Roosville Wind Speed er iv !P k r R e e ilk e v Kintla Lake r Waterton Lake i M R 17 k C !( r Flathead County, k o e y 89 93 e l £ F ¤£ r n ¤ C l ak Trailcreek a th inik e or Yak !P m B N k w 37 Eureka o !P !( e r er e B e iv r v R !P i ¤£89 Duck Lake ilk C k M e R re e C !P v ly le l Babb a a r h e W Quartz Lake B G Average Annual Wind Lake Sherburne £89 Fortine Polebridge ¤ Speed, Miles per Hour Saint Mary Lower Saint Mary Lake Wetzel !P !P Logging Lake k !P e !P Trego re under 12 Co C al C Di!Pckey Lake re ld Stryker ek a Saint Mary Lake n !P o 12 - 13.5 D Camas c ¤£89 Creek M Lake McDonald 93 ¤£ reek !P 13.5 - 15 k Big C


e r Upper Stillwater Lake Lake Mc Donald Browning !P C Olney Kiowa 15 - 16.5 e Apgar !P ¤£2 n !P !P 89 i ¤£ 2 t ¤£ r !P o West Glacier 16.5 - 18 F £89 !P Lower Lake !(49 ¤£2 ¤ Creek Good Whitefish Lake Nyack East Glacier Park 18 - 19.5 o Medicine River Whitefish Coram !P !P Tw k k e !P e e L !P Halfmoon¤£2 Martin City over 19.5 r Tally Lake e C o r lf g !P o !P !P C a W !P Hungry Horse le n !(40 ¤£2 !P O C Columbia Falls Summit r e Electric Transmission Lines, e !P k Rhodes Essex Kilovolts ¤£93 2 206 k !P !P ¤£ (! !P e ¤£2 re S C Evergreen r o e u 69 or less !P g th d Ashley Lake !(35 Creston Hungry Horse Reservoir a B B a !P d !P th g 100, 115 Kalispell r e !(35 o r N C 93 r Kila ¤£ e 161 Marion e !P Echo Lake k Little Bitterroot La!Pke Somers !P !(82 !(83 230 T ¤£2 !P h o !P m Mc Gregor Lake Lakeside !P209 p (! 500 s Bigfork o n !P R !PWoods Bay iv e r Scale of Miles Swan Lake S Swan Lake po tt 0 8 16 24 32 ed Creek Lake Mary Ronan Rollins¤£93 !P B Open ea Proctor !P r R !P Dayton Flathead Lake B ive un r !P ke Wind speed is estimated for an elevation 50 meters Elmo r C Niarada !(35 83 re above the ground. The estimates were produced by !P !( ek !P Big Arm TrueWind Solutions using their Mesomap system and !(28 !P S historical weather data. This data has been validated w ¤£93 a ek with available surface data by the National Renewable n re C R ck Energy Laboratory and wind energy meteorological r o i R v Lonepine e consultants. e v

i W Polson r

Little Thompso !P r R e n River e iv s R !P e t t d i a F

e h th o la r Salmon Prairie W F k Camas Pablo Reservoir Hot Springs !P S !P u !P £93 n ¤ !P Big Salmon Lake R i v e Look for this map in Montana Maps at 382 Pablo r Weeksville !(28 (! Ronan !(83 Condon (!200!P !P !P 2004 !P !P