Volume 3, Issue 1 Commission on Missions and Evangelism March 2021

KOINONIA: A Publication of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: SEEKING THE “NONES” Seeking the “Nones” 1 by Archpriest Eric G. Tosi

The Unchurched by Fr. Joseph Huneycutt 2 “One should not seek precisely the entry points Defining Secularism among others the truth in reaching them because by Fr. Alexander Schmemann 2 that can be easily gotten the Church has precisely

From the Fathers: from the Church. For in the answers to these St. Sebastian Dabovich 3 her, as in a rich treasury, questions. So, we must the apostles have placed find a way to welcome Being the Church: Our Stewardship Covenant – all that pertains to truth, those with no spiritual St. Innocent Mission, Oneonta 4 so that everyone can family into the family of drink this beverage of life. Christ – His Church. She is the door of life.” A good way to begin to – St. Irenaeus of Lyons, understand this category Against Heresies, III.4 of seekers is to watch a 2017 film directed by Na- A question commonly to them. Just consider than Jacobs for Ancient asked among those who this statistic: in 1995, Faith Films, called Be- study evangelism is: How only 7% of the population coming Truly Human. It can we reach the registered as “Nones”. In follows a group of “Nones”? 2015 it had risen to 25%, “Nones” through their own likely a conservative esti- spiritual journey and pro- “Nones” are defined as mate. Yet no one has vides an insight into what those who do not have come up with a suitable they are about. You can any religious affiliation at approach. see the trailer or purchase all. They get their title the film online at Ancient from the survey, “Amer- There is no magic an- Faith Store (click here). It ica’s Changing Religious swer on how to attract is well worth watching Landscape”, by Pew Re- such people to the with your and search, where one-fourth Church. They are often friends and discussing of respondents polled on very well-educated and how we can share our Or- their religious affiliation well-read seekers of an- thodox Faith with people chose the final answer, swers to life’s most im- who are looking for ex- “none of the above”. portant questions. They actly what the Church of- are quite sensitive to hy- fers. The most important This situation may seem pocrisy (as they define facet of their journey is strange to many of us it), and have a certain, the seeking of communal who were raised in a often cynical, vision of relationships, a koinonia. church or denomination, what Christianity is. Yet So be prepared to answer but it is a fast-growing they are also looking for many questions and, phenomenon and one a fulfilling spiritual life, a most importantly, to invite which merits a lot of at- community in which to spiritual seekers into a tention from all faith tradi- belong, and a connection loving and healthy rela- tions as they seek to un- with people who share tionship with God and His derstand how to reach out their values. These are Church. Page 2 Koinonia

The Unchurched Though it is hard for experience.” Southwest- Salvation in community. those born between 1946 ern’s response was, That community God and 1964 – Baby Boom- “Great, that’s even better! provides for us, is full of ers – to fathom, many No experience is better sinners and will never be among the younger gen- than bad experience.” In perfect in and of Her in- eration, especially those other words, learning and dividual members. born after 1980, have training can be hindered never been exposed to by time wasted on un- The Church is a spiritual “The Church is Christian Church life at learning and un-training. hospital. Communion is the spiritual all. When able to shed Converts without the bur- the medicine of immor- their indoctrinated hedon- den of “Christian bag- tality. Love is para- hospital. ism, these seekers are of- gage” may have fewer mount. With this in mind, Communion is ten best equipped to drink struggles with their new- Converts to American the medicine of deeply from the well of found faith and are often Orthodoxy – Cradles, immortality.” the Orthodox Christian more open to the fullness Retreads and Reverts – Faith. of Orthodoxy without pre- struggle toward salva- conceived resistance, het- tion together, intention- During my summers in erodox notions, etc. … ally, in community. college, I sold books for the Southwestern Book One thing is certain and From One Flew Over the Company. Each year, bears repeating: You can- Onion Dome: American when recruiting others to not be Orthodox alone. Orthodox Converts, Re- go door-to-door, the of- Those who try to be Or- treads and Reverts, by Fr. ten-heard excuse was, “I thodox alone are handi- Joseph Huneycutt (Re- gina: Salisbury, MA, 2006), have no sales capped. We work out our pp. 29-32.

Defining Secularism Secularism, I submit, is everywhere and for all” definition is right, then this above all a negation of wor- were the true “epiphany” whole search is a hope- ship, I stress: not of God’s of man’s relation to God, to less dead end, if not out- existence, not some kind of the world and to himself: “It right nonsense. The very “[Secularism] transcendence and there- is meet and right to sing of formulation of our theme – is a negation fore of some kind of reli- Thee, to bless Thee, to “worship in a secular age” of man as a gion. If secularism in theo- praise Thee, to give – reveals, first of all, an in- worshipping logical terms is a heresy, it thanks to Thee, and to ner contradiction in terms, being… “ is primarily a heresy about worship Thee in every a contradiction which re- man. It is a negation of man place of Thy dominion…” quires a radical reap- as a worshipping being, as praisal of the entire prob- homo adorans: the one for For once more secularism lem and its drastic refor- whom worship is the es- is by no means identical mation. sential act which both “pos- with atheism, and para- From “Worship in the Secu- its” his humanity and fulfills doxical as it may seem, lar Age”, in For the Life of the it. It is the rejection as onto- can be shown to have al- World, by Fr. Alexander logically and epistemologi- ways had a peculiar long- Schmemann (SVS Press: cally “decisive,” of the ing for a “liturgical” expres- Crestwood, NY, 1983), pp. words which “always, sion. If, however, my 188-199. Koinonia Page 3

From the Fathers: “Sincere Religion” by St. Sebastian Dabovich We live in a peculiar age. custom may forbid its No time has ever dawned practice. He would be in upon the earth like the outward life aright, but in present era. Startling de- heart would be a virtual velopments in the world of polygamist. And if circum- truth keep the minds of stances were favorable, men, to some extent, con- his life would bear its legit- stantly reaching out after imate fruit. And this is just it. More light! greater as true of every other knowledge! is now the al- moral evil. It is all-im- most universal cry. Great portant to believe right. discoveries in science Every false religion which have opened many new has cursed mankind has “Do you not know and hitherto unknown av- started in a wrong belief. It that religion is one enues to the greater phys- of such who make religion might not have affected of the qualities ical development of the a speculation; yes, and a practical duties for a time, of your soul? human family; and at the speculation without a but the fruit finally devel- An essential same time it may be said question as to its nature. oped. Thus belief in that substance, to be true, that the mental Do you not know that reli- first lie of Satan’s (Gen. I might say, development of man has, gion is one of the qualities 3:4) has borne its legiti- to be plain, of your to some extent, kept pace. of your soul? An essential mate fruit in—first, the dei- In all this onward move- substance, I might say, to fication of the beautiful, self-recognizing, ment in the world of mate- be plain, of your self-rec- and unnatural curiosity; self-satisfied, rial and mental research, ognizing, self-satisfied, second, self-love, delu- living spirit.” men turn to the repre- living spirit? Those who sion, and idol-worship; sentative of God among are convinced of this fact third, free-thinking, pro- men, and inquire if in the are not indifferent to reli- testing, infidelity, and an- religious world there are gion. Indifference has no archy. any developments; and place in the serious life of we find that there are one who seeks to be “Beloved, when I gave all many and great changes right-minded. diligence to write unto you in the religious world. of the common salvation, it Mark you — many and We hear it frequently re- was needful for me to write great changes in the world marked that it matters not unto you, and exhort you of religious opinion, but what one believes if he that you should earnestly very little development in does right. But if one does contend for the faith which religious life! not believe right, he does was once delivered unto not do the right thing— the ” (Jude 3). Many a searching, that is, if his belief is sin- although blind, mind has cere and carried out in From “Sincere Religion”, mistaken religion for some practice. If one believes in St. Sebastian Dabo- philosophical system. Too that which is wrong, and vich’s Lives of Saints and irreverent and profane still acts otherwise from Several Lectures and Ser- handling of religion often force of circumstance, he mons (Murdock Press: makes of it a science, a is wrong in heart. A man San Francisco, CA, 1898), pastime study. Now and may believe in polygamy, pp. 174ff. again we come by the way but the law and common

Page 4 Koinonia Being the Church: Our Stewardship Covenant By Fr. Timothy Holowatch, St. Innocent Mission, Oneonta NY What does it mean to continue to challenge many to serve” … to practice “be church”? Each week people. We as a faith family “acts of love.” we come together are not untouched. bringing with us our Parishioners and family The life and work of God in burdens and cares, our members are losing jobs, a parish community is hopes and dreams, our facing salary reductions, never completed or perfect strengths and gifts. To- and experiencing home … nor is the work of the gether we give thanks foreclosures. Yet, despite Lord in the life of an indi- for our blessings and these challenges, parish vidual. While there is a offer prayer for our members continue to wide spectrum of Orthodox Diocese of New York needs. Joined together express gratitude for what Christians, from those who and New Jersey at the Table of the Lord, God has given us – through are not actively engaged in His Eminence we share the one Body their continued financial the life of the parish to Michael and one Blood. And then donations and generous those who are very en- 33 Hewitt Avenue we go out as “church” investments in our parish gaged, it is the special Bronxville, NY 10708 and share what we have facilities and ministries. work of the local parish to received with the world. invite, encourage, and pro- Phone: 914-779-6580 Yes, the economy has mote a living Christian faith Fax: 914 -779-6581 As disciples in comm- declined, but we remain among all our people. unity ... we are comm- blessed by the generosity Commission on Missions itted to sharing the gift of and commitment of our Our real goal is not only to and Evangelism “church”. Working to- family of faith. As the parish get people to come to Archpriest Eric G. Tosi, DMin gether may we get “to community, we are church, but to teach peo- 1500 Route 376 know Christ better and committed to use our gifts ple how to be church. To Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 make Him better and strengths in four ways: “be church” is different — it known.” God forms a is to be in love with God, Phone: 845-462-3887 covenant with us, and Worship - to deepen our to be in love with life, to Cell: 516-314-0836 we with God. God relationship with Christ and be joyful and to be ful- Email: [email protected] equips us with gifts and His Church, through prayer, filled, to know hope in talents, and then invites Divine Services and the the ups and downs of us to use them for the Sacraments; life, to be content, to be good of all. Stewardship less materialistic and (being the Church) is the Fellowship - to deepen our more altruistic. recognition of these gifts relationship with our parish and acknowledges that family by getting to know These are some of the all that I am and all that I each other better; countless very practical have is from God. It is and beneficial results of the conscious decision Spiritual Development - BEING CHURCH. to make a return in to deepen our spiritual life, thanks. Together as our faith, and our knowledge We appreciate all of the partners, we each con- of Jesus Christ through help, financial assistance tribute. opportunities for learning and prayers offered by the and spiritual growth; many diocesan We’re on the Web! Our Stewardship and individuals who take Covenant Ministry and Outreach - our vision and ministry as https://www.nynjoca.org to deepen the image of an important part of grow- The economic impacts Jesus in us by imitating Him ing the church and BEING of the pandemic who came “not to serve but THE CHURCH. to