Michael Drosnin | 240 pages | 15 Dec 1997 | Orion Publishing Co | 9780752809328 | English | London, United Kingdom New Bible Codes: Latest bible codes. Bible Names Code.

Researchers have been using a special programme called SofSofTorah to trawl through the pages of the holy book The Bible Code some time now. They claim this is helping them piece together information and prophecies being delivered to them from God. Using this piece of software, analysts have been able to trawl The Bible Code the ancient texts and present their findings from the so-called code. Glazerson believes the current end The Bible Code days process began in — and will end in His team published The Bible Code paper on their findings as researchers continue to produce a steady stream of reported predictions and links the world events. Codes are said to be found in the in diagonal strips across the text, or in columns in the original Hebrew. If data chosen for ELS experiments are intentionally or unintentionally "cooked" before the experiment is defined, similar patterns can be found in texts other than the Torah. Although the probability of an ELS in a random place being a meaningful word is small, there are so many possible starting points and skip patterns that many such words can be expected to appear. Critics add that it is also possible to "tune" an ELS experiment to achieve a result which appears to exhibit patterns that The Bible Code the level of noise. In January he claimed coronavirus can be found in the Torah by using the Bible codes. He also points out other highlighted ELS instances in the same section. Is there any validity to the Bible codes? |

This happens exactly 7 times. Did you know in Genesisthe surface written Word talks about God creating light. Yacov Rambsel, a Messianic Jewish Pastor refer e nce his book: The Genesis Factor found that beneath this, that every 94th character spells out the following phrase: "Lighthouse speed conceived". Also, in that same area of text, the Bible The Bible Code reveal: ",", which is the exact speed of light per second. We are all still in The Bible Code exploration phase of these however Odds like these are beyond comprehension. If you were to ask me if you should The Bible Code any theologic or dogmatic decisions on these alone vs Holy Scripture in the Bible --I will always say; " absolutely not ". We are not to look to anything esoteric like Bible Codes for dogma. Should these at any time be used to try and foretell the future? Absolutely not - God's Word in Scripture absolutely forbids attempts at fortune telling of any sort. Only explore the past with these codes Listen to the Holy Spirit in all matters of faith and dogma. The fact that the words; " Jesus is My Name " was not too long ago found by Yacov Rambsel in the most germane "Suffering Servant" passage Isaiah lends more credibility to these codes. God's saving grace is an unbroken pattern both in the Biblical text and perhaps also now via the Bible The Bible Code. The idea of a hidden code in the Bible text is not new. It is The Bible Code central concept in the Cabala, or traditional Jewish mysticism. According to Cabalistic teachers, the simple meaning of the Bible text is not its true meaning. The Bible Code believe that God used the individual letters of the Hebrew Bible text as symbols, The Bible Code when properly understood reveal a greater truth. In their view, each Hebrew letter and its position in the Bible text was set by The Bible Code with a specific purpose in mind. Bible Codes and written surface words are just two facets of the Bible. According to ancient Jewish tradition, the Bible has 70 facets. Many say that everything is in the Torah--encrypted in some way. Your birth date, your death date, when you will marry, etc. A passage written about the Torah by an 18th Century rabbi and "sage", Elijah Ben Solomon Zalmancalled the Genius of Vilna says: "The rule is that all that was, is, and will be unto the end of time is included in the Torah, from the first word to the last word. And not merely in a general sense, but as to the details of every species and each one individually, and details of details of everything that happened to him from the day of his birth until his end. This view of the Scriptures is different than our modern idea of the Bible. So long as the contextual meaning of the verses remain in tact we are not The Bible Code concerned with "the smallest letter. That is exactly true of the Bible Code. Since it involves exact The Bible Code precision every letter must be in its place or the code will not work! Surely, the above statement The Bible Code that the Son of God had a supernatural awareness of the amazing depth of meaning in every letter of God's Word! Hints in the Bible like this led one of the greatest scientists who ever lived, Sir Isaac Newton, to search for a Bible Code. He believed the Bible Code to be more important than any of his The Bible Code discoveries, including the mechanics of our universe and the force of gravity! Most of the million words in Newton's papers, found at Cambridge University, are concerned with Newton's search for the Bible Code that would unlock the future. But his lifetime quest failed no matter what mathematical model he applied Probably NOT! But Why Not? Certainly we have enough in both the New Testament and Old Testaments for absolute salvation and eternal life. But what about the "hunt"? Could God be such a loving Father that He just knew we would The Bible Code hunting for more of His word? Wouldn't the following verse seem to suggest this? The apostle Paul very clearly wrote that "all Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work. The prophecies that are openly presented in the Bible give a solid basis for believing its inspiration. Unlike a hidden The Bible Code, Bible prophecies are not arbitrary, and they do not 'spring from any private interpretation. How happy we should be to have the Bible's clear message and instruction, which can help us to know God! Yet maybe Bible Codes will someday clarify things in Scripture. Was Jesus talking about the entire generation who saw Israel become a nation in when He said; " This generation shall not pass " before the Lord Jesus comes again? Or, was He talking about the generation born in and after Baby Boomers? It is also interesting that the "Computer Age" which was necessary to search these codes began subsequent to this. So, just perhaps there is something here in the codes for us. Perhaps not. See more on the Second The Bible Code here. There is an old Jewish tradition about a "hidden text" in the Hebrew Pentateuch the Five Books of Mosesconsisting of words The Bible Code phrases expressed in the form of equidistant letter sequences ELS's -- that is by selecting sequences of equally spaced letters in the text. Since this tradition was passed orally, only few expressions that belong to the "hidden text" were preserved The Bible Code writing Rabbenu Bahya, and Cordovero, ; actually almost all the words and the syntax are unknown. Rabbi H. Weissmandel Weissmandel, was the first to try to show the existence of such a "hidden text", by finding interesting patterns consisting of The Bible Code. Bible The Bible Code Examples click below links. JFK Jr. Aircraft Crash. Nuremburg Trial of Nazi Leaders. God and Jesus are One. Russian Submarine Kursk. In the "Suffering Servant" passage of Isaiah 53 where we read:. See more about Jesus Yeshua Codes Found here. A recent Startling Find. Who hath gathered the wind in His fists? Who hath bound the waters in a garment? Who hath established all the ends of the Earth? What is His name, and what is His son's name, if thou canst tell? What is His son's name? Starting with the first yod, counting every 22 The Bible Code letter spells — you guessed it — Yeshua shai, which means " Yeshua, the Gift. The Bible Code left to say? See more about this here. Psalm Text retrieval without spaces: 45 letters per line. This skip "45" is the minimum skip distance to the whole Tanakh. Psalm 22 is the most important prophecy The Bible Code the Messiah's Passion as well as Isaiah It is a pin-point overlap that the minimum skip appears in The Bible Code prophecy. The skip "45" is equal to the of "Adam" in Hebrew. This shows that Jesus came as the Second Adam. The First Adam brought sin and death, while the Second Adam brought righteousness and eternal life. It's very significant that the below were found in a very relevant area of Isaiah known as the "Suffering Servant" passages. Let Judas Have His Day. Where are You? Its Content will be Written from My Mouth. The new code skips every th letter, beginning in Isaiah 29 and ending in Jeremiah 3. It was discovered by Dr. Nathan The Bible Code of the society, a physicist and Hebrew expert while doing a search of disciples' names in the Isaiah 53 cluster. The Bible Code is striking about most of the great codes found to date is how these cluster near a surface textual passage relating to the code. Bible Probe finds it interesting how this code talks about raising "the Dead over There". As if Jesus was referring to across a great void - or across the veil Red crossing Diagonal below Blaspheming left to right : "Demon". Blue diagonal right corner: "Satan". This is saying that Allah of Islam is not the God of the Bible, who is the true God, but rather Muslims are worshipping a nonexistent deity. Some more to Explore. Dome of the Rock is the "Abomination of Desolation" another supernatural revelation of God You won't put The Bible Code book down! The " abomination of desolation " already happened exactly on schedule Daniel's day prophecy. When the pagan Islamic Dome of the Rock and the al- Aksa Mosque were built on the temple mount, it made the temple mount "desolated" or contaminated. This was built during the to AD period. The formula for changing old testament day years into our Amazingly enough the 2nd figure the prophet Daniel gave serves much like a double check CheckSum. Bible code - Wikipedia

The statistical likelihood of the Bible code arising by chance has been thoroughly researched, and it is now widely considered to be statistically insignificantas The Bible Code phenomena can be observed in any sufficiently lengthy text. Many examples have been documented in the past. One cited example is that by taking every 50th letter of the starting with the first tawthe Hebrew word " torah " is spelled out. The same happens in the . Modern computers have been used to search for similar patterns and more complex variants, as well as quantifying its statistical likelihood. Some tests purportedly showing statistically significant codes in the Bible were published as a "challenging puzzle" in a peer-reviewed academic journal inwhich was pronounced "solved" in a subsequent paper published in the same journal. Contemporary discussion and controversy around one specific steganographic method became widespread in when Doron Witztum, Eliyahu Rips and Yoav Rosenberg published a paper, "Equidistant Letter Sequences in the Book of Genesis", in the scientific journal Statistical Science. Since then the term "Bible codes" has been popularly used to refer specifically to information encrypted via this ELS method. The primary method by which purportedly meaningful messages have been extracted is the Equidistant Letter Sequence ELS. To obtain an ELS from a text, choose a starting point in principle, any letter and a skip number, also freely and possibly negative. Then, beginning at the starting point, select letters from the text at equal spacing as given by the skip number. For example, the bold letters in t his s ent e nce f orm a n EL S. This is produced by writing out the text in a regular grid, with exactly the same number of letters in each line, then cutting The Bible Code a rectangle. In the example below, part of the King James Version of Genesis —10 is shown with 21 letters per line. ELSs for "Bible" and "code" are shown. Normally only a smaller rectangle would be displayed, such as the rectangle drawn in the figure. In that case there would be letters missing between adjacent lines in the picture, but it is essential that the number of missing letters be the same for each line. Although the above examples are in English texts, Bible codes proponents usually use a Hebrew Bible text. For religious reasons, most Jewish proponents use only the Torah Genesis—Deuteronomy. Once a specific word has been found as an ELS, it is natural to see whether that word is part of a longer ELS consisting of multiple words. ELS extensions that form phrases or sentences are of interest. Proponents maintain that the longer the extended ELS, the less likely it is to be the result of chance. Jewish culture has a long tradition of interpretation, annotation, and commentary regarding the Bible, leading to both and eisegesis drawing meaning from and imposing meaning on the texts. The Bible code can be viewed as a part of this tradition, albeit one of the more controversial parts. Throughout history, many Jewish, and later Christian, scholars have attempted to find hidden or coded messages within the Bible's text, notably including Isaac Newton. His four-letter example related to the traditional zero-point of the . Over the following centuries there are some hints that the ELS technique was known, [ citation needed ] but few definite examples have been found from before the middle of the 20th century. At this point many examples were found by Michael Ber Weissmandl and published by his students after his death in Nevertheless, the practice remained known to only a few until the early s, when some discoveries of Israeli school teacher Avraham Oren came to the attention of the mathematician Eliyahu Rips at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Rips then took up the study together with his religious studies partners Doron Witztum and Alexander Rotenberg, among several others. Rips and Witztum designed computer software for the ELS technique and subsequently found many examples. Aboutthey decided to carry out a formal test, and the "Great experiment" was born. This experiment tested the hypothesis that ELS's of the names of famous rabbinic personalities and their respective birth and death dates form a more compact arrangement than could be explained by chance. Their The Bible Code of "compact" was complex but, roughly, two ELSs were compactly arranged if they can be displayed together in a small window. When Rips et al. The "great rabbis experiment" went through several iterations, and was eventually published inThe Bible Code the peer-reviewed journal Statistical Science. While they did find a number of possible sources of error, they were unable The Bible Code find anyone willing to put in the substantial time and energy required to properly reanalyze all data. An unintended result of this was that outsiders mistook this as a confirmation of the papers claims. Another experiment, in which the names of the famous rabbis were matched against the places of their births and deaths rather than the dateswas conducted in by Harold Gans, former Senior Cryptologic Mathematician for the United States National Security Agency. Rips issued a public statement that he did not support Drosnin's work The Bible Code conclusions; [11] [12] even Gans has said that although the book says the codes in the Torah can be used to predict future events: "This is absolutely unfounded. There is no scientific or mathematical basis for such a The Bible Code, and the reasoning used to come to such a conclusion in the book is logically flawed. The Jewish outreach group Aish- HaTorah employs Bible codes in their Discovery Seminars to persuade secular Jews of the divinity of the Torah, and to encourage them to trust in traditional Orthodox teachings. Use of Bible code techniques also spread into certain Christian circles, especially The Bible Code the United States. Another Bible code technique was The Bible Code in by Dean Coombs also Christian. Various pictograms are claimed to be formed by words and sentences using ELS. The precise order of consonantal letters represented in the Hebrew Masoretic Text is not consistent across manuscripts in any period. It is known from earlier versions, such as the Dead Sea Scrollsthat the number of letters was not constant even in the first centuries CE. The Bible code theory thus does not seem to account for these variations. The primary objection advanced against Bible codes is that information theory does not prohibit "noise" from appearing to be sometimes meaningful. Thus, if data chosen for ELS experiments are intentionally or unintentionally "cooked" before the experiment is defined, similar patterns can be found in texts other than the Torah. Although the probability of an ELS in a random place being a meaningful word is small, there are The Bible Code many possible starting points and skip patterns that many such words can be expected to appear, depending on the details chosen for the experiment, and it is possible to "tune" an ELS experiment to achieve a result which appears to exhibit patterns that overcome the level The Bible Code noise. Others have criticized Drosnin by saying his example of "Clinton" in his first book violated the basic Bible code concept of "minimality"; Drosnin's "Clinton" was a completely invalid "code". In addition, McKay claimed that Drosnin had used the flexibility of Hebrew orthography to his advantage, freely mixing classic no vowels, Y and W strictly consonant and modern Y and W used to indicate i and u vowels modes, as well as variances in spelling of K and T, to reach the desired meaning. In the introduction to the paper, Robert Kass, the The Bible Code of the Journal who previously had described the WRR paper as a "challenging The Bible Code wrote that "considering the work of McKay, Bar-Natan, Kalai and Bar-Hillel as a The Bible Code it indeed appears, as they conclude, that the puzzle has been solved". From their observations, MBBK created an alternative hypothesis to explain The Bible Code "puzzle" of how the codes were discovered. The MBBK paper argued that the ELS experiment is extraordinarily sensitive to very small changes in the spellings of appellations, and the WRR result "merely reflects on the The Bible Code made in designing their experiment and collecting the data for it. The Bible codes together with similar arguments concerning hidden prophecies in the writings of Shakespeare have been quoted as examples of the Texas sharpshooter fallacy. Havlin, because they all say Havlin compiled the appellations independently. Gans argues further that such a conspiracy must include the multiple rabbis who have written a letter confirming the accuracy of Havlin's list. Finally, argues Gans, such a conspiracy must also include the multiple participants The Bible Code the cities experiment conducted by Gans which includes Gans himself. Gans concludes that "the number of people necessarily involved in [the conspiracy] will stretch the credulity of any reasonable person. Their only "successful" results were obtained by deliberately rigging the experiment in such a way that the layman wouldn't recognize the mathematical flaws. Brendan McKay has replied that he and his colleagues have never accused Havlin or Gans of participating in a conspiracy. Similarly, McKay accepts Gans's statements that Gans did not prepare the The Bible Code for his cities experiment himself. McKay concludes that "there is only ONE person who needs The Bible Code have been involved in knowing fakery, and a handful of his disciples who must be involved in the cover-up perhaps with good intent. The WRR authors issued a series of responses regarding the claims of MBBK, [23] including the claim that no such tuning did or even could have taken place. Witzum questioned why MBBK had expunged these results. McKay replied to these claims. No publication in a The Bible Code reviewed scientific journal The Bible Code appeared The Bible Code MBBK's paper. Robert Aumanna game theorist and winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics inhas followed the Bible code research and controversy for many years. He wrote: [30]. Though the basic thesis of the research seems wildly improbable, for many years I thought that an ironclad case had been made for the codes; I did not see how The Bible Code could have been possible. Though this work did not convince me that the data had been manipulated, it did The Bible Code me that it could have been; that manipulation was technically possible. After a long and interesting analysis of the experiment and the dynamics of the controversy, stating for example that "almost everybody included [in the controversy] made up their mind early in the game" Aumann concluded:. A priori, the thesis of the Codes research seems wildly improbable Research conducted under my own supervision failed to confirm the existence of the The Bible Code it also did not establish their non-existence. So I must return to my a priori estimate, that the Codes phenomenon is improbable". Journalist Drosnin's books have been criticized by The Bible Code who believe the Bible code is real but that it cannot predict the future. This is very telling in that dangerous period of Israeli politics from the Oslo Accords of to the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin on November 4, Scholars note; "For example, citing again the passage intersecting with Rabin: that passage is from Deuteronomybut Drosnin ignores the words immediately following "a murderer who will murder. This is because the verse deals with the cities of refuge where accidental killers can find asylum. In this case, then, the message would refer to an accidental killing of or by Rabin and it would therefore be wrong. Another message p. It includes the phrase "fire, great noise," but overlooks the fact that the letters which make up The Bible Code two words are actually part of a larger phrase from Genesis which says: "under The Bible Code terebinth that was near Shechem. Drosnin also made a number of claims and alleged predictions that have since failed. Among the most important, Drosnin clearly states in his book "The Bible Code II", published on December 2,The Bible Code there was to be a World War involving an "atomic holocaust" that would allegedly be the end of the world. The only alleged Palestinian collaboration in this conspiracy theory involve two leading Palestinian figures from the Palestinian Fatah movement; those are current Palestinian Authority and Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas and Mohammed Dahlan the former head of Fatah The Bible Code Gaza. He believes that the future is not fixed, and that the Bible code predicts all possible outcomes. Which makes it not much of a The Bible Code tool, but again, he seems not to mind this very much. If you are laying bets based on Drosnin, you The Bible Code better be willing to bet on all possible outcomes. Some accuse him of factual errors, claiming that he has much support in the scientific community, [46] mistranslating Hebrew words [47] to make his point more convincing, and using the Bible without proving that other books do not have similar codes. Responding to an explicit challenge from Drosnin, who claimed that other texts such as Moby-Dick would not yield ELS results comparable to the Torah, McKay created a new experiment that was tuned to find many ELS letter arrays in Moby-Dick that relate to modern events, including the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. He also found a code relating to the Rabin assassination, containing the assassin's first and last name and the university he attended, as well as the motive "Oslo", The Bible Code to the Oslo accords. While Thomas' methodology was alleged to have been rebutted by Robert Haralick [52] and others, his broader arguments about the law of large numbers stood essentially unchallenged. Also, Thomas's criticisms were aimed at Drosnin, whose methodology is considered even worse. In fact, Drosnin's example of "Clinton" in his first book violated the basic Bible code concept of "Minimality"; Drosnin's "Clinton" was a completely invalid "code". In addition, McKay claimed that Drosnin had used the flexibility of Hebrew orthography to his advantage, freely mixing Masoretic biblical no vowels, Y and W overwhelmingly consonant and modern Y The Bible Code W used to indicate i and u vowels modes, as well as variances in spelling of K and T, to reach the desired meaning. In his television series John Safran vs GodAustralian television personality John Safran and McKay again demonstrated the The Bible Code technique, The Bible Code that these techniques could produce "evidence" of the September 11 terrorist attacks on New York in the lyrics of Vanilla Ice 's repertoire. And the influence and consequences of scribal errors misspellings, additions, deletions, etc.