Section 6: Sex Cells and Fertilisation
S ection 6: S ex Cells and Fertilisation U se the w ords in the w ord bank below to com plete the sentences below : S maller, vagina, anther, halved, fertilisation, nucleus, male, half, gametes, D N A , stigma, female, ovules, pollen, pollen tube, four, zygote, threadlike, one, identical, genes, amino acids, protein, function, meiosis, sex chromosomes, male S ome plants reproduce sexually. T he sexual parts are inside the flow ers. M ost flow ering plants have flow ers w ith both __ ___ __ and _ ___ __ parts. T hese sexual parts produce special sex cells called _ ____ ___ _. Label the diagram above. T he male part of a flow ering plant is called the ___ ___ ___ _ and produces __ ______. T he female part is called the _ ___ ___ _ and produces ovules. Pollen grains are __ ___ ____ and more numerous than ovules, w hich are larger. Fertilisation in flow ering plants occurs by pollen trains being transferred to the _ ___ ___ _. A _____ ___ __ _____then grow s dow n into the ovary and into an ovule. A male gamete then passes dow n the tube and fuses w ith egg cell. T his process is called 1 __ __________. T he fertilised egg is now called a ___ ___ __. Fertilisation produces variety in the offspring because genetically identical gametes form in different w ays, producing different combinations. S exual Reproduction In H umans Label the follow ing diagrams: 2 In humans, fertilisation takes place in the oviduct.
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