Offenders in Nj Correctional Institutions Average Daily Population During

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Offenders in Nj Correctional Institutions Average Daily Population During If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at r.: DEPARTMENT OFCORRECTfON8, STATE OF NEW JERSEY WILLIAM H. MUVEfl. ,90'-4MIS810NER .. l-----~---~--·- .~----,.-----~---------.. ~-----~------- ! 118305 U.S. Department of Justice National Institute of Justice This document has been reproduced exactly as receiverJ from the person or organization originating it. Points of view or opinions stated in tilis document are those of the authors and do not necessarily • r, represent the official position or policies of the National Ins!'Me of Justice. Permission to reproduce this copyrighted material has been granted by New Jersey Department of Corrections to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS). Further reproduction outside of the NCJRS system requires permis­ sion of the copyright owner. c OFFENDERS IN N.J. CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTIONS AVERAGE DAILY POPULATION DURING ~FISCAL 1988 '.J DIVISJONOF POLICY"AND PLANNING OFFICE OF POLICY ANALY8UJ AND .PLA"tNIN6 MARCH 10,1"', o r:,: TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction .......................................... 1 Fiscal 1984 - 1988 .................................... 2,3 Fiscal 1988 Average Daily Population By Institutional Complex: Prison Complex ........................................ 4.5 Youth Correctional Complex ............................ 6 Adult Pre-Release Centers. and Contract Halfway Houses............................... 7 Juvenile Complex ...................................... 8 Juvenile Community Residential and Day Programs...................................... 9 End of the Month Counts During Fiscal 1987 ............ 10.11.12 Notes .........................................•..... ,. 13 INTRODUCTION This report has been developed to provide informaiton regarding the Average Daily Population (ADP) in each Correctional Complex. Major Institution and Satellite Housing Unit under the jurisdiction of the Department of Corrections during Fiscal Year 1988 (July 1, 1987 to June 30, 1988). In addition, Average Daily Population (ADP) and end of m~;;th counts are reported for the community and Residential Juvenile Programs. The Prison Complex includes the New Jersey State, East Jersey State, Bayside State, Mid-State. Southern State, Northern State and Riverfront State Prisons. the Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women and the Adult Diagnostic and Treatment Center. The Youth Correctional Complex consists of the Garden State Reception and Youth Correctional Facility. the Albert C. Wagner Youth Correctional Facility and the Mountainview Youth Correctional Facility. The Juvenile Facilities include the New Jersey Training School for Boys, the Lloyd McCorkle Training School for Boys and Girls. and the Juvenile Medium Security Facility. The Average Daily Population for each major institution reported in Table I includes the number of inmates housed at the main institution ~ those inmates who are assigned to each of the respective satellite units and prefabricated modular units where applicable. Average daily population counts for each of the individual housing units are reported in Tables II through V. Major institutions with satellites include the following: MAJOR INSTITUTION SATELLITES New Jersey State Prison New Jer~ey Main, West Trenton Unit, Vroom Readjustment Unit and Central Medical Unit East Jersey State Prison East Jersey Main, East Jersey Camp and Marlboro Camp Bayside State Prison Bayside Medium, Bayside Farm and Ancora Unit Garden State Reception Garden State Main, Wharton Tract. Youth Reception and Youth Correctional Facility and Prison Reception Albert C. Wagner Youth Wagner Main, New Lisbon Unit and NPDC Unit Correctional Facility Mountainview Youth Moutainview Main, Stokes Unit and High Point Unit Correctional Facility ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The preparation of this report entailed the assistance of numerous individuals and reporting units. The extensive data collection effort was significantly enhanced by the assistance of the Correctional Information and Classification Services Data Base, the Prison and Youth Reception Units and the Office of the Deputy Director of the Division of Juvenile Services. Special acknowledgement is given to Mrs. Terry Lihvarcik, Principal Statistical Clerk of the Office of Policy Analysis and Planning for the compilation of data and the layr-ut of the report format. 1 'Offenders in New Jersey Correctional Institutions Fiscal 1984 - 1988 Trends AVERAGE POPULATION DURING FISCAL YEARS ENDING SEPARATELY BUDGETED CORRECTIONAL JUNE NET% JUNE NET% JUNE NET% JUNE NET% JUNE INSTITUTIONS 1984 CHANGE 1985 CHANGE 1986 CHANGE 1987 CHANGE 1988 TOTAL INSTITUTIONS 11429 13% 12881 8% 13868 15% 15911 9% 17376 COUNTY WAITING LIST 893 41% 1259 -3% 1226 45% 1779 13% 2007 COUNTY CONTRACT 90 16% 104 8% 112 13% 127 3% 131 COUNTY ASSISTANCE 0 104 89% 197 48% 291 15% 334 JUVENILE WAITING LIST 47 -45% 26 73% 45 204% 137 -58% 58 STATE PRISON 1/ 6346 14% 7265 8% 7855 8% 8502 13% 9633 New Jersey State Prison 1906 12% 2144 5% 2241 3% 2309 -1% 2292 East Jersey State Prison 1470 3% 1517 -1% 1499 8% 1620 6% 1724 Bayside State Prison 1287 7% 1381 4% 1437 4% 1501 9% 1629 Edna Mahan Crrntl Fclty 356 12% 400 8% 433 8% 466 14% 530 Mid-State Corrtnl Fclty 490 -1% 485 -0% 483 1% 489 7% 523 Southern State Corrntl Fclty 557 85% 1032 4% 1078 11% 1196 5% 1251 Riverfront State Prison 336 32% 445 4% 465 Northern State Corrtnl Fclty 96 718% 785 Adult Dia/Treat Center 280 9% 306 14% 348 9% 380 14% 434 ADULT HALFWAY HSES 53 2% 54 9% 59 12% 66 5% 69 Newark (Men) 41 5% 43 5% 45 20% 54 4% 56 Essex (Women) 12 -8% 11 27% 14 -14% 12 8% 13 CONTRACT HALFWAY HSES 86 28% 110 15% 126 43% 180 23% 222 Clinton House 18 39% 25 0% 25 16% 29 10% 32 VOA (Canxien) 26 50% 39 26% 49 47% 72 22% 88 Pyramid House (Nwk) 16 -13% 14 0% 14 71% 24 67% 40 Bates House 17 -12% 15 7% 16 0% 16 13% 18 Mutual Agreement Program 9 44% 13 -15% 11 27% 14 21% 17 Turning Point Blackwood 3 167% 8 -13% 7 29% 9 C.U.R.A. 1 200% 3 100% 6 0% 6 T.L.C. 12 0% 12 YOUTH CORRCTL INSTITUTIONS 1/ 2941 2% 2987 4% 3102 13% 3499 2% 3552 Garden State Rcpt&Yth Crrtnl 988 2% 1004 5% 1054 9% 1144 1% 1160 Albert C Wagner Yth Crrtnl 910 1% 915 5% 961 15% 1104 1% 1115 Mountainview Yth Crrtnl Fclty 1043 2% 1068 2% 1087 15% 1251 2% 1277 JUVENILE FACILITIES 5e1 -4% 557 11% 618 16% 716 -1% 708 New Jersey Training Schl-Boys 315 -2% 310 7% 332 21% 403 0% 403 Lloyd McCorkle Trng Schl 171 -16% 143 23% 176 13% 198 -4% 190 Juvenile Medium Security Fclty 95 9% 104 6% 110 5% 115 0% 115 Community and Residential 392 6% 415 27% 528 16% 614 8% 663 Juvenile Programs 2 NOTES ON FISCAL 1984 - 1988 TRENDS During the Fiscal ¥ear of 1988 there was an Average Daily Population of 17,377 offenders in the Department of Corrections, 9634 of whom were housed in State Prison Facilities while 3552 were housed in Youth Correctional Facilities, 708 were housed in Juvenile Facilities. Two hundred ninety-one were housed in Halfway Houses, 662 in Community and Residential Programs and 2530 were housed in County Facilities. From Fiscal 1987 to Fiscal 1988 the ADP for the Department as a whole increased 9% from 15,911 to 17,377 offenders. The ADP during Fiscal 1988 was greater than the peak populations experienced in 1984 through 1987. The following are the changes within the various correctional complexes or facilities: - The County Waiting list increased 13% from 1779 to 2007. - The State Prison Complex count increased 13% from 8502 to 9634. - The Youth Correctional Complex count increased 2% from 3499 to 3552. - The Juvenile Facilities population decreased 1% from 716 to 708. - The Community Residential Juvenile Programs increased 8% from 614 to 662. The continued increase in adult institutional population resulted from ongoing impact of Title 2C and legislative enhancernents to the Criminal Code. There also was a countinued increase in the numher of juvenile offenders residing in Juvenile Community Residential and Day Programs during this period. The average daily population for these facilities in Fiscal 1988 was 662 or 8% greater than the Fiscal 1987 count of 614. 3 TABLE II AVERAGE DAILY POPULATION FOR THE NEW JERSEY PRISON COMPLEX DURING FISCAL 1988 PRISON COMPLEX AVERAGE DAILY POPULATION . TOTAL AI 9633 NEW JERSEY STATE PRISON 2292 New Jersey Main 1951 West Trenton Unit 159 Vroom Readjustment Unit 134 Central Medical Unit 48 EAST JERSEY STATE PRISON 1724 East Jersey Main 1481 East Jersey Camp 115 Marl boro Calllp 128 BAYSIDE STATE PRISON 1629 Bayside Main 887 Bayside Farm 525 Ancora Unit 217 MID-STATE CORRECTIONAL FACILITY 523 SOUTHERN STATE CORRECTIONAL FACILITY 1251 RIVERFRONT STATE PRISON 465 NORTHERN STATE CORRECTIONAL FACILITY 7B5 ADlJLT DIAGNOSTIC AND TREATMENT CENTER 434 EDNA MAHAN CORRECTIONAL FACILITY 530 Men 42 Wanen 488 AI See Note on page 13. 4 ~ I I ·PRISON COMPLEX AVERAGE DAILY POPULATION New Jersey State Prison (main and satellites) had an average population of 2293 residents during Fiscal 1988 which represented 23% of those offenders housed in all prison facilities. New Jersey Main had an average population count of 1951 with the West Trenton minimum security satellite accounting for an additional 159 daily residents. The maximum security Vroom Readjustment Unit maintained an average population of 134 during the 1988 Fiscal Year. The Central Medical Unit had an average count of 48 offenders. Of the 9633 average daily offenders housed in State Prison Facilities during the year, 1724 or 8% were resident at East Jersey State Prison. The main institution had an average population of 1481, with minimum security units averaging an additional 243. Bayside State Prison accounted for approximately 7% of the residents housed in the Prison Complex with an average count of 1629. Bayside Main (medium unit) maintained an average population of 887 while the minimum security satellite units housed an additional 742 residents. The average population for Mid-State Correctional Facility during Fiscal 1988 represented approximately 5% of those offenders housed in all prison facilities, with an average population of 523.
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