ITCHINGFIELD PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Virtual Meeting held on Monday 27th April 2020

The Clerk invited all Cllrs to join the Meeting by Video Conference Call Present on the Video Conference Call: Cllr Penny Simpson – Chairman Cllr Victoria Barrett Cllr Brian O’Connor Cllr Sarah Peay Cllr Alan Peers Cllr James Sheppard Cllr Alan Strudley

The Clerk Jan Critchley

District Cllrs and County Cllrs had been asked to send in their reports to the Clerk by email.

42 Addition to Standing Orders - Meetings The following to be added to Parish Council Standing Orders – “In the event of the necessity of holding a virtual Parish Council Meeting, the Clerk is authorised to request of the general public that questions/comments for the attention of the Parish Council are submitted to her at least 24 hours ahead of said Meeting”. Agreed unanimously and adopted. Action

43 Apologies for Absence – Cllr Sanjeev Joshi.

44 Minutes of the last Meeting The Minutes of the meeting had been circulated to all Cllrs for approval. The Minutes were approved by all Cllrs present on the Conference Call. The Chairman then accepted the Minutes and signed her copy which she will send to the Clerk. Action

45 Matters arising from the Minutes The following Matters Arising had been circulated to all Cllrs prior to the meeting. All Cllrs present on the Conference Call approved the following matters arising. 1. Minute 30:2 New Pathway on Chapel Road – The Clerk has received an email from Tom King, Senior Highway Steward at WSCC who has taken over from Chris Stark. He requested a site plan for the installation of more bollards which the Parish Council will be paying for. The Clerk to liaise with Paul Allen and get back to Tom on this matter. Secondly, the Clerk to also send Tom a copy of Chris Stark’s email in which Action he states that WSCC will replace the shrubbery that was taken out when the new path was created. The Clerk Action to also ask Tom whether the WSCC would consider cutting back the vegetation on the bend in Chapel Road opposite 1 The Barn and Slaughterford Bungalow as it makes it narrow and dangerous on the actual bend. Action

2. Minute 30:5 – Network Rail Vehicles Parking on new pathway in Chapel Road – Paul Allen has met with Robert Hannah of Network Rail to discuss two issues: 1) What needs to be done to put right damage and protect the verge in future. This will hopefully be resolved by the installation of more bollards, to which Network Rail would be willing to contribute and the re-planting by WSCC (see above). 2) What can Network Rail do to stop their employees and contractors parking by the level crossing in the future. It was discussed that Network Rail will contact Simon Smith with regard to parking at Sumners Ponds in the future. Obviously, no action can be taken at the present time with Sumners Ponds being closed due to the lockdown with Coronavirus Covid-19. Action

46 Planning Applications – all Cllrs had received details on the following planning application ahead of the meeting. All Cllrs present on the Conference Call approved the following representation: 1. New Applications DC/20/0751. Ms Frances Humphreys. 3 Jessamine Terrace, Two Mile Ash - Two storey rear extension with pitched roof to rear of property. The only concerns that Itchingfield Parish Council has with this application is that the proposed 1st Floor roof and supporting wall encroach on the adjacent property No. 4 Jessamine Terrace. This could affect the scope for a similar extension being carried out by the owner of No.4. Otherwise the Parish Council has no objections and would recommend for approval.

2. DC/19/1897 With regard to DC/19/1897 – the erection of a continuing care retirement community of up to 141 units of accommodation and community facilities, the Parish Council recommended this application for refusal in September 2019. The Chairman will re-send a copy of our objection letter to our District Cllrs Tricia Youtan and Stuart Ritchie and copy in District Cllr Claire Vickers so they are all aware of what our objections are and what the implications and impact will be on the Itchingfield Neighbourhood Plan if this application is approved. Action The Clerk to write to HDC Planning Department with the above representations. . Action

47 Report by County and District Councillors – All reports have been requested by email ahead of the meeting. District Cllr Tricia Youtan sent the following report: 1. “I have asked that a police car patrols slowly through Barns Green, and in early evenings as local very bored teenagers have been congregating. I have every sympathy with these teenagers but they are causing a potential risk.” 2. The ‘Inspired Living’s planning application for Wellcross is due to come before a virtual meeting of the Development North Planning Committee on 5th May. I have repeatedly asked for a site visit for all relevant Councillors and yesterday the Officer from HDC sent out an email saying Councillors were welcome to do this independently. The likelihood of this occurring I would suggest is low, but hopefully some may do so. I think that it is risible that the applicants’ have chosen a site with three outstanding issues! Notification that it was going before Committee only came out yesterday afternoon so first thing on Monday I am, going to suggest it is far too big a decision to be made at this time and will revert to you if I succeed in delaying it yet again.

County Cllr Amanda Jupp sent the following report: 1. “With regard to Public Rights of Way, current Government advice is that if landowners and PRoW users adhere to national advice with regard to social distancing in open spaces, the risk to them is considered very low and as such PRoW should remain open. Therefore, there is currently no legislation in , as exists in Wales, that permits the closure of PRoW for Covid- 19 reasons. Should this change WSCC will of course respond as necessary. If PRoW users have concerns about their ability to practice social distancing on their local PRoW, they should consider alternative routes for their daily exercise. I would also stress that users of our PRoW should follow the countryside code and keep their dogs on the lead, particularly as it is lambing time. 2. You may be interested to know that since the “lockdown”, West County Council has been circulating daily newsletters to care providers covering various aspects of information and support. This has included information on Personal Protection Equipment - the Public Health England guidance on PPE and how to access PPE, which the Council has been distributing on behalf of the Local Resilience Forum. 3. With regard to testing, there are four sites available across Sussex for key worker staff. Home Testing is available for those who cannot attend a drive thru; this is offered by the Sussex Booking Hub which has been commissioned by SECAmb and the Sussex Community Foundation Trust. 4. As you are probably aware, are working in conjunction with the District and Borough Councils, together with Parish, Neighbourhood and Town Councils, to identify and help vulnerable and older people together with those who are on the “shielded” list. I know from postings on Facebook that the Barns Green and Itchingfield community have been magnificent in their response to the crisis and I would be extremely grateful if you could pass on my thanks to all involved. 5. At present, our schools remain open for children with education health care plans and special educational needs, as well as for the children of keyworkers. As yet we have not received any notification from government as to when schools are likely to fully reopen. 6. Finally, if anyone has any queries, please could you ask them to email me on: [email protected].. Please give my best wishes to everyone and I hope they are all keeping safe and well. No report was received from District Cllr Stuart Ritchie.

48 Neighbourhood Plan The Chairman reported that the Plan has now been submitted to HDC so we are now waiting to see what HDC have to say about it. This is now at Regulation 16 stage.

49 Accounts for Payment 1. There are nine payments to be paid. The following list of cheques to be paid had been circulated by the Clerk ahead of the Meeting and all Cllrs present on the Conference Call approved the following cheques for payment: £28.50 to EE Home Broadband in respect of the Internet Service for April 2020.

£5,760.00 to Dowsettmayhew in respect of planning advice in the preparation of Itchingfield Neighbourhood Plan. £545.93 to WSALC in respect of annual subscription for WALC and NALC 2020/2021. £48.45 to SSE, final invoice for unmetered supply from 24 Dec 2019 to 18 Mar 2020. The supply was disconnected on 18 Mar 2020. £500.00 to Age UK, in respect of a grant as agreed at November 2019 meeting. £500.00 to Citizens Advice Horsham in respect of a grant agreed at the February 2020 meeting. £600.00 to Air Ambulance Kent Surrey Sussex, in respect of a grant as agreed at the March 2020 meeting. £143.88 to Zoom Video Communications in respect of an annual subscription to Zoom Pro. £1,016.00 to the Clerk comprising of £951.44 salary for April 2020 and £64.60 expenses.

50 Correspondence 1. The Clerk had received an email from the Barns Green Tennis Club setting out some of the targets that the Committee has achieved over the last couple of years and requesting a further grant from the Parish Council towards new fencing and a water supply. The Clerk has written to the Tennis Club to say that the Parish Council will consider their request at a later date due to the current situation and keep their request on file. The Clerk to circulate the correspondence to the Cllrs. Action 2. The Clerk reported that she had circulated an email regarding a CIL payment that the Parish Council has received. Cllr Victoria Barrett said that it is similar to Section 106 Money that can be used for new projects within the next five years.

51 Barns Green Cobra – Our Village Response to the Coronavirus. Cllr James Sheppard reported that the only request he has had from the Barns Green Cobra Team is for the Parish Council to act as a conduit/host for funds that are being made available by HDC under the ‘ Covid-19 Appeal’ to reimburse volunteers that may be out of pocket due to helping out parishioners during the Coronavirus crisis. The Clerk and Cllr James Sheppard to get more clarity from HDC on this fund, where the money is coming from and how volunteers will be reimbursed before the Clerk completes the necessary form. Action

52 Grant to BEAT, area’s Community First Responder Scheme Cllr James Sheppard confirmed that with BEAT we have found the right charity team to maintain our defibrillator. BEAT was originally set up by six people as a charity to look after their own defibrillator in Billingshurst. BEAT are now responsible for 40 defibrillators, some of which are owned by them, some by SECAmb and the rest by Parish Councils. After deliberation by the Cllrs, Cllr James Sheppard made a proposal to support BEAT with £300.00 grant to be reviewed each year. This grant will include BEAT maintaining our defibrillator and reporting back to us on an annual yearly basis, seconded by Cllr Brian O’Connor, agreed unanimously. The Clerk raised a Cheque cheque for £300.00. Raised Cllr Alan Strudley suggested that it would be a good idea to have a sign up in the Barns Green Sports and Social Club stating where the nearest defibrillator is located. Cllr Victoria Barrett will look into this when the Club is open again. Action

53 Highways Nothing more to report.

54 AOB

1. The Chairman said that if the planning application goes through regarding Herons Reach and the Village Stores, the Parish Council will need to talk to David and Pippa Heritage regarding the Red Kiosk which is sited outside the Village Stores and is owned by the Parish Council. 2. Cllr Brian O’Connor said that there is a large pothole at the top of Westons Hill that urgently needs repairing. Cllr Brian O’Connor will report it again on ‘Love West Sussex’.

55 Date of Next Meeting Monday 18th May 2020. This meeting will be preceded by the AGM. The Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance at this virtual meeting. There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.00pm.