The Parish LANTERN The magazine for Kenwyn with St Allen, Zelah, Allet and Shortlanesend June - July 2020 Church Directory Vicar: Rev Chris Parsons 01872 263015 (day off Friday) email:
[email protected] Ordained Local Minister (retired): Rev Bob Humphries 01872 862827 email:
[email protected] Reader: Tess Dean: 01872 279794 email:
[email protected] Worship Leader: John Dean: 01872 279794 Churchwardens: Kenwyn: Sally Searle: 01872 859170 Martin Wright: 01872 222264 email:
[email protected] St Allen: Adrian Hare: 01872 540307 David Burgess: 01872 263935 Parish administrator and PCC Secretary: Helen Perry: 01872 277117 email:
[email protected] Bell ringing: Norman: 01872 242569 Choir and organist: Angela Gilbert: 01872 277725 email:
[email protected] Mothers’ Union: Tess Dean: 01872 279794 email:
[email protected] Wednesday Fellowship: Jean: 01872 271658 Flower arrangers: Val: 01872 222037 To hire the Lychgate room please contact Helen Perry: 01872 277117 email:
[email protected] Parish Magazine editor: Jenny King: 01872 225661 email:
[email protected] Please submit items for the August/September 2020 magazine by July 15th thank you From the Vicarage There has been much activity in our garden of late, with several different kinds of birds on our feeders, not to mention the squirrels! Sometimes we have had as many as five at a time chasing round the garden. I have failed completely to stop them from getting at the bird food, especially peanuts and fat balls. Grease on the pole from which the feeders hang didn’t stop them for long, nor did all other kinds of deterrents tied to the pole – in fact it helped them! However, I think I may have cracked it at last by hanging the fat balls on a very thin branch of a tree which will not take their weight, but even then I wouldn’t be surprised if they find their way around this in the end! I can see their brains ticking over as they eye it up from the ground.