Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Demand, Supply and Future Perspectives for Sudan Synthesis report of a workshop held in Khartoum, 12-13 December 2010 The workshop was funded by UKaid from the Department for International Development Cover image: © UNAMID / Albert Gonzalez Farran This report is available online at: Disclaimer The material in this report does not necessarily represent the views of any of the organisations involved in the preparation and hosting of the workshop. It must be noted that some time has passed between the workshop and the dissemination of this report, during which some important changes have taken place, not least of which is the independence of South Sudan, a fact which greatly affects the national energy context. Critically, following the independence, the rate of deforestation in the Republic of Sudan has risen from 0.7% per year to 2.2% per year, making many of the discussions within this document all the more relevant. Whilst not directly affecting the production of LPG, which is largely derived from oil supplies north of the border with South Sudan, the wider context of the economics of the energy sector, and the economy as a whole, have changed. These changes are not reflected in this document. This being said, it is strongly asserted that this document still represents a useful contribution to the energy sector, particularly given its contribution to charting the breadth of perspectives on LPG in the Republic of Sudan. Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Demand, Supply and Future Perspectives for Sudan Synthesis report of a workshop held in Khartoum, 12-13 December 2010 A joint publication by: Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Physical Development – Sudan, Ministry of Petroleum – Sudan, United Kingdom Department for International Development, United Nations Development Programme and United Nations Environment Programme Table of contents Acronyms and abbreviations .
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