Hubble Space Telescope Users Committee (STUC) April 16, 2015 Michael Garcia HST Program Scientist
[email protected] 1 Hubble Sees Supernova Split into Four Images by Cosmic Lens 2 NASA’s Hubble Observations suggest Underground Ocean on Jupiter’s Largest Moon Ganymede file:///Users/ file:///Users/ mrgarci2/Desktop/mrgarci2/Desktop/ hs-2015-09-a-hs-2015-09-a- web.jpg web.jpg 3 NASA’s Hubble detects Distortion of Circumstellar Disk by a Planet 4 The Exoplanet Travel Bureau 5 TESS Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite CURRENT STATUS: • Downselected April 2013. • Major partners: - PI and science lead: MIT - Project management: NASA GSFC - Instrument: Lincoln Laboratory - Spacecraft: Orbital Science Corp • Agency launch readiness date NLT June 2018 (working launch date August 2017). • High-Earth elliptical orbit (17 x 58.7 Earth radii). Standard Explorer (EX) Mission PI: G. Ricker (MIT) • Development progressing on plan. Mission: All-Sky photometric exoplanet - Systems Requirement Review (SRR) mapping mission. successfully completed on February Science goal: Search for transiting 12-13, 2014. exoplanets around the nearby, bright stars. Instruments: Four wide field of view (24x24 - Preliminary Design Review (PDR) degrees) CCD cameras with overlapping successfully completed Sept 9-12, 2014. field of view operating in the Visible-IR - Confirmation Review, for approval to enter spectrum (0.6-1 micron). implementation phase, successfully Operations: 3-year science mission after completed October 31, 2014. launch. - Mission CDR on track for August 2015 6 JWST Hardware Progress JWST remains on track for an October 2018 launch within its replan budget guidelines 7 WFIRST / AFTA Widefield Infrared Survey Telescope with Astrophysics Focused Telescope Assets Coronagraph Technology Milestones Widefield Detector Technology Milestones 1 Shaped Pupil mask fabricated with reflectivity of 7/21/14 1 Produce, test, and analyze 2 candidate 7/31/14 -4 10 and 20 µm pixel size.