Day Tripping in and around ~ The Panorama Route

With spectacular views, impressive mountain waterfalls and endless skies, it’s no wonder they call it the Panorama Route. Pictures simply don’t do this beautiful stretch of the Lowveld any justice, so if you fancy having your breath taken away, then you should definitely plan a trip to this part of the country.

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The Panorama Route ~ Self Drive

Start here: Considered the gateway to the Panorama Route, the little town of Graskop is where you’re likely to kick things off. Hazyview is 40km from Graskop ~ so a good starting point to your day tripping.

God’s Window: Part of the Nature Reserve, this is the place people come from all over the world to see. There are multiple viewing points from which you look out over the expanse of the seemingly never-ending sky, mountain and greenery of the Lowveld landscape. The vistas are truly sublime no matter how great of a photographer you are, you’re never going to be able to capture the full magic and awesomeness of what you’re witnessing (take the R534).

Continuing along the R532 now, make your way to the famed Bourke’s Luck Potholes. This natural water feature marks the beginning of the Blyde River Canyon and really is a sight to behold. The massive, cylindrical potholes are a result of the swirling whirlpools created when the Treur River plunges into the Blyde River. Various walkways help you get from one side to the next, and you can spend some time exploring the smaller pools and falls above the potholes.

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Further along, one finds the Three Rondawels, the three shale and quartzite peaks named after the three most troublesome wives of Chief Maripi Mashile, namely Magabolle, Mogoladikwe and Maseroto. These beauties are of course shaped like Rondawels, the Afrikaans word for a “traditional, hut-like dwelling”, and they proudly stand tall more than 700m above the landscape below. Their green tops perfectly complement the orange, pink and gold hues of their rocky bases. The distance from Hazyview to the Three Rondawels is approx 95kms – take the R532.

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