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Combined June 5, Linden's Oldest 1935, with and Official The Linden Record jCinium (fhsem ttr Newspaper ESTABLISHED 1920 CITY OF LINDEN, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAR. 21, 1940 PRICE 3 CENTS UNDEN MAN AWARDED Fire Boxes FEEL ACTIVE? 30 Linden Boys Club Tops Quota RUTGERS SCHOLARSHIP Yesterday was the first day of City Council of 1936 Is Spring. The new season officially ar To Be Ordered rived at 1.24 P. M„ according to the Membership Closes At 108 Mark; Boys To Hold First Dance weather bureau time-tables. Not many On April 13; All-Girl Orchestra Engaged people noticed the difference between Acquitted in Elizabeth on By the Council 1.24 P. M. and 1:25 P. M„ but the The recently organized Linden Boys John Klutkowski, Eugene Hunt; enter weather was pleasant anyway, mak Club closed its charter with 108 mem tainment, James Hatton, chairman, ing most wives stop asking for that bers at a meeting Monday evening in Joseph Good, George Uhl, Thomas Mc- Council Moves To Modernize long-promised trip to Florida. tbe American Legion Home, West CluBkey, Arthur Christel; floor, Eu Tax Abatement Charge Fire Alarm System; To Scientists say human activity in Elizabeth avenue. It was originally gene Theiler, chairman, William Haus- creases in Spring, so you husbands planned to limit membership to 100, letter, Thomas Jeffries, John AndreJ- A d v e rtis e For ISids must forgive friend wife’s shopping but 24 new applications were received cio, Thomas Keegan; and publicity, Jury Moves For Dismissal After Short Deliberation; County expedition splurge. And naturally, Monday, Making a total of 10S mem Walter Beriont, chairman, Leo Kap- Prosecutor Abe J. David Undecided On Whether He’ll Thirty modern fire alarm boxes will for the same reason, you wives must bers. lowitz Stan O'Leary, Victor Dacker- Move Additional Trials be installed in Linden by City Coun- not worry too much if your husbaml The club s constitution and by-laws man and Herbert Schulhafer. Cil, w h ic h o r d e r e d advertisement for b e a ts y o u . " adopted on final reading. Plans The National Boys Club of America ! Sponsors of the investigation of t he municipal affairs of Linden last bids at a meeting Tuesday night in were made for the club’s first dance, Anyway, Happy Easter! wrote the local club that it will be year received another Jolt when def endants in the most recent trial re the city hall. The proposal was spon which will be held in the Craftsmen’s glad to cooperate in any way it can sulting from the investigation were ac quitted Monday night after a forty- sored by Fire Commissioner Arthur Club Saturday evening, April 13. with the club's activities. five minute deliberation by the jury. r . Croucher. Twenty-five of the new George Sara was named chairman of The boys made plans for an exten The acquitted men were Former C ouncilmen William Hartman, Michael boxes will replace outmoded ones in the arrangements committee by A1 sive athletic program for the sum Kriedl, George Sweet, Frank Bugan a nd George Cooper and Councilmen the city, and the rest will be placed Jakues, chairman of the club. HNS to Hold mer. A softball league will be organ James Dobson, Charles Valvano and Julius Kalish. They had been charged at strategic spots. Sara announced that the “Musical ized by the club. The club may also with voting to abate unpaid taxes on Ordinances were passed on fin a l Belles,” a thirteen piece all girl or organize a baseball team. Terrace Gardens, a St. George avenue reading to provide for storm sewers chestra, directed by Lester IC Good The club will meet every Monday tract, in October, 1936, despite the ia Essex and Baltimore avenues and Supper Dance win, has been engaged to entertain at evening in the Legion Home until May J fact that the market value of the prop for a la te ra l sewer in Stiles street, for the affair. 6 when an election of officers will be erty exceeded the delinquency. Abate Health Staff 450 feet north of St. George avenue. Complete Arrangements For The following committees were held. After the election, the club will WALTER I>. TROTT ments are permitted by law when the An ordinance was passed on first Annual Spring Affair named to assist Sara: Tickets, Bruce met on the first and third Monday of . arrearage exceeds the fair market reading to provide for coi.structing a Taylor, chairman; Boris Woytowicz, value. All Reengaged center strip pavement in Stiles street Larry Reagan, Frank Savanorola, Wil Final arrangements for the annual Members of the advisory council WALTER D. TROTT The defendants were all members of ♦ from Edgar road to Twentieth street liam Fullerton, Richard Malsam, Ar who were present at the meeting, and parish supper and dance of the Holy WINS 1940 AWARD the council at the time of the abate Entire Personnel Reappointed lt an estimated cost of $' 0,000. The Name Society of St. Elizabeth Church, thur Mehler; Refreshments, George who spoke briefly, were: Recreation ments. The case was heard by Judge Chase, chairman, Ernest Hoff, John Until January 1, 1941 city's share of the cost will be $24,000 annually the highlight of the early Commissioners L. T. Reagan and L. Voted Senior “Most Likely To Thompson, who carried the case two and the rest is to be furnished by the Spring social season here, were made Mulhall, James McGovern, Edward K. Goodwin, Principals Elliot Bolton hours beyond the usual time Monday W. P. A. at a meeting of the committee in Kasmin; reception, A1 Kazary, chair- and Malcolm B. Ayres, Detective Succeed in Newswork” so as to complete summations and de The entire staff personnel of the Petitions were received from the charge Tuesday evening in the school man, Harry Ericsson, Irving Rolband, i Thomas McKane and Harry Ericsson. liver his charge. Board of Health was reappointed by Progress Club and residents in the vi hall. The supper dance will be held W'alter D. Trott of Linden, a senior Martin P. O’Connor, State Senator the board at a meeting Monday eve at Rutgers University, was the re- cinity of West Brook in IV itchell ave- Wednesday evening in the school John E. Toolan, Judge Frank K. Sauer ning in the city hall. Salary increases ! clpient of the $100 scholarship given nue, protesting against obnoxious auditorium. and Harry Weiner were the defense were voted by the board to several of odors from the brook. They were re The' supper will be prepared and PARENTS, TEACHERS SCHOOL MAGAZINE ! annually by the New Jersey Press As- attorneys. They showed how their the staff members. ferred to the city enginee • for a sur served by members of the Rosary So clients had acted honestly in what New one year terms were voted for vey and a report. ciety, directed by Mrs. Harry Lavoice they believed was best for the city. the following: Dr. Abraham Gushin, Dennis Tracy was temJioiarily ap- ancJ Mrs. Henry Wetzel. Dance music EXCHANGE VIEWS; WINS CSPA AWARD— * No evidence of “graft” was given, the dentist for St. Elizabeth’s School, --------- --------- ! success in a, journalistic career. The pointed to the park department will be furnished by Don Savon and counsel said. $500; Dr. Arthur Yarman, dentist for recommendation of Councilman James his orchestra. Speak O n ‘W hat W e Expect” j “ Jr. High Reflector Is Mfedal- award wag made at the dinner session The council had cut the unpaid debt St. Theresa’s School; Dr. David of the association’s 84th annual meet Dobson. Patrick Hennessv is general chair on the tract in half, settling for $2,- Schlein physician in charge of admin At School 8 Meeting ist; Others Here W in ing in the Stacy Trent Hotel, Trenton, Councilman William Hurst suggest man of the affair. James Prendergast, 661.25. The property soon afterwards istration of toxoid for the diphtheria Monday James Kerney, editor of the ed that the road committee be author chairman of the entertainment com was sold at a higher price. The prose campaign, $10 an hour; City Clerk Talks on “What the School Expects “The Unden Junior High School Trenton Times and member of the ized to advertise for bids for cinders mittee, announced that Freddy Sleck- cution was directed by Assistant Thomas J. Wieser, registrar of vital of the Home” and “What the Home Reflector,” magazine of Linden Junior N. J. P. A. executive committee, made and road oii. The recommendations man, well-known pianist, will entertain Expects of the School" were heard High School, was again awarded the Prosecutor Thomas F. Hueston, who statistics, $500, an increase of $100; were adopted. the presentation. has been in charge of the Linden in Miss Muriel McManus, clerk in the at the affair, together with a troupe yesterday afternoon by the School “medalist” award at the convention Trott came to RutgerB from Linden New street lighting was authorized dictments. board’s office, $800, an increase of of professional entertainers. The en No. 8 Parent Teachers’ Association of the Columbia Scholastic Press As High School. He is a member of the for De Witt and Elmwood terraces, The indictment against the eight $200; John Mellor, master plumber on tertainment program will include se in the school auditorium. Mrs. Esther sociation in New York City Saturday. French and Journalism clubs and won Stiles street, North Wood ivenue and Linden men was one of thirteen which the Plumbers’ Examining Board, $15 lections by a male quartet, a comedy C.