Laurell K Hamilton | 407 pages | 24 Nov 2009 | Random House USA Inc | 9780345495945 | English | New York, United States Swallowing Darkness ( #7) - Laurell K. Hamilton read online free - Novelscom

Merry has finally succeeded in getting pregnant. Having done so before her cousin Cel could Swallowing Darkness one Swallowing Darkness his women, she will be able to claim the Unseelie throne from her aunt Andais as long as she successfully carries her twin babies to term and Swallowing Darkness birth. This news makes her a target for many of the fae who are unhappy with the idea of Merry gaining the throne, forcing Merry's royal guard to become more cautious about her security. Meanwhile Merry is still reeling from the sexual attack from her uncle Taranis, King of the Seelie court, as well as with the loss of her lover Frost. To make matters worse, Taranis claims that he was the one who impregnated Merry. Publishers Weekly praised Swallowing Darknessstating "The dreamy development of the surrealistic fey world puts this installment well above its predecessors; a tidy ending will leave fans wondering whether Swallowing Darkness concludes the series. Some may enjoy this volume; others may prefer something with more meat on its bones. Swallowing Darkness Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Swallowing Darkness Author Laurell K. Dewey Decimal. The Merry Gentry series by Laurell K. Categories : American novels American Swallowing Darkness novels American fantasy novels American erotic novels American alternate history novels Merry Gentry series s fantasy novel stubs. Hidden categories: All stub articles. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn Swallowing Darkness edit Community portal Recent changes Swallowing Darkness file. Download as PDF Printable version. Add links. HorrorEroticaFantasy novel. Divine Misdemeanors. This article about a s fantasy novel is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Further suggestions might be found on the article's talk page. Swallowing Darkness (Merry Gentry, #7) by Laurell K. Hamilton

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Swallowing Darkness by Laurell K. Hamilton Goodreads Author. I am Meredith, princess of faerie, wielder of the hands of Flesh and Blood, and at long last, I am with child—twins, fathered by my royal guard. Though my uncle, Taranis, King of Light and Illusion, claims that he is the true father since he abducted me from my home, betrayed, and defiled me. And now he has branded my guards as a threat to my unborn children. Bearing an hei I am Meredith, princess of faerie, Swallowing Darkness of the hands of Flesh and Blood, and Swallowing Darkness long last, I am with child—twins, fathered by my royal guard. Now I must stay alive to see my children born and claim my place as queen. But not all in faerie are pleased with the news, and conspirators from every court in the realm plot against me and mine. They seek to strip my guards, my lovers, from me by poisoned Swallowing Darkness or cold steel. But I still have supporters, and even friends, among the goblins and the sluagh, Swallowing Darkness will stand by me. To Swallowing Darkness what is mine, I will sacrifice anything—even if it means waging a great battle against my darkest enemies and making the most momentous decision ever made as princess of faerie. Get A Copy. HardcoverFirst Editionpages. More Details Original Title. Merry Gentry Swallowing Darkness. Los Angeles, California United States. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Swallowing Darknessplease sign up. I'm listening to this series in audiobook format. Is the Darkness's name Doyle or Dole? The original reader used Dole most of the time and Doyle in some of the books. The reader for this one is using Dole as well. Which is it? Alisa Brown It depends on whether the reader is using the Gaelic pronunciations or not. Dole is Doyle pronounced correctly in Gaelic. See 1 question about Swallowing Darkness…. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review Swallowing Darkness Swallowing Darkness Merry Gentry, 7. Jan 16, Elizabeth rated it liked it Shelves: scifi-fantasy. So here's the thing. I tend to cut Swallowing Darkness Merry Gentry books a Swallowing Darkness more slack than I do the Anita Blake books, possibly because the Merry books never pretended to be anything other than what they are. So while the power-ups and addition of new men would bother me in Anita-verse, I tend to roll with it in Merry-verse. And yes, she does add new men, even though she is finally pregnant and should have narrowed her man-harem down the Swallowing Darkness six yes, six Swallowing Darkness. Sex is kept to a minimum, and So here's the thing. Sex is kept to a minimum, and there is actual plot and intrigue and a battle. Of course, Merry takes a break in the middle of Swallowing Darkness battle to go have a goblin threesome, but if she didn't do that, it just wouldn't be LKH, amirite? All the typical LKH flaws are there, don't get me wrong. There are repetitive descriptions, bishonen faeries with hair swirling around their ankles, the Goddess giving Merry powers for no good reason, and Merry being utterly beloved by the sithens and getting crowns all over the place. But Merry does make choices crown of Unseelie court or Frost? I'll let you guessand we do finally get some resolution on crazy ass Cel and what Andais' game really was. In fact- this would have been a good point to end the series, and indeed the last chapter has a epilogue feel to it. But I've heard through the grapevine that there will be more Merry books. Ah, well. I'm curious to see the babies at least. Will one have Doyle's dark skin? Galen's green, shorter gasp! Sholto's tentacles? Stay tuned, I guess. Shelves: paranormal-romanceeroticakindle. Just, wow. This was probably one of, if not the best book in the Merry Gentry series. I dont want to give any spoilers away, so Im gonna make this review brief. There is a TON of action in this book. Lots Swallowing Darkness magic, and unbelievable Swallowing Darkness In fact, she pretty much kicks ass!! She's bold and commanding, and acts much more like Swallowing Darkness Queen should act. More good things happened in this book, to help offset the bad. I also felt less hopeless as I was reading this and more hopeful I sure hope this isnt the end of the series I want it to keep going, and going, and going View all 7 comments. Dec 20, Lori rated it it was amazing Shelves: fantasyread Loved this book, loved this series. What a fascinating world LKH has created. I was disappointed with the lack of sex in this book though. I was glad she finally had sex with the yummy goblin twins Holly and Swallowing Darkness but that was it for sex in this book. Poor Doyle never did get his blow job. Why is it necessary to Swallowing Darkness a hot sex scene and then have Swallowing Darkness all stop and talk? Then they start Swallowing Darkness again, only to stop and talk some more. Fuck already!! Some of her guard have gone without for centuries. I d Loved this book, loved this Swallowing Darkness. I doubt they Swallowing Darkness to have long conversations when they're all naked and horny. I know Swallowing Darkness don't want them to be having long conversations. Shut up and have sex. Talk later. View all 4 comments. Nov 25, Liz added it Shelves: readsSwallowing Darkness. Laurell K. Swallowing Darkness by Laurell K. Hamilton: | : Books

Account Options Sign in. Top charts. New arrivals. Hamilton Nov Narrated by Claudia Black 11 hr 38 min. Switch to the ebook. Swallowing Darkness am Meredith, princess of faerie, wielder of the hands of Flesh and Blood, and at long last, I am with child—twins, fathered by my royal guard. Though Swallowing Darkness uncle, Taranis, King of Light and Illusion, claims that he is the true father since he abducted me from my home, betrayed, and defiled me. And now he has branded my guards as a threat to Swallowing Darkness unborn children. Now I must stay alive to see my children born and claim my place as queen. But not all in Swallowing Darkness are pleased with the news, and conspirators from every court in the realm plot against me and mine. They seek to strip my guards, my lovers, from me by poisoned word or cold steel. But I still have supporters, and even friends, among the goblins and the sluagh, who will stand by me. To protect what is mine, I will sacrifice anything—even if it means waging a great battle against my darkest enemies and making the most momentous decision ever made as princess of faerie. Reviews Review Policy. Published on. Export option. Learn more. Flag as inappropriate. It syncs automatically with your account and allows you to listen online or offline wherever you are. Laptops and Computers You can listen to Swallowing Darkness purchased on Google Swallowing Darkness using Swallowing Darkness computer's web browser.