Read Between the Lines How Genomic Sequencing Is Inspiring Next-Gen Diagnostic Detection
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File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb careIssue 23 2019 • £31.00 €49.00 $65.00 In association with: Read between the lines How genomic sequencing is inspiring next-gen diagnostic detection On the offensive Power tools Taking smart bandages from the The app that provides a new battlefi eld to front-line healthcare approach to patient-centric care E-CARE • ONCOLOGY • CRITICAL CARE • IMAGING TECHNOLOGY It´s never ‘ju They may seem harmless bu tears can develop into comp wounds, which may become and cause further complicat pain, infection and delayed Find out how we help you Meet us at EWMA and let’s talk and your patients at skin tears at booth B07:32 ,67$3VNLQWHDUFODVVLơFDWLRQ,/H%ODQF.%DURQRVNL6&KULVWHQVHQ'/DQJHPR':LOOLDPV$(GZDUGV.HWDO ,QWHUQDWLRQDOVNLQWHDUDGYLVRU\SDQHO$WRRONLWWRDLGLQSUHYHQWLRQDVVHVVPHQWDQGWUHDWPHQWRIVNLQWHDUVXVLQJ DVLPSOLơHGVNLQWHDUFODVVLơFDWLRQV\VWHP$GYDQFHVLQ6NLQDQG:RXQG&DUH 0¶OQO\FNH+HDOWK&DUH$%32%R[*DPOHVWDGVY¤JHQ&6(*¶WHERUJ6ZHGHQ 3KRQH7KH0¶OQO\FNH0HSLOH[0HSLWHODQG6DIHWDFWUDGHPDUNVQDPHVDQGORJRVDUHUHJLVWHUHG JOREDOO\WRRQHRUPRUHRIWKH0¶OQO\FNH+HDOWK&DUHJURXSRIFRPSDQLHVj0¶OQO\FNH+HDOWK&DUH$% $OOULJKWVUHVHUYHG+4,0 Type 1*: No skin loss st a skin tear’. Mepitel® One 7\SH 3DUWLDOƤDSORVV Mepitel® One/ ut skin Mepilex® Border Flex plex 7\SH 7RWDOƤDSORVV e chronic tions like healing. Mepilex® Border Flex to stay ahead of ever-evolv COBAS is a trademark of Roche. Introducing cobas® vivoDx System & cobas® vivoDx MRSA* To learn more, please visit us in booth #1.14 at the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 13-16, 2019. *Products are not available in the US. ing, drug-resistant bacteria TH 29 CONFERENCE OF THE EUROPEAN WOUND MANAGEMENTEWMA ASSOCIATION -/2%4(!. 3#)%.4)&)#02%3%.4!4)/.3 2019 VISIT EUROPE’S LEADING CONFERENCE ON WOUND MANAGEMENT Main Topics: Patient Involvement & Patient Safety • Skin Tears Multidisciplinarity & Organisation • Catastrophe Wounds Surgery in Wound Care • Diabetic Foot • Burden of Illness Wounds across the Life Span • Skin Necrosis in Wounds Malignant & Fungating Wounds GOTHENBURG See updated programme and topics on SWEDEN 5 – 7 JUNE 2019 EWMA2019.ORG // EWMA.ORG 3ARSJUKSKOTERSKOR.SE OTHER COLLABORATORS: Swedish Registry of Ulcer Treatment Foreword Ready to engage On the web... eople and technology have traditionally been positioned as Keep up with the latest developments incompatible. As Albert Einstein stated, “It has become appallingly across the industry by visiting P obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.” However, there are numerous examples throughout history where technological Practical Patient Care developments have provided a platform to improve humanity. Issue 23 2019 Nowhere is this truer than within healthcare, where the latest advancements are constantly drawn upon to enhance patient care. In Editorial Editor Emma Green genomics, which we explore in this issue with Professor Clare Turnbull [email protected] Chief sub-editor Thom Atkinson from the Royal Marsden Hospital, dramatic technological evolution has Sub-editor Nicholas Kenny Senior feature writer Greg Noone enabled genetic sequencing to be conducted on a much larger scale than Feature writers Tim Gunn, Will Moffi tt was previously possible. The insights from this work has helped to not only Production manager Dave Stanford Group art director Henrik Williams provide faster and more cost-effective diagnoses to patients, but also to Designers Sandra Boucher, Martin Faulkner predict which treatments patients are most likely to respond to. Commercial Client services executive Melissa Parkinson Within chronic wound care, a problem that can be traced back over three Subscriptions marketing manager Mariella Salerno millennia, recent advances within biomechanics and microtechnology have Sales manager Martin John Subscriptions marketing manager Dorothy Musariri led to the creation of smart bandages. These allow healthcare professionals Business development manager Shamraiz Ayub [email protected] to respond to the complicated and heterogeneous environment of an Publisher William Crocker individual wound, tailoring treatment appropriately. In this issue, we find Practical Patient Care is published by Compelo, a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations. out more about the US Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency Registered in England No. 09901510. (DARPA), which is working on improving outcomes for the victims of blast John Carpenter House, John Carpenter Street London, EC4Y 0AN, UK injuries and chronic wound sufferers thereafter. Tel: +44 207 936 6400 Technology can also provide the ability to give a stronger voice to patients so that they are able to play a more active role in decisions about treatment. ISSN 2041-2436 © 2019 Compelo. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be In this edition we speak with Kristina Sheridan from MITRE, and her reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying or otherwise, daughter Kate, about the patient toolkit they’ve developed to help those without prior permission of the publisher and copyright owner. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of with chronic illnesses better manage their care, in and out of the hospital. the information in this publication, the publisher accepts no responsibility for errors or omissions. Bearing all these applications in mind, it is clear that people and technology The products and services advertised are those of individual authors and are not necessarily endorsed by or connected with are not only compatible, but even complementary. the publisher. The opinions expressed in the articles within this publication are those of individual authors and not necessarily those of the publisher. Emma Green, editor SUBSCRIPTIONS Single issue price: UK £31 EU €49 US $65 RoW $65 On the front lines – how chronic wounds One year: UK £48 EU €76 US $99 RoW $100 are being tackled by military-funded Two year: UK £77 EU €120 US $158 RoW $159 smart bandages (page 69). Tel: +44 845 155 1845 (local rate) Fax: +44 20 8269 7877 Email: [email protected] Compelo Customer Subscriptions Department, Riverbridge House, Ground Floor, South Tower, Anchor Boulevard. Crossways, Kent DA2 6SL Printed by Stephens & George Print Group Practical Patient Care / 3 How could RAPID MOLECULAR ASSAY RESULTS make a difference? ALERE™ i IS NOW ID NOW™ The ID NOW™ molecular platform was designed as a true point-of-care device to improve decision making processes in any setting. ID NOW uses proven ID NOW INFLUENZA A & B 2 Results in 13 minutes or less, with early isothermal molecular technology in an intuitive detection of positives in as little as 5 minutes.1 platform, and provides the fastest molecular results ID NOW STREP A 2 Results in 6 minutes or less, with early detec- at 13 minutes or less.1 tion of positives in as little as 2 minutes.2 ID NOW RSV Results in 13 minutes or less.3 VISIT US AT BOOTH #1.56 AT ECCMID 2019 1. ID NOW Influenza A & B 2 Package Insert 2. ID NOW Strep A 2 Package Insert 3. ID NOW RSV Package Insert © 2019 Abbott. All rights reserved. All trademarks referenced are trademarks of either the Abbott group of companies or their respective owners. Any photos displayed are for illustrative purposes only. Any person depicted in such photos is a model. 120004968-01 02/19 Contents In this issue Cover story 38 8 26News & numbers 26 Map the future 41 Molecular techniques The headlines and vital statistics Hot on the heels of the success of to detect pathogens impacting the market. the NHS’s 100,000 Genomes Project, CerTest Biotec the NHS Genomic Medicine Service Diagnostics is due to be launched later this year. 42 Improved diagnostics 12 Better connected Professor Clare Turnbull, researcher Genmark Diagnostics Patients’ access to treatment and and consultant at the Royal Marsden advice is already improving as a Hospital, speaks to Emma Green 44 Improved microbial result of mobile health, or ‘mHealth’. about how this technology can sample identification A research team led by Imperial enhance diagnostic strategies. bioMérieux College London has investigated the opportunities and challenges of these 31 A key tool to fight against 46 Break down carbapenem- technologies. Louise Thomas considers antimicrobial resistance resistant Enterobacterales the implications for healthcare globally. Mobidiag GenePOC 15 A new test to measure 32 Detect latent TB infection 48 The TB balancing act 3GC hydrolysis activity Oxford Immunotec TB remains a public health issue in Coris BioConcept developing nations, partly due to the 34 Procedure boxes for better lack of adequate diagnostic testing 17 Fast and accurate patient care facilities. Is molecular detection the identification of CPOs Medtronic answer? Kim Thomas speaks to health BD Life Sciences – economist Hassan Haghparast-Bidgoli Diagnostic Systems 38 On the paper trail about the benefits and challenges. Researchers from Eindhoven 19 Eliminate TB through University of Technology in the 51 Integrated microbiology for rapid active case finding Netherlands and Japan’s Keio better patient care Cepheid University have developed a glow- bioMérieux in-the-dark paper strip for quick 21 How NGS helps in the fight detection of infectious diseases. 52 The quality of treatment against drug-resistant TB Maarten Merkx, a researcher starts with diagnosis Illumina