Bachelor of .Arts Northeastern State College Tahlequah, Oklahoma 1950
rrHE TECHI\JIQu:B~S OF JOHrJ BUCHAN IH HIS NOVELS By LEHUEL • liftJRRi\Y, JR • l\ Bachelor of .Arts Northeastern State College Tahlequah, Oklahoma 1950 Submitted to the faculty of' the Graduate School of the Oklahoma State University in partial .ful.fillment of the requirements :for the degree of l1IASTER OF ARTS August, 1959 Vn.L./"lrlVIVII'\ STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY FEB 29 1960 . -'··'--·· .. THE TECHWIQUES OF JOffi? BUCHAN IN HIS NOVELS Thesis Approved: 11,~~ 'Thesis Adviseo ~_ee:R dj a, ~'"&ca•i0 ~~~~ Dean of the Graduate School 438704 ii John Buchan., Lord Tweeds:muir, began writing f'or publi cation in 1895, at the age of twenty years. During the next forty-i'ive years, until his death in 1940, he published no f'ewer than .fifty-two book-length works, including more than a score o.f novels of adventure and intrigue., four historical romances., several volumes of short stories, histories, biog raphies of noted literary and historical personages, his autobiography., several collections of' addresses, and other types of' literature. Yet his writing was little more than an avocation prac ticed at odd moments snatched f'rom. his career as a member of the publishing .firra of' Thomas Iifelson and Sons, Ltd • ., and .from the other diverse interests and occupations at which he was extraordinarily success.ful. During World t,Jar I he served on the staf'f at British headquarters; and, in 1917, he became director of information under Mr. Lloyd cieorge. He was a rfomber of Parliament for the Scottish Universities .from 1927 to 1935, when he was appointed Governor-General o.f Canada and was raised to the peerage, taking the title of Baron Tweedsmuir.
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