FLAMINGO GARDENS Help Us Preserve This Beauty Spot HELP US Preserve This Beauty Spot From the beginning the Wrays welcomed visitors by Hurricane Irma has exacerbated the situation. to their garden. Daily tours of the citrus groves and Our visitor, staff, and technological needs have the botanical gardens were given to the public, outgrown the current facilities and infrastructure. extolling the virtues of citrus, tropical plants, and the Our facilities no longer meet the needs of the . The beauty of the area and the need to 150,000 guests that visit Flamingo Gardens each preserve that beauty was paramount to the Wrays. year as attendance has surpassed current parking and restroom capacities. The Meeting Room is Through the years Flamingo Gardens has inadequate to accommodate the requests WELCOME TO brought forth the vision of Mr. & Mrs. from the community and the ravages Wray, preserving this beautiful and of time, storms, and Hurricane Irma historical place, protecting native plants have rendered the space unfit for and wildlife, and educating the public public use. FLAMINGO GARDENS about the significance of the Everglades. More than nine decades ago, after the devastating You are welcome to Flamingo [Gardens] and are invited to Hurricane of 1926, Davie pioneers, Floyd L. and spend as much time as you desire, my only request being... Jane Wray, planted summer oranges in the rich muck that you help us preserve this beauty spot for others. soil of reclaimed Everglades land. This simple act FLOYD L. WRAY, 1939 founded one of the earliest tourist attractions and botanical gardens in . With the help of a U.S. What started as a modest citrus grove in 1927 is Though facing daunting challenges, Flamingo today a respected botanical collection and wildlife Gardens has forged boldly ahead. Flamingo Gardens Department of Agriculture program, the gardens sanctuary visited by more than 150,000 guests every Board of Trustees and staff have taken steps to received foreign plants and trees from around year. Flamingo Gardens is a designated Cultural create a ten-year Master Plan to secure the future Landmark and the Wrays’ weekend residence is a of the gardens. Near term plans to implement the the world in the 20s, 30s, and 40s, establishing an museum giving a glimpse of South Florida life in the Master Plan include successfully reaching a $4.8 impressive collection of botanical specimens. 30s and 40s. The Gardens boast some of the largest million fundraising goal to design and build a new trees of their species in the state and the wildlife Welcome Center and a new Education Center. Plans sanctuary houses the largest collection of Florida for the Welcome Center include first class visitor native birds and animals, most of them permanently facilities, exhibition space, gift shop, café and dining, injured or non-releasable. The ecological field trips at 3,000 sq. ft. of multi-purpose education and meeting the gardens are attended by approximately 30,000 space, updated technology, and expanded parking students each year and have become a tradition for to see it to its one-hundred-year anniversary and generations of South Floridians. beyond. Due to the impacts of Hurricane Irma, the critical need for a new Education Center to replace So, all would be well at the Gardens — were it not the closed Meeting Room must be addressed as well. for the fact that decades of wear and tear have taken a toll on the buildings. The Visitor Center is in great disrepair and additional damage caused

2 3 FLAMINGO GARDENS Our Vision and Mission

With support from existing contributors and the investment of new supporters who are inspired by VISION CORE VALUES To be the premier Everglades garden sanctuary. Advocacy – We encourage environmental our vision, Flamingo Gardens is poised to rise to a responsibility, conservation, and sustainable new level of prominence and effectiveness in South MISSION practices through education, personal discovery, Flamingo Gardens mission is to depict, preserve, and transformative experiences. Florida. Together we can preserve this “beauty and provide education about the natural and spot” and assure the continuation of Flamingo cultural heritage of South Florida and the Stewardship – We will maintain, nurture, and Everglades in our botanical gardens and wildlife protect the legacy of Floyd L. & Jane Wray and Gardens historical, ecological, and educational history of this land for future generations. sanctuary. programming for years to come.

CORE MISSION OBJECTIVES Compassion - We believe in the inherent worth, diversity, and dignity of all living things. We value Provide a repository for endangered plant and the lives of all people, plants, and animals, that wildlife species and a living library of specific taxa enter our care and vow to treat them humanely and available for research and education. with respect.

Inspire an appreciation for the beauty and diversity Excellence - We demand greatness, relevance, and of tropical and subtropical plants from around the merit in all we do and hold ourselves and others world that can be grown in our area. accountable to the highest standards of personal and professional standards. Guide the public in environmentally responsible and aesthetic horticultural practices. Teamwork – We will work together to embrace opportunities and challenges, and encourage Encourage environmental awareness and creativity, innovation, and action, while respecting Everglades preservation to visiting tourists, individual points of view. residents, and school children.

4 5 THIS HISTORICAL SPOT A Unique and Significant Garden

Flamingo Gardens is one of the last natural jungle more recently by the Seminoles. The Gardens serve growths in South Florida and one of the oldest as an important habitat and biological corridor for botanical gardens and attractions in the State. The wildlife and is one of the last remaining stands of property is part of Long Key, a native oak hammock upland hardwood forest in Broward County. which was once part of a series of islands surrounded by Everglades marshes as recently as a century ago. Flamingo Gardens predates Fairchild Tropical Long Key encompasses some of the most significant Botanical Garden and McKee Jungle Gardens and archaeological, historical, and ecological resources is one of the few botanical gardens to focus on in the County. Parts of the hammock at Flamingo the ecological significance of the United Nation’s Gardens remain untouched much as it was when designated World Heritage Everglades habitat. the area was inhabited by the ancient Tequesta and

Flamingo Gardens is often called “a hidden gem” and a “valuable cultural asset.” This assessment is easily quantified by several factors that make Flamingo Gardens unique:

FLAMINGO FLAMINGO FLAMINGO GARDENS GARDENS GARDENS I’m passionate about volunteering with the Orchidteers, Is one of the only botanical Holds the distinction of Was for ten years the mounting, caring for and sharing my knowledge and love of orchids. gardens sited within the having the largest collection national repository for the Everglades boundary. It is (18 in total) of Florida International Heliconia Flamingo Gardens’ commitment to saving endangered native one of the few botanical Champion Trees, the largest Society which resulted in orchids and plant species is an inspiration to me. gardens dedicated to tree of its species in Florida an astounding array of preserving Florida native as certified by the Florida heliconia and ginger species LUCY LODATO plants and animals, while Forestry Service. represented throughout FLAMINGO GARDENS ORCHIDTEER VOLUNTEER educating the public about the gardens. the Everglade’s ecosystems.

6 7 THIS ECOLOGICAL SPOT species. The Everglades Wildlife Sanctuary uses the program is one of the most successful in the nation experiences and insights gained through caring for with 37 otter pups born since 1990 in the sanctuary these birds and animals to educate the public about and released to the wild or to other otter breeding A Biologically Rich Sanctuary the environment, loss of habitat, and other problems programs. affecting wildlife resources. Many of these rescued animals serve as Wildlife Ambassadors in our daily Each year, Flamingo Gardens receives hundreds Wildlife Encounter presented at Flamingo Gardens. of injured birds and animals, the vast majority of which are rehabilitated and released back to the As part of its mission, Flamingo Gardens Everglades wild. In 2017 more than 400 birds and animals were Wildlife Sanctuary returns offspring born in the rehabilitated at Flamingo Gardens and returned to sanctuary to the wild, helping to re-establish native the wild. wildlife populations. Its Breed and Release Program annually releases more than 200 birds born in the sanctuary back to the wild, and its Otter Breeding

The Everglades Wildlife Sanctuary at Flamingo flamingos. The sanctuary houses several Federally or Gardens opened in 1990. The Sanctuary was one State-designated Threatened or Endangered of the first of its kind in South Florida to give species such as the , EVERGLADES FLAMINGO residence to permanently injured or non- American snapping turtle, Florida WILDLIFE SANCTUARY GARDENS releasable Florida native wildlife. Today burrowing owl, Florida sandhill crane, Home to one of the largest One of a very few botanical it has the distinction of being the largest wood stork, , and Florida collection of Florida native wildlife in the panther. collections of Florida native gardens that is also a wildlife wildlife in the world. sanctuary, wildlife rehabilitation center, and a historical site. I have been volunteering at Flamingo Gardens Everglades Wildlife Sanctuary for 18 wonderful years. To take in injured wildlife, rehabilitate them and release them back to the wild, is the best experience in the world. I consider myself lucky to volunteer here.


State, providing a home to more than 400 birds and The 25,000 square foot free-flight houses one animals representing 90 native species including a of the largest collections of wading birds in America black bear, , falcons, hawks, otters, owls, and with 250 plus birds representing more than 45 native

8 9 THIS EDUCATIONAL SPOT A Passion for the Environment

Each year Flamingo Gardens attracts more than art and science, are concerned about conservation 150,000 visitors to its garden and wildlife sanctuary and the environment, have stronger critical-thinking and educates guests on the unique flora and fauna of skills, increased empathy, and display higher levels the Everglades. Among our visitors are approximately of tolerance. 30,000 children, many from Title One schools and underserved communities visiting on field trips and Flamingo Gardens has been a pioneer in ecological summer camp programs. For many, it is their first and environmental education, providing youth exposure to wildlife and the great outdoors. education for more than 30 years. With the input of certified science teachers, all eight of our youth OUTREACH Flamingo Gardens ecological education programs impact approximately 30,000 Field trips in the formative years create lasting classes are configured to meet Florida’s children visiting on school or camp field trips, including 8,000 plus children from memories well into adulthood and can Curriculum Planning and Learning underserved communities and/or with special needs, to engage them with nature. inspire lifelong imagination and learning. Management System (CPALMS) Children learn by doing. They remember educational standards for the grade what they have personally experienced in attendance. All classes coincide CULTURE Flamingo Gardens is a partner with the Broward Arts “Kid Culture” literacy initiative in Broward County to provide economically challenged children with various cultural experiences with their family by age five. The Flamingo Gardens “On the Road” I’ve had the pleasure of seeing the joy in young children’s eyes initiative takes environmental education programs to Title One underserved schools which cannot afford to visit on class field trips. Flamingo Gardens provides free during field trips to Flamingo Gardens. There has been true admission for participants in both programs through grant initiatives. magic in providing students experiences to touch, feel, see,

and learn about animals, plants, history, and environments ADULT EDUCATION outside of their normal scope of reference. Flamingo Gardens adult educational classes serve more than 3,000 adults, mostly seniors, each year with such programs as watercolor, orchid, and bonsai classes. DR. LORI CANNING EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, BROWARD COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS

and build social and emotional connections through with the science, technology, engineering, art, and active, explorative experiences. mathematics (STEAM) educational requirements for Florida, and qualify for Supplemental Arts and Research shows that informal learning environments Science (SAS) monies for Title One schools. Each like Flamingo Gardens influence development, of the eight programs utilize the arts in making a reasoning, problem solving, and social skills, as connection to science such as a leaf rubbing, stories well as behavioral and emotional health. Many or puppet shows, and each comes with development studies also show that field trips contribute to the packets for the teachers to extend the learning development of students into citizens who value experience.

10 11 THIS COMMUNITY SPOT CELEBRATING OUR Growing and Strengthening Recent Accomplishments

our Relationships 2 Flamingo Gardens strong community partnerships and collaborations 18 significantly impact the quality and breadth of our exhibits, programming, and outreach initiatives. 16 SALES FUNDRAISING Flamingo Gardens collaborates with a great many botanical organizations to CONTRIBUTIONS ADMINISTRATION provide content, knowledge, and expertise with our exhibits, events, and ADMISSIONS 57 PROGRAMS 82 programs as well as volunteer recruitment. Some of our partnerships 25 include the West Palm Beach Judging Center of the American Orchid Society; Flamingo Gardens Orchid Society; Broward Bonsai Society; Master Gardeners of Broward; and the Florida Master Naturalists program. The Horticultural Department works with several orchid societies to add orchids to our collection, and we partner with Florida Atlantic University (FAU) and the Pine Jog Environmental Education Center to reestablish native Florida orchids in the 2017 TOTAL REVENUE 2017 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Everglades area at Flamingo Gardens. We are currently $3,210,867 $3,005,002 working with Montgomery Botanical Center and several As Flamingo Gardens observed its 90th Anniversary The growth of Flamingo Gardens collections, its cycad organizations to design and build the new Cycads year, we had much to celebrate. 2017 saw record programs, and professional capacity has brought a of the World garden opening in 2018. attendance with more than 155,000 visitors to the great deal of pride to the board, staff, volunteers, gardens, including 30,000 children participating and donors who have led the efforts. However, The Wildlife Sanctuary partners with many animal in educational programs, and a record $3.2M in Flamingo Gardens successful evolution has also welfare organizations to provide the best care, and revenues. 3,448 volunteers provided over 16,000 brought growing pains and attrition that have not share resources and knowledge with organizations hours of service to the gardens. been matched by an equal and parallel growth of its such as Miami, South Florida Wildlife Rescue, financial resources and donor base. Attendance has Sawgrass Nature Center, South Florida Audubon Over the past six years, revenue from a variety of surpassed parking and restroom facility capacity, and Society, and many other pet and animal rescue sources has more than doubled, from $1.27M in education has outgrown its classroom. organizations. 2011 to $3.2M in 2017. Contributions have increased 1277% from $45,594 in 2011 to $582,375 in 2017. Requests for exhibition and meeting space exceed Our Education Department works on art and Since incorporating as a public charity in 2013, availability, and traffic has taken its toll on paths and education initiatives with Broward County Schools Flamingo Gardens has secured both state and county trails. This reality, coupled with the property’s aging system, Florida Public Archeology Network, Virtual grant funding which totaled more than $124,000 infrastructure, has led the staff and Board of Trustees School Network, Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts of in 2017. Capital Campaigns were successfully of Flamingo Gardens to assess the organization’s America, and many others. implemented for a new $150,000 Black Bear Habitat strengths and weaknesses, as well as the challenges which opened in 2013 and a $255,000 River Otter and opportunities that may face it moving forward. We partner professionally with a great many other Habitat which opened in 2016. Above is a breakdown attractions and museums to expand our reach and of revenues and expenditures from the 2017 audit. Through a series of strategic planning sessions, the draw new and diverse audiences. Flamingo Gardens leadership of Flamingo Gardens has envisioned the serves as an official Visit Florida Welcome Center, is Flamingo Gardens is highly regarded and has a first critical steps in a ten-year Master Plan to address involved in the Florida Attractions Association, and works loyal following of patrons, members, and visitors. Its the challenges that lie ahead and continues to closely with the Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention and collections and programs are respected and continue develop a strategic plan to take us to our Centennial Visitors Bureau. to grow to serve the community. And yet, to best Anniversary. The planning sessions shed light on the support the needs of this community, it is imperative need to immediately launch a Capital Campaign to These collaborations and partnerships significantly improve that the organization grows. raise support for a new Welcome Center and a new the quality of our exhibits and the breadth of our outreach. Learning Center within the next three to five years. 12 13 A CLEAR VISION The Future of Flamingo Gardens is Bright!

The leadership of Flamingo leisure experiences. Construction Gardens is taking an active role to of better facilities will lead to ensure that this unique property great customer experiences only with its valuable collections and if coupled with great operational significant history continues to practices and the continued grow and serve the international striving for improvement. community of guests, visitors, and dedicated members into the next The Master Plan envisions a fiscally decade and beyond. astute, professional organization with updated and expanded Although Flamingo Gardens facilities for outstanding historical, Master Plan focuses primarily on ecological, and educational physical attributes – buildings, gardens, spaces for programming. Strategic goals include four specific animals – we recognize that our Vision must also areas of professional and programmatic expansion in include enhancing our methods of operations, the next ten years: improving our professional practices, and ensuring a solid financial footing, all in order to provide our customers with the best possible educational and PROFESSIONAL STAFF

Expand staff and implement new EDUCATION ACQUISITION data management systems to ensure PROGRAMS Expand Flamingo Gardens permanent careful management of the collections collections in the Wray Botanical Collection and maintain them to best practice Enhance core education programs to and Everglades Wildlife Sanctuary to include standards. Specific plans include serve the local adult and senior communities, rare and endangered specimens. All collections to develop new audiences, and attract new PROFESSIONAL need to be continually updated and expanded to new Membership and Development maintain its unique place among its peers and personnel, Chief Operations Officer, members and donors. The educational EXHIBITION SPACE add targeted collections to strengthen its holdings. programming plan includes plans for additional Marketing staff, a Horticulture Create museum quality exhibition space The acquisitions portion of the Master Plan classroom and meeting space, as well as addresses the future expansion of both new gardens Curator, and a Historical to support the installation, borrowing, and expanded restroom facilities and parking, and wildlife habitats as well as additions to the Archivist. creation of relevant exhibitions that pertain to existing exhibits. Specific plans include a new with nighttime access to sufficiently Flamingo Gardens mission while helping to attract walking path that connects the front arboretum accommodate the garden’s robust to the back wetlands area with a new Flowering new and diverse audiences. Specific plans include STEAM educational Tree Garden and Palmetum and expansions a new Aviary exhibit space pertaining to birds of programming. of the existing Cycad Garden. New the wetlands and a new, small wading bird area, mammal habitats to be located along and a permanent exhibit about the history the path include deer, foxes, of Flamingo Gardens and contributions and wolves. of the Wrays. 14 15 A NEW Learning Center Toward this Vision, one key component of great space that can be subdivided into two smaller urgency is the need for a new Learning Center to classroom spaces, much needed new restrooms that replace the existing Meeting Room. are ADA accessible storage, and a small kitchenette. Beautiful, double doors will open out on to the Wray For decades, the existing Meeting Room has been Lawn to allow easy entry to lectures and exhibitions the primary venue for Flamingo Gardens classes and during special events. the site of meetings for at least a dozen affiliated community organizations. The Meeting Room is The Learning Center’s primary purpose will be to in use almost every day of the year and is host the ecological education programs the heart and soul of Flamingo Gardens for students, as well as art, gardening, ecological programming. and environmental classes for adults. It will also provide additional exhibition With heavy use, storms, and the ravages space for special events like the of time, this decades-old former stable annual Orchid Show and Bonsai Show.

What’s important is that children have an opportunity to bond with the natural world, to learn to love it, before being asked to heal its wounds.


has become structurally unsound. It must be It will serve as meeting space for multiple affiliated replaced… and soon! groups like the Camera Club, Bonsai Society, or Orchid Societies, as well as rental space for numerous Although the Gallery has been repurposed for private functions. Finally, the new building will serve meeting use on a temporary basis, it cannot replace as a bunker for the animals during a hurricane. the Meeting Room. In fact, the Gallery is needed by May of 2019 to house an outstanding dinosaur Preliminary plans for the new Learning Center have fossil exhibit that has already been booked, and been drawn, with design and construction costs future exhibits have been contracted extending as estimated at $450,000. far as 2021. This means that to free up the Gallery, construction must begin on a new learning space by Donor names for gifts of $1,000 or more will be January of 2019, only a few months from now! permanently inscribed in the new building and additional naming opportunities are available for A new and improved Learning Center with a versatile gifts of $50,000 or more. interior has been approved to replace the former Meeting Room. The Learning Center will include 1,500 square feet of multi-purpose meeting/lecture

16 17 RECEPTION A NEW A new Welcome Center will provide an expansive and inviting entrance to Flamingo Gardens, providing curb appeal with updated bold signage Welcome Center and landscaping, and improved interface with the public. The new Another key project in Flamingo Gardens’ plus annual visitors to Flamingo Gardens. entrance will help rebrand Flamingo Gardens as the professional cultural Master Plan is of particular importance and The new Welcome Center will provide a new institution it has become. urgency; that of a new 10,000 square foot entrance and signage that will be visible from Welcome Center for visitors. The current Flamingo Road, expanded parking, updated building is 67 years old and its original wood restroom facilities, customer service center, frame construction is in severe disrepair. Its ticket booth, gift shop, administrative offices, ACCESSIBILITY facilities are outdated and inadequate, and no new kitchen and dining area(s), multi-use The new Welcome Center will provide improved access to Flamingo longer meet the current needs of the 150,000 meeting space(s), and exhibition space. Gardens, with expanded parking and a clearly defined path and signage A new facility will help meet the vision for to the ticket booth and garden entrance. Parking will be expanded 30% Flamingo Gardens in numerous ways. with clearly marked spaces and will include drop off areas, expanded handicap parking, bus drop-off and parking, and a bicycle area. The new building will provide easier access for the elderly, strollers, and those with disabilities. It will provide larger and better toilet facilities built to the latest ADA codes. The new building will also allow for easier (and safer) access to facilities for after-hour events, meetings, or classes.

HOSPITALITY The new Welcome Center will provide improved hospitality offerings to visitors with expanded room for guest services, updated restroom facilities, streamlined entry and ticket processing, additional space for exhibitions in the lobby area, a new café and indoor/outdoor eating area, modern gift shop, and improved exit from the gardens.

MULTI-PURPOSE SPACE The new Welcome Center will contain new multi-purpose space to accommodate 250-300 guests in classroom, lecture, exhibition, or meeting/conference style arrangements. A 2,500 square foot multipurpose space will allow for three times more classes and workshops, community meeting space, and cultural events. This flexible format will allow for several small classes to take place at the same time, or one large space for bigger corporate meetings, cultural events, and social gatherings. Both the lobby and multipurpose space can be rented for community events and/or private functions.


CONSULTANT: CONSULTANT: The Flamingo Gardens Board of Trustees has set an gift- a $500,000 grant from the Mary N. Porter Legacy

ambitious fundraising goal of $4.8 million over three Fund of the Community Foundation of Broward. 3333 0 3333 0

15' - 0" 15' - 0"

15' - 0" 15' - 0" 10' - 0" 10' - 0" FL FL DAV IE, FL DAV IE, 750 S FLAMINGO R D 750 S FLAMINGO R D years for the new Learning Center, Welcome Center, Porter was a philanthropist and humanitarian who 3 3 14' - 0" 14' - 0" RMATIO N RMATIO N VOLUNTEER LOUNGE VOLUNTEER LOUNGE VESTIBULE VESTIBULE ELECTRICAL ROTINAJ ELECTRICAL EGAGGUL ROTINAJ EGAGGUL ADA ADA ROOM ROOM CLOSET INF O CLOSET INF O and parking. The project will be built in two phases- lived in Broward, and believed in giving back to the VOLUNTEERS VOLUNTEERS RENTALS OFFICE RENTALS OFFICE TOILET TOILET OFFICE OFFICE ATRIUM ATRIUM GIFT SHOP GIFT SHOP

Phase I includes the new Learning Center, expected community, particularly for animal welfare and youth CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR FLAMINGO GARDEN S FLAMINGO GARDEN S

8' - 8" 8' - 8" IE R IE R

61' - 8" 61' - 8" CASHIER/ CASHIER/ OFFICE OFFICE AS H AS H to be completed in 2019, and the multi-purpose education. The grant will help finance Phase I of the TICKET TICKET 7" - 9' 7" - 9' BOOTH C BOOTH C 15' - 3" 15' - 3" 10' - 0" 10' - 0" 10' - 0" 10' - 0" MOOR GNITEEM MOOR GNITEEM MOOR GNITEEM MOOR GNITEEM MOOR MEETING ROOM MEETING ROOM

MEN'S WOMEN'S MEN'S ATRIUMWOMEN'S CASH IER ATRIUM GICASH IER FT SHOP GIFT SHOP WC WC WC WC CATERING CATERING'72 - "11 '72 - "11 '72 - "11 '72 - "11 '72 - "11 '72 - "11 KITCHEN KITCHEN 01 01 02 14'02 - 8" 14' - 8" 1,612 SF 1,612 SF 1,636 SF 1,636 SF 10' - 0" 10' - 0" 19' - 8" PHASE I – LEARNING CENTER STORAGE 19' - 8" STORAGE

9' - 6" 9' - 6" STORAGE STORAGE 35' - 0" 35' - 0" 34' - 11" - 34' 11" - 34'


ADA ADA TOILET TOILET 9' - 6" - 9' 6" - 9' NC . NC . I I 9' - 6" - 9' 6" - 9' ITECT S, ITECT S, 12' - 0" 12' - 0" FAX: (954) 337-035 9 FAX: (954) 337-035 9 ULE VARD ULE VARD RC H RC H DECK DECK DECK DECK RI DA 3331 7 RI DA 3331 7 WWW.CPZARCHITECTS.CO M WWW.CPZARCHITECTS.CO M A A -852 5 -852 5 FLO FLO ARD BO OW ARD BO OW ARD ) 79 2 ) 79 2 TI ON , TI ON , rv t rv t ST BR WE ST BR WE ST AN TA AN TA 6 31 6 31 6 CPZ 4 PL CPZ 4 PL PHONE: (95 4 #26000685 AA PHONE: (95 4 #26000685 AA


ENS_SD 012 RD ENS_SD 012 RD ENS_SD - PORCH: 3,335 SF - PORCH: 3,335 SF 31' - 4" 31' - 4" C C PHASE 2 PHASE 2 P P

42 - FLAMINGO GA - FLAMINGO 17 42 GA - FLAMINGO 17 42 - BUILDING: 4,652 SF - BUILDING: 4,652 SF el \ el \ Z Z Mo d Mo d


rogr e rogr e ION ION *GIFT SHOP: 1,636 SF *GIFT SHOP: 1,636 SF 30' - 1" 30' - 1"


De si De si DECK DECK FLOOR PLAN FLOOR PLAN ic ic - PORCH: 1,603 SF - PORCH: 1,603 SF TRUCT TRUCT Schema t Schema t

01 01 ONS ONS 20' - 0" 20' - 0" 21' - 4" 21' - 4" ns \ ns \ C DRAWN: C DL DRAWN: DL ard e ard e OR CHECOR KED: CG/CP/CPZ CHECKED: CG/CP/CPZ F F DATE: 11/06/18 DATE: 11/06/18 o G aming o G aming o T T

742 Fl 742 Fl NO NO SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" iles \1 iles \1



CPZ A :\ CPZ A :\ CPZ A-1 A-1 11 /6/20 11 /6/20 Z SCALE:Z 1/8" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" PHASE I DATE: DATE: LEARNING CENTER AND WELCOME CENTER MULTI PURPOSE SPACE AND RESTROOMS (2019-20) $2,600,000 Teardown of existing Meeting Room to build new PHASE II Learning Center with 1,500 square feet multi-purpose classroom space and additional ADA compliant WELCOME CENTER ATRIUM restrooms to be completed in 2019. AND GIFT SHOP (2021) Teardown of existing office spaces and kitchen to build new 6,700 square feet multi-purpose $2,200,000 space, offices and restrooms of the new Welcome Welcome Center to bear Mary N. Porter’s name. educational/meeting space with new ADA Teardown of existing Gift Shop and Center to be completed in 2020. Phase II includes Flamingo Gardens has identified over $1 million in compliant restrooms, new offices for complete buildout of new 4,600 square the new ticket booth, atrium, gift shop, and dining likely funding from various Foundations and major volunteers and rentals departments, foot Welcome Center, adjacent to completed area and is expected to be complete by 2021. donor supporters. The project also qualifies for a and an entry garden to be Classrooms/Office building. New building is to Cultural Facilities matching grant from the State completed in 2020. include guest services area with ticket booth and To date the Board of Trustees has raised initial Lead of Florida for up to $500,000 and an additional exhibition space, new gift shop, and Café kitchen Gifts and pledges totaling over $700,000 toward $500,000 Tourist Development Tax Capital Challenge with outdoor dining area. Project will include the Phase I goal. The Flamingo Gardens Board has Grant from Broward County. The development staff new entry landscaping, new exit through generously contributed $218,000 in donations to the at Flamingo Gardens is actively working to secure gift shop, and expanded parking campaign. We have also received the lead naming funding from these sources. with landscaping.

20 21 WE INVITE YOU TO BE PART OF THE Naming Opportunities Flamingo Gardens Legacy The Centennial Master Plan may initiate with the opportunities on specific rooms and segments of the WELCOME CENTER PHASE 1 Welcome Center and Learning Center, but the grand buildings. vision does not end there. We plan to significantly $500,000 Building – Mary N. Porter NAMED Mary N. Porter enhance Flamingo Gardens to serve our community Outright gifts to the campaign may be made by cash, Welcome Center Welcome Center – Named for the next century to come and become the check, or credit card. Gifts may be pledged over a premier Everglades botanical garden. period of one to three years. Flamingo Gardens also $250,000 Atrium $250,000 Multi-purpose Room accepts gifts of property such as stocks and securities, Gift Shop in Welcome Center With support from long-time contributors and the IRA distributions expected to be completed by 2020 Multi-purpose Room Learning Center Building investment of others who are inspired by our vision, and other financial instruments, real estate, and other $200,000 Flamingo Gardens is poised to rise to a new level of personal property that has cash value. $100,000 Individual Classrooms x 3 $100,000 Individual Classrooms in prominence and effectiveness – but we can only Garden Grill Deck Welcome Center x 3 succeed with your help, too. With your assistance, we will continue Entrance Deck Entry Hall Floyd L. Wray’s original vision for Entry Garden Gifts of $1,000 or more will be permanently future generations to enjoy Flamingo Entry Hall Catering Kitchen recognized on the Donor Wall of the new Gardens and all its wonderment. $75,000 Learning Center Classroom A Welcome Center and the new Learning Please join our efforts and commit $50,000 Admission Booth Guest Services Center Learning Center Classroom B Center. Major Gifts of $50,000 or more to helping us preserve “this beauty Parking Lots x 2 $25,000 Volunteer Lounge Office – Volunteer Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, $25,000 Offices x 2 Overflow Parking Office – Rentals committed citizens can change the world; Volunteer Lounge indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has. LEARNING CENTER PHASE 2 MARGARET MEAD $200,000 Learning Center Building $250,000 Atrium allow a donor to underwrite and be recognized spot,” this historical spot, this ecological spot, and Gift Shop on individual building features. Leadership Gifts of this educational spot – together we can make these $75,000 Learning Center Classroom A $100,000 and more will be recognized with naming goals a reality and make “this beauty spot” a place $100,000 Garden Grill & Deck for all to enjoy for decades to come. $75,000 Learning Center Classroom B Entrance Deck Entry Garden

$50,000 Admission Booth Thank You! Guest Services Center Parking Lots x 2

Flamingo Gardens, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) public charity. Contributions are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Registration #CH416801 does not imply endorsement, $25,000 Overflow Parking lot approval, or recommendation by the state. Gifts of appreciated property may also allow you to reduce or avoid capital gains taxes and optimize your gift and recognition opportunities.

Flamingo Gardens, Inc. also accepts planned and deferred gifts, as well as outright gifts, to its endowment fund. A planned gift, such as a charitable remainder trust or a charitable gift annuity can allow you to receive lifetime income, with the corpus of the initial gift becoming the property of Flamingo Gardens. A charitable lead trust allows you to set aside assets for the benefit of your family in the future; Flamingo Gardens receives the income from those assets, while the principle returns to the family after a set period of time. Gift values are determined by applicable U.S. Treasury regulations. For more information about how to make a planned gift to All gifts $1,000 or more will be acknowledged on a Donor Recognition Plaque. Flamingo Gardens contact the administration office at (954) 473-2955.

22 23 3750 S. Flamingo Road • Davie, FL 33330 954.473.2955 • flamingogardens.org