Hiers children to live: in dignity, respect, peace, love, and to be good stewards of our Earthly abode. Please remind your faithful of all this and more. I know you did, but please repeat again and again, and explain to them it's utmost important for their own souls as well as for our planet, for our world.

It's time for the sufferings of all animals to end, as they have a right to live in peace, freedom and dignity with their loved one in nature, just as God originally intended. Please help to rescue God's creation. Please help to end the suffering of innocents.

We make war with each other and we make war with animals. These are not right. These actions are not right. These actions are against God's commandments and will. Please remind Your faithfuls. I trust in the wisdom of Your Holinesses and all Your Reverends to lead this great change! We must change. I trust that Your Holinesses and

16 Your Reverends, all Your Reverends to lead this great change, to promote the vegan lifestyle, which encompasses love, compassion and respect for all beings and obeys God's commandments. Please promote it to all Your clergy, monks, nuns and all the faithful. The power of all Your entrusted position will lend a significant, effective encouragement for world citizens to follow your lead. Please, be the hero of our time; rescue all these innocent beings. Our fellow co- inhabitants called animals, who have never done any harm, who are a blessing to our world, who are wonderful, loving and kind to humans as well as to their own co-inhabitant animals.

In our Supreme Master Television, we have ample examples of that, of the animals loving compassion and kindness recorded from all over the world. Please tell Your faithful to watch them.

We cannot expect Heavens when we create hell or condone the hellish, massacre of God's beloved creation, in such a mass- murdering, cold-blooded way. We cannot expect Heavens' leniency if we destroy God's creation and have no mercy to other children of God, meaning the animals. Please do not ignore their horrendous plight. God knows their daily anguish. Heaven and Earth witness their pain. Their cries have shaken all Heavens and the hearts of many beings. Please speak for them, please help them, as this also helps our world to heal in the wake of climate acceleration. Your noble deed will be forever recorded by Heavens and contribute to a benevolent atmosphere on our planet, to world peace, and to the stabilization of the climate, which is important to all lives on Earth.

All lives also depend on Your merciful act. The world citizens, the animals and our children will forever remember Your heroic, compassionate deeds and pray for Your happy, prosperous, healthy long life in the name of God. The ever Merciful Heavens will be pleased. The all-loving God will pardon our sins and lengthen our lives, as we pardon and lengthen our co-inhabitants' lives, the loving, kind animals.

17 May God bless You, all Your Holinesses and all Your Reverends, and bless Your holy mission abundantly, and may God bless our world. Amen.

Thank You. Thank You, and thank You. In God's Love, thank You.

P.S. Almighty God in Heaven has no gender, so Supreme Master Ching Hai uses Hes, Hier, Hirm to avoid misunderstanding.

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