Introductio n to le xica l resou r ces BlttSBolette San dfdPddford Pedersen Centre for Language Technology University of Copenhagen
[email protected] Outline 1 . Why are lexical semantic resources relevant for semantic annotation? . What is the relation between traditional lexicography and lexica l resou rces fo r a nno ta tio n pu rpo ses? Bolette S. Pedersen, CLARA Course 2011 Outline 2 . WordNet, primary focus on vertical , taxonomical relations . VbNtVerbNet, prifimary focus on hitlhorizontal, synttitagmatic relations, thematic roles . PropBank, primary focus on horizontal, syntagmatic relations, argument structure . FrameNet, primary focus on horizontal, syntagmatic relations, thematic roles (()= frame elements) . PAROLE/SIMPLE - Semantic Information for Multifunctional, PluriLingual Lexicons - based on the Generative Lexicon (Pustejovsky 1995) Bolette S. Pedersen, CLARA Course 2011 Outline 2 . WordNet, primary focus on vertical , taxonomical relations . VbNtVerbNet, prifimary focus on hitlhorizontal, synttitagmatic relations, thematic roles . PropBank, primary focus on horizontal, syntagmatic relations, argument structure . FrameNet, primary focus on horizontal, syntagmatic relations, thematic roles . PAROLE/SIMPLE - Semantic Information for Multifunctional, PluriLingual Lexicons - based on the Generative Lexicon (Pustejovsky 1995) Bolette S. Pedersen, CLARA Course 2011 Outline 2 . WordNet, primary focus on vertical , taxonomical relations . VbNtVerbNet, prifimary focus on hitlhorizontal, synttitagmatic relations, thematic roles