Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2016) #25 “With This Ring”

Writer: Neil Bogenrieder Assistant Writer: Mohammed Jaafar Editor: Mark Alford

Preferred art team: Stephan Sejic

[Page 1]

[Panel 1: Close up of a shot of two champagne glasses clinking in the air. In the background the lyrics to Corinne Bailey Rae’s “Put Your Records On” can be faintly seen, to indicate a secondary noise and theme to the environment.]

???: By the power vested in me by the state of New York, I now declare you…. Wife and wife?

I dunno, how do you say it?

???: Trust me, I don’t think there’s any “proper” way to nail down a lesbian wedding.

I say we just roll with it.

???: I can toast to that.

[Panel 2: Zoom outwards. We see that the location is none other than Carlie Cooper’s apartment; Yuri is nowhere to be found, and that means that Peter and Carlie have the night to themselves for a last minute rehearsal before her wedding. While Peter isn’t anywhere close to drunk (Superhuman tolerance levels) Carlie is slightly tipsy, signified by little bubbles, and wearing one of her NYPD hoodies.]

Carlie: You’d better. You’re my best man.

Thanks for coming over last-minute to do this… rehearsal thing.

Peter: My pleasure. Gotta justify the whole best friend every once and awhile.

Carlie: You said it, not me.

[Panel 3: Carlie swivels her champagne glass around, subtly trying to get conversation out of Peter.]

Carlie: Sooooooo…. How’s the family? Sidekick?

Peter: Well, Annie’s growing up faster than I can keep up.

MJ’s great. You’d think I don’t deserve her, and you’d probably be right. Especially given the whole Spidey thing.

And Cindy? She’s doing fine. I think it’s great that her only friend isn’t her boss and she’s talking to other people.

The Young were a good call for her.

[Panel 4: Peter gestures over to Carlie, who has a slightly tipsy smile on her face.]

Peter: But!

We are not here to talk about me and my personal life. Let’s talk about yours!

I mean, for God’s sake, you’re getting married tomorrow!

Carlie: That is true.

I’ll admit, it’s a little freaky.

[Panel 5: Carlie places her glass on the coffee table, smirking at Peter as she leans forwards.]

Carlie: Not freaky that I love Yuri. Because, god, I love her so much.

It’s more the idea that we’re gonna be spending the rest of our lives together.

Nothing prepares you for that.

Peter: As a wise woman named Carlie Cooper once told me, spontaneity is the spice of life.

Carlie: When have I ever said that?

Peter: Five seconds ago, when I made that whole thing up.

[Page 2]

[Panel 1: Peter leans back into the chair he’s sitting in, allowing it to slightly recline as he does a finger gun with his free hand.]

Peter: Still, it’s just a ceremony, and a reception. And then, boom. Honeymoon.

You’re gonna nail this.

Carlie: I hope so.

[Panel 2: Carlie pulls up her bottom shirt, causing Peter to choke on his drink.]

Carlie: Hey. Heyheyhey.

You wanna see something cool?

Peter: Carlie--kafck!

[Panel 3: Large panel. Carlie has lifted her shirt enough to show Peter a tattoo: specifically, one of the Spider-symbol. It’s stock enough that it could be just some random spider, but close enough to the web-slinger’s logo that it can be recognized.]

Carlie: Ta-da!

Peter: A… a Spider-Man tat?

That’s… new.

Carlie: Yep!

Figured it would give us something to disagree over now that she’s not on a Spider-Man hate rampage.

Peter: So… you got ink to piss off your fiancé?

[Panel 4: Carlie shrugs, moving to sit again as she pulls down her shirt.]

Carlie: Yep. I figure it’s a way to divert her attention when things get a little heavy.

Peter: Well, I’m glad to be of assistance.

[Panel 5: Peter puts his glass down, turning somewhat serious as his mouth sinks inward.]

Peter: So, uh, serious question. What’s going to happen to the whole “Hey, honey, my best friend is your worst enemy” thing, now that she’s not really working the whole “worst enemy” part?

[Panel 6: Carlie’s paused, unsure if she wants to make a leap here.]

Carlie: …

[Page 3]

[Panel 1: Carlie pinches the bridge of her nose, as she tries to clear her head. Peter, on the other hand ]

Carlie: I want to be honest with you Peter.

Because you might not like what I’m going to say.

Peter: Okay, if you think I’m gonna get mad, you probably have a good reason and I’m your best friend.

As long as you’re not telling me you murdered somebody, I think we’ll be fine.

[Panel 2: Carlie smiles warmly. Either it’s a bit of tipsiness or she’s genuinely happy that Peter’s there for her.]

Carlie: Thanks.

[Panel 3: Carlie leans in, talking to Peter as he also leans in, to show that he’s listening to her.]

Carlie: Peter, I don’t want to keep secrets from Yuri.

I love her too much to do that.

[Panel 4: Peter puts his hand to his chin, realizing what she’s implying.]

Peter: You want to tell her about me being Spider-Man.

[Panel 5: Carlie tries desperately to explain herself, using hand animations as Peter tries to calm her down.]

Carlie: I… yeah, I do, because I don’t want to start a life with her with a lie.

[Panel 6: Peter raises a hand; he’s still thinking this through, but his initial support is there.]

Peter: I understand. Believe me, I do.

Which is why I told Mary Jane before I proposed the second time.

Carlie: And did you ever regret telling her, if she didn’t already know?

Peter: Not for a second.

[Page 4]

[Panel 1: Peter’s facial expression is one of apprehension. He’s clearly putting a lot of thought into this.]

Peter: But there are times when I question if I should have.

You remember the whole Doc Ock thing.

Carlie: Yeah.

Peter: Everyday I’m afraid that’s going to repeat

But then I look at Mary Jane and Annie and... that fear passes.

[Panel 2: Peter looks up to Carlie, as he continues smiling.]

Peter: So, no. I don’t regret telling her.

Because I didn’t want our life to start with a lie.

[Panel 3: Peter stands up, grabbing his bag as Carlie watches him.]

Peter: That said… you have my permission to tell her.

If you feel, deep down, that it’s needed. That you can’t live without telling her.

But can you honestly tell me that, after three years, when she finds out I’m Spider-Man, Yuri is just gonna let me go?

Carlie: Honestly? I don’t know.

But ever since the whole Marcus Lyman fiasco? Yuri doesn’t… hate you anymore. And that’s a start.

[Panel 5: Peter stands, holding his mask with a somber glance.]

Peter: ...I hope so, too.

Which is why I’m putting my faith in you.

I trust you and your judgment.

If you feel Yuri is ready, then go for it.

[Panel 6: Carlie looks down at the floor, smiling with a similar somber smiling.]

Carlie: Thanks, Pete.

And that’s why you’re my best friend. ​ ​

[Page 5]

[Panel 1: Peter opens the door, as he turns back to look at Carlie.]

Peter: I know.

Hey, chin up. Best day of your life tomorrow.

Gotta go home and make sure my suit’s pressed and that the family’s all rested up. Then swing by ESU and pick up Cindy.

See you at the chapel in the morning?

Carlie: Heh. Yeah, tomorrow.

[Panel 2: Rafter shot of the apartment, as Peter closes the door behind him.]

[Panel 3: Forward shot of Carlie, as she buries her face in her hands. She’s clearly in conflict.]

[Panel 4: Same panel, only Carlie’s laid back on her couch.][Page 6]

[Panel 1: Large panel to indicate a scene change to Yuri’s hotel room . Yuri is in her room ironing out her police uniform. Steam is coming out of the iron, and Yuri is in a t-shirt and jeans.]

[Panel 2: Small panel. Yuri hears a knock at the door, visibly looking up to acknowledge it.]

[Panel 3: Yuri, at the door, opens it to Carlie standing at the entrance.]

Carlie: Hey, babe.

Yuri: Carlie!

Hey, you okay?

[Panel 4: Carlie walks in, eyes bagged behind her glasses.]

Carlie: Well, given that we’re not supposed to see each other before the wedding…

I thought it warranted knocking.

Yuri: Ok, come in.

Carlie: Thanks

Yuri: So, what is it that you came to do? You’re not having second thoughts, are you?

Carlie: No. No, no, no.

I do want to marry you. ​ ​

[Panel :Carlie takes Yuri’s ring hand and clasps it with her own, pressing it against her lips.]

Carlie: More than anything right now. ​ ​

[Panel 5: Now Yuri has taken the hands, kissing them herself.]

Yuri: I’m glad, because I definitely want to marry you.

Carlie: Hope so. You did put the ring on my finger.

Yuri: So, uh… what did you want to talk about?

[Panel 6: Carlie, as she lets go of Yuri’s hand and runs it along the countertop.]

Carlie: I need to tell you something.

And if I don’t, then I’ll never forgive myself for not telling you before we tie the knot.

[Page 7]

[Panel 1: Yuri’s face. She’s clearly bracing herself for a big bomb, like her partner having an STD or something of that magnitude.]

Yuri: … I guess we should talk about it, then.

Carlie: Hmmm.

[Panel 2: Yuri and Carlie have moved to sit on her sofa, talking to each other.]

Yuri: So, what did you want to talk about?

[Panel 3: Carlie grips her left hand with her right, sighing as she looks off to the side.]

Carlie: It’s, uh, it’s about Spider-Man.

Just… you know, throwing it out there to be fair.

Yuri: I figured as much.

Carlie: Well, uh…

[Panel 4: Carlie looks up at Yuri, clenching her teeth as she talks.]

Carlie: I…

I know Spider-Man’s real identity.

[Panel 5: Yuri looks down at her legs, deep in contemplation.]

Yuri: I…

How long have you known?

[Page 8]

[Panel 1: Rafter shot, as Carlie talks to Yuri.]

Carlie: Not long. Not even a year.

Yuri: I think a year is a bit relative in this case.

Carlie: It is. But when you’re the head of the SRD, a year isn’t a lot.

Yuri: I figured that’s what you’d say.

[Panel 2: Yuri crosses her arms, as she leans back into the chair.]

Yuri: To be fair, I always assumed that you had some kind of friendship that you weren’t talking to me about.

[Panel 3: Close-up of Yuri at a portrait angle, as she looks towards Carlie empathetically.]

Yuri: Knowing his secret identity? Not really much of a stretch.

It’s honestly a logical step.

[Panel 4: Carlie leans forward, to address Yuri, who holds her hands up defensively.]

Carlie: You knew?

Yuri: It was an educated guess. Promise.

Carlie: ...Do you want to know his identity?

Yuri: ...No.

[Panel 5: Now it’s Carlie’s turn to raise an eyebrow. You’d think given all the time Yuri has poured into hating Spider-Man, she’d give up her marriage to know. Silent panel.]

Carlie: You don’t.

You, Spider-Man detractor of four years running, don’t want to know his secret identity?

[Panel 6: Yuri keeps one of her hands up to gesture into the air.]

Yuri: I don’t.

Look, he saved your life. And I care more about you than anything.

I owe him that much. And I guess I’ll cash in his privacy for him.

[Panel 7: Carlie’s smile has warmly returned. She’s clearly happy with what has transpired.]

Carlie: This.

Yuri [OP]: ?

Carlie: This is the Yuri Watanabe I love.

[Page 9]

[Panel 1: Carlie hugs Yuri, being careful to avoid the impulse to kiss her. Don’t want to ruin that wedding, after all.]

Carlie: This is the woman I’m getting the privilege to marry.

[Panel 2: Yuri caresses the side of Carlie’s face.]

Yuri: There.

You feel better?

Carlie: I… yeah. A lot better.

[Panel 3: Carlie blushes as Yuri kisses her on the cheek.]

Carlie: And I’ll feel a lot better when the tens of thousands of dollars we’ve sunk into this damn wedding pays off.

Yuri: Heh.

C’mere, then I’m banishing you back to our apartment.

Carlie: Aw, she does care about tradition.

[Panel 4: Yuri hands Carlie one of their NYPD hoodies, as Carlie moves to leave the hotel room.]

Yuri: Well, I think we’re as far from traditional as a wedding can get.

Should we be Mrs and Mrs Yuri Watanabe, or Mrs and Mrs Carlie Cooper?

Carlie: We’ll cross that bridge when we have to send the documents to city hall.

For now? I want to soak in this.

[Panel 5: Carlie looks at Yuri longingly, as she hugs the end of the hoodie.]

Carlie: About Spidey… you sure you don’t want to know who…

Yuri: Carls.

We’re about to have the greatest day of our lives tomorrow. We’re going to be married and go on the greatest honeymoon known to mankind.

The secret identity of a guy who runs around dressed in spandex is nothing compared to that.

And I don’t want that guy looming over us when we start our lives together.

[Panel 6: As Carlie leaves, Yuri closes the door behind her.]

Carlie: ...I love you.

Yuri: I love you, too.

See ya tomorrow.

[Page 10]

[Panels 1-3 (Nearly all the panels on the page) are silent save for sound effects.]

[Panel 1: Immediate zoom out to the window of the hotel, as Peter wall-clings by his feet outside, his mask off, in his hands.]

[Panel 2: Peter pulls his mask back on, the spandex loose at the top of his head and tightened around his fingers.]

[Panel 3: His mask on tight, securing his secret identity, Peter swings off, a “thwip” sound effect cracking through the dead of night as he makes his way away from the hotel.]

Spider-Man: …

[Panel 4: Back shot of Peter swinging towards the bottom end of Manhattan island.]

[Page 11]

[Panel 1: Large establishing panel of the Advent Lutheran Church, with several people entering. It’s mostly blue skies, with the rare cloud here and there, but otherwise? It’s a damn good day for a wedding.]

Carlie [OP]: Thanks for being here. Both of you.

I mean it.

[Panel 2: We move to Carlie’s dressing room in the side of the church. Peter and Mary Jane are both with Carlie as she adjusts the medals on her police uniform, seated in her chair. Peter has his tie untied, leaning on a stool nearby, while Mary Jane (In a low-cut Sunday dress) is doing some last minute makeup touches with a brush.]

Peter: Carlie. It’s your wedding and I’m your best man.

I wouldn’t miss this for the world.

MJ: Trust me, Carlie, he wouldn’t. And if he did, be it Spidey shenanigans…

[Panel 3: Mary Jane looks up at Peter, smirking as she finishes her statement.]

MJ: ...Or something simple, like not waking up on time?

All I have to do is play the wife card and twist his arm a little.

Peter: Well, you get to play that card. Cindy and Felicia don’t.

[Panel 4: Carlie questions Peter, who looks away feigning disinterest.]

Carlie: You never did introduce me to Felicia. ​ ​

Peter: Trust me, it’s probably better that way. You two wouldn’t get along, given your careers.

Carlie: Ever notice that you’re surrounded by a lot of women? Like, do you have any guy friends?

Peter: There’s Flash… and Harry.

[Panel 5: Peter continues listing off names, as Carlie raises a playfully suspicious eyebrow.]

Peter: Oh! And… Randy! Yeah, him.

Carlie: Really? Could’ve fooled me.

[Panel 6: Peter’s feigned disinterest turns into genuine apathy, as he narrows his brow and eyes.]

Peter: Hrmph…

[Page 12]

[Panel 1: Mary Jane grabs her eyebrow stencils, squinting as she turns her attention to Carlie’s eyebrows.]

MJ: Hold still. Any chance you can give me a face of total deadness?

Peter: You’re asking a woman who’s getting married to not show any emotion, honey.

That’s like asking Reed to not be smart.

Or asking Ben to not be rough with… well, anything.

[Panel 2: Same panel, only change being Mary Jane moving her eyes to address Peter.]

Peter: Or asking Johnny to not be a flaming jack—

MJ: Peter.

Peter: ...Sorry, hun.

[Panel 2: Carlie’s eyes are totally dead to let Mary Jane do her magic, but her mouth tells a completely different story.]

Carlie: Pete, you’re fine. You’re taking my mind off of…

Oh my god, I’m getting married.

[Panel 3: Carlie motions for Mary Jane to step back, as she begins panicking. Peter, meanwhile, has moved to calm her down.]

Carlie: Oh my God, I can’t do this!

I can’t get married!

MJ: Carlie, are you?—

Carlie: No, I’m not okay! I’m getting married!

What if I forget my vows? What if—

[Panel 4: Peter holds Carlie by the shoulders, gripping her tightly so she can’t spaz out.]

Peter: Hey. Cooper.

Listen to me.

Carlie: I’m listening.

Peter: Good. Now, you want to marry Yuri, right?

[Panel 5: Carlie nods in acknowledgement.]

Peter: Then let’s do it.

If you truly love that woman, you don’t need your vows. Because you know them deep down and she probably knows them before you even tell them to her.

[Panel 6: Peter gestures to Mary Jane, who comes over to their side.]

Peter: When I got married to MJ?

I knew it was going to work. Because she completed my life, and ten years later?

We made it work.

And I know you and Yuri will make it work, somehow. You’ll find a way.

[Panel 7: Close shot of Peter, as he continues to hold Carlie securely.]

Peter: Because you’re Carlie Cooper.

And I know you can do this.

[Panel 8: Carlie smiles, on the verge of tears.]

Carlie: Peter… you’re the best friend ever.

[Page 13]

[Panel 1: Peter pulls Carlie in for a hug, warmly smiling as she hides her face in his chest.]

Peter: Awww.

Now, c’mon. Pull yourself together.

Because if you cry, I’ll start crying, we’ll both be out of tears for the wedding and MJ will have to do all our makeup from scratch again.

[Panel 2: As Carlie sniffles, the only sound effect in the panel, she raises a humored eyebrow.]

[Panel 3: Peter has both of his eyebrows raised; he knew how she’d react, and has a witty response prepped.]

Peter: Joking. But I mean, c’mon.

I’m married to a supermodel. I’m pretty sure she put on some concealer when I wasn’t looking.

[Panel 4: Mary Jane runs over a small freckle on Peter’s face with a dab of concealer.]

[Panel 5: Peter glares at Mary Jane as she moves the brush away from him.]

MJ: Sorry, babe. It’s really noticeable.

[Panel 6: Mary Jane claps shut her makeup kit, as Carlie gets up from her chair.]

MJ: So. You ready?

Carlie: As I’ll ever be.

MJ: Then let’s get you married.

[Page 14]

[Hi, a word from Neil. Save for the last panel, the page is completely silent. So, just to be aware, there’s no dialogue.]

[Panel 1: The church is shown filled with wedding guests and Peter and Mary Jane waiting alongside Carlie for the wedding to sart]

[Panel 2: The music starts and Yuri is shown a the beginning of the aisle]

[Panel 3: Yuri is shown walking down the aisle, guests are stood up, Peter, Mary Jane and Carlie watch in amazement]

[Panel 4: Yuri Stops at the bottom of the altar and begins to climb until she’s standing next to Carlie]

[Panel 5: Carlie and Yuri face each other.]

Carlie: Hey.

Yuri: You look great, y’know.

Carlie: Heh. Shhh. They’re starting.

[Page 15]

[Panel 1: The priest begins talking, in front of a smiling Carlie and Yuri.]

Priest: Friends, we have joined here today to share with Carlie Cooper and Yuri Watanabe an important moment in their lives.

In their time together, they have seen their love and understanding of each other grow and blossom.

And now they have decided to live out the rest of their lives as one.

[Panel 2: Peter and Mary Jane, behind Carlie, stand and smile silently.]

Priest [OP]: If anybody should oppose this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace.

[Panel 3: Peter and Mary Jane continue their silence, the church silent enough that a needle dropping would cause mass panic.]

Peter and MJ:...

[Panel 4: As the Priest continues to speak off-panel, Peter and Mary Jane fist-bump each other.]

Priest [OP]: Very well. Then I shall begin.

I have been informed that you each have written your own vows.

[Panel 5: Carlie and Yuri nod to the priest.]

Priest: Carlie Cooper, may we hear your vows?

[Page 16]

[Panel 1: Near-splash page of Carlie from her side, a black background with various memories of her and Yuri together. It’s fuzzy, but the memories are definitely there.]

Carlie: When I first met you, I saw a woman who was stubborn. Headstrong. Independent. And someone I was sure would cause me all sort of problems.

And I was right.

But those are the things that drew me to you, and the more I got to know you, the more I wanted to know more about you.

And I will admit, I was difficult from time to time, especially when it came to our work and a certain individual, but my vow to you right now, whatever may come in our future?

[Panel 2: Carlie places the ring on Yuri’s finger.]

Carlie: With this ring, I will love you, protect you and be there for you. And nothing you do or say will make me break that vow.

[Panel 3: Yuri gives Carlie the cutest and smallest smile ever. And that’s saying something, given how adorkable Cindy has been in this run.]

Priest: Yuri Watanabe, may we hear your vows?

[Panel 1: Mirror image of Carlie’s but with Yuri instead, with similar memories but from her POV. Also in there are a few of her memories from her time as the during the three month timeskip.]

Yuri: When I first met you, I felt the same way. You were arrogant, headstrong and stubborn. But that made me want to know you. And eventually, it’s what made me fall in love with you. But starting out, I was scared so many times that outside elements would tear us apart. And I thought I was going to be one of them.

But you proved me wrong. Sure, we stumbled sometimes, but what couples don’t stumble, you proved to me many times that you are the one for me and I wanted to know everything about you, you about me.

[Panel 2: Yuri’s hands place the ring on Carlie finger.]

With this ring, Carlie Cooper, I vow that whatever my come in our future?

I will love you, protect you, be there for you. And nothing you do or say will make me break that vow.

[Panel 3: Carlie gives an equally sappy smile; the only difference is that she’s trying really hard to not cry. (She’s failing, by the way. Her mascara is all over the place.]

Priest: By the power vested in me by the State of New York, I now pronounce you wife and wife.

You may now kiss the bride.

[Page 17]

[Panel 1: Large panel. As Carlie and Yuri kiss, the audience stands up and everybody (Peter and Mary Jane included) are cheering and clapping.]

Priest: I now present to you the newly married couple, Carlie and Yuri Watanabe-Cooper.

[Panel 2: Small panel, as Peter begins quietly sobbing, with Mary Jane passing him a handkerchief.]

Peter: Sonuva… #$@%.

MJ: I gotcha, Tiger. Here.

[Panel 3: Peter takes the handkerchief, putting it against his eyes as Mary Jane smiles at him.]

Peter: Thanks, Red.

...Is this how Flash felt when you and I got married?

MJ: Probably. Flash is just better at hiding his emotions.

[Page 18]

[Panel 1: The reception. There’s a few familiar faces in the crowd; Peter and Mary Jane are there, (Duh) but there’s a few members of the NYPD there (Mostly close friends to Carlie and Yuri, including Vin Gonzales as a quick cameo. Don’t worry, he doesn’t mean anything, I’m just putting him in to fill up space.) along with Cindy in the background, (Remember, Carlie knows her personally; they’re friends) who is going with some random schmuck as a date. (It’s not her main love interest, just one of her friends that she asked to come with her.) Silent panel.]

[Panel 2: Peter and Mary Jane approach Carlie and Yuri]

Peter: Congratulations, you two.

Carlie: Pete, MJ, I can’t thank you enough. This has probably been the smoothest wedding ever.

Peter: To be honest? You should just be thanking MJ. I just did the whole best man schtick. I don’t think any of this would have happened without her at the helm.

MJ: I was more than happy to help. Do not let my husband make you feel like you have to be in ​ ​ my eternal debt.

[Panel 3: Mary Jane, Yuri and Carlie glare at Peter, who raises his hands defensively.]

Peter: What did I say?

[Panel 4: Mary Jane takes Peter by the arm, as he looks away bashfully.]

MJ: Peter, promise me that you’ll never change, ever.

Peter: Promise.

[Panel 5: Focus on Peter and Mary Jane, with Carlie’s back facing the reader.]

Carlie: So, uh, Annie.Where is she?

MJ: She’s home with the babysitter, we didn’t want her to stay out too late.

Peter: We had a friend who was willing to do us a favor.

[Panel 6: Felicia babysitting Annie. Rather than dressed up in her Black Catsuit like in her spotlight, Felicia is sitting on the floor with Annie, playing Generic Brand Board Game™.]

Felicia: So, what does it mean to steal from the big corporations that hurt the good little guys?

Annie: It’s great! The system is mean!

Felicia: God, I love this kid.

[Page 19]

[Panel 1: Carlie, talking to Peter and Mary Jane.]

Carlie: That’s a shame, we would have loved to have seen her here.

Peter: Don’t worry, we’ll bring her over once you’ve returned from your honeymoon.

Carlie: God, I dunno if I really want to go to Fiji. I’m probably going to get sunburn instead of a tan.

MJ: If anybody deserves it, it’s you two.

The vacation, I mean; not the sunburn.

[Panel 2: Carlie laughs, with both Peter and Mary Jane smiling fondly.]

Carlie: Heh. Thanks, MJ For everything.

MJ: You two are very welcome. ​ ​

[Panel 3: An apologetic Carlie shrugs to Peter and MJ, smiling softly as she talks.

Carlie: Well, uh, we do have to make our rounds. It’d be mean to play favorites at a wedding; let ​ ​ alone our wedding. ​ ​

MJ: We won’t be heading home any time soon.

Yuri: You must have a helluva friend to babysit so late.

MJ: I like to think so. Even if she is Peter’s ex. ​ ​

[Panel 4: As Carlie snickers, eager to hear more, Peter notices Cindy and hastily motions for her to come over.]

Carlie: Oooh, I’d skip the honeymoon to hear that story. ​ ​

Peter: No. Nope. Non. Niet. Nein. ​ ​

Oh, look, a distraction! Cindy, c’mere!

[Panel 5: Cindy frowns as Peter whispers into her ear. He’s not even trying to be subtle; he’s just whispering into her ear in plain sight.]

Cindy: Boss, I was just about to go dance with Jason. They’re putting--

Peter: I’ll pay you fifty bucks to get them to change the subject.

Cindy: Deal.

[Panel 6: As Cindy (Unconvincingly) makes small talk with Carlie and Yuri, Peter slinks off into the shadows, taking off his tie as he vanishes.]

Cindy: So! Uh… you guys talked about kids yet?

Carlie: Uh… actually, we have been putting some thought into it, but we decided it would be better to wait until after the—

Wait, where’d Peter go?

Cindy: ...How’s the whole SRD thing going?

[Page 20]

[Panel 1: Smaller panel of Carlie and Yuri going between guests. Silent panel.]

[Panel 2: Peter holding a microphone at the table doing the best man speech.]

[Panel 3: To the tune of Michael Buble’s “Feeling Good” in the background, Carlie and Yuricut their wedding cake.]

[Panel 4: A bit later, as the sun has nearly set all the way, Carlie is standing on the balcony, Yuri behind her in a comforting hug.]

Yuri: Hey. Tired?

Carlie: If I said yes, would you carry me?

Yuri: Always.

Carlie: Best wife ever.

Yuri: Same to you.

[Panel 5: Carlie spots something, squinting to make it out. Yuri has not noticed yet, and is looking down at Carlie.]

Carlie: Oi, what’s that?

Yuri: What, what do you see?

Carlie: Over there. It looks like our initials made in webbing.

Yuri: You don’t think it’s…?

Carlie: Who else? Charlotte the spider?

Yuri: Do you think he’s still around?

Carlie: ...No. He’d probably want to stay out of this.

He’s never been good with crowds.

[Page 21]

[Panel 1: Carlie picks up the box, preparing to open it as Yuri joins her.]

Yuri: So… What’s in the box?... I’m doing my best Brad Pitt impression, babe.

Carlie: You tried.… uh, it’s jewelry. And there’s a note. Typed.

Yuri: ...Oddly specific. What does it say?

[Panel 2: Long vertical panel of Carlie, as she read the letter. The dialogue boxes descend alongside her body.]

Carlie: “Carlie, Yuri,

Sorry I wasn’t there to congratulate you in person, I’m a bit of a busy guy. But I still wanted to tell you how happy I am that you two did the Holy Matrimony Shuffle. And I wanted to give you something to celebrate.

In the box, you’ll find two heart-shaped necklaces. Along with their unparalleled ability to complete any outfit, they’re actually panic buttons. If you’re in danger, press it and I’ll be there. Consider it a promise; if the Cooper-Watanabe family needs me, I’ll be there.

Here’s to hoping your love outlives the universe.

Best, Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.”

[Panel 3: Yuri and Carlie look at each other, both equally surprised. (Though given that Carlie knows Peter’s secret, it might be somewhat of a faux pas reaction.)] ​ ​

Yuri: This is… wow.

I did not see this coming. ​ ​

Carlie: Today was full of surprises, hmm?

Yuri: I guess.

Carlie: So? I guess it’s the universe watching out for us.

[Panel 4: Yuri, being the taller one, stands behind Carlie as she puts her necklace on for her newlywed. Carlie, meanwhile, is perfectly okay with being in her wife’s warm embrace; There’s nowhere she’d rather be.]

Yuri: I could do the universe’s job, you know. ​ ​

Carlie: Heh. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Yuri: C’mere, Mrs. Cooper-Watanabe.

[Panel 5: Peter and Mary Jane are watching Yuri and Carlie, with Cindy coming up to join them.]

MJ: Did you give it to them?

Peter: Mm-hmm..

MJ: I think that was very sweet of you.

So, when do I get mine?

Peter: Pfft. Ask me when we renew our vows.

Cindy: You also owe me fifty bucks, by the way.

Peter: … I’ll pay you when you come in for work tomorrow.

[Page 22]

[Splash page, as the issue ends with Mary Jane, Peter and Cindy watching over the two newlyweds.]