Reporter Set for Sept. 12
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A Newspupei With A PRICE Constructive 5c Policy - PER COPY ! * * 't' ™Tn VOIUME 19, NUMBER 16 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, TUESDAY, AUGUST IS, 1950 Reporter Set For Sept. 12 Negro Editor Fined, Agronomy Professor S» Named At N. C. State White Reporter Up RALEIGH. N C. —(ANP)-A Ap- pointment of Dr Nathaniel T, Cole On Similar Charges man as research associate prMea- sor of agronomy at North Carolina State College was announeedl 1* NEWBERRY, S. C (SN8) week by Dr W E. Colwell, hand of Deling Booth. Associated Press re the college's Department ofAAi- porter, of Columbia. South Caro ronomy. lina. today faces trial on Septem Coleman, who has assumed his ber 11. for the alleged criminal li duties already. wil] do research’in bel against a white girl in a news soil chemistry and Inorganle giant story last October. nutrition. A native of Halifax County.'Aft.. Two motions for dismissal, filed Coleman received a B A. in cbten- by Booth’s attorney, were overruled istry at Knox Col|ege In lMOpand Friday by Judge J Robert Martin. Jr Tiie motions for dismissal had a Ph. D. in agronomy at NoMh Carolina State College Ln IMS Ho been under advisement since last is former assistant director of’ the May 12. although Booth's attorney Soil Testing Laboratory of theaM declared he would make further C. Department of AgrLulturt. moves to have I he case dismissed «t a The trial was set lor the regular * « " N. C. Woman II Great»! Fail Term of Court September 11 AG DIVISION AT A. & I. STATE Ten acres of this land have been Hiid foodjValue of the above named Here corn is shown ten to twelve The story included a death ccl| Grandmother At POINTS WAY SCIENTIFIC set aside for experimental anu re imp. and the effects of varying lect high with ears erupting from statement that was held to defame FARMING search problems This project, un- quantities of Boron on’swce' po- every nodr. the girl 111 the eyes of those who The Age Of 44 In keeping with Dr. I)1 oer the supervision of the nation tatoei. knew her identity It was the ba JACKSON. N C — (ANP) - vis’^program of growth ex- ally known agronomist. Dr M. F Reading from left to light Wil sis on which a Negro. John H Mc Probably the youngest great grand pansion at A. and I. Col- Spaulding, provides one of thc In this picture graduate stil liam Coles, Rochester, New York, Cray. edito' and ’publisher nf the mother In the United States IfiMr». lege. Nashville, with a Show places in Nashville and sur- (tents and agronomy majors are graduate student; Dr. Spaulding, Columbia. South Carolina. Light Alice Jackson, only 44 yearn:told house ¿nd Informer, was fined $3.000 university as the ultimate goal, rounding districts. I noun receiving dire-t-on-the job prole.sor of agronomy; Lawrence Mrs. Jackson it the mother et the Division of Agriculture makes instruction as tn random sampling, .Newborn, Whiievitle, Teuu, ag and placed on three years' proba Mrs Lana Turner, 30. the gtated- progress along acientific and tech- The' work being done this year ¡ calculating stand yield, checking ronomy student, George O. Thomp tion. mother of Mrs Clara Mae Bmm. nlcal lines with some of the, best on the experimental plot deals with Í crop deficiencies, testing lor de 15, and thè great-grandmoUtte ef son. Nashville, graduate i tudent. Editor McCiny pleaded guilty to • brains in the country as staff variety and fertilizer tests on corn Mrs. Brown's newly born eon. ficiencies, testing crop re in Denver Pat -oils. Parsons, Tennes the libel charges last June 21. and member-, the most modern equip-, variety test on cottons, sorghum, addition'to seeing the performance see, graduate stydenl; Lloyd De Here Is how it all happenM*- ment, and enough land to raise1 ............ admitted priming the death-cell and soybeans; the effect of the of these different varieties on the Berry, Tennessee, graduate stu Mrs. Anderson was 14 when^ehe the total farm acreage to 305 acres minor elements on both the giowth version of Willie Tolbert, wlm was college farm. dent. gave birth to her daughter, Ama, •» convicted on a rape charge, even who married at 15 and gave Dritti though he withheld the rape vic to her daughter, Clara Mae, at M. tim's name In accordance with a Clara Mae Married at the age nt South Carolina law against publica 14 and al 15 is the mother of aWl»2 CIO Sets Targets On 103 House, Detroit Negro tion of such information. pound son. Mrs. Jackson's Although Woth and McCray had grandchild. been Indicted on similar charge . Booth's ease had been deferred uti- U N, WAR TALK: Ambassndbi Warren R. Austin, United Slates Oscar Charles Awarded CPA III this September 11. Security Council repioscnialivc, and Dr. Ralph Bunche, former 5 Senators In November Voting DETROIT i i George Palestine mediator and lop tankini) director of the Trusteeship \Aoofe Sought ANP Washington, 3fi recently Iterarne the Division, discuss lhe stalling facin’, of Dopuly Sovicl"Torcign Minis filini Detroit Negro to become a E. U. Reed, State ter Jacob Malik, chairman of lhe body. The Security Council has By His Family Voting Records To i crtified public accountant accord- been meeting al lake Success, Now York, Io formulato plans for Oscar Oliarle* Moore la being* i Ing to an announcement made last sought through the National DteN Cpl. Ewing A. Brandon, Wounded In Grandmaster Of the speedy cessation of hostilities in Korea. Be Subject To Close week by the Michigan. State Board tion Bureau. New York, by meosMa Korean War, Anxious To Go Back of Account«pry. Masons, Passes of his family Mn. WiiheMtek Moore, wife, reporta to the btenfu Labor Scrutiny The new CPA is manager of the E U Rocd, Most ' Wur .hinful that she and their three rntate Cpl. Ewing A Brandon, who last .to Japan to join the 24th Infantry Hubard H Austin company, owned I Grand Master oi the Prhice JIall children MNbteA seen Moore state • week was rytunied to hjs hotff at as part of llii^blli Infantry Divi.-.. by the man who was the lirsl, Ne Grund Ifldge. Free and Accepted Whitehaven .as a wounded soldier WASHINGTON D Aurist, 1Mb . ndr have ,4My I ion This Division lias been on Oc- gro to become a CPA ,in Detroit ¡Masons. Jurisdiction of Arkin-1 . from the Korean battiefront has but Tito CIO announced today 103 had any work from them. * I nipatipn Duly in Japan since .short- The oihfi CPA is Milton Mnnloy, 1 was laid to res( in Bellwood Ceme- one major desire. That's to get fly after llic surrender oi Japan five House members aird five who pissed In examinai ions la-t | trry. Pine Bluff, following full Pre ently Mrs Moore find» htef- back with his buddies of the 24th will lie target.:' tor all-out labor op- self in dire need of financial aid I years ago year. i former employee at the Aus Masonic rites at Mount Zion Churcl) Infantry still on the fighting line posilimf and defeat, If possible, In 8T LOUIS. Ml orni The Nation- H'min and School at 4048 f«itke Park tin compmiy. i where funeral services were held md "is most anxious that he (Oeeaf in Korea Cpl Brandon is I he youngest of the November elections al Convention of Gospel Choirs and 1 Avenue, Chicago, was pointed out C Moore* a-ssume his obligate®, He has two sisters He had served as State < »land The spirit and patriotism of Cpl. seven children Firing Its first big blast of lhe Washington is a graduile nf Choruses lieg in it- 18th r«ion( i one of the achievements of the toward his needy dependents. Brandon. 24, Is typical of the entire in Washingtori. and another, Allie Master for 17 years 1950 campaign, the organization no Morehouse college, and has studi Monday, August 7. al Pleasant group Mr. Moore was bom tn Tenne»» 24th Infantry Regiment, tradition Louise, who takes care of the sick tified its six million member that ed at the Detroit Institute of Tech ' Arnone Masonic officials Grei n Bapti t Church. West End < The president of the Gospel Sing see on June 10. 1915. He la sbt left ally noted for its valor. This oldest mother, who is now bed "ridden A these lawmakers voted ovcrwlielm- nology A native of Con.'-ana, were Amo. Hall. Grand Avenin.. and Pace Blvd Nearly ers recalled In audience the memory tall, weighs 160 pounds, has blank of Negro military outfit distinguish brother is it) the Air Forces at Bi Inelv “wring'' from Labor's view t Tex . he came to Detroit ih 193« rfrom Tulsa. Oklahoma; C F Wil- LOW people attended lhe openin" of Mis. Magnolia Lewis Butts, one hair, and brown eyes, and has sene» ed itself on the Mexican Borders loxi. another Milton, works for the point in the. sessions of the 81st to work with the Austin firm. ; liams. Grand Master from Memphis, program. of the three founders and first vicc- as a bricklayer and painter, accord ahortly following its activation after Air National Guard; and the other. congress. - I Tenn . John G Lewis, Jr.. Grand pic nient of the organization. ing to information furnishaddby the Civil War . covered itself CIO listed 132 House members | Master from Louisiana: and Gtqnd Presided oyer by the Nalionil (Continued On Back Patel Di rsey,j In speaking of their work, Dr. the National Desertion Buren»)’ with glory on San Juan Hill during and eight senators who.