Agenda item 3

South County Local Committee

23rd September 2010 – At a meeting of the Committee held at 7.00 pm in the Fishbourne Centre, Blackboy Lane, Fishbourne.

Present: Mr M.N. Hall (Chairman), Mr T.M.E. Dunn, Ms. Goldsmith, Mr Jones, Mr Montyn, Mr A.R.H. Smith and Mrs Whitehead.

Chairman’s Welcome

58. The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting.

Declarations of Interest

59. In accordance with the code of conduct the following interests were declared: • Mrs Whitehead declared a personal interest in agenda item 8 – West Fire and Rescue Service Consultation as the Deputy Cabinet Member for Public Protection. • Mr M.N. Hall declared a personal interest in agenda item 9 – ‘talk with us’ open forum if the Fernleigh Centre was discussed, as he is a friend of a partner in the selling agents. He also declared a personal interest in agenda item 11 – Community Initiative Funding application #1376, as his wife is a friend of Weald and Downland Museum. • Mr Montyn declared a personal interest in agenda item 11 – Community Initiative Funding application #1380 as he is a trustee of the Cobnor Outdoor Activities Centre, which shares a site with the applicant. Also see minute 78.


60. Resolved – that the Part I minutes of the meeting held on 6th July 2010 be approved as a correct record and that they be signed by the Chairman.

Progress Statement

61. The Committee had before it a report providing updates on matters arising from previous meetings of the CLC and issues raised since the previous meeting (copy appended to signed minutes).

Coastal Protection Works, West Beach,

62. Gavin Holder, Coast and Land Drainage Officer, Council, provided the Committee with an update on planned Coastal Protection Works at West Beach, Selsey. A number of key issues were discussed:

• The Sea wall at Selsey was at risk of collapse and the coastal protection works would help protect 677 houses from flooding and erosion over the next ten to thirty years. • Certain conditions would be added to the contract that was going out for tender to ensure the least disruption for residents. Including: no parking on the B2145, keeping to the speed limit, no movement before 7.30 am, no movements on Sundays or bank holidays and no more than eight Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) per hour. Agenda item 3

• Chichester District Council (CDC) would work with local residents, businesses and retailers to ensure the least disruption. There would be a particular focus on reinforcing road safety education in schools in the area. CDC would liase with local businesses to ensure, where possible, that deliveries did not clash. • All the material being used was marine based from Shoreham Harbour or Southampton and was a waste product of the concrete industry. The material could not be brought in by sea because it was too risky in the winter tides. • CDC officers would consult the Parish Councils and the CLC again once the contract had been let. • The shingle would be similar to that already present in Bracklesham Bay so any shingle washed away would not change the character of the bay. • The works also included groyne repairs and repairs to the rock revetments not just recharging of the beach.

West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service Annual Plan

63. Deputy County Fire Officer Sean Ruth provided a presentation to the Committee about the proposed organisational changes within the Fire Service that match resource to risk. A number of key issues were raised: • The proposals were looking at fire cover across the county as a whole to provide a proportionate emergency response based on risk and activity. • The area covered by Fire Station was an area of predominantly low risk with two areas of medium risk in Southbourne and the south of Chichester. • The response times to emergency calls could be achieved by Chichester or Emsworth Fire Stations. • The Bosham pump currently attended less than one call in three days. • If the proposals were agreed they would be implemented in 2011.

64. Francis Bishop, Fire Brigades Union (FBU) Secretary for , provided a union response to the proposals by the Fire and Rescue Service. Some key issues were raised: • The (FBU) was not opposed the principles outright. They supported the increased cover at Burgess Hill and Littlehampton and the aspiration to build West Sussex training facilities but did not support the downgrading and closure of fire stations. • The proposals would mean reduced cover at night. • The first engine from Chichester can’t get to Bosham as quickly as Bosham can and the second engine is retained so could not get to Bosham quickly.

65. The Chairman opened the floor to questions and the following issues were discussed: • Discussions had taken place with surrounding authorities about their plans for the future and joint analysis had taken place. There were no proposals in surrounding areas that would affect cover in West Sussex. • The Fire Service had looked right across the service for improvements and savings and were trying to improve community safety. • The proposals would be reviewed right from implementation and if development did occur the situation may be reviewed.

Agenda item 3

66. The Chairman thanked everybody for their comments and assured the meeting that they would be taken into account.

Talk with Us Open Forum

67. In light of the interest declared Mr Hall left the room during discussions about the Fernleigh Centre. Mrs Whitehead took the chair for this item.

68. A member of the public questioned why the County Council had instructed Cluttons to market the Fernleigh Centre three weeks before the proposed executive decision to declare the property surplus to requirements and the freehold disposal of the site to be pursued had been published. He also asked that, as the call-in date was 1st October 2010 whether the County Council would remove the property from the open market until this decision had been confirmed. He urged the Committee to support the community trust that was in the process of being formed in their quest to raise funds to purchase the centre. He asked why, if the council were not prepared to do this, had it gone against the promises made by the Chief Executive that the Fernleigh centre would not be disposed of unless all the services provided at the centre had been ‘safeguarded or replaced’.

69. Ms Goldsmith replied that the Fernleigh Centre had been declared surplus some time ago and that the building needed a lot of work, including a new boiler, to bring it up to a useable standard. The County Council would be happy to lease the building on a long-term basis if there was a viable business plan in place. The County Council were currently facing huge budget constraints and the building was still costing money and was depreciating in value. The building standing empty was not good for anybody. Ms Goldsmith made it clear that nothing would happen until the decision had cleared call-in but that the Council had to make some tough financial decisions.

70. Mr Hall rejoined the meeting at this point.

71. A resident questioned whether WSCC had asked the Environmental Protection team from CDC to investigate the current risk to health from leachate chemicals and airborne pollutants at Pagham Harbour Nature Reserve. The resident also questioned whether the blackberries near Red Barn Ditch were safe to eat and whether children were safe playing near the ditch. The Committee agreed to investigate and report back.

72. A resident queried why the County Council were planning to pay the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) £130k of Council Tax payers money per year to run a new visitors centre at the Pagham Harbor Nature reserve. He suggested that it would be better to give the RSPB a part of the site for a shop. Ms Goldsmith responded that the County Council had to consider the long term viability of the site and whether the RSPB would be best suited to run it in the long term.

73. Parish Council expressed their disappointment that the Speed Indicator Device (SID) purchased by the Manhood Road Safety Group with a grant from the CLC, had been stolen. This had been reported to the Police.

Agenda item 3

Highways and Transport Matters

Stocks Lane,

74. The Committee had before it a report by the Director Operations Infrastructure and the Divisional Manager Safety and Traffic Management (copy appended to signed minutes). The report sought the Committee’s approval to authorise the Head of Legal and Democratic Services to carry out consultation and advertisement about the proposals to construct a new puffin crossing on Stocks Lane, East Wittering, once confirmation is received that the S106 funds are available and if there are no objections, the Director of Operations Infrastructure be authorised to implement the new crossing as proposed. A number of issues were highlighted:

• Steve Johnson (Highway Manager) informed the meeting that the speeds on the road were typical of those in a 30mph speed limit. • The funding was due to be approved in October and if there were any objections raised during the consultation period a full report would come back to the Committee in March 2011. • A resident pointed out that during school hours the area outside the school had a 20mph speed limit as part of the School Safety Zone.

75. Resolved – That the Head of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to carry out consultation and advertisement of the scheme once confirmation is received that the S106 funds are available and if there are no objections, the Director of Operations Infrastructure be authorised to implement the new crossing as proposed.

Community Initiative Funding

76. The Committee had before it a report by the Head of Legal and Democratic Services (copy appended to the signed minutes). The report sought decisions from the Committee on the applications received under the CIF scheme.

77. The Chairman informed the meeting that the amount being applied for on application #1318 had been reduced to £1,000 and the amount stated on the agenda for application #1381 should state £1,000.

78. Mr T.M.E. Dunn declared a personal interest in application #1381 because he is a friend of Weald and Downland Museum and left the room during discussions on this application. In light of the interest declared Mr Montyn left the room for discussions on application #1380.

79. In light of the interest declared by Mr M.N. Hall he remained in the room but abstained from voting on application #1339.

80. Resolved – That Community Initiative Funding be allocated as follows:

(i) The following applications and amounts be approved:

#1318 – Chichester Youth Wing Canoe Club - £1,000 towards a replacement launching pontoon. Agenda item 3

#1339 – West Dean Parish Council - £900 towards the restoration of the cemetery lych-gate. These funds were awarded from the Parish Initiative Fund. £3,000 had been requested. #1374 – Parish Council - £300 towards the restoration of Funtington War Memorial. These funds were awarded from the Parish Initiative Fund. #1379 – Manhood Wildlife and Heritage Group - £1,500 - towards equipment and tools for the pond improvement project. #1380 – Christian Youth Enterprises - £1,000 towards the repair of a forty year old twenty metre jetty. £5,000 had been requested. #1381 – Weald and Downland Open Air Museum - £1,000 towards publication costs of a forty year museum history book. #1387 – Slipper Mill Pond Preservation Association - £2,000 towards the refurbishment of the west bank of the Slipper Mill Pond.

(ii) The following application be deferred pending further information:

#1376 – Nautical Training Corps - £2,500 towards the purchase of a new minibus.

(iii) The following application was declined:

#1309 – Chichester Community Transport - £5,000 towards replacing one of two seven year old wheelchair accessible buses. The Committee felt that as this project had an uncertain future they were unable to support the application at this time.

Appointment of Local Authority Governors

81. The Committee considered a report by the Director Operations - Learning (copy appended to the signed minutes). The Chairman drew the meeting’s attention to the vacancies in the area and stated that in an amendment to the published papers Compton and Up Marden School is in the Bourne Division and there were two vacancies at Seal Primary School in Selsey.

82. Resolved – That the following local authority school governor appointments be approved:

i) Mr J Hughes to Compton & Up Marden School for a 4 year term ii) Mrs J Huxham Compton & Up Marden School for a 4 year term iii) Miss B Wise to The Central School for a 4 year term iv) Mrs C Dixon to C of E School for a 4 year term v) Mr J Brannan to Lancastrian Infant School for a 4 year term

83. The Chairman informed the meeting that Jessie Younghusband Primary School had received a grade 1 outstanding OFSTED.

Date of Next Meeting

84. The Committee noted that its next scheduled meeting would take place on Tuesday 8th February 2011 at the new Boxgrove Village Hall.

Agenda item 3

Part II Minutes

85. Resolved – that the Part II minutes of the meeting held on 6th July 2010 be approved as a correct record and that they be signed by the Chairman.

The meeting ended at 9.00pm
