West Leeds Neighbourhood Policing Team
West Leeds Neighbourhood Policing Team newsOctober 2017 making a difference locally Visit us online at www.westyorkshire.police.uk Leeds District Open Day Fundraiser Here are some fab photos from the Leeds Help Locks home security advice, We also opened our Community Café District Open Day! Neighbourhood Watch, Hate Crime, the Anti thanks to the wonderfully kind donations -social Behaviour Team, Office of the Police from local businesses, with all proceeds of This year, our chosen charity was St and Crime Commissioner for West drink and cake sales to our chosen charity. Gemma's Hospice, located at Moortown in Yorkshire, Safeguarding, UK Border Agency In addition, Assistant Chief Constable Leeds. You might be aware they are a Leeds- Immigration Enforcement, Professional Catherine Hankinson and members of the based charity providing expert care, Standards and recruitment advice for Police Leeds District Senior Leadership Team, support, advice and information for local Officers and Special Constables. including Chief Superintendent Paul Money, people with terminal illnesses, along with took on a cycling challenge all in the name their families, carers and loved ones. St Outside we had Neighbourhood Policing of the fantastic charity, St Gemma’s Gemma’s Hospice are also a world leader in Team and Public Order vehicles with a Hospice. palliative care research and their Academic Public Order demonstration, an American Unit provides training and education for Police Sheriff car and motorbike, Police off- It was an incredibly busy, but thoroughly
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