• ':-":L;:"d:-~'~",~~ :';'~h·£'~~:~·~~.l~:' "'·~.-r:<.:-_"-,'",C· • BETHl~,PUBUC UBRARV DO NOr CIRCUlATE ." "<;~"":;/"Cl"'''''''(6u n checks laws See Page 9 ttO£~tSO~t AN HVK~aa # 3AV aHVKV7aa 1St AHVHgI1 3I1gnd KaHa1H~ag SSt· dOS' Kt Lo~aO~Ot 00£ tSOll W»IA •• ¥¥¥ ••••••••••••••••••• Four i Blackbear'c,{'" I :itlthe}btirb§}' . , ',A 120-pound black bear . gear up . gave Delmarresidentsalong, I Salisbury Road quite a seare . " Tuesday morning, July 2.... I , See storyon Page3~ .' for run ,I I I I Two vacant seats up I for grabs in the faIl ,I I By JIM cuozzo :
[email protected] It will be a busy election year in Bethlehem with four candi .,, dates running for two open seats I on the town board in addition to the race for town supervisor. Newly appointed Indepen j dent town board member Jo Ann I Dawson will face three newcom I ers including Mark Hennessey, Art Scheuermann and Melody Burns this fall. In December, Dawson, an Independence Party candidate who is also cross-endorsed by the Democratic party, replaced Tim Gordon, who won a seat in the state Assembly. Upon being appointed, she said she would run for the two-year term in No vember. "I feel I am becoming more informed and educated about the issues," said Dawson, who believes the balance between open space planning and planned Classes can help young "Realize that every [Iraf, development is one of the town's fic-related] law is written in big concerns. and old identifying blood," said Roger Dames, traf The two candidates with the driving risks fic safety coordinator for AM highest number of votes will be Hudson Valley.