Sports Wednesday- Page 11 Hoffman Recommends Students Protest

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Sports Wednesday- Page 11 Hoffman Recommends Students Protest - ---- ~----..., Sports Wednesday- page 11 VOL XX, NO. 4 7 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1985 an independent student newspaper serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's College to consider new investment policy, says SMC president By ELLYN MASTAKO of persons and quality of life and en­ Senior Staff Reporter vironment. These points will be incorporated Calling divestment "the easy way into a new investment policy which out " for many small institutions, will be discussed when the Board of Saint Mary's Acting President Wil­ Regents' Investment Committee liam Hickey said the College will meets in mid-December, Hickey consider amending its investment said. policy to include a statement about social responsibility in investment. "A major portion of our invest­ ments are not in stocks. Of our $1 7 "I don't think there's merit to a million endowment, only $7-$8 mil­ crash decision concerning respon­ lion is invested in common stock. ·.t_ . sibility in investing," Hickey said. "It "We have investments in 20 com­ is far more important that our invest­ panies that do business in South r '""" ment policy be one which has a Africa. Of those, all but five are Sul­ general orientation to social con­ livan Principles signatories. In those ') \ <'~· cern and a clear educational com­ five companies, we only have a total ponent." of $43'5,000," said Hickey. Paul Kramer The Sullivan Principles are a set of Banners for Beaux The College's present investment guidelines for companies to follow Fusbton t•tctims Ttm Arnold (left) and Brendan tims. The ball ts an annual event and wt/1 take policy was approved by the Board of in fairly dealing with their black Mtggtns (rtght) destgn posters for the upcomtng place Nov. 15 thts year. Regents in April 1984. workers in South Africa. Beaux Arts Ball, whtcb bas a theme offasbton vtc- But, Hickey said, "That policy According to Hickey, it is unfair to does not incorporate any detailed say that because Saint Mary's is not statement on social responsibility in taking immediate action, it is not investments, so the board formed a concerned about the issue of apar­ Hoffman recommends students Committee for Social Responsibility theid. in Investing." "We are concerned about social The committee reported to the responsibility with regard to invest­ protest investment policy at game board at their April 1985 meeting. ing in all situations," he said. The report consisted ofthree points: By MARK PANKOWSKI "There's a second wave of student Hoffman said Notre Dame is dif­ •The College should establish "Only 22 out of more than 3,000 Assistant News Editor activism going around" focusing on ferent from other universities he has educational outreach programs to institutions of higher learning have South Africa's system of apartheid, visited. improve the student body's under­ made a decision to divest. Abbie Hoffman, the '60s radical Hoffman said. "Notre Dame is not just another standing of areas of social respon­ "There are another 40 that have scheduled to speak at Notre Dame "In the past eight months, 70 campus. I grew up with the Fighting sibility. made pollcy decisions to partially today, explained how 200 students schools have divested as the result of Irish," he said. "I'm well aware of •The College should identify divest. 'Ibere is evidence there is a at a home football game could organized protest. Five thousand what's going on. I know they current issues of social concern and general trend in higher education "create a national phenomenon" by students have committed civil dis­ cremated Navy last week; I won a recommend appropriate investment not to divest, but w develop policies protesting the University's policy of obedieo,ce," he said. hundred bucks on the game. strategy. which have the three components investing in companies operating in Hoffman drew a parallel between "I love Notre Dame. I'm anxious •The College should look for and that we are considering for amend­ South Africa. today's South African apartheid and to come there," Hoffman said, ad­ invest in firms whose mission state­ ment to our own investment The 200 students, explained Hof­ the situation in America two ding, ''I'll talk until I drop." ments and/or actions ensure dignity policies," said Hickey. fman in an interview yesterday, decades ago. could "sit in the stands with placards "In the '60s, the issue of apartheid that spell out 'Tutu' and chant 'Tutu, was in the southern part of our Tutu, Tutu.' country," Hoffman said. He added University responds to lawsuit "Now most Notre Dame games that he will talk about further paral­ arc televised," he continued. "The lels in today's lectures. sports commentators will start Hoffman, who also will discuss the saying, 'What is Tutu? Is it a dance?' relationship he sees between Viet· by former SMC nursing student "Then they'll say, 'No, it's a South nam and Central America, said he By THERESA GUARINO of the suit was from an article in security on campus, and safety African bishop. Campuses must be was looking forward to speaking at Saint Mary's Executive Editor the Chicago Sun-Times. conditions. changing,· " he said. Notre Dame. The suit covers two counts, ac­ Whether the suit will ever reach "Now you've created a national "Notre Dame is one of the most The lawsuit filed Monday against cording to Ira Bornstein, an attor­ court could not be answered by phenomenon and penetrated one important campuses on the Central Notre Dame by a former Saint ney for Harvey ]. Barnett and either Bornstein or Faccenda. "As the most sacred institutions in the American issue because of its pivotal Mary's student who was raped on Associates, the Chicago firm han­ of this point in time . we filed country· sports," he said. role," he said. the road between the two schools dling the case. The first count, for with intent to pursue the case," "lbat's disruptive ... It's like the "There's Hesburgh, and last spring, arrived yesterday "with $1.5 million is for actual damages; said Bornstein. emperor has no clothes. It's rude (President of El Salvador jose no forward notice," according to the second count, also for $1.5 mil­ "Every lawsuit has the potential and out of place, but how do you Napolean) Duarte's a graduate and Philip Faccenda, general counsel lion is for punitive damages. to go to court," said Faccenda. change things?" Hoffman said. was invited back to speak. I'll ques· for the University. Bornstein said attempts to "However, something like less "I'm coming to Notre Dame to say tion that. I'll question a lot of things," The $3 million personal injury negotiate between attorneys for than one out of a hundred actually the emperor has no clothes; I may Hoffman said. lawsuit, filed in a federal court in Matte and the University had oc­ go to verdict." even attack (University President Hoffman, who once threw dollar Chicago, charges that Notre Dame curred over the summer, but had Sister Karol Jackowski, dean of Father Theodore) Hesburgh," said bills onto the floor of the New York was negligent in providing ade­ not met with success. student affairs at Saint Mary's said Hoffman, who is scheduled to speak Stock Exchange and vyatched the quate lighting and protection on she "was not surprised" to hear of at the Center for Social Concerns at traders scramble for them, said he the road. According to Faccenda, Notre the lawsuit. 12:.~0 p.m. and Washington Hall at 8 protests in outlandish ways because According to the suit, the Uni­ Dame officials had put the attor­ "I find it really difficult ... to put p.m. "we live in a silly culture." versity "acted wantonly, wlllfully, neys in touch with the University's the blame on the student or the Hoffman, one of the main student "Teenagers know more words to recklessly and with a conscious insurance company, and "had University," said Jackowski. "You activists in the '60s, said students 'We Are The World' than they do the disregard for rights of invitees." heard nothing more" since talk do everything you think you can to today only seem apathetic when countries in Africa that we're sen­ ended between the two. protect someone. they "are held up against students of ding food to. The claimant, Susan Matte, a "This didn't come out of the "That's something very hard to the '60s." "We're post-literate," he ex­ resident of Park Forest, Ill., was at­ blue," said Faccenda, " ... but or­ call," she said. "It's so sensitive an Looking at the 20th century as a plained. "We communicate through tacked May 12, at approximately dinarily there would have been issue." whole, he said, "Students have com· visual pictures. Words have to con­ 11 p.m. She was approached from phone negotiations before" filing Jackowski sent letters to all stu· monly been apathetic and more con­ vey certain images. behind, and did not hear the as­ the suit . dents at Saint Mary's after the inci­ servative on issues than the general "You have to make things ex· sailant bet:ause she was wearing According to Bornstein, the Uni­ dent and again at the beginning of population." tremely entertaining for people to earphones. She was raped in a versity will now file a response to this semester, reminding them of Although campuses are not as be educative. wooded area approximately 200 the complaint and commence dis­ the dangers of walking alone down alive with protests today as they "Throwing out money at the New feet from U.S.
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