Paris Universal Exhibition 1878 Despatch of Secretary of State
(No. 6.) 1877. SESSION III. TASMANIA. H O USE O F AS SE M BLY. PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1878: DESPATCH OF SECRETARY OF' STATE. Laid upon the Table by the Colonial Secretary, and ordered by the House to be . printed,July 13, 1877. IJowning-street,- I6th Februarjj;· f 877. Sm, . ~- · _I HAVJ~· ~~e' honor _tq ttarisriiif fo• youth~ accompanying· copy of a letter wl1ich His Royal Highne}3s· th:e· Prince of Wales has been pleased to addi·e·ss to me, expressing the. pleasure which His Royal .ijighness will- feel in learning that.the Colonies have determined to take a prominent part at the Paris universal Exhibition of l878. 2. The distinguished suc~ess which crowned the labours of the.Colonial Commissioners _at the Philadelphia Exhibition in 1876, encourages me to hope that no effort will be wanting on: the- part of your Government to respond to the wishes of His Royal Highness. 3. The services of Mr. Owen, whom His Royal Highness has appointed Secretary fo the Royal Commissioners, will be at the disposal of any Colonial- Governinents desiring to· have recourse to them. 4. I request that you will lay this despatch before your Ministers. i have, the honoi to be, Sir, Your most obedient humble Servant~ , CARNARVON. The Officer administering the Government of Tasmania . -·-·' - - --·-·- . ·- ... H.R.H. the Prince o/ Wales to the Ea'rl of Carnarvon. (Copy.) Marlborougli House, Pali .,'waiz: S. W., 23rd January, ]"877. M-Y Loff.0,, I BEG, as President of Her Majesty's Commissioners for the Paris U niver~al Exhibiti~n of 1878, to1 1:ra'iisiliit fo' you.Y Loi·dship the enclosed pi'inted document containing' an extract from the London G_azette of the, 23rd _January, nomin~ting a Royal Commission appointed by Her l\fajesty for advancing; sh fai- as Great Britain, the Indian Empire, and the Colonies and Dej:iei'ideilci'es are concerned, the objects which the Paris Exhibition has in view .
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