Oklahoma Department of Transportation 200 NE 21st Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73105-3204 FINAL REPORT ~ FHWA-OK-14-08 BLACK ICE DETECTION AND ROAD CLOSURE CONTROL SYSTEM FOR OKLAHOMA Tieming Liu, Ph.D. School of Industrial Engineering and Management Ning Wang, P.E. Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology Hongbo Yu, Ph.D. Department of Geography College of Arts and Sciences Oklahoma State University Jeffrey Basara, Ph.D. Oklahoma Climatological Survey Yang (Eric) Hong, Ph.D. School of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science College of Engineering The University of Oklahoma Satish Bukkapatnam, Ph.D. Industrial and Systems Engineering Dwight Look College of Engineering Texas A&M University Implementation of Research
[email protected] Materials and Research Division for Transportation Excellence Research & Implementation The contents of this report reflect the views of the author(s) who is (are) responsible for the facts and the accuracy of the data presented herein. The contents do not necessarily reflect the views of the Oklahoma Department of Transportation or the Federal Highway Administration. This report does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation. Trade names used in this report are only incidental and not intended as an endorsement of any machine, contractor, process, or product. i BLACK ICE DETECTION AND ROAD CLOSURE CONTROL SYSTEM FOR OKLAHOMA FINAL REPORT ~ FHWA-OK-14-08 ODOT SP&R ITEM NUMBER 2249 Submitted to: John R. Bowman, P.E. Director of Capital Programs Oklahoma Department of Transportation Submitted by: Tieming Liu, Ning Wang, Hongbo Yu Oklahoma State University Jeffrey Basara, Yang (Eric) Hong University of Oklahoma Satish Bukkapatnam Texas A&M University October 2014 ii TECHNICAL REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE 1.