Case 18-09108-RLM-11 Doc 229 Filed 01/31/19 EOD 01/31/19 21:10:09 Pg 1 of 6


In re: Chapter 11

1 USA GYMNASTICS, Case No. 18-09108-RLM-11



USA Gymnastics, as debtor and debtor in possession in the above-captioned chapter 11

case (the “Debtor” or “USAG”), hereby submits this application (the “Application”) for the entry of an order, substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, pursuant to sections 327(b),

328(a), 1107, and 1108 of title 11 of the United States Code, 11 U.S.C. §§ 101–1532 (the

“Bankruptcy Code”), Rule 2014 of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure (the “Bankruptcy

Rules”), and Rule 2014-1 of the Local Rules of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the

Southern District of Indiana (the “Local Rules”), authorizing the employment of Barnes &

Thornburg LLP (“Barnes & Thornburg”), effective as of the Petition Date (defined below), as the Debtor’s ordinary course counsel. In support of this Application, the Debtor submits the declaration of Mark Stuaan, a partner in Barnes & Thornburg’s Indianapolis, Indiana office (the

“Stuaan Declaration”), attached hereto as Exhibit B, and respectfully states as follows:

1 The last four digits of the Debtor’s federal tax identification number are 7871. The location of the Debtor’s principal office is 130 E. Washington Street, Suite 700, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204. Case 18-09108-RLM-11 Doc 229 Filed 01/31/19 EOD 01/31/19 21:10:09 Pg 2 of 6


1. The Court has jurisdiction over this matter pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 157 and 1334,

and the Standing Order of Reference from the United States District Court for the Southern District

of Indiana, dated July 11, 1984. This is a core proceeding pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 157(b)(2), and

the Court may enter a final order consistent with Article III of the United States Constitution.

Venue is proper pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1408 and 1409. The statutory and legal predicates for

the relief requested herein are sections 327(b), 328(a), 1107, and 1108 of the Bankruptcy Code,

Rules 2014 of the Bankruptcy Rules, and Rule 2014-1 of the Local Rules.


2. On December 5, 2018 (the “Petition Date”), USAG filed a voluntary petition for

relief under chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code.

3. The Debtor remains in possession of its property and continues to operate and

maintain its organization as debtor in possession pursuant to sections 1107(a) and 1108 of the

Bankruptcy Code. No request has been made for the appointment of a trustee or examiner in this

chapter 11 case.

4. On December 19, 2018, the United States Trustee appointed the Additional Tort

Claimants Committee Of Sexual Abuse Survivors.

5. Prior to the Petition Date, the Debtor engaged Barnes & Thornburg beginning in

February 2018 to provide legal services in connection with a civil investigative demand issued by

the Indiana Attorney General (the “Prepetition Investigation”).


6. By this Application, the Debtor seeks to employ Barnes & Thornburg as its ordinary

course counsel, pursuant to Bankruptcy Code sections 327(b), 328(a), 1107, and 1108 on the terms

and conditions set forth in therein, effective as of the Petition Date.

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7. The Debtor seeks approval of the employment of Barnes & Thornburg as its

ordinary course counsel pursuant to sections 327(b) and 328(a) of the Bankruptcy Code. Section

327(b) of the Bankruptcy Code provides that “if the debtor has regularly employed attorneys,

accountants, or other professional persons on salary,” the debtor in possession “may retain or

replace such professional persons if necessary in the operation of such business.” 11 U.S.C.

§ 327(b).

8. The Debtor seeks authority to retain Barnes & Thornburg pursuant to section 328(a)

of the Bankruptcy Code, which provides, in relevant part, that the Debtor “with the court’s

approval, may employ or authorize the employment of a professional person under section 327 . . .

on any reasonable terms and conditions of employment, including on retainer, on an hourly basis,

on a fixed or percentage fee basis, or on a contingent fee basis” subject to later re-evaluation by

the Court. 11 U.S.C. § 328(a).

9. Barnes & Thornburg’s 2019 billing rates range from $505 to $740 per hour for

partners, $345 to $475 per hour for associates, and $300 per hour for paralegals. Barnes &

2 Thornburg will provide a 15% discount to the Debtor on these standard hourly rates.

10. The billing rates for the attorneys expected to have a material role in representing

the Debtor in connection with the Prepetition Investigation are set forth below:

2 Barnes & Thornburg’s 2018 billing rates ranged from $475 to $710 per hour for partners, $325 to $425 per hour for associates, and $280 to $290 per hour for paralegals.

3 Case 18-09108-RLM-11 Doc 229 Filed 01/31/19 EOD 01/31/19 21:10:09 Pg 4 of 6

Name Position 2018 Rate (per hour) 2019 Rate (per hour)

Mark Stuaan Partner $710 $740

Kathleen Matsoukas Partner $540 $570

Brian Weir-Harden Partner $475 $505

Neal Brackett Associate $425 $475

Ladene Mendoza Associate $340 $370

Alejandra Reichard Associate $330 $345

Allison Scarlott Associate $330 $345

Amber Hammond Associate $325 N/A

Patricia Ellis Paralegal $290 $300

Brooke Aurs Paralegal $280 N/A

11. As detailed below, the Debtor submits that the employment of Barnes & Thornburg,

effective as of the Petition Date, and on the terms and conditions set forth herein, is in the best

interest of the Debtor, its estate, its creditors, and other parties in interest, and therefore should be


12. The Debtor has selected Barnes & Thornburg to serve as its counsel because,

among other things, Barnes & Thornburg has considerable expertise in matters of this character.

Moreover, Barnes & Thornburg is familiar with the Debtor’s operations and with the Prepetition

Investigation, given its service to date on that matter. Accordingly, the Debtor believes that Barnes

& Thornburg is well qualified to provide professional services as ordinary course counsel during

the pendency of this chapter 11 case.

4 Case 18-09108-RLM-11 Doc 229 Filed 01/31/19 EOD 01/31/19 21:10:09 Pg 5 of 6

13. To the best of the Debtor’s knowledge and as disclosed in the Stuaan Declaration,

Barnes & Thornburg and its partners and associates do not hold or represent any interest that is materially adverse to the interests represented by the Debtor.

14. As set forth in the Stuaan Declaration, Barnes & Thornburg may have previously

represented, may currently represent, or may in the future represent, entities that are claimants of

the Debtor or other parties in interest in this case in matters unrelated to the Debtor. Except as

otherwise disclosed in the Stuaan Declaration, Barnes & Thornburg has not, and will not, represent

any such party, or any of their affiliates or subsidiaries, in relation to the Debtor or this chapter 11


15. For the reasons set forth herein, the Debtor requests that it be authorized to retain

Barnes & Thornburg as its ordinary course counsel, and requests that all fees and expenses of

Barnes & Thornburg be granted administrative priority as allowed by the Court and be paid pursuant to the terms set forth in this Application.


16. The Debtor will provide notice of this Application in accordance with the Order

Granting Debtor’s Motion For Order Establishing Certain Notice, Case Management, And

Administrative Procedures [Dkt. 213]. In light of the nature of the relief requested herein, the

Debtor submits that no other or further notice is necessary.

3 Due to the sensitivity of the information and in light of the nature of Barnes & Thornburg’s proposed engagement and the requirements of section 327(b), the Debtor has not provided to Barnes & Thornburg, and Barnes & Thornburg has not reviewed for disclosure purposes, the unredacted list of Jane Doe plaintiffs.

5 Case 18-09108-RLM-11 Doc 229 Filed 01/31/19 EOD 01/31/19 21:10:09 Pg 6 of 6

WHEREFORE, the Debtor respectfully requests that the Court enter the order substantially

in the form annexed hereto as Exhibit A, granting the relief requested herein and such further relief

as is just and proper.

Dated: January 31, 2019 Respectfully submitted,


/s/ James Scott Shollenbarger

James Scott Shollenbarger Chief Financial Officer

6 Case 18-09108-RLM-11 Doc 229-1 Filed 01/31/19 EOD 01/31/19 21:10:09 Pg 1 of 3


Proposed Order Case 18-09108-RLM-11 Doc 229-1 Filed 01/31/19 EOD 01/31/19 21:10:09 Pg 2 of 3


In re: Chapter 11

1 USA GYMNASTICS, Case No. 18-09108-RLM-11



This matter came before the Court on the Debtor’s Application For Order Authorizing The

Debtor To Employ Barnes & Thornburg LLP As Ordinary Course Counsel Pursuant To 11 U.S.C.

1 The last four digits of the Debtor’s federal tax identification number are 7871. The location of the Debtor’s principal office is 130 E. Washington Street, Suite 700, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204. Case 18-09108-RLM-11 Doc 229-1 Filed 01/31/19 EOD 01/31/19 21:10:09 Pg 3 of 3

§ 327(b), Effective As Of The Petition Date (the “Application”), filed by USA Gymnastics as

debtor and debtor in possession (the “Debtor” or “USAG”), for the entry of an order pursuant to

sections 327(b), 328(a), 1107, and 1108 of title 11 of the United States Code, 11 U.S.C. §§ 101–

1532 (the “Bankruptcy Code”), Rule 2014 of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure, and

Rule 2014-1 of the Local Rules of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of

Indiana; and upon consideration of the Declaration of Mark Stuaan in Support of the Application;

and the Court finds that (i) it has jurisdiction over this matter pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 157 and

1334; (ii) this matter is a core proceeding pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 157(b)(2); (iii) the relief

requested in the Application is in the best interests of the Debtor, its estate, and creditors; and after

due deliberation, and good and sufficient cause appearing therefore, the Court hereby determines

the Motion should be GRANTED.


1. The Application is granted.

2. The Debtor is authorized to retain Barnes & Thornburg LLP as its ordinary course

counsel to provide legal advice regarding a certain prepetition investigation during the Debtor’s

chapter 11 case, with all fees and expenses to be granted administrative priority as allowed by the

Court and to be paid pursuant to the terms set forth in the Application.

3. Absent further order of the Court, Barnes & Thornburg LLP shall not be required

to file fee applications with the Court.

4. The Court shall retain jurisdiction to hear and determine all matters arising from,

or related to, the implementation of this Order.


2 Case 18-09108-RLM-11 Doc 229-2 Filed 01/31/19 EOD 01/31/19 21:10:09 Pg 1 of 33


Declaration of Mark Stuaan Case 18-09108-RLM-11 Doc 229-2 Filed 01/31/19 EOD 01/31/19 21:10:09 Pg 2 of 33


In re: Chapter 11

1 USA GYMNASTICS, Case No. 18-09108-RLM-11



MARK STUAAN, declares as follows:

1. I am a partner at Barnes & Thornburg LLP (“Barnes & Thornburg”), a law firm

with offices in Indianapolis and across the United States. I am currently resident in Barnes &

Thornburg’s Indianapolis office, located at 11 South Meridian Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204.

2. To the best of my knowledge, neither I nor any partner or associate of Barnes &

Thornburg owns or represents any interests materially adverse to the Debtor.

3. To the best of my knowledge, neither Barnes & Thornburg nor any partner or

associate thereof, is a relative of, or connected now or in the past with the Judge of this Bankruptcy

Court making the appointment or approving the appointment.

4. Barnes & Thornburg represents no interest adverse to the Debtor in the matters

upon which it is to be engaged except as set forth herein.

1 The last four digits of the Debtor’s federal tax identification number are 7871. The location of the Debtor’s principal office is 130 E. Washington Street, Suite 700, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204. Case 18-09108-RLM-11 Doc 229-2 Filed 01/31/19 EOD 01/31/19 21:10:09 Pg 3 of 33

5. As of the Petition Date, Barnes & Thornburg was owed $46,414.68 in fees and

expenses for services rendered to the Debtor. Barnes & Thornburg is not seeking payment of the

prepetition amounts as a condition to its continued representation of USAG.

6. In connection with the preparation of this Declaration, and in addition to the conflict

search it ran pre-petition in connection with its initial engagement, Barnes & Thornburg conducted

a review of the Debtor’s top 20 creditors, as well as the additional creditors listed on Schedule 1.

Barnes & Thornburg’s review, completed under my supervision, consisted of a query of these

parties against Barnes & Thornburg’s internal database to identify any individuals or entities that

are present or recent former clients of Barnes & Thornburg.

7. Based on the results of Barnes & Thornburg’s search of its database, Barnes &

Thornburg does not hold or represent, as far as I have been able to ascertain, any interest that is

materially adverse to the interests represented by the Debtor, except as disclosed herein as follows:

a. Barnes & Thornburg is owed $46,414.68 for fees and expenses incurred prepetition. b. Barnes & Thornburg currently represents, or represented in the previous two years, the following parties in matters unrelated to the Debtor and this chapter 11 case: Axia Technology Partners, American Specialty Health, Anthem, Aramark, APCO Worldwide, ATT, Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Delta Dental (Kentucky), Denison Parking, Google, Inc., Indiana Department of Revenue, Iron Mountain, Lincoln National Life Insurance Company, Lincoln Financial Group, PNC Bank, State of Indiana, and UPS. 8. During the period of its employment as an ordinary course counsel to the Debtor,

Barnes & Thornburg will not hold any interest adverse to the interests represented by the Debtor.

In addition, Barnes & Thornburg will supplement the disclosures made herein in the event

relationships with additional parties in interest are discovered.

9. Subject to this Court’s approval and in accordance with Section 330 and 331 of the

Bankruptcy Code, the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure, and Local Rules of the United

States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Indiana, the Debtor and Barnes & Thornburg

2 Case 18-09108-RLM-11 Doc 229-2 Filed 01/31/19 EOD 01/31/19 21:10:09 Pg 4 of 33

have agreed that Barnes & Thornburg shall be compensated on an hourly basis, plus

reimbursement of actual and necessary expenses incurred by Barnes & Thornburg and that all

allowances of fees and expenses be paid as allowed by the Court.

10. Barnes & Thornburg’s 2019 billing rates range from $505 to $740 per hour for

partners, $345 to $475 per hour for associates, and $300 per hour for paralegals. Barnes &

2 Thornburg will provide a 15% discount to the Debtor on these standard hourly rates.

11. The billing rates for the attorneys expected to have a material role in representing

the Debtor in connection with a civil investigative demand issued by the Indiana Attorney General

(the “Prepetition Investigation”), are set forth below:

Name Position 2018 Rate (per hour) 2019 Rate (per hour)

Mark Stuaan Partner $710 $740

Kathleen Matsoukas Partner $540 $570

Brian Weir-Harden Partner $475 $505

Neal Brackett Associate $425 $475

Ladene Mendoza Associate $340 $370

Alejandra Reichard Associate $330 $345

Allison Scarlott Associate $330 $345

Amber Hammond Associate $325 N/A

Patricia Ellis Paralegal $290 $300

Brooke Aurs Paralegal $280 N/A

2 Barnes & Thornburg’s 2018 billing rates ranged from $475 to $710 per hour for partners, $325 to $425 per hour for associates, and $280 to $290 per hour for paralegals.

3 Case 18-09108-RLM-11 Doc 229-2 Filed 01/31/19 EOD 01/31/19 21:10:09 Pg 5 of 33

12. I have advised the Debtor of the willingness of Barnes & Thornburg to serve as the

Debtor’s ordinary course counsel in connection with the Prepetition Investigation based upon the

compensation proposal set forth above.

13. By reason of the foregoing, I submit that Barnes & Thornburg is eligible for

employment and retention by the Debtor pursuant to Sections 327(b), 328(a), 1107, and 1108 of

the Bankruptcy Code and Rule 2014 of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure.

Dated: January 31, 2019 /s/ Mark D. Stuaan Indianapolis, Indiana Mark D. Stuaan

4 Case 18-09108-RLM-11 Doc 229-2 Filed 01/31/19 EOD 01/31/19 21:10:09 Pg 6 of 33


Schedule of Parties in Interest

State of Indiana

USA Gymnastics

3rd Level Inc.

APCO Worldwide



American Athletic, Inc.

American Specialty Insurance


Antonia Markova

Aon Premium Finance LLC

Aon Risk Insurance Services West, Inc

Aon Risk Services, Inc.

Armine Brutyan-Fong

AT&T Mobility


Benchmark Rehabilitation Partners

Carey International, Inc.

Caris Laughon

Chainey Umphrey

Champion Rx

Cheryl Hamilton

Chubb Group of Insurance Companies Case 18-09108-RLM-11 Doc 229-2 Filed 01/31/19 EOD 01/31/19 21:10:09 Pg 7 of 33


Colorado Dept. of Labor and Employment

Daniel Baker

Deary Bros. Inc.

Delta Dental

Denison Parking

Dodson Group Inc

Elite Sportswear, L.P.

Engledow Group

Epignosis Llc

Everest Denali Insurance Company

Everest National Insurance Company

Evo Athletics

Federal Insurance Company

Fidelity Investments

Fidelity Investments 2018

Fledger Law

Fieger, Fierger, Kenny Harrington, PC

Geoffrey Corrigan

Georgianna Aragon

Glenn Bateman Morris

Gym Fun Management

Gym Fun Management LLC

Heather M. Forbes

Indiana Dept of Workforce Development Case 18-09108-RLM-11 Doc 229-2 Filed 01/31/19 EOD 01/31/19 21:10:09 Pg 8 of 33

Indiana Dept. of Revenue

Internal Revenue Service

Ivan Yordanov Ivanov

Jacqui Godfrey

Jami Jones PLLC

Jeffrey Gluckstein

Jenner Block LLP

Jian Liu


John Cheng

John Lucas

Jordan A Dillon

Joyanne Umenhofer

K K Insurance Group

Kinesio Holding Corporation

Kristine Klein

Krieg Devault LLP

Lana Lashoff

Lincoln Financial Group

Lincoln National Life Insurance Company

Lloyds of London

Los Rios Community College Distict

Mailfinance Inc.

Mary Lou Ackman

Maxient Llc Case 18-09108-RLM-11 Doc 229-2 Filed 01/31/19 EOD 01/31/19 21:10:09 Pg 9 of 33

Margarita Mamzina

Mcihelle Simpson Tuegel

Michelle Simpson Tuegel

Michigan State University

Miller, Johnson, Snell Cumminskey Plc

Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company

National Academy of Artistic Gymnastics

National Association of Sports Commissions

National Car Rental

National Casualty Company

National Center for Safety Initiatives

National Travel Systems-Corporate Office

Neofunds by Neopost

Neopost Indy/Gld Mailfinance

NEw Mexico Taxation Revenue Dept.

Nfp Property Casualty Services, Inc.

Office of the United States Trustee

Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Service

Ohio Dept. of Taxation

Oleg Fedosov

PNC Bank

PNC Financial Services Group, Inc

Palm Beach County Convention Center

Pavel Sargsyan

Paychex Inc. Case 18-09108-RLM-11 Doc 229-2 Filed 01/31/19 EOD 01/31/19 21:10:09 Pg 10 of 33

Perennial Investments and Advisors, Llc

Perennial Washington Llc

Plews Shadley Racher Braun LLP

Positive Coaching Alliance

Protrainings, Llc

Rhode Island Convention Center

Robert Lundy

Ryan Turner Specialty

Samual Thoomas Mcarthur

Sean Melton

Securities and Exchange Commission

Sharp Business Systems

Specialty Insurance Group

Sport Graphics, Inc.

Staples Business Credit

State of New Mexico

Stephen D Penny Jr

Tatiana Perskaia

The Alexander

Travis Michael Rainer

U.S. Trustee

USAG, Principal Office

United States Attorney's Office

United States Olympic Committee

UPS Case 18-09108-RLM-11 Doc 229-2 Filed 01/31/19 EOD 01/31/19 21:10:09 Pg 11 of 33

Victoria Anne Mpistolarides

Vladimir Artemev

Vinayak Properties Llc

Western World Insurance Company

Western World Insurance Group

Yin Alvarez

Zimmerman Reed LLP

Wipfli LLP

Case 18-09108-RLM-11 Doc 229-2 Filed 01/31/19 EOD 01/31/19 21:10:09 Pg 12 of 33

3rd Level Inc, DBA 3rd Level Consulting 4702 Osakis Way Ne A-1 Awards Inc. Attn Frank Sahlein Sarah Jantzi 2500 North Ritter Avenue 412 S 13th St, Ste 412 4702 Osakis Way Ne Indianapolis, IN 46218 Boise, ID 83702 Saint Michael, MN 55376

Ackman, Mary Lou Acrospirits Ahsinger, Nicole 1939 Butler Dr 407 West HWY 114 406 Summerland Key Lane Bartlett, IL 60103 Lovelland, TX 79336 Lafayette, LA 70508

Airborne Colorado Airborne Gymn Training Ctr 1816 Boston Ave. 1515 Walsh Ave 2465 Alpine Road Longmont, CO 80501 Santa Clara, CA 95050 Menlo Park, CA 94025

Alec Yoder Alex M Diab Alexander Renkert 4540 Desantis Ct, Apt 305 403 S 6th Street 17 W Gate Street Columbus, OH 43214 Champaign, IL 61820 Columbus, OH 43206

Aliaksei Shostak Alice Elizabeth Porter Alice Porter Address Redacted 3919 Berry Ridge Dr Address Redacted Holt, MI 48842

Alina Banut Alvarez, Yin 1437 SE 174th Ave. 1817 Parkridge Dr Address Redacted Portland, OR 97233 Norman, OK 73071

Alvey, Candace Alyssa Nicole Oh Alyssa Shrader 178 Trail Loop Dr Address Redacted 1566 Garden Vista Grove Unit 204 Colorado Springs, CO 80904 Paducah, KY 42001

Amber Franke Amelia Johnson American Athletic, Inc 4316 Charles Ct 20961 Big Woods Road SunTrust Banks, Inc. Hilliard, OH 43026 Dickerson, MD 20842 P.O. Box 116847 Atlanta, GA 30368-6847

Amy Klindt Andrei Kan Angel Rice 44 Bowles Lane S78W20418 Monterey Dr 19 Buford Village Walk Afton, WY 83110 Muskego, WI 53150 Bufurd, GA 30518

Anita Tomkona Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Aon Risk Insurance Services West Inc. 154 Sidney Bay Dr. P.O. Box 6570 1900 16th St, Suite 1000 Newport Coast, CA 92657 Carol Stream, IL 60197-6570 Denver, CO 80202 Case 18-09108-RLM-11 Doc 229-2 Filed 01/31/19 EOD 01/31/19 21:10:09 Pg 13 of 33

Aramark Refreshment Services ARAMARK Refreshment Services Arkell, Steve 8435 Georgetown Rd, 100 8435 Georgetown Rd. 903 Silver Spruce St Indianapolis, IN 46268 100 San Antonio, TX 78232 Indianaplois, IN 46268

Armen N Astoian Armine Barutyan Armine Barutyan-Fong 1081 Beach Park Blvd., 310 Address Redacted 1101 NW Jefferson Foster City, CA 94404 Blue Springs, MO 64015

Ashe, Michael Astoian, Armen N AthlectiCo LLC 1262 64th St. Address Redacted PO Box 74007019 Emeryville, CA 94608 Chicago, IL 60674

Athlete Rebate Region 1 - Men s Athlete Rebate Region 1 - Men s Athlete Rebate Region 1 - Rhythmic 130 E Washington St, Suite 700 130 E Washington Street 130 E Washington St, Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Indianapolis, IN 46204

Athlete Rebate Region 1 - Rhythmic Athlete Rebate Region 1 - T T Athlete Rebate Region 1 - T T 130 E Washington Street 130 E Washington St, Suite 700 130 E Washington Street Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Indianapolis, IN 46204

Athlete Rebate Region 1 - Women s Athlete Rebate Region 1 - Women s Athlete Rebate Region 2 - Men s 130 E Washington St, Suite 700 130 E Washington Street 130 E Washington St, Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Indianapolis, IN 46204

Athlete Rebate Region 2 - Men s Athlete Rebate Region 2 - Rhythmic Athlete Rebate Region 2 - Rhythmic 130 E Washington Street 130 E Washington St, Suite 700 130 E Washington Street Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Indianapolis, IN 46204

Athlete Rebate Region 2 - T T Athlete Rebate Region 2 - T T Athlete Rebate Region 2 - Women s 130 E Washington St, Suite 700 130 E Washington Street 130 E Washington St, Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Indianapolis, IN 46204

Athlete Rebate Region 2 - Women s Athlete Rebate Region 3 - Men s Athlete Rebate Region 3 - Men s 130 E Washington Street 130 E Washington St, Suite 700 130 E Washington Street Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Indianapolis, IN 46204

Athlete Rebate Region 3 - Rhythmic Athlete Rebate Region 3 - Rhythmic Athlete Rebate Region 3 - T T 130 E Washington St, Suite 700 130 E Washington Street 130 E Washington St, Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Case 18-09108-RLM-11 Doc 229-2 Filed 01/31/19 EOD 01/31/19 21:10:09 Pg 14 of 33

Athlete Rebate Region 3 - T T Athlete Rebate Region 3 - Women s Athlete Rebate Region 3 - Women s 130 E Washington Street 130 E Washington St, Suite 700 130 E Washington Street Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Indianapolis, IN 46204

Athlete Rebate Region 4 - Men s Athlete Rebate Region 4 - Men s Athlete Rebate Region 4 - Rhythmic 130 E Washington St, Suite 700 130 E Washington Street 130 E Washington St, Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Indianapolis, IN 46204

Athlete Rebate Region 4 - Rhythmic Athlete Rebate Region 4 - T T Athlete Rebate Region 4 - T T 130 E Washington Street 130 E Washington St, Suite 700 130 E Washington Street Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Indianapolis, IN 46204

Athlete Rebate Region 4 - Women s Athlete Rebate Region 4 - Women s Athlete Rebate Region 5 - Men s 130 E Washington St, Suite 700 130 E Washington Street 130 E Washington St, Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Indianapolis, IN 46204

Athlete Rebate Region 5 - Men s Athlete Rebate Region 5 - Rhythmic Athlete Rebate Region 5 - Rhythmic 130 E Washington Street 130 E Washington St, Suite 700 130 E Washington Street Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Indianapolis, IN 46204

Athlete Rebate Region 5 - T T Athlete Rebate Region 5 - T T Athlete Rebate Region 5 - Women s 130 E Washington St, Suite 700 130 E Washington Street 130 E Washington St, Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Indianapolis, IN 46204

Athlete Rebate Region 5 - Women s Athlete Rebate Region 6 - Men s Athlete Rebate Region 6 - Men s 130 E Washington Street 130 E Washington St, Suite 700 130 E Washington Street Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Indianapolis, IN 46204

Athlete Rebate Region 6 - Rhythmic Athlete Rebate Region 6 - Rhythmic Athlete Rebate Region 6 - T T 130 E Washington St, Suite 700 130 E Washington Street 130 E Washington St, Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Indianapolis, IN 46204

Athlete Rebate Region 6 - T T Athlete Rebate Region 6 - Women s Athlete Rebate Region 6 - Women s 130 E Washington Street 130 E Washington St, Suite 700 130 E Washington Street Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Indianapolis, IN 46204

Athlete Rebate Region 7 - Men s Athlete Rebate Region 7 - Men s Athlete Rebate Region 7 - Rhythmic 130 E Washington St, Suite 700 130 E Washington Street 130 E Washington St, Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Case 18-09108-RLM-11 Doc 229-2 Filed 01/31/19 EOD 01/31/19 21:10:09 Pg 15 of 33

Athlete Rebate Region 7 - Rhythmic Athlete Rebate Region 7 - T T Athlete Rebate Region 7 - T T 130 E Washington Street 130 E Washington St, Suite 700 130 E Washington Street Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Indianapolis, IN 46204

Athlete Rebate Region 7 - Women s Athlete Rebate Region 7 - Women s Athlete Rebate Region 8 - Men s 130 E Washington St, Suite 700 130 E Washington Street 130 E Washington St, Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Indianapolis, IN 46204

Athlete Rebate Region 8 - Men s Athlete Rebate Region 8 - Rhythmic Athlete Rebate Region 8 - Rhythmic 130 E Washington Street 130 E Washington St, Suite 700 130 E Washington Street Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Indianapolis, IN 46204

Athlete Rebate Region 8 - T T Athlete Rebate Region 8 - T T Athlete Rebate Region 8 - Women s 130 E Washington St, Suite 700 130 E Washington Street 130 E Washington St, Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Indianapolis, IN 46204

Athlete Rebate Region 8 - Women s Athlete Rebate Region 9 - Men s Athlete Rebate Region 9 - Men s 130 E Washington Street 130 E Washington St, Suite 700 130 E Washington Street Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Indianapolis, IN 46204

AthletiCo, Ltd Aubrey Rosilier Augusta Lipsey 625 Enterprise Drive 12675 Old Wick Road 3705 Miller Rd Oakbrook, IL 60523 San Antonio, TX 78230 Kalamazoo, MI 49001

Austring Investigations LLC Austring Investigations LLC Axia Technology Partners Attn Nancy Austring P.O. Box 961 151 N Delaware St P.O. Box 961 Gig Harbor, WA 98335 Suite 1750 Gig Harbour, WA 98335 Indianapolis, IN 46204

Axia Technology Partners Baggett, Megan Baker, Daniel 151 N Delaware St, Suite 1750 3434 Crayrich Drive Address Redacted Indianapolis, IN 46204 Hoover, AL 35226

Balerud, Laurie Barnard, Teresa Barutyan-Fong, Armine 5151 W. 29th St. 1250 Natoma Way Address Redacted 411 Unit C Greely, CO 80634 Oceanside, CA 92057

Baxter, Danielle Becky Brown Beth Gardner 56 Tuxette Road 1289 N 500 W 7613 W Fm 93 Thornton, NH 03285 Lehi, UT 84043 Belton, TX 76513 Case 18-09108-RLM-11 Doc 229-2 Filed 01/31/19 EOD 01/31/19 21:10:09 Pg 16 of 33

Betty Okino Benson Bingham Greenebaum Doll Llp Blilie, Marilyn Address Redacted Attn Thomas Scherer/Whitney Mosby 5919 Mahotea Boone Tr. 2700 Market Tower Westlake, TX 76262 10 West Market Street Indianapolis, IN 46204

Bloomington United Gymn School Bob Hallwig Boone, Pamela Renner 2741 S. Kegg Road 9200 Gaither Rd 68169 Edgewater Beach Rd Bloomington, IN 47403 Gaithersburg, MD 20877 White Pigeon, MI 49099

Bower, Allan Carl Brad Brown Brandi L Lockerman 1817 Parkridge Dr 1125 Meadowview Dr. 24 Martha Lane Norman, OK 73071 Mt. Zion, IL 62549 Pueblo, CO 81001

Brenda Eberhardt Brianna Mentzer Brianna Spencer 4008 Ellen Drive 16 Shadow Ct. 805 Elm Hurst Drive Marrero, LA 70072-6222 Middletown, CT 06457 Papillion, NE 68046

Broadcast Music, Inc. Brooks Eddy Brooks, Mia Elaine Attn Sonya Henrich 42335 Kingsmill Cir 157 Charlie Greenlee Road 10 Music Square East Elizabeth, CO 80107 Rutledge, TN 37861 Nashville, TN 37203

Brown, Christina Brown, Kaden Brown, Rebecca Jean Address Redacted 14328 S Grand Meadow Circle 1289 N 500 W Herriman, UT 84096 Lehi, UT 84043

Burns, Galina G Buseman, Jeanelle Cain, Danielle Address Redacted 23472 190th Street 7000 W Palmetto Park Rd Rockford, IA 50468 Suite 210 Boca Raton, FL 33433

Caitlyn Crawford Caldwell, Jana Callahan, William F 12810 Tournament Dr 695 Timber Ridge Circle 85 Lexington Street Reston, VA 20191 Sheridan, AR 72150 Unit 1 Hanson, MA 02341

Cameron Russom Camilla Feeley Carey International, Inc. 1620 Roble Drive SE 254 Red Oak Ln ACF Finco I LP Rio Rancho, NM 87124 Highland Park, IL 60035 P.O. Box 931994 Atlanta, GA 31193

Carissa Laughon Carmody, Heather Caroline King Address Redacted 10225 Snow Iris Way 1120 Tibbetts Wick Rd Sandy, UT 84092 Girard, OH 44420 Case 18-09108-RLM-11 Doc 229-2 Filed 01/31/19 EOD 01/31/19 21:10:09 Pg 17 of 33

Carolyn Louise Schneller Carolyn Schneller Carrie Sauber 5046 McDowell St Address Redacted 23925 Kay Drive Norton Shores, MI 49441 Lakeville, MN 55044

Carson, Kathryn Casey Wright Casimiro Suarez 34 Overlook Drive 1807 Hourglass Dr 1160 Steelwood Road Chappaqua, NY 10514 Carmel, IN 46032 Columbus, OH 43210

Central IL Gymnastics Academy Cesar Zapata Chambers, Kathy 725 W. Detweiler 1206 SW 46th Ave 3424 Loch Ridge Drive Peoria, IL 61615 Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 Birmingham, AL 35216

Champion Rx Chana Viders Chau, Kristin 5481 Commercial Dr, B 5 Greenhill Lane 28050 Caraway Lane Huntington Beach, CA 92649 Spring Valley, NY 10977 Santa Clarita, CA 91350

Chelsea Rainer Cheng, John Cherup, Naomi 27315 N 65th Ln 137 Danbury Rd. 141 4029 Keats Dr Phoenix, AZ 85083 New Milford, CT 06776 Troy, MI 48085

Cheryl Klauminzer Chevonne Forgan Christian Gallardo 20762 Eastwood Ave. 196 Old Military Rd 4530 Commons Park Drive Fairview Park, OH 44126 Lake Placid, NY 12946 New Albany, OH 43054

Christian Gallardo Christina Brown Christina Brown Address Redacted 5525 Copper Dr, Apt 103 Address Redacted Erie, PA 16509

Ciara Floyd Cindy Morano Cindy Morano 14030 FM 1560, Apt 2108 6511 W. 59th Street Address Redacted Helotes, TX 78023 Chicago, IL 60638

Cision US Inc. Cleveland-Childs, Kristin Cody Gesuelli Attn Josh Kowalkowski 12209 Inglehurst Drive 904 Willowbrook Dr SE, Apt 2 1 Prudential Plaza, 7th Fl Raleigh, NC 27613 Huntsville, AL 35802 130 E Randolph St Chicago, IL 60601

Cole, Duree L Cole, Loretta Colin Van Wicklen 1848 N Adams Street 3411 Lathrop St. 2900 Oak Tree Ave, Apt 7203 South Bend, IN 46628 Ste. A Norman, OK 73072 Fairbanks, AK 99701 Case 18-09108-RLM-11 Doc 229-2 Filed 01/31/19 EOD 01/31/19 21:10:09 Pg 18 of 33

Congress Region 1 Congress Region 1 Congress Region 2 130 E Washington St, Suite 700 130 E Washington Street 130 E Washington St, Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Indianapolis, IN 46204

Congress Region 2 Congress Region 3 Congress Region 3 130 E Washington Street 130 E Washington St, Suite 700 130 E Washington Street Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Indianapolis, IN 46204

Congress Region 4 Congress Region 4 Congress Region 5 130 E Washington St, Suite 700 130 E Washington Street 130 E Washington St, Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Indianapolis, IN 46204

Congress Region 5 Congress Region 6 Congress Region 6 130 E Washington Street 130 E Washington St, Suite 700 130 E Washington Street Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Indianapolis, IN 46204

Congress Region 7 Congress Region 7 Congress Region 8 130 E Washington St, Suite 700 130 E Washington Street 130 E Washington St, Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Indianapolis, IN 46204

Congress Region 8 Conner, Patti Connor Lee 130 E Washington Street 7401 Topeka Ave 4765 East Timberline Road Suite 700 Lubbock, TX 79424 Gilbert, AZ 85297 Indianapolis, IN 46204

Corbitt, Jonathan Corrigan, Geoffrey Covington Burling Llp 787 Byrd Avenue 1000 S State Street Attn Dianne Coffino/Martin Beeler Bridgewater, NJ 08807 Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Attn R. Alexander Clark/G. Zahn-Bielski The New York Times Building 620 Eighth Avenue New York, NY 10018

Cowen, Jeff Craig Ritter Crawford, Caitlyn 1362 Gilmore Lake Rd Address Redacted 12810 Tournament Dr Suth Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Reston, VA 20191

CRE 130 LLC Crescent City Gymnastics Curth, Michael 6500 City West Pkwy 7800 Earhart Blvd. 8 Lubber Street Suite 440 New Orleans, LA 70125 Stony Brook, NY 11790 Eden Prairie, MN 55344

Cutillo, Barbara Cypress Academy of Gymnastics Daniel Baker 4072 Darius Dr Thomas R Meadows 3800 American Blvd W, Ste 100 Enola, PA 17025 9125 Highway 6 North 2133 Katy, TX 77450 Houston, TX 77095 Case 18-09108-RLM-11 Doc 229-2 Filed 01/31/19 EOD 01/31/19 21:10:09 Pg 19 of 33

Daniel Cain Dante Hebert Darline Gaspard 700 W Palmetto Park Rd, Ste 210 9402 Garrett Rd 295 Brookbend Dr. Boca Raton, FL 33486 Maurice, LA 70555 Stratford, CT 06614

Davis Graham Stubbs Davis, Emily F Dawn Morey Re Jane Doe 0392 9614 Limestone Pond 244 Burlingame Road Attn Ericka Englert San Antonio, TX 78254 Palmer, MA 01069 1550 17th Street, Suite 500 Denver, CO 80202

Debra Van Horn Delta Dental Of Indiana Desert Gymcats Gymnastics Ericka Houck Englert 16172 Collection Center Drive 950 S. Cimarron Rd. 1550 17th Street Chicago, IL 60693 Las Vegas, NV 89145 Suite 500 Denver, CO 80202

Devany Plentovich Dewane, Marian DeWeerd, Sheryl J 17015 Nickleen Street P.O. Box 2137 5833 W Bradshaw Rd Anchorage, AK 99516 Boise, ID 83701 Ludington, MI 49431

Diab, Alex M Dmitri Poliaroush Duarte, Jocelyn Address Redacted 503 Green Springs Road 421 S Bixel Street Youngsville, LA 70592 Suite A Los Angeles, CA 90017

Duree Cole Duree L Cole Eagle Gymnastics Academy Address Redacted 1848 N Adams Street 6085 Sports Village Rd. South Bend, IN 46628 Frisco, TX 75033

Ean Service, Llc. Ean Services, Llc Eberhardt, Brenda P.O. Box 402383 Attn Mary E. Bushyhead 4008 Ellen Drive Atlanta, GA 30384 14002 E 21st Street, Suite 1500 Marrero, LA 70072-6222 Tulsa, OK 74134

Edlund, Stacey Elfenbein, Myra Elite Sports Academy Llc 2806 E Obsidian Ave 8806 Church Field Lane Attn Camille Cole Post Falls, ID 83854 Laurel, MD 207089 55200 Pine Rd South Bend, IN 46628-5602

Elizabeth Anna Okino-Benson Elizabeth Mitzel Elizabeth Renoud 14101 Payton Address Redacted 2525 Barry Rose Rd, 910 Irvine, CA 92620 Pearland, TX 77581

Ely, Jeana Em Kay Sky LLC Emilio Lehmer 2305 County Road 1222 906 S Wooster St, 301 1220 W Laird St. Blanchard, OK 73010 Los Angeles, CA 90035 Tempe, AZ 85281 Case 18-09108-RLM-11 Doc 229-2 Filed 01/31/19 EOD 01/31/19 21:10:09 Pg 20 of 33

Emily Davis Emily Engelhardt Endurance U.S. Insurance Claims 9614 Limestone Pond W11415 Hawthorne Dr. Attn Claims Department San Antonio, TX 78254 Waupun, WI 53963 750 Third Avenue, 18th Floor New York, NY 10017

Enterprise Services Epic Gymnastics Erica Baker P.O. Box 402383 4688 Commerce Dr 1171 Matador Ave. Atlanta, GA 30384 Murray, UT 84107 Billings, MT 59105

Euler Hermes W.A. Euler Hermes, N.A. Evans, Pamela Godward Agent of Fleishmon - Hillard Destiny Mckoy 8030 E. Avalon Dr. Euler Hermes, N.A. 800 Red Brook Blvd. Scottsdale, AZ 85251 Attn Destiny Mccoy Owings Mills, MD 21117 800 Red Brook Blvd. Owings Mills, MD 21117

Everest, Regina Federation Inte de Gymnastique FIG Fedosov, Oleg 6035 6th Place Rue des Oeuches 10 6512 W 130th Avenue Vero Beach, FL 32968 Case Postale 359 Cedar Lake, IN 46303 France

Feeley, Camilla FinalForms First State Gymnastics 254 Red Oak Lane 442 Walters Road Address Redacted Highland Park, IL 60035 Chagrin Falls, OH 44022

Fitzsimmons, Tim FleishmanHillard Inc Flips Gymnastics LLC 13801 Artic Avenue P.O. Box 771733 3505 Commerce Blvd. Rockville, MD 20853 St Louis, MO 63177 White Bear, MN 55110

Floyd, Ciara Forbes, Heather M Forgan, Chevonne 14030 FM 1560 1170 White Chapel 196 Old Military Road Apt 2108 Algonguin, IL 60102 Lake Placid, NY 12946 Helotes, TX 78023

Franke, Amber G3 Global Services G3 Global Services 4316 Charles Court 1951 N Military Trail 1951 N Military Trail Suite D Hilliard, OH 43026 Suite D West Palm Beach, FL 33409 West Palm Beach, FL 33409

Galina G Burns Galina G, Burns Gallardo, Christian 2714 Lancaster Drive Address Redacted Address Redacted Sun City Center, FL 33573

Galt House Hotel Garden State Trampoline Acad Gardner, Beth 140 N Fourth Street 457 Stagecoach Rd. 7613 W Fm 93 Louisville, KY 40202 Clarksburg, NJ 08510 Belton, TX 76513 Case 18-09108-RLM-11 Doc 229-2 Filed 01/31/19 EOD 01/31/19 21:10:09 Pg 21 of 33

Gatschet, Katherine Gawron, Laura Gems Sports Inc. 3609 SW Randolph Avenue 62236 Cloverleaf Drive 22122 Braddock Place Topeka, KS 66611 East Amberst, NY 14051 Boca Raton, FL 33428

Georgeann Iavarone Gerber Ciano Kelly Brady Gerber Ciano Kelly Brady LLP 32471 Via Los Santos 228 Park Ave South, Suite 97572 228 Park Ave South San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 New York, NY 10003 Suite 97572 New York, NY 10003

Gesuelli, Cody Glenn Morris Glielmi, Thomas 904 Willowbrook Dr SE Address Redacted Address Redacted Apt 2 Huntsville, AL 07748

Global Spectrum Global Spectrum LP Gluckstein, Jeffrey 650 Okeechobee Blvd dba Spectra Venue Management 60 Ocean Boulevard West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Palm Beach County Conv Ctr Atlantic Highlands, NJ 07716 Attn General Manager 650 Okeechobee Blvd. West Palm Beach, FL 33401

Gold Ray Rhythmic Google Inc. Grace Zou 2414 E. 19th St. 1600 Amphitheater Parkway 1115 Di Napoli Dr. Brooklyn, NY 11235 Mountain View, CA 94043 San Jose, CA 95129

Grayson, Dianne Great Play Great Play Mara D.H.Smith 907 W. Kroll Ave. Mara Smith 3 Seneca Trail Gilbert, AZ 85033 33 Seneca Trail Lake Placid, NY 12946 Lake Placid, NY 12946

Gretchen Schulz Growing Champions For Life, Inc. Gym Fun Management Co LLC 247 Dunleith Dr 7403 Lake Emma Road 110 N IH 35, Ste 315 Destrehan, LA 70047 Groveland, FL 34736 P.O. Box 333 Round Rock, TX 78681

Gym Fun Management LLC Gymcert Gymnastics Du Sol Attn Cheryl Jarrett 12468 Osprey Lane, Unit 3 1870 NE 144th St. 110 N IH 35, Ste 315 Playa Vista, CA 90094 North Miami, FL 33181 P.O. Box 333 Round Rock, TX 78681

Gymnastics Guru Consulting H2H Services LLC Hailey Kunimura 20 Bott Ln Address Redacted 3020 220th Ave E. Towaco, NJ 07082 Lake Tapps, WA 98391

Halfmann, Lynn Hall, Heidi Hallwig, Bob PO Box 181328 PO Box 385 9200 Gaither Road Denver, CO 80218 Sangerville, ME 04479 Gaithersburg, MD 20877 Case 18-09108-RLM-11 Doc 229-2 Filed 01/31/19 EOD 01/31/19 21:10:09 Pg 22 of 33

Hamilton, Cheryl Haney, Jill Haney, Maggie 21 Arizona State Dr 5 Columbia Dr Rear Address Redacted Newark, DE 19713 Williamsville, NY 14221

Hanford, Deanna Harris County, Et Al Harris County, Et Al 14798 Laurelwood Street C/O Linebarger Goggan Blair Sampson P.O. Box 3547 Poway, CA 92064 Attn John P. Dillman Houston, TX 77253-3547 P.O. Box 3064 Houston, TX 77253-3064

Hattersley, Adam Roger Hawk, Rayetta Hawk, Renee 5833 Tulip Flower Drive 3206 Lupine Drive 8039 State Park Riverview, FL 33578 Indianapolis, IN 46224 Center Line, MI 48015

Heather Forbes Heather M Forbes Heather Trivedi Address Redacted 1170 White Chapel 19 Church Tavern Rd Algonguin, IL 60102 South Salem, NY 10590

Hebert, Dante Heisler, Rita Hilder Associates 9402 Garrett Rd 8 Hickory Dr 819 Lovett Blvd Maurice, LA 70555 Horseheads, NY 14845 Houston, TX 77006

Hilder Associates PC Hill, Ronald Hilton Garden Inn Indianapolis Downtown 819 Lovett Blvd 245 E Page Street 10 East Market St Houston, TX 77006 St Paul, MN 55107 Indianapolis, IN 46204

Holiday Inn Sarasota Airport Howard, Trevor Humphrey, Terin 8009 15th St E 1290 Fahlander Dr 114 SE 2nd Street Sarasota, FL 34243 Columbus, OH 43229 Blue Springs, MO 64014

Hunger, Michael Huntley Gymnastics Academy Iavarone, Georgeann Address Redacted 10725 Wolf Drive 32471 Via Los Santos Huntley, IL 60142 San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675

Iavn Ivanov, MA Ice Miller Indiana Gymnastics Center 6 Yankee Lane Attn John Cannizzaro 1130 Eastview Dr. Ashland, MA 01721 250 W. St. , Ste. 700 Franklin, IN 46131 Columbus, OH 43215-7509

Indianapolis Public Schools Irene School of Rhythmic Gymn Iron Mountain 1129 E 16th Street 74 Icon 1000 Campus Dr Indianapolis, IN 46202 Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 Collegeville, PA 19426 Case 18-09108-RLM-11 Doc 229-2 Filed 01/31/19 EOD 01/31/19 21:10:09 Pg 23 of 33

Iron Mountain Ivan Ivanov Ivan Ivanov, MA P.O. Box 27128 Address Redacted 6 Yankee Lane New York, NY 10087-7128 Ashland, MA 01721

Ivan Yordanov Ivanov Ivanov, Ivan Yordanov Jacob Marks 7816 Cohn Street Address Redacted 1013 W 37th St New Orleans, LA 70118 Erie, PA 16508

Jantzi, Sarah Jeff Gluckstein Jenkins, Lacey Address Redacted Address Redacted 10053 E Co. Rd 550 N Mattoon, IL 61938

Jenna Brittney Tegtmeyer Jennifer Sampson Jeromy McVige 15621 Cardinal Nest Drive 543 Heinel Dr 22 Wynngate Ln Edmond, OK 73103 Roseville, MN 55113 Williamsville, NY 14221

Jessie Landes Jian Liu Jill Haney 63 Gates St 14308 SE 285th Place 5 Columbia Dr Framingham, MA 01702 Kent, WA 98042 Williamsville, NY 14221

Jocelyn Duarte Johns Hopkins All Children s Hospital Johnson, Amelia 421 S Bixel St, Suite A Sports Med/USAG/Attn Finance 20961 Big Woods Road Los Angeles, CA 90017 501 6th Ave South Dickerson, MD 20842 St Petersburg, FL 33701

Joseph Rodriguez Joshua Samuelson Joy s Jym, LLC 22774 Renford St 1131 Sasco Hill Rd 52 Friendship Ln Novi, MI 48375 Fairfield, CT 06824 Estill Springs, TN 37330

Joye, Kimberlee June Kim Juszczyk, Michael 900 W Summit Drive 616 S June St 5950 Meadow Brook Lane Unit 5 Los Angeles, CA 90005 Cumming, GA 30040 Dalton, GA 30721

K and L Tumbletown Kaden Brow Kardos, Annette 5592 US Hwy 77A-N 14328 S Grand Meadow Cir 1107 Ada Drive Yoakum, TX 77995 Herriman, UT 84096 North Huntingdon, PA 15642

Katherine Clemens Kathryn Carson Kathy Chambers 2949 28th Ln NE 34 Overlook Drive 3424 Loch Ridge Drive Olympia, WA 98506 Chappaqua, NY 10514 Birmingham, AL 35216 Case 18-09108-RLM-11 Doc 229-2 Filed 01/31/19 EOD 01/31/19 21:10:09 Pg 24 of 33

Kathy Chambers Kelly Mackinga Kelly Scarberry 3424 Loch Ridge Drive 181 South Mirasol Way 953 Reynolds Cir Hoover, AL 35216 Atascadero, CA 93422 Oregon, OH 43616

Kelly Shane Kelly Tanguay Kevin White 8416 Sonoma Valley Dr NE 82 Wheatherstone Pl 142 Apple Blossom Dr Albuquerque, NM 87122 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Brandon, MS 39047

Kiley Lockett Kim Zmeskal-Burdette Kim Zmeskal-Burdette 1702 Timingo Gate Way 343 Hunterwood Court Address Redacted Oceanside, CA 92054 Coppell, TX 75019

Kim, June Kimberly Till King, Caroline 616 S June Street 1965 Broadway, 17A 1120 Tibbetts-Wick Los Angeles, CA 90005 New York , NY 10023 Girard, OH 44420

Kiyo Borch Klimouk, Natalya Koll, Thomas 32 Fieldhouse Ave. 916 Knollwood Dr 7701 Davis Circle East Setauket, NY 11733 Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 Omaha, NE 68134

Koller Trial Law, PLLC Koller Trial Law, PLLC Koller Trial Law, Pllc re Davis re Davis Kanaly Re Davis, Ashley Attn A. Laurie Koller Attn A. Laurie Koller Attn A. Laurie Koller 320 South Boston, Suite 1130 320 South Boston, Suite 1130 320 South Boston, Suite 1130 Tulsa, OK 74103 Tulsa, OK 74103 Tulsa, OK 74103

Koller Trial Law, Pllc Kozitskaya, Natalya Kozma, Tina Re Kanaly, Shelby Address Redacted 385 Sarver Road Attn A. Laurie Koller Sarver, PA 16055 320 South Boston, Suite 1130 Tulsa, OK 74103

Krenk, George Kristin Chau Kristin Cleveland-Childs 14490 Loveridge Street 28050 Caraway Ln 12209 Inglehurst Dr Marcellus, MI 49067 Santa Clarita, CA 91350 Raleigh, NC 27613

Kristine Ortenzo-Hayes Kristle A. Lowell Lacey Jenkins P.O. Box 1525 14484 Creekview Dr. 10053 E County Rd 550 N Temecula, CA 92593 Orland Park, IL 60467-7151 Mattoon, IL 61938

Lake Frances Retreates Lake Frances Retreats Lake Frances Retreats 272 Lake Frances Road 272 Lake Frances Road John Roethlisberger Crossville, TN 38571 Crossville, TN 38571 12244 Patagonia Lane Knoxville, TN 37922 Case 18-09108-RLM-11 Doc 229-2 Filed 01/31/19 EOD 01/31/19 21:10:09 Pg 25 of 33

Lake Frances Retreats Landes, Jessie Landi, Laurent John Roethlisberger 63 Gates St Address Redacted 12244 Patagonia Lane Framingham, MA 01702 Knoxville, TN 38571

Laura Gawron Laurent Landi Laurent Landi 62236 Cloverleaf Dr 2408 Spring Drive Address Redacted East Amber, NY 14051 McKinney, TX 75070

Laurie Ann Balerud Laurie Ann Bolerud Laurie Balerud 5151 West 29th Street 411 5151 West 29th Street 5151 W. 29th St., 411 Greeley, CO 80634 Unit 411 Greely, CO 80634 Greeley, CO 80634

Law Office Of Thomas James Laz Parking Limited LLC Let it Shine Parents Club P.O. Box 60506 15 Lewis St 1892 General George Patton Dr Colorado Springs, CO 80960 Hartford, CT 06103 Franklin, TN 37067

LexisNexis Lincoln Financial Group Lipsey, Augusta 28544 Network Place P.O. Box 0821 3705 Miller Road Chicago, IL 60673-1285 Carol Stream, IL 60132-0821 Kalamazoo, MI 49001

Liu, Jian Lloyd White Lockett, Kiley Address Redacted 3317 FM 44, E 1702 Timingo Gate Way De Kalb, TX 75559 Oceanside, CA 92054

Lomas, Susan K Lowell, Kristle A. Lucarello, Leonard 513 Glen Grove Lane 14484 Creekview Dr. 341 Cypress Drive Orlando, FL 32839 Orland Park, IL 60467-7151 Mastic Beach, NY 11951

Lucas, John Lundy, Robert Lutska, Brant Address Redacted Address Redacted 92 State St. Perth Amboy, NJ 08861

Lynn Halfman Mackinga, Kelly Maggie Haney P.O. Box 181328 181 South Mirasol Way 44 Catawba Court Denver, CO 80218 Atascadero, CA 93422 Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852

Maggie Haney MailFinance, A NeoPost USA Company Main Event Apparel Address Redacted 478 Wheelers Farms Rd 6880 Hillsdale Court Milford, CT 06461 Indianapolis, IN 46250 Case 18-09108-RLM-11 Doc 229-2 Filed 01/31/19 EOD 01/31/19 21:10:09 Pg 26 of 33

Mara D.H.Smith, Great Play Mara Smith Marene M. Van Farowe Address Redacted 33 Seneca Trail Address Redacted Lake Placid, NY 12946

Marene Margaret Van Farowe Marilyn Blilie Marilyn Joyce Wallace 2792 24th Avenue 5919 Mahotea Boone Trail 5705 Sonoma Trace Hudsonville, MI 49426 Westlake, TX 76262 Cane Ridge, TN 37013

Marilyn Joyce Wallace Mark Williams Mark Williams Address Redacted 325 W Imhoff Road Address Redacted Norman, OK 73019

Marks, Jacob Martin Obianwu Mary M Roth 1013 West 37th Street P.O. Box 921 10707 Downing Street Erie, PA 16509 Roanoke, TX 76262 Carmel, IN 46033

Mary Smith Matt Pemberton Maureen Genke 1704 West Acres Rd 7131 Shady Hollow Rd NW 1720 Castle Ct. Joliet, IL 60435 Canton, OH 44718 Elgin, IL 60120

McArthur, Samuel Thomas McClure, Brett McDiarmid, Patricia Address Redacted 412 S Nevada Avenue 2 Christopher Circle 404 Wilbraham, MA 01095 Colorado Springs, CO 80903

McDonald, Linda McKenna Whitesell McNamee, Tom 2752 Shelly Lane 16079 Fox Chase Ln 3488 E Loren Von Drive Aurora, IL 60504 Culpeper, VA 22701 Salt Lake City, UT 84124

McVige, Jeromy Medeiros, Cydni Meeker, Brian 22 Wyngate Ln 442 N 3836 E 2008 Girard Ave. S Williamsville, NY 14221 Rigby, ID 83442 Minneapolis, MN 55405

Megan Archambeault Megan Baggett Megan Baggett 2561 Prairie Pine St 3434 Crayrich Drive Address Redacted Henderson, NV 89044 Hoover, AL 35226

Melton, Sean Messerli Kramer PA MG Elite Address Redacted 1400 Fifth Street Towers Address Redacted 100 South Fifth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 Case 18-09108-RLM-11 Doc 229-2 Filed 01/31/19 EOD 01/31/19 21:10:09 Pg 27 of 33

Mia Brooks Mia Brooks Mia Elaine Brooks 157 Charlie Greenlee Rd 157 Charlie Greenlee Road 157 Charlie Greenlee Rd Rutledge, TN 37861 Rulledge, TN 37861 Rutledge, TN 37861

Michael Hunger Michael Juszcyk Michael Rogals 12841 Monticello Lane 5950 Meadow Brook Lane 196 Old Military Rd Champlin, MN 55316 Cumming , GA 30040 Lake Placid, NY 12946

Microsulting Mike Hunger Miles Smith 4870 1/2 McConnell Ave Address Redacted 226 Lottie Lane Los Angeles, CA 90066 Harker Heights, TX 76548

Millers Gymnastics Odessa Millers Gymnastics Odessa Mills Gymnastics USA 2911 E Hwy 80 2911 E Hwy 80 13300 Reeck Rd. Odessa, TX 79761 Odessa, TX 79762 Southgate, MI 48195

Mindy Wilson Missy Didier Mitzel, Elizabeth Ann 2650 N 3000 W 10833 W. Sagewood Road 2872 Coast Circle Delta, UT 84624 Nine Mile Falls, WA 99026 201 Huntington Beach, CA 92649

Monahan, Susan Monmouth Gymnastics Moore, Taryn Leigh 6221 Westgate Drive Address Redacted 3011 Sand Drive 1004 Hunstville, TX 77340 Orlando, FL 32835

Morano, Cindy Morris, Glenn Bateman Myra Elfenbein 6511 W. 59th Street 1004 Laurel Cove 8806 Church Field Lane Chicago, IL 60638 Buda, TX 78610 Laurel, MD 207089

Nancy Poulis Naomi Cherup Natalya Klimouk 20 Rolling Hills Dr. 4029 Keats Dr 916 Knollwood Dr Nesconset, NY 11767 Troy, MI 48085 Buffalo Grove, IL 60089

Natalya Kozitskaya Natalya Kozitskaya NCSI - SportsEngine 357 E. Armstrong Dr. Address Redacted P.O. Box 74008982 Fountainville, PA 18923 Chicago, IL 60674

Neil Resnick Neopost USA Inc. Nesbitt, Robert C. 844 E Reflect Ridge Drive 478 Wheelers Farms Rd 17 Raven Lane Meridian, ID 83642 Milford, CT 06461 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 Case 18-09108-RLM-11 Doc 229-2 Filed 01/31/19 EOD 01/31/19 21:10:09 Pg 28 of 33

Nichole Otterson Nicole Otterson Noah Cavinder Address Redacted 27445 E 160th Ave 135 W Yellow Bee Drive Brighton, CO 80603 San Tan Valley, AZ 85143

North Star Gym North Start Gymnastics North Valley Gymnastics 723 Byrne Industrial Dr 723 Byrne Ind Drive 20815 N. 28th St. Rockford, MI 49341 Rockford, MI 49341 Phoenix, AZ 85050

Northern Virginia RHY Gymn Obianwu, Martin Oh, Alyssa Nicole 45714 Oakbrook Ct. PO Box 921 Address Redacted Sterling, VA 20166 Roanoke, TX 76262

OK Extreme Tumbling Okino-Benson, Elizabeth Anna Olivia Simpson 8250 E. 111th St. Address Redacted 3207 CR 7630 Bixby, OK 74008 Lubbock, TX 79423

Otterson, Nicole Ovations Foods Services L.P. Pachulski Stang Ziehl Jones 27445 E. 160th Ave. Dba Spectra Food Services Hospitality Attn Steven Golden/Ilan Scharf Brighton, CO 80603 Palm Beach County Convention Center 780 Third Ave., 34th Floor 650 Okeechobee Blvd. New York, NY 10017 West Palm Beach, FL 33401

Pachulski Stang Ziehl Jones Llp Pachulski, Stang, Ziehl Jones Llp Padilla, Ruben Alonzo Attn James Stang Attn James I. Stang 4654 Mammouth Lane 10100 Santa Monica Blvd., 13th Fl. 10100 Santa Monica Blvd., 13th Floor Oakley, CA 94561 Los Angeles, CA 90067-4003 Los Angeles, CA 90067-4003

Pamela Renner Boone Panichas, Patricia Patricia Panichas 68169 Edgewater Beach Rd 9 Sherman Lane 9 Sherman Lane White Pigeon, MI 49099 Hamden, CT 06514 Hamden, CT 06514

Pemberton, Matt Perskaia, Tatiana Pinnacle Solutions Inc 7131 Shady Hollow Rd 7633 Hamelin Lane 152 E Washington St Canton, OH 44718 Gainesville, VA 20155 Indianapolis, IN 46204

Plentovich, Devany Pnc Bank, National Association Pnc Bank, National Association 17015 Nickleen Street Attn Chief Counsel, Treasury Management Anchorage, AK 99516 Commercial Banking Group Firstside Center, 500 First Avenue 1600 Market Street, 28th Floor Attn Commerical Card Operations Philadelphia, PA 19103 Mailstop P7-Pfsc-03-D Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Poliaroush, Dmitri Porter, Alice Elizabeth Porter, Jennifer Lynn Address Redacted 3919 Berry Ridge Dr 10604 Boston Ave Holt, MI 48842 Lubbock, TX 79423 Case 18-09108-RLM-11 Doc 229-2 Filed 01/31/19 EOD 01/31/19 21:10:09 Pg 29 of 33

Portillo, Jonathan Michael Powers-Basinger, Lori Pro Trainings LLC 12609 Zuni Street 677 Providence Ave 6452 E Fulton St. 1 304 Unit F Ada, MI 49301 Broomfield, CO 80020 Columbus, OH 43214

Ragle, Sheila Rainer, Chelsea Rainer, Travis Michael 1870 Eagle Summit Court 27315 N 65th Lane Address Redacted Lawrenceville, GA 30043 Phoenix, AZ 85083

Ralph, Schwab Schiever, Chartered Rayetta Hawk Rayetta Hawk Attn M. Ralph/D. Schwab/J. Norton 3206 Lupine Drive 7645 E 46th Street 3 Hawthorn Parkway, Ste. 370 Indianapolis, IN 46224 Indianapolis, IN 46226 Vernon Hills, IL 60061

Red Lereille s Health Club Red Lerille s Health Racquet Club Regina Everest 301 Doucet Road 301 Doucet Road 6035 6th Place Lafayette, LA 70503 Lafayette, LA 70503 Vero Beach, FL 32968

Renee Hawk Renee Hawk Renee Leora Hawk 7645 E 46th Street 8039 State Park 8030 State Park Indianapolis, IN 46226 Center Line, MI 48015 Center Line, MI 48015

Renkert, Alexander Renoud, Elizabeth Frances Resnick, Neil 17 W Gate Street 2525 Barry Road Road Address Redacted Columbus, OH 43206 910 Pearland, TX 77581

Revolution Gymnastics Rice, Angel Rita Heisler Susan A. Brown 19 Buford Village Walk 8 Hickory Dr 5219 Bethany Dr Buford, GA 30518 Horseheads, NY 14845 Cross Lanes, WV 25313

Robert L Lundy Roberts, Ryan Steven Robin Ann Smith 206 Commodore Way 11426 Canetuck Lane Address Redacted Odenton, MD 21113 Northport, AL 35475

Robin Smith Rodriguez, Joseph Roethle, Nicole 46 Chelmsworth 22774 Renford St 4512 W 73rd Court Bella Vista, AR 72715 Novi, MI 48375 Merrillville, IN 46410

Rogals, Michael Roth, Mary M Ruben Padilla 196 Old Military Road 10707 Downing Street 4654 Mammouth Ln Lake Placid, NY 12946 Carmel, IN 46033 Oakley, CA 94561 Case 18-09108-RLM-11 Doc 229-2 Filed 01/31/19 EOD 01/31/19 21:10:09 Pg 30 of 33

Rubin Levin, P.C. Rustam Sharipov Ryan Steven Roberts Attn Deborah Caruso/Meredith Theisen The Ohio State University 11426 Canetuck Lane 135 N Pennsylvania St, Ste 1400 1160 Steelwood Rd. Northport, AL 35475 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Columbus, OH 43212

Sampson, Jennifer Samuel Mcarthur Samuel Mikulak 543 Heinel Drive Address Redacted USOTC Roseville, MN 55113 1 Olympic Plaza Colorado Springs, CO 80909

Samuelson, Joshua Sara Elliott Sarah Jantzi 1131 Sasco Hill Road 201 Nolan Ridge Dr. 4702 Osakis Way NE Fairfield, CT 06824 Nolanville, TX 76559 Ostego, MN 55376

Sarah Jantzi Sarah Webster Sargsyan, Pavel Address Redacted 406 Summerland Key Lane Address Redacted Lafayette, LA 70508

Scarberry, Kelly Schneller, Carolyn Louise Schott, Dean 953 Reynolds Circle Address Redacted 317 61st Avenue Oregon, OH 43616 Greeley, CO 80634

Schultz, Gretchen Seattle Gymnastics-Ballard Security Concepts Group 247 Dunleith Dr 1415 NW 52nd St. 848 N Rainbow Blvd, 4852 Destrehan, LA 70047 Seattle, WA 98107 Las Vegas, NV 89107

Security Concepts Group Llc Security Concepts Group Llc Shadenko, Tatyana Attn James Cameron Attn James Cameron Address Redacted 848 N Rainbow Blvd 4852 848 N Rainbow Blvd 4852 Las Vegas, NV 89107 Las Vegas, NV 89166

Shane, Kelly Sharipov, Rustam Sharp Electronics Corporation 8416 Sonoma Valley Dr NE The Ohio State University DBA Sharp Business Systems Albuquerque, NM 87122 1160 Steelwood Rd. Dept. CH 14288 Columbus, OH 43212 Palatine, IL 60055-4288

Shaw, Evan Sherman, Mark Sherman,Laurel 1313 W Shannon Street 5607 Merrimac Ave 905 Mt. Zoar Chandler, AZ 85224 Dallas, TX 75206 Elmira, NY 14904

Sheryl Deweerd Sheryl J DeWeerd Shipman Goodwin Llp Address Redacted 5833 W Bradshaw Rd Attn Katherine Hance/James Ruggeri Ludington, MI 49431 Attn Joshua Weinberg 1875 K St, Ne, Ste. 600 Washington, DC 20006 Case 18-09108-RLM-11 Doc 229-2 Filed 01/31/19 EOD 01/31/19 21:10:09 Pg 31 of 33

Shostak, Aliaksei Shrader, Alyssa Michelle Simpson, Olivia Address Redacted 1566 Garden Vista Grove 3207 CR 7630 Colorado Springs, CO 80904 Lubbock, TX 79423

Smith Amundsen Llc Smith, Mary Smith, Robin Attn Mark Wenzel 1704 West Acres Road 46 Chelmsworth 201 N. Illinois St., Ste. 1400 Joliet, IL 60435 Bella Vista, AR 72715 Capital Center, South Tower Indianapolis, IN 46204

Smithamundsen Llc Sonya Yankova Spencer, Brianna Leigh Attn Martha Lehman 2754 Woodmere Drive 805 Elm Hurst Drive 201 N. Illinois St., Ste. 1400 Darien, IL 60561 Papillion, NE 68046 Capital Center, South Tower Indianapolis, IN 46204

St. Albert Gymnastics Club Staci Kohlbusch Stephen Arkell 2A Riel Dr. 232 Whittington Dr. Address Redacted St. Albert, AB T8N 3Z7 Knoxville, TN 37923 Canada

Steve Arkell Steve Penney Stevens, Jessica 903 Silver Spruce St 11121 Mirado Lane 4217 Southfield Road San Antonio, TX 78232 Fishers, IN 46037 Ellicott City, MD 21042

Streamline Products And Services LLC Suarez, Casimiro Susan Brown 12420 Southeastern Ave Address Redacted 5219 Bethany Dr Indianapolis, IN 46259 Cross Lanes, WV 25313

Susan Monahan Sweny, Cameron Tabitha Wainscott 6221 Westgate Dr. 1004 1200 Cedar Cove 4509 Cherbourg Way Orlando, FL 32835 Royse City, TX 75189 Pensacola, FL 32505

Tamara Biggs Tammy Rhodes Tanaya Williams Address Redacted 6610 Magnolia Ln. 177 Via Havarre Ft. Meyers, FL 33966 Merritt Island, FL 32953

Tanguay, Kelly Taqiy Abdullah Taryn Leigh Moore 82 Wheatherstone Place 805 Ga Zump Drive 3011 Sand Drive Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Norman, OK 73069 Hunstville, TX 77340

Tatyana Shadenko Taylor Bilski Tegtmeyer, Jenna Brittney 4806 Redwood Drive 47 Branchbrook Dr. Address Redacted McKinney, TX 75070 Smithtown, NY 11787 Case 18-09108-RLM-11 Doc 229-2 Filed 01/31/19 EOD 01/31/19 21:10:09 Pg 32 of 33

Teresa Barnard The Hybrid Perspective, LLC The Law Ofc of Thomas M. James, P.C. 1250 Natoma Way, Unit C 32 Bow St P.O. Box 60506 Oceanside, CA 92057 Beverly, MA 01915 Colorado Springs, CO 80960

The PNC Financial Services Group Thomas Glielmi Thomas Koll d/b/a PNC Bank, N.A. 23 Pearce Mithell Pl 7701 Davis Circle Attn Douglas Mundell, Sr. Counsel Stanford, CA 94305 Omaha, NE 68134 300 Fifth Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Thomas R Meadows Till, Kimberly Tim Fitzsimmons 9125 Highway 6 North 2133 1965 Broadway 13801 Arctic Ave Houston, TX 77095 17A Rockville, MD 20853 New York, NY 10023

Tina Kozma Tom Meadows Top Flight Gymnastics 385 Sarver Rd 11707 B Huffmeister Road 721 Centre View Blvd Sarver, PA 16055 Houston, TX 77065 Crestview Hills, KY 41017

Tracy Troxel Trampoline and Tumbling Express Trans-Expedite, Inc 156 Blue Bird Lane P.O. Box 82036 PO Box 679042 Gays Mills, WI 54631 Lafayette, LA 70598 Dallas, TX 75267

Travis Rainer Trevethan, Donnalyn Trevor Howard Address Redacted 21195 E Eastman Ave 1290 Fahlander Dr Aurora, CO 80013 Columbus, OH 43229

Triple E Kids Trivedi, Heather Troxel, Tracy 185 Veterans Memorial Hwy 19 Church Tavern Road 156 Blue Bird Lane Mableton, GA 30126 South Salem, NY 10590 Gays Mills, WI 54631

Umphrey, Chainey Univ of CA - Berkeley UPS 1415 Melwood Dr 379 Simpson Center Lockbox 577 San Joe, CA 95054 2227 Piedmon Ave. Carol Stream, IL 60132-0577 Berkeley, CA 94720

Van Farowe, Marene Margaret Van Wicklen, Colin Vernyi, Igor 2792 24th Avenue 2900 Oak Tree Ave Address Redacted Hudsonville, MI 49426 Apt 7203 Norman, OK 73072

Viatcheslav Glazounov Wainscott, Tabitha Wallace, Marilyn Joyce Address Redacted 4509 Cherbourg Way 5705 Sonoma Trace Pensacola, FL 32505 Cane Ridge, TN 37013 Case 18-09108-RLM-11 Doc 229-2 Filed 01/31/19 EOD 01/31/19 21:10:09 Pg 33 of 33

Wallers GymJam Academy Webster, Cheyenne Sarah Lee Wells Fargo Financial Leasing, Inc 26515 Ruether Avenue 406 Summerland Key Lane Deanna Cords Santa Clarita, CA 91350 Lafayette, LA 70508 800 Walnut Street Mac F0005.055 Des Moines, IA 50309

Wendy Hilliard Gymnastics FDN Wenting Yang White, Kevin 550 W. 155th Street 8407 SW 69th Place 142 APPLE BLOSSOM DR. New York, NY 10032 Gainesville, FL 32608 BRANDON, MS 39047

White, Lloyd Douglas Whitesell, McKenna Whitney Smith 3317 FM 44E 16079 Fox Chase Lane 226 Lottie Lane DeKalb, TX 75559 Cupeper, VA 22701 Harker Heights, TX 76548

Wieging, Peter Wilke Fleury Hoffelt Birney Gould LLP Wilke, Fleury, Hoffelt, Gould Birney 6242 W Kent Drive 400 Capitol Mall Attn John R. Valenica Chandler, AZ 85226 22nd Floor 400 Capitol Mall Sacramento, CA 95814 Sacramento, CA 95814

Williams, Carol Williams, Mark Williams, Tanaya 14402 Modesta Address Redacted 177 Via Havarre San Antonio, TX 78247 Merritt Island, FL 32953

Willis, Billie Wipfli LLP Wise Coaches Inc 222 NE Alpine Dr. 12359 Sunrise Valley Dr, Suite 130 1312 Central Court Plainview, TX 79072 Reston, VA 20191 Hermitage, TN 37076

World Elite Gymnastics Wright, Casey Xtreme Acro 23031 Arroyo Vista 1807 Hourglass Drive 14702 Southlawn Lane Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 Carmel, IN 46032 Rockville, MD 20850

Yankova, Sonya Yoder, Alec D Zapata, Cesar 2754 Woodmere Drive 4540 Desantis Court 1206 SW 46th Avenue Darien, IL 60561 Apt 305 Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 Columbus, OH 43214

Zmeskal-Burdette, Kim Address Redacted