The OfficialMon Newsletter of the Libertarian Party of Californiathly October 2000

TED BROWN ESCORTED OFF STAGE BY THE POLICE By Mark Hilgenberg, Secretary, LP of San Fernando Valley everal Libertarians attended a and walked on stage with them, shaking their hands. Then he went to candidate forum (9/15) sponsored the moderator to tell her who he was and then introduced himself on S by the Regional Coalition of her mike. Then he walked to the main mike, but they shut the sound Government Review Councils in La off. Two police officers came to the front to get Ted off stage. He Canada Flintridge. Congressional candidate walked down the steps to the police, and they led him out the door. Ted Brown and the other Libertarian Ted joined us out front, and we stood with our signs. As people candidates for Assembly and State Senate were leaving, we thanked them for coming and introduced them were excluded from the debate/forum. to the censored Luckily we had Irv Rubin Lots of photos of inside and outside the hall at candidate Ted Brown. coaching us on how to make Many people stopped some noise and get some press to talk with Ted or just coverage. We shouted “Where are the Libertarian candidates, let to give him a word of encouragement. At this time the Channel 9 the Libertarians speak!” as the other candidates were going on news was doing a live remote about 20 feet from us, so we chanted stage. Irv was quickly escorted outside to the sidewalk. (It was on the whole time and they turned the camera on us for a bit. Ted was private property, darn.) also interviewed by several newspaper reporters, including the Los Several of us stayed on the sidewalk and with Irv on the megaphone Angeles Times. began chanting “Let Ted Brown speak, give Ted two minutes”, Thanks go to the Orange County contingent Chair Bill Todd, Vice etc. Ted had stayed inside with several other Libertarian supporters. Chair Doug Scribner, Paul Marsden and Candidate Paul Studier, Due to the overflow crowd they had to setup speakers outside in plus Central LA Chair Mark Selzer and Vice Chair Jason Heath, the courtyard for other people to listen, and they just happened to plus Joe Miranda from San Fernando Valley. Special thanks to Irv be about 50 feet from us. Needless to say they were very annoyed Rubin. We were also joined by several high school students who by us, but we also yelled that we would shutup if Ted was allowed could not believe we were not allowed to speak. ■ two minutes, just go tell the organizers to let him speak. Several of the coalition’s members expressed sympathy for us and were upset that we were excluded and we made some good contacts for future candidate events. Even one of the police officers was very friendly and supportive of us. Finally it was time for the candidates in Ted’s race to speak, so several of us went to the door to try and get in, but we could only stand in the Make your car a mobile billboard by using the Browne bumper back. As the candidates were making their way on stage, Ted stood up sticker you probably received (or will receive) from the LPC.

•SUPPORTOURCANDIDATES Contents ▲ •SUPPORTOURPARTY 300 Candidates ...... 6, 7 ▲ Calendar ...... 4 TO-DOBEFORETHEELECTION ▲ Chair’s Report ...... 3 ✓ 1. Putupasignor–evenbetter–severalsigns. ▲ Director’s Report ...... 8 ✓ ▲ Exec Com Meeting Summary ...... 9 2. Putbumperstickersoncar. ▲ ✓ Letters to the Editor ...... 2 3. Writeletters-to-the-editorsupportingLibertarian ▲ LPC Contacts ...... 10, 11 candidatesandtheLP. ▲ Politics As Usual ...... 5 ▲ ✓ 4. Contributetime,money,signsortalenttocampaigns. Propositions ...... 4 ▲ Quick Quips * NEW * ...... 3 ✓ 5. Encourageotherstodothesame. ▲ Regional Conference ...... 8 JonathanZwickel,MaderaCounty ▲ Web Sites ...... 5 Monthly LETTERS TO THE EDITOR October 2000 LIBERTARIANS SHOULD PROTECT KIDS BUSH/GORE SATIRE ONLINE You commonly use the feature “Politics As Usual” I created an animated political ad, and want to Editor: Betsy Mill to alert Libertarians to laws being enforced that they spread it far and wide. It’s a talking morph of Bush Associate Editor should protest. You have made an astounding error and Gore, called BORE 2000. Just go to http:// Joseph W. Dehn III in this regard in the September issue. and follow the links to Contributors Here you indicate that my LP is in favor of children BORE 2000. Rodney Austin having easy access outside their homes to coin- C. Brian Towey, [email protected] Phyllis Avery operated video games that feature graphic violence Patrick Groff and sexual content. I fail to understand how my LP CONSTITUTION DAY IS HONORED Mark Hilgenberg can be so disdainful of the safety of children, and The day was bright and cloudless—a perfect day Mark Hinkle yet at the same time hope parents will vote for its for the annual Constitution Day Parade in Nevada Jon Petersen candidates. When will my LP discontinue this City, CA on September 10th. We plastered the truck Juan Ros Chris Schmidt obviously self-destructive behavior? with , Gail Lightfoot, Jon Petersen, C. Brian Towey Patrick Groff, [email protected] Bill Thomason, and Charles Martin signs along with Fred Williams American flags and some bunting, and were ready Jonathan Zwickel to go. GREEDY GRABBERS Bob Burke was our driver (as usual) and the crowds Mailing Address The San Diego city council voted unanimously to LPC Monthly increase their own pensions despite three by the parade route were very supportive. The most 4244 Mt. Hukee Ave. Libertarians (David Oakey, Richard Rider, Ed common yell was “Give ’em hell, Harry.” San Diego CA 92117 Teyssier) who testified against this flagrant abuse When we got to the reviewing stand, our Libertarian of public trust. Other Libertarians also attended. Party of Nevada County’s media statement was read E-mail Address To the Editor: to the crowd: [email protected] I’m obviously in the wrong business! I should have The Constitution of the of Fax Number run for Mayor instead of traveling around the world America places limits on federal powers, (858) 565-8901 working for all these damned Internet start-ups with delegating most governmental activities to the their stupid option programs. I only stand a one in states or the people. Libertarians are actively Online Edition a hundred chance of getting a decent payoff, while working to restore the constitutional balance these incompetent/corrupt fools get a hefty chunk and re-establish personal sovereignty for all. of change for their work on behalf of the local Overall, it was a great day for all of us. Being in a NOVEMBER Deadline oligarchs. As soon as they’re out of office, they’ll parade is fun and educational for both the Online Only Issue all get comfy front-office jobs with the Padres and bystanders and the parade entrants. We will October 15, 2000 Chargers in exchange for using the political contacts certainly continue to be participants whenever an they gained at our considerable expense. It gives opportunity arises or is created. me a headache just thinking about it. Jon Petersen, Candidate for State Senate District 1 Fred Williams, [email protected] LPC Monthly is the official newsletter of the Libertar- ian Party of California. Opinions contained herein do not necessarily represent official party positions un- less indicated. LPC Monthly is published twelve times a year. Send materials for publi- cation to LPC Monthly’s mailing address. All sub- missions are subject to editing. Deadline is the fifteenth day of every month. Send changes of address to national office: Libertarian Party 2600 Virginia Ave. NW Suite #100 Washington DC 20037 Marianne and Jon Petersen campaigned in the Constitution Day parade.

2 LPC Monthly October 2000 LIBERTARIAN PARTY UPDATE Thank You! From the Chair: e, as a Party, set two main internal Our generous donors and pledgers will be goals this year: honored in the next printed issue W (December) of this newsletter. 1. Increase our dues-paying membership to 7,000 2. Increase our monthly pledge base to $6,000 per month. To join our Monthly Pledge Program, contribute to Operation Breakthrough, or Goal 1: The latest membership numbers I have are from August make a general contribution for party 31st (6,246) and they’re an improvement over the 6174 members MARK HINKLE operations, please contact Juan Ros at we had in July. As I predicted last month, Operation Breakthrough (818) 782-8400, or (OB) helped reverse our slight decline. On behalf of the new OB E-mail: [email protected]. donors, we’re submitting their names for membership. Over 500 people pledged more than $20,000. Thank you! QUICK QUIPS $ Goal 2: The monthly pledge total is 4,672.15 coming from 223 individuals. This is How about referring to the Dems and Reps unchanged from last month. as “The Ruling Party.” Phyllis Avery, [email protected] As you know, our newsletter, LPC Monthly, is published on our website every month, but it’s not always printed. The LPC Executive Committee and I want to return to a This is how low Hollywood has sunk: it’s monthly printed edition very soon. The key issue is the cost. The LPC’s share from a $25 now taking lessons on ethics and morality membership is $4.80 per year. That doesn’t come close to covering the cost of LPC Monthly from Washington. if printed each month. Through August, our membership income is $30,780, yet our Daily News LA, 9/15/2000 expenses for the newsletter are $27,866. And, that includes two issues that were not printed. I think a bumper sticker said it most pith- We’re averaging $3,483 cost per printed issue this year. While this total cost for each ily: “No Victim? No Crime!” issue is high, the cost per newsletter is quite reasonable. We are able to print, label, and Chris Schmidt, [email protected] mail a newsletter for under 50¢ – less than first-class postage (55¢) for a 12 page newsletter. We appreciate our advertisers who help subsidize the newsletter. If you want the newsletter printed each and every month, please sign up for the pledge QUICK CHANGE program via the fund raising letter you recently received. It’s the one touting the success LPC members can update info at of Operation Breakthrough. Operation Breakthrough was funded solely by major donors to the LPC. Now that we’ve lpc-member-services.html proven that it’s a success, we hope that members with more modest incomes will be Renew membership, address change, willing to pledge $10 to $30 per month to make OB a continuing success story. It’s up to you. contribute, plus, plus. If you’re able, please join our monthly credit card pledge program or make a one-time donation. Help us elect Libertarians to office this year! Think of the monthly pledge program as a Freedom 401/K plan, i.e. an investment in your future freedom and the freedom of the country. INTERNS/VOLUNTEERS WANTED! Your participation and contributions fuel our successes. Help the Libertarian Party of Yours in liberty, Mark W. A. Hinkle California If you live in the Los Angeles area, you IDENTIFICATION are invited to volunteer or intern with STATEMENT the LPC! Contact LPC Executive 1. Title: LPC Monthly Advertiseinthis 2. Issue date: Director Juan Ros at (818) 782-8400, October 2000 Newsletter! E-mail: [email protected]. 3. Statement of Reachover7,000Libertarianswithyourproductor Frequency: Paid Advertisement Monthly yourmessage! 4. Issue Number: Issue 10 $ 6. Subscription: 75for1/8page(3.75”x2.25”) Mailcheckto: $ free w/membership 125for1/4page(7.5”x2.25”) LPCMonthly 5. Authorized $250for1/2page(7.5”x5”) 4244Mt.Hukee Organization: $500forafullpage(7.5”x10”) SDCA92117 Libertarian Party of CA 4547 Titus Street, #214 (Sizesasaboveorequivalent). $ Panorama City CA Insertsare 500plusprintingcost 91402-4935 Wereservetherighttorefuseads. October 2000 LPC Monthly 3 CALENDAR LP POSITIONS ON PROPOSITIONS October 7 – 8, San Diego Crossroads of the West Gun Show at Del The Executive Committee of the LPC has taken the following Mar Fairgrounds. There will be a positions on propositions to be voted on in the November election. Libertarian booth. NO Prop. 32: AB2305, Bond: Veteran's Bond Act of 2000. NO Prop. 33: ACA 12, Legislature: Retirement. October 14 – 22, Riverside NO Prop. 34: SB 122, Campaign Contributions and Perris Farmers Fair and Expo. There will be a Libertarian booth EVERY day. Volunteers needed for three-hour Expenditures. shifts. Volunteers will receive informal “booth training.” Contact YES Prop. 35: Public Works Projects. Use of Private is Gene Trosper, at [email protected]. Contractors. YES Prop. 36: Drug Treatment Diversion Program. Wednesday, October 25 Orange Coast College - Candidates Forum YES Prop. 37: Fees, Taxes. New Definitions, Vote Requirements. October 25 – 26, San Diego YES Prop. 38: School Vouchers. University of CA, San Diego “SD Youth Convention” For: local NO Prop. 39: School Facilities. political leaders and organizations, film presentations, forums, debates and info tabling; massive two-day event is planned to have extensive media coverage. It is the student’s response to low voter Paid Advertisement turnout and apathy nationwide, to introduce the power of students and the young vote to the San Diego community. Tuesday, November 7, VOTE! Election Day! Be sure to vote for the Libertarians in your area! 6.9¢ Almost 300 Libertarians are running! YEAR 2001 OR LESS Febuary 16 – 19, LPC Convention PER MINUTE August 25–26, Regional Conference Third Annual Conference of the Regional Parties, in Fresno. Contact Rodney Austin. Notice to LP Chairs: Please E-mail your events to ✔ 24HoursaDay-AlltheTime [email protected] 24HoursaDay-AlltheTime ✔ Under5centsinCalifornia REVISION TO NEWSLETTER YEAR 2000 SCHEDULE ✔ NoMonthlyFeesorMinimums The current budget allows the following schedule for this ✔ newsletter: October (online), November (online), December Six-SecondIncrementBilling (printed). Only the December issue will be printed and mailed. All ✔ CallingCardsfor14cents issues are online at ✔ Free800Lines(SameRates) ✔ GreatService(Fiber-OpticLines) ✔ SuperbInternationalRates ✔ ForBusinessandHome

Commercial T-1Lines: 3.25¢Interstate 2.51¢inCalifornia PlustheCALP Contact getsacutof RichardRider San Mateo Libertarians, Bob Green and Linden Hsu, encourage theaction! 800/914-8466 political thinking at the Hillsdale Shopping Center. (Photo by E-Mail:[email protected] Lillian Tsai).

4 LPC Monthly October 2000 AROUND THE WORLD POLITICS AS USUAL DOG-GONE DRUGS! NOTEWORTHY WEB SITES! Drug-sniffing dogs have become a fixture at many public schools nationwide as districts ADVOCATES FOR SELF-GOVERNMENT GUN OWNERS HOME PAGE look for additional ways to deter the use of illegal substances. In California, such TED BROWN programs have been instituted in some Ted Brown excluded from candidates panel. HERITAGE FOUNDATION schools in Oceanside, Poway, El Cajon and Good political column delivered by daily Encinitas. tedbrown/tedbrownhome.htm E-mail service. Sign up at San Diego Union-Tribune, July 20, 2000 HARRY BROWNE FOR PRESIDENT IT’S THE CHEESIEST! STEVE KUBBY TRIAL AND INFO The USDA released a proposed new 15- CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT INFO page regulation that would require the holes Register to vote: LIBERTARIAN PARTY NATIONAL in Swiss cheese to be reduced from an average of eleven-sixteenths to three- CALIFORNIA LIBERTARIAN PARTY eighths of an inch in diameter in order to LIBERTARIAN NATIONAL PLATFORM qualify for a federal Grade A rating. CANDIDATES! CANDIDATES! Includes changes made at the July 2000 LP Press Release, August 29, 2000 convention. For a complete list of California Libertarian SPORTS SUBSIDIES AIN’T CRICKET lpus/library/platform/ candidates sorted by county, by type of office, Sports economists have convincingly and alphabetically, visit the LPC web site at LP NAT’L. CONVENTION PHOTOS demonstrated that public sports facilities – and highly subsidized “private” ones – Alphabetically by name: share?sid=1cc9dd4f.87ddb&name= merely redistribute wealth away from LP+Convention+2000 taxpayers and local business and into the Listing by county: pockets of well-heeled team owners and LP NAT’L. CONVENTION REPLAYED athletes. In addition to the stadium and If you missed parts of the LP national Listing by type: ticket taxes, sports fans spend money on convention or like to watch some segment tickets, hot-dogs, and parking that they over again via the internet, go to: DRUG WAR CLOCK would have spent on other local Shows what the “War on Drugs” has cost entertainment, such as movie tickets and libertarian.asp taxpayers so far this year! restaurant meals. LPC ACTIVIST RESOURCES The Lighthouse, March 29, 2000 BONNIE FLICKINGER FOR ASSEMBLY WHAT’S GOOD FOR JUDGES… LIBERTARIAN ROCK WEBSITE A proposal to allow federal judges to carry GET GOVERNMENT OUT OF HI-TECH concealed weapons nationwide (regardless of state laws) is part of the Federal Courts LIGHTFOOT FOR SENATE CAMPAIGN Improvement Act which passed the House GROW THE LIBERTARIAN PARTY on a voice vote. The idea was pushed by the U.S. Judicial Conference, and would allow about 2,000 federal judges and magistrates to conceal and carry any type Growth Watch of gun they wished. The conference states Goal: 7,000 Aug-00 6246 the law is needed because three federal judges have been killed this past century. Membership August 31, 2000: 6246 Jul-00 6174 Jun-00 6216 Cato Daily Dispatch, July 17, 2000 May-00 6352 BUY A CAR, GET A FREE RIFLE Apr-00 6415 A Tennessee used car dealer is shooting back Mar-00 6424 at anti-gun campaigns with a Saturday Feb-00 6217 Special. Buy a car and get a free rifle. On Jan-00 6298 what he has dubbed “Second Amendment Dec-99 6438 Saturday” – buyers will receive a voucher Nov-99 6536 redeemable for a used bolt action rifle at Oct-99 6430 GunCraft Sports in nearby West Knoxville, Sep-99 6532 Tennessee. Those redeeming the vouchers Aug-99 6270 would have to comply with all government regulations. Reuters, August 24, 2000 October 2000 LPC Monthly 5 Libertarians in NON-PARTISAN RACES ✔ Find Your Candidates! ✔ Support Your Candidates! ✔ Help Fund Your Candidates!

Alameda County [email protected] Yena Ferrara Don Osberg Melisse Lusin Peter Aguilar Phil Fortin Donald Fisk [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Paris Guy Richard Fraim San Diego County Kelly McKnight* [email protected] Neal Franks Howard Van Jepmond Erik Bergesen Lynn Badler Richard Hettish Harriet Goren [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Joyce Hiller Bill Hajdu Dee Ann Dugan John Barry Benintende Santa Barbara County Rick Horner [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Kenneth Emmett [email protected] Christopher Harris Christopher Housh Carolyn Capps Michael Favorite Andrew Kelley Willa Johns [email protected] J. Melville Capps Greg Flores Helen Lechner James Kaufman James Jensen [email protected] Keith Millsap Patrick Lewis [email protected] [email protected] Thomas Dougherty Clyde Steele Loren Louthan Timothy Kershner Alan Johnson [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Mark Lambert [email protected] Ray English* William Wagener Joseph Miller William Little David Lee [email protected] [email protected] Kathleen Paz Karen Martin [email protected] John Flanagan Carole Wagener Deanna Peugeot [email protected] Joyce Lucas-Clark [email protected] [email protected] Glen Montgomery Santa Clara County [email protected] Michael Ford John Russell Richard Nelson Perr Cardestam Wyndham Robertson [email protected] Michael Rusth Richard Pascoe Gilbert Carroll* [email protected] Dale Frederick Richard Schwartz Gregory Russell Pauline Curiel Deanna Grasso Contra Costa County [email protected] Alphonse Rynties Leyla Hansen Kenneth Hamilton Andrew Cleary Edward Sewall [email protected] Mark Hinkle [email protected] [email protected] Richard Stamp Douglas Scribner [email protected] Joseph Henchman Joseph Crandall [email protected] [email protected] Jon Hugdahl [email protected] [email protected] Bruce Thompson Paul Studier [email protected] Damon Hyde Barbara Kowall [email protected] [email protected] Gary Molle* [email protected] Ron Nevels Chuck Valvo Reginald Thatcher [email protected] Sharon Jurist [email protected] [email protected] Michael Vardoulis Marvin Rudin Mark Laythorpe Frank Raymonde Rick Wagner James Vest [email protected] [email protected] Roy Simmons Diana Wheeler Norm Westwell Paul Simoni Robert Mendez [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Ian Noble George Steffner William Wheeler Pol Vanrhee Placer County [email protected] Scott Wilson [email protected] Deborah Walkup Erik Henrikson Don Osberg [email protected] Kennita Watson Marin County Thomas Murphy Wallace Stewart [email protected] El Dorado County Robert Baker [email protected] [email protected] Leonard Salsbury Santa Cruz County Mariposa County Will Swim Bruce Strachan [email protected] [email protected] Skip Matthes Fresno County Eleanor Keuning Linda Strom Christopher Montney Jonathan Richter [email protected] Sacramento County [email protected] Wayne Orwig [email protected] Gary Bingham Monterey County David Turgeon Burnard Brady Sonoma County Kern County Robert Pack [email protected] Teri Kahn Joseph Corey Edward Brochu Refugio Rocha Orange County Stewart Gardner San Francisco County James Bryant Ronald Spradley Samuel B. Allerton James Hansen Tom D’Amico John Dennison* Mike Anfinson Helen Loretz Vernon Dahl Dennis James Los Angeles County Jeff Arneson Eric Lund [email protected] David Reis Robert Abadjian Rod Black [email protected] Philip Leveton Stanislaus County David Argall Geoff Braun* Melissa Manfre James Lowrie Ken Holman [email protected] John Braze Michael McFarland Elizabeth Spurr McCoy Mark Baldwin [email protected] [email protected] Lester Oliver San Mateo County Greg Bashem John Briscoe William E. Thompson Ventura County Rodd Bench [email protected] Jeffrey Byrnes Jackie Walden Richard Dilwith Kim Epperson David Bowers Scott Carroll Raymond Irvine San Benito County [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Kate O’Brien Paul Grannis Robert A. Green J. Diane Boyd Mary Carter Christofer Olson [email protected] Elizabeth Harper [email protected] Kenneth Cummings Tanya Quin [email protected] Michael Conness [email protected] San Bernardino County Bernard Rosenberg Jack Hickey Alan Cuperus Robert Darmanesh Dale Frederick Helen Webb [email protected] [email protected] Kevin Dooley Michalene Douglas [email protected] *Election won by default, will not appear on November ballot. [email protected] Samuel Dorrington Richard Elliott Note: some districts, such as Bay Area Rapid Transit, are shared by more than one [email protected] county. Candidates are listed according to their county of residence. Donald Falkenberg Armondo Estrada 6 LPC Monthly October 2000 LIBERTARIAN PARTISAN CANDIDATES ✔ Find Your Candidates! ✔ Support Your Candidates! ✔ Help Fund Your Candidates!

US Senate Gail Lightfoot [email protected] State Assembly District 1 Josh Gilleo [email protected] US Rep. District 1 Emil Rossi State Assembly District 2 Pete Bret US Rep. District 2 Charles Martin [email protected] State Assembly District 3 Bill Thomason [email protected] US Rep. District 3 D. A. “Art” Tuma [email protected] State Assembly District 5 Gene Frazier [email protected] US Rep. District 4 William Frey [email protected] US Rep. District 5 Cullene Lang [email protected] State Assembly District 6 Richard Olmstead US Rep. District 6 Richard Barton State Assembly District 7 Bill Schoeffler [email protected] US Rep. District 8 Erik Bauman State Assembly District 10 Tom Kohlhepp [email protected] US Rep. District 9 Fred Foldvary [email protected] State Assembly District 11 Frank Manske [email protected] US Rep. District 11 Kathryn A. Russow [email protected] State Assembly District 13 Starchild [email protected] US Rep. District 12 Barbara Less State Assembly District 14 Daniel Burton [email protected] US Rep. District 13 Howard Mora [email protected] US Rep. District 14 Joe Dehn [email protected] State Assembly District 16 Richard [email protected] US Rep. District 15 Ed Wimmers [email protected] State Assembly District 17 Roy Busch US Rep. District 16 Dennis Umphress [email protected] State Assembly District 19 Steve Lundry US Rep. District 17 Rick Garrett [email protected] State Assembly District 20 Mark Werlwas [email protected] US Rep. District 19 Elizabeth Taylor State Assembly District 23 Dana Albrecht [email protected] US Rep. District 20 Arnold Kriegbaum [email protected] State Assembly District 24 Ray Strong [email protected] US Rep. District 21 James Manion [email protected] US Rep. 22 Joe Furcinite [email protected] State Assembly District 25 Jonathan Zwickel [email protected] US Rep. District 23 Roger Peebles [email protected] State Assembly District 27 David Bonino [email protected] US Rep. District 24 Juan Ros [email protected] State Assembly District 28 Roger Ver [email protected] US Rep. District 25 Bruce Acker [email protected] State Assembly District 29 Ron Drioane [email protected] US Rep. District 26 Bill Farley [email protected] State Assembly District 32 Rick Pinkerton [email protected] US Rep. District 27 Ted Brown [email protected] State Assembly District 36 Greg Bashem [email protected] US Rep. District 28 Randall Weissbuch [email protected] US Rep. District 29 Jack Anderson [email protected] State Assembly District 37 Willard Michlin [email protected] US Rep. District 30 Jason Heath [email protected] State Assembly District 38 Philip Baron [email protected] US Rep. District 31 Michael “Mick” McGuire [email protected] State Assembly District 39 Kit Maira [email protected] US Rep. District 32 Bob Weber [email protected] State Assembly District 40 Kelley Ross [email protected] US Rep. District 33 Nathan Craddock [email protected] State Assembly District 41 Colin Goldman [email protected] US Rep. District 36 Daniel Sherman [email protected] State Assembly District 42 Mark Selzer [email protected] US Rep. District 37 Herbert Peters [email protected] US Rep. District 38 Jack Neglia State Assembly District 44 Jerry Douglas [email protected] US Rep. District 39 Keith Gann [email protected] State Assembly District 47 Scott Pacer [email protected] US Rep. District 40 Jay Lindberg State Assembly District 53 Phil Howitt [email protected] US Rep. District 42 John Scott Ballard [email protected] State Assembly District 54 Dale Ogden [email protected] US Rep. District 43 Bill Reed [email protected] State Assembly District 55 Guy Wilson [email protected] US Rep. District 45 Don Hull [email protected] State Assembly District 59 George White [email protected] US Rep. District 46 Richard Boddie [email protected] US Rep. District 47 David Nolan [email protected] State Assembly District 60 Scott Young [email protected] US Rep. District 48 Joe Cobb [email protected] State Assembly District 61 David Kocot [email protected] US Rep. District 49 Doris Ball [email protected] State Assembly District 62 Henry Matus US Rep. District 50 Dave Willoughby [email protected] State Assembly District 63 Ethel Mohler [email protected] US Rep. District 51 Dan Muhe [email protected] State Assembly District 64 Phil Turner [email protected] US Rep. District 52 Mike Benoit [email protected] State Assembly District 65 Bonnie Flickinger [email protected] State Senate District 1 Jon Petersen [email protected] State Senate District 5 Carole Brow [email protected] State Assembly District 67 Autumn Browne [email protected] State Senate District 9 James Eyer [email protected] State Assembly District 68 Richard Newhouse State Senate District 11 Jack Hickey [email protected] State Assembly District 70 Bob Vondruska [email protected] State Senate District 13 John Webster [email protected] State Assembly District 71 Brian Lee Cross [email protected] State Senate District 15 Gordon Sachtjen [email protected] State Assembly District 73 Paul King [email protected] State Senate District 17 John Gibson [email protected] State Assembly District 74 Tom Hohman [email protected] State Senate District 21 Bob New State Senate District 23 Charles Black [email protected] State Assembly District 75 Gary Pietila [email protected] State Senate District 29 Leland Faegre [email protected] State Assembly District 76 David Oakey [email protected] State Senate District 31 Fritz Ward [email protected] State Assembly District 77 Mike Metti [email protected] State Senate District 33 Michael Chacon [email protected] State Assembly District 78 Dennis Triglia [email protected] State Senate District 35 Paul Studier [email protected] State Assembly District 79 Richard Cardulla [email protected] State Senate District 37 Donna Tello [email protected] State Assembly District 80 Susan Marie Weber [email protected] State Senate District 39 Rusty Nichols [email protected] October 2000 LPC Monthly 7 CALIFORNIA UPDATES Executive Director Update: Northern Region Vice Chair: FOCUS ON COMING ELECTION! FRESNO HOSTS CONFERENCE Works to support our 288 candidates The 2000 Conference of Regional Parties of the LPC took place on August 26-27 in Fresno. The annual conference is dedicated to sharing With Operation Breakthrough behind him, LPC information about local activism, elections, fund-raising, infrastructure, Executive Director Juan Ros has shifted focus membership, and outreach. Eighteen persons representing fourteen to the November elections — and the challenge regions attended this year’s conference, participating in the Saturday of generating as much publicity as possible for seminars and the Sunday meeting. the LP and its 288 candidates (305 candidates including those who ran earlier in the year). Sandi Webb presented the attendees a resource guide to the Internet tools that she used to conduct the Recall Quackenbush campaign. JR Ros’s strategy is to generate three or four news Graham described different types and uses of political action releases per week between now and the committees recognized by law and how to use these PACs for local November election — an unusually high output. organizing. Mark Selzer showed us videotapes of several editions of JUAN ROS “The LP is better organized, better funded, and his Libertarian Alternative show for local cable television and talked has more candidates than either the Green or about their production and distribution. Joe Dehn explained the ins and Reform Parties. It is our job to make sure the media is aware of these outs of his newest version of the LPC membership and registration lists. facts,” Ros said. In the Sunday meeting, the attendees discussed Operation (W)e’ll fight to make sure our Libertarian Breakthrough, and where to go with it for the autumn campaign and candidates have their voices heard. for future campaigns. The regional activists present seemed to be generally pleased with the results of the project, with hopes from some that the regional parties will be more involved in the future. There Ros has already started issuing a barrage of news releases recently, was then a round-the-table discussion where each attendee explained including: to the group what their region has been doing. A wide range of regional • A release citing the reasons why the Reform Party will eventually party activities were described. collapse. “That release, issued during the height of the chaotic Reform Party Convention in Long Beach, demonstrated that a Marshall Fritz, Fresno’s greatest gift to liberty, joined us at our Saturday party built around an individual will never last as long as a party evening dinner gathering, where he announced the “Control of — like the LP — founded on solid principles,” Ros explained. Education World Wide Survey”, which he hopes will do for education • A release touting the LPC’s massive candidate slate for the year, what the “World’s Smallest Political Quiz” did for political philosophy. which resulted in a radio interview on Los Angeles’s all-news He also joined us for what is becoming a tradition at the conference KFWB-AM radio station. — the post-dinner gabfest under the stars (well, on the patio, anyway). • A release critical of a proposed bill that would force new gun Carole Brow of San Joaquin summed up the intended result of the buyers to obtain a license before being allowed to purchase a conference when she said, “I have pages of notes and a huge gun. State Chair Mark Hinkle’s statements were picked up by (overwhelming) to-do-list.” several newspapers, including the San Francisco Examiner. The The original tapes of the 1999 and 2000 seminars will be sent to you bill’s author, Assemblyman Jack Scott (D-Pasadena), withdrew for the asking, with the provision that they are returned within a month the bill under threat of a veto from Governor Gray Davis. and that requesters pay for sending and returning shipments. E-mail • A release announcing the six Libertarian candidates who already me if you want to be on the receiving list, and let me know which “won” their elections by default because not enough candidates year(s) you want to have delivered. filing for those offices (see LPC Monthly cover story, September 2000). Hope to see you at the third annual conference in Fresno on 25-26 • A release warning the entertainment industry that the threat of August 2001. government regulation is real. “I issued that one a day after the Rodney Austin, Northern Vice Chair Federal Trade Commission’s report was released criticizing Hollywood’s marketing practices. I was immediately struck by making media appearances, including taping one hour on conservative the irony that an industry with such close ties to the Clinton- host Mark Isler’s cable show “Saving the American Dream,” which Gore administration would find itself in danger of facing airs multiple times over some 15 cable systems in California. Among government regulation under that same administration,” Ros six panelists, Ros was the only Libertarian — which allowed him to pointed out. “Libertarians need to reach out to the entertainment present a unique point of view. industry more aggressively and show them that only Libertarians With just a few weeks to go before November 7, Ros expects his want them to be free. It would be tragic if Hollywood suffers the workload to get heavier. “We’ll do whatever needs to get done, and same fate as the tobacco and gun industries.” we’ll fight to make sure our Libertarian candidates have their voices In addition to increasing his output of news releases, Ros continued heard. This is going to be an exciting election!” Continued in next column 8 LPC Monthly October 2000 NEWS

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING SUMMARY LPC officers and reps meet September 16 The Executive Committee of administrative expenses from a expenses be approved by the Chair was the Libertarian Party of contractor to the office. Various adopted. California met in San Jose on expense lines in the budget were The members of the committee appointed 16 September 2000. increased to reflect new at the last meeting to look into “membership projections of what would be A new “public comment” standards” reported that they had not yet needed for the remainder of the period was on the agenda as the reached a consensus on any recommendation. year. Several members of the first item, but there were no Committee promised to help There was discussion of the lack of a report members of the “public” in with major donor fundraising. on preparations for the 2001 convention. attendance at that time. (LPC JOE DEHN The Treasurer also provided a Jeff Sommer and Elizabeth Brierly were Executive Committee meetings followup report on the incident added to the Convention Oversight have traditionally been open to Regional last year involving forged Committee. observation by any member.) Representative checks, for which we have now A list of candidates for presidential elector The minutes of the July meeting been completely reimbursed by was approved. were approved with minor corrections. the bank. The Executive Director presented a report The Chair gave a brief report concentrating The Executive Director presented a written on Operation Breakthrough. There was on fundraising. The Northern Vice Chair report covering such topics as media, brief discussion of ideas for applying this reported on progress in organizing regions, legislation, voter registration data, concept in future years. and on the regions conference held in fundraising, and miscellaneous staff August. The Southern Vice Chair reported activities. The Committee voted to take a position on various recent demonstrations, including opposing Proposition 34 relating to his own uninvited appearance at a forum The Committee heard a presentation by campaign finances. for his Congressional race. Richard Winger on new proposals for open primaries. A split of the Mono/Inyo region into a The Treasurer presented reports showing region for each county was approved. income and expenses through August and There was a discussion of a concept for The Committee heard a report on the reviewed the various lines in comparison modifying the dues allocation to create situation in Arizona. with the budget. There was discussion of incentives for membership retention; all the numerous issues including the accounting regions together would still get 60% of the There was a discussion of concerns for Operation Breakthrough activities, the money, but the regions which did best at expressed by the U.S. Senate candidate, treatment of “targeted” fundraising in retaining members would get more and the topics including where resources can be general, the shortfall of revenue in the major regions that did worse would get less. most effectively used, the role of candidates donor category, prospects for additional There was discussion of the audit report for in activating members, and policies relating telemarketing revenue, and the shifting of 1999. A policy requiring that the Treasurer’s to use of the mailing list. A proposal to increase the requirements for a region to be considered “active” was discussed but not adopted. Other topics briefly discussed included: assessment and tracking of the progress of the regional organizations, combined newsletters for small regions, how Operations Committee and officer votes should be reported, translation of LP material into Spanish, and IRS reporting requirements for political organizations, The next meeting is scheduled for 16 December in the Los Angeles area.

Reknown scientist Frank Drake spoke at the monthly meeting of the San Benito County This is a summary of the meeting and is Libertarians. Dr. Drake is shaking hands with Kate Woods, Chair of the SBCL. Directly not intended to be replied upon as a com- ■ behind Dr. Drake is the LPC Chair, Mark Hinkle. plete record of business.

October 2000 LPC Monthly 9 REGIONAL CONTACTS LPC OFFICERS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Butte County (R04) Los Angeles County Chair Regional Reps Chair: Cullene Lang (also see following regions) Mark Hinkle East Bay (R-01) [email protected] (530) 894-0744 Chair: Rodger Rosie [email protected] 17545 Chesbro Lake Dr. Frank Manske (510) 329-3046 Colusa County (R06) (562) 865-4089, Morgan Hill, CA 95037 [email protected] Contact: Yvonne Dacoda LA: Antelope Valley (R68) (408) 921-0414 Jeffrey R. Sommer (Alternate) (530) 458-7690 Co-Chair: Greg Bashem (408) 778-1115 (fax) Del Norte County (R08) (510) 537-3212 [email protected], (661) 942-2843 [email protected] Contact: Ronald Thompson [email protected] Northern Vice Chair [email protected] Los Angeles/San Fernando Rodney K. Austin (707) 464-5937 LA: Central (R64) Valley (R-61) 4515 E. Washington Ave. East Bay (R01) Chair: Mark Selzer Bernard Zimring (818) 785-0384 [email protected]. (323) 469-5372 Fresno, CA 93702-2429 (Alameda, Contra Costa) [email protected] (559) 255-5561 Chair: Scott Campanara (801) 382-3282 (fax) Kit Maira (Alternate) [email protected] LA: Long Beach/South Bay (R66) [email protected] (818) 361-5775 Chair: Audrey Carlan [email protected] El Dorado/Alpine (R09) [email protected] Southern Vice Chair Chair: Thomas Frederiksen (310) 377-8273 Ted Brown Orange County (R-30) [email protected] Brian Lee Cross (714) 532-1755 9152 Arcadia Ave. (530) 621-2031 LA: Pasadena/Glendale (R63) San Gabriel, CA 91775 [email protected] Chair: Charles (Karl) Lembke (626) 614-0630 Bill Hajdu (Alternate) Fresno County (R10) [email protected] (626) 286-7837 (fax) (714) 499-9153 x9143 Chair: Jonathan Richter (818) 352-3406 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (559) 434-8274 (559) 264-8875 (fax) Treasurer San Diego County (R- 37) LA: San Fernando Valley (R61) Eric Lund Stephen Cicero (760) 754-1887 Glenn County (R11) Chair: Erich Miller P. O. Box 276513 Contact: Harold White [email protected] [email protected] (818) 708-7925 Sacramento, CA 95827-6513 [email protected], (530) 934-7349 (916) 362-0855 Michael McGinty (Alternate) Gold Country (R03) [email protected] (619) 602-4767 (Alamador, Calaveras, Tuolumne) LA: San Gabriel Valley/East (R67) [email protected] Chair: Albert J. Segalla Chair: George White Secretary [email protected] Santa Clara County (R- 43) [email protected] (209) 728-2887 Sandi Webb (909) 305-0291 Humboldt County (R12) 4250 Yukon Ave. Jascha Lee (408) 267-6740 Simi Valley, CA 93063-1634 [email protected] Chair: Frederick J. Mangels [email protected] LA: Southeast (R65) (805) 526-0958 Allen Rice (Alternate) (707) 443-6568 Chair: David Bowers [email protected] (408) 267-1142 [email protected] [email protected] (562) 862-6083 Imperial County (R13) LP OFFICES Chair: Charles A. Phillips, Jr. National: The Libertarian Party At-Large Reps [email protected] LA: West (R62) 2600 Virginia Ave. NW, Ste. 100 Chair: Eric Fine Lori Adasiewicz (916) 457-4796 (760) 356-4525 Washington, DC 20037 [email protected] [email protected] (310) 836-0276 (202) 333-0008 Inyo County (R14) Split from Mono (202) 333-0072 (fax) José Castañeda (626) 458-5862 Chair: Wayne Ball [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (760) 873-5735 Madera/Mariposa (R20) Chair: Jonathan Ira Zwickel State: Joe Dehn (650) 858-1842 Libertarian Party of California [email protected] (650) 857-1209 (fax) Kern County (R15) 14547 Titus St. #214 (559) 645-5512 [email protected] Chair: Ric Pinkerton Panorama City, CA 91402-4935 (818) 782-8400 (661) 397-4935 Bruce Dovner (310) 327-9005 Marin County (R21) (818) 782-8488 (fax) [email protected] [email protected] Chair: Tammy Austin [email protected] [email protected] Aaron Starr (805) 583-3308 Kings County (R16) (415) 339-7887 Executive Director [email protected] Contact: TBA Juan Ros (818) 782-8400 Elizabeth Brierly (1st Alternate) Lake County (R17) (818) 782-8488 (fax) Mendocino County (R23) Chair: Connel Murray (408) 272-3191 Chair: Ed Kuwatch [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (707) 277-7076 Administrative Assistant (707) 459-3999 John Scott Ballard (2nd Alternate) Alex Goldburt (818) 782-8400 (909) 885-7799 (818) 782-8488 (fax) Lassen County (R18) [email protected] Merced County (R24) [email protected] Contact: TBA, Contact: David Eaton [email protected], (209) 723-7099 10 LPC Monthly Updates shown in bold, italic October 2000 REGIONAL CONTACTS (cont.) Modoc County (R25) Riverside County (R33) San Luis Obispo County (R40) Solano County (R48) Contact: John Howard Chair: Gene Trosper Chair: Ed Moss Chair: William Marshall (530) 233-4277 [email protected] (805) 489-4568 [email protected] (707) 425-1528 [email protected] (909) 244-2630 Mono County (R26) Split from Inyo San Mateo County (R41) Sonoma County (R49) Contact: Marge Tendler Sacramento County (R34) Chair: Jack Hickey Chair: Bill Schoeffler [email protected] Chair: Gene Frazier [email protected] [email protected] Monterey County (R27) [email protected] (650)368-5722 (916) 332-4805 www.LPSM.ORG Chair: Mark Dierolf Stanislaus County (R50) [email protected] Santa Barbara County (R42) Chair: Don DeGroat (831) 753-0507 San Benito County (R35) Contact: Colin Hayward [email protected] Chair: Kate Woods (805) 966-2629 (209) 524-1776 [email protected] Napa County (R28) Sutter/Yuba (R51) Contact: William H. Crain (831) 693-4531 & (831) 693-4532 Santa Clara County (R43) Chair: Todd Herman [email protected] San Bernardino County (R36) Chair: Marv Rudin [email protected] (707) 224-5535 Chair: Steve John [email protected] (530) 673-2208 Nevada County (R29) [email protected] (408) 736-5626 / 738-1353 (fax) Chair: Jon Petersen (909) 391-2749 Tehama County (R52) [email protected] Santa Cruz County (R44) Chair: Ross Crain (530) 527-2676 (530) 272-9320 / 272-9259 (fax) San Diego County (R37) Chair: O. Robert Welch Trinity County (R53) Contact: Richard Rider [email protected] Chair: Jeanne Simmons Orange County (R30) [email protected] (831) 338-4612 [email protected] (530) 623-3185 Chair: Bill Todd (858) 530-1776 / 530-3030 (fax) [email protected] Shasta County (R45) (714) 957-6833 San Francisco County (R38) Chair: Steve Preszler Tulare County (R54) Chair: David Molony [email protected] Contact: Mark Corley [email protected] (530) 222-3338 [email protected] Placer County (R31) (559) 735-0304 Chair: Priscilla Falconi (415) 820-3923 Chair (415) 775-LPSF Party [email protected] Sierra County (R46) Ventura County (R56) (916) 784-1140 Contact: Bill Adasiewicz Chair: Saul Rackauskas San Joaquin County (R39) (530) 288-3288 [email protected] (805) 987-5567 / 987-1828 (fax) Plumas County (R32) Chair: Carole Brow [email protected] [email protected] Contact: Daniel Howe Siskiyou County (R47) (209) 759-3733 Yolo County (R57) [email protected] Chair: Glenda Thomas Chair: Eric S. Lund (530) 284-6499 [email protected] [email protected] (530) 436-2687 (916) 362-0855 IMPORTANT INFORMATION LPC Monthly Online Option Renewing Your Membership Want to get the news from LPC Monthly sooner? Save trees? Renewal notices are sent to members whose expiration date is You can use two new services that let you turn your hardcopy coming up. Just return your dues payment in the accompanying subscription into an online one. First, an E-mail notification envelope and your membership at the national, state, and local level service lets you know when a new issue is available online. will be renewed for one year. Second, if you no longer want to receive the hardcopy version Address Changes you can ask for it not to be mailed. Let the LP know if you move! Send your address change notice to the national office (or do it online at Making your subscription an online one is simple. Just use the member-services.html). If you are moving out of state but want to form that has been provided for this purpose on the LPC member continue as an LPC member or continue subscribing to LPC Monthly, services page at: please also notify the state office so we can make the necessary arrangements to keep you on our list. Fill in the information, including your E-mail address, and you’ll start Address Labels receiving a notice of each issue by E-mail instead of the hardcopy. The address label on your newsletter provides important information relating to your membership. On the line above your name, you You also have the option of getting the online notice but still will find a nine-digit number. Please mention this number in any receiving the hardcopy. Simply subscribe to the LPC’s correspondence relating to your membership. On the same line you announcement list by sending a message to will also find a two-digit number identifying the LPC region with [email protected] which you are affiliated. See the listing above to find out the name of with “subscribe” in the subject line. your region and who to contact for information about local activities.

October 2000 LPC Monthly 11 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Mont h ly SAN DIEGO, CA 14547 Titus St. #214•Panorama City CA 91402-4935 PERMIT NO. 25


If it is to be, It is up to me.

Membership Application

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