[email protected] USD Takes Arena Plan Above Ground athletes, staff and the academic component.” New Plan Moves Court To Same Level As Between the DakotaDome and the arena would be a 3-story sports performance en- DakotaDome Concourse Instead Of Floor hancement facility, that will house the Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy BY JEREMY HOECK “Everything will still be in there that we and Kinesiology & Sports Sciences depart-
[email protected] need to have in there,” he said Friday, ments. That structure could also be af- adding that USD has surpassed the $52 mil- fected in the potential changes, Herbster VERMILLION — With fundraising efforts lion mark for both facility projects, includ- said. continuing to progress, the proposed bas- ing an outdoor track and soccer complex. “If we don’t go that (original) direction, ketball and volleyball arena project at the The 6,000-seat arena is now but assured it’ll all be one level,” he said. “Regardless, University of South Dakota went back to the of a spring 2014 construction start because from a programmatic standpoint, the only drawing board for a slight design change. of the changes, Herbster added. thing that would really change is where Rather than have a 2-level arena with Other than that, the original proposed things are placed. We could still end up the basketball and volleyball courts be- components of the arena remain in place. keeping the original plan, it just depends.” neath ground level (at the same level as the They include: 3 practice courts, locker Those original plans — kick-started football field in the DakotaDome), the rooms, coaches and administrative offices, from a $20 million gift from Sanford Health courts would be constructed at concourse new training room, new weight room and and later a $1.5 million donation from level, according to USD athletic director other fan amenities.