Connecting the country Annual report and accounts 2019 1 Highways England Annual report and accounts 2018-19 (For the financial year ended 31 March 2019) Presented to the House of Commons, pursuant to Section 7 of the Government Resources and Accounts Act 2000 Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed July 2019 HC 2319 HIGHWAYS ENGLAND ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2019 3 Contact us At a glance Traffic England: We believe that connecting OUR RIS1 DELIVERY people builds communities, 4,300 SO FAR IN NUMBERS creates opportunities and MILES helps the nation thrive. We aim of motorways and major A-roads Customer Contact Centre: to provide all our customers £6.3bn 0300 123 5000 with safe and reliable journeys carrying
[email protected] VALUE of road improvements through the way we operate, maintain and enhance one 4m Contact Centre details published at: of the most advanced road VEHICLES every day £848m networks in the world. EFFICIENCY savings Our roads carry over Twitter: 2/3 OF ALL FREIGHT 44 ROAD SCHEMES or @highwaysengland completed or under construction Our major schemes deliver over App: £2 BENEFIT 100 Live Traffic Info: get it from Google Play, iTunes or BlackBerry World to the UK economy for every SAFETY SCHEMES completed £1 INVESTED Sectors heavily reliant on our roads OUR RIS1 SOCIAL IMPACT employ SO FAR IN NUMBERS 7.4m PEOPLE 109 and contribute BIODIVERSITY SCHEMES £314bn completed TO THE UK ECONOMY © Crown copyright 2019 951 NOISE SCHEMES completed This publication is licensed under the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0 except where otherwise stated.