de Biddle-Cope, is a handsome mansion in the Elizabethan style of architecture. Sir John Walsham is the lineal descendant and heir of Sir John de Knill, Knt., lord of Knill in the 12th century. Knill is in a beautifully romantic situation, in the midst of Swiss-like scenery of woody hill and fertile valley, through. which sounds its bubbling stream (the End well). The mansion is perched, as it were, on a vast perpendicular rock, from the windows of which may be seen one of the fairest views in the West of England. At the back rises the lofty furze-covered Knill Garraway, terminating on the right in the abrupt and perpendicular Hurrock, a landmark for miles, beyond which towers again the rugged, rocky Stanner, surmounted by the "Devil's Garden," of wide renown ; on the other side, the richly wooded steeps of Knill and Burva close the valley from that of Even­ jobb and Old Radnor. Along the plain stretches a lovely valley of rich pasturage, terminated in the blue and hazy distance by Radnor forest, whose tops seem to mingle with the clouds. PosTAL REGULATIONS. Letters are received through Kington. is the nearest money order and telegraph office. Post town, Kington. Parish Church (St. Mkhael's). Rev. George Hanbury Fielding, M.A., Rector; Mr. Henry Hamar, Churchwarden. NaHonal School (boys and gtrls). Miss Clifton, Mt"stress . •

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. COMMERCIAL. Biddle-Cope, Marquis de, Knill court Clifton, Miss, schoolmistress Fielding, Rev. George Ha.nbury, M.A. Hamar, Henry, farmer, Knill farm (rector), The Rectory . Morga.n, Cha.s., cottage fanner, W oodside .. LAYSTERS, WITH THE TowNSHIP OF WooNTON. LAYSTERS, or LEYSTERS, is a parish situated on the borders of Worcestershire, and near the main road leading from to Tenbury. It is distant 5 miles N.E. of Leominster, 4! S.S.W. of Ten bury, and 18! N.N.E. of ; is in Wolphy hundred, Leo­ minster union, petty sessional division, and county court district, and Docklow and Kimbolton polling district and electoral division of the county council. The population in 1871 was 279; in 188r, 238; inhabited houses, 53; families or separate occupiers, 58; area of parish, 1,977 acres; annual rateable value, £r,87o. The Trustees of Mrs. Catherine Lort, William Lort, Esq., of Fron Goch hall, vta Berriew, Montgomeryshire, Col. R. Prescott Decie, ofBockleton court, Ten bury, Charles Davis Andrews, Esq., The Square, Leominster, the Trustees of the late James Withington, Esq., and William Adams, Esq., are the chief landowners. The soil is clay; subsoil, clay and marl, except where the rock (which is limestone and cornstone) crops out at the surface. Laysters is in the , archdeaconry of Ludlow, and rural deanery of Burford (West) ; living, a vicarage; value, £268, with residence and 90 acres of glebe ; patron, Colonel R. Prescott Decie; vicar, Rev. A. Hawkins, M.A., of St. John's