BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2012-000838 on 25 September 2012. Downloaded from Open Access Research Mental health effects from urban ( lectularius L.): a cross-sectional study

Stephanie Rebecca Susser,1,2 Stéphane Perron,1,2,3 Michel Fournier,2 Louis Jacques,1,2 Geoffroy Denis,2 François Tessier,2 Pasquale Roberge4

To cite: Susser SR, Perron S, ABSTRACT et al ARTICLE SUMMARY Fournier M, . Mental Objective: To assess whether bed bug infestation was health effects from urban bed linked to disturbances and symptoms of anxiety bug infestation (Cimex Article focus and depression. lectularius L.): a cross- ▪ with the common bed bug (Cimex sectional study. BMJ Open Design: Exploratory cross-sectional study. lectularius L.) have become problematic in many 2012;2:e000838. Setting: Convenience sample of tenants recruited in cities. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2012- apartment complexes from Montreal, Canada. ▪ No epidemiological studies currently exist on the 000838 Participants: 39 bed bug-exposed tenants were mental health impacts of bed bug infestations. compared with 52 unexposed tenants. ▪ In this exploratory cross-sectional analysis, we ▸ Prepublication history for Main outcome measures: The effect of bed bug- assessed whether bed bug infestations were this paper are available exposed tenants on sleep disturbances, anxiety and linked to sleep disturbances and symptoms of online. To view these files depression symptoms measured using the Pittsburgh anxiety and depression among tenants in please visit the journal online Sleep Quality Index, 5th subscale, Generalised Anxiety Montreal, Quebec. ( Disorder 7-item scale and Patient Health Questionnaire, bmjopen-2012-000838). Key messages 9-item, respectively. ▪ This study suggests that individuals exposed to Received 6 January 2012 Results: In adjusted models, bed bug infestation was bed bugs may be at risk of experiencing sleep Accepted 17 April 2012 strongly associated with measured anxiety symptoms disturbance and of developing anxious and pos- (OR (95% CI)=4.8 (1.5 to 14.7)) and sleep disturbance sibly depressive symptoms. This final article is available – (OR (95% CI)=5.0 (1.3 18.8)). There was a trend to ▪ Appropriate control of bed bug is required to for use under the terms of report more symptoms of depression in the bed bug- the Creative Commons manage the situation and its potential health infested group, although this finding was not impacts. Attribution Non-Commercial statistically significant ((OR (95% CI)=2.5(0.8 to 7.3)). 2.0 Licence; see Conclusions: These results suggest that individuals Strengths and limitations of this study exposed to bed bug infestations are at risk of ▪ The convenience sample presents a risk for experiencing sleep disturbance and of developing selection bias. symptoms of anxiety and possibly depression. Greater ▪ There is a possibility of misclassification biases clinical awareness of this problem is needed in order due to self-report even though the Cronbach α for patients to receive appropriate mental healthcare. values calculated from our data showed remark-

These findings highlight the need for undertaking of able consistency with literature values for the ori- on September 24, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. deeper inquiry, as well as greater collaboration between ginal instruments. medical professionals, public health and community ▪ These results are cross-sectional in nature and stakeholders. follow-up studies are required.

1Département de médecine sociale et préventive, be exterminated rapidly but extermination Université de Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Canada techniques are complex. In some settings bed 4 2Direction de santé publique INTRODUCTION bug infestation may become chronic. de l’agence de la santé et des Adult bed bugs are 4–6 mm long, oval and flat- Anecdotal and historical evidence suggests services sociaux de Montréal, tened that feed on human . that infestation by the common bed bug Montréal, Québec, Canada 3 Feeding sessions typically last 15 min and are ( L.) may be a stressor that Département de médecine 3 de famille, Université de followed by the departure of the bug towards has an emotional and psychological effect. Sherbrooke CHUS-Hôpital its harbourage site. Once fed, bed bugs do not Field workers and control managers in Fleurimont, Sherbrooke, remain attached to their prey.1 Bed bug bites, Montreal,5 Toronto4 and in 43 countries Québec, Canada. like bites are associated with local around the globe surveyed by the National 2 Correspondence to cutaneous allergic reactions. To date, there Pest Management Association have observed Dr Stéphane Perron; have been no reports of infectious disease psychological distress among individuals 6 [email protected] transmission via bed bug bites.23Bed bugs can living with infestation. There are reports of

Susser SR, Perron S, Fournier M, et al. BMJ Open 2012;2:e000838. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2012-000838 1 BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2012-000838 on 25 September 2012. Downloaded from Mental health effects from urban bed bug infestation people resorting to dangerous methods in order to rid other housing complexes is only recommended in cases their dwellings of bed bugs.7 Recently, Goddard and de where tenants experience a significant negative health Shazo8 noted that comments posted on bed bug-related impact due to water infiltration. Participants were recruited websites revealed symptoms of post-traumatic stress dis- from the two Montreal apartment complexes who were order. None of these studies, however, were performed subject to public health interventions targeting unfit in a clinical setting and there are currently no original housing conditions led by the MPH Department and their published epidemiological data available on the mental community partners between January and June 2010. This health impact of bed bug infestation. The objective of cross-sectional study is based on data provided by a con- this study was to conduct an exploratory cross-sectional venience sample of 91 tenants recruited. All participants analysis comparing individuals living with and without agreed to allow the data they provided to be used for bed bug infestations using three standardised clinical research purposes. mental health measures. Physicians and nurses familiar with unfit housing condi- tions and infestations collected all data. Culturally and lin- guistically competent translators were available and all METHODS questionnaire material was available in English, French Data collection and measures and Spanish. Ethical approval was provided by the research Unfit housing conditions due to water infiltration, mould ethics committee of the Montreal Agency for Health and and vermin infestation are frequently reported to the Social Services. The research has conformed to the princi- Montreal Public Health Department (MPH). Decision to ples embodied in the Declaration of Helsinki. intervene in such situations is taken by the environmental Data were obtained from an intervention health ques- health team that includes physicians and an experienced tionnaire. Symptoms of depression and anxiety were evalu- hygienist. The aim of field intervention, when mandated, is ated using the Brief Patient Health Questionnaire Mood to produce recommendations for remediation of the build- Scale (PHQ-9)9 and the Generalised Anxiety Disorder ings involved and to ensure healthcare for tenants who Screener (GAD-7)10 whicharebasedoncriteriafromthe may require attention. However, relocation of tenants to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders on September 24, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright.

Figure 1 Algorithm for attribution of a diagnosis of bed bug infestation based on the presence of characteristic lesions and environmental evidence.

2 Susser SR, Perron S, Fournier M, et al. BMJ Open 2012;2:e000838. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2012-000838 BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2012-000838 on 25 September 2012. Downloaded from Mental health effects from urban bed bug infestation

Figure 2 Participant flowchart.

(DSM)-IV and DSM-IV-TR, respectively. Sleep disturbances the unexposed group. Scores for the three instruments were measured using questions 1–8(5thsubscale)ofthe were dichotomised into ‘present/absent’. Scores corre- Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index.11 Bed bug exposure status sponding to symptoms ‘present’ were: 10 and over on the was initially determined by self-report; participants were PHQ-9 of 27, (moderate symptoms of depression or asked to point to the culprit on an identification worse), 5 and over on the GAD-7 of 21(mild symptoms of tool containing pictures of bed bugs and other commonly anxiety or worse) and 10 and over 27 on the PSQI 5th sub- found insects in Montreal apartment buildings. Details scale. For any given participant, data from the GAD-7 or related to infestation (onset, corrective measures taken) PHQ-9weredisregardedifthreeormoreitemswereleft on September 24, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. were recorded. This subjective evidence was supported by blank. Missing values for these scales were replaced with objective dermatological and/or environmental evidence the mean scores of the other subjects’ items response if the of infestation when available (figure 1). Individuals with number of missing responses was less than 3. past bed bug exposure—but who reported that bed bugs Multivariable logistic regression was used to calculate had not been seen in the dwelling for >30 days—were clas- ORand95%CIforanassociationbetweenbedbug sified as unexposed (figure 2). Other variables from the infestation exposure and anxiety, depressive symptoms health questionnaire include demographic features, and sleep disturbance. Models were initially run for expos- history of chronic medical and psychiatric conditions ure status alone, then adjusted for sex and age. The (>6 months in duration), experience of a particularly stress- PHQ-9 and GAD-7 models were adjusted as well for psy- ful event within the last year (yes/no variable) as well as chiatric diagnosis and number of inhabitants. The GAD-7 environmental exposure information other than that per- model was additionally adjusted for in the taining to bed bugs (number of inhabitants, exposure to dwelling. Adjusted model parameters did not change by cockroaches). more than 10% with the addition of employment status, perceived sufficient means, civil status, medical diagnoses Statistical analysis or experience of a stressful event within the last year. Final The χ² analyses were used to distinguish characteristics par- models were rerun without 10 individuals for whom there ticular to the bed bug-exposed group as compared with were no objective evidence to support or refute their

Susser SR, Perron S, Fournier M, et al. BMJ Open 2012;2:e000838. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2012-000838 3 BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2012-000838 on 25 September 2012. Downloaded from Mental health effects from urban bed bug infestation

(previous) self-report. Cronbach α values were calculated Table 1 Characteristics and instrument scores of to measure the internal consistency of the psychometric participants according to bed bug infestation exposure tools (GAD-7, PHQ-9 and PSQI(5)). Analyses were per- status formed using SPSS V.12.0.2 for Windows (SPSS 1989– Exposed to bed bug 2003). Characteristics infestation (%) N* Sex RESULTS Male 50 38 There were 39 individuals exposed to bed bugs and 52 Female 38 53 Age (years) unexposed individuals (figure 2). Exposed and unex- ≤36 48 48 posed individuals were found in both housing com- ≥37 37 43 plexes. Individuals exposed to bed bug infestation did Education fi not differ signi cantly from those unexposed on the Less than high 41 17 characteristics shown in table 1 except for ‘number of school individuals living in the dwelling’ and ‘self-reported High school or 38 60 exposure’. Pearson χ² scores for the univari- more ate associations between bed bug infestation status and Employment status the dependent variables were significant at p<0.05 for Employed 42 36 the GAD-7 and PSQI(5), but not for the PHQ-9. Unemployed 44 55 Results of the logistic regression models are displayed in Legally married Yes 42 50 table 2. In both unadjusted and adjusted models, the asso- No 44 41 ciation between anxiety symtoms and bed bug infestation fi Perceived sufficient status was statistically signi cant (OR (95% CI) adjusted means fi model=4.8 (1.5 to 14.7)). A statistically signi cant associ- Yes 46 39 ation was also found for sleep disturbance (OR (95% CI) No 42 48 adjusted model=5.0 (1.3 to 18.8)). There was a statistically Stressful event in last non-significant association observed between depressive year symptoms and bed bug infestation (OR (95% CI) Yes 43 58 adjusted model=2.5 (0.8 to 7.3)). Sensitivity analysis as out- No 42 33 lined above did not alter results. Psychiatric diagnosis The Cronbach α values calculated from the data for None 43 76 1+ 44 9 the GAD-7, PHQ-9 and PSQI(5) were found to be 0.86, 0.83 and 0.69, respectively. None 53 40 1+ 35 51 DISCUSSION Number of † Our study showed that anxiety symptoms and sleep distur- inhabitants 1–22025 bances were significantly more likely to occur among indi- 3+ 52 65 viduals exposed to bed bug infestation. The association Cockroaches in dwelling† between exposure and depressive symptoms occurred in Present 50 72 fi the expected direction, but was non-signi cant at the level Absent 16 19 on September 24, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. of p<0.05. Anxiety symptoms (GAD-7)† To our knowledge, this study is the first to quantita- Present 55 31 tively explore the anxiety symptoms, depressive symp- Absent 32 56 toms and sleep disturbance associated with bed bug Depressive symptoms (PHQ-9) infestations. Literature on anxiety and depressive symp- Present 52 27 toms and sleep disturbance associated with infestation Absent 37 60 † with is scant, but some anecdotal evi- Sleep disturbance (PSQI(5)) Present 71 14 dence exists that infestation with pigeon fleas12 and 13 Absent 40 68 head lice can have a negative effect on sleep. The der- Total 91 matologic literature details other pruritic skin conditions *May not total due to missing data. such as psoriasis and atopic dermatitis and their conse- †These variables differed significantly for the exposure groups on quences on sleep14 and mental health.15 Pearson χ² analysis p<0.05, two-sided test. This study has several limitations. The convenience GAD-7, Generalised Anxiety Disorder 7-item scale; PHQ-9, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, 5th subscale; PSQI(5), Patient sample presents a risk for selection bias, the magnitude Health Questionnaire, 9-item. of which is attenuated by the fact that both exposed and non-exposed subjects lived in the same apartment com- Cronbach α values calculated from the totality of our plexes. There is a possibility of misclassification due to data showed remarkable consistency with literature self-report in the intervention context. However, the values for the original instruments. Cronbach α values in

4 Susser SR, Perron S, Fournier M, et al. BMJ Open 2012;2:e000838. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2012-000838 BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2012-000838 on 25 September 2012. Downloaded from Mental health effects from urban bed bug infestation

Table 2 ORs and 95% CIs for the associations between submission. The study was conceptualised and designed by SRS, SP, MF, LJ, bed bug infestation exposure and mental health symptoms GD and PR. The data were acquired by SRS, SP, LJ and GD. Statistical analysis was performed by SRS, SP and MF. The data were analysed and Unadjusted OR Fully adjusted OR interpreted by all authors. The manuscript was drafted by SRS and revised by (95% CI) (95% CI)* all authors. PSQI(5) 3.80 (1.10 to 13.35) 5.00 (1.30 to 18.80) Funding The work presented in this manuscript was supported financially by GAD-7 2.56 (1.04 to 6.32) 4.75 (1.54 to 14.70) the Direction de santé publique de Montréal. PHQ-9 1.86 (0.74 to 4.67) 2.48 (0.84 to 7.30) Competing interests None. *All models were adjusted for sex and age. Generalised Anxiety Disorder 7-item scale (GAD-7) and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Patient consent Obtained. 5th subscale (PHQ-9) were further adjusted for psychiatric Ethics approval Comité d’éthique de la recherche Agence de la santé et des diagnosis and number of inhabitants. GAD-7 was additionally services sociaux de Montréal. adjusted for cockroaches in dwelling. PSQI(5), Patient Health Questionnaire, 9-item. Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.

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Susser SR, Perron S, Fournier M, et al. BMJ Open 2012;2:e000838. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2012-000838 5