
Downloading YouTube Videos & Storing/Sharing Instructional Video:

YouTube Download Options

There are many options but below are some current favorites. Sites and browser add-ons come and go! Regardless of what method you use to download, keep the following in mind:

Video File Type

For best results, you want to download & convert the file to H.264 .mp4 format. .mp4 will almost always be provided as an option. If you see an additional check box for H.264, click that too.


If you want download YouTube videos and host them through a CPS resource (MediaCAST, CPS Google, Aspen), you should seek permission from the producer before you download and share the videos. You should also acknowledge the source of the video in the video title or description.

Free Download Tools

Clipconverter http://clipconverter.cc

1. Copy and paste the URL from YouTube into the URL box, click continue

2. On the next screen, accept all of the default settings. Click only MP4 and START

3. Click download and you’re done!

NOTE: If you want to use the faster download option, click the download with accelerator box. You will have to go through a few more steps but just follow the prompts. You will only have to go through the accelerator process once on your machine. It’s worth the trouble!

Other tools to download YouTube videos:

Chrome Add On: clipconverter.cc http://www.clipconverter.cc/addonchrome/

Firefox Add On: Video DownloadHelper 4.9.2 by mig The easy way to download and convert Web videos from hundreds of YouTube-like sites. This works also for audio and picture galleries. Add to Firefox

MediaCAST A District-owned media management and distribution system

Advance Planning Uploading to MediaCAST takes a bit of advance planning but once a few key initial actions are completed, it’s a breeze!

If you don’t want to be bothered with advance planning (browser updates, etc.), email one of your building ICTS staff colleagues, or Melanie Nash in the TRC, to ask him/her to upload your files to MediaCAST.

You will need to provide:

● The file, shared in Google Drive, preferably in .mp4 format ● The title of the video; unit, topic, grade level and/or course ● Keywords that describe the content (so other students or colleagues can locate it) ● An expiration date or password you want associated with the video, if any

Ask your colleague to also generate a URL to the video and share the link with you. The link will allow you to share the content with students, parents, etc.

If you want to upload yourself, you will need:

● CPS network privileges to upload ● The latest versions of Firefox and Sun Java. ● Ask your ICTS team to request upload privileges for you from Nelson Perez.

If using a school machine, ask an ICTS colleague to update Firefox and Java for you (admin credentials are required). Whatever machine/device you plan to use to upload files (personal or school), please do the below before attempting an upload to MediaCAST.

Lower the JAVA security settings

On a MAC: System Preferences/Java

Click on the SECURITY tab and click/add the information as it appears below

If prompted to click APPLY, click APPLY then OK

Download Or Update Firefox Update directly from the Mozilla site (don’t click “update” in the browser). Follow the download instructions. If prompted to replace the older version of the browser after dragging the icon into the Applications folder, click YES.

**Note, as of March 2015, you can upload from Chrome. Minimum settings are Chrome version: 41.0.2272.76 (64-bit), OSX 10.8.5

Uploading to MediaCAST

When you’ve obtained your network permission to upload, and Java and Firefox (or Chrome) have been updated, you need one other piece of information before you start the upload process: the of the video.

To determine the file type:

On a MAC, highlight the video file and click COMMAND + i Note the KIND of file and if, under , you see H.264

Go to MediaCAST Login with your CPS network credentials Click on the tab Click UPLOAD A RESOURCE

Click the file type (kind). If you saw H.264 in the coded mentioned above, choose H.264.

Add descriptive information

Add subject headings (optional)

Select an expiration date, if applicable

Select the file

You may have to enable Java after it starts to load, see below

After the file uploads, you will see this screen again. Click FINISHED.

To generate a link to the video (so viewers do not have to login to MediaCAST)

Choose advanced URL

Enter your CPS network credentials (the same user id and password you used to login to MediaCAST)

Copy the link

Click PREVIEW to see the video, or just paste the URL you copied into an email to viewers

File conversion tools:

Mac: Videomonkey, MPEGStreamclip or http://clipconverter.cc PC: use website