Olympic Scholarship for 2014: A Helping Hand to Olympic Hopefuls - Valya and Vita Semerenko Shotlist

IOC Olympic Solidarity Films - VNR Transcript

Valya Semerenko & Vita Semerenko - -

TIME CODE DESCRIPTION TRANSLATION - English TRANSCRIPT - Russian 00:00 INTERVIEW QUESTIONS VALYA SEMERENKO 00:04 Q. In what ways has IOC's Olympic Solidarity Programme helped you in your career and on your … Olympic journey to Sochi-2014? 00:08 Valya Semerenko Sound byte (Russian Lang) I am very grateful to the Olympic Committee and this (program) "Olympic Solidarity" for the fact that it supports athletes. Because, really, athletes may go through hardships and may need some support, especially in an Olympic year, and it (this Programme) helped us a lot in a sense that I could afford to improve my nutrition and my physical fitness, recover and rest in a better way, have some treatments and other things. Thanks to everyone who helps athletes. Я очень благодарна Олимпийскому Комитету и этой (программе)"Олимпийской Солидарности" за то, что она поддерживает спортсменов. Потому что, действительно, у спортсменов бывают такие трудности, что нужно их поддержать, особенно, в олимпийский год, и она очень нам помогла в том плане, что я могла себе позволить и улучшить питание, и улучшить физическую подготовку, улучшить себе отдых, лечение и все. Спасибо всем, кто помогает спортсменам. 00:48 INTERVIEW QUESTIONS VITA SEMERENKO 00:51 Q. What does it mean for you to compete at the 2014 ? 00:56 Vita Semerenko Sound byte (Russian Lang) Well, this competition is held every 4 years. In principle, it is no different to a stage in the World Cup, but everybody is focusing on it because it is held once in 4 years, and, in principle, for me it will be massive to participate in these Olympic Games, because of my age and maturity, so to speak, which I have achieved in biathlon. Ну, это соревнования, которые проходят раз 4 года. В принципе, они такие же самые как этап Кубка мира, но все ставят такой акцент потому, что они проходят раз в 4 года, и, в принципе, для меня это будет солидным - выступить на этих Олимпийских играх, потому что уже как бы и возраст, и созрела, можно так сказать в биатлоне, 01:27 Q. How does the bond you have with your sister help you in your life as an athlete? 01:32 Vita Semerenko Soundbyte (Russian Lang) Well, of course, it is very nice when you have someone of your own blood close to you, because biathlon is not an easy sport - there you have both some joyful moments and sad ones as well. When you feel sad you can come and cry on a family shoulder, you will be understood and supported. So it helps to have this family link in the team. Ну, конечно, очень приятно, когда у тебя есть родная кровинушка близко, потому что биатлон это нелегкий вид спорта - здесь есть и радостные моменты, и грустные. Когда грустно - можно придти и поплакаться на родное плечо, тебя поймут и поддержат. Так что, мне помогает, когда родная связь есть в команде. 02:01 INTERVIEW QUESTIONS GRIGORIY SHAMRAY - COACH 02:06 Q. In what respect has the IOC's Olympic Solidarity Programme helped Vita and Valya on their journey to Sochi? 02:10 Grigoriy Shamray Sound byte (Russian Lang) I believe, for any sportsman it is essential "to climb the Olymp" and participate in Olympic Games in their sport careers. And when an athlete has already secured a place in the Olympics, it is important to compete for the medals. In order to achieve that for the past few years, for the second Olympics in a row, there is that Solidarity Programme which helps a lot to our Ukrainian athletes, including Vita and Valya. The funds are used to provide good nutrition, because athletes perform strenuous exercise, and a good recovery is necessary, that is, visiting fitness facilities, treatments, even spa .. And, of course, a high-quality nutrition. Я думаю, для каждого спортсмена, чтобы взойти на Олимпийский Олимп и в спортивной деятельности - это самое важное участие - участие в Олимпийских играх. А когда спортсмен уже поучаствовал в Олимпийских играх - это борьба за медали. И чтобы этого добиться на протяжении уже нескольких лет - вторую Олимпиаду - программа "Солидарность" очень сильно помогает нашим украинским спортсменам, в том числе, Вите и Вале. Это идет использование для качественного питания, потому что спортсмен выполняет большие физические нагрузки - значит, если большие физические нагрузки, необходимо качественное восстановление, то есть, это посещение фитнеса, это лечебные процедуры, это где-то санаторное лечение.. Ну и, конечно, качественное питание. 02:57 INTERVIEW QUESTIONS OLIVIER NAIMKEY, HEAD OF ATHLETES SECTION, IOC 03:03 Q. What is the central mission of Olympic Solidarity 03:06 Olivier Niamkey Sound byte (English lang) The Central Mission of Olympic Solidarity is to redistribute the broadcast rights belonging to the NOC from the Olympic Games. And the IOC has decided to redistribute those funds through various programmes dedicated to athletes, to coaches, administrators and the promotion of the Olympic Values. So all the National Olympic Committees can benefit from those programmes and we are working from Lausanne with all the National Olympic Committees of the World to implement different activities for the development of sports.

03:43 Q. What are the challenges athletes face, where the Olympic Solidarity programme can make a real difference? 03:46 Olivier Niamkey Sound byte (English lang) It's very important for an athletes to be able to attend competition, those competition happens around the world, there is travel costs, it's very difficult to have a job at the same time so those athletes need funding, need help and for some countries we all know that the sports is not the number one priority and some athletes has absolutely no help, no assistance. So despite the fact that they have the potential to be at the Games they lack the fund and this is where Olympic Solidarity can assist and the majority of the athletes who give us feedback about our programme tell us that without this funding they wouldn't have been able to qualify for the Games.

04:28 Q. How has the programme evolved and are you looking forward to how its going to work in Sochi? 04:33 Olivier Niamkey Sound byte (English lang) The programme has been operational for two Winter season now and we're very happy to see that many more NOCs, more athletes are involved in the Programme. So now we are looking forward to follow their results, see what exactly are the benefit of the Programme and we're really exciting to meet our Scholarship holders in Sochi. Sochi will be also very interesting because there will be new events and we have a few Scholarship holders in those events and we are looking forward to see how, how it works. 05:07 GVs Vita & Vlaya Semerenko in competition GVs of Coach 06:47 END OF VNR