
District Reconciliation Committees

Mandate and Functions

January 2018

Ministry of National Integration and Reconciliation



Vision ...... 3 Mission ...... 3 Seven core virtues ...... 5 Pledge for Integration and Reconciliation...... 9 Background of District Reconciliation Committees ...... 12 Objectives...... 13 Database of Members of the District Reconciliation Committees ...... 20 1. Ampara ...... 20 2. Anuradhapura ...... 25 3. Badulla ...... 26 4. Batticaloa ...... 27 5. Colombo ...... 27 6. Galle ...... 28 7. Gampaha ...... 29 8. Hambantota ...... 30 9. Jaffna ...... 31 10. Kalutara ...... 34 11. Kandy ...... 35 12. Kegalle ...... 42 13. Killinochchi ...... 52 14. Kurunegala ...... 53 15. Mannar...... 54 16. Matale ...... 57 17. Matara ...... 61 18. Moneragela ...... 62 19. Mullaitivu ...... 63 20. Nuwera Eliya ...... 65 21. Pollonaruwa ...... 68 22. Puttalam ...... 69 23. Ratnapura ...... 71 24. Trincomalee ...... 74 25. Vavuniya ...... 76


Vision Hamonious Society; Prosperous Nation

A plural, multi-ethnic and multi-religious Sri Lanka in which diversity is recognized as a source of strength and as an asset, in which mutual respect and dignity of all people of Sri Lanka prevails, to achieve durable peace and prosperity

Mission Respecting and Valuing Diversity; Managing Tensions; Reducing risk of future conflict; Promoting integration; Facilitating Reconciliation and Building a Pluralistic and Inclusive Society

දැම සාමකා සමාජය; ෙසෟභාගම ජාය

ධවය ශය ෙකාට හනාග එෙමම රක / රසාර සාමය හා ෙසෟභාගය සාෂා කර ගැම උෙදසා පවනා ය ලාංෙය ජාවෙ අෙනන ගවය හා අමානය විනාකම ෙලස සලක ලබන බධ ෙමම බ වාක හා බ ආගක ලංකාව

ෙමෙහවර ධවයට ග ම සහ ඇගම; ආත කලමනාකරණය ම; අනාගත ගැකා ප ඇෙම අවදානම අවම ම; 3

ඒකාබධතාව වධනය ම; සංයාවට පහක සලස බධ හා යෙල සැ සමාජය


ஒைமயானெதா சக; வளமானெதா ேதச

இலைக வா பன, பமத மகளிைடேய பரபர ாிண ம நெலணைத ேதாவித, பவைகதைம ம அத ெசழிபி மதிபளித எபவறிடாக கணியமான வா, நிைலேபறான சமதான ம வளமான நாைன கெயத.

பணிேநா பைமவைத ேபாறி மதிபளித; பதறநிைலகைள காைமபத; எதிகாலதி ேமாதக உவாவைத தத; இணகபாகைள விதி ெசத; நணகதிகான வசதிகைள வழகி பைமவ ம அைனவைர உளடகியேதா நசகைத உவாத.


Seven core virtues on Peace and Reconciliation

1. Dignity and Respect Realizing that every person is important and must be treated with dignity. Respect is the right of every person in all circumstances. Respecting your elders and respecting others. Respect is reflected in your speech and action. 2. Diversity Recognizing and appreciating diversity. Valuing differences in religion, language, ethnicity, race, physical appearance, their individual taste, lifestyle, the way they dress, speak or think. Diversity is richness and should be recognized as a strength. 3. Equity, Inclusiveness and Fairness Ensuring equal treatment, equal rights and equal opportunities without discrimination and ensuring everybody participates equally. 4. Tolerance and Empathy Forgiving and forgetting misunderstandings. Recognizing differences in opinions and not seeing things from one single perspective. It is important to understand the feelings, thoughts and experiences of others.

5. Friendship and kindness Having feelings of friendship, support and understanding among all. Being kind to all living things.

6. Compassion Being sympathetic and showing concern for the misfortunes of others. Caring, listening and being close to others.

7. Justice and Human Rights Standing up for your rights and the rights of others. Believing in justice and being fair in everything you do.


සාමය සහ සධාන බඳ වැදග ණාංග සත

1. අමානය හා ගවය සෑම ගලයම වැදග වන බව සහ සැමට අමානය දනවන ප සැලය බව අවෙබධ කරගැම. ය අවථාව ම සෑම ගලයෙම කම වෙ ගවය. ඔබෙ වැයට සහ අනයට ග කරන. කථනෙයද හැෙමද ගවය ව ඇත.

2. ධවය ධවය හනාග ද අගයද ආගම, භාෂාව, වාකවය, ජාය, බාර ෙපම, ඔෙ ගක රසඥතාව, වන රටාව, ඔ අන පළන, කතා කරන ෙහ තන ආකාරෙ ධවය අගයද කට කරන. ධවය ය බව වන අතර එය ශය ෙලස හනාගත ය.

3. ය, අතගතභාවය සහ සාධාරණවය ෙවන ෙකාට සැලම ෙතාරව සමාන ෙලස සැලම, සමාන ක සහ සමාන අවථා සහක ම සහ යලම සමානව සහභා වන බවට තහ ම. අනවෙබධයට සමාව ම හා අමතක ම.

4. ශාය හා සහකපනය මතවාදය ෙවනක හනාගැම සහ එ දෘ ෙකණය පමණ ය ෙදය ෙදස ෙනාබැම. අනයෙ හැ හා අදැ අවෙබධ කර ගැම වැදග ෙ

5. වය හා කාකභාවය යල අතර වය, සහාය හා අවෙබධය බඳ හැ. ය ට කණාව දැම.


6. සාකපනය අනයෙ අවාසනාවත තවය සබධෙය සාකත ම හා හැබර ම. අනය ෙකෙර ෙසායා බැම, ඔට සව ම සහ අනයට සප ම.

7. ය හා මානව ක ඔබෙ අනයෙ ක උෙදසා නැ ම. ය බඳ වාසය සහ ඔබ කරන සෑම ෙදය සබධෙයම සාධාරණ ම.

சமாதான ம நணக ெதாடபான 07 பிரதான பக

1. அபிமான ெகௗரவ ஒெவா நப கியவ வாதவக என விளகிெகாவட, அைனவ கணியமாக நடதபத ேவ எபைத ாி ெகாள. எவ எழளி மாியாைத ஒ உாிைமயா. ெபாிேயாக ஏைனேயா மதிபளிக. வாகி, நடைதயி மாியாைதைய பிரதிபத ேவ.

2. பைமவ பவைகைமைய அைடயாளகாண ேபாத. இன, மத, ெமாழி, ெவளிபைட ேதாற, அவரவ தனிபட வி ெவக, வாவிய ைற, நைடைட பாவைன அல சிதி விதகளிள பவைகைமகைள ேபாக. பவைகைம எப ெசைமமிகதாக, வைமமிகதாக இனகாணபட ேவ.

3. சமாிைம, உளடகபத, நியாய அைனவ பாரபச காடா சமமாக நடதபட ேவ. சமாிைம ம சம வாக உதரவாதமளித ம சமமான பேககைள உதிபத.

4. ஒண ம சகிதை தவகைள மனி, மறவிட. விதியாசமானககைள இனகாண, ஒ கேணாகி மாதிர விடயகைள ேநாகா, மறவகளி


உணகைள, எணகைள, அபவகைள ாி ெகாவ மிக கியமானதா.

5. ந கைண எேலாட நற, ஒைழ, ாிணவிைன ேபண. அைன உயிாினக கைண காட.

6. மனிதாபிமான பிறாி யரகளி ேபா அவகைள ஆதாி, அட அரவைணத. பாி காத, ெசவிசாத ம அவகட ெநகி உறவாத.

7. நீதி ம மனித உாிைமக மறவகள உகள உாிைமககாக ரெலக. நீதிைய அத நபகதைமைய நிைலநிக. நீக எகாாியதி நீதி வவாதீக. நியாயமாக ெசயபக.


Pledge for Integration and Reconciliation While respecting the richness of our diversity of different ethnicities, religions, regions and languages, with the firm objective of making National Integration a reality in Sri Lanka, we all solemnly pledge in this manner: We are members of one and the same human race. We will strive resolutely, with determination to foster peace among all citizens and communities in Sri Lanka, with understanding, mutual trust and a boundless sense of unity and compassion amongst all of us. We pledge that we will join hands with one another to achieve this noble objective and build a prosperous nation with a Sri Lankan identity. With clear understanding and recognition that, to achieve sustainable development and prosperity, national integration, reconciliation and lasting peace are essential, we hereby pledge to act and work towards making these objectives a reality.


ඒකාබධතාවය හා සධානය ෙවෙව වන

ජාක ඥාවය

ලංකාව ළ ජාක ඒකාබධතා සංකපය යථාථය කර ගැෙ පරම අලාෂෙය ජා, ආග, ාෙය හා භාෂා ආ ධවය පැවය ද ඒවාට ග කර අ සැෙවාම ලාංකෙය වශෙය ෙමෙ ඥා ෙද.

අ එකම සෙහදරාමක මානව කැලක සාමාකෙය ෙව. මනා අවෙබධෙය, වාසෙය හා අත සෙහදරවෙය ව ලංකාෙ ය රවැය හා ජාව අතර සමය ඇ ෙ අඨානෙය ව අ කට කර.

අ ඒ උ පරමාථය ෙවෙව එෙනකා සමඟ අවැ බැඳගනා බවට, එම සමෘම ෙශය, ලාංක අනනතාවය ෙගාඩනගන බවට අ ඥා ෙද.

ථාවර සංවදධනය සහ ෙසෟභාගය ලඟාකරගැම සඳහා ජාක ඒකාබධතාව, සධානය හා රසාර සාමෙය අතවශතාවය බඳව ගැම හා පැහැ අවෙබධය සතව ෙ අරණ සාශා කර ගැම සඳහා යාව යාමක මට ෙම ඥා ෙද.

10 xUq;fpizgG; kw;Wk; ey;ypzf;fk; njhlh;ghd Njrpa gpufldk; ,yq;ifapNy Njrpa xUqf; pizgG; vzz; ff;Utpid rhj;jpakhf;Ftjw;fhd ghupa Kawr; pahf ,d> kj> gpuNjrk; kw;Wk; nkhop Nghd;W epytp tUk; gy;tifj ; jd;ikf;F kjpg;gspj;J> ehk; midtUk; ,yq;ifah; vd;w uPjpapy; ,jidg; gpufldk; nraN; thk;. ehk; midtUk; xNu rNfhjuj;Jtj;Jld; khdpl ,djj; pd; mq;fjj; tuhNthk;. rpwe;j GhpjYlDk>; gu];gu ek;gpf;if kw;Wk; tiuaiwaw;w rNfhjujJ; tk; kw;Wk; fUizapD}lhfTk ; ,yq;ifapd; rfy Fbkf;fs; kwW; k; rKjhaq;fSf;fpilNa xUikgg; hl;bid cUthf;Fk; cd;dj Nehf;fpNy ehk; cUjpAld; nrayhw;WNthk;.

,e;j Nkyhd Fwpf;Nfhspw;fhf ehk; Xt;nthUtUk; ifNfhh;j;Jf; nfhs;Nthk; vdTk; mjD}lhf RglP r;khd Njrj;jpw;fhfTk; ,yq;if milahsjj; pw;fhfTk; mbj;jsk; ,LNthk; vdTk; cWjp gz;ZNthk.; ekJ ehlb; d; epiyNgz ; tpUj;jpfF; k; nropg;gpw;Fk;> Njrpa xUq;fpizgG; k; ey;ypzf;fKk; ePbf;Fk; rkhjhdKk; ,d;wpaikahjitnad milahsq;fz;L> njspthf tpsq;fpf;nfhs;fpNwhk;. ,j;Jld; ,e;j Nehf;fq;fis edthf;f nraw;gLNthnkd> cWjp nkhopfpd;Nwhk;


Background of District Reconciliation Committees Sri Lanka suffered heavily in the last thirty years due to the conflict which not only affected the North and East of the country, but also the entire economy of Sri Lanka. Although the conflict ended in May 2009, there were isolated incidences of ethnic, religious and regional extremism at a very small scale fueled by very few extreme elements. In the recent past, few incidence of religious extremism, racism, and communalism were reported in pockets of some localities. These incidences, if un-arrested may escalate on a wide-spread basis creating inter-ethnic and inter-religious tensions. Therefore, it is important to resolve these issues through a proper mechanism to ensure national integration, reconciliation, co-existence and sustainable peace. Feelings of deep disappointment and frustrations over recent incidences and the inadequate institutional mechanisms to address the issues have been expressed. The tension had been manifested in a spate of attacks on religious places. As such the matter has been the major topic discussed in the political circles and media, though the incidences had taken place in few pockets and had been initiated by a few extreme elements. The international community has also condemned these incidents as they disturb the good reconciliation efforts of the Government. Conflict resolution cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding. In this context, it was important to set-up the Reconciliation Committee at the District level with the representation of all inter-religious leaders. Given the current escalating pockets of incidence, it was decided by H.E. the President, to establish at the District level – the Reconciliation Committees with the following members: 1. District Secretary (Convener) 2. Inter-Religious Leaders ( leaders of Buddhist, Christian, Hindu and Islamic religions) 3. Superintendent of Police 4. Co-opt officials and others as observers (including retired Judges, Principals etc.)


Objectives The objectives of the District Level Reconciliation Committee: 1. Study the background and causes of religious and ethnic tensions in the locality and formulate suitable strategy and approach to mediate the problem.

2. Tension created due to attacks on religious places should be examined and rapid response should be provided to resolve conflict.

3. Examine the root causes for the religious and ethnic conflict and invite all responsible parties including the perpetrators and victims and mediate through a conflict resolution approach

4. Tensions and incidence to be reviewed in a more balanced perspective and negotiated between the groups to resolve the problems amicably.

5. Maintain with the support of the District Office a database on incidence of tensions and attacks on religious and communal disturbances.

6. Identify prominent layers and dynamics of the local context and undertake field inspections where necessary and mediate, negotiate and resolve conflict through appropriate methods and approaches.

7. The team also should address verbal attacks or hate speeches which create problems and conflicts.

This committee should resolve the problem and finally submit the report to the Secretary, Ministry of National Integration and Reconciliation for information. If the problem is not amicably resolved, the committee will submit its recommendation to the Secretary to the Ministry of National Integration and Reconciliation. Such report should be placed to the National Reconciliation Committee with the submissions and recommendations made by the District Reconciliation Committee. This mechanism should not disturb any processes initiated to maintain Law and Order in the district or locality.



පය වසරක කාලය රා පැව ගැෙම ලංකාෙ උ නැෙගනර පළා පමණ ෙනාව මහ රෙම ආකය දැ ෙලස ඩාවට පය. 2009 මැ මස ගැම අවස වද, ජා, ආග හා කලාය අතවා යාව ඉතා අ මට දකලාව අතර ඒවා අතවා ක පය ම ෙපෂණය ලැය.

මෑත කාලෙ, ආගක අතවාදය, ජාවාදය හා ජාෙදවාදය ෙප කළ අවථාව පය ාෙය වශෙය වාතා ය. ෙමම වැළැමට ෙනාහැ වෙහා ජා හා ආග අතර ආත ඇ කර ඉතා ෙලස පැ යාම දවා වධනය මට ඉඩ ෙ. එබැ, ජාක ඒකාබධතාව, සධානය, සහවනය හා රසර සාමය ඇ කරෙ මනා යාණය ම ෙමම ගැට රාකරණය ම වැදග ෙ.

සමහර ගලය මෑතකානව සබධව ෙමම එම ගැට රාකරණය මට මාණව ආයතක යාණය ෙනාමැ ම බඳව තම දැ කලම හා අෙෂා භංගවය කාශ කර ලැය. ෙමම ආතය කාශයට ප ෙ ආගක ථානවල රහාරය ගණනාව. ෙශපාලන කවය හා මාධවල ධාන මාතෘකාව ෙලස සාකඡාවට බ වද අතවා ක පය ම ෙපාළඹව ලැබ ෙශ පයක ෙමව ය. රජෙ යහපාලන සධාන උසාහය ෙවත බාධා කරන ෙමව ජාතතර ජාව ද ෙහලා ද ලැබ ඇත.

ගැ රාකරණය බලහකාරෙය කළ හැක ෙනාෙ. එය කළ හැෙ අවෙබධෙය පම. ෙමම සදභය ළ ආග නායකයෙ ෙයජනය සතව ක මටෙ සධාන ක ම වැදග ෙ. වතමානෙ දැය හැ ෙමව වල වධනය සමග පහත සාමාකය සතව ක මටෙ සධාන ක මට ෙයජනා ය:


1. ෙක (කැඳක) 2. අත ආග නායකය (ෙබෟධ, යා, සහ ඉලා ආග) 3. ෙපා අකා 4. ෙතරාග ලධා හා ෂකය වශෙය ෙවන අය ( රාම ල නකාරව, හපව යනා අය)



මටෙ සධාන කෙ අර පහත ප ෙ:

1. රෙශෙ ආගක හා ජනවාක ගැවල ෙ හා පම අ යයනය ම සහ එම ගැටවට මැහ ෙ උප රමය හා එළැම සැකම.

2. ආගක ථානවලට ෙවන රහාරය ෙෙව ඇෙවන ආතය පෂා කර එම ගැම රාකරණය මට ඉම රචාර ලබාම.

3. ආගක හා ජනවාක ගැෙම ල ෙව පෂා ම හා ගැ ඇකරන හා තයද ඇව ඒ සඳහා වගව පාවය හට ගැ රාකරණ එළම ෙ සඳහා මැහ වන ෙලසට ඇර ම

4. ආත හා වඩා ත දෘ ෙකණය සමාෙලචනය ම හා සමෙය ගැට සඳා ගැම සඳහා කඩාය අතර සාකඡා ඇ ම.

5. කායාලෙ සහය සතව ආත හා ආගක හා ජාෙදවා සබධ දත පධය පවවාෙගන යාම.

6. රාෙය සදභය ෙ රධාන ථරය හා ගකය හනාෙගන අව ය ත ෙ ර පෂාව ම හා රමෙද හා එළ ගැ රාකරණය හා මැහම හා සාකඡා ම.

7. කඩායම ගැට ෙහ ගැ ඇ කරන වාක රහාරය ෙහ ෛව භාෂා භාතය සබධවද කට කළ ය. 16

ෙමම කව ගැට රාකරණය කළ අතර අවස ෙලස ජාක ඒකාබධතා හා සධාන අමා යාංශෙ ෙක දැව ම සඳහා වාතාව භාරය ය. ගැටව සාමකාව සඳා ගත ෙනාහැ න, කව ජාක ඒකාබධතා හා සධාන අමාතාංශෙ ෙක ෙවත තම ෙශ ඉප කළ ය. එම වාතා, සධාන කෙ ෙශ හා ඉප සමග ජාක සධාන කව ෙවත ඉප කළ ය.

ක ෙහ ෙශය ළ ය හා සාමය පවවාගැම සඳහා යාමක කරන යාවයකට ෙමම යාණය බාධා ෙනාකළ ය.

பினணி கடத ப ஆகளாக நிலவிய ேமாத காரணமாக இலைகயி வட கிழ மாகாணக மாதிர அல நான ெபாளாதார பாாியளவி சி கட. 2009 ேம மாததி ேமாத ெகா வரபட ேபாதி, இன, மத, பிராதிய அபைடவாத ெசயபாக மிக ைறதளவி தனி இடெபறட அைவ சில அபைடவாத விடயகளி ல ஊவிகபடன எனலா.

அைமயி, மத அபைடவாத, இனவாத, இனரபாைள ட யவாறான பல சதபக பிரேதச ாீதியாக அறிய கிைடதன. இவாறான நிககைள தபத யாவி, இனகளிைடேய மதகளிைடேய பதறகைள ஏபதி அ பாாியளவி வியாபிபதகான வா ஏப. ஆதலா. ேதசிய ஒைமபா, நணக, சகவா ம நிைலேபறான சமாதான ஆகியவைற ஏபதய சிறதெதா ெபாறிைறயி ல இ பிரசிைனைய ைகயா தீ ைவபேத சால சிறததா.

சில அைமய காலகளி நிகத ரதிடவசமான நிகக மாதிரமறி அ பிரசிைனகைள தீ ைவபத ேபாதிய நிவன ாீதியான ெபாறிைறக இலாம ேபானைம றி விரதி ஏமாறமைடவதாக ெதாிவிதிதன. மததலக பலைற தாகபடைமயினாேலேய அவக இவா பதறமைடளன. 17

அரசிய வடாரகளி ஊடககளி பிரதான ெதானிெபாளாக இ பறிய கலைரயாடக ேமெகாளபட ேபாதி, அபைடவாத சில விடயக ல டப சில பிரேதசகளி இவாறான யர நிகக இடெபளன. நலாசி அரசாகதி நணக யசிகளி தைடகைள ஏபகிற இவாறான நிகக சவேதச மடதி ெப கடன உபளன.

ேமாதகைள பலவதமாக தீைவக யா. ாிணவி லேம அதைன தீைவக . இ சதபதி மத தைலவகளி பிரதிநிதிவட மாவட மடதி நணக கைள தாபிப மிக கியமா. தேபா இவாறான நிகக அதிகாி காணபகிறன. ஆதலா, கீேழ றிபிடபள அகதவகட மாவட மடதி நணக கைள அைமப ெமாழியபட.

1. மாவட ெசயலாள (அைழபாள) 2. மத தைலவக (ெபௗத, கிறிதவ, இ ம இலா) 3. ெபா அதியசக 4. ேதெதகபட அவல ம ககாணிபாளராக பிற ஆக (ஓதிய ெபற நீதிபதிக, அதிபக)

ேநாகக மாவட மடதிலான நணக வி ேநாகக பிவமா :

1. பிரேதசதி மதகளிைடேய ம இனகளிைடேயயான ேமாதககான காரணக ம அத பினணிைய ஆராத, அவறி தைல ெசவத தத ேலாபாயக ம அைறகைள ைகயாள. 2. மததலக ெதாகப தாதக காரணமாக ஏபகிற பதற நிைலைய ஆரா, அதைன தீ ைவபத ாிதமாக எதிவிைனயாத. 3. மத ம இன ாீதியான ேமாதகாிய காரணகைள ஆராத ம அ கலககாரக ம பாதிகபடவக உளடகலாக அ ெதாடபாக ெபாற ேவய தரபின ேமாதைல


தீைவ அைறகடாக இ றி தைல ெசப அைழத. 4. பதறக ம நிககைள மிக சமநிைல கேணாடட மீளா ெசத ம ஒைமட பிரசிைனகைள தீ ெகாகமாக களிைடேய கலைரயாடகைள ேமெகாள. 5. மாவட ெசயலகதி ஒைழட பதறக ம இன மதேபத நிகக சபதமான தர ைறைமெயாைற ேபண. 6. பிரேதசகளி நிககிற அவாறான சதபக றித பமக ம இயகாறகைள இனக உாிய இடகளி கள ஆகைள ேமெகாள ம உசிதமான ெசயைறக, அைறகளிடாக ேமாதகைள தீ ைவத, தைலயிட ம கலைரயாட. 7. களினா பிரசிைனக அல ேமாதகைள ேதாவிகிற வால தாதக, ெவணைவ டய ேபக சபதமாக நடவைக எகபத ேவ.

இ பிரசிைனகைள தீ ைவக ேவயட, இதியாக ேதசிய ஒைமபா ம நணக அைமசி ெசயலாள அறிவி ெபா அறிைககைள ஒபைடத ேவ. பிரசிைனைய சமாதானமாக தீைவக யாவி, வினா ேதசிய ஒைமபா ம நணக அைமசி ெசயலாள தம சிபாசிைன சமபித ேவ. அ அறிைக, மாவட நணக வி சிபா ம ஒதட ேதசிய நணக சமபித ேவ.

மாவடதி அல பிரேதசதி சட ம சமாதானைத நிைலநா ெபா நைடைறப எதெவா ெசயபா இ ெபாறிைற தைடயாக அைமவிடலாகா.


Database of Members of the District Reconciliation Committees 1. Ampara Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 1.1. Mr. Thusitha P. Wanigasinghe District Secretary 071-6842730 District Secretariat, Ampara. 1.2. Ven. Girithale Gunananda Viharadhipathi 077-5630036 Sri Sumanagalaramaya, Himidurawa, Uhana. 1.3. Ven. Tempitiye Nagananda Viharadhipathi 077-2317928 Tempitiya Purana Viharaya, Tempitiya Mahaoya. 1.4. Ven. Poddiwela Chandananda Viharadhipathi 077-3522134 Deegawapi Pariwara Chaithya Viharaya, Deegawapiya, Ampara. 1.5. Ven. Kirindiwela Somarathna Viharadhipathi 071-8333322 Sri Vidyanada Pirivena, Ampara 1.6. Ven. Ranmuthugala Sangarathna Viharadhipathi 077-2280702 Sri Subhadraramaya, Kalmunai. 1.7. Ven. Senapathiye Ananda Viharadhipathi 077-3069582 Sri Pushparamaya, Kumarigama, Uhana. 1.8. Ven. Uhana Sumanarathne Viharadhikari 071-8302877 Sri Sudharshanaramaya, Uhana. 1.9. Ven. Warakapola Indrasiri Viharadhipathi 077-6166700 Muhudu Maha Viharaya, Pottuvil. 1.10. Ven. Ethimale Ananda Principaal of Am/ 071-4442489 Bodhimalu Vihraya, Keenawatta, Uksiripura M.V. Damana. 1.11. Ven. Suhadagama Seelarathana Viharadhipathi 071-4442601 Mandala Maha Viharaya,Ampara. 1.12. Ven. Siridigane Siri Thilakasiri Viharadhipathi 071-2849849 Sri Dhammarathna Pirivena, Samanabedda, Uhana. 1.13. Ven. Makuruppe Pangangasekara Viharadhipathi 071-8279235 Sri Sambodhi Viharaya, Kelegama, Dehiattakandiya


Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 1.14. Ven. Kehelulle Nandarathna Viharadhipathi 072-8836551 Sri Abhinawarama Viharaya, Padiyathalawa. 1.15. Suvasri Sanmugam Maheswara Kurukkal 077-7140698 Sri Kannagi Amman Temple, Karaitivu. 1.16. Sivasri Sandaruban Kurukkal 077-2858814 Sri Veerapathirar Swami Temple, Karaitivu. 1.17. Sivasri Thevakumar Kurukkal 077-9080576 Sri Muththumari Amman Temple, 7th Village, Navithanveli. 1.18. Sivasri Subandiran Kurukkal 077-7519872 Sri Siththy Vinayagar Temple, Navithanveli. 1.19. Sivasri Mohanatha Kurukkal 077-8853335 Sri Sarvatha Siththy Vinayagar Temple, Kalmunai 01. 1.20. Sivasri Kopalakrishan Kurukkal 077-2809986 Vilavaddy Pillayar Temple, Kalmunai 02. 1.21. Sivasri Kanthasami Naguleshwara Kurukkal 077-9364335 Vinayagar Temple, Ampara. 1.22. Sivasri Nimaleswara Kurukkal 075-4332687 Sri Siththayathirai Pillayar Temple, Veeramunai. 1.23. Sivasri Kanageswara Kurukkal 077-5948927 Sri Vinayagar Temple, Malwatta. 1.24. Rev. K. Rohan Wasantha Perera Parish Priest 071-6083513 St. Ignatius' Church, Ampara. 1.25. Rev. Fr. S. Jesuthasan, CMF Assistant Parish 076-7006402 St. Francis Xavier's Church, Priest Thevakiramam, Aligambai, Akkaraipattu.


Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 1.26. Maulavi S. H. Athambawa President, Jamythul 077-7839527 72, Sainthamaruthu Islam, Ampara District. 1.27. I. A. Jabbar Chairman 077-7554066 Yasmine, Green Lane, Majilisura, Sammanthurai Sammanthurai. 1.28. Al-Haj S. M. Abdul Azeez President, 077-2071567 Madiland Hospital, Kalmunai Mohideen Jummah Grand Mosque. 1.29. K. L. M. Hashim Quadiar (Quashi 077-3532784 88, Central College Road, Irakkamam Judge) 06 1.30. M. A. M. Razeen Secretary, All 077-6512323 22B, Jummah Mosque Road, Nintavur Mosque Federation, 16. Ampara District. 1.31. A. G. A. Gaffoor Registrar, Birth & 077-3243115 135, Mudaliyar Road, Akkaraipattu Death. 03. 1.32. 1.33. Mr. Samantha Deepal Wijesekara Supirintendent of 071-8591145 SP Ofice, Ampara. Police 1.34. 1.35. Mr. K. Vimalanathan Additional Disrict 071-2666871 District Secretariat, Ampara. Secretary 1.36. Mr. I. M. Hussain Chief Accountant 077-2348464 District Secretariat, Ampara.


Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 1.37. Mr. G. V. Chinthana Udara Assistant District 071-1829729 District Secretariat, Ampara. Nanayakkara Secretary 1.38. Mr. B V. S. Gunasena Divisional Secretary 071-2833656 Divisional Secretariat, Mahaoya 1.39. Mr.S. Jegarajan Divisional Secretary 077-6049583 Divisional Secretariat, Thirukkovil. 1.40. Mr. M. M. Nazeer Divisional Secretary 071-4894415 Divisional Secretariat Irakkamam. 1.41. Mr. K. Nuwan J. Wedasinghe DIG 071-8592614 DIG Office, Ampara 1.42. Mr. D. D. S. Suriyaarachchi ASP 071-8591147 ASP Office, Ampara 1. 1.43. Maj. Gen. L. M. Mudalige Commanding 076-6907034 24 Division, Army Camp,Malwatte, Officer Ampara. 1.44. Commanding _ SL Navy Camp Officer 1.45. GP. CPT. H. W. R. Chandima Commanding 077-2229152 Airforce Camp, Uhana Officer 1.46. Mr. S. A. S. L. Bandara Commanding 071-8592348 STF Camp, Uhana Road, Ampara Officer 1.47. Mr. W. Warnakulasuriya Commanding 0718-650932 CSD Camp, Inginiyagala. Officer 1.48. Mr. U. P. S. A. Piyadasa Director of 071-3058080 Disrict Samudhri Office, Ampara Samudhri 1.49. Mr. Thilina Wikramarathne Assistant 071-5857749 District Election Office, Ampara Commissoner of Election


Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 1.50. Mrs. D. D. S. T. Gunarathne Assistant Land 071-8200881 Deputy Land Commissioner's Office Commissioner 1.51. Mr. A. S. M. Ziyath Assistant Director 077-3957883 Disaster Management Unit, District Secretariyat, Ampara. 1.52. Mr. K. D. Nihal Siriwardana Director 071-4447276 Irrigation Department, Ampara 1.53. Mr. P. K. L Jayasinghe Director 077-7112866 General Hospital, Ampara. 1.54. Mr. M. T, M. Rafeek Senior 071-4420569 SurveyDepartment, Ampara. Superintendent of Survey 1.55. Mr. J. Liyakath Ali Commissioner 077-8512717 Municipal Council, Kalmunai 1.56. Mrs. K. M. K. S. Kulathunga Secretary 071-4442513 Urban Council, Ampara. 1.57. Mrs. I. G. S. C. Kumari Secretary 077-8708371 Pradeshiya Sabha, Dehiattakandiya. 1.58. Mr. Kalansooriya District Manager 071-8273251 NHDA Office, Ampara. 1.59. Mr. R. M. Thilak Rajapaksha Regional Director of 077-2097297 RDHS Office, Ampara. Health 1.60. Mr. M. B. Rasika Hasantha Medical Officer 071-8035033 MOH Office, Ampara. 1.61. Prof. M. M. M. Najim Vice Chancellor 077-7412089 South Eastern Univesity, Oluvil 1.62. Mr. A. Barron Director 077-6594248 Hardy Higher Technical College, Ampara. 1.63. Mr. Wimalasena Director 071-8273615 ZDE Office, Ampara. Maddumaarachchi 1.64. Mr. S. Kanagarathnam Accountant (Ret) 077-4678834 No. 35, Sagama Road,Akkaraipattu 08


Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 1.65. Mr. J. M Jemil Chief Public 077-7707422 16, Karhiyar Road, Irakkamam 01. Management Assistant 1.66. Mr. K. Ramachandran Chief Public 077-1104722 49/1, New Town, Malwatta, Ampara. Management Assistant 1.67. Mr. M. M. M. Rizam Businessman 077-3732220 256, Mudriyan Road, Akkaraipattu 04. 1.68. Mr. Chandralal Adihetti Grama Niladhari 071-4466939 4/A, 5th Avenue, Ampara. (Ret.) 1.69. Mr. Mansoor Engineer _ _ 1.70. Mr. Moorthi _ 077-0211499 _ 1.71. Mr. Nirfan Businessman 077-3845157 _ 1.72. Mr. J. S. D. M. Premarathne Chairman, 071-9075775 No. 16, Dewalagoda, Lahugala. Mediation Board, Lahugala.

2. Anuradhapura List to be confirmed.


3. Badulla Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 2.1. Mr. Gamin Mahindapala Jophies Additional District 071-4463233 District Secretariate, Badulla Secretary 2.2. The Honorable Incumbent Nayaka 077-7654710 Muthiyangana Rajamaha Viharaya, Muruddeniya Dhammarathna Barakarahimi of Viharagoda Badulla. Thero Muthiyangana Rajamaha Vihara. 2.3. Mr. Balalakshmanan Kurukkal 077-1226432 Manikka Vinayahar Kathir Velayutha Suwami Kovil Badulla. 2.4. 01. R. Rev. Winston J. Fernando Bishop of Badulla. 055-2222079 Bishop House, Rockhill Badulla. 2.5. 02. R. Rev. Priyal Kooray Director USCOD 071-8311183 USCOD Center, Badulla Center 2.6. AL-HAJ I. M. Nasar President 077-7389151 V-25 Badulupitiya Badulla. 2.7. Maulavi Immam Maulavi 077-8570939 Badulla Jumma Mosque, Badulla. 2.8. A. G. Dammika Weresekara. Superintendent of 071-8591508 Superintendent of Police Office, Police Badulla. 2.9. Mr. Nawarathna Hennayaka Training Officer 071-5755132 265, Mawalagoda Haliela. 2.10. Mr. Nadeshan Suresh 01.Chairman of Uva 071-6102229 Uva Shakthi Foundation, 16/12 Shakthi Foundation Second lane King street Badulla. 02. Co-Chairman Uva N. G. O. Forum 03. Member


Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address of Zonal task force on transsisional. 2.11. Mr. Prabhath Kumara Chief Cordinator 077-3514153 325,A/3, Kanupalalla, Badulla. 071-5127419

4. Batticaloa Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 3.1. District Secretary 065-2222248 District Secretariat Batticaloa 3.2. Swamy, Vansha Gattagrama 065-2229229 Jeyanthupuram, Batticaloa Gammasri Himi 3.3. Sivasiry Thampaiya Sivakumar Kurukkal 077-6948992 No. 28, Sivan Kovil Road, Sinna Kurukkal Urany, Batticaloa 3.4. Rev. Fr. A. Thevathasan Rev. Father 077-3800996 Bishop House, Batticaloa 3.5. Moulawi MIM Naleem Moulawi 772260609 Arabic College Road, Kaththankudy 3.6. L. R. Kumarasri ASP 071-8591141 ASP Office, Kaluwanchikudy 3.7. Mrs. Thilakawathy Principal, 077-6342113 Principal, BT/Viveganatha Girls BT/Viveganatha College, Kallady, Batticaloa Girls College

5. Colombo List to be confirmed. 27

6. Galle Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 4.1. S.T. Kodikara District Secretary 071- 4415377 District Secretariat Galle. 4.2. Ven. Kanamuldeniye Chief Incumbent 071-4428272 Buddhist Centre,Kaluwela, Galle Chandrawimala Thero 4.3. Ven. Happawala Rewatha Thero Chief Incumbent 077- 7403580 Sri katharagama Viharaya, Arumalgoda, Habaraduwa. 4.4. Ven. Keradewala Pungharathana Assistant Director 071- 4223990 Buddhasinharamaya,Makuluwa, Thero of Education Galle. (Piriven) 4.5. Rev. Siva Siri Thachchana Priest 077- 6774745 Sri Kathirvelayutha Swami Moorthy Kurrugal Kovil,No.40,Colombo Rd,Galle. 4.6. Rev. Charls Hewasam Vicar General 077-7406436 Southern Provincial Methodist Church,Bishop House,Galle. 4.7. Rev. Father Herman Fernando Priest in charge of _ St. Mary's Cathedral,Kaluwella,Galle parish 4.8. Rev.Moulavi President, Galle 077-6281055 Navinne Jumma Masjid, Mosqe MZ.Mohomed Moulavi Lane,Navinne. Association 4.9. S.P.C. Galappaththi Senior 071-8591452 Senior Superintendent of Police Superintendent of office,Galle. Police 4.10. H.L.Dhanapala Principal Rtd. _ Bedi Road, Labuduwa


7. Gampaha Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 5.1. Mr. Sunil Jayalath District Secretary 332222235 District Secretariat, Gampaha. 5.2. Rev. Thorapitiye Ananda Nayaka Secretary, District 0714445477 Wijewardana Sri Maha Viharaya, Thero Sasanarakshaka Pahaka Ibulgoda, Ibulgoda Balamandalaya, Gampaha 5.3. Rev. Kugarasa Sharma Chief Priest Sri 0773101338 Sri Siddhinagar kovil, 134, Kuganeswaran Siddhinagar Kovil Wellaveediya, Nigombo Nigambo 5.4. Rev. Father Ciswan De Kroos Coordinator of 0714315597 Kardinal Kooray Pastoral Center Bishop - Nigambo Thammita, Nigambo Zone 5.5. M. H. M. Lafir Chairman - 0718073807 420/1, Ulahitiwala, Malwana Jameithul Ulama Organization - Gampaha Branch 5.6. Mr. D. D. M. Pussella Senior 0718591608 S. S. P. Office, Gampaha Superintendent of Police - Gampaha 5.7. Mrs. H. A. H. Jayawardana Principal - 0718088957 Rathnawali Balika Vidyalaya, Rathnawali Balika Gampaha.


Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address Vidyalaya, Gampaha. 5.8. Mr. U. D. I. C. Silva Principal - Gam/ 0714401197 Gam/ Bandaranayaka Vidyalaya, Bandaranayaka Gampaha Vidyalaya, Gampaha 5.9. Mr. H. P. M. J. Pushpakumara Principal - Sribodhi 0774227925 Gam/ Sribodhi Vidyalaya, Gampaha Vidyalaya, Gampaha

8. Hambantota Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 6.1. W. H. Karunarathna District Secretariat 714441612 District Secretariat, Hambantota 6.2. Rev. Galapitigama Premarathna _ 047-2237923 Sri Rathanaramaya, Kendagasmankada, Lunugamwehera. 6.3. P. N. Thirubhakaran _ 071-7834346 No. 97/1 Wimat Street hambanthota 6.4. Father Ushantha _ 047-2220511 No. 24 brebruk Street, Christhu Dewasthanaya, Hambantota. 6.5. Mohomad Rizan Rakkhin _ 071-3113346 Muhiyasdeen arisiya Shakya Muslim Dewasthanaya, No. 40, Woker Street, Hambantota. 6.6. A. R. P. Prasanna Alvis Asst. Sup. Police 077-2008544 Asst. Sup. Police Hambantota


Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 6.7. Sumana Weerarathne Principal 071-8058819 H/ Ambalantota MV. Ambalanthota.

9. Jaffna Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 7.1. Mr.N. Vethanayahan Govt.Agent/Distric 077-2427791 District Secretariat,,Kandy Road, sectretary, Jaffna. Jaffna 7.2. Srilasri Somasundara Kuru Muthalvar 021-2222870 Nallai Athenam,Nallur Gananasampantha Paramasariya Nallai Athenam Swamikal 7.3. Jagret Saithanaya Swamiakl Resident 077-7614121 Temple Road,Nallur Representative Sinimaya Mission 7.4. Saba Vasutheva Kurukkal President 077-7397926 Veenakan Kurupedam,Sivan Veenakana Kovilady, Siththakerny 7.5. Pramasri Ketheeswarasarama Secretary, Hindu 077-6176752 Anaipanthy, Jaffna Priest Federation 7.6. Mr. K. Sakthikireevan Secretary Hindu 076-6224116 Hindu Religious Consortium, Palaly Religious Peraval Road, Kantharmadam 7.7. Mr. Aruthirumurugan President, Thurkka 077-6258515 Thurkkai Amman Kovil, Tellippalai Thevasthanam 7.8. Angunochchiye Kumarakassapa Coordinator, 071-8062445 District Secretariat, Jaffna. Thero Buddhist Affairs


Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 7.9. Rev. Meegahajadure Sirivimala Viharadhikari 071-8329010 Nagaviharai, Ariyakulam,Jaffna Thero 7.10. Rev. Diyamailagaswewe Viharadhikari 071-2809710 Nagadeeepa Viharaya, Nainativu. Ariyakithti Thero 7.11. Rev.Honwelle Rathnasiri Thero Viharadhipathi 071-3708537 Smiddisumana Viharaya,Navatkuli 7.12. Rev.Samuel Pannaih Vicar General 077-7416681 Anglican Church 7.13. Rev. Soloman Secretary 077-7110568 Church of South India 7.14. Rev.S.V.B. Mangala Rajah _ 077-8096144 Bishop House, Jaffna 7.15. Moulavi. Raleem Moulavi 077-7838887 Mosque, Jaffna 7.16. Moulavi. Azeee Moulavi 077-7381033 Mosque, Jaffna 7.17. Mr. Gaston Stanislaus SSP - Jaffna 071-8591327 SSP Office,Jaffna Division 7.18. S. Varatharajah Rtd. Judge, High 077-6660344 _ Court 7.19. S. Kirupakaran Principal 077-4242591 J/ Velanai M.M.V, Velanai 7.20. Mrs. V. Shanmugaratnam Principal 0750434351 J/Vembady Ladies College, Jaffna 7.21. Mr. S. Thayanantharajah Principal 076-6034900 J/Hindu Ladies College 7.22. Mrs. M. Vimalanathan Principal 077-4350455 J/ Hinu Ladies College 7.23. Janab.M. Asraff Principal 077-3434895 J/ Osmaniya College 7.24. Mr. K. Eliventhan Principal 075-2555350 J/Central College, Jaffna 7.25. Mr. S. Velalagan Principal 077-6062800 J/Kopay Christian College 7.26. Mr. N. Sarveswaran Principal 077-9727730 J/Chavakachcheri Hindu College 7.27. Mr. N. Jeyakumaran Principal 077-7110834 J/chavakachcheri Reberc College 7.28. Mr. T. Muhunthan Principal 077-6179098 J/ Hartly College, Point Pedro 32

Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 7.29. Mr. G. Krishnakumar Principal 077-8759652 J/Nelliyady M.M.V. 7.30. Ms. G.D. Thevarajah Principal 077-8449736 J/ Methodist Girls High School, Point Pedro 7.31. Mrs. S. Vaheesan Principal 077-6936168 j/ Thiyagarajah M.M.V. Karainagar 7.32. Mr. M. Manisharan Principal 077-7111730 J/ Mahajana College, Tellippalai 7.33. Rev. N.J. Ganaponrajah Principal 077-7154093 J/St. John's College 7.34. Mrs. S. Theivendran Addl.Govt.Agent 071-8474195 District Secretariat, Jaffna. 7.35. Mrs R. Mohaneswaran Director Planning 077-1684041 District Secretariat, Jaffna. 7.36. Prof. Mohanathas Former Vice _ _ Chancellor 7.37. Mrs. Sarojasivachandran President, Centre 0771550323 _ for Women Deveopment 7.38. Mr Jeyasegaram President, Chamber 077-6510696 _ of Commerce 7.39. Mr. V. Vishvalingam North Co-ordinator _ _ (ONUR) 7.40. Dr. Sethurajah Retired Principal _ _ 7.41. Mr. Arunakirinathan Retired Divisional _ _ Edu. Officer 7.42. Mr. S. Nigeshan Development _ Divisional Secretariat, Chankanai Officer 7.43. Ms. T. Lergai Develiopment 077-0088501 District Secretariat, Jaffna Officer (Cultural) 33

Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 7.44. Ms. Jancy Rajarathnam Development 077-9122757 Divisional Secretariat, Jaffana Officer 7.45. Mrs. Yogeswarai Sureshkumar Child Probation _ Divitional Secretariat, Kopay 7.46. Mr. S. Mukunthan Develiopment 077-1727754 Divitional Seretariat, Chavakachcheri Officer (Cultural) 7.47. Mr. Arulchandran Development 077-1366062 Dept. of Fisheries Officer 7.48. Mr. K. Rajeevan Child Protection 077-8923480 Divisional Secretariat, Poin Pedro Officer

10. Kalutara Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 8.1. Mr U. D. C. Jayalal District Secretary 071-6814813 District Secretary, District Secretariat, Kalutara. 8.2. Rev.Gonaduwe Gunananda Secretary, National 382232865 Purana Viharaya, Korosduwa, Thero Sasanarakshaka Wadduwa. Balamandalaya/Chairman, Disa Sasanarakshaka balamandalaya, Kalutara 8.3. S. Rajakurukkal Sami Swami. Sri Kadeer 077-4767576 Swami. Sri Kadeer Velayudan Velayudan Swami Kovil, Swami Kovil,Old Road, Kalutara. Kalutara.


Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 8.4. Father, Suran Attidiya Father Holycross Church 071 4120067 Hollycross Church, Kalutara. 8.5. Moulavi. M. N. M. Irfath Moulavi, Daruli Furkan 07777- Daruli Furkan masjid25, cooray masjid 3000492 Road, Kalutara. 8.6. Mr. Upul Ariyaratna SSP 071-2591688 S. P. Office, Nagoda Road, Kalutara 8.7. Mr. Maxwell Paranagma Retired Judge 077-4984538 46/198, Robert Goonawardena mawata, Kirulapena. 8.8. Mr. K. K. Samantha Principal 776346643 ST John's M. V. Kalutara 8.9. Mr. S. R. Kumar Chairman, Sri Kadeer 077-4767576 Sri Kadeer Velayudan Swami Velayudan Swami Kovil Kovil, Kalutara 8.10. Mrs. Anoma Wijesekara Head, Cultural & Religious 071-4436778 District Secretariat, Kalutara. Unit, District Secretariat, Kalutara

11. Kandy Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 9.1. Dr. Ven. Pahamune Acting Registrar 071-8086040 Malwathu Maha Viharaya, Kandy. Dharmakeerthi Sri Sumangala Thero 9.2. Dr. Ven. Madagama Chief Registrar 071-8336611 Asgiri Maha Viharaya, Kandy. Dhammananda Thero


Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 9.3. Ven. Waththegama Dhammawasa Registrar of _ Sri Subodharamaya Peradeniya. Thero Upcountry 9.4. Ven. Bopitiye Gnanawasa Thero Signal registrar Of _ Sandagiri Thapowana Piriwena, Sri Lanka Dunuwila, Middle Kndy. Ramangngna Mahanikaya. 9.5. Govinda Sami Krishnamoorthy Trustee _ Sri Selawa Vinayagar Kovila, Katukale. 9.6. Prabhakaran Kurukkal Chairman, Hindu 071-6352753 Sri Kumaran Kovil, Nillaba. Priest Association 9.7. M. S. Fasrul Rahaman Moulavi 077-7156171 Kandy Chief Moulavi,11/D, Mapanawathura Watarauma Road, Poorna Waththa, Kandy. 9.8. Hon. Viyana Prananadu Bishop of the city 071-8428053 Bishop of the city Bishop's House,Mapanawathura Watarauma Road, Poorna Waththa, Kandy. 9.9. Father Hon. Niml Wimalarthna Anunayaka 077-1587171 St. Pawulu Dewasthnaya, Dewa Street, Kandy. 9.10. Father Ivan Jayasundara _ 077-7418461 St. Anthony's Cathedral, Kotugodalla Street, Kandy. 9.11. Father Shelton _ 077-9686614 St. Pawulu Dewasthnaya, Dewa Street, Kandy. 9.12. Mr. H. M. P. Hitisekara District Secretary 077-9314195 District Secretariat, Kandy 36

Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 9.13. Mr. M. S. Premawansha Chief Secretary 071-8712656 Chief Secretariat, Pallekale Kundasale. 9.14. Mr. Edman Mahendra SSP _ Superintendent of Police Office, Kandy 9.15. Mr. B. M. Palitha Bandara Divisional Secrtary 071-9003096 Gangawatakorala Divisional Secretariat, Kandy 9.16. Mrs. S. T. Naagahathanna Divisional Secrtary 071-8877434 Kundasale Divisional Secretariat,Manikhinna. 9.17. Mrs. D. G. Chandra Jayathunga Divisional Secrtary 071-8201794 Pathadumbara Divisional Secretariat, Pitiyegedara, Waththegama. 9.18. Mr. J. P. U. K. Jayarathna Divisional Secrtary 071-8024053 Panwila Divisional Secretariat, Panwila. 9.19. Mr. Indika Anurudda Piyadasa Divisional Secrtary 077-6968816 Yatinuwara Divisional Secretariat, Ambilmeegama, Pilimatalawa. 9.20. Mr. Nandana Galaboda Divisional Secrtary 071-8097427 Udunuwara Divisional Secretariat, Daulagala handessa. 9.21. Mr. R. A. D. T. N. Thennakoon Divisional Secrtary _ Udapalatha Divisional Secretariat, Gampola. 9.22. Mr. T. A. D. Dayananda Divisional Secrtary 071-4400317 Doluwa Divisional Secretariat, Doluwa, Gampola. 9.23. Mrs. Madhupani Piyasena Divisional Secrtary 071-4460652 Pathahewahata Divisional Secretariat, Pathahewahata, Thalaoya. 9.24. Mr. U. J. M. S. S. B. Jayasinghe Divisional Secrtary 077-7363402 Delthota Divisional Secretariat, Galaha, Delthota. 37

Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 9.25. Mr. Mangala Wickramarachchi Divisional Secrtary _ Madadumbara Divisional Secretariat, Madadumbara, Theldeniya. 9.26. Mrs. Sujani Wijethunga Divisional Secrtary 072-7667668 Ududumbara Divisional Secretariat, Madugoda. 9.27. Mrs. S. M. C. Gunaratne Divisional Secrtary 071-8477414 Minipe Divisional Secretariat, Hasalaka. 9.28. Mr. Madhawa Warnakulasooriya Divisional Secrtary 071-4427373 Akurana Divisional Secretariat, Akurana. 9.29. Mrs M. W. M. M. Madahapola Divisional Secrtary 071-6838727 Poojapitiya Divisional Secretariat, Poojapitiya. 9.30. Mr. J. M. J. K. Jayasundara Divisional Secrtary 071-3884327 Harispattuwa Divisional Secretariat, Nugawela. 9.31. Mrs. Thusitha N. W. Ranasinghe Divisional Secrtary 071-4922751 Thumpane Divisional Secretariat, Thumpane Galagedara. 9.32. Mr. W. J. M. Hemantha Kumara Divisional Secrtary 081-2464288 Hatharaliyadda Divisional Secretariat, Hatharaliyadda. 9.33. Mr. K. J. Lanarol Divisional Secrtary 071-4469288 Gangaihalakorale Divisional Secretariat, Kurunduwatta, Kadavidiya. 9.34. Mrs, Chamila Amarakoon Divisional Secrtary 071-6903718 Pasbagekorale Divisional Secretariat, Nawalapitiya. 9.35. Provincial Director Provincial Department of Education, of Education Kandy.


Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 9.36. Zonal Education Kandy Directors 9.37. Zonal Education Denuwara - Pilimatalawa Directors 9.38. Zonal Education Gampola Directors 9.39. Zonal Education Wattegama Directors 9.40. Zonal Education _ Katugasthota Directors 9.41. Zonal Education Theldeniya Directors 9.42. Director Department of Provincial Cultural Affairs 9.43. Mrs. Pushpa Amunugama Asst. Director 071-4426022 National Youth Services Council, District Office,House Building, Kandy. 9.44. Mr. E. C. P. Perera National Integrtion 081-2225133 Gangawatakorala Divisional Co-ordinator/ Secretariat, Kandy Assistant. 9.45. Mrs. T. D. J. Dharmalatha National Integrtion 081-2476236 Pathadumbara Divisional Secretariat, Co-ordinator/ Pitiyegedara, Waththegama. Assistant.


Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 9.46. Ms. Anusha Nadishani Ariyasena National Integrtion 081-2472236 Panwila Divisional Secretariat, Co-ordinator/ Panwila. Assistant. 9.47. Mr. L. P. D. Lakmal National Integrtion 081-2575735 Yatinuwara Divisional Secretariat, Co-ordinator/ Ambilmeegama, Pilimatalawa. Assistant. 9.48. Mrs. K. P. P. N. Kalahe National Integrtion 081-2352585 Udapalatha Divisional Secretariat, Co-ordinator/ Gampola. Assistant. 9.49. Ms. Anjani Dinushika National Integrtion 081-2415519 Doluwa Divisional Secretariat, Senewirathna Co-ordinator 081-2415195 Doluwa, Gampola. 9.50. Mrs. S. K. Samarakoon National Integrtion 081-2404385 Pathahewahata Divisional Secretariat, Co-ordinator/ Pathahewahata, Thalaoya. Assistant. 9.51. Mrs. S. Puwaneshwari National Integrtion 081-2467025 Delthota Divisional Secretariat, Co-ordinator/ Galaha, Delthota. Assistant. 9.52. Mrs. Shyama Indumathi National Integrtion 055-2257968 Minipe Divisional Secretariat, Co-ordinator Hasalaka. 9.53. Mrs. R. M. W. S. Kumari National Integrtion 081-2300504 Akurana Divisional Secretariat, Assistant. Akurana. 9.54. Ms. Theja Madhuwanthi National Integrtion 081-2300502 Poojapitiya Divisional Secretariat, Thennakoon Co-ordinator Poojapitiya.


Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 9.55. Mr. P. A. G. Chandana National Integrtion 081-2491971 Harispattuwa Divisional Secretariat, Gnanarathana Co-ordinator/ Nugawela. Assistant. 9.56. Ms. W. W. M. Ravindra Kumari National Integrtion 081-2461234 Thumpane Divisional Secretariat, Dhanapala Co-ordinator/ Thumpane, Galagedara. Assistant. 9.57. Mr. Arjuna Wimalasena National Integrtion 081-2464288 Hatharaliyadda Divisional Co-ordinator/ Secretariat, Hatharaliyadda. Assistant. 9.58. Mr. D. J. A. L. Karunanakaka National Integrtion 081-2352604 Gangaihalakorale Divisional Co-ordinator/ Secretariat, Kurunduwatta, Assistant. Kadavidiya. 9.59. Mrs. A. Rahini National Integrtion 054-2222238 Pasbagekorale Divisional Secretariat, Co-ordinator/ Nawalapitiya. Assistant Officer 9.60. Mrs. M. P. Peris Chairman 077-7803435 Sinhala trade union, 4A, Sangaraja Mawatha, Kandy. 9.61. Mr. A. Vijaya Kumar Secretary 077-7605555 Hindu Trade Association, Colour 075-0107606 Center, 93, D. S. Senanayaka Mawatha, Kandy. 9.62. Mr. S. H. M. Asik Chairman 077-73888623 Muslim Trade Association, Jinna Memorial Hall, 279, D. S. Senanayaka Mawatha, Kandy.


Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 9.63. Mrs. S. Chandrathilaka Deputy Director 081-2203910 Community Development Center, 61, Mulgampola Road, Kandy 9.64. Mr. V. Sivakumar Secretary 071-6352753 Kandy Six Organization, 41/18, Heerassagala Road, Kandy. 9.65. Mr. S. Loganathan Chairman 077-7743215 Kandy Six Organization 9.66. Mr. Sarath Munaweera Chairman 077-7367149 Young Buddhist Association 9.67. Mr. A. S. M. Gasali Chairman 072-2335445 Young Muslim Association 9.68. Mr. Sarath Thennakoon Chairman 071--6307405 Young Christian 9.69. Mrs. Padma Jayawardena Chairman 077-2325068 Young Buddhist Women Association 9.70. Ms. M. S. Rathnayaka Chairman 081-5681172 Young Christian Women Association

12. Kegalle Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 10.1. Mr. L. J. M.G. Chandrasiri District Secretary 035-2222235 District Secretariat, Kegalle. Bandara 10.2. Including Patha bulathgama _ 352222305 Sri Mahindodaya Pirivena, Korala Thuna,Satharakorala Wawaladeniya, Kegalle. Maha disawe Chief Incumbent Ven. Hemmathagama Siddhartha Thero


Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 10.3. Thun Korala Chief Incumbent _ 0717821988 Sri Sudarshanaramaya, Wandala, Ven. Halyale Ariyawansha Ruwanwalla Thero 10.4. Sasanarakshaka Balamandala _ _ Lekadikari Tero 10.5. Deputy Zonal Education Diector _ 035-22223021 Educational Office,Kegalle Ven. Kinigama Dhammananda Thero 10.6. Ven. Panagamuwe _ _ Sri Sudarshanaramaya, Meepitiya, Dhammarathana Thero Hemmathagama. 10.7. Ven. Alkegama Dhammarathana _ 071-2320290 Kadigamuwa, Paththampitiya, Thero Rambukkana 10.8. Ven.Neluwakkana Dhamminda _ 071-2002356 Sri Sumanaramaya, Napalla, Thero Udugoda. 10.9. Kuukkal Mr. A. Shiwalingam Chairman, Kegalle 077-3183778 Lanka Jewelery, Kelin Veediya, Kadireshan Hindu Kegalle. Kovil Society. 10.10. Mr. Maheshwaran Pillei Secretary 077-7426727 Mileka Jewelery, Kelin Veediya, Kegalle. 10.11. Mr. M. Subramaniyam Treasurer 077-6464224 Sri Lanka Jewelery, Kelin Veediya. 10.12. Mr.Arul Prasad Sharma Kurukkal _ Sri Muththumari Amman Kovil, Moralioya Waththa, Ruwanwella 10.13. Mr. S. Kanagaraj Sharma Kurukkal _ Sri Muththumari Amman Kovil, Dehiowita. 43

Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 10.14. Mr. P. Dewaraj Sharma Kurukkal _ Sri Muththumari Amman Kovil, Nooriyawaththa, Nooriya. 10.15. Mr. Ganeshan Krishna Kumar Kurukkal 077-7561362 Sri kadir Velayutha Swami Kovil, Kalupahana Waththa, Bulathkohupitiya. 10.16. Mani Aiyar Balasubramaniyam Kurukkal 077-6627211 Sri Bhadrakali Amman Kovil, Aiyar. Abepussa, Waraka Pola. 10.17. Sri Balamani Sharma Mahatha Kurukkal _ Sri Kali Amman Hanuman Kovil, Warakapola. 10.18. MrA.C.M. Naushad Chief Trusty Board 071-8038448 25/3 Rock Hill Lane, Kegalle. Main Jumma Mosque Principal, Shanthamariya Maha Vidyalaya, Kegalle. 10.19. Mr.N.P.M. Saifdeen Senior Proffessor 071-8073554 29, Nayawala, (Political Science) 077-8073854 Mawanella. University Peradeniya. 10.20. Mr. M.Nayeemudeen Retired Principal _ 277/2 Rambukkana Road, Mahawaththa, Mawanella. 10.21. Mr. M. Feros Shai Businessman 071-3066161 No. 87, Warawala, Kannanthota. 10.22. Mr. M.R.M. Rizni Businessman 071-8280440 No. 269/1, Udapurana, Kotiyakumbura. 10.23. Mr. Hameed A. Asees Doctor 035-2246169 Mawanella. 10.24. Mr. M. A. Abdul Haleem Retired Principal _ No. 43/1 Vilpola, Aranayake 44

Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 10.25. Mr. M. R. M. Munas Justice Of 077-2207447 No. 67 Mechanical School Road, Peace,Advisor. 0714021697 Warakapola. 10.26. Rev. Father Ranjan Morayas _ 077-2306050 St.. Marrys Church, Kegalle. 10.27. Rev. Father Eric Sugathdasa _ 077-96073448 St. Johns Church, Mirihlla Kegalle. 10.28. Rev. Father K. Dewaraj _ 077-9040284 Christian Church, Bulathkohupitiya. 10.29. Rev.Father Anska Wijerathne _ 071-8501580 Kristhurajayanange Dewasthanaya, No. 353, Abeypussa, Warakapola. 10.30. Mr. N. D. Ananda Sirisena Senior Superintendent 035-2222228 Senior Superintendent Police Office, Police Kegalle. 10.31. Mr. W. L. R. I. Liyanage Divisional Secretary 071-2097970 Divitional Secretariat, Ruwanwella 10.32. Mr. R. P. M. P. Wijerathne Divisional Secretary 071-6327087 Divisional Secretariat Rambukkana 10.33. Mr.S. P. Gunawardana Divisional Secretary 071-4453925 Divisional Secretariat, Daraniyagala 10.34. Mrs.H.T. R. N. Piyasena Divisional Secretary 071-5861035 Divisional Secretariat Kegalle 10.35. Mrs. J. M. R. Jayasundara Divisional Secretary 071-4459850 Divisional Secretariat Bulathkohupitiya 10.36. Mr. T. M. L. D. Thennakoon Divisional Secretary 035-2267124 Divisional Secretariat Warakapola 10.37. Mrs. M. M. P. P. Pethangoda Divisional Secretary 071-8142819 Divisional Secretariat Mawanella 10.38. Mrs. K. L. M. C. Kularathne Divisional Secretary 036-2270239 Divisional Secretariat Yatiyanthota. 45

Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 10.39. Mrs. K. L. M. C. Kularathne Divisional Secretary 035-2258038 Divisional Secretariat Aranayake 10.40. Mr. K. P. S. Nishantha Divisional Secretary 071-8236106 Divisional Secretariat Galigamuwa 10.41. Mr. K. P. Lenarol Divisional Secretary 071-4469228 Divisional Secretariat Dehiowita. 10.42. Mr. S. P. Jesupillai Coordinating 072-2520616 Provincial Educational Office Educational Director Rathnapura 10.43. Mrs. P. G. R. S. M. Welagedara Zonal Educational 071-4407734 Zonal Educational Office Mawanella Director 10.44. Mr. N. Sirisena Zonal Educational 071-4420953 Zonal Educational Office Kegalle Director 10.45. Mrs. M. A. Wimalawathi Zonal Educational 071-6527828 Zonal Educational Office Dehiowita Director 10.46. Mrs. R. M. R. D. Siriwardena Divisional Educational _ Divitional Educational Office Director Kegalle 10.47. Mr A. L. P. Amarasooriya Coordinating 035-2222520 Zonal Educational Office Kegalle Educational Director 10.48. Mrs. S. W. Mallika Retired Coordinating 071-6650560 Beragala Kegalle Educational Director 10.49. Mr. Rukmal Bandara Lawyer 075-2211004 Cordinating Office Couts Road, 10.50. Ms. Samudrika Senanayake Lawyer 077-7813280 Legal Aid Commisiion Kegalle. 10.51. Ms. Nirmali Widanaarachchi Lawyer 072-9039359 _ 10.52. Mrs. J. M. Sudharma Gunapala Lawyer 071-6606681 Legal Aid Commisiion Kegalle. 46

Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 10.53. Law Officer Lawyer 035-2277075 Legal Aid Commisiion Kegalle. 10.54. Mr. Doctor Winstant Peris Anesthesia Doctor 035-2222212 Government Hospital Kegalle 10.55. Mr. K. Arumugam Principal 077-775191 St. Meriyas Tamil College Kegalle 10.56. Mrs. S. M. Kureisha Principal 071-442630 Muslim College Kegalle 10.57. Mrs. Kumuduni Herath Principal _ Ranwala Mahanaga College Kegalle 10.58. Mr. M. R. M. Akram Principal 071-824485 Babulhasan Muslim College Warakapola 10.59. Mr. Nishantha Premathilaka Development 071-8160775 District Secretary Office Kegalle Assistant 10.60. Mr. Shantha Bannaka Buddhist Affairs 071-4967809 District Secretary Office Kegalle Coordinator 10.61. Mrs. S. A. Indika Weerawardena National Integration 071-8160775 District Secretary Office Kegalle Promoting Assistant 10.62. Ms. H. M. W. M. Manjula National Integration 071-4961104 Divisional Secretariat Kegalle Dilrukshi Promoting Coordinator 10.63. Ms.W. M. Geetha Wijerathne National Integration 071-8038401 Warakapola Promoting Coordinator 10.64. Mrs. I. G. I. G. K. Ihalagoda National Integration 071-8001308 Ruwanwella Promoting Coordinator


Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 10.65. Mr. Nilantha Ekanayake National Integration 071-1905279 Rambukkana Promoting Coordinator 10.66. Mr. W. M. B. P. M. Mendis National Integration 077-8325481 Dehiowita Promoting Coordinator 10.67. Mr M . S. I. S. M. National Integration 071-2433777 Daraniyagala Samaradiwakara Promoting Coordinator 10.68. Mr. R. t. Ruwan Ranasinghe National Integration 071-4408060 Bulathkohupitiya Promoting Coordinator 10.69. Mr.A. C. S. K. Wijesinghe National Integration 071-4426380 Aranayake Promoting Coordinator 10.70. Mr. Sujith Wijesinghe National Integration 078-5711968 Mawanella Promoting Coordinator 10.71. Mr. D. K. Wasantha Udayasiri National Integration 071-3512236 Galigamuwa Promoting Coordinator 10.72. Mr. Thushara Munasinghe National Integration 071-8371166 Yatiyanthota Promoting Coordinator 48

Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 10.73. Mr. Ramesh Kanagaraja Estate Facilities 071-8001312 Plantation Human Trust Provided Officers Ranwala Kegalle 10.74. Mr. Sarath Dharmadasa Treasurer, Warakapola 071-8085212 Dewala Road Abeypussa Regional Co-operative Warakapola Society 10.75. Mr. A. D. D. Gamage Chairman , Regional _ Amithirigala Ruwanwella Co-operative Society, Ruwanwella 10.76. Mr. P. R. D. B. Senarathne Secretary, 077-9662072 C 12/2 Kanagamuwa Udugoda Bulathkohupitiya, Regional Co-operative Society. 10.77. Mr. Sunil Ranasinghe Chairman _ Eraduwala Kannaththota. 10.78. Mrs. P. M. Lekamge Secretary, 071-8086366 Ruwansewana Yattogoda Galigamuwa Elder's Board. 10.79. Mr. Kithsiri Manikdiwela Secretary,Organization _ Pannala Aranayake for the Protection of Human Rights and Peace 10.80. Mr. Priyantha Priyathilaka District Coordinator 071-6495161 Randeniya Hiriwadunna Sarwodaya District Center


Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 10.81. Mr. A. P. Athukorala Execative Director of _ Kahagalla Thunthota the Gami Sarana Center 10.82. Mr. Madhura Kodithuwakku District Manager 077-5142886 Berandina Development Service 10.83. Mr. R. Nadaraja Coordinating Officer 077-9140801 Human Development Association 171, Kandy 10.84. Mr. Thissa Ranathunga Chairman, Kegalle _ 562/1 A, Meepitiya, Kegalle District Agricultural Industry & Chamber Of Commerce 10.85. Mr. A. Karunasena Bandara Sanasa District 071-8428622 No. 308, Kelin Veediya, Walpola Association Kegalle. 10.86. Prof. Mr. P. A. Kiriwandeniya Chairman Sanasa _ Sanasa Educational Forum, Movemant Paragammana, Kegalle. 10.87. Mr. W. M. Abeywikrama Retired GA _ Wanasooriya 10.88. Mr. M. H. M. Fawzer Language Translator _ District Secretariat Kegalle 10.89. Mr. Y. C. P. Gunasena Small Business Section _ District Secretariat Kegalle 10.90. Mrs. Padmini Wikramalatha District Coordinator _ District Secretariat Kegalle 10.91. Mr. Padmasiri Gamlath District Social Service 0174445957 District Secretariat Kegalle Officers 10.92. Mrs. M. Z. S. Marsuna Assistant Director 072-7973959 Land Use District Office 10.93. Mr. K. R. C. P. Kalugamuwa _ _


Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 10.94. Mr. Upali Perera Chairman,Young _ Young Budhist Association, Kegalle Budhist Association 10.95. Mr. D. M. Buddhisena _ _ Grond Road,Kegalle 10.96. Mr. Lakshman Karunarathne _ _ Kalugalla Mawatha, Kegalle 10.97. Mr. S. M. Pushpakumara Career Guidence 071-4419989 District Secretariat Kegalle Officer 10.98. Mr. W. P. K. Senerath Career Guidence 071-3034780 District Secretariat Kegalle Officer 10.99. Mr. Herath Career Guidence 078-4980839 District Secretariat Kegalle Officer 10.100. Mrs. N. Dilani Kumari Adult Promotion 071-8078461 District Secretariat Kegalle Officer 10.101. Mr. M. D. Dhanushka Nishantha Member of Youth 070-2017954 Bulathkohupitiya Kumara Club 10.102. Mr. O. P. M. Jayaweera Member of Youth _ Bulathkohupitiya Club 10.103. Mr. Chamal Daswaththe Member of Youth 071-7253925 Mawanella Club 10.104. Mr. Rawindu Kumara Member of Youth 071-0509694 Yatiyanthota Club 10.105. Mr. M. Kavindu Iroshan Kumara Member of Youth 071-1887195 Ruwanwella Club 10.106. Ms. Priyadharshani Member of Youth 075-5544293 Bulathkohupitiya Club 51

Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 10.107. Mr. Nilesh Member of Youth 070-2832009 Bulathkohupitiya Club

13. Killinochchi Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 11.1. Mr. Suntharam Arumainajakam District Secretary 077-5522060 District Secretariat, Kilinochchi. 11.2. A. Punniyarathna Himi 2nd Monk 021-4422170 Thumminy Vihara A9 Road, Kilinochchi 11.3. J. Jekatheeshwarakurukkal. Chief Priest 077-2824603 No. 475 Thirunagar South, Kilinochchi. 11.4. Fr. J. X. B. Regno Dean 077-8726090 St. Therasa's Chrch, A9 Road, Kilinochchi. 11.5. S. M. Ramalan Molavi Molavi 075-4585607 As Salaam Jummah Masjith Trustee board. 11.6. Palith R. Sivaraththana SSP 071-8591347 SSP Office Iranaimadu A9 Road, Kilinochchi. 11.7. Mrs. Vijayarani Satheeskumar Attorney at - Law 077-3228258 D6, Uruththirapuram Road, Kilinochchi. 11.8. K. Murugavel Red. ZED 077-7113958 No - 126, Arumugam Road, Vaddakkachchi 11.9. K. Rajathurai District Cultural 077-7222079 District Secretariat, Kilinochchi. Officer


14. Kurunegala Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 12.1. Mr. Gamini Ilangarathne District Secretary, 077-3649222 District Secretariat, Kurunegala. Kurunegala. 12.2. Ven. Muguna Watawana Siri Master of the 071-6427133 Thissawa Rajamaha Viharaya, Siddhaththa Thero Wayamba Chief Kosdeniya. Sangha Nayaka 12.3. Ven. Katumuluwe Sri Sumana 072-6050002 Padeniya Rajamaha Viharaya, Rathnabhidhana Thero Wariyapola. 12.4. Shiwa Sri Genga Shiwashankar Priest 077-1192824 Sri Kadireshan Kovil, No. 106, Kurukkal Puttalam Road, Kurunegala. 12.5. Shanmuga Sundaram Swami Priest 077-7045470 Sri Muththumariamman Kovil, Mawathagama. 12.6. A. J. M. Fahvumi Moulavi Secretary, 077-7882939 Ameena School Road, Thiragama, Kurunegala Town Kohilegedara. Jaliyathul Ulama. 12.7. M. J. M. Imbran Moulavi Chairman, 077-723177 Bhadirawalana, Wallawa Kurunegala Town Jaliyathul Ulama. 12.8. Father Rangana Lak Sri Provincial Charge 037-2232372 Christ Rajida Mul Dew Madura, karunaratne in, Church Charge Kandy Road, Kurunegala. in.


Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 12.9. Father Christi Lenad _ 077-7812310 St. Ana's Cathedral, ST Ana Street, Kurunegala. 12.10. Mr. Saman Rathnayake SSP 071-8591244 SSP Office, Kurunegala. 12.11. Madiwaka Adikari ASP 037-2224492 Panabokka Walauwa, Wattappola, Mudiyanselage Egodawela Pilimatalawa. Walauwe Senerath Adikari Egodawela. 12.12. V. P. C. A. Siriwardena DIG 071-8592603 DIG Office, Kurunegala 12.13. M. S. Wickramanayaka Chief Inspector 071-8591247 Headquarters Police, Clombo Road, Kurunegala. 12.14. D. H. M. W. Thmamita Chief Executive 076-2230222, Jayasewana, Wariyapola Officer 076-6907617 12.15. K. A. Charitha Wikramasinhe Deputy Director of 071-8297560 Wijaya Uyana, Henamulla, Education (Retired) Kurunegala 12.16. Dharmawijaya Senewirathna Lawyer 071-2278649 Law Library, Court, Kurunegala.

15. Mannar Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 13.1. M.Y. S. Deshapriya Government Agent 071-4180034 District Secretariat Mannar. 13.2. Rev. A. Sangharakkithe Thero Buddhist Priest 071-0695910 Mathota Rajamaha Vihara, Thiruketheeswaram


Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 13.3. Rev. Valpolasrana Tero 077-1274052 Purathana Maha Vihara,Madhu 077-8040990 Road, Murunkan 13.4. Rev. Sivasri. M. Tharmak umara Hindu Priest 077-5890091 Chief Priest, Murugan Kovil, Pesalai kurukkal. Mannar. 13.5. Rev. Sivasri. T. Karunanantha 077-7039179 Chief Priest, Thiruketheesvaram, Kurukkal. Mannar. 13.6. Most. Rev. Joseph Kingsley Christian (RC) _ Bishop's House, Mannar. Swamipillai Priest 13.7. Rev. Fr. Victor Sosai 077-5009440 Bishop's House, Mannar. 13.8. Rev. Moulavi S. A. Aseem Islam Priest 071-6032683 Jumma Mosque, Moor Street, Mannar. 13.9. Rev. Moulavi.Shiyam 077-5361350 Muhaideen Jumma Mosque, Kaddaspathri. 13.10. Rev. Pr. Nimal Coonghe Christian (NRC) _ Apostalic Church, Mathew Street, Priest Thalvupadu. 13.11. Jagath Palihakkara Senior Superintend 071-8591363 SSP Division, Mannar. of Police 13.12. M. M Saburudeen Senior Lawyer 071-4292125 94, Center Bazar Street, Mannar. 13.13. Mrs. S. Sebastian Zonal Educational 077-2090038 Zonal Education Office, Mannar. Director, Mannar. 13.14. Mrs. Ludes Malini Wenition Zonal Educational 077-2284114 Zonal Education Office, Madhu. Director, Madhu 13.15. A. Stanly De Mel Addl. Government 077-9677733 Disrtict Secretariat Mannar. Agent 55

Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 13.16. V. Papakaran Asst. District 077-8466323 Disrtict Secretariat Mannar. Secretary 13.17. K. S. Vasanthkumar Divisional 077-6648714 Divisional Secretariat, Musali Secretary, Musali 13.18. F. C. sathiyasothi Divisional 077-7283687 Divitional Secretariat, Madhu. Secretary, Madhu 13.19. S. Ketheeswaran Divisional Secretary 077-0224760 Divisional Secretariat, Manthai West. manthai West 13.20. M Sriskanthakumar Divisional 075-9917789 Divisional Secretariat, Nanattan. Secretary, Nanattan 13.21. M. Paramathasan Divisional 071-1575554 Divisional Secretariat, Mannar. Secretary, Mannar. 13.22. K. Sribaskaran Hindu Employs 077-6282750 Disrtict Secretariat, Mannar. Association 13.23. Dr. M. A. CM. Riyas Muslim Employs 077-2320529 Disrtict Secretariat, Mannar. Association 13.24. J. K. Amarnath Christian Employs 077-6417729 Disrtict Secretariat, Mannar. Association 13.25. T. M. Ajantha HQI, Mannar. 077-8439990 Police Station Mannar. 13.26. G. W. S. Gajasinghe HQI, Silavathurai 071-8891361 Police Station, Silavathurai 13.27. W. D. K. C. Nawarathna OIC, 077-7736296 Police Station, Iluppaikadavai Iluppaikadavai 077-8591368 13.28. H.M. W. Herath OIC, Adampan 071-8591369 Police Station, Adampan. 076_7177800 56

Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 13.29. R. W. M. A. S. Rajakaruna AOIC, Madhu 071-1454698 Police Station, Madhu Road. 13.30. Dr. Kathirkamanathan Consortium of 077-3201729 Consortium of Hindu Temples, Hindu Temples Mannar.

16. Matale Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 14.1. Mr. D. P. G. Kumarasiri District Secretary 077-3232438 District Secretariat, Matale. 14.2. Ven Kosgolle Seelarathana Thero Chairman, District 066-2222793 Purana Bomaluwa Viharaya, Sasanarakshaka Bomaluwa Road, Matale Balamandalaya. 14.3. Sivasri Sivananda Guru Clergy (Main) 066-2222481 Sri Muththmari Kovil, Main Road, Matale. 14.4. Jaganada Thiwakara Sharma Clergy (Deputy) 066-2222481 Sri Muththmari Kovil, Main Road, Guru Matale. 14.5. Father Mariens Father of The 077-3660508 St. Thomas Church, Matale. Church 14.6. Mr. Hashim Mohomad Muhuthar Chairman, District 077-3466307 No. 287/B, Paragahawela, Ukuwela. Mosque Assosiation. 14.7. Mohomad Muhusin Haneefa Secretary,District 077-7582121 Royal English School, Mosque Mandandawela, Matale. Assosiation.


Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 14.8. Mr.I. B. T. Sugathapala Senior 071-8591079 Senior Superintendent of Police Superintendent of Office, Matale. Police 14.9. Hon.Mr. W. M. Yasamana Chairman of the 077-7806504 185/1, Koobiyngoda Road, Matale. Government Retirement Association & Current Provincial Council Member. 14.10. Mr. Piyadsa Welikannage Patronof the Matale 071-8247458 Welikannage Lane, Hulangamuwa Literary Arts Road, Matale Council, Award Winning Veteran Writer 14.11. Hon. Mr. M. H. M. Ebraham Provincial Council 077-6743676 Pursiyan Avenue, Paragahawela, Member & Ukuwela, Matale. Chairman of the Matale Dealers Association 14.12. Hon. Mr. Muththusami Member of 071-8568866 No. 276, Kelin Veediya, Matale Sivagnanam Provincial Council 14.13. Mrs. Wasantha Warnakulasooriya Regional Secretary, 71-8134240 Abangagakorale.


Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 14.14. Mr. E. W. N. Egodawela Regional Secretary, 071-4121589 Ukuwela. 14.15. Mr. M. U. Nishantha Regional Secretary, 071-8049688 Galewela. 14.16. Ms. H. P. P. A. Hewapathirana Regional Secretary, 071-4398127 Dambulla 14.17. Mr. D. R. B. N. B. Karunathilaka Regional Secretary, 077-354943 Naula. 14.18. Mr. W. M. Ananda Regional Secretary, 071-8130753 Pallepola 14.19. Mrs. K. P. K. L. P. Madhuwanthi Regional Secretary, 077-7477270 Matale 14.20. Ms. D. R. K. Hennayake Regional Secretary, 066-2221888 Yatawatta 14.21. Mr. H. M. Nishantha Dinipriya Regional Secretary, 071-4471140 Raththota. 14.22. Mr. S. D. P. Jayasooriya Regional Secretary, 066-2275038 Laggala. 14.23. Mrs. C. D. De Kostha National 071-1592568 District Secretariat, Matale. Integration Development Officer 14.24. Mr. W. S. Kumaragama National 071-4425960 Regional Secretariat, Ukuwela. Integration 59

Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address Development Coorperator, Ukuwela. 14.25. Ms. R. M. A. Abeyrathna National 071-5571993 Regional Secretariat, Dambulla Integration Co- operator, Dambulla. 14.26. 14.27. Mr. W. G. Kaveen Weerasinghe National 071-2944945 Regional Secretariat, Abangagakorale Integration Co-operator, Abangagakorale 14.28. Mr. Gamini Rajapaksha National 077-3289281 Regional Secretariat, Vilgamuwa. Integration Development Assistant, Vilgamuwa 14.29. Ms. A. S. P. R. Perera. National 071-6467438 Regional Secretariat, Matale. Integration Co-operator, Matale. 14.30. Mrs. W. H. D. Premachandra National 072-8077166 Regional Secretariat, Galewela Integration Co-operator, Galewela. 60

Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 14.31. Mrs. Vineetha Gunasinghe Chairman of the 077-6397160 No. 222/2, Jaya Mawatha, Vihara District Women Junction, Dambulla. Federation 14.32. Mr. Sanath Dasanayake Chairman of Civil 077-3541927 Guru Sewana, Madawala Ulpatha, Society District Matale. Convention & Chairman of Red Cross Society 14.33. Mr. Alen Obeysekara Secretary of Civil 071-8247371 Janasarana Office, Matale Society District Convention

17. Matara Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 15.1. Pradeep Ratnayaka District Secretary 077-6864397 District Secretariat, Matara. 15.2. Kegalle Rathanasara Thero Chairman, District 077-687980 Poorwarama Rajamaha Viharaya, Sasanarakahaka Veherahena, Matara. Balamandalaya 15.3. Dharmaraja Kurukkal Kurukkal _ Kadireshan Kovil, Railway Station, Matara. 15.4. Father Maical Kolin Mishambhara 077-2988388 Apa Swamiduwage Devasthanaya, Father, Matara. Beach Road, Matara.


Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 15.5. Hisham Moulavi Minnathul Fazia 071-5557555 24 Temple Road, Kotuwegoda, Arabic School Matara. 15.6. Mr. Marapana SSP 071-8591433 Senior Superintedent of Police office, Matara. 15.7. Mr. Bandulasiri Hewagamage Principal 071-8116321 No. 53 Somarama Mawatha, Naavimana, Matara North. 15.8. Mr . Palitha Godagama. Cultural Officer _ District Secretariat, Matara.

18. Moneragela Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 16.1. Mr. D. S. Padmakulasooriya District Secretary 071-4401860 District Secretariat, Moneragala. 16.2. Mr. W. A. Dharmasiri Additional District 071-4178394 District Secretariat, Moneragala. Secretary 16.3. Moneragala District Chief Viharadhipathi 071-8506320 Sri Sudharmananda Viharasthanaya, Sanganayaka, Ven. Bukkiriyagolla, Moneragala. Badullagammna Rathanasara Thero 16.4. Uwa Wellassa Dedisawe Chief Pariwenadhipathi, 077-7110754 Siripiyarathana Vidyayathana Sanganayaka, Ven. Viharadhipathi. Pirivena, Sri Dakshinaramaya, Kandaudapanguwe Sudhamma Moneragala. Thero.


Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 16.5. Registrar of the Moneragala Viharadhipathi 071-4499211 Pokunugala Purana Viharaya, Divisional SecurAssities Palaruwa, Moneragala. Federation, Ven. Ullapola Chandananda Thero 16.6. Hon. Father Sunil Wijerathne 071-8387752 St. Anthony's Cathedra, Moneragala. 16.7. M. S. M. Salsabeel Moulavi Chief Moulavi 077-3886443 Muslim Mosque, Moneragala. 16.8. S. Balachandran Kurukkal Hindu Preist 075-7041915 Hindu Kovil, Kumaradola Road, Moneragala. 16.9. Mr. Sujith Wedamulla Superintendent of 055-2276228 Superintendent of Police Office, Police, Moneragala. Moneragala. 16.10. Mr. K. B. Rathnayaka Divisional 055-2277192 Sanasa Bank, Moneragala Mannager 16.11. Mr. Sunil Nandasena National 071-6585355 District Secretariat, Moneragala. Integration Promoting Officer

19. Mullaitivu Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 17.1. R. Ketheeswaran District Secretary 077-3184119 District Secretariat, Mullaitivu. 17.2. E. Medhalankar Kiththi Viharadhipathi 071-589316 Nayaru, Mullaitivu. 17.3. Siva Sri.Siva kanthathaha Kurukkal 77-6257613 Vattappalai, Mulliyawalai. Kurukkal Vattapalai


Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 17.4. S.A George Paris Priest 076-5685856 St.Jude Church, Selvapuram. 17.5. A. L. M. Ameen Moulavi 077-3576106 Makkuff Muslims Moquio. 17.6. Wasantha Kandewatta SOP 071-8591374 Police Staion, Mullaitivu. 17.7. Mr. S. Kunapalan Divisional Secretary 077-2487272 Divisional Secretary, Divisional Secretariat, Maritimepattu. 17.8. Mr. R. Piratheepan Divisional Secretary 077-7570144 Divisional Secretary, Divisional Secretariat, Puthukkudiyiruppyu. 17.9. Mr. Y. Aniruththanan Divisional Secretary 077-3562293 Divisional Secretary, Divisional Secretariat, Oddusuddan. 17.10. Mr. I. Pirathapan Divisional Secretary 077-0385650 Divisional Secretary, Divisional Secretariat, Thunukkai. 17.11. Mr. R. Ramesh Divisional Secretary 077-4004824 Divisional Secretary, Divisional Secretariat, Manthai East. 17.12. Mr. W. B. N. Sirimanna Divisional Secretary 071-8001686 Divisional Secretary, Divisional Secretariat, Weli Oya. 17.13. P. Perinpanayagam Rtd. DDE 077-3286751 Ward No. 4, Puthukkudiyiruppyu. 17.14. Ms. Jansila Majeed ZTF Member 071-4242608 Muslim School Road, Phanneeroottu, 077-7072645 Mulliyawalai. 17.15. MS. Radhika ZTF Member 077-3104571 No. 832 Kalvilan Road, Thunukkai Mullaitivu 17.16. Ms. Smith Hudson Chandraleela ZTF Member 077-2056093 Keppapulavu, Mullivakkal, Mullaitivu.


20. Nuwera Eliya Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 18.1. K.H.A.Meegasmulla District Secretary 0522222235 District Secretariat, Nuwara Eliya 18.2. Ven.Thibbatugoda Dhammarama Chairman, 0523531121 Bodhirukaramaya, Theripahe Valapane South, Provincial Shasanarakshaka Committee 18.3. Ven. Dhodam Kubure Chairman, 0522279290 Vatarakkagoda Rajamaha Viharaya, Dheerananda Valapane, Valapane Provincial Shasanarakshaka Committee 18.4. Ven. Ruppe Dharmarathane Secretary, 0714385759 Vilwala Rajamaha Viharaya, Hanguranketha Rikillagaskada South 18.5. Ven. Medakande Dhammika Development 0714438828 Provincial Secretariat, Nuwara Eliya Officer, Budhist activities 18.6. Ven. Okadagala Chandhaloka Secretary, 0711708060 Vidyakeerthi Maha Pirivena, Hanguranketha Hanguranketha West


Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 18.7. Ven.Dheegalahinne Seelawansha Secretary, 0718419326 Morayaya Rajamaha Viharaya, Shasanarakshaka Paddiyapalalla Committee 18.8. Ven. Mayilagasthanne Secretary, Valapane 0718456610 Sri Dharmavijaya Viharajaya Vihara, Dhammananda North Galgoda, Kumbalgamuwa 18.9. Ven. Rupaha Shasana Jothi Secretary, Valapane 0718078731 Sri Abhinava Viharaya, South Nildandahinna, Valapane 18.10. Ven. Makadure Ratana Coordinator, 071307900 District Secretariat, Nuwara Eliya District Buddhist activity 18.11. Rev. David M. Nagarajah Priest 0715969392 Asembly of God, 6, School Road, Pudaluoya 18.12. S.M. Uduma Lebbe Moulavi 0725369909 Abbubakan Jumma Mosque, Hapugasthalawe 18.13. M.N.M.Fawaz Moulavi 0771295173 Masjitan Raman, Hapugasthalawe 18.14. S. Saathya Moulavi Moulavi 0777103415 Jumma Masjid, Hatton 18.15. Pas. Amila Shantha Priest 071609425 Smyrna Church, No.1, Ragala, Halgranoya 18.16. Sandya Kumudini Priest 0522265272 Smyrna Church, No.1, Ragala, Halgranoya 18.17. N.S.S.D. Ranathunge Principal 0718475900 Rosary Catholic Chruch, Ragala, Halgranoya 18.18. Pas.D. Premakannan Velusamy Priest 0712244763 Smyrna Church, Ragala 18.19. Rev.Sivalingam Priest 0769255113 Smyrna Church, Ragala 66

Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 18.20. R.S. Chandrasiri Branch Executive 0773475828 Red Cross Society, No.37, Glen Paul, Officer Nuwara Eliya 18.21. J. B. Dasanayake ASP 0718592093 Police Superintendents Office, Nuwara Eliya 18.22. D.M. Ananda Dissanayake National 0710930216 DS Office, Nuwara Eliya Integration Promotion Assistant 18.23. H.N.L. Wickramanayake National 0716089257 Provincial Secretariat, Ambagamuwa Integration Promotion Assistant 18.24. A.R.M.A.L. Bandara National 0712212044 Provincial Secretariat, Nuwara Eliya Integration Promotion Assistant 18.25. B.M.P.M. Warnasooriya National 0714868646 Provincial Secretariat, Kotmale Integration Promotion Assistant 18.26. Ms. Namalpitiya National 0719400406 Provincial Secretariat, Hanguranketa Integration Promotion Assistant 67

21. Pollonaruwa Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 19.1. Mr. Ranjith Ariyarathna District Secretary 071-6904510 District Secretariat, Polonnaruwa. 19.2. Ven. Kaduruwela Dammapala Assistant Registrar 077-765500 Jayanthi Viharaya, Kaduruwela. Thero to the Amarapura saddhammauththika " Chife Adikarana sanganayake to the North Central Province, Media registrar to the whole island Sasanarakshaka Balamandalaya, Chief Incumbent of the kaduruwela Jayanthi viharaya, Dhammarathana Wanshalakapura. 19.3. Father Jayamaha. Chief Father 027-2223136 Nirmalee Devamadura, New Town. 19.4. Mudalige Don Lenesaris _ _ Polonnaruwa 19.5. Maulavi Maulavithuma 027-2223337 Mosque, Kaduruwela. Muththalif


Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 19.6. Karnekan Kurukkalthuma 077-6671063 Gange Devalaya, Manampitiya. Kurukkalthuma. 19.7. G. A. N. L. Wijesena SSP 071-8591230 Office of the Senior Superintendent of Police, New Town. 19.8. _ Unavailable in _ _ retired Judge Selected in Polonnaruwa District. 19.9. Mr. G. R. Senevirathne. Retired Principal 077-1676108 No 507, 23rd Mile Post, Jayanthipura.

22. Puttalam Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 20.1. Mr. N. H. Chithrananda District Secretary 032-2265225 Disrtrict Secretariat, Puttalam. 20.2. Rev. Halpanvila Palitha Thero President 071-8431558 Sri Muninda Aramaya, Kebellawala, Chilaw 20.3. Rev. Navadankulama Secretary 071-8236623 Sri Jayathilaka Aramaya, Medananda Thero Karukkuliya, Rajakadaluwa. 20.4. Rev. Vengada Sundararama Kurukkal 077-3928667 Sri Siththivinayagar Kovil, Mannar Kurukkal road, Puttalam.


Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 20.5. Rev. Saminda Aiyar vaitheshwara Kurukkal 071-2540682 # 256/6D, Thrusalam road, Mannar Kurukkal road, Puttalam 20.6. Rev. Anthani Vaiman Cruise Rev. Father 076-6727769 Janasaviya, Sedek Institute, Madampe. 20.7. Rev. Payas Kenady Fernando Rev. Father 077-7241229 St. Marry Church, Puttalam. 20.8. Mr. P. M. Abdul Janab President 077-9900707 Mohideen Jumma Mosque,#30,2nd cross Street Puttalam. 20.9. Moulavi A. M. M. Riyas Hafiz Vice Prasident 077-2295798 Manbaus Salihath Arabic College, (Jamiyyathul Samagi Mawatha, Puttalam. Ulama) 20.10. Mr. J. K. B. S. Kumarapeti Superintend of 032-2222925 S. P. Office, Chilaw. Police - Chilaw 20.11. Mr. J. A. Chandrasena Superintendent of 032-2266446 S. P. Office, Puttalam Police - Puttalam 20.12. Mrs. S. A. Priyanka Lawyer (Legal Aid 077-6009634 Legal Aid Commission, Seva Piyasa, Samarathunga Commission) Anuradhapura Road, Puttalama. 20.13. Mr. J. P. Keerthirathna _ 071-0148588 Vilatthawa Junction, Mugunuwatawana. 20.14. Mr. R. T. M. W. Kiribanda _ 076-7858069 Kumbukwewa, Kumbukkalkalla,


23. Ratnapura Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 21.1. Mrs Malani Lokupothagama District Secretary 071-4423760 District Secretariat, Nawanagaraya, Ratnapura. 21.2. Ven. Kongasthanna Ananda Chief Sanganayaka 077-6113705 Sri Sumana Piriwena, Madduwa, Thero of Ramanya Maha Ratnapura. Nikaya, Sabaragamuwa Province, Viharadhipathi 21.3. Rajakeeya Panditha Ven. Chief Sanganayaka 045-3459667 Sri Dharmayathana Piriwena, Kalanigama Vijithananda Thero of Malwathu Mahawala, Rathnapura. Vihara Parshawa, Sabaragamuwa Province, Viharadhipathi 21.4. Ven. Pathakada Wimalarathana Chief Sanganayaka 045-2274431 Aramanapola Viharaya, Ganegoda, Thero of Siyam Palmadulla, Ratnapura. Mahanikaye Asgiri parashawaya, Uwa Sabaragamuwa Province, Viharadhipathi


Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 21.5. Ven. Kuruwita Saranankara Mahanayaka, 045-2270683 Kanda Purana Viharasthanaya, Thero Amarapura Maha Opanayaka, Ratnapura. Nikaye Eknaligoda Vihara Parshawaya, Viharadhipathi 21.6. Ven. Karagoda Uyangoda Mahanayaka, 045-2287112 Dharmananda Piriwena, Balangoda, Maithree Thero Amarapura Maha Rathnapura. Nikaye Rassagala Vihara Parshawaya, Viharadhipathi 21.7. Ven. Madawala Vajira Bhuddhi Mahanayaka, 045-2262404 Sri Vidyawardena Piriwena, Thero Amarapura Maha Kuruwita, Millaweetiya. Nikaye Iddamalgoda Vihara Parshawaya, Viharadhipathi. 21.8. Inguruwatte Piyananda Thero Mahanayaka, 045-2222902 Lellopitiya Meditation Center, Amarapura Maha Lellopitiya, Ratnapura. Nikaye Swejin Vihara Parshawaya, Viharadhipathi. 21.9. Shiwayoga Sharma Kurukkal Ratnapura All 077-0262601 Sri Bhadrakali Dewasthanaya, Sri Island Religious Sumanagama Nawa Nagaraya, Ratnapura 72

Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address Hindu Federation Chairman 21.10. K.C.M. Husein Moulavi Chief Moulavi 071-8400302 Jennan Jumma Muslim Mosque, Kudugalwatta, Ratnapura. 21.11. Father Braian Christopher Rev. Father of the 077-2206214 St. Luke Church, Ratnapura. Area 21.12. Father B. Antan Siyam Director, 077-7227959 Hospital Road, Ahaliyagoda, Sethmini Karitas Ratnapura. Sabaragamuwa Provincial Catholic Church Social & Daycare Services 21.13. Mr. Buddhika Siriwardena. SSP 071-8591382 SSP, SSP Office, Ratnapura. 21.14. Mrs. Mercy Galagama Principal 071-0728901 Ferguson High College, Ratnapura. 21.15. Mr. K. P. Chaminda Piyasekara, Ratnapura Interim 071-4122052 No. 96/2/1 Bandaranayaka Mawatha, District Co-ordinator Religious Ratnapura. Committee, launched by the Sri Lanka Peace Accord 21.16. Ven. Kotapala Sudamma Thero Chairman of the All 077-6431657 Chiththananda Piriwen Island Religious Viharasthanaya, Millakade, Peace Council, Dodampe, Ratnapura. Ratnapura 73

Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 21.17. Father B. Antan Siyam Director, 077-7227959 Hospital Road, Ahaliyagoda, Sethmini Karitas Ratnapura. Sabaragamuwa Provincial Catholic Church Social & Daycare Services 21.18. Shiwayogi Sharma Kurukkal Chairman of the 077-0262601 Sri Bhadrakali Dewasthanaya, Sri Ratnapura Hindu Sumanagama Nawa Nagaraya, Board Ratnapura

24. Trincomalee Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 22.1. Mr.N.A.A.Pushpakumara District Secretary 0773140301 District Secretariat Trincomalee 22.2. Most.Ven.Chief Prelate Chief Incumbent of 026-3267047 Sri Dharmawijaya Buddhist Centre, Rev.Ahugalle Siri Seelawisuddhi the Historic Rangiri 026-3260729 Uppuweli, Trincomalee Thero Ulpatha Rajamaha Wiharaya 22.3. Rev.Appukurukkal Subramaniya Member of United 0772575578 48/21, Ganesh Lane, Andamkulam, Sharma Religious Trincomalee Interactive Association,


Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address Member of the National Peace Authority, Trincomalee 22.4. Rev.Dr.George Dissanayake Justice in Peace 0777780317 St.Anthonies' Church, Chinabay (All Island), Sworn Translator Sinhala / Tamil to English 22.5. Rev.Moulavi M.Y.Hathiyathullah President, 0773689835 Jaya School Road, Kinniya -3 Hatheehs' Federation, Trincomalee; President, Ahadiya Federation, Trincomalee; Principal, Al-Azhar M.V.Vellaimanal, Chinabay 22.6. R.M.Nimal Perera DIG, Trincomalee 0718592605 DIG Office, Trincomalee 22.7. D.V.P.Ajith Hesiri SP, Kanthale 0718591187 SSP Office, Kanthale 22.8. A.G.J.Chandra Kumara SSP, Trincomalee 0718591170 SSP Office, Trincomalee 22.9. J.S.Aruraj Divisional Secretary 0777589871 Divisional Secretariat, Towns and - Towns and gravets, Trincomalee Gravets 75

Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 22.10. K.P.Premadasa Divisional Secretary 071447118 Divisional Secretariat, Kanthale - Kanthale 22.11. M.A.Anas Divisional 0779363830 Divisional Secretariat, Kinniya Secretary, Kinniya 22.12. Mr.U.M.Upul Principal 0718872948 T/Sinhala MV, Trincomalee 22.13. Mr.S.Pathmaseelan Principal 0718422411 T/Koneswara Hindu College, Trincomalee 22.14. Mr.A.S.Alisabri Principal 0775021570 T / Zahira College, Trincomalee 22.15. Sister M.Nirosha AC Principal 0773876354 St.Maris' College, Trincomalee 22.16. S.K.Jayarathne Coordinating 0773876354 Office of the Chief Secretary, Eastern Secretary to the Province, Trincomalee Chief Secretary

25. Vavuniya Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 23.1. M. B. R. Pushpakumara District Secretary 727662332 District Secretary, Vavuniya 23.2. Ven. Siyambalagaswewa Sri North East 716363053 Sri Pothi Thadsana Rama Viharai, Vimalasara Thero Province Chief Kandy Rd., Vavuniya Sanganayake Samasoori Ven. Siyambalagaswewa


Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address Sri Vimalasara Thero 23.3. Ven. Muwaatagama Ananda Adikarana Chief 718281380 Sri Thalatha Viharai, Thero Sanganayake Madukandha,Vavuniya Ven.Muwaatagama Ananda Thero 23.4. Dhammananda Thero Viharadhipathi 718611761 Sri Piurana Raja Maha Viharai, Mahakachchakodiya 23.5. Siva Sri K. Kandasamy Kurukkal Chief Priest 770367082 Sri Sithi Vinayagar Kovil, Kudiyiruppu, Vavuniya 23.6. Siva Sri N. Prabakara Kurukkal Chief Priest 773405820 Sri Karumari Amman Kovil,Goodsheded Rd., Vavuniya 23.7. Siva Sri S. Thivakara Kurukkal Chief Priest 778357283 Sri Vinayakar Kovil, Kurumankadu, Vavuniya 23.8. Rev. R. John Selvam Rev. Father 77545425 51, Ferer Church, Vavuniya 23.9. Rev. S. Sathiyarajh Rev. Father 776665782 51, Antony Church, Kambaikulam, Vavuniya 23.10. Rev. S.S.Jebanchelvan Rev. Father 718236764 Thuja Aaviyanavar Church, Vavuniya 23.11. Mowlavi Ameer Chief Mowlavi 773496169 Town Mosque, Vavuniya 23.12. M. H. S. Alavudeen Mowlavi 776064166 Mosque, Matheenanagar, Maharambaikulam, Vavuniya 23.13. L. M. Imthiyas Mowlavi 772776005 Arabic College, Paddanichchipuliyankulam, Vavuniya 77

Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 23.14. R. M. S. Kumarasinghe HQI 718591343 Police Station, Vavuniya 23.15. T. Thireshkumar Addi. District 718332080 District Secretariat, Vavuniya 23.16. N. Kamalathasan Asst.District 718302661 District Secretariat, Vavuniya Secretary 23.17. S. Thanapalan Administrative 770763676 District Secretariat, Vavuniya Officer 23.18. K. Sivagnanam Pensioner 778839363 23.19. K. Sarathanjali Asst.Divisional 776599791 Secretary 23.20. R .Ananth Asst.Divisional 775380039 Secretary 23.21. K .Nivethiga Asst.Divisional 772292462 Secretary 23.22. K. Mugunthan Asst.Divisional 779228622 Secretary 23.23. R. Nithiyananthan District Cultural 775342441 Officer 23.24. V. Piratheepan Cultural Officer 772461865 23.25. R. Thirulinganathan Cultural Officer 779697346 23.26. S. Vigitha Cultural Officer 774445324 23.27. V. Sutharsana Samara Cultural Officer 716268809 23.28. J. Thadsajini District Cultural 779683297 Officer


Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Address 23.29. S. Satkunavenu Cultural 242260906 Development Asst. 23.30. K. Pirintha Cultural 775157363 Development Asst. 23.31. V. Kirisha Development 770234857 Officer- Hindu Culture 23.32. S. Kajendrakumar Development 777562497 Officer- Hindu Culture


Ministry of National Integration and Reconciliation No.34, Narahenpita Road, Nawala, Sri Lanka Tel: + 94 112 806 352 Fax: +94 112 806 530