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DNA and Vocabulary

Vocabulary Word Definition

DNA Deoxyribonucleic Hereditary material that controls all the activities of the

The of DNA. DNA is composed of two strands of Double , which form bonds with each other as rungs in a ladder. These linked strands then twist around one another to make a helix structure (like a twisted ladder).

Genes Segments of DNA that carry hereditary instructions and are passed from parent to offspring

Alleles Different forms of a single . A often has 2 alleles for each trait.

Dominant trait The trait observed when at least one dominant allele for a characteristic is inherited

Recessive trait A trait that is apparent only when two recessive alleles for the same characteristic is inherited

Hereditary Traits that are inherited from a parent by an offspring

Genotype The inherited combination of alleles ().

Phenotype An ’s inherited physical appearance, depending on the genotype.

Homozygous A “purebred” genotype in which the organism has two of the same alleles for a particular trait. For example, if you have two brown- eye genes and no blue eye genes. DNA and Genetics Vocabulary

Heterozygous A “hybrid” genotype, in which an organism carries two different alleles for the same trait. For example, if you have brown eyes, but also carry a blue-eyed gene, then you are heterozygous for eye color.

Mutation A change in the order of bases in an organism’s DNA; , or substitution. Can happen spontaneously or can be due to a . Can be harmful, helpful, or have no effect on the .

Mutagen Anything that can damage or cause changes in DNA

A subunit of DNA consisting of a , a , and one of the four bases.

Nitrogen Bases , , , and (A-T, C-G). These four bases make up the DNA “alphabet” and the order of these bases in the DNA determines the characteristics of the organism.

Co- Occurs when both alleles show through to contribute to the phenotype

Incomplete Dominance Occurs when one allele is not completely dominant over the other allele, the result is a mixture between the two alleles

Genetic Engineering The manipulation of genes that allows scientists to put genes from one organism into another organism

Selective Breeding The breeding of that have a certain desired trait

Pedigree A diagram of family history used for tracing a trait through several generations DNA and Genetics Vocabulary