at 7pm on Tuesday 25th June 2019, at St. James the Less Church Hall, St James Avenue, , E2 9JD

OLD FORD ROAD – RESIDENTS’ MEETING Please come along to St James the Less Church Hall on 25th June from 7-9pm to hear from the Mayor and Council officials about local traffic and environmental issues affecting Old Ford Road…

Attending from LBTH

• Mayor John Biggs • Cllr Sirajul Islam, Statutory Deputy Mayor & Cabinet Member for Housing • Cllr David Edgar, Cabinet Member for Environment • Cllr Ahbab Hossain, Ward Member for Bethnal Green • Cllr Dan Tomlinson, Ward Member for North. • Margaret Cooper, Head of Engineering for Public Realm • Dan Jones, Divisional Director for Public Realm


1. Improving the quality of life in Tower Hamlets/Bethnal Green – the bigger picture

a) Update on the “Neighbourhood Refresh” (walkabout September 2018) b) Air Quality - implementation of the Tower Hamlets Local Air Quality Action Plan c) Resident engagement and consultation

2. Old Ford Road - general update/overview

a) Update on the LBTH road improvement scheme b) Transport for London proposals for the Hackney to Cycling and Walking improvements – potential knock-on effect on Old Ford Road

3. Old Ford Road – specific issues/proposals

a) Incidents of accidents since the scheme’s introduction b) 20 mph speed enforcement c) Buses – speeding, safety d) Cycling – provision for safe cycling on Old Ford Road e) Trees and greening of the road

4. Any Other Business

Further information – please contact: [email protected] (No.134)