Follow-Up Report on Anti-Fraud Efforts Requested at the January 16, 2014 Hearing on Disability Fraud
Enclosure – The Honorable Sam Johnson Follow-up Report on Anti-Fraud Efforts Requested at the January 16, 2014 Hearing On Disability Fraud The Social Security Administration (SSA) administers the Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance program, commonly referred to as “Social Security,” which protects against loss of earnings due to retirement, death, and disability. Social Security provides a financial safety net for millions of people—few programs touch so many. We also administer the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program, funded by general revenues, which provides cash assistance to persons who are aged, blind, or disabled, as defined in the Social Security context, with very limited means. The responsibilities with which we have been entrusted are immense in scope. To illustrate, in fiscal year (FY) 2013 we: • Paid over $850 billion to almost 63 million beneficiaries, of whom almost 11 million receive disability insurance benefits; • Handled over 53 million transactions on our National 800 Number Network; • Received over 68 million calls to field offices nationwide; • Served about 43 million visitors in over 1,200 field offices nationwide; • Completed over 8 million claims for benefits and 794,000 hearing dispositions; and • Completed over 429,000 full medical continuing disability reviews (CDRs). Given the scope and importance of our responsibilities, we continually strive to preserve the public’s trust in our programs. Toward that end, we have zero tolerance for fraud. Historically, we have been successful in this regard; the best available evidence shows that the level of actual disability fraud is less than 1 percent.1 Acting Commissioner Carolyn W. Colvin has consistently reinforced her commitment to infuse long-term strategic thinking and planning at SSA, and to implement a more robust approach to performance management and improvement.
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