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C.V. MARK • EDWARD • LENDER Education: B.A. History, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, 1970 Ph.D. American History, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, 1975 " Employment History: Professor Emeritus, Department of History, Kean University, Union, NJ, 2011-Present. Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs, Kean University, Union, NJ, 2008-2011. Chief academic officer of the University, supervising sixty academic departments or programs in six colleges or schools and support offices; responsible for related academic, budgetary and administrative operations; concurrently Professor of History. Professor & Chairman, History Department, Kean University, Union, NJ, 2004-2008. See page 6 for courses taught and teaching experience. Dean, Nathan Weiss Graduate College, Kean University, 2002-2003. Management of the Graduate College, including enrollment, marketing, and graduate student services; and graduate program development; oversight of Office of Research and Sponsored Programs; member. Concurrent rank as Professor of History. Associate Dean, Nathan Weiss College of Graduate Studies, Kean University, 1997-2002.. General support in all areas of Graduate College functions, management of Graduate Enrollment and Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. Professor of History. Director of Research and Sponsored Programs, Kean College of New Jersey, 1982-1996. Management of college research and grants operations and Institutional Review Board; college representative, New Jersey Research Consortium. Instructor/Assistant/Associate Professor, Rutgers University, 1974-1982.. Joint appointment in History Department and the Center of Alcohol Studies; member of the Graduate Faculty. Instructor, 1974-75; Assistant Professor, 1976-81; Associate Professor, 1981-82. Undergraduate & graduate teaching; assistant director, Rutgers Summer School of Alcohol Studies; chair, Pre- & Postdoctoral Program, 1979-1981 U.S.
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